Jennifer’s Review: The One Real Thing by Samantha Young

the-one-real-thing-reviewTHE ONE REAL THING
Series: Hart’s Boardwalk #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Samantha Young
Release Date: September 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Welcome to Hartwell, a quiet seaside escape where uncovering old secrets could lead one woman to discover the meaning of a love that lasts…

While Doctor Jessica Huntington engages with the inmates at the women’s correctional facility where she works, she’s always careful to avoid emotional attachments in her personal life. Loss and betrayal taught her that lesson long ago. But when she comes across a set of old love letters in the prison’s library and visits the picturesque town of Hartwell to deliver them to their intended recipient, she finds herself unable to resist the town’s charm—and her attraction to the sexy owner of a local bar proves equally hard to deny.

Since his divorce from his unfaithful ex-wife, Cooper Lawson has focused on what really matters: his family and the boardwalk pub they’ve owned for generations. But the first time Jessica steps into his bar, Cooper is beyond tempted to risk his heart on her. Yet as their attraction grows hotter and Jessica remains stubbornly closed off, he begins to realize it will take more than just passion to convince her there’s only one real thing in life worth fighting for….

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”If you’re destined for true love, you’ll find it on the boardwalk.

760328-_sx540_Love Letters. Do kids these days even know what a letter is? I need to teach my kids to write letters because it is so classic. The love letter story really grabbed my attention at the beginning. I wish this story lasted throughout the book instead of just the beginning and ending. This book is about finding yourself and starting over. I loved the setting of the boardwalk and the comfort of it. I felt like I was in another time and place while reading this book.

Jessica is a doctor, and she enjoys her job but she has no other attachments besides her job. She finds hidden love letters inside an old library book and is intrigued by the sad story. She knows she needs to get away, so she escapes to a small town in Delaware to find the man to whom the letters are written. She gets lost in this little town, and it a short amount of time, connects with the people like she has never felt before.

My Jessica:
My Cooper

The moment I met Cooper Lawson felt exactly like that hot shower after a very long, cold storm.

Of course, one of those people is the gorgeous bar owner, Cooper. Cooper is described as the BRF (blue-eyed, rugged, and flannel). He’s been through a rough marriage and worse divorce. He is a nice guy but just hasn’t settled down with anyone specific since he has been hurt so much in the past….until he meets Jessica. There is flirting and sexy grins and chemistry and feels and I just ate all of it up!!! I want to go to this little town in Delaware and just be there….preferably with Cooper.


Bartender, mechanic, carpenter…was there anything this man couldn’t do with his hands?

Stop thinking about his hands.

I cleared the lust out of my throat before I said, “You’re very handy, aren’t you?”


Why would you mention his hands?

I flushed immediately when Cooper looked at me, eyes bright with amusement and not a little bit of flirtation. “You have no idea.”

And….mini orgasm.

This book picked me up and settled me down into this quaint little boardwalk town, and I fell in love with it and all the characters. I always enjoy Samantha Young’s writing style. It is easy and the perfect escape. I’m excited for Bailey and Vaughn’s book, and I really hope Emery gets a books too :).


THE ONE REAL THING (Hart’s Boardwalk #1)
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EVERY LITTLE THING (Hart’s Boardwalk # 2) – Releasing March 7, 2017
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Review: Breaking Him by Sherilee Gray

breaking-him-reviewBREAKING HIM
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Sherilee Gray
Release Date: September 5, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Folks in town call him a monster—say he’s dangerous. But I know him simply as Elijah Hays, the quiet, gentle giant who works with the horses on my ranch. I can feel him watching me, that steady intense gaze making me crave things I don’t quite understand, burn in a way that frightens me. He’s always kept his distance…until that night.

I remember him coming to my rescue, me following him into the barn, giving him his first taste of a woman, and his inexperienced yet barely reined touch turning me to ash.

Now all I can think about is exposing the dark desire I see deep inside him—having him turn those dark desires on me. That low, gritty voice rasping orders in my ear. Those huge, rough hands holding me down when a storm blows in.

I want his surrender. His control. I want to break him…and have him break me…

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You’re my salvation, Abigail,” he said, voice low and guttural, each word punctuated with an almost violent thrust of his hips. “Right here, inside you, I’m redeemed. I’m the man you need. I’m yours and you’re MINE.”

Well, hello there, Sherilee Gray, and welcome to my auto buy list. I’m not sure what made me read this book; whether it was the blurb or the cover or a combination of both that intrigued me, but man oh man am I glad I gave this a shot. At just under 200 pages, this packs a heck of a punch. There’s a perfect mix of sizzling hot passion with emotion and character development.

I’ll admit, I’m not a reader that typically enjoys virgin heroes, and the few that I have read about I wasn’t a big fan. There was either too much cheese or insta love and my inner pervert felt her lady balls shrivel up and die in the process. What? Don’t judge me. At least I wave my freak flag proudly. But I digress.

Elijah Hays was quite possible the best virgin hero I’ve ever read. Period. Bar none. His sexual progression and pent up kinks were incredibly realistic and easy to connect to. The author did an incredible job creating a broken hero with just the right amount of vulnerability, and yet managing to instill him with just the right touch of sexual edge. It was absolutely delicious.

You’re the only face I see anymore, Abigail. The only woman I’ve ever wanted.

Abigail was an amazing heroine. I love a woman that isn’t afraid to own her sexuality and admit what she wants. I adored the way she stood by Elijah when no one else did and the way she seemed to just understand and accept him. They were the perfect match for one another.

His nostrils flared. “Sweetheart, I want to hold you down and fuck you so hard the walls shake.”

At times I did wish we had slightly more detail on their past together and the way Elijah came to ranch and met her father. I would have also loved a bit more development on Abigail’s past. There was a lot of page time dedicated to Elijah, which I loved, but I would have liked the same page time for Abigail since she was just as intriguing.

That aside, everything about this story was fantastic! The progression of the story, the tension, the development, and of course the out of this world HOT as all get out sex. These two seriously burned up the pages together. There was just the right amount of story that kept this from being just smutty fun. It was so much more than that. You’ll fall for these characters just as hard as I did.

Sherilee Gray definitely has an instant fan in me now, and I’ll definitely be going back to check out her entire backlist. If her other books are anything like this one was, I already know that I need to read them!

Review: Bedded Bliss by Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott

Bedded Bliss-DGR ReviewBEDDED BLISS
Series: Found in Oblivion #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Authors: Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott
Release Date: August 22, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Bedded Bliss by Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…
until someone ends up married.
Michael Shawcross is living the dream, opening up for his idols, Oblivion, on his band Warning Sign’s first tour. Until an overzealous fan goes too far and his hard-partying ways catch up to him in the form of an ultimatum from his manager, Lila Crandall.

Clean up your image—or else.

Single mom Chloe Adams is in Vegas for a rare girls’ night out. She wasn’t ever supposed to be attracted to another rockstar. In fact, she’s in rockstar rehab, and the cure for her addiction definitely isn’t a sexy, smart-assed guitarist with wicked fingers.

She never expects to accidentally end up his wife. Or to have her new husband suddenly decide that she’s the solution to all his problems. And surprise…he’s happy to show his appreciation in a number of interesting, inventive ways.

Pretending their marriage is real might just be the hottest proposition she’s ever been given.

But what happens when a lie becomes the truth?

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The moment he touched her, something happened between them. Something bigger than she could name. And she hated it as much as she craved it.

I’ve been a huge fan of both these authors since I was first introduced to their boys of Oblivion in Rocked. There’s just something about the rockstars that they write that do it for me. Each and every single time. And each and every single time I think to myself that it can’t get any better than THIS man, and then they introduce us to their next rocker. Well I can say with utmost certainty that Bedded Bliss may very well be one of my favorite books they’ve written to date. It had EVERYTHING I love in a romance; a swoony hero, a sassy heroine, a delicious slow burn romance, angst and emotion, all wrapped around a story that will keep you reading well into the night.

She stood out for him like a jewel, glittering so brightly that even the dazzling array of lights that shimmered at the edges of his vision couldn’t compete.

If you’ve read the Lost in Oblivion series , then you’ll definitely appreciate this book a LOT more since all your favorites will appear. And if you haven’t, you can easily start with this one and not be lost. This is a spin-off from the Lost in Oblivion series, and as such, there are plenty of references and cameos that amy be lost on you if you haven’t read the series yet. I think fans of that series will love this one even more because we get more time with all our favorites *cough* Nick *cough*

The daughter of a crackwhore mother and an alcoholic father had not been an ideal start in life.

Chloe Adams hasn’t exactly had it easy in life. If you’ve read Lost in Oblivion, then her dead fiancé will definitely sound familiar to you. Snake caused plenty of trouble for Oblivion before his drug overdose. Suing your former bandmates has definitely left an impression. And being his fiancee and mother of his child certainly left a stigma on Chloe. She’s in rockstar therapy. She wants a nice, stable man in her life, but that doesn’t mean she’s ready to date. Her adorable son Axl is her main concern, and she works 3 jobs to make sure she’s able to do that.

But then one trip to Las Vegas to let loose a little with her friends turns into something more when she meets Michael Shawcross, the guitarist for Warning Sign, and exactly the sort of man she’s sworn to avoid.

Backstage pass, hell. He’d give her a bedroom pass, then tie her to his headboard right through the next morning.

Michael is living the dream opening up for bands like Oblivion. His band is not big time yet, but they’re definitely getting there. And his constant presence in the tabloids due to an overzealous and engaged woman isn’t high up on his priorities anymore. He craves something more and the second he lays eyes on Chloe, it all comes into crystal clear focus. They may have history together, but he’s never seen her as the wild and free woman that dances at his concert, and he knows nothing can keep him away from getting her.

I’m going to kiss you.”
“Where?” she murmured, and he groaned.
“Let’s start with right here.” He tapped his thumb against her lips and they parted for him, dark red and slickly wet.

This was a deliciously slow building romance, which is just how I like it. I love that slow burn. It hurts so good. And Cari and Taryn definitely made it burn here…until it exploded…and then it gets even better!

This book had everything! It was sexy, emotional, angsty, and with just the right amount of humor to make for the perfect feel-good read.

How are you still hard.”
“Young and studly,” he said with a grunt. “And making you come is my Zen place.”
“Zen away,” she said and dug her ankles into his butt.

There was some tension added from outside elements of their relationship, like Lila and Michael’s father and their past, but it all just worked here. I loved the way Michael pursued Chloe. It should have been insta-love and cheesy, but yet it was perfect! Such is the magic of these two authors.

I loved the set up of all the new band members and I already know I need Mal’s book in my life. If rockstars are your thing and you like them angsty AND steamy, then you, my friend, have found yourself a new series to obsess over. I sure as hell did!


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Review: Rookie Move by Sarina Bowen

Rookie Move-Review ROOKIE MOVE
Series: Brooklyn Bruisers #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Sarina Bowen
Release Date: September 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

rookie move

The first novel in a sexy new series featuring the hockey players of the Brooklyn Bruisers and the women who win their hearts—from the USA Today bestselling author of the Ivy Years series.

In high school they were the perfect couple—until the day Georgia left Leo in the cold… 

Hockey player Leo Trevi has spent the last six years trying to do two things: get over the girl who broke his heart, and succeed in the NHL. But on the first day he’s called up to the newly franchised Brooklyn Bruisers, Leo gets checked on both sides, first by the team’s coach—who has a long simmering grudge, and then by the Bruisers’ sexy, icy publicist—his former girlfriend Georgia Worthington.

Saying goodbye to Leo was one of the hardest things Georgia ever had to do—and saying hello again isn’t much easier. Georgia is determined to keep their relationship strictly professional, but when a press conference microphone catches Leo declaring his feelings for her, things get really personal, really fast….

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Review-DGR3.5 starsRookie Move-DGR Teaser

You and I don’t have one-night stands. We have forever night stands.”

If you love second chance romance with a hero that’s so sweet and devoted it will make even the most cynical heart swoon, then you’ve just found your next read! It seems the romance genre is well saturated with a good share of alpha-holes lately, and I have to say that Leo Trevi was a breath of fresh air. Don’t get me wrong, alpha-holes happen to be my crack of choice. But every now and then it’s also great to get a genuinely nice guy that fell hard once for the love of his life and never fell out of it.

Georgia and Leo were high school sweethearts, until the Georgia broke Leo’s heart at the end of their senior year and they haven’t seen each other since. Now Georgia is trying to live her dream as the publicist for the NHL and gets the surprise of a lifetime when the new player to the team her father is now coaching is none other than the boy she’s never forgotten or gotten over.

He inhaled, and the familiar fruity smell of her shampoo misted his already hazy mind. Slowly, she lifted her chin, her nose tracing a line up his cheek. Then their lips found each other’s effortlessly, like magnets realigning.

Their reunion was not angst filled but it was certainly full of tension and emotion. It’s hard not to fall for Leo the very second he appears on the pages. The man is swoon with a capital S. Seriously. He doesn’t hide from his feelings or try to punish Georgia. He’s so incredibly pure with the depth of his emotion, that it practically jumps off the pages at you.

There’s plenty of tension from outside forces like the team coach and Georgia’s father and his mystery loathing and hate for Leo, Leo being the rookie to the team and trying to prove himself, and of course trying to deal with the event that led to the ultimate breaking point of their relationship.

As much as I love a good second chance romance, I have to admit that I did find myself a little bored in the first half. Leo was swoony and sweet, but alas I love my men with a little more edge to them, so while I was full, I wasn’t quite satisfied if that makes sense. The second half more than made up for the first and the story read a whole lot quicker. I was antsy to finally get the full reason about why the coach has it out for Leo and the progression of Leo and Georgia’s relationship really picked up while making me curious about the slew of other characters that were introduced like Silas, O’Doul, Becca, and Nate. I’m already salivating for their books….O’Doul especially.

So while this was a little tame for my tastes and so sweet it almost made my teeth ache at times, it also made perfect sense for this story. I could’t see it play out any other way. I loved the ending and while I wasn’t reading this with my usual devour pace, it was still a light and easy romance that I enjoyed quite a bit. It’s definitely the start of what looks to be a fantastic new series and I can’t wait for more.

Are super sweet heroes my thing? Not really. *ducks head in shame* But Leo made a believer out of me just this once.


ROOKIE MOVE (Brooklyn Bruisers #1)

HARD HITTER (Brooklyn Bruisers #2) <– available January 3, 2017

PIPE DREAMS (Brooklyn Bruisers #3) <– available May 2, 2017

Change Of Heart by Nicole Jacquelyn

Review-Change of HeartCHANGE OF HEART
Series: Unbreak My Heart #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Nicole Jacquelyn
Release Date: September 6, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


They’ve spent their lives pushing each other away, but what will happen when they need each other most?

Anita Martin doesn’t expect much from life. Growing up on the street, bouncing from one foster home to another, she learned to rely only on herself. Even after she finally found a loving family to take her in, she was still an outsider-something Abraham, one of the family’s older sons, never let her forget.

Abraham Evans doesn’t know how Ani always manages to get under his skin, only that’s she’s been doing it since they were teens. She is-and always has been-undeniably gorgeous. But he’s never met anyone as pissed off at the world as Ani.

For fifteen years, Ani and Bram have agreed on exactly one thing: they can’t stand each other-until one night when their anger gives way to passion. Yet even as Ani and Bram begin to secretly seek comfort in one another’s arms, they remain emotionally worlds apart. When Ani’s life takes a dramatic turn and she realizes she needs more than Bram can give, their fragile, no-strings relationship unravels. One way or another, Ani is determined to survive. But when Bram finally admits his true feelings, he may discover Ani has moved on without him . . .

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You’re such a fucking pain in the ass,” Bram gasped, pressing against me as he kissed me hard. “Maybe if I just keep your mouth occupied…”
“Shut up,” I bitched, letting go of his back with one hand so I could grip his hair.

There’s something about this series that is entirely too addicting for me. I’m not even kidding; I’ll start the book, blink, and the next thing I know, I’m done. I devoured Unbreak My Heart in one sitting, and I’m thrilled to have a repeat offender with Change of Heart. Nicole Jacquelyn has brought her A game and delivers yet another sensual and angsty romance that will hit the readers straight in the feels. I’m talking make you rage then lust then rage all over again, only to make you swoon like a victorian maiden at the end. I tell you, it just doesn’t get better than this. And you all know that I love me some angst. And with that, this series has become my go-to must read.

I couldn’t tell if I should be dancing a jig or crying into a beer over the fact that I’d just had the best sex of my life in the back of a Toyota 4Runner with my foster sister.

As long time foster siblings, Ani and Bram’s relationship has been antagonistic at best. It’s a mixture of subtle lust covered by layers of snark, sarcasm and insults to the point where you’re just waiting for that final insult before they tear each other’s clothes off.

I loved Ani’s snarky spitfire ways. This is a girl that hides her insecurities well behind her smart mouth, and so you can’t help but feel for her. Bram can be a straight out asshole to her, but beneath his thinly veiled insults, there’s an insecurity he desperately tries to keep hidden.

I have to admit that while I absolutely loved Bram and his protective big brother act in Unbreak My Heart, I couldn’t wait for the man to be brought to his knees by a woman. He talks a big game, but you know what they say about those. Bram is stubborn, thick headed, and doesn’t think twice before throwing insults. But where in the first book you felt like you wanted to throttle Shane, Bram didn’t quite reach that level of douchebagery. There was always something so questioningly endearing to him. You want to hate him for some of the decisions he makes, and yet for some inexplicable reason, you just can’t.

For less than an hour, I’d forgotten what a bitch she was, but within minutes of getting her off, I remembered exactly why I couldn’t stand her.”

While there’s quite a bit of back and forth between these two, it wasn’t as dramatic as the first book. The angst is well balanced and the tension slowly develops and slowly dissipates. There are even bouts of well placed humor to ease some of the angst and does so flawlessly.

Stop,” he blurted, his gaze roaming up and down my nakedness. “I think I’m having an out-of-body experience.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re bringing me sandwiches. Naked. You might be the perfect woman.”
“These sandwiches are mine, fuckface. Feed yourself,” I replied as I climbed onto the bed.
“And the fantasy is gone,” he replied sadly.”

This was an amazing addition to what’s now become one of my favorite series. I’m already twitching for more and can only hope that Trevor will be next. Sure it packs quite a few heavy punches to the feels, but that’s exactly what I’ve come to love about these books…and the angst, of course. Can’t forget angst. Did I mention I love me some angst?

If you loved the first book, you’ll definitely love this one. And if you were over-angsted in the first book, then you might enjoy this one more. Basically, what I’m getting at here is you NEED TO READ THIS BOOK.


Jennifer’s Review: A Scot In The Dark by Sarah MacLean

A Scot In the Dark-Review
Series: Scandal & Scoundrel #2
Genre: Historical Romance
Author: Sarah MacLean
Release Date: August 30, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

a scot in the dark

Lonesome Lily Turned Scandalous Siren

Miss Lillian Hargrove has lived much of her life alone in a gilded cage, longing for love and companionship. When an artist offers her pretty promises and begs her to pose for a scandalous portrait, Lily doesn’t hesitate…until the lying libertine leaves her in disgrace. With the painting now public, Lily has no choice but to turn to the one man who might save her from ruin.

Highland Devil turned Halfhearted Duke

The Duke of Warnick loathes all things English, none more so than the aristocracy. It does not matter that the imposing Scotsman has inherited one of the most venerable dukedoms in Britain—he wants nothing to do with it, especially when he discovers that the unwanted title comes with a troublesome ward, one who is far too old and far too beautiful to be his problem.

Tartan Comes to Town

Warnick arrives in London with a single goal: get the chit married and see her become someone else’s problem, then return to a normal, quiet life in Scotland. It’s the perfect plan, until Lily declares she’ll only marry for love…and the Scot finds that there is one thing in England he likes far too much…

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This book basically consisted of gleeful giggles while slapping my kindle on my knees.

And dreaming about Scottish knees. And drooling over Scottish knees. Why oh why do men wear pants when they could be wearing kilts?! I mean, it’s a reasonable request….from most women (and some men). The Scots know what they’re doing to us, right?! Killing us with their sexy knees!

When all else fails, a real man says… | 12 Reasons Women Love Men in Kilts: à la Mode St. » fashion

Her gaze traveled to the edge of the fabric, drinking in the curves and dips of his knees. She swallowed, the act a challenge, wondering how it was she’d never noticed the precise shape of a knee.

à la Mode St. » fashionMy Alec:


My Lillian:

Alec is a ALL Scot and hates all things English. Except her. Alec is basically a Scottish PMB (Pouty Man Bear – see Tessa Bailey’s book Worked Up for more information). He is huge, everywhere. He’s a big, brawny beast. But he’s a little sensitive about it because he has been used by women in the past and believes that he is not worthy. This is a central part of the story because it keeps him from accepting Lily’s feelings for him. Alec inherits a Dukedom after a long list of Dukes suddenly die, and Lily is part of that inheritance. She was a ward of one of the previous Dukes, so she has been passed along and forgotten by many.

Lily is known to be a true beauty of England. She begins as a naïve character, but she is jilted at the start of the story and becomes jaded. She ends up accepting that she will be lonely her entire life because of this incident. She has been forgotten and lives alone. BUT she turns out to be the strong one in this book. Alec might by huge, but Lily is a beast in her own right! She is a fighter, and I loved her. Where Alec was weak (emotionally), Lily was strong. Both Alec and Lily just want to run away from everything, but they don’t realize that they could find their escape in each other. They each spend time actually running from each other, but they always seem to come back to each other.
à la Mode St. » fashion

”I will give you everything you want, mo chridhe. Everything you need,” he promised, the words dark and low and filled with the accent he worked so hard to keep at bay with her. “I will show you heaven. But only if you let me watch you find it. That is my price.”

à la Mode St. » fashionKnees. You get to know Alec’s knees in this book. Every inch. They are discussed several times, and it wasn’t even enough for me. I didn’t know I could have a love of knees until I met Alec. Some might relate Alec to Jamie from Outlander with the whole Scottish-sexy-knee-thing going on, but I wouldn’t know because I’m an idiot for not watching Outlander yet! Damn, I need some more Scottish knees in my life!
Also from celtic cowgirl on facebook...: à la Mode St. » fashion

For something so silly, the plaid was tremendously flattering. Though, truthfully, Lily thought that it was possibly likely that a flour sack would be flattering to Alec.

The man had empirically lovely legs.

Not that she’d given much thought to men’s legs in her life. Until Alec. Now, every time she saw him in his plaid, she thought far too much about men’s legs.

It was terribly inappropriate.

à la Mode St. » fashionI am such a loser for not reading ALL of Sarah MacLean’s books. Seriously. What have I been doing all my life when I should have been reading her books. Ok, I have read 3 of her books counting this one, but she has so many that I have not read, and I’m a loser for it. My goal is to not be a loser, so I will be reading all of her books.


The Rogue Not Taken (Scandal & Scoundrel, #1) 

A Scot in the Dark (Scandal & Scoundrel #2) 

The Day of the Duchess (Scandal & Scoundrel, #3) – April 25, 2017

Jennifer’s Review: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

The Rosie Project-ReviewTHE ROSIE PROJECT
Don Tillman #1
Genre: Fiction, Contemporary
Author: Graeme Simsion
Release Date: June 3, 2014add-to-goodreads-button-2


An international sensation, this hilarious, feel-good novel is narrated by an oddly charming and socially challenged genetics professor on an unusual quest: to find out if he is capable of true love.Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a “wonderful” husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical–most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.

Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent–and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don’s Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie–and the realization that love is not always what looks good on paper.

“The Rosie Project” is a moving and hilarious novel for anyone who has ever tenaciously gone after life or love in the face of overwhelming challenges.

Buy-Links10AMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR5 stars

All the Stars in the Universe!!!! This book will be on my shelves forever and I will read it over and over and over again.

(This review will take 2 minutes and 32 seconds to read.)

Love is a powerful feeling for another person, often defying logic.

For the Love of Books!
This book is like eating all of the ice cream flavors at once.
This book was MADE…FOR…ME. I’m a huge nerd, and this book was the epitome of nerd. This book IS MY BRAIN….sometimes. It’s science AND psychology….in one book! What else could I ask for?! Oh yeah, ROMANCE! Done. I loved every word. Every moment. I literally read this book twice in a month before doing this review. Beat THAT, every other book in the world!

My Don: (I can ONLY picture Zachary Quinto!)

The hero of this story…..Take all of the swoons, wrap them up, and throw them at my face….and you have the hero of this book.

You are the world’s most perfect woman. All other women are irrelevant. Permanently. No Botox or implants will be required.

Zachary Quinto: à la Mode St. » fashion

“It would be unreasonable to give you credit for being incredibly beautiful.”

à la Mode St. » fashionDon has Asperger’s, but he doesn’t really know it or acknowledge that he has it in the whole book. There are a couple of hints, but he never actually comes out and says it. He knows that he wants a wife, so he creates The Wife Project, a survey….a large survey with lots of questions in order to weed out the women with which he would not want to spend the rest of his life. He basically creates his own, except he’s a genius scientist with Asperger’s so some the questions on this survey are completely absurd….and hilarious.

My Rosie:

I have heard the word stunning used to describe women, but this was the first time I had actually been stunned by one.

woman with short hair in large and thin black glasses, plaid button up shirt, sipping a coke with a straw -- #glasses #eyewear #style: Rosie is sent to him by his only friend as a joke. Rosie is the complete opposite of him. This is an opposites-attract book. He sees the logical benefit of keeping her around as an experiment, and after a discussion about Rosie’s biological father, Don creates The Father Project to help locate her biological father. Thus begins the adventures of Rosie and Don as they work together in the mysterious pursuit for The Father Project.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“Where do you hide the corkscrew?” she asked.

“Wine is not scheduled for Tuesdays.”

“Fuck that,” said Rosie.

There was a certain logic underlying Rosie’s response. I would only be eating a single serving of dinner. It was the final step in the abandonment of the evening’s schedule.

I announced the change. “Time has been redefined. Previous rules no longer apply. Alcohol is hereby declared mandatory in the Rosie Time Zone.”

à la Mode St. » fashionRosie comes into his life and turns his entire world upside down, and for a while, he doesn’t like the change very much. In Don’s mind, everything is logical and emotions just get in the way, but I loved the journey of how Don falls for Rosie. He doesn’t even know what love is, but I loved learning the definition of love along with him.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“I want to spend my life with you even though it’s totally irrational. And you have short earlobes. Socially and genetically there’s no reason for me to be attracted to you. The only logical conclusion is that I must be in love with you.”

à la Mode St. » fashionDon doesn’t understand social cues and doesn’t catch onto sarcasm. I found myself laughing so much in this book….not at him, definitely not that. Don is just so endearingly adorable. Sexy without being sexy. Charming without knowing he is charming. The author of this book probably had no intention of this book being sexy. But I am just utterly attracted to this man. He has the best confidence, and confidence is so sexy. I found him fascinating, and I just wanted to know more about him. I am so glad there is a sequel waiting for me so I can dive into more of Don and Rosie to see where they go from here.

Review by Jennifer, age 32, BMI 22.

Review: Game Saver by BJ Harvey

Game Saver-ReviewGAME SAVER
Series: Game #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: BJ Harvey
Release Date: August 25, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match. Now it’s Cade and Abi’s turn.

How do you know when fake turns real?

Abi Cook lives her life by her own rules. She works hard, plays hard, and knows who she is and where she wants to be.

Following a repeat one-night stand with the dashing Dr. Cade Carsen, Cade asks Abi for a favor: be the fake girlfriend on his arm for the duration of his father’s mayoral campaign.

Never one to turn down a challenge, she doesn’t hesitate. I mean, who would when all that’s involved is a little fake girlfriending with a side of hot sex, and with Doctor Hottie no less?

But like any Game, there are always twists and turns, unexpected players, villains, heroes and ultimately, winners and losers.

Game Saver is the story of what happens when two happily single people try for something less, but end up with something so much more.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR4 starsGame Saver-DGR teaser

…don’t rule out something more just because it started off as something less.”

When I’m in the mood for a light and steamy feel good romance, BJ Harvey has become my go to. There’s just something about her books that never fail to make me squirm and put a big goofy grin on my face. The stories are filled with fun banter, sassy heroines, alpha males, and amazing secondary characters that always makes for a satisfying rom com.

Game Saver brings us Dr. Hottie and Spitfire, and boy do these start off with a bang!

Right now, I’m interested in what’s underneath that fucking dress and how fast I can make you come the first time. The second will be a test of your stamina, and if you can still talk after number three, then we can talk about anything you want.

Suffice it to say I was a BIG fan of Dr. Cade Carsen from the very first page with a mouth like that on him. The man oozes sex appeal and I devoured every delicious page of it.

Abi Cook is exactly the kind of heroine I love to read about. She’s independent, funny, sassy, and has no qualms in taking pleasure for the sake of pleasure. She has a healthy sex life and sees nothing wrong with indulging in some no strings sex with a hottie Dr that never fails to get her engine revving.

It’s been over ten months since Abi and Cade had a sizzling hot one night stand. It was supposed to stay just that night but mutual friends guarantee that they run into each other again. The sexual chemistry between them is too strong to deny, so why not indulge…with a little extra perk. Cade wants Abi to be his pretend girlfriend to get his image and politically obsessed parents off his back.

It’s not like that. We’re just friends.”
“That bang,” Dani adds, helpfully.
“I’m the mother buffer,” I clarify.

These two definitely set the pages on fire. Now admittedly, I’m a reader that doesn’t enjoy when a couple gets together right away in the story. It looses that added oomph of a good tension filled burn for me. But that was never the case here. Somehow it just WORKED for these two. They never lost their sparkle and I was fully invested in their relationship from beginning to end. It was fun to watch them both deny what was slowly building between them.

There was also the added perk of not having any stupid drama or angst thrown into the mix. Just fun, sexy romance with two amazingly endearing characters.

This is beyond sex- this is surreal fucking that should be documented for future generations. It would be a worldwide bestseller: How To Rock Her World By Completely Shattering Her Vagina.

I would have loved a little more from the ending and seeing a few things fully play out, but I did adore that epilogue at the end. If you’re looking for a feel good romance to put a smile on your face, this just may be the book for you.


GAME PLAYER (GAME #1) – Review

GAME MAKER (GAME #2) – Review

DGR Fave & Review: Disclaim by @pamgodwinbooks

Series: Deliver #3
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Pam Godwin
Release Date: August 31, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Camila was seventeen when Van Quiso kidnapped her. Ten years after her escape, the shackles refuse to release her. Not while there are still slave traders preying on her city.
She will stop at nothing to end them.
Even if that means becoming a slave again.

Returning to chains is her worst fear—and only option. They won’t know who she is or what she intends to do. She’s prepared for every complication.
Except him.
The one who decimated her sixteen-year-old heart.

Matias is charming, gorgeous, and dangerously seductive. He’s also untrustworthy and enshrouded in secrets. After years of no contact, he finds her—on her knees, wrists bound, in the clutches of her enemy.
Will he sabotage her mission by needlessly saving her?
Or will he keep her in chains and never let her go?

It is recommended to read after Deliver & Vanquish, but it can be read as a stand-alone.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR5 starsDisclaim-DGR Teaser

Over the years, his need for her hadn’t faded. It had become a living, starving thing inside him, ruling his fucking world.

No one can make you fall head over ovaries for an anti hero quite like Pam Godwin. And no one can write a dark, gritty and addicting romance quite like her either. Every time I read a book of hers they just get better and better. The woman is an evil genius and I can’t get enough of how her twisted mind works.

Twelve months after her disappearance, she’d become a mirage in his wasteland, distorting at the edges and flickering out of reach.

First of all, while you can read this as a standalone, I highly recommend reading at least Vanquish first. Van has a very heavy presence in this book, and it would help to connect to the story and the characters having read his book first. Besides, the book was amazing, so do you even need a better reason than that? But I digress…

When Camilla was just 17 years old she was stolen from her home and the boy of her youthful love. She survived being Van Quiso’s slave and escaped her captivity over ten years ago. Now her goal is single minded; find every sick and twisted trafficker and make them pay while climbing her way to the top of the organization to cut off the head of the viper.

She could fight her desire, but she couldn’t disclaim their unbreakable bond, one that had taken root so long ago in the haven of their citrus grove.

Matias is not the young innocent boy she left behind those years ago. He’s a broken man, a man haunted by the demons of his past and his present. He’s a man that’s shed blood and didn’t bat an eye lash or lose a minute of sleep over it. He’s also a man with deep and dark secrets…and he also holds the answers that Camilla seeks. But is she brave enough to let down the walls she’s so carefully constructed though the years in order to seek them out?

He needed vindication and intended to take it from her pleading screams, from the give of her body beneath his thrusts. Pain and pleasure. Twisted justice.

Disclaim, much like its predecessors in the series, was one fucked up ride…and I couldn’t get enough of it. Camilla was such a strong heroine. But beneath that hard shell of hers lay the soul of a woman that yearns to submit. Watching her inner struggle and turmoil though the story was almost mesmerizing. When you add in the brooding intensity of Matias and it was the perfect recipe for an unputdownable read. Matias was an alpha to beat alphas. His dominance practically crackles though the pages.

He was going to fuck her until they were both annihilated. Until their broken pieces scattered in an unholy tangled mess. And when they put themselves back together, there would no longer be hers and his. Only them.

The story was a perfect blend of erotic and gritty, suspenseful and dark. It was everything I’ve come to love in a dark romance without any of the predictable plot twists. As a matter of fact, the only thing predictable about it was the fact that I loved it.

I loved getting more pieces of Liv and Van. I loved the progression of the story and all of the twists and turns. I had no idea where any of it would lead and when the secrets were finally revealed? Mind. Blown.

Pam Godwin is a queen of dark romance and she crafted the perfect couple with Camilla and Matias. They were a ying and yang of dominance and submission. They were dark and darker. They were pain and pleasure. They were devastatingly perfect.

He couldn’t stop. He was so fucking lost in her he didn’t want to find his way back.

If you’re looking for a page turning read with a twist of dark and a whole lot of sexy, then this book is a no brainer purchase. Trust me on this. And if you haven’t read anything by this incredible author yet, you my friend, are seriously missing out.




Blog Tour & Review: Bad Judgment by Meghan March

Bad Judgment
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Meghan March
Release Day: August 22, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Bad JUD Cover Front

He’s so arrogant.

She’s so self-righteous.

I can’t stand him.

I want her.

He’s a distraction I don’t need.

She’ll say yes eventually because I’m not giving up.

Justine Porter is stuck between a rock and a stripper pole. She lost her law school scholarship, which means she has two choices to keep her life on track: strip for her tuition or tutor the most distractingly sexy guy in her class—the one she’s been turning down for two years straight. It should be an easy choice, but tutoring Ryker Grant could derail her plans to graduate with honors faster than two-for-one night at the Déjà Vu. Then again, topless has never really been her color.

She could take the easy road, just this once . . . but the deal has enough loopholes to trip anyone up.

Who knew they taught bad judgment in law school?


“I’ve got some things I need to say to you, and you’re going to let me.”Her brown eyes snap up to mine, surprise clear in them. “Why should I?”

“Because you’re nothing if not curious, and you want to know what I have to say.”

She steps backward, and I let my fingertips trail across her skin before they drop away. Justine adjusts the straps of her backpack on her shoulders and tucks Chewbacca into a side pocket.

“You know you want to hear the rare sound of me apologizing, don’t you?”

Justine purses her lips, and all I can think about is the dreams I had all weekend of her staring down at me from a stage while she danced and stripped. My own private show. I’m not going to admit how many times I jacked off to the mental picture. I need the real thing, and I won’t have another shot if she won’t even give me a chance to talk to her.

I don’t know what changes her mind, but she relaxes her posture and relents. “Fine. You’ve got five minutes. This better be good.”

It’s not much, but I’ll take it. I lead the way out of the classroom, slipping out the side door I used to make my unobtrusive entrance. Or at least, it was unobtrusive until I decided to share my strike-out history with the entire class at Professor Turner’s invitation.

Glancing behind me, I’m marginally surprised to see Justine actually following. I head for the third-floor doors to the library, where the private rooms are. This conversation isn’t for public consumption.

The first private room on the right is empty, so I push the door open. Justine trails me inside, and I shrug off my backpack and drop it on one of the four chairs.

She closes the door behind her and leans against it, her arms crossed over her chest. I’m guessing she wouldn’t stand that way if she realized how it draws attention to her chest. I force my eyes back to her face. I’m not about to fuck this up.

“Wow, you must really plan on groveling if you need privacy,” she says, an eyebrow raised in challenge.

“Maybe I just wanted to get you alone.”

She rolls her eyes. “And I’m already getting bored.”

“You love to bust my balls, don’t you?”

“I don’t really like to think about your balls, if you want to know the truth.”

I try on my charming smile, the one that has dropped panties for years. “I’m calling bullshit on that. You’ve thought about me at least once.”

She pushes off the door and turns halfway to reach for the handle. “And if that’s all you wanted to say, then I think we’re done here.”


I’m shocked when she listens.

Justine rubs her hands over her face, her every move revealing her frustration. “You ask me out for two years, practically blackmail me into a kiss, then you blow me off completely, and now you’re all up in my business again. What the hell do you want from me?”

Her confusion punches me in the gut, making me wish I could tell her why I wasn’t there the morning I promised to help her move. It wasn’t for any reason she thinks.

I stride toward her, pressing one palm against the door beside her head. “I’m not blowing you off, and I haven’t stopped thinking about that night.”

“Then why—”

I can’t give her the explanation she wants, so I try something different.

Lowering my head, I catch the next words out of her mouth on my lips. They’re just as soft as I remember, and I drop my other hand to her hip, drawing her against me. Her fingers curl into the fabric of my T-shirt, almost reluctantly, but she’s not pushing me away.

I take her mouth, my tongue diving between her lips to taste her again—finally, but the pulsing of my dick against the zipper of my jeans forces me to back off. If I don’t, I’ll be laying her out on the table behind us, and that’s not what this is about. At least, not all of what this is about.

With her face flushed and her hair messy from my fingers, Justine shutters her expression. She’s rebuilding her walls brick by brick.

That’s not going to work for me.

“What’s it going to take, Justine?” I remember asking her the same question at the bar.

Her dark eyes fill with confusion. “What’s what going to take?” The words come out defensively.

“With you. To get a second chance. I fucked up once, but doesn’t everyone deserve another shot?”


Review-DGR3.5 starsBad Judgement-DGR teaser

That’s not how this works. We come. We study. We leave.”
“If we’re doing this my way, you’d definitely be coming.”

This book may be titled Bad Judgment, but reading certainly was no error on my part. No sir. Meghan March never fails to disappoint with introducing readers to yet another hero that’s sure to melt panties within a 50 mile radius. Guaranteed. Ryker Grant was dirty talking, possessive deliciousness and I couldn’t get enough of him. Nothing beats a man on a mission and a woman that’s determined to resist him at every turn.

I want it all, Justine. Including the chance to show you how fucking amazing life can be when you let a few distractions in.

Justine has been avoiding the temptation of Ryker for over 2 years now. She’s doing good, dammit. That is until she’s stuck between a rock and a broke place. When her scholarship is snatched from her quicker than she can say “objection”, she has two choices; strip to finish her final year of law school, or tutor the man that tempts her beyond reason yet she knows is so very wrong for her. So what’s a girl to do?

I want her addicted to me. It’s only fair, because I’ll never get enough of her.

Yeah. She never stood a chance.

Bad Judgement was a slow burn sizzle. It delivered on what I’ve been missing in Meghan’s books lately; that tension and sizzle of a couple that doesn’t give into their lust but lets it burn between them until it explodes. It was utterly delicious! Ryder is a bad boy and definitely one that didn’t deny himself the pleasures of women, but once he sets his eyes on Justine, she’s all he wants…and he won’t stop until he gets her.

Justine was a pretty endearing character. Usually when the woman is pushing the man away as much as Justine did here, I begin to get annoyed. But it surprisingly really worked for me here. Their chemistry together was fantastic and when they finally get together? Yowza! Incendiary.

So why not a higher rating? Welp, the ending. There was just way too much happening at the end. There’s his stuff, her stuff, their stuff, a lot of stuff basically. Quite honestly it just felt unnecessary. And the fact that all of it hits you right at the final 15% just felt OTT for me. It would have been good with one or even 2 issues, but having all 3 combined just didn’t do much for me, unfortunately.

Was it my favorite book by this author? Not quite. But I have no doubt that she has plenty more planned in that devious little pervy mind of hers and I can’t wait to read it. Meghan is still an auto-buy author for me and will continue to be. I love her alphas and the woman can write one hell of a hot sex scene. Did I still enjoy this? Abso-freaking-lutely! Would I recommend it? Without a doubt!

Don’t make me beg.”
A darkly satisfied smile tugs at his lips. “Oh, you’re going to beg.”

About the AuthorMeghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at



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