Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Breaking Shaun☆ by E.M. Abel

Breaking Shawn
Author: E.M. Abel
Breaking Free #2
Publication Date: May 27, 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

Release Day Launch: Breaking Shaun by E.M. Able

Some men fall in love and hand their balls over to the first woman who keeps them interested—but not me. Surfing and my freedom are the only two things I’ve ever needed. Meaningless one-night stands are fun, but the drama and jealousy that follows them aren’t worth it.
Until I met Natalie, I never realized there were women who thought like me. She enjoys sex with no strings, and with a body like that, there isn’t a man around who doesn’t want a piece of her—including me.
But our friends and relatives all run in the same circles. And we all know friendship and sex leave a mess. Hearts always end up broken.
I know it.
But I still want her.

Sometimes, the things we want don’t always come easily. Every choice, every action has consequences that can change you.
They can change everything.
And no matter how fiercely guarded, even the strongest hearts can break.

**WARNING** Not recommended for younger readers due to sexual content, language and recreational use of marijuana.
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“Is this what you wanted?” he whispered as he took my wrists in one hand and the other came down to cup my breast.
I swallowed as moisture gathered in my mouth and my brain scrambled for a response. It was just so difficult to think with Shaun’s hard body pressing against mine in the middle of his apartment building where anyone could see us.
His gaze finally broke from mine and moved down to my lips as he glided his thumb across my hard nipple. I could smell the soap on him, feel his wet, warm skin pressed against me. My eyes fluttered closed and I pressed my head against the wall as the lust took over.
Shaun moved his hips forward making me very aware of his arousal before lowering his head and slowly dragging his tongue across my bottom lip. I was panting now and my entire body was tingling. I don’t know how he’d done it but Shaun had completely turned the tables on me. I’d come over to assert myself and show him the side of me he hadn’t seen, yet here I was getting pressed against a wall and turning into putty in his hands.
3.5 stars

Let’s fall in love
Before the world breaks through
Before time catches up
And I break you.

I’ve been stewing and stewing on my rating for a couple of weeks. It’s very tough to rate a book when a personal bias comes into play as it did for me here. I had originally rated it a 3 star (liked it) read, but now bumping it up to a 3.5-4. Here’s the thing, my personal bias aside, this was a highly entertaining and steamy book. I enjoyed the story and I loved the characters. Had it not been for a couple of things, this would have been a very solid 5 star read for me. So on to the review we go
There is one thing (well aside from a hot as fuck hero) that is guaranteed to make a book for me, and that’s a fantastic heroine. I’m talking the type of heroine you don’t read about about often enough. The type of heroine that isn’t shy or meek. The type of heroine that owns her sexuality and isn’t afraid of a little harmless sex. The type of heroine you’d call a cool as fuck chick, and Natalie was certainly all that and more.
She pretty much had me at
I never got nervous around guys. If anything, it was the other way around, and that was how I liked it. I had the pussy, which meant I called the shots. Sure, men liked to think they were in charge, and sometimes, I’d let them. It was easier that way. I’d play the role, smile and flutter my eyelashes, but I also had no problem telling men what I wanted and taking it. Men’s egos were a lot like their dicks, always needing to be stroked. As long as they kept me satisfied, I didn’t mind doing it.
Natalie was no sexual wallflower. She likes sex, but she’s not looking for commitment. Her past hasn’t exactly given her a reason to think that relationship of any sort lasts. So what happens when the manwhoring Shaun meets him female match?
Sparks fly.

Shaun is used to getting what he wants, and that includes his pick of women. He’s not exactly lacking for female companionship. He’s not looking for strings, just some mutually satisfying time between the sheets with whatever willing woman crosses his path. They may hate him in the morning when he sends them packing, but they certainly go home satisfied.
So when Natalie turns Shaun down flat, he’s intrigued. When he discovers three months later that they share an inner circle of friends, he can’t seem to get the gorgeous redhead out of his head. But Natalie is having none of it. She may be intensely attracted to Shaun, but she knows sex complicates things, so friendship it is. But can their friendship survive the scorching sexual chemistry between them?

Definitely not.
I loved that the author didn’t throw Natalie and Shaun into bed together right away. She really lets you feel that sexual chemistry and burn between them. I also liked they neither of them were exactly abstinent during this time. E.M. Abel really stayed true to Natalie’s character. She didn’t just stop her normal sexual routine simply because she was intrigued and attracted to Shaun.
There was one part at around 28% that had me in a bit of ‘what the fuck’ and ‘why did he do that’ rage. I had a feeling that it was heading in a certain direction, but I kept hoping the author wouldn’t take it there. I don’t want to spoiler it but if you’re curious about the first part of it (highlight to view spoiler)[you sure you want to know? Would’t you rather just read it?Damn you’re persistent. Oh alright, I’ll spoiler it.
Shaun gets drunk and sleeps with a girl that he meets in a bar. This is all fine and good had it not felt like a pity fuck on his behalf. She’s very shy and begs Shaun to help make her ex jealous that they see at the club. They’re both extremely drunk and don’t remember much the next day.
***end of spoiler***
This is in part why I had such a big issue with what happens later in the story, but I definitely won’t be telling you what THAT is.
I also wouldn’t have minded a little more story and a little less sex. It did feel stretched out at parts and could have been shorter. But then again, the sex was pretty damn hot. Shaun certainly doesn’t disappoint, even if he does like to say “Goddamn” a bit too much. He made up for it with the rest of his delicious dirty talk.
The ending is the part I wasn’t thrilled about. Well, not so much the ending itself, but parts that happen during it. Don’t fret, there’s a very nice HEA, even though I am extremely disappointed at one big part that played in it. I’m not sure why, but considering how the rest of the story stretched, I though the ending was a little rushed. I may think that simply because I’m still pissed about a certain thing that happens, so I may very well be the only one to think this.
Would I recommend this book? Definitely. My personal bias aside, I truly enjoyed it.
Would I read the next book? Definitely, though I’m a bit worried that I know who the heroine will be and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I hope I’m wrong.
Writing Style:Dual first person POV
Also in the Series:

My husband is awesome and also a Chief in the US Navy. This means crazy schedules, uncertainty and lots of nights spent alone writing on my computer.

I have two amazing kids who always know how to make me laugh.

I’ve been passionate about writing since I wrote my first poem in the 3rd grade and I’ve been using it as a means to express myself since.

I think because I hold my emotions so close and fear being vulnerable I use different forms of self expression- writing, drawing, painting, photography, tattoos- to show the world who I am.

The one rule I use everyday is the Golden Rule–“Treat others the way you’d like to be treated.” I believe karma is very real and sometimes she can be a bitch if you make her that way.

I love acting crazy, I love to laugh, I love making people laugh, I love the ocean, I love dancing like no one is watching, I love good music, I love good books… oh man I should probably stop there. I love a lot of stuff.


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ARC Review: ☆Best Man with Benefits☆ by @SamantheBeck1

How far can one favor go…

Logan McCade arrives at his best friend’s wedding overworked and in desperate need of a vacation, only to discover his best man duties have been…expanded. He must coax Colton’s sister out of her shell, or risk her hiding in her room all week. Logan figures he can handle one introverted bridesmaid, but he’s not expecting how much he enjoys “handling” Sophie…or how much she enjoys being handled.

Socializing has never been web designer Sophie Brooks’s strong suit, but she’s determined to shed her wallflower image and embrace the “New Sophie”—a feat made easier with the supremely sexy Logan McCade tempting her to explore all her forbidden fantasies. If she’s not careful, she just might fall for the best man.

Sophie’s sweet, sexy, and delectably awkward demeanor brings much-needed calm to Logan’s hectic life. With the nuptials only days away, Logan is forced to face the possibility that his favor to a friend might have become something else entirely…and that he’s not willing to let Sophie go. Ever.

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4 stars

You don’t know anything about my needs.”
“You need me to strip you naked, bend you over my bed, and slide my cock inside you until you forget what it feels like not to have me filling you.”

The perfect conclusion to a fantastic series, Best Man with Benefits is the story of best man, Logan, and the groom’s sister, Sophie. As I was reading the series (which I strongly recommend reading in order for the best experience), the little hints at what was brewing between Sophie and Logan had my curiosity really piqued. I wasn’t sure how I’d like their story since I’m not typically a big fan of extremely shy and introverted heroines, but I gotta say, I really liked Sophie.

Grown tired of the “Old Sophie”, the New Sophie is determined to shed her old image and embrace life.

A wallflower living in bulky sweatshirts and baggy jeans, clinging to an extra twenty pounds like a buffer against the world. An unfulfilled woman who wouldn’t know passion and excitement except through the racy text accompanying the erotic product offerings of the spicy website she designed and maintained for her firm’s biggest client.”

Enter Logan McCade, the overworked CEO of his own successful company and the best man in the wedding. Being the groom’s best man, Logan has known Sophie for years…though he’s a little unprepared for the new version of her he encounters. Colton is concerned his introverted sister will shy away from all the festivities, so he asks Logan to look after her and makes sure she enjoys herself…though I doubt he knew how that would turn out.

He had enough time to open his eyes, jerk his head up, and watch his best friend’s shy, adorable, strictly off-limits little sister annihilate him with the most incredible blow job of his entire life.

Sophie is determined to shed her old self, and what better way than to explore all her deepest and darkest fantasies with her brother’s incredibly sexy best friend? With the way that Logan was portrayed in the previous 3 books, I was a little afraid he may be a little stuffy for my tastes. He was always the nice and safe one from the descriptions as opposed to the rest of the guys. But Samanthe didn’t let down in the dirty talk department. Beneath the overworked, suit wearing exterior Logan was a dirty dirty boy.

And once you’ve come so hard you can’t stand, you need me to flip you around, hike your legs over my shoulders, and do it again, head-on, until you scream loud enough to have management banding on the door.

While this wasn’t my favorite of the 4 books, it was still a very solid 4 star read. There was one scene where Sophie embraced her inner vixen that read a bit awkward to me. She goes from a shy girl to a spanking dominatrix in the blink of an eye…and then back again. Not sure if anyone else will really mind that, but for some reason it did’t quite work for me.

Of course keeping in tradition with the rest of this series, the epilogue was the perfect sweet icing on the cake. I cannot recommend this series enough. The way each novel plays off of the other and interweaves the couples flawlessly was certainly no small feat, but so worth the effort that was obviously put into it. Hands down of my my favorite series I’ve read from Brazen to date. Absolutely loved it.

While each novel is easily read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading them all.

Read it in order:

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
My Review

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey
My Review

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

ARC Review: ☆Baiting the Maid of Honor☆ by @mstessabailey

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Julie Piper and Reed Lawson have nothing in common. She’s a people-pleasing sorority girl hiding behind her perfect mask. He’s a take-no-prisoners SWAT commander who isolates himself from the world. But when they’re forced together at their friends’ posh destination wedding, one thing is clear—Reed wants Julie more than he wants his next breath. Which is why he’s not about to stand by when she’s dared to seduce another man.

Julie wants neat, tidy sex, so she could get back to what she does best—making everybody else happy. She never expected to slip into a dark bedroom and have her mind blown by rough, demanding hands, and a sinfully filthy mouth—neither of which belong to the best man.

One night should have been all Reed needed to get the blond temptress out of his system, but when one taste is nowhere near enough, he’ll be forced confront the effects of his hellish past. One that may push Julie away forever…just when he realizes he can’t live without her.

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5 stars
He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Ladies, meet SWAT commander Reed Lawson…

Yes. That’s precisely what you’ll be doing the second you meet him. He’ll have you a perving, swooning, turned on hot mess in 2 words flat. I’m not even kidding. Just when I think that Tessa Bailey cannot possibly make her dirty talking heroes any hotter, she goes and gives us the tatted up sex on a stick Reed. I swear, I had a hart time focusing half the time. The man would open his mouth, and all I could think was

May I present exhibit A?

Aren’t you going to at least kiss me first?”
“Kissed were?” His voice was a rough , almost inaudible whisper that bathed her in blistering heat.
“Your mouth? Or the slick little pussy you’re hiding from me?”

Sorry. It’s a knee-jerk reaction at this point. But I digress

While this could be read as a standalone if you really want to, I highly recommend reading this series in order. It will make it that much better for you. Besides, every book in the series is fucking fantastic and so worth the read.

When the bridesmaids at Kady’s wedding bet each other to hook up with a groomsman, the tall, dark and broody Reed is the last man southern belle Julie would pick. She wants neat. She wants tidy. She wants polite. And the best man, Logan, fits that to a T. Too bad Reed has his sights set on the sexy blonde, and when Reed wants something, he gets it. Oh does he get it.

If you need servicing while we’re stuck in this fancy-ass hotel for a week, I’m going to be the one to do it. No one else. Not Golden Boy. Not even your right hand. And when you slip between your sheets tonight, think about this. I will service you so hard you’ll be booking another week here just to recover.”

Reed is everything you want in a bad boy hero…and more. So much more. Reed doesn’t do entanglements, and he certainly doesn’t do more than sex, yet something about Julie draws him in and keeps him wanting more.

As for Julie, well I haven’t read a heroine by Tessa Bailey that I haven’t loved yet, and she was certainly no exception. She so endearingly sassy and her quirky southern sayings never failed to put a smile on my mouth. She was no pushover, and she definitely gave Reed a run for his money…but boy was it delicious.

You want me to despoil you? I hope you’re ready because I don’t fuck politely.
“I’m counting on it.”

The banter between them was entertaining and sexy.

But would you expect any less from the talented Miss Bailey? I think not.

This book had everything; romance, hot as hell sex, and dirty talk that will melt the panties right off of you. Might I suggest keeping some spares handy?

I only have one thing to add after finishing this.

Dear Tessa,

For the love of all that’s holy, please GAWD make a spin off from this novel. I need dirty talking SWAT men in my life. BAD.

That is all. I’m off to stalk the poor author for any news of her upcoming releases. And I thank you

Read the series in order:

Book 0.5:
Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5) by Laura Kaye
(My Review)

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
(My Review)

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck
My Review

***ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**


ARC Review: ☆Falling for the Groomsman☆ by @DianeAlberts

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

She’s the one that got away. He’s the one she can’t forget.

Photojournalist Christine Forsythe is ready to tackle her naughty little to-do list, and who better to tap for the job than a hot groomsman? But when she crashes into her best friend’s older brother, Christine realizes her list needs updating. And fast. Tyler Dresco took her virginity during the best night of her life, then bolted. Now that they’re trapped together at a destination wedding, she’s going to get her revenge.

Tyler has never forgiven himself for how completely he lost control all those years ago. Being in Christine’s arms had felt right…until he realized what he’d taken from her in the hallway of a cheap motel. And oh, how she’s making him pay for it now. The insatiable heat between them has only grown stronger, but every time things heat up, Christine walks away.

With every encounter, things go a little bit further until Christine’s caught in her own trap of seduction. And before their time’s up, Tyler’s not the only one wanting more…

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4.5 stars
She’s the one that got away. He’s the one she can’t forget.

To say that I have been greatly anticipating getting my hands on this series ever since I finished Dare to Resist would be a slight understatement. So needless to say when this little beauty arrived on my Kindle, there may have been a little bit of this going on

But here’s the thing, when you build your hopes up for a particular book, the reality can’t possibly measure up, right? WRONG

I BINGED on these and read all 4 books back to back. I highly recommend reading them all in order, and I’ll link my reviews to all 4 books at the end here. I loved how everything was intricately interwoven in each story and the connections in each book just added to the overall enjoyment. But that’s enough about that, let’s get to the review here shall we?

I’m a huge fan of the jilted lover from the past trope, so I was verra excited to find out that Tyler was the bad boy that crushed poor Christine’s heart over 8 years ago.

And now, here they were. Should he say something to her? Break the silence? But what was he supposed to say? Sorry for popping your cherry and not talking to you for eight years. But, hey, can I buy you a drink?” Somehow, that didn’t seem sufficient for the hatred she must feel for him by now.

Tyler knows what a huge mistake he made, he was young, stupid, and ran scared. So when he sees Christine at his sister Kady’s wedding after all the time that’s passed, he knows he has to fix it. But Christine isn’t the young and naive girl she was before, and she’s not interested in anything he has to say. And she’s not about to fall for anything he has to say again

Why are you here, talking to me of all people? Let me guess. You’re feeling sorry for kissing me, and you’re here to apologize again.”
“Fuck no. I didn’t do anything worth apologizing for, Red.”
“I don’t know about that. I mean, maybe you pictured me naked while we were kissing. You’d have to drop down on your knees and pray for my forgiveness if you did.”
“If I dropped to my knees, it wouldn’t be to beg for your forgiveness.”

I couldn’t get enough of these two. The sexual chemistry between them was absolutely palpable. Add into the mix a few snarky insults, a sassy heroine giving the hero hell, and did I mention the smoking hot outdoorsy loving?

This book had it all. I fell hard for Tyler. And is it slightly sadictic of me that I enjoyed the hell out of his groveling? That’s not to say that he came off as weak. Oh hell no. Tyler definitely brought the dirty

How come everyone says you’re so sweet and kind and quiet, but with me you’re so bossy…and…dirty?”
“I have no idea. I don’t act like this around other women. Maybe you bring out the worst in me.”

I simply didn’t want this to end.

And then there was that epilogue. Oh my god! Perfection. I was reading it with this big goofy smile on my face.

So to sum up, would I recommend this book? Are you kidding? Why aren’t you reading it already?!

But I will recommend getting all 4 of these bad boys, finding a comfy quiet corner, and spending some quality time with all the delicious groomsmen and bridesmaids of the Wedding Dare.

I can’t wait to see what the talented Diane Alberts has up her sleeve next.
Read the series in order:

Book 0.5:
Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5) by Laura Kaye
(My Review)

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
(My Review)

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey
My Review

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck
My Review

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

Gypsy Brothers series Spotlight, #Giveaway & Review: Four Score by @LiliStGermain1

Welcome to Venice Beach, California. Home to the Gypsy Brothers motorcycle club.
Confucius said, “Before embarking upon a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
I planned to dig seven.

Seven Sons
(Gypsy Brothers, #1)
Release Date: January 3, 2014
My father was most certainly NOT an innocent man. As the leader of the Gypsy Brothers MC, he was guilty of many things. But he died for a crime that he didn’t commit, framed by an enemy within who then stole his club and everything he had ever worked to protect.
Including my innocence.

When Dornan Ross framed my father, he set into motion a series of events that could never be undone. My father was murdered by Dornan Ross and his sons when I was fifteen years old.

Before my father died, Dornan Ross and his seven sons stole my innocence, branded my skin and in doing so, ensured that their lives would be prematurely cut short. That they would suffer.
I’ve just turned twenty-one, and I’m out for blood. I’m out for revenge.
But I didn’t expect to fall for Jase, the youngest brother in the club.
I didn’t expect that he would turn my world upside down, yank my heart out of my chest and ride away into the sunset with it.
Now, I’m faced with an impossible choice – Jase, or avenging my fathers death?

Six Brothers
(Gypsy Brothers, #2)
Release Date: February 16, 2014
I have lied.
I have cheated.
I have given my body and my life to the man who destroyed my family and left me for dead.
I have killed, I have sinned, and worst of all, I have enjoyed the misery of others.
I have licked the salty tears of a father mourning his firstborn son, and nothing has ever tasted so sweet.

I have died, and I have been resurrected, a phoenix from the ashes.

I know I’m going to hell. I’ll burn in the fiery pits alongside Dornan and his sons for the things I’ve done, and for the things I’m about to do.
But I don’t care. It will be worth every lick of the devils flames on my guilty flesh to destroy Dornan Ross.
One down, six to go.

Five Miles

(Gypsy Brothers, #3)
Release Date: March 31, 2014

My father taught me the importance of an eye for an eye—a cardinal rule, ingrained in every club member.

A life for a life.

Seven lives in payment for an unimaginable list of sins.

People might wonder why I’m doing this. If this vengeance is borne from some noble cause. If I’m trying to prevent others from suffering at the hands of Dornan Ross and his sons.

But I’m no selfless vigilante.

I’m doing this for me. I’m doing it because I want to.

I’m doing this because I just want to be able to sleep at night without seeing their faces.

This is the fate they have earned. The penance for their crimes.
Time to send some of these brothers off with a bang.

 Four Score
(Gypsy Brothers, #4)
Release Date: May 26, 2014
Love and hate aren’t all that different.

Two sides of the same coin, the yin and the yang.

Once upon a time, Jason Ross loved me. And now that he knows what I’ve done, I see the love and the hate warring within him.

I see the way he looks at me.

The way he wonders how I could do the things I’ve done.

I hear it in the way he begs me to stop, to leave this life and run away with him.

But there’s only one way I’m leaving LA.

And that’ll be when Dornan and the rest of his sons are dead and buried.

Jase might forgive me for what I’ve done.

But will he forgive me for the crimes I’m yet to commit?

Purchase the series here:
5 stars



If you haven’t read the first 3 books in the Gypsy Brothers series, STOP reading my review immediately. Although it will be a spoiler free review of this book, it will contain some MAJOR spoilers of the previous 3. What are you thinking even reading this? Honestly!

Now then, let’s move on to my ragey rant review, shall we?

That gif up here? That would have been me while reading this book yesterday. I was an emotional mess. You want to know what 16 chapters of anxiety feel like? Read this book!

3 books, over 3 months and many suspenseful and tension filled reading hours I’ve spent waiting for a certain secret of Sammi’s to finally come to light. I’ve been agonizing over when Jase will finally find out the truth. And then when he finally, FINALLY does in the end of book 3, it ends. Suffice it to say I was a little upset

Thankfully I got my hands on this book after weeks of waiting, and it delivered on every promise I was hoping it would.

Lili’s writing continues to not only blow me away, but get better with each new book. With each new chapter I get more and more sucked into Julliete’s plan of vengeance and heartbreak.

Honestly, to give you even a little bit of details from this book would spoil the experience of reading it, so I won’t even try. What I will tell you is Lili continues to trickle down information that effortlessly builds the whole picture. Things you may have questioned in the previous book receive answers in this one, yet still leaves you with more questions.

Then there was the endings. Holy mother of fucking cliffys!!

And by my room and processing it, I mean

So what’s next for Julz and Jason? Only the twisted mind of Lili St. Germain knows. What I know? I will be right here, slowly dying a little each day in my wait for book 5…on fucking JULY 26.


About the Author



Lili writes dark erotica and NA. Her debut serial novel, Seven Sons, is was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband, good coffee, hanging at the beach and running. She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.



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Review: ☆Edge of the Enforcer☆ by @CheriseSinclair


One sadist. One submissive
One extraordinary love

and may all your darkest wishes come true

Fleeing false murder charges, Lindsey lands in San Francisco. There she builds a satisfying life until, in the notorious Dark Haven BDSM club, she encounters deVries. Moth, meet flame.

A security specialist and occasional mercenary, deVries needs an adorable submissive like a knife to the gut. Hell, she’s not even a masochist. But here she is, all big brown eyes and sweet body and sassy mouth. Loyal. Tough-minded. Honest.

Or maybe not, considering her ID is forged. If she thinks to lie to him, she’ll learn better. He’s the Enforcer of Dark Haven—his discipline is absolute, his punishments harsh, and his heart untouched…until now.

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5 stars

Changed my mind. I could use some sweet wildcat pussy, and you’re up. I’m calling in my debt.”
“What? You said no.”
“I said when I wanted. Choose – do I fuck you here or at your house?”

Holy mother of bookgasms. I have been a fan of Cherise Sinclair for a while, but I have to say that this is probably my favorite book by her to date…and I’m not usually big on sadists (with the exception of my favorite kinky priest). At least not the hard core one. And deVries? Well he’s as hard core as they come. But this is a Sinclair book, and after all

9645945So of course I had to read it the second it released. I was expecting a spicy little read, but what I got was so much more. There was a little suspense, action, romance, and some dirty kinky loving that will leave you so hot and bothered you’ll be panting by the time you finish the page.

That’s right,” he murmured. “You can take me.” He forged in, relentless as only the Enforcer could be, doing what he wanted for his own pleasure.
“Hurt, baby?” he asked.
“Yessssss.” Her answer came out a moan.
“Perfect.” His laugh was deep and gruff.”

7348692I have to admit, I was a little concerned when less than 10% into the book Lindsey and deVries were already thrown into bed together. I like to feel that sexual chemistry really burn before the couple comes together. When it happens too quickly, most of the time it pretty much lowers the enjoyment for me. I was afraid that this may be the case here, but deVries did not disappoint. Not long after he fucks up royally and allows his inner asshole to come out. Which of course had only one affect on me

9398673What? I happen to have a soft place in my pervy little heart for the assholes. But I digress…

Lindsey is in hiding. Fleeing a murder charge and men that want her dead in Texas, she finds herself rebuilding a life in San Francisco. She’s been unbearably attracted to deVries since she first laid eyes on him, but he’s never made any move to show he reciprocates the feelings. And besides, she’s not what he needs. She may be a submissive, but she’s certainly not a masochist. At least not up for the type of pain the deVries likes to dole out. But when the Dom finally decides to claim her? Well, what girl in her right mind could possibly turn him down? He’s sexy as fuck, and orgasm donor…and he apparently has a soft side…well, to a point, anyway

“What are you doing?”
“Sleeping. I’m wiped. Not safe to drive.”
He wanted to cuddle? The Enforcer?
“Go to sleep, or you’ll spend the night gagged.

I really loved Lindsey and her Texan quirky personality. She was this perfect combination of sweet, endearing, quirky and sassy. She was the perfect match for Zander deVries’ tough and sadistic side. Did I also happen to mention that Zander is an ex Navy SEAL and mercenary?

Both Lindsey and Zander have a past that tends to color their present and the way they respond to things. They both have had their share of heartbreak, though Lindsey’s past is quite a bit darker. She’s determined to protect the people she’s come to care for from her secrets. But Zander is determined to uncover each of them.

Filled with action, hot sex, suspense, a sassy submissive and a sadist that’s determined to break through all her barriers this book will definitely leave you

9645946If you’re a fan of this series, be prepared to fall hard for Zander. Although this is part of a series, this book can easily be read as a standalone.

With your pulse like that, either you’re scared or you’re horny.” He slid his palm over her panties, ascertaining for himself exactly which it was. “Soaked.”
“I’m sorry. I’m fine. Don’t-”
“Shut it.” With pitiless hands, he tossed away the covers and flattened her onto her back. “Just as well. I didn’t get enough of a taste.”
“You don’t wear underwear if you’re with me,” he growled. “And you don’t withhold something I want.”

9645947Any questions?

Didn’t think so 😉


Review, Guest Post, & #Giveaway: ☆To Professor, With Love☆ by @lindakage

*new adult romance*
**explicit scenes and language**

Junior in college. Star athlete. Constant attention from the opposite sex. 

On this campus, I’m worshiped. While seven hundred miles away, back in my hometown, I’m still trailer park trash, child of the town tramp, and older sibling to three kids who are counting on me to keep my shit together so I can take them away from the same crappy life I grew up in. 

These two opposing sides of myself never mix until one person gets a glimpse of the true me. I never expected to connect with anyone like this or want more beyond one night. This may be the real deal.

Problem is, Dr. Kavanagh’s my literature professor.

If I start anything with a teacher and we’re caught together, I might as well kiss my entire future goodbye, as well as my family’s, and especially Dr. Kavanagh’s. Except sometimes love is worth risking everything. Or at least, it damn well better be because I can only resist so much.

-N. G.-

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4.5 stars

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Have you ever read a book that you simply couldn’t put down for the life of you? A book that was so wonderfully written, it not only completely drew you into the story…it made you feel? I’m talking made you feel every heart palpitation, pulse pounding, anxious, nail biting, so full of sexual tension you think you might burst moment along with the characters? Because I swear to you, that’s what this book did to me. I devoured it. Me! The girl that lives for my dirty smut and actually does a search for the word “cock” in my books to make sure it’s dirty enough. (What? You don’t do that?) I got so engrossed in this forbidden love story that I forgot about the smut. Well…I mean…not entirely. It IS NA after all, and the sexual chemistry here is just perfect.

My favorite part of a love story is that burn. You know the one I’m talking about. It’s this palpable sexual tension that stretches for so long you think you might burst. But then BOOM, when it finally does happen, it’s just that much more satisfying. There’s plenty of books out there that will use sex as a filler, as opposed to the icing on the cake that’s supposed to be the book. And in my humble opinion, Linda Kage had the perfect recipe here. I adored this book. I loved it. HARD.

If you’ve stayed away from teacher/romance stories in the past, but wanted to dip your toes, THIS is the book the you start with. This was such a unique, wonderfully written spin on a forbidden love. There wasn’t a big age difference (barely any). But what I loved the most, was that the student here was (pause for dramatic effect) MALE.

Ladies, prepare to swoon and fall hard for Noel Gamble.

Noel seemingly has it all; he’s the star quarterback, has his pick of women, and a scholarship to a great university. All he has to do to keep it is make sure that he maintains his GPA. But there’s one problem that stands in his way; a problem of the 5 foot 4, green eyed, uptight bitch, yet slightly alluring variety. His Literature professor, Dr. Kavanagh.

There’s nothing better to me than a book where I fall for both the characters. Dr. Kavanagh may have come off rigid and bitchy at first, but her internal monologue never failed to make me smile. She had such a quirky and endearingly innocent personality, it was impossible not to love her.

It must be some internal, natural selection thing I couldn’t control. Survival of the fittest lured me into gravitating toward the strongest, healthiest, most attractive male in the pack who seemed most appropriate for reproduction of the species. After watching those two sluts maul him after class a few minutes ago, I knew he had to be good for some scintillating reproductive activities.

But beneath her frumpy clothing and uptight exterior, is a vulnerable young girl that finds herself attracted to someone that is most certainly forbidden.

The way both of them constantly fought the attraction between them kept me turning the pages in anticipation for that moment where one or both of them would finally give in.

Her mouth was going to be my downfall. If she asked me, I would probably take her on her nice, clean desk right then and there. I could so clearly see myself tossing her down, gathering up her frumpy skirt, wedging myself between her thighs and just hammering it home. I also wanted to wrap my hands around her throat and strangle her for making me feel like such an idiot. It probably wasn’t healthy to have two such drastic emotions roaring through me at the same moment, but there they were. Absolutely roaring.

Noel wasn’t your typical manwhoring jock, but so so much more. He was utter perfection. he was this delectable combination of sweet, vulnerable, and sexy.

The chemistry that between him and Aspen are slowly brewed to the point where it’s practically boiling. Gawd but it was delicious. It was simply lust, it went so much deeper.

She was the frumpy, genius professor hiding romantic hopes and dreams. I was the stud playboy football star working my ass off to save my poor, broke family. What a pair we made. And what an ass I felt like. She wasn’t just some piece of fruit I wanted to sample because she was forbidden. She was a lot deeper than I had ever imagined.

As hard as both of them fight the attraction, it soon proves too strong for both of them. But the way that it’s written never made it seem illicit or dirty. And the vulnerability of both these characters is what truly captivates you.

I fully realize this thing between us is doomed, okay. I know we can never…
“We might not stand a chance, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop craving that connection we share. It’s so fucking strong, I’ve been willing to… God, I would do anything for little stolen pieces of you, Aspen.

The book kept me on the edge of my seat equal parts waiting for and dreading that moment for the other shoe to drop. Linda Kage teases and tortures you with different hints of how it may all go down. But I can honestly say that the way it did, I never saw coming.

I went through a ringer of emotions; I swooned, I cried, my heart hurt. It was simply wonderful. I’m not sure how it is that I’m only now discovering this author, but I’ll be rectifying this immediately by reading Price of a Kiss (especially since both the characters from that book make an appearance here).

I’m so happy that Linda will be continuing this series with Pick’s book next. I’m already salivating to get my grabby little hands on that book.

But let’s sum it up with this; do I recommend this book?
I can’t recommend it enough. Read it and experience for yourself what sent me into a gushing fangirling episode.



“knotted together until I didn’t know where I ended and he began, we made love.”

When I got the opportunity to read and review this up and coming novel I can gladly admit that I was more than just a little excited, in fact I was nothing short of ecstatic. ‘Price of a kiss’ was one of my favourite reads of last year and it started an addiction to an author that I knew I could no longer ignore. ‘To professor, with love’ is a novel that is deliciously tempting with an edge of taboo that I’m sure will make most readers enjoy their time spent with this novel. I’m certainly impressed once again by Linda Kage, here’s the rest of my thoughts …

What’s it all about?
Popular and talented star quarterback, Noel Gamble works hard, lives his dream and will do anything to provide for those that he loves most. He is determined that everything he has worked for must amount to making a new life for his siblings that he has left back in his hometown, a ugly life that he wants them all to escape from. Dr Aspen Kavanagh is a professor that is not as confident as her stern attitude and ugly business suits would suggest, inside is a woman begging to be loved and after living a loveless life nothing could be more tempting than an attraction that feels like it could be more. When aspen and Noel’s lives collide they could never have anticipated that they would find what they need in each other, but with everything on the line this couple have to make the decision to give into temptation or walk away from a undeniable connection that could forever change their lives.


What did I love?
Firstly, I love this authors writing style. I think by now it’s obvious that I’m a fan of the talented, Linda Kage. This author always manages to take me away on a love-story journey that is easy to escape into and equally easy to love. ‘To professor, with love’ was filled with romance, steam and forbidden love with a twist of heart break and depth that made it a charming story. The characters were believable and easy to read about. There’s no mistaking that this author has a talent for writing heroes that make the heart go faster and this time around she kept the humour at bay with her vulnerable and ever so charming heroine. Everything about the story line and developing story was well thought out and I even had a delightful second chance look into the lives of Mason and Reese from book one which certainly didn’t harm the enjoyment factor. The chemistry and slow burn build up towards the attraction scored points for my reading experience and it certainly wasn’t an anti climax once the characters finally made the decision to get down and dirty. I also adored the quotes that Linda added into the book at the beginning of each chapter and throughout the story, I found myself looking forward to what would come next, it’s adorably clever that each quote connected somehow to the content of the chapters. Overall this book was a winning combination of love, romance, steam and storyline, Linda Kage has done it again readers.


Why not five?
This book most certainly had five star quality stamped all over it, there were moments that I adored and I was highlighting my treasured kindle like crazy but with that being said as much love as I have for Linda Kage and her forbidden men series when I compared this novel to the first book in the series ‘Price of a Kiss’ it didn’t quite reach the same enjoyment level. I felt like I missed out on the humour, wit and laid back writing style of book one and sadly I didn’t connect to the storyline as much as I have with this authors previous novels. However, this book still reached a loveable four star status and I haven’t got much to complain about. Linda Kage writes books that I’ll always reach out to read and I’m more than happy that I spent my time with this heartfelt story about love being found in forbidden places. I’d whole heartedly recommend this novel to those that have enjoyed this authors previous work and if you are new to this author, then do not think twice about reading this likeable story and meeting a hero that will unquestionably stay in your heart.


Final thoughts …
As a reader I never gravitate to towards stories involving teacher/student relationships, but here Linda Kage has created a story that captured my affection and love. I never felt uncomfortable with the authors content, instead she got me wrapped up in a love story that left me wanting more. This is a series that I’m excited to see develop and I’m more than ready to read more about this authors addictive characters. If you like to fall for the heroes in your books and you enjoy the new adult genre then this series should not be missed. Go grab this book on release day I can guarantee you will not regret time spent with the delicious, Noel Gamble. Enjoy … Kisses.


Curious about what’s next for the Forbidden Men series? Read on for a special guest post from Linda Kage

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway for your chance to win an ebook copy of To Professor, With Love

Forbidden Men. 

There are two reasons I named the series Forbidden Men, and they’re pretty obvious! First of all, every featured hero will at some point be an employee of the Forbidden Nightclub.
But my favorite aspect is that each story will have a forbidden romance in it. I just love a plot where the hero and heroine are prohibited from being together.
And we’re about to go through all kinds of illicit affairs, from one hero lusting after his best friend’s little sister to another hero kind of already being married when he finally meets his soul mate. Then I had to throw in that age-old gigolo hero (bet you can’t tell which story that was!) along with a student/teacher relationship. And one fair heroine falls flat in love with her forbidden man on the day her asks her to accompany him to the jewelry store so she can help him pick out an engagement ring…for her roommate!
Right now, I have three more additions in the works to add to the series. So, if everything goes according to my evil plans (fingers crossed), the series should hopefully look a little like this:
Book 1 – Price of a Kiss – featuring Mason
Book 2 – To Professor, with Love – featuring Noel
Book 3 – Be My Hero – featuring Pick
Book 4 – With Every Heart Beat – featuring Quinn
Book 5 – A Perfect Ten – featuring…yep, Ten!
Each story will be a standalone, but they’ll also tie into the books around them, so you could read them either in order or totally out of order!

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ARC Review: ☆Five Miles☆ by @LiliStGermain1

*Please note this book is dark romance and deals with serious themes including rape, violence and murder.* 

This story unfolds over seven volumes approx. 25 – 30,000 words each. 

My father taught me the importance of an eye for an eye—a cardinal rule, ingrained in every club member. 

A life for a life. 

Seven lives in payment for an unimaginable list of sins. 

People might wonder why I’m doing this. If this vengeance is borne from some noble cause, that I’m trying to prevent others from suffering at the hands of Dornan Ross and his sons. 

But I’m no vigilante. 

I’m doing it for me. I’m doing it because I want to. Because the look on Maxi and Chad’s faces when I killed them was a balm to my soul. 

This is the fate they have earned. The penance for their crimes. 

Two down, five to go. 

Time to send some of these brothers off with a bang. 

Five Miles is the third book in the Gypsy Brothers series. The series should be read in the following order: 

Seven Sons (Gypsy Brothers, #1) 
Six Brothers (Gypsy Brothers, #2) 
Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers, #3) 

Four Score, #4 in the Gypsy Brothers series, releases on May 26th, 2014

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Holy HOLY hell! Just as I think I know what to expect from this series, Lili goes and throws me a curve ball like this. Wow! This was the best book in the series so far and they only seem to get better and better with each book.

Now I have a confession to make. See I happen to have the attention span of a 3 year old. True story. Serials are typically my kryptonite since I almost always seem to grow bored by book 2 or 3. It’s a sickness really and seems that Lili St. Germain just happens to be my cure because her books have hooked me…line and sinker. If I wasn’t completely addicted to this series before, after this book I am practically salivating for more.

If you had questions about Sammi’s motives or reasons in the past 2 books, most of your questions will be answered here. Anything that left you hanging in book 1 is also brought to light.

Here’s the thing, if you’re at all like me, I bet you were thinking that this may be some of the same old, same old. You have 7 brothers, there’s 7 books, each book you have one die, and Five Miles will follow the same formulaic approach, right? WRONG. It’s like Lili saw into my head, that evil genius, and decided to take everything I thought I knew and blow it all to hell and back.

I will not give you a sum up of this book, I will not regurgitate the blurb back to you or any of those things. But what I will tell you, is prepare yourself for one hell of a ride.

I was on pins and needles the entire time I was reading this. It kept me at the edge of my seat, biting my nails in nervous anxiety, equal parts nervous to keep reading yet unable to put it down. With each book I fall more and more for Jase and understand Sammi just a little bit more.

But the one thing that I love about this series? Lili gives you an ending that has your practically panting for the next book without doing the obligatory cliffy. She gives you just enough yet not enough. It’s that sadistically perfect balance between a sneak peek of what’s to come without all the details to make you sure of it. GAWD but it’s awesome.

And the ending of this book had me raging in bittersweet pain. Everything I’ve been waiting for finally happens…yet not. It was perfect yet not enough. I’m addicted. Completely, totally, utterly hooked.

But don’t take my word for it, read for yourself and find out what I mean. This is one of those serials that I can’t recommend enough. Trust me, if you weren’t sold with the past 2 books, this one will seal the deal.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

ARC Review: ☆Hot Mess☆ by @LynnRayeHarris

English professor Dr. Georgeanne Hayes has a problem. Her star pupil, an Army sergeant who works in a Top Secret government program, is missing—and someone tried to push her in front of a train last night.

Sam “Knight Rider” McKnight is used to looking out for Georgie. When they were kids, she was just his best friend’s baby sister. But Georgie’s not a baby anymore and Sam is getting some very male—and very dirty—thoughts about the girl he knows he can never have.

When someone threatens Georgie’s life again, Sam will do anything necessary to keep her safe. Even if it means spending the next few days locked up in a remote house on Maryland’s Eastern Shore with her.

Sam might be used to denying himself what he wants, but he’s about to find out that being cooped up with Georgie will push him to the limit. And maybe beyond.

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Review4 stars

She thought he had trouble remembering she wasn’t a kid anymore. No, what he had trouble remembering was that he was no good for her. Because damn if he didn’t want her. He wanted her every possible way he could have her.

Wow! What a hot little read this was. I definitely didn’t see that coming. After reading and enjoying Hot Pursuit, I was expecting more along the lines of that book. And it was…mostly. If you’re looking for a nail biting romantic suspense, that’s not quite what you’ll get her. This was light on the suspense and action but verra high on the steam. You certainly won’t be getting many complaints from me. This was the perfect short and steamy little read to spend my Saturday night with.

Georgeanne was Texas money, debutante balls, exclusive sororities and country club all the way. She knew which fork to use, what to wear to any event- and she used bone china for her morning coffee.
He was nothing but a poor kid from a dysfunctional family.

12 years ago Georgeanne was hopelessly in love with Sam McKnight, her older brother’s best friend. Sam was used to see her as his friend’s annoying little sister, until one night changed everything. But Sam also knows that he’s not good enough for Georgie. He’s the boy from the wrong side of the tracks, and she’s the beautiful and innocent southern belle.

Now Georgeanna is and English professor coming off of a recent divorce after her husband cheated on her. The last person she expects to see on her doorstop is Sam, who’s been sent by her brother to check on her. When they see each other again, all those pent up sexual feelings begin to resurface again.

Georgie never hid the fact that she wants Sam, and she’s not exactly shy about showing that it hasn’t changed with the years that have passed. But Sam fights the attraction between them, knowing he’s not good enough for her. But when Georgie’s life is threatened, he’s determined to protect her. And when these two are thrown together in a remote house on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, sparks begin to fly. Sam may be determined to stay away from her, but there’s only so long he can fight it for. And when Sam does give in, holy hell but does he give in.

I do want you, Georgie. I’ve wanted you since that night twelve years ago. I want to spread you out beneath me and make you come so many times you can’t do it anymore. I want to taste your pussy and feel your legs wrapped around me as I pound into you. I want to see you swallow my cock and hear you cry out in ecstasy.

He was deep inside Georgeanne Hayes, the perfect little princess of his teenage years, and he wanted to corrupt her utterly. He wanted to possess her and make her scream his name. He wanted to imprint himself on her so thoroughly she’d never forget this night with him.

The suspense part of the book was mainly lost in the background of the story of two childhood friends reuniting and giving into the chemistry between them. I was hoping for a little more action, at least in the end, but that never happened. I found the ending a little too perfect and glossed over. The other thing keeping this from being 5 stars was Sam’s constant self esteem issue. He was always dwelling on how he wasn’t good enough for Sam, no matter how hard she tried to show him she didn’t care about that. It did get slightly frustrating at times.

I still really enjoyed this book, and would recommend it for those looking for a quick and steamy little read with some suspense thrown into the mix. This can easily be read as a standalone, as neither of these characters appeared in the first book (that I remember) and there was plenty of background given that nothing is lost. I’ve become a big fan of this series, and if you like steamy Romantic Suspense, I’d recommend reading this series in order. The men of HOT are definitely worth meeting, and I can’t wait to dive into Dangerously Hot


Review, Excerpt & #Giveaway: ☆Ecstasy Claimed☆ by @SETTAJAY_

Gregoire has spent centuries with his brother Guardians fighting for the safety and security of the Realms. Endless decades of battling mixed with bouts of mindless sex to sate his needs. Needs that haven’t truly been fulfilled since she was born. The one destined to be his bonded mate. For the last twenty five years Gregoire has kept his distance giving her time to grow into a female who is capable of handling his intense dominance.

Alyssa has done everything that was expected of her, until the day she finds out she has a mate who has left her unclaimed. Unheard of when mates are rare and coveted. Even worse is the fact that he is the most powerful of her race and a Guardian of the Realms. Furious at the rejection she decides she is now in charge of her life. No more will she allow others to rule her.Against the backdrop of evil forces that are conspiring to topple the Realms, can Gregoire find his wayward mate before she is taken by corrupt Immortals? Can Alyssa forgive him and learn to exert her own female power while surrendering to his savage passion? And will the two of them be able to forge a mate bond that cannot be severed… or will they be forever cursed with an Ecstasy Unclaimed?

Warning – Dirty talking, possessive alpha male; scenes of sexual exhibition; an instance of f/f; spankings and more.

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Gregoire and Alyssa – Ecstasy Claimed
She was wide open, her knees straddling his thighs, her bottom against his stomach.  She circled her hips, thriving on the stretching sensation of being taken.  He flipped her hair to one side and pulled her bare back against his heaving chest.  His tongue and lips caressed her neck, and gooseflesh rose all over her arms.  He angled her head so he had the access he needed as she moved on him.  His hands massaged her hips up to her swollen breasts.
Do you like being open and on display for anyone that might come up to the house?
Desire flooded her at his words and the implication.  She was spread and impaled on his cock, her back tight to his chest, as he caressed her in front of the open windows.  No one was around, but the idea was there, and it made her hot.
I can feel that you do.  Imagine all they would see.  Your bare pussy sucking my cock deep as I lift your breasts and play with your pretty nipples.
His lips and tongue were at her neck, and her movements were frantic as she tried to lift up and ride him.
The only movement he allowed was the grinding of her hips and ass.  She pushed hard, trying for more, when one of his hands left a breast and gave a sharp smack to her mound.  She jumped at the unexpected action.  It hadn’t hurt; the slight sting moved quickly into delicious warmth.
You like when I slap your pussy, Angel?  Like the sting?  He spread his thighs beneath her, forcing her knees wider.  Look out the window and imagine what they’d see.  Your beautiful body spread wide, my cock buried deep inside your pussy, and your mound pink from my hand. Another sharp smack landed.  This one lower, right against her clit.  She cried out; she needed to come and almost did as heat flooded her.  They’d see you come as I slap your pussy and mark your skin as mine, and only mine.  They’d watch what only I can do to you.  They’d know you were mine in every way.
Review4 stars

It was your beautiful green eyes I saw every fucking time in the last five years. You were a hunger that ate at my gut every fucking day. Now that I have you, it’s even more intense. It’s not enough to have you. My beast wants the world to know you’re mine. It’s making me obsessed with showing the world you’re mine.

Do you like crazy hot PNR books. I’m talking CRAZY HOT. Several panty changes during the book hot. Leave you screaming


Well, my friends, then you need to introduce yourselves to the deliciously kinky world of The Guadians of The Realms.

Setta Jay does a great job with retelling details from the past book without sounding redundant, so you can easily read this as a standalone. However, I would highly recommend reading the series in order since many characters are introduced early on and it helps you develop a better understanding of them.

In Ecstasy Claimed we get the story of Gregoire, Uri’s manwhorish friend that we first meet in Ecstasy Unbound.

Only problem with his manwhoring ways? Turns out he’s had a mate for 25 years that he was waiting to claim once she’s reached her maturity. But hey, a manwhore has has needs 🙂

Alyssa has always been the good daughter and the good girl. But when she comes to terms with the fact that her destined mate doesn’t seem to want her, she decides to really start living her life. First thing on the menu? Relieve herself of her pesky virginity.

I really enjoy Setta’s unique world building in this series. She definitely writes some sadistic asshole villains, so be prepared for that.

As for the story, I enjoyed this one even more than the first book. I was happy to see Sam and Erik get their HEA. My heart broke for everything that Sam went through in the previous book, and I loved how gentle and caring Erik was with her.

To say that it was scorching hot would be an understatement. At times I even found myself asking if there was almost too much sex.

(pause for dramatic gasps)

Yes, this does happen to me some times believe it or not. But the story drew me in enough that I was able to overlook this.

My few minor quibbles keeping this from a 5 star?

There’s a scene around the 20% mark that I’m not quite sure how I feel about. Warning, there’s a MFFM scene here. Alyssa goes from a good girl virgin, to getting one hell of a lesson in oral pleasure. Now given the context of the book, this wasn’t THAT far out of the realm of belief. BUT, and this is a big but, I couldn’t match the girl that was portrayed to this wanton one that was jumping into an experience like this. Not to say that scene wasn’t hot as fuck, but it just didn’t fit the story for me.

I was hoping for a little bit more characterization on Gregoire. There were bits and pieces given during their bonding scene, but I would have loved a little more. He was such a enigma to me in book 1 and I wanted to know more about his past.

All that aside, I really enjoyed the second installment and I’ve definitely become a fan of this series. I love how even though you have the “mate” element, there is no insta-love present. I also really like Setta’s writing and world building. I seem to get more and more sold on this series with each new book and I cannot wait until book 3 and the big bad Dorian to get his story. I’ve been curious about him from the beginning and from the sounds of it his mate will be giving him a run for his money.

About the Author
The sad truth is that I’m not nearly as entertaining as fiction. *Wink* I am a thirty-seven year old stay at home writer, thanks to my incredibly supportive husband.  We’ve been together for thirteen years and I still love waking up next to that sexy man.  We lost our furry child recently, so we are childless at the moment.  Our whole world revolved around her.  Needless to say, I love animals, especially dogs.  Okay, maybe not all animals, I’m not a super big fan of monkeys.  Any animal that throws their feces kind of eeks me out.  I may, or may not, have a problem with candy.  I love any research that leads to Neiman Marcus’ online shoe department. Spreadsheets give me way more happiness than they should.  I love to read, the dirtier the better. It all started with the naughty historical romances by Judith McNaught that I devoured as a teenager.  I love reading about hot, sexy alpha males and heroines that are smart enough to live.
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