Review & Excerpt: Beneath The Truth by Meghan March

Series: Beneath #7
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense
Author: Meghan March
Release Date: August 8, 2017

From USA Today bestselling author Meghan March comes the final sexy standalone set in the Beneath world of New Orleans.

I used to believe there were lines in life you don’t cross.

Don’t lie. Don’t cheat. Don’t steal.

Until I learned people don’t always practice what they preach.

I turned in my badge and gun and walked away from everything.

Then I got the call no one wants, and I’m back in New Orleans.

What I don’t expect is for her to be here too.

Another line you don’t cross?

Don’t touch your best friend’s little sister.

She’s always been off-limits.

Too bad I don’t follow the rules anymore.

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Wham. My heart slammed against my ribs as it sped up about twenty beats per minute.The heat and delicious woodsy citrus scent radiating from his body did good things to me. Things that made me want to do very bad things to him. I wasn’t a seventeen-year-old virgin anymore. I knew my way around a man, but I had to admit, the hipsters in Cali had nothing on a homegrown Louisiana man like Rhett.

When he spoke, he leaned in so close that I could feel his breath on my ear. “You missed that shot on purpose.”

My gaze jumped from the sexy five o’clock shadow shading his jaw to his piercing green eyes.

“Wha-what are you talking about?” I smacked myself mentally when my old stammer kicked in. Of course he would cause it.

“That shot. You missed on purpose. I saw you adjust at the last minute. Why?”

I swallowed the saliva pooling in my mouth and decided to take the safest exit from this situation. Lying.

“Cue slipped.”

His eyes narrowed on me. “You’re lying and you’re terrible at it, just like you’ve always been.” He reached up and pressed his thumb to my left eyebrow. “You get a twitch right here.”

Oh my God. Rhett Hennessy is touching me. And what’s more . . . he knows my tell. He noticed me!

The fifteen-year-old inside me did a terrible cartwheel at the realization. Okay, more of a round-off. With a tumble in the grass to finish. Whatever.

But outwardly, I was trapped in that green gaze until he decided to let me go—or until I came to my senses.

I cleared my throat and sidestepped him. “Whatever you say, hotshot. I need another drink.”

Focusing on putting one four-inch heel in front of the other without biting it, I escaped to the table and reached for the whiskey glass I’d left behind, interrupting my brother and the waitress. They both stared at me as I chugged the contents.

I’d always wondered what it would feel like to have Rhett’s attention, and now I knew. In a word, it was . . . unnerving.

“How’s the game going?” my brother asked.

“Fine.” Keeping my answer short meant he couldn’t tell that I was lying. Heath wasn’t nearly as observant as Rhett.

“You winning?”

Thanking the Lord that Heath obviously hadn’t been watching, I shrugged. “I guess.”

He glanced toward Rhett and then back to me. “The sister I know and love doesn’t lose at pool. Ever. Even to Rhett Hennessy.”

I lowered the glass to the table and straightened my shoulders. “Like they say, things change.”

He nodded slowly. “That may be true about most things, Flounder. But you’re a pool shark and we both know it.”

Before I could respond, Heath’s attention jumped back to the waitress. I took another ten seconds to gather myself, also known as drinking offensively in my mind, before I crossed the floor to face off against my former obsession.

“You all right, Red?” Rhett asked.

“Don’t call me that. And I’ve never been better.”

His gaze dipped to my feet and dragged up my body. “I can agree with that statement.”

Whoa. Who is this guy with the innuendo? A glance at his empty whiskey glass told me he was drinking heavily as well. Was this the booze talking? Or was Rhett Hennessy not just noticing me, but noticing me?

Either way, I had to play it cool. Or at least pretend to play it cool, since it seemed I might fall short.

“Your turn, hotshot. Better not miss, because I’ll clear the table next time,” I said, but my cocky attitude backfired.

Rhett didn’t miss. He sank his balls and then the eight, ending the game almost as quickly as it started. He returned his cue to the rack and turned to face me, all traces of the earlier heat banked, his expression shuttered.

“Game over.”

What the hell just happened?

There were lines you didn’t cross in life, and your best friend’s little sister was one of them. 

Sweet mother of grit but Meghan March know how to end a series with a bang. She not only lit the match and set things on fire, but threw gasoline on top for good measure to ensure the burn was even more sizzling.

This is the series that first introduced me to March and started my obsession, so this book was extra bittersweet for me. While I’ve been dying for Hennesy’s book since Beneath These Lies, I also never wanted it to end. Alas, all good things come to an end and there’s no better way to end this series than with ex-detective Hennessy. Now while you can absolutely enjoy this as a standalone, you’d also appreciate it a whole lot more if you at least read Beneath These Lies first. There’s a lot that happens in these books and while the author gives plenty of background to ensure new readers won’t be lost, you have a different appreciation for the characters having read the previous books.

Just when I decided I was well and truly over Rhett Hennessy, he sucked me back in with a single look.

Hennesy is back in New Orleans looking for answers after the suspicious death of his father who was under investigation for being dirty. Determined to clear his dead brother’s name and to finally unearth the truth, Hennesy is forced into the underbelly of a brutal cartel. His best friend’s little sister is a complication he doesn’t see coming.

Ariel has had a crush on her brother’s best friend since she was a little girl. But she’s not the little girl she used to be. These days she’s a genius CEO of a successful IT company and she’s over her school girl crush, or at least she thinks she is until she lays eyes on Hennesy. While there was always an undercurrent of heat, she doesn’t expect for the incendiary connection she feels with the man he is today. March is the queen of alpha males, and if there’s one thing that they all do well is go after their woman. Once Hennesy decides that ignoring the connection between Ariel and him is no longer an option, he goes after her with guns blazing. Ariel is no wilting wallflower and I loved her sass and inner monologue. She was a bit of a badass in her own right that was the perfect match for Hennesy.

This book had a much different vibe than the rest of the series for me. While I enjoyed the romance, I felt like it came secondary to the incredibly addicting and suspenseful story. This was quite possibly the grittiest book that Meghan has written to day, and I devoured each page with bated breath and on the edge of my seat. This was a powerhouse of a conclusion.

While I’m sad to see this series come to an end, Meghan introduced a secondary character here that I’m already salivating over. This man is the alpha to beat all alphas. We merely get a peek and the man sizzles with his presence. I cannot freaking wait for Ruthless King. Cannot wait, I tells ya.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at


Blog Tour & Jenn’s Review: Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: Meghan Quinn
Publication Date: August 3, 2017

Racer McKay is a broody bastard.

From the moment I met him, he’s been rude, irritable, and unbearable.

A contractor working to remodel my parents pool house for extra cash, he stomps around in those clunky construction boots with his tool belt wrapped around his narrow waist, and a chip on his shoulder.

Racer McKay is also infuriatingly . . . sexy as hell. I want to take that pencil tucked behind his ear, and draw lazy lines slowly up and down his body all the while wanting to strangle him at the same time.

We try to stay out of each other’s way . . . that is until I have no other option but to ask for his help.

But what I don’t realize is he needs me just as much as I need him. I have money he’s desperate for, and he holds the key to making my dreams come true.

Our pranks turn from sarcastic banter, to sexual tension and lust-filled glances. Bickering matches quickly morph into slow burn moments. We’re hot, we’re cold. We push and pull. I need him, I don’t want him. We’re on the verge of combusting with an agreement dangling dangerously between us. Neither one of us can afford to lose one another and yet, we’re finding it quite hard to decipher the line that rests between love and hate.


Why is it so goddamn drafty in here? I grip my hammer in my hand, my tool belt riding low on my hips, and my stereotypical construction hat rests on my head as I finish up the project I was hired to do.Taking a quick look around, I search the bedroom looking for an open window or AC vent that’s blowing a cold breeze right against my dick and sac, making it almost impossible to look semi-decent in this scrap of fabric.

“Mmm, I think you forgot a nail on the ground over there,” says the throaty, smoke-filled voice of Mrs. Sage, who is lying across her chase lounge wearing a silky pink robe that is barely tied around her waist. She makes it her mission to show me as much skin as possible, and as we’re talking about skin showing . . .

I bend down to pick up the nail she’s pointing at as the thin strip of man thong material rides higher up my ass crack than I care to admit.

Let’s pause for a second.

Are you wondering to yourself, is Racer really wearing a man-thong as he finishes building a solid oak shelf?

The answer is yes. Yes, I am.

I’m Racer McKay and I wear man thongs for older, rich women while I work on simple projects around their houses. Excuse me, I mean mansions.

Don’t worry. Yes, I’m also very much ashamed to admit the level I’ve stooped to in order to make some cash. I have my pride, but right now, when I’m offered three hundred dollars more to build a shelf in a man thong, I’m choosing to seize the opportunity.

Self-respect was thrown out the window two years ago when a pile of bills and responsibilities were thrust in my direction without any preparation or warning. Making money is as vital as breathing to me, so I will take it any way I can get it.

Cue the man thong.

“Oh, you’re right. Here it is,” I say, holding up the nail. “Thanks for the help, Mrs. Sage. I would hate to see you hurt yourself from my lack of attention to detail.”

She waves me off and puffs her chest toward me, her robe slipping farther apart, showing the cleavage of a very saggy pair of breasts. I’ve seen my fair share of boobs and even though I don’t mingle sex with work, I can’t help but want Mrs. Sage to remove the robe just so I can see what she has hidden under the silky fabric.

How saggy are we talking here?

I’m interested for exploratory reasons, for knowledge of every kind of breast out there. Because right now, Mrs. Sage looks like she’s rocking a pair of pancakes that have been flattened by a steamroller.

“You would just have to nurse me back to health if that happened.” Her finger trails up her varicose vein-covered leg to her geriatric hip. I hold back the shiver that wants to spin up my spine.

All I can say is . . . can’t unsee that.

I nervously laugh and tuck my hammer into its holster. “Not much of a nurse, Mrs. Sage. I might hurt you even more.”

“I don’t mind getting hurt.” She starts to spread her legs and that’s when I call it a day.

I turn around quickly, snag my jeans and slip them up and over my legs, struggling with my tool belt getting in the way. Once things are in place, I remove my hat, put on my shirt, and then cover my hair with a backwards baseball cap. The peep show is over.

Once dressed, I gather my tools, tuck my construction hat under my arm, and turn to Mrs. Sage. This is my least favorite part, getting the old bird to pay up.

“Leaving already?” She pouts, lipstick on her teeth.

“Unfortunately, I have another engagement I’m running late for.” A lie, but it’s the only way I know to get out of here.

“That’s a shame. I really should book you for a whole day. That way you can’t skirt out of here earlier than I’m ready for.”

She walks out of the den and into the entryway where she opens her purse and pulls out a wad of one-hundred-dollar bills. My brain explodes from the amount of cash in her purse, as if it’s chump change she’s ready to throw around at a parade dedicated to her and her riches.

“What do I owe you? Six hundred?”

Fuck, it’s five hundred and if I wasn’t a nice guy, I wouldn’t correct her, but I believe in good karma. Especially considering where my bad luck has gotten me—trying to climb my way out of a large debt. I try to put as many good vibes out in the world as possible.

“We actually agreed upon five hundred, Mrs. Sage.”

“Such a bargain.” She flips through her cash, pulls out five bills—damn—and hands them over to me. “Shall I call for my next project?”

I pocket the cash. “Email is best, Mrs. Sage. I always feel awkward taking phone calls at work.”

“Such a hard worker.” She pats my face and leans forward, lips puckered, but I step to the side avoiding an attack from her old-lady lips.

As I depart, I wave my hand in the air and say, “Thanks, Mrs. Sage. I look forward to your next email.”

Out of her reach, I toss my tools in the back of my truck, enter the cab, and place my hands on the steering wheel as I exhale a long pent-up breath.

There are few books that make me BUST out laughing, actually taking me by surprise. And it happened more than once. This book definitely reminded me of R.L. Mattewson’s Neighbors from Hell series. What do you get when you put a HAF construction worker and a spoiled rich princess in a room together? This book.

à la Mode St. » fashion

“Little Debbie is my sugar mama. I love that bitch hardcore.”

“Little Debbie, as in the fat-filled snacks?”

“The one and only.”

Scanning the compartment of his cab, I look at him and say, “There must be fifty wrappers in here. You’ve eaten all of them? Aren’t you afraid of getting fat?”

Like the cocky ass he is, he lifts his shirt and pats his abs. “Not concerned, Princess. But thanks for checking.”

à la Mode St. » fashionRacer. Sexy, hot construction worker. YES>>>PLEASE. This guy is the perfect temptation. He meets Georgiana when he is a hired by her father to fix the pool house. Racer thinks Georgiana to be the typical spoiled, rich princess, and so begins the game of “Who can be the biggest asshole/bitch?” Georgie hires Racer to help build her dream bridal boutique, so they have to work closely together and spend lots of time with each other. The banter between these two is hilarious. Racer is such a dick! And I loved him! They even go so far as to play terrible pranks on each other.

These two couldn’t be more different. Hate-to-Love relationships are my #1 favorite, and Racer and Georgie hate each other soooo much, it’s delicious. They come from opposite worlds, but their attraction is fire-hot.

A pissed-off Georgie is the best kind of Georgie. Fucking fiery and perfect in every way.

Piece by piece, Racer and Georgie reveal bits of themselves, surprising each other. But I love that the witty banter doesn’t stop. It doesn’t get too mushy. Racer stays the cocky ass he is throughout the whole book, and that was much appreciated. He is so damn charming, I couldn’t even stand it.

à la Mode St. » fashion

It’s so twisted, our relationship, but ever since he’s started working here, I’ve become accustomed to his relentless teasing and nit-picking fights. I need them. They make me feel alive. He makes me feel alive.

à la Mode St. » fashionThis was my first Meghan Quinn book, and I am completely ashamed because this book was hilarious and I loved loved loved these characters! The story was hot and I was entertained during the whole book. I am definitely going to go read more of her books asap because…..all the laughing. And if you know me, you know I LOVE TO LAUGH. Laughing is my favorite.


Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped.

Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking.

​Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!

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Cover & Excerpt Reveal: THE LEARNING HOURS by Sara Ney

Series: How to Date a Douchebag Book 3
Author: Sara Ney
Release Day: September 26, 2017

He’s not a douchebag;
but that doesn’t stop his friends from
turning him into one.


So what if I haven’t had sex in years? Once upon a time, I might have welcomed having girls pushed my way. I definitely would have leapt at the chance to hang with the guys doing the pushing; they’re popular, outgoing and charismatic. Good-looking.

The opposite of me.


Life on a college campus isn’t easy—sometimes it sucks— but it’s worse when your friends are douchebags. And they’ll stop at nothing to turn me into one of them, starting with this list:

  1. Don’t ask a girl on a date—tell her.
  2. Brag about yourself.
  3. Give yourself a nickname.
  4. Talk about yourself constantly
  5. Don’t text or call when you say you’re going to; it will make her want you more.
  6. Always have a backup girlfriend.

They won’t let up, and they just don’t get it. Douchebags or not, there’s one thing they’ll never understand: GIRLS DON’T WANT ME.

Especially her.


He’s seated at a table in the far corner when I spot him from the door. He’s not hard to miss—not with his purple t-shirt in a sea of black and yellow, and wavy mussed hair.He’s slouching, hunched over his table.

Defeated. Tired.

My stomach rolls with nerves, nerves that have me rooted to the spot in the doorway, watching him.
Just watching.

For the entire four minutes I stand here, he sits immobile, studying his laptop, eyes moving along the screen, completely transfixed by whatever he’s reading.


“Just go over there,” I whisper to myself, blowing out a puff of pent-up air.

I put one foot in front of the other and begin toward him, spine ramrod straight, steeling myself, prepared for another argument.

Twenty feet.





No reply.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” I lay my hand on the back of the wooden chair across from him, intending to pull it out.

He stiffens but doesn’t lift his head. “Yes I mind.”

“Would you mind if I sat at the table next to you?” I’m pushing his buttons, looking for a reaction, but he only spares me a brief glance.

Shrugs. “Free country.”

I bite my lip to hide a smile, glad he didn’t tell me to take a hike…

Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.

She lives with her husband, children, and her ridiculously large dog.

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Review: Wicked S.O.B. by Zara Cox

Series: Dark Desires #2.5
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Author: Zara Cox
Release Date: August 8, 2017 

For so long, I lived for revenge. Now I live for her.

Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that Quinn Blackwood is not someone you mess with. I see. I want. I take. And you better not get in my way. That’s how I built my billion-dollar empire. That’s how I made my enemies pay. That’s how I won the one good, pure thing in my life, Elyse “Lucky” Gilbert. But after what I’ve done, my luck may have run out.

There is a fine line between love and obsession.

I’m not a fool. I didn’t think coming back to Quinn would be easy. That we would fall into a happy future and the darkness inside him would just disappear. Still, after everything we’ve been through, I couldn’t leave him to fight his demons alone. I’ve tried to convince myself nothing else matters as long as we’re together. But if I give him what he needs, will there be anything left of me?


In a world of unlikely possibilities, Quinn and I ending up together was one in a million.

Considering just how much I loved Beautiful Liar, I was practically giddy to get another hit of Q & Lucky. I’m not typically a reader that enjoys follow-up novellas. Why mess with a good thing when the couple already got their HEA? But in the case here, I craved more of this couple. Their relationship was tumultuous, filled with lies and deceit. There was bound to be fallout even if things did fall into place for them at the end.

This novella was the perfect taste of this couple that I was craving. We find Quinn dealing with the fallout from seeing his plan through and finding revenge against his father. Having prepared himself to not make it past his 30th birthday, it’s an adjustment for him to deal with his new reality. He traded in one obsession for another. Where before revenge fueled him, now it’s his obsession in his love for Elyse.

Fucking was a means to pass the time before I met Elyse. Now fucking Elyse has become as necessary to me as breathing.

Quinn and Elyse are just as incendiary together as ever. They practically burn up the pages. There’s also an added suspense plot that’s added to spice things up. Admittedly I thought it would go in a totally different direction than it did with what I now assume was a red herring the author threw out. While it served to drive the plot forward, I was slightly underwhelmed with the revelation.

But that barely registered on my radar in comparison to how much I was enjoying this book. And enjoy it I did. Wicked SOB was utterly delicious, sinfully erotic, and a page turned from cover to cover. If you haven’t discovered this author yet, you’re seriously missing out.





Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: BLACK SHEEP by Zara Cox.

Series: Dark Desires #2
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Author: Zara Cox
Release Date: August 8, 2017 (Paperback)

**Now Available in Print for the First Time!**

In a family of cold-hearted black sheep, 
I, Axel Rutherford, am the blackest.

My father has hated me since the day I was born. The feeling was mutual. In the shady underworld that was my legacy, Cleo McCarthy became my light. She was beautiful, passionate, and my whole world. So naturally my father had to destroy us. First he sent me away. Next he claimed Cleo as his own. But now I’ve returned, and nothing will stop me from taking back everything that is rightfully mine.

He was the love of my life – when my life was still my own.

We were young enough to believe we would last forever, Axel and I. But neither of us realized how cruel life – and our families – could be. Now I’m trapped in a gilded cage: desired by Axel, who must never know the full truth, and controlled by his father, who would sooner see me dead than free. And I wouldn’t even care, except that it’s no longer only my life at stake


I trust no one. But like I do with Quinn Blackwood, the Black Widow and I share a special bond. Not one I would swear life or death on by a long shot. But there’s an…understanding. She’s the only one who’s been allowed into my special room, the only one who knows the ingredients of my sweet poison. The only one who’s seen what this room does to me. The longest I’ve been able to withstand is five hours.Her concern is warranted.

I see her swallow before she reaches into her pocket. The small remote is directly linked to the chains. She sets the time but hesitates before pressing the requisite button.

Boldly she steps up to me, and she slides her hands through the hair at my nape. I jerk away but cannot escape her touch because of the cuffs. She stops, staring down at me with narrowed eyes.

I’m on the edge. Hell, who the fuck am I kidding? I was born on the edge. But tonight I’m a whisper away from annihilation and we both know it.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Fuck no. Hell yes.”

She opens her mouth.

“No,” I preempt her.

“I don’t have to stay here with you, but I can be outside.”

“No. Press the button. Don’t make me repeat myself.”


I close my eyes and shudder as my fists ball. I want to hear my name, but I don’t want the voice to be The Black Widow’s. There’s only one voice I want to hear right now. One face I want to see. Cleo’s.

“Do it and leave. Now.”

“I will, but at least let me come back and check on you—”

“Say another word and I’ll fire you.”

Her eyes harden to ice chips. “Fuck you. Have your six hours if you want. But I’m coming back in three hours to check on you. Fire me then if you want.”

With a defiant flick of her wrist, she sets the timer down between my feet, within touching distance.
The moment her back is turned, I kick the remote. It bounces against the last step and skids sideways halfway across the room. She hesitates, her back stiff, but she doesn’t turn back around. In silence, she leaves.

The moment the door shuts, twenty projectors on the dark gray walls flicker to life. Large, small, and in-between, they take up every inch of the circular wall. If space allowed I would have had more screens put in, but I work with what I have.

Each one is set on a half-hour loop at full volume with a different video. With barely an inch between them, they could be one jumbled-up picture but I know each screen like I know the length of my cock.
I take a deep breath as the first reel plays on the middle screen. The chair moves, the wheels beneath the floor spinning it slowly around.

Fading sunlight dapples over a lake before the camera swings to the figure in the tiny white bikini fleeing a large wave.

The wave catches her, splashes up to mid-thigh. She shrieks. “Omigod, you’re such a liar. The water is collllldd—What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?”

She approaches. Her hands come up to block the lens. “Stop filming me. I look fat.”
A different set of hands reaches out to grasp hers, gently nudging hers aside. “You don’t look fat, Cleo. You’re perfect.”

Feminine hands curl around a masculine one. Together they slowly lower until long-lashed, deep blue knowing eyes stare into the camera. “You’re only saying that because you’re in love with me.” Sultry words whispered from between kiss-swollen lips.

“Yes, I’m saying that because I’m in love with you.” Gruff, hopelessly young, newly broken voice, thick with seething emotion. “I’m also saying it because I have fucking eyes in my fucking head.”

A naughty, goes-straight-to-an-eager-cock giggle. “You’re so bad swearing all the time. Daddy says he’ll paddle my behind if he catches me swearing.”

A wobble of the camera before it steadies. “If he lays a fucking hand on you, I’ll tear his fucking head off.” A voice no longer gruff, hard with rigid purpose. Harsh breathing. “I mean it, Cleo. I see so much as a scratch on you, someone will fucking die.”

A gasp. “You can’t say things like that!”

“I can. I fucking am. Because you belong to me. I don’t care who created you. You are mine. No one else is fucking allowed to touch you. No one is allowed to take you away from me, do you hear me?”
A bite of her lip as her nostrils flutter in a shaky inhale. “You’re scaring me.”

Deep, harsh breath. “Am I? Really? Tell the truth. Are you scared, Cleo?” Camera poised with intent, recording every flutter of her lashes.

A pause. A firming of plump lips. Then a shake of the head. Thick, vibrant locks frame her stunning face.

“Say it. I want to hear you say how it makes you feel when I say this to you.”

“It…it excites me.”

“That I claim you as mine?”

A shy nod.

“What else excites you?”

A flick of her gaze between the lens and the face behind it. “Come on. I can’t say it on camera.” She reaches out.

The camera angles away from her but remains on her. Focused. Rabid. “Tell me.” The voice that will one day command hell itself.

“It excites me when you say that you’ll do…all of that for me.”

“All of what?”

“That you’ll…tear his head off.”

“I fucking will.” A solemn promise. A brief pause. “You think I’m a sick psycho?”

“I think you’re…you’re…”


“I think you’re effing amazing.”


Pink color stains her cheeks. “Don’t tease me.”

“I won’t if you say the word. The actual word, Cleo.”

“I won’t.”

“Right. Then I’m not as amazing as you want me to think, am I?”

Blue eyes, opened wide. “You are.”

“Then say it. You’re not going to burn for it. It’s just a word.”

“I hate you when you’re like this.”

“You don’t hate me, but fine. Don’t say it.”

The camera swings out to the lake, to the setting sun that’s almost swallowed up by the orange water.

In a family of cold-hearted black sheep, I, Axel Rutherford, am the blackest. Abundantly despised by my three brothers, actively hated by my father. She was the golden princess. Put on earth to test every single one of my hardened edges. And I happily burned away every last one for her.

If I said that I was an insta-fan of this author after I finished I, Porn Star, this book solidified it. Damn. Just damn. Zara Cox knows how to weave one complex and erotic tale that’s equally spine tingling and toe curling. It’s addicting and twisty and downright intense.

Her eyes tell me she hates me. Her body beckons me with the promise of transcendental lust.

If you like a good second chance romance with a healthy dose of hate lust mixed in to blur the edges, all wrapped in a story with dark undertones and enough twists and suspense to keep you glued to the pages from start to finish, you’ve found your next read.

Whatever twisted roles fate may have chosen to star us in, the savage power of our mutual feelings for each other will never diminish.

Being born to a cruel and abusive father intent on hardening his sons enough to help run his mafia empire has hardened Axel. He’s the black sheep of the family, the son that wants nothing of his father; not his name and not his infamy in the dark underbelly of organized crime. He dreams of escaping the life with the only person that makes his heart beat and gives him hope. But that hope gets ripped away from him with a jarring betrayal that now years later still continues to haunt him. Losing everything and the one person he always thought he could trust is enough to change a man and change the course of his life forever. Now Axel lives and breathes vengeance. His father will pay, and if the woman that’s now back in his life after costing him everything is the pawn that he’ll have to use in this brutal game, so be it.

Once upon a time, when my addled state didn’t know better, I stupidly believed the phenomenon of our gazes connecting had the power to stop the world from spinning. That view has altered significantly.

As a young girl, Cleo loved Axel with everything she was worth. He was her everything…until he wasn’t. Forced back into his orbit by an arrangement in which she’s nothing but a puppet on a string of a cruel master that dangles the one thing she wants in exchange for her cooperation isn’t what she wants, but she’ll do it. Even if it forces her to own up that while she hates the man he is now and doesn’t see a remainder of the boy she once loved in him, the carnal effect his mere presence has on her hasn’t changed even a little.

You may have condemned my decayed soul and closed your heart to me, but in some respects, nothing has changed. Your body will always sing the perfect tune for me.”

Black Sheep delivers on another twisty story full of betrayal and revenge. Zara Cox is truly a master of her craft and I’m absolutely captivated by her writing style and the characters she creates. I couldn’t put this book down for even a second. I walked the edge between hating and loving Axel. But between all the secrets and twists that kept unearthing, my mind was too busy spinning to focus on any singular emotion.

She never needed a gentle knight in shining armor. So I become her marauder.

Axel was perfection. He was a dirty talking, angsty, domineering and deliciously sexy perfection. My heart broke for him and what he’d been through. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for all the secrets to finally get revealed so the puzzle pieces can click together. And let me just tell you, when they did? Mind. Blowing. Yet another addicting installment in what’s now become a favorite series of mine. I absolutely can’t wait for more!

I want to roar with rage. I want to fuck until I explode into a million pieces. This is what she does to me. What she’s always done.

Each book in the Dark Desires series is a standalone in an interconnecting world. So if you’ve read the first book, you’ll appreciate Quinn’s cameo in this one 🙂


BEAUTIFUL LIAR (Previously published as I, Porn Star)

I may be Quinn Blackwood, occasional user of prescribed meds to keep the demons in check, who moonlights as Q, porn star to an exclusive few who pay millions for my work. And I may be an unhinged asshole with serious daddy issues. But no one said I wasn’t a giver.



Zara Cox has been writing for almost twenty-five years but it wasn’t until nine years ago that she decided to share her love of writing sexy, gritty stories with anyone outside her close family (the over 18s anyway!).

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New & Upcoming Releases: August 7-10

Who’s ready for some new releases? Rhetorical question. Of course you are 😉


BARREL PROOF by Layla Reyne

FBI agents Aidan “Irish” Talley and Jameson “Whiskey” Walker can’t get a moment’s peace. Their hunt for the terrorist Renaud seems to be nearing an end, until a fire allows him to slip through their fingers—and puts Jamie’s life in danger. When Jamie is nearly killed, Aidan learns how many forms loss can take.

Aidan says I love you just moments before learning that Jamie’s been keeping a devastating secret about Aidan’s late husband. How quickly trust and love can go up in flames. When Aidan requests a solo undercover assignment, Jamie hopes Aidan will find a way to forgive him.

But the explosions are far from over. Aidan’s cover lands him in the heart of the terrorist’s conspiracy, and Jamie will have to put his life, his career and his freedom on the line to save the man who has become his entire world. Partners, always is a promise he intends to keep.

This book is approximately 62,000 words

SO GOOD by Nicola Rendell

On the roof of a house outside Truelove, Maine, master carpenter Max Doyle looks down through a skylight and sees the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. She’s naked, she’s gorgeous, and everything about her is perfect, down to the ball-busting tattoo of a rose that wraps around her hip. But it isn’t just any woman making his knees buckle. It’s his best friend, Rosie Madden. And as he stands there, mesmerized and precariously close to toppling off the roof, he knows he’ll never, ever be able to look at her the same way again.

Rosie can’t help but notice that Max is suddenly acting very strange—lots of long stares, totally tongue-tied, and not at all like the slightly cocky hunk she’s proud to call her best friend. She can’t figure it out, until later that night when Max rescues her from the world’s worst date, challenges her to a game of pool, and shows her just exactly what she’s got him thinking about. Repeatedly.

But life is complicated. Rosie’s cat, Julia Caesar, wants to eat Max’s dog Cupcake for an afternoon snack. A dream job threatens to pull them apart. And another glance through the skylight changes everything, one more time. Yet try as they might, they can’t go back to being just friends, because falling in love with the one you’ve always adored?

It feels so good.

AIM by L.P. Dover


When someone asks what I do for a living, I answer it plain and simple . . . I’m a hunter. I hunt the dregs of society and I’m very damn good at it.

I’m Ian Chandler, FBI agent and a member of the Circle of Justice, an organization of justice seeking vigilantes. My mission is to solve a string of ‘accidental’ hiking deaths occurring around my Wyoming town.

When Grace Myers –a woman who’s been missing for days –shows up on my land, it turns out she’s the key to it all.

Someone is hunting her, and I make it my duty to keep her safe.

However, the deeper I get into the case, the more dangerous it becomes; especially, now that I’ve fallen for the woman I have to protect.

If hunting is the game, I won’t fail.

I always hit my mark.

THE WILD by K. Webster

I brought them to the wilderness because we couldn’t cope with our reality.
The plan was to make a new life that didn’t include heartache.
No people. No technology. No interference.
Just us.
A chance to piece together what was broken.
But the wilderness is untamed and harsh.
Brutal and unforgiving.
It doesn’t give a damn about your feelings.
Tragedy lives there too.
No escaping the truths that won’t let you go.
All you can do is survive where love, no matter how beastly, is the only thing you can truly count on.
Confusing. Wrong. Twisted. Beautiful. Sick.
Love is wild.
And we’re going to set it free.

The Wild is an extremely taboo story. Most will find that the themes in this book will make you incredibly uncomfortable or maybe even offend you. This book is only for the brave, the open-minded, and the ones who crave love in even the most dismal of situations. Extreme sexual themes and violence in certain scenes, which could trigger emotional distress, are found in this story. If you are sensitive to heavy taboo themes, then this story is not for you.
Seriously, you’ve been warned.
Don’t say I didn’t try.
You’re probably going to cringe many, many, many times.
Even if you’re on the fence, it’s probably not a good idea to proceed.
However, if you’re intrigued and fearless and kind of sort of trust me, then carry on. This book is for you.



From USA Today bestselling author Meghan March comes the final sexy standalone set in the Beneath world of New Orleans.

I used to believe there were lines in life you don’t cross.

Don’t lie. Don’t cheat. Don’t steal.

Until I learned people don’t always practice what they preach.

I turned in my badge and gun and walked away from everything.

Then I got the call no one wants, and I’m back in New Orleans.

What I don’t expect is for her to be here too.

Another line you don’t cross?

Don’t touch your best friend’s little sister.

She’s always been off-limits.

Too bad I don’t follow the rules anymore.

***May absolutely be read as a standalone!***

THE FORBIDDEN by Jodi Ellen Malpas


What do you do when you can’t control your feelings for someone? When you know you shouldn’t go there? Not even in your head.

Annie has never experienced the ‘spark’ with a guy-the kind of instant chemistry that steals your breath and blindsides you completely. Until a night out with friends brings her face to face with the wickedly sexy and mysterious Jack. It’s not just a spark that ignites between them. It’s an explosion. Jack promises to consume Annie, and he fully delivers on that promise.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of their one night together, Annie slips out of their hotel room. She is certain that a man who’s had such a powerful impact on her and who could bend her to his will so easily, must be dangerous. But she’s already in too deep. And Jack isn’t only dangerous. He is forbidden.

WICKED S.O.B. by Zara Cox

For so long, I lived for revenge. Now I live for her.

Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that Quinn Blackwood is not someone you mess with. I see. I want. I take. And you better not get in my way. That’s how I built my billion-dollar empire. That’s how I made my enemies pay. That’s how I won the one good, pure thing in my life, Elyse “Lucky” Gilbert. But after what I’ve done, my luck may have run out.

There is a fine line between love and obsession.

I’m not a fool. I didn’t think coming back to Quinn would be easy. That we would fall into a happy future and the darkness inside him would just disappear. Still, after everything we’ve been through, I couldn’t leave him to fight his demons alone. I’ve tried to convince myself nothing else matters as long as we’re together. But if I give him what he needs, will there be anything left of me?


A new stand alone enemies-to-lovers romance by USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde…

I spent six weeks screwing Austin Wright’s brains out and all I got was this broken heart.

He can’t be trusted. Not with my body or my heart. Yet, two years have passed and I still crave him like an addict needing a fix.

The last time we tried this, it nearly ruined me. I know I should run and never look back. But his dark haunted eyes and razor blade smile speak to my soul. His touch sets my body on fire. And we all know what happens when you light gasoline. Someone is bound to get burned.

A second chance might destroy us both.

Because everyone knows two wrongs don’t make a Wright.

KISS ME IF YOU CAN by Carly Phillips

Sam Cooper has just become the most eligible bachelor in New York City.

Now that he has foiled a jewelry-store robbery and has been rewarded with the ring of his choice by the owner, single women all over the city are fawning over the crime reporter.

But Coop isn’t interested in the admirers sending racy underwear his way.

His attention is centered solely on Lexie Davis, the only woman in the city who claims not to be interested in his bachelor status.

Instead, free-spirited Lexie is interested in Coop’s antique ring and its – potentially scandalous – history in her family. But Coop is quickly becoming more than just her route to the ring.

When his investigation starts to uncover the truth, will she trust her heart – and her family secrets – to this most eligible bachelor?


Most of the guys in my town had me marked as off limits. My dating history was slim to none, until Dylan. He didn’t let labels deter him from sweeping me off my feet.

The day Avery Stanton took a chance on me is that day my life changed. Nothing else mattered but her. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy. I just wanted to love her, no matter how much distance was between us.

Dylan Knight wrecked me. He made me fall in love with him and then took it all away. Now I’m back, and I can’t deal. How do I pretend that he no longer owns my heart when all my heart does is scream his name?

Avery’s back and I know I have a fight on my hands. I remember every minute, every touch, every kiss, and every breath of our time together. Now I need to remind her.

SKIRT CHASER by  Stacey Kennedy

Love gets filthy in this new erotic romance by USA Today bestselling author, Stacey Kennedy.

Greyson Crawford works hard by day and plays even harder at night. And he understands and obeys the rules of the game. One, don’t mix business and pleasure. Two, employees are off-limits. So, he’s been eagerly counting down the days until interior designer, Evie Richards is no longer under contract with his Seattle architecture firm. But when that day comes, he realizes there are more obstacles in his way. The biggest…Evie herself.

Until Evie gets asked to be the maid-of-honor in her best friend’s destination wedding, and Evie needs a date. The circumstances are perfect for Greyson to set his plan of seduction into motion. He will happily play the boyfriend for the wedding event, if Evie will surrender to his every command and play in his bed.

For Evie, it’s all fun and games until Greyson’s first touch; then she begins to question what’s real. She knows better than to fall for a guy like Greyson—a skirt chasing ladies’ man—but with every slow caress and kinky adventure, she realizes that Greyson knows what he wants, and it isn’t just her body surrendering to him…it’s her heart.

BLUE BALLS by R.C. Boldt

BLUE BALLS: When the universe gets in the way of your “follow through”


Truth: A painful condition caused by a prolonged state of sexual arousal without release.
Myth: Only affects males.


I’m beyond frustrated with the man who’s left me high and very far from dry. Multiple times. But, somehow, even though I’m not interested in a relationship, Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome keeps me coming back for more—one crazy, sexual debacle after the next.

Come hell or high water, the stars will align, and the release will be out of this world.

I’m captivated with the woman who’s left me sixty-nine shades of blue, and she’s only in this for one thing. The first time, I blew it—and not in the good way—but I’m going to ensure we finally see it through. I need to put an end to this “plague” of sexual calamities and prove to Sarah that we can have more.

It’s time to grab the universe by the balls and show it who’s boss.

BLADE by Alexandra Ivy

Sexy Suit, Blade was held captive and abused for decades.

Benson Enterprises was desperate to use his superior blood to create super soldiers.

But when he’s finally rescued, he can’t return to the Wildlands with the other prisoners. Not without the female he was forced to watch being impregnated.

The female who has gone missing.

Beautiful and broken, Valli just wants to run away and never look back.

But with the shocking news of her pregnancy fresh in her mind, she wonders if that’s even possible.

Told by her captors that one of the caged animals assaulted her, she knows she must do everything in her power to keep her unborn child safe.

But when a glorious male tracks her down and claims her and her baby as his own, will she have the strength to walk away?

HUNGER by Jacquelyn Frank

Two strangers—one warm and human, the other deadly and craving—become pawns in an all-out vampire war as this series from the New York Times bestselling author of the Nightwalkers saga heats up.

As an energy vampire, Halo enjoys the chase for human blood—if it’s pure and consensual. But Halo goes from hunter to hunted when he is knocked unconscious and taken hostage by vicious sycophants. As he comes to, he realizes that he’s naked, starving, and trapped in a sealed room. With him is a deliciously human female, tempting him to feed—except her blood is heady with the scent of poisonous drugs. Never has nourishment been so near, yet so far . . . and it’s all part of the sycophants’ sick game.

The last thing Felice Mendoza remembers is everything going black. She awakens stripped, drugged, exposed, and alone—with a vampire. Halo is at once savage and tender, terrifying and alluring. Felice senses that her only chance to escape depends upon his survival. Given the choice between Halo and his enemies, Felice surrenders to his ravenous hunger. It’s a calculated risk—and a delirious pleasure. As Felice is ushered into a world as dangerous as it is desirable, their fight for deliverance is only the beginning.

CROSSING THE LINE by Kimberly Kincaid 

Cocky farmer Eli Cross plays twice as hard as he works.

When his latest stunt drums up a heap of negative PR for the family farm, he grudgingly agrees to play host to an ambitious New York City photographer.

Her feature on Cross Creek could be just the ticket to show the country what the Cross brothers do best…which is more problem than solution for Eli.

Scarlett Edwards-Stewart has photographed everything from end zones to war zones.

She’s confident she can ace this one little story to help her best friend’s failing magazine.

At least, she would be if her super-sexy host wasn’t so tight lipped.

But the more Scarlett works with Eli, the more she discovers that he’s not who he seems.

Can his secret bring them closer together? Or will it be the very thing that tears them apart?

BAD DEEDS by Lisa Renee Jones

Wall Street meets the Sons of Anarchy in Bad Deeds, the smoldering, scorching next novel in the explosively sexy Dirty Money series from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones.

Would you bleed for the one you love?

To save his family empire from the grip of the drug cartel, Shane is pushed to the edge of darkness, forced to make choices he might never make. His father is dying. His brother is desperate to rule the empire and this means war and all gloves are off. His brother only thought he knew what dirty meant. Shane is about to give it new meaning. There is another war brewing though, and that one, is inside him, his battle between right and wrong, light and dark, and in the heat of the night, it is Emily he turns to for escape. Driving her to new limits, pushing her to accept a part of him that even he cannot.

In every one of Shane’s seductive demands, Emily can taste and feel, his torment, his struggle to save his family and not lose himself. But he is losing himself, and that is a problem just as dangerous as her secret, that still lurk in the shadows, a threat to the Brandon Family waiting to erupt. No matter where she and Shane have traveled, or will travel in the future, she can’t just sit back and watch him become everything he hates, everything he never wanted to become, everything she tried to save him from when she tried to run. It could be their undoing, the end. His end.

This is war, blood will spill, and someone in the heart of the Brandon family will not survive….



Drama. Lies. Sex.

Welcome to Palm South University.

The weather isn’t the only thing heating up in South Florida. At a school where fraternities and sororities don’t exactly play by the rules, relationships are bound to be tested. Parties and sex are definitely key ingredients in the Palm South recipe, but what happens when family issues, secret lives, and unrequited love get tossed in the mix?

Follow Cassie, Bear, Jess, Skyler, Erin, Ashlei, and Adam as they tackle college at a small, private beach town university. Written in television drama form, each episode of this serial will pull you deeper and deeper into the world of PSU.

Where the sun is hot and the clothes are scarce, anything can happen.

Reboot Tour, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway: A Sip of Rio by

Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Author: Teodora Kostova
Release Date: September 2016

Liam Young has a problem – he’s booked a romantic holiday to Rio de Janeiro months ago, but when he breaks up with his boyfriend, all his plans fall apart. Not only is his dream holiday slipping through his fingers, but Liam is sick and tired of getting his heart broken.

Blaine Reed has a solution that can save Liam’s plans. Recently divorced, Blaine needs a break, and a couple of stress-free weeks in Rio with a sexy guy like Liam sounds like heaven.

Liam and Blaine hit it off right from the start, becoming good friends even before they’ve left London. Despite their efforts to ignore the simmering attraction between them, it boils over when they end up sharing a room in one of the most romantic cities in the world.

Being together in Rio is easy, and it’s exactly what Liam needs – no feelings, no drama, nobody getting hurt.

Until someone does.

When the holiday bubble bursts, it’s up to them to find a way to be together outside of Rio’s seductive magic.




 What you want the takeaway of the book to be for readers: A Sip of Rio is a happy book about beach holidays, finding love in unexpected places and following your heart. I’d like readers to fall in love with Rio de Janeiro as much as I did, and crave a beach holiday of their own. And maybe, just maybe, gather the courage to do what their heart tells them just this once.

 I fell in love with Rio de Janeiro when I first went there a couple of years ago and it was inevitable I’d set a book there some day. A Sip of Rio is that book. It’s romantic, sexy, maybe a bit melancholy, and full of hope. It’s a book you can relax by the pool with, a cocktail in hand, and a smile on your face.

“How about this?” Liam said, stepping out on the balcony.Blaine’s eyes roamed over his body, greedily taking in the view. Liam spun around, curving his spine, thrusting his ass out, making sure Blaine saw exactly how short these shorts were.

“The leg warmers are a nice touch, don’t you think?” He asked, looking over his shoulder at Blaine.

He had no time to react before Blaine crowded him against the door, his arm circling Liam’s waist and pressing him back against Blaine’s chest.

“Not bad,” Blaine said, nipping at Liam’s earlobe.

“Not bad?” Liam would have argued that the outfit was amazing, sexy and fun, but Blaine slid a hand over the thin fabric of the shorts and squeezed Liam’s already hard dick. Liam forgot how to speak.

Dropping his head on Blaine’s shoulder, Liam watched their reflection in the glass doors as Blaine rubbed his dick through the shorts. The slow, smooth touch was driving him crazy with need, and he needed more, so much more.

“Baby?” Liam said, the word coming out as a husky whisper.

“Hm?” Blaine murmured, his eyes meeting Liam’s in their reflection in the window. His hand kept stroking, moving all so slow, the friction of the soft fabric making Liam crave a harder, faster touch.

“I want you to fuck me,” Liam said, bucking his hips into Blaine’s hand.

Blaine stilled for a second, then pressed his palm harder against Liam’s cock. Liam moaned, his knees melting, bright light exploding behind his lids. His cock was leaking, making the front of his shorts wet, and he was moments away from coming.

Turning sharply in Blaine’s arms, Liam grabbed his hips and pulled him closer, mashing their erections together. He kissed him, grinding against him, mindless with lust and anticipation.

“Let’s go inside,” Blaine said between kisses.

“No,” Liam pulled away, walking backwards to the hammock. When his knees hit the fabric, he turned and lay on it, spreading his legs and fisting his cock through the shorts.

“Fuck,” Blaine swore, closing his eyes. “Is that thing going to hold us both?”

Liam lifted his hips off the hammock, then slammed back down, looking at Blaine with a playful smirk.

“Looks pretty sturdy to me,” he said, bouncing on it some more. When Blaine stood frozen on the spot, his gaze locked on Liam, he added, “Are you going to go get the condoms and lube, or shall I start without you?” He wiggled out of his shorts to emphasise his point, his cock jumping eagerly out.

Blaine dashed inside, and while waiting, Liam took off the rest of his clothes, throwing them on the floor. He wrapped a hand around his shaft, stroking leisurely, not trying to get himself off, but simply enjoying the soft pressure. 

 Hi, my name is Teodora and I live in London with my husband and my son. I’ve been writing ever since I can remember, but it became my full time job in 2010 when I decided that everything else I’ve tried bores me to death and I have to do what I’ve always wanted to do, but never had to guts to fully embrace. I’ve been a journalist, an editor, a personal assistant and an interior designer among other things, but as soon as the novelty of the new, exciting job wears off, I always go back to writing. Being twitchy, impatient, loud and hasty are not qualities that help a writer, because I have to sit alone, preferably still, and write for most of the day, but I absolutely love it. It’s the only time that I’m truly at peace and the only thing I can do for more than ten minutes at a time – my son has a bigger attention span than me.
When I’m procrastinating, I like to go to the gym, cook Italian meals (and eat them), read, listen to rock music, watch indie movies and True Blood re-runs. Or, in the worst case scenario, get beaten at every Nintendo Wii game by a very inventive kid

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Jenn’s Review: Raw Redemption by Tessa Bailey

Series: Crossing The Line #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: June 13, 2016

Disgraced cop Henrik Vance is having a shit year. Banished to a derelict undercover squad, he’s been tasked with hunting down the daughter of Chicago’s most dangerous criminal. His obsession with saving the beautiful girl destroyed his career. And this time, it might cost his life.

Ailish O’Kelly doesn’t need a hero. She’ll save herself from her father’s violent criminal dynasty, thank you very much. Unfortunately, the sexy as sin cop who crashes her hideout isn’t hearing reason—especially not after the kiss that becomes much more.

His boss wants her as an informant. Ailish wants Henrik to keep whispering filthy things against her skin. But she knows too well the evil they’re up against, and when it comes down to protecting the man who owns her body and soul, she only has one choice…

Each book in the Crossing the Lines series is a standalone, full-length story that can be enjoyed out of order.


Hi. I’m Tessa Bailey, and I write the dirtiest words you’ll ever read….ever.
 You don’t even know….unless you know…if you’ve read my books. You should read this book I wrote, and Henrik is going to tell you why.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“My fingers are a lot bigger than yours. It would be more of a fucking than a fingering if I put my middle one down the front of your underwear. You could ride it just like a dick.”

à la Mode St. » fashionà la Mode St. » fashion

“You think I won’t put you on your knees in that Disney Princess T-shirt, baby?” he breathed in her ear before licking along the rim. “You’re wrong. I’ll even use it to wipe your chin afterward.”

à la Mode St. » fashionOh, Henrik, you say the sweetest things! *swoony giggles
These two GET….IT….AWN pretty much the entire book and it doesn’t get old. I would say it’s the hottest book in the series. I love Henrik almost as much as I love Connor (ok, I love all my heroes).

And I just rolled up my sleeves and went to town on this book.

Now go forth and Read this book. You will flove it.

 bow gene wilder willy wonka willy wonka and the chocolate factory bowing GIFAnd if you don’t…

(Just kidding. Well…kinda LOL)

Disclaimer: The author of this review is not actually Tessa Bailey….but she wishes she were.



New Release & Jenn’s Review: Leave The Night On by Laura Trentham

Series: Cottonbloom #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Laura Trentham
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Love, betrayal, and sweet revenge—life in Cottonbloom is about to get a whole lot hotter . . .

Sutton Mize is known for lavishing attention on the customers who flock to her boutique on the wealthy side of her Mississippi town. So when she finds a lace thong in her fiancé’s classic cherry-red Camaro, she knows just who she sold it to: her own best friend. In an instant, Sutton’s whole world goes up in flames. . .

Wyatt Abbott has harbored a crush on Sutton since he was a young kid from the other side of the tracks. He witnessed Sutton’s shocking discovery in the Camaro at his family-owned garage—and it made him angry. What kind of man could take lovely, gorgeous Sutton for granted? But then Sutton comes up with an idea: Why not give her betrothed a taste of his own medicine and pretend that she’s got a lover of her own? Wyatt is more than happy to play the hot-and-heavy boyfriend.

But what begins as a fictional affair soon develops into something more real, and more passionate, than either Sutton or Wyatt could have imagined. Could it be that true love has been waiting under the hood all along?


My Wyatt & Sutton:
 Wyatt is the
mechanic extraordinaire.
Yes, please. I have a soft spot for dirty mechanics. He works in his family-owned garage with his 3 brothers. He’s known Sutton since they were kids, but they grew up on different sides of the river. Wyatt has had a crush on Sutton since they were kids, but she was from another world, compared to his.

Sutton is….was engaged. Without spoiling anything, her heart is broken early in the book, and Wyatt happens to be right there when it happens. A quick bond is formed between them, and to save face, Sutton volunteers Wyatt to be her fake relationship to get back at her previous fiancé.

To Sutton, Wyatt is dangerous. Her feelings are
honeyed and gooey and a little bit scary.
I loved the attraction between them. Wyatt is the perfect blend of sexy, good guy with an edge. He is the adventure in life that Sutton needs. It was a slow burn, but worth it in the end.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“I heard you’re good with your…wrench.” Her glace down as instinctive as her retreat had been. She held her breath in the ensuing stillness.

“Out of all the tools available, you didn’t pick screwdriver?” He bobbed in to lay a kiss on the tip of her nose. “You’re so dang cute.”

à la Mode St. » fashionI love me a good fake relationship story, especially when it starts to become a little less fake. I loved the small-town, southern feel of this book. It was relaxing and these two were so adorable. I had been wanting to read Laura Trentham for a while, and I’m so glad I finally did.



Spotlight, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway: Your Fierce Love by @laylahagen

Series: The Bennett Family #7
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Layla Hagen
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Clara Abernathy adores the Bennett family. After growing up in group homes, she yearns for the warmth and love of a family, and the Bennetts treat her like one of their own. So when Clara needs a temporary place to live, Blake Bennett suggests she move next door to him.

The offer is tempting. The problem? So is Blake himself. Handsome, funny, and alpha, he’s six feet two of eye candy… and his outlook on life is completely different from hers. But Clara finds it difficult enough to resist his charms at family events. How is she supposed to resist him when he’s just one wall away, and hell-bent on having her?

Blake Bennett knows family friends are off-limits for good reasons, and Clara is more off-limits than anyone else. But Blake went through life and made his fortune in the gastronomy industry by bending rules rather than following them. Clara’s sweetness and sass fill a hole in him he wasn’t even aware of. Soon he finds himself gravitating around her. He wants to have her and he will, rules be damned.

YOUR FIERCE LOVE is the seventh book in Layla Hagen’s Bennett Family series, but all books stand alone.


“Why in such a hurry to get that box out of the way? What do you have inside? Battery- operated friends?”My cheeks flush, and I can’t form a comeback. Blake, who was probably only joking, looks from one cheek to the other, then to the batteries in his palm, finally lowering his gaze to my box. My mouth turns dry as dust, and I think you could melt butter on my cheeks right now. I swear the air between us charges. Suddenly, the room is too small, and there is not enough air. Hastily, I reach out to take the batteries out of his palm. Our fingers touch, and holy hotness. The skin on skin contact is so charged, it sends my senses into a tailspin. My eyes meet his, and there is no mistaking the intensity of his gaze—or the heat in it.

Why, oh why didn’t I pack my vibrator in my suitcase? This was an accident waiting to happen.

“You’re killing me, Clara,” he says, and my name in his mouth is almost a groan. “The wall between our bedrooms has no phonic isolation.”

It takes me a second to realize what he means, and I blush even more violently. Then I drum my fingers against my thigh, plotting my revenge. He could have been a gentleman about this and pretend nothing happened, but instead he put me on the spot. Well, well, this just begs me to turn the tables onto him, and after all, he did say he likes being challenged.

“Don’t worry, I have pillows. They’re a good enough buffer.”

He exhales sharply, his eyes zeroing in on my lips. “Sweetness, if pillows are enough it means your battery buddy isn’t doing a great job.” Advancing slowly, Blake pushes a strand of hair away from my face. The contact zings me, an almost imperceptible shudder traveling through me. Hold that thought!

Blake’s lips curl up in a smile… yeah my shudder was everything but imperceptible to him. Instead of taking his hand back, he moves it down to my earlobe, tracing the contour of my jaw. OhmyGod. It’s all I can do not to press my thighs together. An ache’s formed between them, so sudden and so intense that I don’t know what to do with myself. How can his proximity affect me so much?

A smarter woman would back down, but I’m determined to go toe-to-toe with him. Some small part of me wants to know if I affect him as much as he affects me.

“Oh, it’s doing a great job. I just need the right inspiration.” Wiggling my eyebrows, I add, “I have an excellent imagination. And I’m not afraid to use it.”

Get your hands on the rest of the Bennett Family books:

Your Irresistible Love (The Bennett Family Series, Book 1):


Your Captivating Love (The Bennett Family Series, Book 2):


Your Forever Love (The Bennett Family Series, Book 3):


Your Inescapable Love (The Bennett Family Series, Book 4):


Your Tempting Love (The Bennett Family Series, Book 5):


Your Alluring Love (The Bennett Family Series, Book 6):


Layla Hagen is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance.

She fell in love with books when she was nine years old, and her love affair with stories continues even now, many years later.

She writes steamy and romantic stories and can’t wait to share them with the world.

She is represented by fabulous Louise Fury (The Bent Agency)

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