Review: ★Sanctum★ by Lexi Blake

Sanctum (Masters and Mercenaries, #4.5)Sanctum by Lexi Blake
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This novella was like the perfect quickie; not quite as long as you’d like it, yet oddly satisfying.

I really can never go wrong with a book by Lexi Blake, and this one was certainly no exception. I have been absolutely in lust with the Masters and Mercenaries series from the very first book, The Dom Who Loved Me. While many of my favorite characters from the past books made an appearance, this novella can easily be read as a standalone.

Eighteen months ago Ryan Church lost everything; his business and his millions. Distraught and facing jail time for a fraud that he didn’t commit, he doesn’t feel that he can uphold his end of the contract with the beautiful submissive that he’s fallen in love with. So he does the only thing that he feels is right – he lets her go.

Now working as a Dom in Residence in Ian Taggart’s club, he still can’t forget the woman that stole his heart and hasn’t even bothered trying to move on from her. His past collides with his present, when that same woman comes to the club to apply for the bartender position.

Unable to deny the feelings that Jillian still stirs in him, Ryan wants nothing more than another chance. But Jill still hasn’t forgotten Ryan’s rejection and leaving her behind caused, and trust no longer comes easy to her. She’s not the same submissive that she was over a year ago. The one thing she definitely cannot deny is the fire that still burns between them.

Oh, God”
“No, baby, it’s Ryan.” He chuckled, the sound a vibration against her flesh.
“I like the way you used to shout my name when you came. I want to hear it again. I’ve been waiting to hear it for a fucking year and a half.”


For a short novella, this book was extremely fulfilling. We get the back story and development of Jill and Ryan’s relationship, while also getting a little bit more Adam and my favorite Dom, Ian.

I have been anticipating Ian’s book from the very beginning of this series, and the little taste that we get of him in this book will just have to tide me over until October 1st.

How can I help you, Mr. Taggart?”
“You can fuck my Dom in Residence.”
“Sorry,” Taggart said, not sounding sorry at all. “My friend tell me I don’t deal with social situations. Supposedly I’m too blunt.”

“You’re kind of the worst fairy godmother ever, you know.”
“I don’t know. Do you intend to fuck him?”
“Then I would say I’m pretty fucking good. But the next time I have to play fairy godmother, I’m shoving a wand up someone’s ass.”

I read this book in one sitting and loved every single page of it. I also really loved Jill’s sister and hope we’ll get a book for her soon. It looks as if we will be getting a book next for my favorite kinky Brit, Simon. Or so I’m hoping!

If you enjoy super steamy BDSM books, you really need to give this series a try.

Now I just have to sit and wait impatiently for Ian’s book.

ARC review: Reckless by Skye Jordan

Reckless (Renegades, #1)Reckless by Skye Jordan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5+ Panty-melting Stars

If this was passion, it was more intense that anything she’d ever felt. Overwhelming. Obsessive. Dark

So if my inner dirty girl had an imaginary interview with the characters of this book, wonder what it would go like?
Well no need to wonder, because I’ll appease your curiosity.

All character quotes came directly from the book, I’m not that creative 😉

So Jex, you’ve just been screwed over yet again by a beautiful woman that used you for your connections as a famous stuntman in the movie industry. How does that make you feel?

I’m so sick of this bullshit.

Uh huh…Uh huh…I can understand that. Do you think it has something to do with the fact that you tend to pick your women just based on the fact that they’re good looking? OK, no need to glare at me…moving on.
So let me ask your good friend Wes his opinion.

You could try fucking someone with a few morals for a change. And the last thing I’m gonna say on this, because it’s really your problem, if morals don’t interest you, how about hooking up with a chick who’s at least nice to you for a change? I’m starting to think you’ve got some masochistic fetish.

Well since you’re flying to New York for a stuntman job on a new movie, we’ll come back to you in a few, Jax…
Now Lexi, so your friend Rubi just pointed out that your couture dress business is really lacking inspiration for fresh-new designs. Could it be partly because of your lack of…uhem…male attention recently?

Nice. Point out what a loser I am the night before I fly across the country to meet Martina Galliano to discuss to proposition of my career.

Well no need to get huffy here! Maybe you just need to just get down to business with the next hottie you meet? You used to be a model, you’re not exactly hurting in the looks department.

My name is Lexi and I’m a sexual train wreck.

OK. OK. No need to get melodramatic. I get it. You’re fed up of men only using you to be arm-candy, and not seeing past your looks. Gotcha. Good luck with your meeting in New York then.

So Jax, let’s get to the really important questions here. Tell me, what’s your penis size?

I’m assuming you mean erect. 9” length, 2 ¾” diameter, which corresponds to 8 ½” girth.


Yep, I can definitely work with that. Now what kind of sex do you like?

I like the fiery, fast sex so passionate your vision blurs.

I like wild, frantic, have-to-have you sex that burns you alive.

I like deep, driving sex where sweat drips off my chin, rolls down your spine, and tickles the dip between your ass cheeks


Uhhhhh…..give me a second here….I think I just had an orgasm. Don’t mind me, please continue

I like secret sex in naughty places, and naughty places to have secret sex.
I like the kind of sex that includes sliding my tongue in all your very tight spaces.
I like any kind of sex that drives animalistic sounds from your throat.


Um…what now? Oh! Sorry! Got carried away here…
Moving on then…
So, Lexi, seeing as you just spotted Jax at the airport, and got a case of insta-love. What type of man do you crave?

This was the kind of man she craved – a rough-around the edges, blue-collar, hard loving man. A few tattoos, a dark background, confidence in the bedroom… or the bed of a truck… or on the back of a motorcycle…



I loved loved loved FUCKING loved this book! I don’t think I disliked one single thing about it! The characters were fantastic. I loved both Jax and Lexi. The steam? Good Gawd but did Jax know how to get things done!

I’m pretty sure I went through multiple underwear changes. What? TMI?

But in all seriousness, I have found a series to add to my auto-buy list. I am so excited that this will be a series, and it’s based on super hot Hollywood stuntmen! What more could a girl ask for? Cannot wait for the next book. I’m dying for Rubi’s book. She was such an awesome comedic relief in this story as Lexi’s BFF. I loved her spunk, and blatant flirtatiousness. I can only hope that her and Wes’s book will be next.

But what are you still doing reading my review. Go read this! Now! Seriously! The book is fucking awesome! Just make sure to bring Jax back to his rightful owner once you’re done with him. I’ve already branded him and everything. Mine mine mine. And once you meet him you will completely understand my obsessively posessive ways 😉

But that’s all the ramblings from this girl for now. I’m off to have some more dirty thoughts about Jax.
And I thank you!

ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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If You Leave (Beautifully Broken #2) by Courtney Cole

If You Leave (Beautifully Broken, #2)If You Leave by Courtney Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 (I wish I could give it more) Beautifully Broken Stars

I knew going in that I can’t ever be with anyone. That I’m not whole. That I’m not normal. That I’m a monster. That I’m the bad thing.

She wants me. And I want her. Fucking her would be like harnessing a raging summer storm.

This book book gutted me, it broke my heart into a million different pieces, and then it put it back together piece by shattered piece.

The book starts off with a bang, as I’ve come to associate to books written by Courtney Cole. It grabs you with the first few lines, and doesn’t let you up until the very last page.

Gabriel is an Army Ranger, who is still dealing with the demons that haunt his nightmares since his last tour in Afganistan. Try as he does, as hard as he runs, he knows that he can’t outrun them. The bad thing has finally caught him, and he know’s there’s no escape.

Madison is dealing with demons of her own, though hers come from a different type of memory.

An accidental meeting behind a club in Chicago brings these two damaged souls together. What was supposed to be a few moments spent naked and sweaty between the sheets, get interrupted by a freak accident that bring Gabriel’s secret demons, that he’s been struggling to keep hidden, roaring to the surface.

Madison knows a fucked up person when she sees one. So as gorgeous as the dark haired stranger was, she leaves him with no expectations for their paths to ever cross again. Of course nothing is quite so simple, and she finds herself coming face to face with the beautiful and broken soldier once again.

Fighting issues of her own, the last thing that Maddy needs is to take on the issues of Gabe. But she has a hard time fighting the immediate and overwhelming attraction that burns between them.

I couldn’t get enough of both of these characters. Maddy is broken in her own way. And she hides her damaged heart behind a veil of a cold bitch. But Gabe is determined to win the game of cat and mouse between them, and to chip away at the cold exterior to the woman that she hides underneath.

Let me tell you, when these two finally get together…


Madison begins to see beyond the shadows of pain, to the true damaged warrior underneath. But while Gabe helps her heal the wounds of her past, he maintains a strong hold on his own hidden demons. But little by little, Maddy begins to get bits and pieces of what broke such a strong man.

While she knows that she can’t force him to deal with his past, she knows that she wants to be by his side when he finally does.

Gabe, oh my poor damaged, completely fucked up Gabe. My heart absolutely broke for him. When each new detail of that dark came to light, I found myself crying like a baby. I just wanted to hug him. I wanted to fix him.

Courtney Cole did not shy away from any gritty, dark, and utterly devastating detail. It was gutting to read it, yet I couldn’t put the book down.

She took an incredibly dark and painful subject matter, and she painted an incredibly beautiful story. I loved that she spared no detail, and gave focus to Gabe actually DEALING with his PTSD. It was not glossed over, it didn’t fade to black. She took the reader on that journey along with Gabe, and Kudos to you Miss Cole for doing that.

While characters from the first book make an appearance in this book, (Maddy is Mila’s sister from If You Stay) it could easily be read as a standalone. The details from the past book are explained away, so you wouldn’t miss much. Though it IS a series, so I’d recommend starting from book one.

This book was utterly captivating, dark, gritty, devastating, heart breaking, and I LOVED EVERY SINGLE PAGE OF IT!

There is a sneak peak into book three, and the hero sounds like the ULTIMATELY broken and damaged asshole

Though I don’t know how I feel about Jacey being the heroine. I couldn’t stand her in this book. She was immature and just drove me nuts. Unless she overgoes a complete personality change, I can’t see myself changing my opinion of her. But I guess I’ll just have to wait and find out.

If you read and loved the first book, you will love this one even more.
If you were like me and the first book didn’t quite work for you, this one will completely blow the first one out of the water. I can’t recommend it enough. I still can’t stop thinking about it.

Seriously, Courtney Cole, bravo!

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ARC review: Seduce (Beautiful Rose #0.5) by Missy Johnson

Seduce (Beautiful Rose, #0.5)Seduce by Missy Johnson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 Erotic and Heartbreaking Stars

Jack Flacon is a rich, sexy, womanizing, heartless asshole…or so it would seem.

He is who he is, and he doesn’t feel like he needs to apologize for it.

The thing is, I’m happy being me and I sure as fuck won’t change for anyone. I don’t need fixing because I’m not broken. I simply work hard and play harder.

His form of play comes with a good glass of scotch, and spending each night with a different woman. After all, variety is the spice of love, and why should he settle down?

Love fucks you up, which is why I didn’t do relationships. Relationships lead to love and being in love opens you up to the possibility of being hurt. Love rips your chest open and puts your heart out there to be broken.

Jack may be an asshole of the first order, and treats his cat with more respect than he does women, but that certainly doesn’t hurt his game. Because when it comes down to it, Jack seemingly has it all.

Money, charm, oh….and a magic penis.

Without trying to sound cocky, it wasn’t unusual for women to orgasm three or four times when with me. Maybe I had the perfect shaped dick. Or maybe I just knew what to do with it.

He is seemingly happy with his life. Until he meets her…and then everything changes.

This was not a case of insta-love. But there was insta-love. When Jack first sees a beautiful green-eyed brunette, he can’t get her out of his head. Something about her just calls to him and draws him in like no other woman ever has.

What starts out as one night of passion

Begins to turn into something so much more.

All of a sudden the beautiful brunette is more than a nameless face, she’s Belle, and she’s unlike any other woman Jack has been with.

It was like she saw right through the fifteen years’ worth of barriers I’d built up around myself to the real me. The one I never showed anyone.

In the midst of secrets that could tear them apart, and the passion that burns between them, their bond grows from lust into something so much more.

Jack begins to understand what love can really do to you. But he is terrified that the man that he has become will never be enough for Belle and he will eventually break her heart.

The steam in this book…I thought my kindle would catch on fire. There were parts that made me pant, parts that made me laugh, and parts that made me want an ice cold shower. And then…then there was that ending!

THAT FUCKING ENDING! It caught me by complete and utter surprise.

I’m pretty sure I bawled my eyes out for the entire last 20%.

Seduce is the prequel for Beautiful Rose. It is the story of love lost and learning to move on. It was erotic, it was intense, and it was HEART BREAKING.

I need…MUST HAVE the next book like YESTERDAY!

Missy Johnson, woman, you owe me here! (well not really, but you know what I mean). But seriously, after you made me cry like a maniac, I think we need to come to an arrangement with the next book here. It’s only fair! I might go a little batshit here waiting until September. GAH!!!

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Unteachable- Leah Raeder

UnteachableUnteachable by Leah RaederMy rating: 5 of 5 stars5 Absolutely Beautiful Forbidden Stars

“I don’t know what I’m doing with you.”
“That’s okay, just don’t stop.”

Have you ever began reading a book, and just a few sentences in you knew…you just knew that this was going to be unlike anything you have ever read before? Unteachable was that book for me. I was sucked in from just the few first words, and it didn’t let me up until the very last page.

To say that Leah Raedar has a gift for words and story telling would be a gross understatement. The writing was one of the best parts of this book. Leah weaves words together so seamlessly and effortlessly that the words blur into images in your mind. The entire book unfolds before you like a movie, and IT.WAS.INCREDIBLE!

Maise O’Malley is not your typical happy-go-lucky, soon to be high school senior. She’s an old soul, in the body of an 18 year old girl. She’s broken, but she knows it. She hasn’t exactly had it easy in life, and her family or lack thereof is anything to brag about. She has a void that she fills with meaningless sex with faceless, older men. And it makes her feel…something…if only for those few too-short minutes.

Thanks, Dad, for leaving a huge void in my life that Freud says has to be filled with dick.

But then one late summer night spent at a local carnival Maise met the one man that will change everything. Evan Wilke.

A steamy encounter in his car later, Maise knows that Evan is not going to be just another faceless memory.

The funny thing was that his kiss had felt like fucking me, and his fucking me felt like being kissed, everywhere, every bit of my body unbearably warm and buzzing.

Unable to face the feelings that Evan and their night together brought out in her, Maise does the only things she can. She runs.
What neither of them know, is that their world is about to collide in a way that both of them least expect.

When Maise walks into class on her first day of her senior year, the man she knew as Evan on that summer night, is now Mr. Wilke, her teacher.

What began as an innocent encounter between two people finding a connection, turns into a forbidden affair.

“I can’t hold on to you. You’re like that shooting star. Just a trail of fire in my hands.”

Evan clearly cares for Maise. He isn’t your typical NA asshole hero. But while he’s sweet and caring, he is still clearly hiding some dark secrets from his own past.

“Now I know,” he said, touching me again, “why I was drawn to you. We have the same darkness inside.”“Our fucked-up parents?”“Our lost childhood.”

Even though the odds are stacked against them, and they’re risking everything if they get caught, the connection between Evan and Maise is intense. Their relationship soon stops being only a physical connection, as Evan slowly begins to chip away at the defenses around Maise’s heart.

The chemistry between them was absolutely scorching, and the steaminess in this book was off the charts for a NA novel.

“Who am I to you?” I asked, my voice hoarse. “Maise or your student?”“Both,” he whispered.I felt chills.“Then fuck me Mr. Wilke.”

“I want to fuck you in this classroom,” I said.
He exhaled slowly through his teeth.
“On this desk,” I said. “While you’re wearing your shirt and tie, and I’m wearing nothing but socks.”
He kissed me to make me stop talking.

Their journey together is not an easy one. They face not only the demons from their own pasts, but the obstacles stacked against them; the risk of being found out.

Beautifully written, Unteachable takes you on a roller coaster of emotions.

I cannot recommend this book enough. Even if you don’t typically read the New Adult genre, this is a must read. It is not the typically angsty plot with an asshole broken hero, and a naive and virginal heroine.

Purchase Unteachable on Amazon

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ARC Review: Midnight Lies (Wildfire #2) by Ella Grace

Midnight Lies (Wildefire, #2)Midnight Lies by Ella Grace
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Do you want me to say that staying away from you more than a minute is painful for me? That the thought of not having you in my life tears at my soul? That just seeing your face creates a peace inside me I’ve never felt before? That having you in my arms is like coming home?”

If you’re looking for a romantic suspense that is filled with action, mystery, steam, and will keep you on the very edge of your seat until the very last page…well, you NEED to read this series.

I really liked, but didn’t LOVE the first book in this series, this book took me by complete and total surprise. While the series is based on triplet sisters, and each book has a different hero and heroine, it is not meant to be a standalone. A lot of nuances and backstory were heavily covered in the first book, and many things would be missed by skipping it.

Midnight Lies picks up somewhere right around where Midnight Secrets left off. Samantha Wilde, the popular, flirty sister and former homecoming queen took everyone by surprise when she became a homicide detective. While she is still haunted by her parents’ murder suicide, it helps drive her need for justice.

When she meets and begins dating sexy emergency physician, Quinn Braddock, Samantha can’t help but fall head over heals. Quinn, coming out of a terrible marriage, is not looking for anything permanent. After all, he tried it once, and it didn’t work. While they may not share a detailed history or feelings with each other, the passion between them burns hot and heavy.

When Quinn becomes a suspect in his ex-wife’s brutal murder, it shakes Samantha’s foundation to the core. Her history isn’t exactly the best indicator of good judgement and she can’t help but harbor doubts of his innocence. Though it doesn’t take her long to rectify her mistake. Unfortunately, for Quinn, feeling betrayed by Sam’s initial doubts it’s too late, and he breaks up with her in a way that leaves Sam brokenhearted. Leaving behind her life and job in Atlanta, Sam moves back to Midnight to begin an investigating business with her 2 sisters.

Five months later, Quinn realizes his mistake and that he wants Sam back. Following her to Midnight seems like the first logical step he’s made in a while. He knows it will be a long road back inside Sam’s heart, but he’s a man determined.

This book was a page turner until the very end. While I found the first book to be a little drawn-out and slow to start, this one more than made up for it.

It was also incredibly steamy. Sam and Quinn burned up the pages together.

Midnight Lies was quick paced and action packed. All of the characters were back from the first book and it was great to get another peek at Zach and Savannah. Even though the mystery of the killer wasn’t quite as shocking as it was in the first book, the twist at the end took me by complete surprise.

The set up for the third sister, Sabrina, sounds like it will be the best book of the 3. And I’m still hoping that we’ll get a book for Logan and Brody.

ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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Midnight Lies expected publishing date is September 24.

ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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