Review: ★A Beautiful Kind of Love★ by Ellie Wade

A Beautiful Kind of Love (Choices #1)
Author: Ellie Wade
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Romance
Release Date: April 11, 2015

Every choice has a consequence.

I believe in soul mates. Why? Because I have one and his name is Jax Porter.

I have known Jax my whole life and I have loved him with every breath I’ve ever taken. The fact that we were born a mere month apart to mothers that are best friends has made us inseparable since birth.

What we have is so rare, one would think our story would be written, our fate sealed. But, unfortunately that’s not how life works. Life offers us many choices that can turn destiny into chance.

I now find myself heading toward a destination that I could have never imagined and I have to figure out where to go from here.
Will the choices that have been made change our path forever or will fate find its way?

Being the absolute angst whore that I am and after seeing many friends rave about this book and how emotional and angsty it was and seeing it all over my Goodreads feed, reading it was a no brainer for me. I was practically salivating after the synopsis alone.

Now that I finished?

And not for the reasons that you’d think. In all honesty, I found absolutely nothing angsty about this book. Nothing. Even when there was an “angsty” situation, there was just not enough backstory or development given with it to make me even slightly care about the character or their plight. None.

It started out great. There’s only one thing that I love more than a friends to lovers romance, and that’s a second chance romance. Unfortunately, I never clicked with either characters or their romance.

So what exactly didn’t work for me? Almost everything….

The writing
The lack of contractions in this book drove me up the wall crazy. I’m talking eye-twitching, hand itching to reach through my kindle and add an apostrophe myself sort of crazy. It got to the point that every time I saw it, I began to channel my inner Austin Powers.

I do not know of any teenagers that talk this way. It is highly annoying. I do not like it.

Weird timeline
The book starts off with both Jax and Lily at age twelve, but it doesn’t give a year. It refers to The Bodyguard as being one of Lily’s mom’s old movies. How old was her mom when she had her? Twelve? It was made in 1992. If this is based a number of years ago (considering at the end of the book Jax and Lily are 21 going on 22), then by method of deduction it would be 2005 when they’re 12 and a 1992 movie would NOT be old. Then when they’re 17, kindles and iPods are referenced. Then Katy Perry just a little later. It just didn’t add up. Perhaps if the author dated the time frames and put a year with the chapters it would have helped.

Considering that these two are supposed to be best friends, they had so much miscommunication between them it was like they were playing a game of broken telephone. The amount of stupid decisions that were made that could have easily been avoided with a question or simple talk was ridiculous. Yes, I get that they’re teenagers but c’mon. They’re supposed to be BFFs. And it’s like they spent the entire book misreading this or assuming that…

Here’s an MC I’m supposed to be swooning over and falling for. Yet the only thing I felt for him was….rage. Pure frustrated rage.

There’s a decision that Jax makes that is the catalyst for all the fuckery that takes place in this book. But here’s the thing…I didn’t get it. Why? How? And most importantly, WHY? There was a reason given, but it was weak. Oh so weak. It was almost like it was thrown in there as a ‘by the way’ sort of thing, just to explain it. Or try to explain it anyway. But it didn’t explain it. At all. If anything, it just frustrated me more. Perhaps if there was more background, more backstory and more development with it, I could have understood. But as it was, I found the reason to be stupid. So stupid it actually made me dislike him as a character.

Secondary characters
You know what I love in my books? Unpredictability. Nothing better than a good plot twist. I found the set up with the secondary characters so predictable, it was eye roll inducing. I knew from the very second that a particular secondary character was introduced, what would happen. And I was right. I don’t think it could have been made any more obvious. Perhaps that was the point? But as it was…

I’m a picky bitch when it comes to my heroines, it’s true. But could Lily have been more of a wet blanket? Gawd. I really felt for her at first, but then her constant back and forth and forgiving of Jax’s douchebaggary made me completely lose respect for her. And then that ending? Are you freaking kidding me?!!! No really. Are you FREAKING kidding me? OMG!

I had to take a day to sleep on my thoughts after finishing this book because had I posted a review immediately after, it probably would have been a 2 page rant. I hate leaving bad reviews, especially when I seem to be one of the VERY few that doesn’t connect with the story, but I couldn’t think of one thing I liked about this book. Not one. And that seriously hurts my heart because I had such high hopes for it. Will I read the second book? Probably not. I just don’t care enough for the characters to want to know where the journey takes them. Unless I’m hit by some masochistic curious urge, I doubt I’ll continue.

I realize I’m in the extreme minority with my thoughts, but before you throw stones and rotten tomatoes, just remember

So don’t let my asshole opinion deter you from reading it. Try it yourself and see. Who knows? You just may love it.

Guest Post, Review & #Giveaway: ★Falling For His Best Friend★ by @katee_robert

Meet Avery & Drew in Katee Robert’s newest sexy standalone from Entangled Brazen!
Barnes & Noble:

He’s going above and beyond the call of duty…

Avery Yeung’s biological clock just went off early. Thanks to her family’s medical history, she’s running out of time to get knocked up. And the only guy within donating distance? Her overprotective-and irritatingly hot-best friend. So clearly she needs an anonymous donor…

Anonymous donor? Over Sheriff Drew Flannery’s dead body. While daddyhood will never be in the cards for a man with his past, Drew won’t let Avery shop for a “popsicle pop.” He’ll do what’s right for his best friend by doing his best friend. But only if they do it properly.

But there’s nothing “proper” about it. Between the bed, the kitchen counter, and against his squad car, Avery and Drew are having the hottest sex ever. They can’t get enough of it-or each other. And without knowing it, they’ve crossed the one line that could ruin their friendship forever…

I asked Katee how she keeps coming up with new and sexier sex scenes for her characters and where does she draw her inspiration. (because inquiring pervy minds gots to know!) And here’s what she had to say

Bring on the Sexy Good Times!

I’ve always preferred to read romances where I get all the delicious details, rather than a fade-to-black or sweeter romance. So, when it came time for me to be the one writing romance, the only route that felt natural to take was the one that let the reader see everything going on in the bedroom (or closet or living room…but I digress). The only problem? There’s a whole lot that goes into sex scenes to make them feel effortless and not awkward.

Yeah, I was way in over my head. Writing sex scenes are DIFFICULT. No duh, right? I should have seen that from a mile away.

The thing is, it got easier with each book I wrote, until the sex scenes are now one of my favorite parts of any given book. See, in addition to making me blush (every single time!) and occasionally making me take a lap around the living room to cool off, a good sex scene gives the reader a very intimate view of a character’s fears and desires.

How a hero or heroine chooses to make themselves vulnerable—or not— in the bedroom is telling when it comes down to it. Each pairing presents its own challenges. For example, with FALLING FOR HIS BEST FRIEND, Drew is the dominant partner almost exclusively—he drives the sex scenes. They’re both busy fighting their feelings for each other, but they do it in different ways. Avery lets herself get lost in the moment, and Drew tries to control every little thing.

With each book, there are challenges and with each book there’s the underlying desire to keep the heat level in roughly the same place. I like my sex scenes hot! Which is great in theory, but there’s always the fear in the back of my mind that I’ll write a scene, send it in, and have my editor respond with, “Katee, you wrote this exact same scene in a totally different book!” Or “Katee, every single book in this series has the characters getting busy in the backseat!”

The double ups don’t actually happen that often, though. Each couple brings different desires to the table, so writing to cater to those desires ends up creating a natural variety of sexy good times naturally. Which is a relief, let me tell you!

What about you? How do you feel about sex scenes in romance books?

Holy shit. Whatever he’d expected when he’d agreed to this thing, it wasn’t THIS. He’d just had sexy with Avery. His best friend and partner in crime, the one person in this world who knew all his secrets.
And worst of all, he wanted to do it again.

Ever since Drew and Avery were first introduced in In Bed with Mr. Wrong I just knew they’d be one of my favorites in the series. And you know what? I wasn’t even a little bit wrong. I love a good friends to lovers romance, and this one delivered it in spades.

Avery, shut up and listen to me. If we’re going to do this- and we are- we’re going to do this RIGHT.”
And then he kissed her.

Avery and Drew have been best friends for twenty years. There’s nothing that they haven’t experienced together, especially being the fun loving troublemakers that they are. But there’s one thing that always stayed hands off, especially for Drew, and that’s anything even remotely romantic or sexual. Drew attempted to kiss her once and was turned down flat. He doesn’t want to ruin their friendship, so even though his attraction for Avery hasn’t lessened any through the years, he won’t act on it. Until he has no choice but not to…

Avery has always known Drew for the player that he is. His hit it then quit it ways date back all the way to high school. He’s also been the one solid presence in her life that has been there for her through everything. Especially that terrible day that she got the test results back saying that she has the same genetic markers for cancer that killed her mother. Now her biological clock is ticking and it has a very quick expiration date with her health risk looming over her. Avery is desperate to have the one thing she longs for; a child of her own. After watching her sister that had the same genetic markers go through an emergency hysterectomy, she knows she doesn’t have time to waste. And with no potential men in the plan for her, since Drew seems to scare all of them off with the guise that they’re not good enough, she gets desperate. And what’s a girl to do? Go to a sperm bank, of course.

When the idea of Avery getting pregnant by any man that’s not him hits Drew over the head like a two-by-four, he knows what HE has to do. Why go to the sperm bank when he can get the job done right…the old fashioned way.

Avery may not be too keen on the idea at first, but it’s not long before all that pent up sexual chemistry from the years crackles and sizzles out of control. Let’s just say there’s a certain scene that involves Drew’s sheriff’s uniform, handcuffs, and the side of a road. Holy melting panties!

Avery may know what she wants, but Drew struggles with it. The last thing he wants is to give his heart to a woman only to waste away like his drunk of a father when he looses her. Watching him fall harder and harder for Avery was all the more satisfying to watch because of this. Sure he screws up, but he more than makes up for it.

The irony was that while he’d been trying to ruin her for any other man, she’d gone and done the same for him and any future woman he might meet.

I really loved this latest installment in the series. It’s everything that I love in contemporary romance. It was light, sweet, with the perfect amount of sexy and fantastic characters. If you loved the previous books in this series, you’re definitely going to love this one. And if you haven’t yet read those, then you can easily read this one as a standalone. The operative word here being READ it.

New York Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author

Katee Robert learned to tell stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her favorites then were the rather epic adventures of The Three Bears, but at age twelve she discovered romance novels and never looked back.

Though she dabbled in writing, life got in the way—as it often does—and she spent a few years traveling, living in both Philadelphia and Germany. In between traveling and raising her two wee ones, she had the crazy idea that she’d like to write a book and try to get published.

Her first novel was an epic fantasy that, God willing, will never see the light of day. From there, she dabbled in YA and horror, before finally finding speculative romance. Because, really, who wouldn’t want to write entire books about the smoking-hot relationships between two people?

She now spends her time—when not lost in Far Reach worlds—playing imaginary games with her wee ones, writing, ogling men, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Goodreads

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Review: ★Falling★ by @BarbaraElsborg

Genre: Erotic, Contemporary MM Romance
Release Date: March 24, 2015

Falling is easy. Landing without breaking your heart? Impossible.
Harper is no longer behind bars, but it doesn’t feel like it. Ten years serving time for a crime he didn’t commit have left him shut down, numb, and a frozen wreck over the simplest of choices.

He’s acutely aware of the dark-haired young man checking him out in the supermarket, but he’s too deep in panic mode to even meet the guy’s gaze. Afraid the slightest move will trigger a fall that will never stop.

Fresh off a long-term relationship with a controlling man, Malachi is stuck living with relatives who think he’s a waste of oxygen. The tall guy in the long, gray coat is the first bright spot he’s glimpsed in a long time…though the man’s unblinking stare at a bottle of shower gel is a touch alarming.

Hard experience tells both of them to turn away before lust turns to hopeless attraction, and inevitably to disaster. But once their sparks connect, the arc of electricity is too strong to deny. Even if the cost is too much to bear.

Warning: Contains an ex-con with disaster written all over him, a boy toy who’s trouble with a capital T, a damp old British house, compulsive meddling, and enough hot sex to cure the severe case of nervous babbling.

How many times can a heart break before there’s nothing left to mend.

Barbara Elsborg has this incredible ability to make me fall head over heels for absolutely every single character she writes. Whether they’re alphas, broody, broken, sweet, sheltered, jaded…it doesn’t matter. Her signature writing style of dry wit mixed in with heart breaking angst, panty melting eroticism, and an added element of suspense never disappoints me. If you’ve read any of her other books, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. And if you haven’t and that sounds like something you may enjoy, I cannot recommend a better author for you.

Twenty four year old Malachi is struggling to get by. After leaving a relationship with a man that controlled every aspect of his life, he longs to make it on his own. But life has different plans for him. Unable to get a job, unable to afford a place of his own, he’s barely making ends meet living with his sister and her homophobe asshole of a husband. When Malachai notices a beautiful man standing at a supermarket and looking as lost as he feels, he feels an instant connection…and a strong surge of lust. When his brother-in-law actually does him one act of kindness and helps him get a job with a contraction company, Malachi’s first day of work brings him face to face with the man who’s been a constant presence in his nightly fantasies.

Thirty four year old Harper has spent the last ten years of his life behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit. Shunned by everyone he once knew, they all turned away from him when he was sentenced, including his father. Harper felt the stare of the beautiful young man with the face of a fallen angel that day at the store, but he’s terrified that his past will continue to taint his future.

He closed his eyes. Please let me sleep. Please don’t let me dream. Please give me my life back.
No one was listening. No one ever had.
He was still falling.

Malachi was a character that you fall for right away. He has such a caring heart even after everything he’s been through. But he also has a dry wit and a sharp mind that makes him endearing even though he may not be the alpha male I’m used to reading about. The way that he soothes Harper and breaks down his walls bit by bit was equal parts emotional and beautiful to read.

“Afraid of wanting this too much. Afraid of hurting you. Afraid of falling. Afraid of landing.

My heart absolutely broke for Harper and everything that he’s been through, especially when the details behind his arrest and sentencing begin to come to light. You’d have to be cold and dead not to feel for him.

The attraction between them is instant and solid. The chemistry is absolutely sizzling. I absolutely loved these two together.

Harper’s hips shifted faster as he plunged in and out, driving Malachi against the wall, fucking him at a crazy speed, thrusting into tight slick heat, compelled to fuck him until he fell, and the world ended.

Amidst the romance there’s also the suspense of the mystery behind exactly what happened with Harper and who may be responsible. Add it all together and this was an absolute page turner. Harper and Malachi together were absolute perfection. They healed each other’s broken pieces. It’s like they were two halves of a whole; they fit. It was sexy, sweet, emotional. I couldn’t get enough of them.

Of course it just wouldn’t be a Barbara Elfsborg book without all shit hitting the fan in the last 15%. I love that added bit of angst and suspense. Knowing that Malachi ex, Conrad’s, book is next, I also really liked getting that little peak inside his head. For a character that I wanted to hate for most of the book, I have to say he really made me question everything I thought about him at the end. I can’t wait to read his story.

If you’re looking for a sizzling hot and emotional MM romance, then this book is a no brainer pick. I loved it!

You are what’s important in my life. Freedom tastes like you. Without you, I’m nothing.

Review: ★Break for Me★ by Shiloh Walker

Author: Shiloh Walker
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 22, 2014

Jensen Bell had twelve happy years before her her mother disappeared and her whole world went to pieces. Since then, she’s become a cop—one who takes great pride in her work, and in helping keep others safe. The saving grace in her own life has been Dean West, the only man who can make her burn with desire and help her through her burdens. But when a shocking discovery turns her life upside-down, even being wrapped in Dean’s arms might not be enough to keep her out of harm’s way…

I have to say, for an 80 page novella, I was pleasantly surprised at the depth of it. After reading Burn For Me, I wasn’t exactly sold on the couple in that book but I was definitely hooked on the suspense arc of it. So of course I dove straight into Break For Me to see all the secrets unravel.

Twelve years ago the Bell siblings lost their mother and they have also spent twelve years wondering what happened to her. While the older brother, Tate, always blamed their father for her disappearance and withdrew into himself and his hatred until a woman opened his eyes, his sisters always knew otherwise. They knew that their father had nothing to do with it, but the mystery behind her disappearance ate away at them just the same. Each sister took their own focus and Jensen turned to law enforcement.

Now a take-no-prisoners (ha! see what I did there?) cop, the bane of her existence becomes the too sexy for his own good and cocky ADA, Dean West. Dean has always wanted Jensen, but her hands off attitude never gave him the invite he needed. But then one night that all changes and the passion between them finally ignites and burns.

This is a short, quick paced and very sexy novella that I finished in one sitting. To be honest, considering just how short it was I was surprised that I was able to connect to the couple as much as I did. I loved reading about the further unveiling of the missing mother, and boy does the set up for the next book look to be a juicy one.

Burn For Me, Break For Me and Long For Me are all part of the same story arc but introduces a different couple in each book. Next is Guy and Christina’s story, and I just know it’s going to be a good one. The set up sounds like one angsty and emotional read which is exactly right up my alley.

Though it wasn’t a story that completely blew me away, it was a very solid 3.5 star read that I’d recommend for anyone looking for a sexy and suspenseful story to spend an afternoon with.





Blog Tour & Review: ★Adored★ by Lexi Blake

ADORED is a Contemporary Erotic Romance novella in Lexi’s Masters and Mercenaries Series! Check it out below and grab your copy today!!

 Adored - coverA man who gave up on love

Mitch Bradford is an intimidating man. In his professional life, he has a reputation for demolishing his opponents in the courtroom. At the exclusive BDSM club Sanctum, he prefers disciplining pretty submissives with no strings attached. In his line of work, there’s no time for a healthy relationship. After a few failed attempts, he knows he’s not good for any woman—especially not his best friend’s sister.

A woman who always gets what she wants

Laurel Daley knows what she wants, and her sights are set on Mitch. He’s smart and sexy, and it doesn’t matter that he’s a few years older and has a couple of bitter ex-wives. Watching him in action at work and at play, she knows he just needs a little polish to make some woman the perfect lover. She intends to be that woman, but first she has to show him how good it could be.

A killer lurking in the shadows

When an unexpected turn of events throws the two together, Mitch and Laurel are confronted with the perfect opportunity to explore their mutual desire. Night after night of being close breaks down Mitch’s defenses. The more he sees of Laurel, the more he knows he wants her. Unfortunately, someone else has their eyes on Laurel and they have murder in mind.

3.5 Stars

He was in deep and he was fairly certain that this time he would drown

I love this series. Lexi Blake never fails to deliver a sexy and suspenseful romance in her Masters and Mercenaries series. Though these novellas are a part of the series, they’re slightly different from the actual books. The characters in each novella are not predominant characters in the series story arc. They’re secondary characters that mainly stand on their own, so you can easily read these novellas out of order even if you haven’t read the rest of the series. As a matter of fact, you’re better off reading the novellas in order as those are closer tied together than they are to the full length books, if that makes sense.

Adored is the story of Mitch and Laurel. Laurel Daley is the younger sister of Will from Cherished and Mitch is his best friend. Now I love me that falling for the older brother’s best friend trope, so I was really looking forward to this. And while it may not have packed the same punch as the full length books for me, it still gave me my fix of the M&M series.

Laurel has been in love with Mitch for years, but unfortunately for her, Mitch doesn’t see her that way. She’s too young for him and he’s too jaded. Two failed marriages under his belt, he’s not looking to add another one. He can’t give Laurel what she needs, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t tempt him. So one night where the passion between them burns too hot to resist, they give into the temptation. Only for Mitch to completely go back into his jaded shelf immediately after and forcing Laurel to completely give up hope on any sort of future with him.

But not everything is so simple. When an unexpected turn of events after their one night of passion forces them together, it allows them to further explore the passion between them.

Of course it wouldn’t be a M&M book without an appearance by some of my favorite characters (cough Ian cough). But this really focused more on the romance with a side of suspense. I really enjoyed this story, though it was missing that extra oomph that Lexi Blake’s books usually carry for me. But this is mainly because I’m not a big novella fan. They are just too fact paced and short for me to truly get invested in the characters. But I can never pass up a book by this author, so I couldn’t miss this one. So while it may not have a blow me away kind of read, it was a very enjoyable one. Quick, steamy, suspenseful. The perfect book to spend a sexy evening with.

Author PhotoNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband and three kids. She began writing at a young age concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.

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z-InkSlinger Blogger

New Release & Review: ★Rush★ by @GordonGina

Author: Gina Gordon
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Romance
Release Date: May 12, 2015

In this edgy, sizzling romance for fans of Monica Murphy and Abbi Glines, a bad boy shows a straitlaced law student how to slow down and savor the good things.

Everly Parker is about to graduate from law school, always busy, and can’t stop rushing through life. Her late grandmother left her a bucket list of meaningful, can’t-miss experiences, but she hasn’t completed a single one. Then searing-hot Max Levin bursts into her world. As a casting director for a porn production company, Max is loaded, cocky, and all wrong for Everly. Still, she’s tempted enough to cross the first item off her list: Go out with someone you’d never give the time of day.

Inheriting a porn empire isn’t every guy’s dream (well, actually, it probably is), but Max isn’t complaining. It’s just that until he meets Everly, he has no idea what he’s been missing. As the pressure mounts to take over the family business, Max can’t help wondering what would happen if he chose Everly instead. So far, his life has been a wild ride, but only Everly promises the greatest rush of all: love.

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4 stars

He might not be the man I should want, but maybe Max Levin was exactly the man I needed.

What a pleasant surprise this book was. If you’re looking at the blurb and thinking this is yet another fluffy book about bad boy meets straitlaced good girl, think again. This story and the characters had so much more depth to them than the cover and blurb leads you to believe. Having loved all of Gina’s Brazen titles, I didn’t think twice before deciding to read this book and what a great decision that was!

She was the exact opposite of what I thought I wanted, but I wanted her anyway.

Everly Parker is the quintessential good girl. She’s as straitlaced as they come. Having grown up in the shadow of her parent’s success and constant pushing for perfection, she doesn’t know how to be any different. She’s pre-law and on her way to follow in her parent’s successful law footsteps. But deep down inside, in a part of her that she rarely listens to, something niggles her. Something that points to unhappiness and to question if law is what she really wants and what makes her happy. Having lost her nan, who was the only lively spirit in her family, she’s a little lost now. Especially since her nan left her one final letter before her passing; a letter that lists all the things that Everly should do. Something that would take her out of her comfort zone and perhaps leads her to the happiness that she truly craves.

Max Levin is the prince to a porn empire. But don’t let that description fool you. While he has the sizzling good looks, the charming personality, and enough money to keep him in designer clothes for years to come, there’s much more to his character. Max is the son to porn royalty. His mother was a famous porn star while behind the scenes she was an amazing mother, friend and wife. I loved the way that she was portrayed. There was nothing wrong with her and she was never ashamed of who she was. His father is the famous producer of one of the most successful porn production companies and Max stands to inherit it all. But while something like this should be every hot blooded man’s wet dream, Max isn’t fulfilled by it. He longs for something…more. And when he meets the beautiful but straitlaced Everly in a coffee shop while interviewing “talent” for his company’s next movie, he knows just what that something is. And when he spots Everly’s list, he knows just how to get it. He volunteers to help her complete it, starting with number 1, going out on a date with him, someone who she wouldn’t normally give the time of day to.

We fell to the bed in a tangle of limbs and I lost myself in her kiss. In her touch. In everything that was real. I didn’t know this strange feeling creeping into my chest, creeping into every part of me, but it rushed through me like a freight train, obliterating everything in its wake- my rules, my senses, and I feared, my heart.

This was so much more about the sex, though. Max and Everly certainly don’t fall into bed together right away or even soon. Gina builds up enough sexual tension to really make it burn, and I for one, loved it. You really get to know both the characters before the sex enters the picture. You get to care for them, understand them and what makes them tick. That’s not to say that these two don’t burn up the sheets together once they finally get together.

She sank down on my cock, and it was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. I might be invading her body, but she was invading my soul.

It was absolutely fantastic.

This was so different from anything I’ve read by this author before, and I loved it. I enjoyed everything about it; the story, the secondary characters, the romance. While it wasn’t that unforgettable all encompassing 5 star read, it was the perfect light and steamy and solid 4 star one. I really hope to see a book for Ben next because that set up was absolutely delicious.

If you’re looking for a NA romance that’s full of heat but never lacking on story, you need to check this one out!

New Release & Review: ★Filthy Dirty Alpha★ by @gracemauthor

Filthy Dirty Alpha (Filthy Dirty series)
Author: Grace Morgan
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 10, 2015

I own Second Circle, the hottest underground sex club in Texas. And as hard as it is, pun intended, I’ve learned better than to fuck with the playthings at my club. It only leads to trouble. But being twenty-seven, well-hung, and a millionaire, coupled with a brand of kink that makes most romance novels look like nursery rhymes, it’s a magnet for pussy.The one exception to that rule seems to be the tight-assed reporter named Lola who joins Second Circle seeking answers about the girl who went missing from my club last year.

Her only objective is to solve a mystery, while mine is to fuck her senseless.

Good luck, pet, you’re going to need it.

Filthy Dirty Alpha is book 1 in a hot new series.
Book 1 – May 11
Book 2 – May 18
Book 3 – May 25

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4 stars

I want you. Thirty nights- and you’re mine for every one of them.”

My, my, my; what a dirty little gem this turned out to be. Bravo, Grace Morgan, on a debut book well done. This pervert reader is definitely hooked on this serial and can’t wait for more.

I had no idea what to expect when starting this book aside from the fact that the title was practically calling my name. Give me a dirty talking alpha, mix in a heroine that’s just begging to be shown the dirty side of things, throw in a little kink with a side of mystery, and I’m on pervy cloud nine.

Lola is reporter that’s determined to find out what happened to a woman that disappeared that frequented a very kinky and private sex club owned by an enigmatic and even kinkier man. But going undercover isn’t quite as easy as she thought it’d be…

What aspects are you most interested in, Miss…Lola?”
“We’ll get to that later, sweetheart. Promise.” He winked.
Snatching my eyes away from the impressively large bulge at the front of his pants, horror set in as I realized what had just come out of my mouth. Oh dear God.

And nothing prepares Lola for when she finally comes face to face with the owner of Second Circle, Burke. The dominant, too sexy for his own good, Burke, that’s definitely hiding quite a few secrets that Lola is determined to unearth. Burke can see through Lola’s lies right away and calls her on it. But he also makes her a deal; he’ll let her have carte blanche in his club for her investigation, if she agrees to thirty days with him. And it sure as hell will not be platonic or professional.

Now admittedly, I’m always hesitant with new authors that attempt BDSM elements because I don’t handle red room of pain fluff type BDSM well. I was very pleasantly surprised how it was here. It’s just the right side of kinky to satisfy us seasoned BDSM readers while being light enough for those that are just dipping their toes in the genre. It was also sexy as all hell. I loved the build up of sexual tension between Lola and Burke. It burned so good.

I also liked that there was something else driving the story aside from the lust between the MCs. The developing details about the disappearance of Hope was just that added icing on the cake that made this for an even more entertaining read.

Burke was everything the synopsis promised he’d be; kinky, cocky, and just the right side of mysterious and broody. Lola was a great heroine too.

This was definitely a great start to what looks to be a promising three part series, and I for one am definitely hooked.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Yours Forever★ by Joya Ryan

Yours Forever (Reign #3)
Author: Joya Ryan
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 7, 2015

For fans of J Lynn, Jodi Ellen Malpas and Sylvia Day comes the final book in the Reign trilogy. This is an all-consuming, raw and powerful love story that seduces, surprises and stays with you.
Playing at forever is a dangerous game…

Torn between two men and surrounded by secrets, Lana is forced to make an agonising choice. But what – and who – does she really want?

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4 stars
Hot, raw, angry lust surrounded the three of us. Surrounded them. And I had no idea what to do. How to feel. Other than higher than any drug could ever take me. But, like any drug, there would be a crash. And this time it would be hard.

So here’s the thing; I do not do love triangles. At all. Like ever. The mere mention of them has me twitching. It’s impossible for me to enjoy them because somebody always gets hurt and almost always it’s the person I was rooting for. And if I happen to be rooting for both people? FAHGETABOUTIT

So I don’t read them…until this book. See, Joya Ryan sucked me in with her gripping story telling and her enigmatic characters. Each book in this trilogy I found myself completely unable to put down. The story captivated me from the very first paragraph and the ride took me places I never imagined it going but I enjoyed every second of it.

Note: if you haven’t read the first 2 books, my review WILL contain minor spoilers (though not much more than you can find in the synopsis). It will be completely spoiler free for this book though.
Two men, one woman, and one choice that is sure to leave devastation in it’s wake. Lana Case didn’t expect to completely lose her heart to Jack Powell, but she fell completely under his dark spell. He snuck into her heart unexpectedly and then shattered it into a million pieces when he left.
He was the cure to the poison that had been a part of me for so long. Only now, Jack was a special kind of drug, one that held its own side effects.
Left alone with a broken heart, Lana was left vulnerable to deal with her sadistic step-brother and his mother and further devastated by her father’s disregard. But the Jack’s best friend Cal came along and helped her heal. He didn’t help her move on, because Jack would always be in her heart, but he helped her move…toward him.
But his ultimate betrayal in the form of a heartbreaking lie completely broke Lana. So she ran. She ran away from Cal, from Jack, and her feelings for them both. But when her life is threatened, both men refuse to relent. They want to protect her from the danger, yes, but they also want her.
I couldn’t tell him I was done with him, because honestly, maybe I never would be. I loved the prick. Loved him so much I hated him for it. But I loved Cal. So much it tore every time I took a breath.
I devoured this book. Even though it left me a nervous ball of anxiety. I equal parts dreaded Lana’s ultimate choice and needed to know what it was. Joya Ryan did such an incredible job making the reader fall unequivocally for both men. It was such an evenly tipped scale, it was impossible to choose.
When you’re just as unable to chose which man you want just as much as the heroine, you know you’re heading for one hell of an ending. Especially when both men pull no punches in their determination to win her for themselves.
You broke me, Jack,” I said with anger-laced sadness.


“And I fucking hate myself for that! You’re the one in control. Always have been. And you’re holding my God damn soul in your fist, Lana. So just this once, stop squeezing.
In the midst of this erotic and emotional love triangle is the mystery of the danger against Lana and who’s threatening her life. All that added up makes for one unputdownable read.

As for the ending? Well, I can’t tell you much about it but I will tell you this: I wish all love triangles I read ended this way. Was I satisfied with it? Fuck. Yes. A fantastic conclusion to an amazing trilogy.
About the Author

brit author 0041  (1)National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of the Shattered Series (Break Me Slowly, Possess Me Slowly and Capture Me Slowly), the Sweet Torment Series (Breathe You In, Only You), and The Chasing Love Series (Chasing Trouble, Chasing Temptation, Chasing Desire).

Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves spending time at home color coding things. She resides in California with her husband and her two sons. Visit Joya Ryan online




Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Yours Forever★ by @JoyaRyanAuthor

Yours Forever (Reign #3)
Author: Joya Ryan
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 7, 2015

For fans of J Lynn, Jodi Ellen Malpas and Sylvia Day comes the final book in the Reign trilogy. This is an all-consuming, raw and powerful love story that seduces, surprises and stays with you.
Playing at forever is a dangerous game…

Torn between two men and surrounded by secrets, Lana is forced to make an agonising choice. But what – and who – does she really want?


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4 Stars

Hot, raw, angry lust surrounded the three of us. Surrounded them. And I had no idea what to do. How to feel. Other than higher than any drug could ever take me. But, like any drug, there would be a crash. And this time it would be hard.

So here’s the thing; I do not do love triangles. At all. Like ever. The mere mention of them has me twitching. It’s impossible for me to enjoy them because somebody always gets hurt and almost always it’s the person I was rooting for. And if I happen to be rooting for both people? FAHGETABOUTIT

So I don’t read them…until this book. See, Joya Ryan sucked me in with her gripping story telling and her enigmatic characters. Each book in this trilogy I found myself completely unable to put down. The story captivated me from the very first paragraph and the ride took me places I never imagined it going but I enjoyed every second of it.

Note: if you haven’t read the first 2 books, my review WILL contain minor spoilers (though not much more than you can find in the synopsis). It will be completely spoiler free for this book though.
Two men, one woman, and one choice that is sure to leave devastation in it’s wake. Lana Case didn’t expect to completely lose her heart to Jack Powell, but she fell completely under his dark spell. He snuck into her heart unexpectedly and then shattered it into a million pieces when he left.
He was the cure to the poison that had been a part of me for so long. Only now, Jack was a special kind of drug, one that held its own side effects.
Left alone with a broken heart, Lana was left vulnerable to deal with her sadistic step-brother and his mother and further devastated by her father’s disregard. But the Jack’s best friend Cal came along and helped her heal. He didn’t help her move on, because Jack would always be in her heart, but he helped her move…toward him.
But his ultimate betrayal in the form of a heartbreaking lie completely broke Lana. So she ran. She ran away from Cal, from Jack, and her feelings for them both. But when her life is threatened, both men refuse to relent. They want to protect her from the danger, yes, but they also want her.
I couldn’t tell him I was done with him, because honestly, maybe I never would be. I loved the prick. Loved him so much I hated him for it. But I loved Cal. So much it tore every time I took a breath.
I devoured this book. Even though it left me a nervous ball of anxiety. I equal parts dreaded Lana’s ultimate choice and needed to know what it was. Joya Ryan did such an incredible job making the reader fall unequivocally for both men. It was such an evenly tipped scale, it was impossible to choose.
When you’re just as unable to chose which man you want just as much as the heroine, you know you’re heading for one hell of an ending. Especially when both men pull no punches in their determination to win her for themselves.
You broke me, Jack,” I said with anger-laced sadness.


“And I fucking hate myself for that! You’re the one in control. Always have been. And you’re holding my God damn soul in your fist, Lana. So just this once, stop squeezing.
In the midst of this erotic and emotional love triangle is the mystery of the danger against Lana and who’s threatening her life. All that added up makes for one unputdownable read.

As for the ending? Well, I can’t tell you much about it but I will tell you this: I wish all love triangles I read ended this way. Was I satisfied with it? Fuck. Yes. A fantastic conclusion to an amazing trilogy.

brit author 0041  (1)National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of the Shattered Series (Break Me Slowly, Possess Me Slowly and Capture Me Slowly), the Sweet Torment Series (Breathe You In, Only You), and The Chasing Love Series (Chasing Trouble, Chasing Temptation, Chasing Desire).

Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves spending time at home color coding things. She resides in California with her husband and her two sons. Visit Joya Ryan online

a Rafflecopter giveaway

#NewRelease & Review: ★The Friend Zone★ by @Kris10Callihan

The Friend Zone (Game On #2)
Author: Kristen Callihan
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: May 5. 2015

Gray doesn’t make friends with women. He has sex with them. Until Ivy.
The last thing star tight-end Gray Grayson wants to do is drive his agent’s daughter’s bubblegum pink car. But he needs the wheels and she’s studying abroad. Something he explains when she sends him an irate text to let him know exactly how much pain she’ll put him in if he crashes her beloved ride. Before he knows it, Ivy Mackenzie has become his best texting bud. But then Ivy comes home and everything goes haywire. Because the only thing Gray can think of is being with Ivy.

Ivy doesn’t have sex with friends. Especially not with a certain football player. No matter how hot he makes her…
Gray drives Ivy crazy. He’s irreverent, sex on a stick, and completely off limits. Because, Ivy has one golden rule: never get involved with one of her father’s clients. A rule that’s proving harder to keep now that Gray is doing his best to seduce her. Her best friend is fast becoming the most irresistible guy she’s ever met.

Which means Gray is going to have to use all his skills to get himself out of the friend zone and into Ivy’s heart. Game on

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The backs of his fingers skim up my arm, raising goose bumps on my skin. “Nice top.”
Even though it’s thirty degrees out, I chose a black silk tank that hugs my waist but gathers loosely over my breasts. A tie around my neck holds the top secure. That I am braless is not lost on him. He stares at my stiff nipples as his fingers drift to the bow at the back of my neck and give it a little flick. “Take it off.”“W-what?”“Let me see those sweet tits you’ve been teasing me with since you walked in the bar.”“I—” My breath catches. “No. I’m not taking my clothes off for a stranger.”

He doesn’t look away. “But you want to, don’t you? You want me to look at you.” He bends his head until his lips are at my ear. “You’re dying to expose yourself, to let me see those pretty pink nipples.”

My skin draws tight. I struggle not to sway into him.

He leans back, his attention on my top again. “Untie the bow.”

“Someone might come in.” Despite our play, my fear of getting caught is real, though not completely unwelcome.

“They won’t. I took care of it.”

I believe that. Gray would cover all the bases. In his own way, he’s as much of a planner as I am. But I can’t think of him as Gray now, not when he’s doing this for me.

His fingers are back, skimming over my inner arm, teasing the edges of my top. “Just a little peek.”

My breasts ache so badly, they’re hot, heavy, the silk covering them an irritant. With shaking hands, I reach up. The fabric tugs against my neck then comes free. It slithers over my skin like a caress.

He sucks in an audible breath as my breasts are exposed. I see myself through his eyes, sitting half-naked in this dim back room, my nipples puckered, my breasts quivering with each shallow breath I take. The vulnerability of it feels naughty, forbidden, and I nearly whimper.

A noise of pure satisfaction leaves him. Not bothering to lift his gaze from my breasts, he reaches out, runs the tips of his fingers over my nipple. I’m so sensitized now the touch sends a bolt of pure, searing lust straight through me. I flinch, clench my teeth to keep still.

He hums, strokes me back and forth as if he owns me. “So pretty.” He grazes me again.

“You like that, sweetheart?”

Eyes closed, I bite my lower lip and nod.

I feel him move. The wet flat of his tongue drags over my nipple. My eyes fly open on a strangled cry. He grins up at me, his mouth hovering at my breast. It isn’t his usual cheeky grin but something more wicked. “Mmm. Delicious.”

He takes a step closer, and I swallow convulsively. Gray’s voice lowers. “I wonder where else you taste good. You want to show me, sweets?”

I’m practically panting now. My hair swings as I give my head a hard shake. He leans in, trailing the blunt tip of his finger up the curve of my breast. I nearly yelp when he gives the stiff peak a quick, crude pinch.

His smile is pure male smugness. “Lift up your skirt and show me where you’re wet.”

Review5 stars

You are the happiness I never realized I needed.

Have you ever started a book and from just the first few pages known that you have a 5 star on your hands? You know what feeling I’m talking about. The permanent goofy smile, the warm and fuzzies in your stomach, the I’ll-just-read-one-more-page-and-before-you-know-it-you’re-done, book butterflies kind of feeling. That’s exactly what happened to me. Now I loved The Hook Up and I was equal parts dying and dreading this book. Why? Because it’s hard to follow up on a book that you loved. But honest to gawd, I think I loved this one even more. Why?

1. There was Gray

If you love the manwhores but hate about reading all their conquests and about them generally being a giant douchebag for most of the book until they hit their epiphany, well my picky friends, meet your holy grail hero. Gray was absolute perfection from the very start. Well, don’t get me wrong, he’s not perfect perfect. But there were NO other women. None. Not even flirting. But oh was there texting. Which brings me to my next reason.

2. The banter/texting.
Oh. My. Gawd. The texting!

If you don’t have a goofy grin on your face reading each of the texts between Ivy and Gray, we’re not reading the same book. Seriously.

3. Ivy
I loved her. No seriously. I loved her. She was sassy, sharp-witted, 6ft of awkward dancing awesome. I just loved all her quirky imperfections and the fact that she wasn’t your typical dainty tiny heroine.

And, God help me because the truth is Ivy has become a craving in my blood, racing through me hot and thick.

Clearly Gray had no issues with that.

4. The friends-to-lovers trope
Gah. Just gah. I think this may have been my favorite friends to lovers romance I’ve read this year. That slow burn, that sizzling sexual tension. Perfection. I loved that their friendship was what developed first but with a clear underlying of attraction. And if you follow my reviews than you know I love me my slow burn. Why? Because when it finally implodes, it’s bound to be delicious…

And for my curious fellow perverts out there, yes there’s a verra good dose of steam here. I got two words for you: Bar. Scene. You’ll see.

So in case my list of feels wasn’t clear enough, I loved this book. I loved everything about it. Even the little thing that happens towards the end. To me, it fit the story and just added a little more depth to the characters and their romance.

Kristen Callahan hit it out of the ballpark once again. (Get it? Sports metaphor. Ha!) And I absolutely cannot wait for more in this series. Like maybe, hopefully, fingers crossed, Dex? I do love me those lumbersexuals.

Would I recommend this book? Hell yes! Read it, fall in love with the characters, laugh like a loon, and not regret a perfect second of it.


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