Review: ★The Closer You Come★ by Gena Showalter

The Closer You Come (The Original Heartbreakers #1)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Gena Showalter
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Just released from prison, Jase Hollister has a dark and twisted past. And now, he has only one goal: stay out of trouble. Strawberry Valley, Oklahoma, sounds like the perfect place for him and his two brothers-by-circumstance to settle down and live a nice, simple life. But model citizen isn’t exactly this rugged bachelor’s default setting—especially when it comes to a certain hot-blooded Southern beauty…

Brook Lynn Dillon has always been responsible. Not that it’s done her much good. The down-on-her-luck waitress is broke, single and fun-deprived. Until Jase comes along. He is dangerous, stunningly protective, breathtakingly sexy and as tempting as sin, and the passion sizzling between them is undeniable. But can it melt her resistance? After all, the right kind of trouble might be just what they both need.

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2.5 stars

Once wasn’t going to be enough. He realized that now. He wanted her countless times in countless ways. Underneath him. On top of him. Beside him…

When I saw that Gena was coming out with a brand new contemporary romance series, I was thrilled! I loved Catch a Mate and I’ve been dying for her to write more in this genre. Having read both of her PNR series, I already knew I love the snarky and humor characters she creates and the synopsis sounded right up my alley. Three bad boys, one small town, a guaranteed recipe for enjoyment, right? Well…kind of.

Unfortunately the book managed to start off on the wrong foot with me. See I’m one of those ridiculously picky readers that when something bothers me enough in the very beginning, it will set the tone for the entire book. It’s terrible really, but something I can’t change. And the fact that when Brook Lynn first meets Jase is when she walks in on him as he’s getting dressed after sleeping with her sister?

Yeah, not exactly the best way to start. Now it’s very clear that he’s not interested in Brook Lynn’s sister from the beginning and their night together was anything but spellbinding, but still. I just kept thinking in my head, ‘her sister? really?’. Suffice to say that I had a tough time moving on from that.

I’m a big fan of the small town settings in books, and this was definitely no exception. Strawberry Valley had this really endearing quality to it that I really loved. Brook Lynn was also a fantastic heroine. She grew up in the small souther town, and it’s all she’s ever known. Having lost her parents at a young age and then a conman uncle leaving them broke and alone, she’s come to rely on herself. With a dream of one day owning the town’s small jewelry store, Brook Lynn works her butt off on two jobs, trying to support herself and her party loving sister. This brings me to another thing that didn’t quire work for me; Jessie Kay. I’m pretty sure I spent the majority of the book wanting to hit her in both ovaries. Her constant irresponsible behavior constantly leaves Brook Lynn paying the price, while she’s off either partying or sleeping with another man. It does give the reader a little insight later on about the why’s of her behavior, but it just wasn’t enough for me. That, along with her penchant for the word “dude” pretty much made me want to throttle her. The girl straight up drove me batty.

Now Jase was a character I was equal intrigued with and slightly put off (see my sleeping with the sister comment above). Intrigued, because this is clearly a tortured man. Having spent the last 9 years in prison because he also covered for his 2 best friends has left him with plenty of scars; externally and even more internal. He’s no longer the young boy that he went to prison as. He’s harder, more jaded, but he’s trying to move on. A gorgeous and bubbly blonde that tempts him beyond reason is the very last thing he needs.

Feel nothing. Want nothing. Need nothing.

But there’s just something about Brook Lynn that draws him in, and the chemistry between them soon proves too strong to resist.

As much as I loved Jase and Brook Lynn together, there was always something that nagged me about them too. There was the ghost of sister’s past. Then there was the annoying overuse of the “angel” endearment. But that aside I was really enjoying this book still. It had a little of Gena’s signature snark and humor, or what I’ve come to refer to as Gena-isms. Though at times you can definitely see a little of a mix between her contemporary and PNR voice. I doubt this is something most would spot unless you’ve read her other work. Or maybe I was just nitpicking since I was already starting on the wrong foot? I’m not sure. But I can’t say that it still wasn’t good.

What ultimately ruined it for me was the last 30%. Until then, I found the book to be moving at a fairly slow pace. It wasn’t boring by any means, but just slow. Then the last 30% you get one drama after another. First with [su_spoiler title=”Click to view spoiler” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron”]Jase’s ex girlfriend showing up together with the daughter he never knew.[/su_spoiler] Say what? Maybe it was just me, but I really felt the book could have done without that. It added nothing to the story for me. Then there was a whole different drama that actually fit the story. But the combination of the two in the last 30%? Meh. It just felt too much.

I thought Strawberry Valley had become my home,” he said. “But it’s you, You are my home, angel. You’re where I’ve put down roots.

I really wanted to love this book, but sadly it was just OK.

On a positive note, I absolutely loved Jase’s two best friends; West and Beck. Beck with his manwhorish ways and hilarious come-ons completely sucked me in. I can’t wait for his book, especially after getting that small peak into the heroine that will be bringing him to his knees. The polar opposites definitely have all the ingredients for an amazing read. I also really loved the broken and tortured West. As much as I want to read his book, I am a little afraid since it looks like he’s going to be with Jessie Kay. Hopefully the girl will do a 180 in the next book and manage to endear me to her, because that certainly didn’t happen in this book.

This was a light contemporary romance with quite a bit of steam, and quite a bit of cheese. While I could have done with less cheese and the last 30%, I’m definitely hooked on the series and can’t wait to see what the next book brings.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★The Slayer★ by @Kele_Moon

Title: The Slayer (Untamed Hearts, #2)
Author: Kele Moon
Genre: Erotic | Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2015

To Chuito the apartment was a self-imposed prison for a lifetime of sins. To Alaine, the girl next door, it was salvation from her overbearing, religious father.He was a devil.
She was an angel.

Two people who should’ve never met, let alone become friends, but it’s not until they give into the dangerous passion that’s been simmering under the surface for five years that things go to hell.

On the outside, Chuito ‘The Slayer’ Garcia is on top of the world. He’s successful. He’s wealthy. He’s a champion MMA fighter surrounded by friends who support him, but they don’t know what he was before he came to Garnet.

A gangster.
A thief.
An addict.
A murderer.

Now his past is churning up demons he can’t ignore. Chuito knows he needs to go back to Miami to end it, but there’s something holding him back, a single temptation he can’t resist before leaving.


She’s the one drug he can’t give up…even if it destroys them both.

“To me you’re coke. Fine. Smooth. Perfectly white. Very bad for me, but so fucking sexy I don’t give a shit. It’s worth going down for.” – Chuito Garcia

His destiny always found him no matter how much he ran from it. As sure as Chuito knew the next breath would have to enter his lungs whether he wanted it to or not, he knew that Alaine couldn’t be his forever.

This was THE best fighter romance I’ve read. Ever. To date.

This was Kele’s best book to date.

This is a book that will not only stay with me but it’s going straight to my re-read shelf along with my top 5 favorites.

Simply said, I loved the absolute FUCK out of this book.

I can’t tell you that I loved Chuito in the previous books because let’s be honest here, the man can be a true asshole to anyone that isn’t his closest friends or family. If you’ve read The Viper and saw how he treated Marcos’ girlfriend, you know what I’m talking about. But beneath the tattoos, the title belt, the reputation, and the rough gangster exterior is the heart of a protector. Chuito is a man that does everything fiercely; the way he lives, the way he fucks, and definitely the way he loves. He will do anything for his family. Even if it means selling his soul to the devil, or better yet the Italian mob, to protect his best friend and cousin.

Fate caught up with everyone eventually. Even the devil wasn’t immune to it.

The Slayer will take you back to the beginning and really give you the bones of Chuito’s story, and it is no light read. This is not a man that had an easy life. This is someone that got his first battle scars on the streets, running with a gang that’s only more dangerous when it’s crossed. But when he saw a way out, he took it. Unfortunately, the life had already fully sucked in his cousin and he was unable to help him then. The story line here mixed in with the events of Crossing the Line, and to truly appreciate this book, I would highly recommend reading that first.

Alaine is a ray of life that Chuito never expected to deserve or to give him the time of day. But when the beautiful young woman becomes his neighbor, the begin an incredibly strong friendship. Alaine has been in love with Chuito for as long as she’s known him. There isn’t a part of him that doesn’t call to every feminine part of her. Now let me tell you, watching the way that Chuito is with her will absolutely melt your heart. This is not a man that ever hides his feelings or leads her on. He’s not your typical manwhore that sleeps around to take his mind off of the one woman he doesn’t think he can have or deserves. He couldn’t be further from that. But that doesn’t mean that he gives into her. She’s too good for him, too pure. His past and his life can always catch up with him. His current situation with Tino isn’t exactly one he wants touching her either. So while he loves her, he knows he can never give her more than that.

I just love you. That’s it. Only love. Not sex. I can just love someone. Love is good. Sex is cruel.”

Their connection was something that absolutely drew you in. The chemistry between them is so palpable it’s electric. Their private dancing is just the icing on the cake.

Listen to the drums. That’s the part you listen to. Feel it.”
“I’m feeling it.”
No. Feel it like a heartbeat. Like life. You want it to be a love song, hear the sex in it. Hold me like I hold you.” He jerked her tighter against him as he said it, forcing her breasts to crush against his chest and her dress to ride higher up on her thighs. “Like you need me.”

God but I loved it.

This was not a love story of a few days or even weeks. This was a love story strengthened by friendship and grown through several years. This may just even be one of my most favorite couples I’ve read to date.

Chuito fights the connection between them for a long as he can. But inevitably, it proves to be too much, and when these two finally get together? Well, forget sparks, we’re talking about 4th of July fireworks here. I don’t remember the last time I read a book where the first sexual encounter actually gave me goosebums. With the books I’ve read, believe me when I say that this pervert has been desensitized to most of it. But boy did these two together get my heart pumping.

She clung to his shoulders and let him take her mouth the way he had taken her heart a long time ago- violently and without warning.

But it was so much more than just an incredible love story. At the heart of it, there’s Chuito’s past catching up with him and him fighting like hell to protect Alaine and his cousin from it. There was one scene in this book that was so incredibly gut wrenching to read, I actually had to set the book down for 5 minutes after reading it, just to calm myself.

Gangster tears weren’t ordinary tears. The cut had to be deeper than bone, a hurt that made motherfuckers unrepentant murderers. It ripped open souls and bled out humanity.

All of my favorite secondary characters from previous books made an appearance. And of course what would this series be without Tino and Nova. Now Tino, oh my darling Tino. I freaking love this man. The banter between him and everyone else was the comedic relief that was definitely necessary and oh so welcome.

You just told me you manspaced. You’re fucked up too.”
“It’s a common courtesy,” Tino went on. “No woman wants to suck on a hairy dick.”

But when if there’s one thing that Tino does even more fiercely than Chuito, it’s protecting his loved ones. And there is definitely one heart breaking choice that Tino makes in this book that you just know will haunt him all through his book and I can’t wait to see how that plays out.

I’m pretty sure that I highlighted over half this book. I just couldn’t stop myself. I loved it so hard.

I’m talking everything; the story, the romance, the angst, the heartache, EVERYTHING. As long as this book was (an it was LONG), I never wanted it to end.

This is a book and author that needs to be on everyone’s TBR list. I don’t care who you are, it’s impossible not to fall in love with this series or these characters. If this book doesn’t make you fall head over heels for Chuito and Alaine, then we haven’t been reading the same one. I’m that confident. Kele Moon is an incredibly talented author that continues to write books that are better and better than the last. All have her signature voice, but yet they’re different in the best of ways. No one book, character, or story of hers is the same. I can’t tell you how much I love that. This book will break your heart, it will melt it, and then it will piece it together, all in one breath stealing and captivating story. I simply cannot recommend it enough.


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A freckle faced, redhead born and raised in Hawaii, Kele Moon has always been a bit of a sore thumb and has come to enjoy the novelty of it. She thrives off pushing the envelope and finding ways to make the impossible work in her story telling. With a mad passion for romance, she adores the art of falling in love. The only rules she believes in is that, in love there are no rules and true love knows no bounds.

So obsessed is she with the beauty of romance and the novelty of creating it she’s lost in her own wonder world most of the time. Thankfully she married her own dark, handsome, brooding hero who had infinite patience for her airy ways and attempts to keep her grounded. When she leaves her keys in the refrigerator or her cell phone in the oven he’s usually there to save her from herself. The two of them now reside in Florida with their three beautiful children who make their lives both fun and challenging in equal parts–They wouldn’t have it any other way.


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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★A Perfect Ten★ by @lindakage

A Perfect Ten
Author: Linda Kage
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: March 30th, 2015

Let your hair down, Caroline, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.I know I’ve closed myself off in a major way in the past year, ever since “the incident” where I messed up my life completely. It’s past time I try to live again or just give up completely. But this is quite possibly the craziest thing I’ve ever done. In a last ditch effort to invigorate myself, I’m standing outside Oren Tenning’s bedroom, I just peeled off the sexiest pair of underwear I own, and my hand is already raised to knock.

My brother would disown me for doing anything with his best friend, and he’d probably kill Oren. But if I play my cards right, no one will ever know about this. Not even Ten.

Maybe after tonight, I’ll finally get over this stupid, irrational crush I hate having on the biggest jerk I’ve ever met. Or maybe I’ll just end up falling for him even harder. Maybe I’ll discover there’s so much more to my crude, carefree hunk than meets the eye.

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She was Noel Gamble’s one and only sister; I could not fuck her. No matter what.
Ergo, I needed to take drastic measures to keep her at arm’s length. I needed to…okay, fine. Fuck. I just needed to be me. Not really so drastic once you think about it, even though it probably seemed that way to her.
So I let her have the full intensity of Ten. I stopped watching what I said when she was around, and I let all my base, disgusting thoughts bleed out of my mouth like I usually did. I stopped smiling at her, stopped paying her special attention with little courteous things like holding doors open for her or asking her how her day went. I completely stopped being a nice guy. I backed off and pretty much ignored her, unless I could think up something crude to say in her direction. I made sure to chase other women when she was around. And I felt like shit every night I lay in bed, unable to get to sleep, because I’d relive every awful thing I’d done to her that day.
No matter how deeply my actions ate at me, though, it didn’t stop me from making her hate me and killing any soft feelings she’d ever had for me.
It should’ve been easy to accomplish. Everyone who knows me knows how fast I can piss off a woman.
But nothing about Caroline has ever been easy.
That’s the curious thing about temptation. It festers and grows. You feed that bitch enough and she morphs into craving, and then craving turns into obsession. Pretty soon, nothing in your life is as important as that one thing you want but can’t have.
I wanted her and I couldn’t have her, so I fed the temptation, I flooded the craving, I would’ve fucking nursed the obsession from my own tits if I could’ve. I made sure I got little doses of her here and there. Except something incredibly enlightening happens when you spend enough time in one woman’s company. You start noticing shit about her, little useless shit that actually begins to mean everything, like how she brushes the hair out her face—even if there isn’t any in her eyes—whenever she’s unsettled, or how she chews on the end of a pen during class whenever she’s listening to something that captivates her attention. You learn all her different laughs and know what each one means. You learn what pisses her off the most, or what makes her the happiest. You discover how smart and witty and sarcastic she is, and that her mind is almost as dirty as yours. You see how passionate she becomes when she defends those she loves, and you start to fall. Hard.
So, this is my Pathetic Loser’s confession: I am Oren Tenning and I have fallen. Hard.


5 stars

So this is my Pathetic Loser’s confession: I am Oren Tenning, and I have fallen. Hard.

Have you ever started a series and fallen so hard for a secondary character you were equal parts itching to finally get your hands on their book and dreading it at the same time? Dreading it because after 3 books of building his story up in your head, there is no possible way the author can do him justice. That is, unless that author is the brilliant Linda Kage. Because OH MY GOD. I loved this book so hard, I don’t even have the words. When Oren Tenning first came on the scene as Noel’s loud mouthed and manwhoring best friend in To Professor, with Love I just knew his story had to be a good one, especially when you could practically see the fireworks go off the first time he laid his eyes on Noel’s younger sister…Noel’s very VERY hands off sister.

Didn’t he know that forbidding me only made me want to crowd in as close as I could until I was fucking INSIDE her?

Book by book Linda built him up to our hearts, where finally in With Every Heartbeat he truly shined for everything that he truly is. Where early in the series you just get to scrape the surface of everything that is Ten, seeing the way he was with Quinn and Zoey you truly get to see the heart beneath his manwhoring and potty mouthed ways. And oh, be still my beating heart.
Caroline has been lusting after Oren for months. After having her young girl heart crushed by a man that cared nothing for her, she moves in with her brother and his now wife. But unfortunately her relationship past has turned Noel into an overprotective ogre, especially when it comes to warning off his best friend. Too bad that no matter how many times Noel tells her and no matter how many times she’s slapped in the face with who Oren is, Caroline can’t turn her feelings off…

My stupid, idiotic heart that had no sense of decency or self-preservation whatsoever. Seriously, what kind of heart fell for an annoying, obnoxious, loud-mouthed male-slut?

Can I just say how much I loved the humorous banter in this book? Because it was just filled with it. Between Ten’s smart mouth, and Caroline and Zoey, and all the other fantastic secondary characters, I think I had a goofy smile on my face the entire time reading this.

I can’t text him saying, ‘Your dick is now mine. Get it near any other woman, and I’ll physically remove it from you and keep it in a jar by my bedside.’ That would sound a bit creepy.”
“Actually, I was thinking it sounded A LOT creepy.

But of course at the center of everything was Ten and Coraline. If ever there were 2 people that couldn’t be more perfect for each other, it’s these two. They just fit. I don’t know else to better describe it. Their chemistry together was just through the roof. And speaking of chemistry, this may just be THE hottest book Linda Kage has written yet. I thought my Kindle may catch fire through certain parts because let me just say that Oren has quite the mouth on him…

What the fuck have you done to me, Caroline?

I never wanted this book to end. I honestly can’t tell you one thing about it I didn’t absolutely love. It was funny, it was sexy, it was os so addictingly good.
I adored Ten. Who would have guessed that the dirty mouthed manwhore would have such a heart of gold. Gah! I’m in total gush mode here.

Why couldn’t I stay away from you?” he demanded with another long, slow thrust. “Why can’t I get enough of you?” Thrust. “Why do I want to own every fucking piece of you?” Thrust.

As much as I never wanted it to end, I absolutely LOVED the epilogue. What a perfect conclusion to the series. I absolutely cannot wait to see what Linda has in store with us next, and hopefully Asher will be getting his turn soon because the little peak we get of his story in this book sounded absolutely delicious.
About the Author

Linda grew up on a dairy farm in the Midwest as the youngest of eight children. Now she lives in Kansas with her husband, daughter, and nine cuckoo clocks. Her life’s been blessed with lots of people to learn from and love. Writing’s always been a major part of her world, and she is so happy to finally share some of her stories with other romance lovers.

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New Release & Review: ★Stygian★ by @nashodarose

Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths: Prequel book 1 )
Author: Nashoda Rose
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: March 30, 2015


I remember nothing of my abduction two years ago. Sounds and scents trigger horrific flashes, but it’s all a blur except for one man with brilliant green eyes. When the tatted six foot two Adonis shows up at my door, my knowledge of the world is shattered.
Bound to the immortal Scar by an ancient spell, we are on the run. Because Balen is the hunted.

And if he dies, so do I.

Balen: Scar
My code of honor was respected without question … until I consumed the blood of a vampire in exchange for a mortal woman’s freedom. The Scars want me imprisoned. The Wraiths want me dead. But the woman I can’t forget needs me. And I’ll risk everything to protect her.Even if it means killing her.

Because in order for her to live—first she must die.Full-length novel. Come meet the Scars.

Scars: Immortal warriors with capabilities derived from the senses: Trackers, Sounders, Healers, Tasters, Visionaries, and the rare Reflectors. They each have what is known as an Ink, a tattoo that can be called to life.

There are three full-length prequels to TAKE (scars of the wraiths). This is book One.
All three prequels were previously published and have been re-written entirely and are now in multiple first person POVs.*Stygian was originally titled JUMP.

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4 stars

I’d fight for you, Danni. Right to the fuckin’ end. I’d never stop. No matter what shit was put up against us, I’d keep fighting.

This book was everything I love about PNR. Having read and loved Take, I was super excited to get my hands on more of the Scars. But where Take read more like a standalone and had the romance be the predominant element, Stygian had a lot more PNR elements that I couldn’t get enough of. Having read Take first, I couldn’t help thinking that I was missing a lot of the backbone of the story behind the Scars. Don’t get me wrong, there was plenty of back story and world building in that book. But it still took me a while to wrap my mind around everything. There was even a glossary of terms in the beginning. I really think that Nashoda should have began this series with this book, because it managed to do what Take couldn’t. It totally and completely sucked you into the world building element of the story. It truly fed you every bit of detail piece by piece where you’ll never feel lost (no glossary required). If anything, I’d recommend starting with this book first before you read Take, for no other reason than this book will absolutely hook you on this series.

Danni spent horrific days in captivity at the hands of a sadistic monster that got off on her pain, but she doesn’t remember it. Bits and pieces will randomly slam into her mind, but she can’t put them together. All she knows is that she was taken, and then she wasn’t. The nightmarish flashbacks torture her even more because she doesn’t know if they’re real or not.

But nothing haunts her more than a pair of captivating green eyes and the ruthlessly handsome face that’s attached to it. So much so, that she’s been obsessively painting the man for the two years after her captivity not knowing if he’s a memory or just a figment of her imagination.

Inside, I was a tornado of emotions- tearing, pushing and pulling in every direction. I couldn’t figure out what the hell was wrong with me.

Balen is a Scar that sold his soul to the devil in order to stop Danni’s pain. Having to watch her torture day in and day out while being completely powerless to help her ate away at him until finally he made a decision that would very well cost him his life. If the vampire blood he consumed won’t kill him, the Deaconry and The Wraiths will since it goes against their every rule. But he’d do it again if he had the choice. What he can’t seem to do now, is get the woman out of his mind. Inexplicably drawn to her, he gravitates to her like a magnet even though his presence is dangerous to them both.

I loved getting more history on The Scars here. You truly get a grasp for their world, especially with additional POVs with a few integral secondary characters. Adding additional POVs to a story on top of the MCs can be tricky, since sometimes they may just complicate things. Fortunately, Nashoda Rose pulls this off seamlessly. I really felt like the secondary POVs only added to the story without ever being confusing.

I absolutely LOVED Danni and Balen not only together but as individual characters. Danni has this tough shell, but inside there’s this incredibly endearing vulnerability to her. It was also such a refreshing change to get a hero like Balen. While he manages to have this air of ruthlessness to him, he’s so soft and caring with Danni. You can truly feel the connection between them, and not just on the sexual level. Though let me tell you, that sexual level was hot as hell!

I was completely enraptured with this story. It sucked me in from the very beginning and I couldn’t seem to put it down until the end. Between the romance for Danni and Balen, there was so much else going on.

My only quibble is that I couldn’t help but feel there was supposed to be a book before them, one for Anstice and Keir. There was a lot of reference to what happened between them, as well as what happened between Anstice and Balen. Now while it does get explained in more detail towards the end, I feel like maybe it should have been addressed earlier in the book.

Aside from that, there was really nothing else that I didn’t love. I was practically salivating for any and all additional details between Waleron and Delara. Man oh man does their story sound like it’s bound to be a juicy one. I was already captivated by them in this book and they were just secondary characters.

Stygian was action packed, steamy, and filled with intricate world building. Not many authors can pull of switching between contemporary and PNR, but Nashoda definitely pulls it off and pulls it off well. PNR is my first love, and to say that I’m picky about it would definitely be a gross understatement. While I wasn’t quite sold on the series after Take (I just loved that story as a whole), this one absolutely sealed the deal for me.

Then of course there was the teaser for Kilter’s book. Now if there’s anything that this author does extremely well, that’s write one hell of a sexy asshole. Kilter? Sweet baby jebus, I’m not even sure if my ovaries will survive him. But what a way to go! The set up for his book sounds absolutely amazing!

Nashoda is incapable of writing a book that I don’t completely devour, and this was no exception. If you’re a fan of steamy PNR, then you definitely don’t want to miss this book. I’d suggest starting with Stygian first and then reading Take. You’d enjoy it a heck of a lot more 😉

Review: ★Fisher’s Light★ by @TaraSivec

Fisher’s Light
Author: Tara Sivec
Genre: Contemporary Romance (Second Chance Romance)
Release Date: March 24, 2015

Fisher,I guess this is it, huh? After fourteen years together, starting a life of our own on this island, five deployments and countless letters I’ve written you through it all, I finally go out to the mailbox and see something I’ve always dreamed of: an envelope with your handwriting on it. For one moment, I actually thought you’d changed your mind, that all the awful things you said to me were just your way of coping after everything you’d been through. I was still here, Fisher. I was still here, holding my breath, waiting for you to come back even though you told me you never would. You always said you’d find your way back to me. Out of all the lies you’ve told me, this one hurts the most.
Enclosed you will find the signed divorce papers, as requested.
I hope you find what you’re looking for. I’m sorry it wasn’t me.

To get the ending they want, Lucy and Fisher will have to go back to the beginning. Through the good and the bad, they’ll be reminded of why they always made their way back to each other, and why this time, one way or another, it will be the last time.

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Review5 stars

I’m going to fix this. I have to fix this… I hate every moment that I’m away from her, but I will do whatever it takes to find the man she once loved and bring him back to her.”

When I first read that blurb, I knew that this was going to be one of those books for me. The soul crushing, gut wrenching, make you hurt so good just to put you back together kind of books. And you know what? I wasn’t even a tiny bit wrong. Just 5 percent into this story, I was completely captivated and totally enraptured in the story of Fisher and Lucy. I think the only thing I love more than an amazing second chance romance, is a tortured hero and this book gave me both.

How do I get that back when the darkness is hell bent on taking over, holding me in its clutches and making sure I never see the sunshine again?

Fisher’s Light is told in alternating first person POV and flips back and forth between past and present in the form of Fisher’s journal entries in past and alternating POVs in the present. It’s done in such an incredible way that it read like two sides of a coin. It gave you the dark, ugly parts of their relationship only to turn around and through Fisher’s journal to give you that light at the end of the tunnel. Where one part you’ll find yourself hating him and the way he treats Lucy, in the other part your heart will break for him and his internal struggle. These two sides were balances out so well, that the story was made that much better.

Fisher and Lucy are high school sweethearts. Their love for each other flows right off of the pages and deep into your soul. It’s one of those couples that will really stay with me for years to come. Fisher is the son of the founding family of Fisher’s Island. He’s the popular rich boy that every boy wants to be and every girl wants to be with. But the second Fisher first lays eyes on Lucy, no one else exists for him.

Fisher joins the Marines when he’s 18. Their marriage of 14 years survives 5 of his tours overseas. Every time he comes back, he comes back a little more broken, a little more haunted, and a little more tortured.

Suffering from debilitating PTSD, Fisher begins to slowly lose touch between his reality and his memories but Lucy stands by him through it all

There might be a few cracks, but nothing is ever perfect. Anything that’s worth living for, worth dying for, has a few cracks

But unfortunately, no matter how hard she fights for him, with each and every day that passes, Fisher slips further and further away from her. Until the one day where he breaks her so completely that there is absolutely no coming back from it.

I don’t deserve her forgiveness. I never deserved her to begin with, so now she’ll be free to find security and happiness without having to worry about the broken man she married who can never be fixed.

This book hurt so good, I can’t even begin to describe to you the feels of it all. I was a slobbering, sniveling mess for a good chunk of it and I loved every tearful second of it. It was such a beautiful and emotional story.

Lucy is ones of those heroines that you will fall in love with from the very beginning. She’s strong but with insecurities, yet her love for Fisher is so fierce and unconditional. When he left her a year ago, she didn’t know if she could come back from it. But she picked up the scattered pieces of her life and she’s trying to move on.

To get to the good, sometimes you have to live through the bad.

Fisher never stopped loving Lucy. He knows that his actions hurt her immeasurably, but he’s determined to atone for his sins and get his wife back. There is no one else for him.

You’re my light, Lucy…
You are always the light in my darkness. You’re the reason I’m alive, you’re the reason I’m here and you’re the reason I breathe, every day.”

Lucy is no longer the insecure and meek little girl from their childhood or the quiet wife he left behind, and she definitely doesn’t make things easy for him. Watching him really work to get back into her life was one of my favorite parts of this book. Having only read Tara’s Chocolate Lovers series, I was honestly shocked at how she was able to flip from humorous and fluffy to something so emotional and poignant. It speaks volumes of her talent as an author.

I will ALWAYS fucking fight for you, Lucy,” I promise as I dig my fingers deeper into her hips and pull her body down a little more on my cock…
“It’s always been you. It will ALWAYS, only be you.” I whisper as I shift my hips and slide in and out of her as fast as I can in the water.

I adored this book from beginning to finish. It ripped my heart to shreds and then melded it all back together with a romance that I’ll compare all others to. It was just THAT good.

I recommend this book for any romance readers. This is simply a must read and it’s going straight to the very top of my all time favorites.

New Release & Review: ★One To Save★ by Tia Louise

One to Save (One to Hold #6)
Author: Tia Louise
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 26, 2015

(Derek & Melissa)“I lost myself in the darkness of trying to protect you…”

Some threats come at you as friendly fire.Some threats take away everything.Family won’t let you go down without a fight.

The Secret isn’t as secure as Derek’s team originally thought it was, and a person on the inside of Alexander-Knight is set on exposing him, breaking him, and taking away all he holds dear.
Refusing to let anyone suffer for his crimes, Derek takes matters into his own hands. He’s exposed, he’s defenseless, but his friends are determined to save him.

A STAND-ALONE, ONE TO HOLD NOVEL. Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

Inevitably, inexorably, as long as I lived on this planet, my future would lead to that moment in a small conference room in Baltimore when I got revenge.

One To Save is the continuation of Derek and Melissa’s story that we originally met in One to Hold. If you haven’t read that book yet, I’d really encourage you to do so along with One to Protect. You just wouldn’t have the same appreciation or understanding for these characters without having their entire back story. The author does bring the reader up to date about everything that happened with them without having it be redundant, but I’d still recommend reading it in order. Actually, I’d recommend reading the entire series in order because there is a story ARC between all the characters that continues throughout the series. While each book is technically a standalone, you would enjoy the stories so much more having read them in order. The characters from previous books always make an appearance, and it would help you to truly understand each individual character so much more. Slayde from One to Love makes an appearance here, and trust me when I tell you that you would have a much better understanding of what happens in this book having read his book, as well as Stuart from One to Leave. Read the series in order is basically what you should be taking away from this 😉

I lost myself in the darkness of trying to protect you…

Derek is dealing with the fallout of a decision he made in protecting Melissa, his now fiance. Although he’d do it all over again if he had to, it still doesn’t stop him from thinking about the repercussions. Keeping it from her is also a decision that he is agonizing over.

Their relationship wasn’t one built on sunshine and promises. They first met when he was hired by Melissa’s abusive husband hired him to follow her. But when he learned the full truth of her story, things changed. They’ve been through their share of trouble and have come out of it stronger. But this just may be the one secret that may shatter everything that they are once and for all.

It’s not just the repercussions from the event that threaten Derek. There is also someone that is determined to make him pay and take away everything that he holds dear.

This was a definite page turner of a book. I’m not typically a fan of reading about the same couple for longer than two books simply because the drama begins to feel manufactured. That was not the case here at all. This really was a very natural progression of events. Considering everything that has already happened, you can see that it was all coming to a head. Sure it packs a good punch of angst and emotion, but it fit their story. You can see why it happened the way it did and why they needed this book to really bring closure to their relationship.

Derek is everything I love about my alphas; fiercely protective, dirty talking, loving but with that added edge. I loved him. Melissa is the perfect counterpart to his rough edges. I really enjoyed seeing them go through their ups and downs, and especially their ups.

You get a lot more on the fallout of Stuart and Nikki’s story here. As much as I hated Nikki in Stuart’s book, I have to say she really grew on me here. Tia definitely has me intrigued enough to really want a book for her. Though I can’t say I’m too disappointed about the upcoming book’s characters. That epilogue was smokin’ hawt. Tia definitely knows how to hook you in with the way her books end. While she gives you the perfect HEA for the couple, she reels you right in with a hell of a tease for the next one. A fantastic new edition to the series. I cannot freaking wait for the next one!

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series

One To Hold (One To Hold Book 1)
(Derek & Melissa)
One to Keep (One to Hold Book 2)
Patrick & Elaine
 One to Protect (One to Hold Book 3)
(Derek & Melissa)
 One to Love (One to Hold Book 4)
(Slayde & Kenny)

One to Leave (One to Hold Book 5)

(Stuart & Mariska)

Review: ★Manwhore★ by @authorkatyevans

Manwhore (Manwhore #1)
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Author: Katy Evans
Release Date: March 24, 2015

Is it possible to expose Chicago’s hottest player—without getting played?

This is the story I’ve been waiting for all my life, and its name is Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint. Don’t be fooled by that last name though. There’s nothing holy about the man except the hell his parties raise. The hottest entrepreneur Chicago has ever known, he’s a man’s man with too much money to spend and too many women vying for his attention.

Mysterious. Privileged. Legendary. His entire life he’s been surrounded by the press as they dig for tidbits to see if his fairytale life is for real or all mirrors and social media lies. Since he hit the scene, his secrets have been his and his alone to keep. And that’s where I come in.

Assigned to investigate Saint and reveal his elusive personality, I’m determined to make him the story that will change my career.

But I never imagined he would change my life. Bit by bit, I start to wonder if I’m the one discovering him…or if he’s uncovering me.

What happens when the man they call Saint, makes you want to sin?

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He’s not a man to give anyone more, and I’m not the kind of woman to change all of her life for the wild dream of love. But what if for one night, one night, I let myself spend it with him?

Now let’s be honest here, shall we? I didn’t even bother reading the blurb to this book before I decided I’d read it. Because that title alone? It had my name written all over it. So was it everything I had expected? Yes, and so much more. It wasn’t the typical rich playboy manwhore plot you’d expect to read. Surprisingly the characters and the story had so much more depth to them that I had ever expected.

Rachel just got the chance to write a story that can make her career and help the flailing magazine she writes for stay afloat. The subject? Only the man that seems to be on every news channel and magazine cover lately. An enigma that likes to do things in fours. Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint. He’s enigmatic, electric, consuming, and a mystery beneath the surface. No one knows what makes the man tick, or what makes him jump from one woman to the next within a blink of an eye. Luckily Rachel is single and seems to be just kiss type, and so she eagerly takes the assignment not knowing what she’s getting into or quite the effect that Saint will soon have one her.

Saint is the embodiment of luxurious and decadent and sin. He is Sin Itself and I feel like an absolute…virgin.

Under the guise of interviewing him for his new social media venture that just may overtake Facebook, Rachel tries to scratch beneath the surface of the man that no one truly seems to know beyond his two best friends.

I appreciated the way that the author truly built the chemistry between Rachel and Saint and didn’t just toss them into bed together straight away. Rachel is a woman of her career and her struggle with writing her unbiased story while fighting her growing feelings for the man that she can’t seem to get off of her mind was very clear.

Saint was so much more than he seems to be. Of course he’s a man used to getting what he wants, so when he pursues Rachel and doesn’t get the result he usually does, he’s intrigued.

I want you beneath me tonight, Rachel….Writhing…Panting. Wet.

Saint was so much more than his good looks and abundance of money. His character had a surprising amount of depth to him. You get a few bits and pieces about the whys of it here, but it’s just enough to scrape the surface.

I indulge in anything that I want. I’m not in the business of denying myself what I want. I’m not in the business of denying those around me of anything they want. I’m yours if you want me, Rachel.

I really enjoyed the first half of this book immensely. The connection between Rachel and Saint practically crackles with electricity and the burn was oh so sweet. I loved that the author really stretched it out and made Saint work for it. Rachel was a fantastic heroine too. Although young, she doesn’t have that typical immature naivety to her. The star of the book truly was Saint though. Everything about him is just so…GAH. His intensity almost jumps through the pages at you.

I also really loved all the secondary characters like Rachel’s best friends and Saint’s. Hopefully they’ll be getting a book of their own soon, especially Tahoe and Gina, because that set up is already delicious sounding.

I did find the second half of the book a touch too dragged out for me, but not immensely so. It never did lose my interest and I was fully invested into the story from beginning to finish. The ending gives you just enough to keep you begging for more and I for one cannot wait how it all concludes with the next book. Did that sound PC? (Because honestly, the ending left me a bit of a hair pulling and screaming mess, borderline stalking the author for any tidbits of the next book LOL)

Release Blitz, Review & #Giveaway: ★When I Fall★ by @AuthorJDaniels

Title: When I Fall
Series: Alabama Summer #3
Author: J Daniels
Release Date: March 17, 2015

From NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author, J. DanielsBook three in the Alabama Summer series.

For the past nine years, I’ve kept my heart as far away from my dick as possible.

Those two can’t be anywhere near each other. They don’t play nice, and one of them undoubtedly winds up getting hurt.

Not my dick. My dick is good.

The women I take home know exactly what they’re getting from me—sex. Nothing more. At least, that’s what’s supposed to happen. The sweet brunette from Kentucky I set my sights on tonight shouldn’t have been any different. I had her right where I wanted her. Where I needed her. But when my past comes walking into McGill’s pub, the woman in my arms decides to take things to a whole new level, putting me into a situation I never saw coming.

My heart is about to get fucked. My dick can sit this one out.

*** Warning: This book is recommended for readers over the age of 18 due to strong language and explicit sexual content. When I Fall can be read as a standalone novel.

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5 stars

I don’t know how she does it, but she manages to look this perfect blend of innocent and I’m-about-to-fuck-your-world-up.

You know what I love when finding a new author? When that author never sticks to a formula and shows growth with every book she writes. I also love that she has her signature voice in her characters, but every book is refreshingly different, entertaining, and oh so sexy. To say that I was anxiously anticipating Reed’s book would be a major understatement. What I wasn’t expecting, however, was to love it as much as I did.

I loved Reed as a secondary character in All I Want. If you follow my reviews or know me at all then you know just how much I love me the manwhores. And Reed? He’s the manwhore king.

This is just sex, and the only thing this chick needs to know is how I fuck, not why I fuck the way I do. I’m not getting personal. My dick is. End of discussion.

5 years ago, a relationship gone wrong twisted Reed’s world on it’s axis. The last thing he wants to do is dive back into the clutches of love and have his heart torn to shreds again. He will never allow himself to be that pathetic and vulnerable.

Beth has never had anyone in her life to rely on. When her alcoholic mother dies, she’s left homeless and without any family. Loneliness and desperation makes people do things that they’re not proud of, and Beth has definitely been through her share of bad memories. So when she learns that her mother has a sister that she knew nothing about that’s willing to take her in, she’s absolutely thrilled. She picks up her meager belongings, mainly her beloved Kindle, and moves to Alabama.

Given Reed’s sexual proclivities and just how absolutely sweet Beth was, I wasn’t sure how the author would pull off their connection at first. But I should have known better than to doubt the brilliance of J. Daniels, because not only does she pull it off, she does so effortlessly.

I absolutely LOVED the way that Beth and Reed meet and how their relationship develops. These two have absolutely sizzling chemistry from their very first shared look. Then there’s Reed’s absolutely filthy mouth, and who the hell can resist that?

My mouth goes dry, but luckily, the image he just put into my head makes me salivate instantly.
Bent over the table.
Doing the bending.
My chest shudders on an exhale.

I’m usually a reader that enjoys the tough and sassy heroines, so it was shocking to me just how much I loved Beth since she was neither one of those things. Well, I can’t say she wasn’t tough, she did survive most things that would turn others into someone bitter and angry at the world. She was like a ray of sunshine; always seeking the positive, caring, and so sweet she’d make sugar melt. But it was never in a naive way, not really. She was just incredibly endearing. And watching someone like that bring the town’s infamous manwhore to his knees? Well it just made it THAT much more satisfying.

This isn’t fucking. Not this. I can’t stop looking at her. I can’t tell her how wet my dick is. I can’t ask her to suck me while I finger her ass.
I don’t want to stop.
I don’t want to come.
I don’t want anything but her.
I’ve never been this terrified.

Considering just how much I love me my dirty talkers, it’s not too hard to see why Reed was my favorite character in the series, is it?

I want to watch those perfect fucking lips wrap around around my cock, sucking me while you finger yourself. I want you bent over, spread out on the floor, tied to the bed while I’m fucking you raw.

Right then.

I devoured this book in practically one sitting. I honestly can’t tell you one thing I didn’t enjoy about it. I love how each new book in the series gives us a continuation of the previous couples. It was so great getting those extra moments with Luke and Tessa, and Mia and Ben. This book had everything; humor, a fantastic and heartfelt story, a dirty talking hero that will melt all panties within a 20 mi radius, and a beautiful romance. I loved it! Fans of the series will definitely enjoy this book. And if you haven’t discovered this fantastic author yet, I couldn’t recommend a better book. While you’d best enjoy reading this series in order, since you’d have a better appreciation for the characters, you may still easily read it as a standalone. I’ve been a fan of this author since her Sweet Possession series, but after this book she’s going straight to my auto-buy list.

Hope is a funny thing. Even when you think you have none, it refuses to lied down quietly. In the darkest moments of my life, I’ve always had hope..

Available Now

Alabama Summer (book 1)
Alabama Summer (book 2)
(On sale for $1.99)
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About the Author

J. Daniels was born and raised in Maryland.After putting her kids to bed, she escapes into her cheeky world where some of her characters kiss, and some of them do a lot more than kiss.

She is an avid reader and enjoys everything from unconventional romance to fantasy novels.

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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Yours Tonight★ by @JoyaRyanAuthor

Yours Tonight (Reign #1)
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Author: Joya Ryan
Release Date: March 5, 2015

For fans of JC Reed, J Lynn, Jodi Ellen Malpas and Jessica Clare comes an all-consuming, raw and powerful love story that will leave you breathless and wanting more

He will give her everything she’s ever wanted . . .

Jack Powell’s confidence is matched only by his intensity. The darkness in him comes from years of secrets and memories he’d rather forget. Lana has an exotic innocence that draws him in and Jack wants a taste of her. She’s a light in the darkness of his world – and she needs help, which he agrees to.

The only rule? He makes the rules.

Lana gives up her control, letting Jack take her body however he needs, while she works her way into his heart. But Jack’s past catches up to them and Lana finds herself wrapped up in a scheme that will expose every secret she’s worked so hard to keep. She clung to Jack once when her world was crashing down, but this time, she loves him. She’ll continue to reach for him – her only fear is if he’ll reach back, or go on his way, taking her soul with him . . .

Addictive and unforgettable, Jack and Lana’s story will seduce, surprise and stay with you. A brand new romance by the #1 bestselling author of Break Me Slowly, this is an emotional roller coaster you’ll want to keep riding forever.

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You know why I like control?” he said with venom in his voice. “Because, without it, little girls like you would get scared off.”
“I’m not scared of you,” I breathed.

Having read Joya Ryan’s Brazen series and absolutely loving it, I jumped on the chance to read this new trilogy by her. This book was definitely very different from her other series, and if I’m being honest, very different from what I expected…and not at all in a bad way. It’s an erotic, all-consuming, and emotional start to what looks to be an extremely intriguing trilogy that I am absolutely dying to see how it all comes together.

I wished for the thousandth time that I could just be someone else. Somebody braver. Somebody who mattered.

Lana is hoping to make associate at her father’s firm; a father that doesn’t seem to give her the time of date since his recent new marriage. She yearns for her father’s affection, but more than that she yearns for his understanding and acceptance.

When she allows her friend to talk her into a blind date that doesn’t end up showing up, she finds herself stranded at a bar. And when someone from her past that continues to haunt every waking minute of her present walks into the same bar, Lana is trapped. Not knowing where to run or hide and absolutely terrified, she finds herself enraptured by a pair of dark eyes and the enigmatic man that seems to affect her every living cell…

Those dark depths were drinking in everything I was, like he could see straight to the soul of me…

One of my very favorite things about this book had to have been Jack’s completely intensity. The author does such an amazing job building that aspect that the pages practically vibrate with the undercurrent of everything that he is. And everything that is, is very much intense
The connection between them is pretty instantaneous and crackling with electricity. While typically I’m not a fan of the instal-anything, in the case here, it just worked.

He didn’t stop. Didn’t let up. Just took me. And I felt his power- wanted to drink it down like a potion, in hopes that maybe I would walk away with some myself.

Lana is a broken and damaged character in every sense of the word. But then at the same time there is also that’s very endearing about her. You can’t help but feel for her and what she’s been through. Her father and step-family are absolutely atrocious. At times I couldn’t even understand how a father could be so callous and cold towards his own daughter. It was maddening to read.

While the relationship between Lana and Jack is one that burns hot pretty much right away, I equal parts loved it and yet always found myself questioning certain aspects. Jack is intense in and out of the bedroom, and he is one swoon worthy hero…

The world around me seemed to close in until I was dying to have just a moment with him- to share in the same space, the same breath.

But at the same time, I found myself questioning their quick connection, especially given Lana’s past. I just couldn’t connect to how someone that’s been through what she has would be willing to lose almost every inhibition with a man that she barely knows. But then again, the author did an incredible job with showing the reader the intensity of their connection. At times I almost found myself feeling like I was inside Lana’s head and can see how she would get so wrapped up in a man like Jack.

You agree to be with me and give me what I want, which is you. To fuck, to hold, to pleasure. I won’t be gentle or soft or relaxed. I will expect you to obey and respond to me. I want your trust and I want your body and you will enjoy it.”

There is one element of the story that I certainly didn’t expect, or better yet (view spoiler)[ the addition of another man (hide spoiler)] This is a ploy spoiler, though you can read about it in the synopsis of book 2, but I’ll spoiler tag it anyway. (view spoiler)[There is a secondary love interest for Lana that appears in the book. While Yours Tonight focuses mostly on Lana and Jack’s relationship, this character is most definitely very clearly in the background. I didn’t know what to make of this. Is it the making of a love triangle? I wouldn’t classify this book as one but it’s definitely leading up to that for the next book. (hide spoiler)] The shocking thing is that as much as I HATE reading about something like that usually, I’m actually invested so much in the story that I’m very curious to see it play out. (view spoiler)[Though to be honest, unless this other person gets a love interest of their own or it becomes some sort of menage relationship, I just can’t see myself being happy with how it resolves. (hide spoiler)] But I definitely can’t wait to see how it all resolves.

About the Author

brit author 0041  (1)National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of the Shattered Series (Break Me Slowly, Possess Me Slowly and Capture Me Slowly), the Sweet Torment Series (Breathe You In, Only You), and The Chasing Love Series (Chasing Trouble, Chasing Temptation, Chasing Desire).

Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves spending time at home color coding things. She resides in California with her husband and her two sons. Visit Joya Ryan online




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Review: ★This Heart Of Mine★ by @Brenda_Novak

This Heart of Mine (Whiskey Creek #8)
Author: Brenda Novak
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Chick Lit
Length: 400 pages
Release Date: March 31, 2015

First love. Second chance?
As the daughter of a hoarder, Phoenix Fuller had a tough childhood. So when the handsome, popular Riley Stinson became her boyfriend in high school, she finally felt as though she had something to be proud of. Phoenix was desperate not to lose him—especially once she found out she was pregnant. Yes, she might have acted a bit obsessive when he broke up with her. But she did not run down the girl he started dating next!
Unfortunately, there was no way to prove her innocence. Now, after serving her time in prison, Phoenix has been released. All she wants to do is return to Whiskey Creek and get to know her son. But Jacob’s father isn’t exactly welcoming.
Riley doesn’t trust Phoenix, doesn’t want her in Jacob’s life. He is, however, ready to find someone to love. And he wants a good mother for his son. He has no idea that he’s about to find both—if they can forgive the mistakes in their past…

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5 stars

She’d wanted him so badly seventeen years ago. And now that he wanted her, regardless of what anyone said, she wouldn’t come near him.

This book. This wonderfully written, poignant, emotional and beautiful book. This Heart Of Mine reminded me exactly what made me fall in love with contemporary romance in the first place. I cannot believe that I am just not discovering this fantastic author and 8 books into a series no less. And I’m sure some of my OCD friends are twitching right now over the fact that I started with book 8 in a series. But breathe easy, concerned friends, because this book was easily read as a standalone and I am not planning on going back and reading the 7 books that came before it.

Phoenix Fuller grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. A daughter to an overweight hoarder, she’s never had an easy life, so when handsome and popular Riley Stinson becomes her boyfriend, she thought her life was finally starting to look up…until he broke up with her. Being young and having no support, she didn’t know how to deal with her heartbreak. Her extreme behavior after the breakup led her to be incarcerated for a crime she was innocent of simply because she was the most likely suspect.

Now after spending the past 17 years in prison, Phoenix is back to the small town of Whiskey Creek with a new outlook on life. She wants to help take care of her mother and she wants to get to know her son, a son she had with the boy that stole her heart all those years ago and then ripped it to shreds.

Don’t let your pride stand between you and the things you need, Phoenix.”
“Pride? All I have left is my self-respect. You want to take that away, too?”

I think that Phoenix was probably one of the best heroines I have read in quite a long while. You would think that going through what she’s gone through, she’d be angry at the world, cynical and bitter. But she was none of those things. She had this charmingly unassuming quality to her that made her both vulnerable and yet strong. She’s broken in a way that she no longer believes herself worthy of love or kindness of others. She’s accepted that about herself and she doesn’t blame anyone or holds any animosity towards the people that have done her wrong. She simply takes it for what it is and tries to live her life and provide for her son even if his father isn’t exactly welcoming and she has to live on her last cents just so she can go to bed at night knowing that she gave something to him.

Riley is still trying to set his feelings in order now that Phoenix is back. He loved her when he was 18, but he was too immature to truly recognize it for what it was and not give into the pressure of his family about being too good for the town’s trailer trash. The unanswered questions still burn between Riley and Phoenix, as well as the lack of closure for their failed relationship makes for some angst. The author did such an incredible job writing these two characters that you can’t help but feel every emotion they feel. Riley is definitely a man that feels guilt and he doesn’t know what to do with it. He knows that he’s one of the many that has wronged Phoenix, but as much as he wants to right it he also knows he may never get her forgiveness. This was just so incredibly palpable the story practically vibrated with it. I can’t even begin to describe in words all the feels that this book brought out in me.

It’s not fair, I know. I don’t understand why everything went the way it did. But since you came home it feels…it feels as if you’re what I’ve been waiting for.

Phoenix was by all accounts a heroine that I probably would have hated in any other book. Her insecurities and her experiences truly made for a broken woman, and yet…she wasn’t. There was always just something so endearing about her that you can’t help but have your heart break for her and everything that she’s been through.

I fell in love with Riley and Phoenix, and even more so with their son Jake. This was not the typical teenager that you’d expect to read about. He was wise beyond his years, so down to earth and kind. I just adored him and how he was always this part that kind of filled in the holes between Riley and Phoenix and made them whole. I loved all the secondary characters as well.

While this book wasn’t very steamy, I never even found myself missing it. I loved the story so much that I think anything more than what it had would have been too much. The budding relationship between Riley and Phoenix was realistic. Brenda Novak did a great job building it around everything that they’ve been through and giving both their experiences justice without taking anything away.

I’m happy to do all the fighting, for both of us. But I have to have YOU on my side. I have to know I’m fighting for something I can actually win.”

My only minor complaint is how a few things wrapped up. I guess I wanted apologies and repercussions. But at the same time, it was realistic and played true to the story and the characters. So as much as I would have loved to have something…more, I understood why it was the way it was. I also would have loved an extended epilogue, but again, the ending was satisfying enough that I didn’t focus on that too much.

The mere fact that I was so thoroughly engrossed in the story I couldn’t bear to put it down for even a second. If that’s not a 5 star read, I don’t know what is. If you’re a fan of chick lit, second chance romance, and amazingly written characters with a poignant story, this book is an absolute must read. I can’t recommend it enough.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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