Review: The Dark Light of Day by T.M. Frazier

The Dark Light of DayThe Dark Light of Day by T.M. Frazier

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis

Warning: This is not your typical romance. The story of Abby & Jake contains disturbing situations, graphic violence, sex, rape, strong language, drug use, and all types of abuse.
Abby has been through hell and has survived one of the most brutal childhoods imaginable…barely.
To the outside world she’s just a loner with an attitude.
When her grandmother dies in a tragic explosion, Abby is left with questions-and nothing else.
Homeless, sleeping in a junkyard, and on the run from a system that has failed her over and over again, she meets Jake, a tattooed blue-eyed biker with secrets that will rival her own.
Two broken souls that can’t be healed. They can’t be saved.
Abby & Jake must reveal to one another their most guarded secrets and discover if they can embrace the darkness those secrets hold-and the darkness within themselves.
If they can accept one another for who they really are, they might be able to learn that love isn’t always found in the light.
*stand alone novel, HEA in a twisted kind of way, no cliffhangers, no sequel

My Review

5 Dark and Utterly Captivating Stars

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

Do you like sweet romances? Rainbows? Unicorns? Perfectly normal and non-damaged MC? Well too fucking bad! Because you’re not going to get that here. Not even close. So prepare yourself for a story that’s dark, gritty, brutal, devastating, gut-wrenching, keep-you-at-the-edge-of-your-seat-wanting-to-see-what-happens-next. Can’t say you weren’t warned.

Want me to describe my feelings through this books in one gif?
  If there was one phrase that was running through my mind the entire time I was reading it, it was ‘Holy shit!’ I couldn’t believe this was a debut novel. Brilliantly written, utterly captivating, the story of Abby and Jake stole my heart, broke me, gutted me, and kept me completely unable to put the book down until I finished. I was sucked in from the very first chapter.


How a person can survive the horrors that this poor girl goes through and still come out with the strength that she does is beyond me. Life has not been kind to Abby. Not in the least. But with everything that she goes through, she maintains this persevering core. I fell in love with her character. You would think someone like her would be shy, awkward, but every time life knocked her down, she came up swinging. She didn’t take shit from anyone, but the vulnerable, damaged, and scared little girl that she hides behind her her carefully constructed walls broke my heart.


He was just everything you love in a broken hero. Jake is a man that has some very dark demons. He’s not the white knight that rides into the night to save Abby, but he does in his own dark way. But what I truly loved, was that mostly Abby saves herself.

This is not a story of perfect love and romance. It’s a story about 2 damaged souls that learn to walk together in the shadows.

By the time I finished this book, I was a fucked up mess of emotions. This book does not let up for even a second. I spent the entire second half of this book a hysterical fucking mess. And when I was down, and thinking it can’t possibly get any worse, T.M. Frazier would take what I imagined is her 6in booted foot and kick me right in the damn feels.
It was

Followed by

Which mainly led to me feeling like

This book gutted me. Gutted.Me. But I loved every single fucked up second of me. My advice for you once you decide to read this incredible yet dark story? Lots of booze. No really.

You’re going to need it.

This is an author that is now on my auto-buy list. I’m surprised I haven’t seen this book more on my GR feeds. It deserves to be there. If you like dark and gritty romances, this book is a HUGE rec from this girl. And this is coming from one picky bitch.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to set my feels right. They’re completely FUBAR after I finished. And I thank you

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Review: Try by Ella Frank

Try (Temptation, #1)Try by Ella Frank

Book Synopsis:

Try – verb: to make an attempt or effort to do something or in this case…someone.
Sex. Logan Mitchell loves it, and ever since he realized his raw sexual appeal at a young age, he has had no problem using it to his advantage. Men and women alike fall into his bed—after all, Logan is not one to discriminate. He lives by one motto—if something interests you, why not just take a chance and try?
And he wants to try Tate Morrison.
Just coming out of a four-year marriage with an ex-wife from hell, a relationship is the last thing on Tate’s mind. He’s starting fresh and trying to get back on his feet with a new job at an upscale bar in downtown Chicago.
The only problem is, Tate has caught the unwavering and unwelcome attention of Mr. Logan Mitchell – a regular at the bar and a man who always gets what he wants.
Night after night Tate fends off the persistent advances of the undeniably charismatic man, but after an explosive moment in the bar, all bets are off as he finds his body stirring with a different desire than his mind.
As arrogance, stubbornness and sexual tension sizzles between the two, it threatens to change the very course of their lives.
Logan doesn’t do relationships. Tate doesn’t do men. But what would happen if they both just gave in and…tried?

My Review

5 Sexy & Steamy Stars
“You know what you want to do. There’s no one here, and no one is going to come in. Just do it,” he whispered, “Try.”
Ella Frank’s books need to come with a damn warning.
Reader beware: Contents of book are extremely hot

Please read at your own risk…

Side effects may include:

  •  TOA: Total Ovary Annihilation
  •  The constant need to attack your significant other
  •  A constant and persistent Hot and Bothered sensation
  • The repercussions of having to take care of said Hot and Bothered sensation if significant other is unavailable

I had pretty high expectations for this book when I first found out about it. Especially since it was right around the time I read Edible, which I friggin LOVED! I couldn’t wait until Ella’s foray into the MM genre. But I was almost afraid to read this, thinking I may have set my hopes a little too high. Well disappointed, I was not. I loved the hell out of this book! Try was one hot fucking ride, (pun most definitely intended) that I didn’t want to end.

If you’re looking for a deep and emotional story, that’s not quite what you’ll get here. I think my BR pal Allison had it right with it being 90% sex and 10% story. But you know what? I was VERY OK with this. It wasn’t mindless smut, it had just enough story to keep the reader engaged and begging for more. Given that this is book 1 out of 3, I’m thinking we’ll get a whole lot more story in the next books.

I knew I would love Logan after the quick intro we get of him in Edible, and I was definitely right. The man was just delicious. The things that would come out of his mouth? He had me worked up with every dirty and outrageous word that would leave his mouth.

“Does every word that comes out of your mouth have to do with sex?”
“Usually, eighty/twenty, but with you, it seems more ninety-eight/two.”
“And the other two?”
“The other two I have spent trying to convince you.”
“And do you think I’m convinced?”
“I think you’re getting there.’
“And when I do? What happens to the two percent? More sex?”
“I think when you get there, you’ll never want to leave. One thing about guys—we like sex. How long has it been, Tate? I’ll give you the best sex you’ve ever had.” 

Tate was the perfect ying to Logan’s yang. I loved how hard he tried to resist Logan. But let’s be honest, how can anyone possibly resist Logan for long? The man is damn persistent when he knows what he wants. He’s not shy about voicing his desires, and he was definitely desiring Tate.

This? This changes things. If you think I’m going to walk out of here and you’ll conveniently forget about what happened, you should think again. This wasn’t a fluke, no matter how much you try to pretend. You wanted it as much as I did, and you should remember that tonight when you jerk off, thinking about my tongue in your mouth.”

And when these two get together?

I thought my Kindle just might spontaneously cumbust. Holy fucking hot cock, batman!

I think I might have highlited every single thing that came out of Logan’s mouth. I sat there for hours trying to pick and choose quotes for my review, and at the end, I pretty much gave up. Everything he said is pure gold, and I think I’d have a never ending review even if I gave you just a few of my favorites. So this is all she wrote…

For those that are afraid of a cliffy, this had a very satisfying HFN end. No major cliffys that will drive you batshit waiting for book 2 to come out.

Miss Frank,

You are the queen of steam. I cannot wait to see what book 2 will bring.

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Review: Striking Distance by Pamela Clare

Striking Distance (I-Team, #6)Striking Distance by Pamela Clare

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis

Her past is a secret—even to her.
Discovering it will be the most dangerous move of her life.
TV reporter Laura Nilsson, known as the “Baghdad Babe,” spent eighteen months in an Al Qaeda compound after being kidnapped live on the air. Two years later, she’s still wondering why.
No rescue mission in Javier Corbray’s fourteen years as a Navy SEAL affected him the way Laura’s rescue did. No woman has stirred his protective instincts the way she has. And he wants her more than he’s ever wanted anyone.
As Laura and Javier’s passion ignites, so does Laura’s need to discover the mystery of her past. Especially when she learns that her abduction was not random—and that she’s still a target for a killer with an impenetrable motive. Now Javier will have to rely on his skills to keep the woman he loves from being struck down before she dares uncover the truth.

My Review

5+++ Emotionally charged and Suspenseful Stars
“The woman he remembers still exists inside you. You just need to set her free.”

No one, and I mean no one does Romantic Suspense quite like Pamela Clare. I have loved this entire series, but this book blew them all out of the water. I cried, I sobbed, I swooned, I cried, I laughed, I didn’t want it to end. As much as I loved Hunt, I think after Javi he has now moved to number 2. Javier stole my heart. (And after the prequel novella…my ovaries too). If you have read Clare’s other books, then you know just how amazing of an author she is, and this book is the perfect example of why. And if you have not yet experienced the absolute AWESOME that is this series, drop everything you’re doing (I’m not even kidding, do it now. Don’t even bother reading my review) and READ.THIS.BOOK. While I would definitely recommend reading this in order, you can easily read this book as a standalone since neither Javier nor Laura appeared in previous books. But the characters from previous books do make an appearance in here.

Over 3 years ago, a chance meeting in a bar in Dubai leads to a unforgettably erotic weekend between Laura and Javier. Although they each promise the other no strings, that night stays with them and they both harbor a desire to see the other again. But those plans come to a screeching halt when in the middle of a live broadcast, Laura’s entire team gets slaughtered while she is kidnapped and held captive and presumed dead.

Surviving unimaginable horror at the hands of a brutal terrorist for 18 months, Laura tries to hold on to her memories. Months of torture forces to lose touch with a lot of reality that she struggles to even remember her own name.

Javier never got over Laura’s supposed death. Having believed that she was beheaded immediately after her kidnapping, his only thought is revenge against the man responsible for it. Months of planning and his special ops team is put in charge of the raid against the Al Qaeda compound that hides the terrorist. Nothing could shock him more than discovering that Laura has been alive all this time. So when a threat is made on Laura’s life, Javier knows no one is more determined or capable to keep her alive than he is.

This book broke my heart. And then it put it together piece by emotional piece. Reading about everything that Laura went through was simply devastating. She was such an incredible heroine. I can probably go so far as to say she was my favorite in the series. She was vulnerable and damaged, but had this incredible strong and persevering core. My heart broke for her with every new detail that came to light about her time in captivity.

And then there was Javi. My amazing, sexy as sin, broken in his own way, Javi. He was just perfect. His last mission has left him with scars, some on the surface, but the deepest being on his soul.

He struggles with what happens and learning to trust someone with his past.

Laura and Javier together was just beautiful. I love the way they both soothed the other.

This book was an intense and emotional read. The connection between Laura and Javier was written in such a beautiful way that it flowed off of the pages effortlessly. While I’ve come to expect and love a certain amount of steam in Clare’s books, I loved the way it was written here. It was’t just empty sex, it was a beautiful and emotional connection between two people learning to heal and move on.

It was, in a word, perfection.

The suspense part of the story was fantastic. It kept me at the edge of my seat from beginning to end guessing and grasping at shadows. And when the culprit was finally revealed, I was truly shocked.

I adored this book. I loved everything about it. And that is not something I can say often. If you are a fan of romantic suspense, and even if you aren’t, you will love this book. Packed with action, suspense, steam, and emotionally gripping this is a story I will not be forgetting any time soon.

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Review: Sing (Songs of Submission #7) by C.D. Reiss

Sing (Songs of Submission, #7)Sing by C.D. Reiss

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the last book in the series.

Take my hand, my love.
On sinews of air we tread
Aught but distance our guide
With no tempo to our gait
No endpoint drawn
Neither plot nor plan
By the thorns of a compass rose
We bound toward the horizon
5 Utterly Brilliant Stars

“You’re a manipulative bastard, a brazen liar, and a sadist. You’ve brought me to my knees. You’ve dominated me. You’ve told me who I am and then challenged me to be it. If you made me strong enough to stand up to the world, let me stand by you. If you completed the woman I am, let me be that woman in your honor. Every part in my body is dedicated to you. Every note I sing. Every breath in my lungs. My pleasure and pain. Take me. Let me serve you. Let me be yours.”

This book. Holy fucking shit! THIS book. I was a pathetic, blubbering, ugly crying mess when reading it.


And no, dammit, I’m not even slightly exaggerating. The angst just about did me in.

                                                               True Story                   

How do you even go reviewing a book that effected you so much, and not reveal any spoilers? You don’t. So I’m not even going to attempt it. Nothing that I write can possibly do it, or this incredible series, justice. I’m not even sure how to describe it. But if I had to use just a few words?

          Gut wrenching
                Keep you on the edge of your seat
                                                Beautifully erotic

Want me to take you on my emotional journey through this book? No? Well I’m going to anyway.
I went from



But mainly, it was a whole lot of

I loved this series, I devoured each new installment, but THIS book. This book deserves a standing ovation. The emotional journey that it took me on. I was ugly crying all over my e-reader. My poor husband thought I was having an emotional breakdown. And at one point, I’m pretty sure that I may have been.

C.D. Reiss,

I worship at the altar of your brilliance. No really. You’ve ruined me. This series will be giving me the mother of all book hangovers. And I’m sitting on pins and needles in anticipation of your next book. Fair warning though

Book 1: Beg (my review)
Book 2: Tease (my review)
Book 3: Submit (my review)
Book 4: Control (my review)
Book 5: Burn (my review)
Book 6: Resist(my review)

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Review: Resist (Songs of Submission #6) by C.D. Reiss

Resist (Songs of Submission, #6)Resist by C.D. Reiss

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The story of Jonathan Drazen and Monica Faulkner continues.

And it’s time Monica stepped up to the plate.

I looked down at him, with his tourmaline eyes and copper hair and believed him despite my better judgment. Then I forgave him despite my misgivings. I loved him just because I did. My heart wasn’t sensible or guarded enough. Not by a sight. 

I was a walking raw nerve ending of emotion, as if the years I’d spent away from men and sex had made me more emotional, more vulnerable, more foolish than before. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling like the victim of a crime of consent.
5 You will never be able to resist Jonathan stars

“Was there anyone before you?” 

“You might have thought so at the time.” 

“I feel like no one’s ever loved me before.” 

“I’m sure they did their best, but you always belonged to me.”

What can I tell you about a book that starts out with this:
FAIR WARNING Massive Cliffhanger at the end
I can tell you that that warning is not messing around! Holy mother of cliffhangers! I am barely holding my shit together here. The only thing saving me from going completely kaka for kuku puffs? I have book 7 all ready to go.

The story of Monica and Jonathan continues. With each new installment, I just fall more and more in love with this series. I love Monica’s backbone and determination.

I was many things. I was submissive. I was masochistic. I was trusting. I was a sexual slave. But obedient? Not as much.

But what I love even more is the way she gives in and loves Jonathan.

I forgave him despite my misgivings. I loved him just because I did. My heart wasn’t sensible or guarded enough. Not by a sight. I was a walking raw nerve ending of emotion, as if the years I’d spent away from men and sex had made me more emotional, more vulnerable, more foolish. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling like the victim of a crime of consent.

Jonathan is perfection personified. The man is a king. There is no doubt about it. Everything that he says

Everything that he does

And don’t even get me started on when he REALLY gets down to business.

Put your hands up to the showerhead.” I did, and his followed the line of my arms, cupping his hands over mine, sliding them to the pipe that held the shower head. “Hold that.” My arms up as if tied, he pushed me against the tiles and put one of my legs around his waist. He kissed me, hands at my ass, spreading me apart with his fingers. “Please,” I said. “I want you.”
“I’m yours.” He thrust into me.

Do you really need any more reasons? No? Didn’t think so.

I devoured this book. Everything about it was perfection. With each new detail that comes to light, I just get even more addicted. I can’t wait to see how it all ends. On a side note: Jessica

That is all.

Book 1: Beg (my review)
Book 2: Tease (my review)
Book 3: Submit (my review)
Book 4: Control (my review)
Book 5: Burn (my review)

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Review: Burn (Songs of Submission #5) by C.D. Reiss

Burn (Songs of Submission, #5)Burn by C.D. Reiss

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Here’s how it’s going to be, Goddess.

Until you surrender yourself to me fully, I will not touch you.

Until the world can know you belong to me, I will not kiss you.

I’m going to be inches away, at your side. I’m going to whisper in your ear and put my breath on your neck, but the heat of my skin will not feel the shudder of yours until you commit yourself to me completely and without reservation.

He was the last thing I needed. He was trouble. Six feet two inches of life-damaging trouble in a sweet, tempting motherfucking devil of a package.

These books!

(see what I did there? LOL!)

The writing


When this ice cube melts, I’m going to make love to you so slow, everyone in this hotel is going to know my name. It won’t be play. It’s going to be dead serious.” “Okay.”
“Then it’s playtime. I’m going to tie you down and take every part of your body until I’m satisfied. It will hurt, goddess, and you will beg for more.”

The ending

I’ve run out of words to describe the pure awesome that is this series, so this is all you will be getting from me in this review. I’m suprised I was even able to get this much written, since I need to be getting back to Jonny. And you know what?

Book 1: Beg (my review)
Book 2: Tease (my review)
Book 3: Submit (my review)
Book 4: Control (my review)

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Review: Control (Songs of Submission #4)

Control (Songs of Submission, #4)Control by C.D. Reiss

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What you’re breaking isn’t some little, meaningless coupling. We aren’t some casual fuck, and we never were. Not from the first night. Not from the first time I laid eyes on you. You were built for me. I denied it as long as I could, but we were meant to be together. You are the sea under my sky. We’re bound at the horizon.
5 Brilliantly Erotic Stars
I wanted to be under his control, under his dominance, under him. I wanted to forget myself in him and to forget the shame of wanting it so badly.

Just when I thought this series couldn’t get any better, C.D. Reiss goes and gives us dual POV’s.

I am not often at a loss for words, but these books are so spellbinding, I can barely tear myself away to write a review. I’ve read some incredible series this year; The Original Sinners, Consequences, and I can now add Songs of Submission to the list.

Want me to describe these books for you in 2 words? LITERARY.ORGASM.

Book 4 finds Monica and Jonathan delving even further into the boundaries of their relationship. As terrified as Monica was of the word “submissive”, she is finding herself not only comfortable in the role, but craving it.

He was the ache between my legs, the desire in my belly, the tingle on my skin, the very embodiment of my gratification.

And Jonathan is finding that Monica is not quite the casual relationship that he first thought she would be.

“What you’re breaking isn’t some little, meaningless coupling. We aren’t some casual fuck, and we never were. Not from the first night. Not from the first time I laid eyes on you. You were built for me. I denied it as long as I could, but we were meant to be together. You are the sea under my sky. We’re bound at the horizon”

What I love the most, well besides Jonathan of course, is how Monica is portrayed. It is so refreshing to read about a heroine that owns her sexuality, as opposed to being meek and shy.

Her sexuality wasn’t coy or cute. She wasn’t saucy; she was feral. Her very presence on the earth stirred me.

Now as much as I would love to sit here and gush some more, I need to get back to book 5. Be thankful I was even able to give you that much. And I thank you

Book 1: Beg (my review)
Book 2: Tease (my review)
Book 3: Submit (my review)

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Amazon (Currently a freebie!!) 

Review: Submit (SoS #3) by C.D. Reiss

Submit (Songs of Submission, #3)Submit by C.D. Reiss

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis 

“You’re mine. The minute I told you to spread your legs and you did it, you were mine. When I told you to beg for it and you did, you were mine. When you put your hands behind your back without being told, I owned you.”
No. God, no.
My name is Monica, and no matter what Jonathan says, I am not submissive.

My Review

5 I’m pretty sure I’d beg to submit to Jonathan Stars

Jesus, the motherfucker sucked away my reserve and turned it into orgasms.

I wish I could give you a long and lengthy review that this book rightfully deserves, but I can’t. One, because I can’t seem to tear myself away from reading the next book and two, well because nothing I say will simply give it justice.

Book three in the SoS series picks up immediately where Tease left off. We get answers to some of the questions we were left with immediately at the end of Tease. But at the same time, left with many more questions.

C.D. Reiss has an incredible gift with words. The woman is able to weave and spin words to build an incredibly erotic picture in your mind. It’s genius. It’s brilliant. It’s addicting.

You’re both the best and worst submissive I’ve ever met.” 

“And you’re the only dominant I’ve ever met.” 

“I want to be your last. I want to ruin you for other men.”

In Submit, Monica finds herself struggling between friendship and the growth of her career. But she also finds that a lot of her thoughts are dominated by a certain sexy millionaire.

Jonathan is absolutely amazing. With each new book, I just fall for him harder and harder. He is sexy as hell, yet also incredibly sweet. He has a very dominant presence, yet never comes off as domineering or overly possessive. He is, for lack of a better word, delicious.

Monica can try to fight it all she wants, but you just can’t walk away from a man like that. You’d have to be crazy.

Now jumping straight into Control.

Reviews from previous books in series

Book 1: Beg (my review)
Book 2: Tease (my review)

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Review: Tease (Songs of Submission #2) by C.D. Reiss

Tease (Songs of Submission, #2)Tease by C.D. Reiss

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis

When Jonathan was gone I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and the first thing he did when he got back was demand more of me. I’m willing to give him my orgasms and my time, but I find myself giving up pieces of my heart.
My career is on track, and even though I can’t write a thing, I can sing. So I’ll go to the art opening with him, because his ex wife will be there. I feel this need to protect him from hurt, though in bed, his domination brings me to my knees.
This man is going to break me into a million little pieces.

My Review

5 Tease till you beg for it Stars

“If you have never seen beauty in a moment of suffering, you have never seen beauty at all.

This series is an addiction. A brilliantly written, incredibly erotic addiction.

Jonathan, my sexy and mysterious Jonathan. I find myself anticipating every bit and crumble we learn about him. One thing is for sure, the more I learn, the more the man intrigues me. The mere mention of his name, and my pervy little heart goes all pitter patter.

With the progression of Monica and Jonathan’s relationship, more information is revealed. We get slightly more background about Monica and her ex-boyfriend, Kevin. Then there was Jessica, Jonathan’s ex-wife. I’m pretty sure I will be hating her more and more as I read. But the center of it all was Jonathan and Monica.

I read a lot of erotic romance. And I mean A LOT. It takes quite a bit to have me raving and gushing about an author. But the way Ms. Reiss can write a sex scene?! Sweet mother of GAWD! The woman is brilliant. I cannot get enough of her writing style and the sex scenes are SCORCHING. And this is only 2 books in. I cannot wait to see what the rest will bring. So this will be a short and sweet review, since I’m diving straight into the next book.

Book 1: Beg (my review)

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Review: Beneath the Burn by Pam Godwin

Beneath the BurnBeneath the Burn by Pam Godwin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis

They meet by chance. The timing is wrong.
Three years later, she finds him again, but their separation was poisoned with narcotics and bloodied by enslavement.
Her freedom gambled away, Charlee Grosky escapes the international businessman who held her captive. But his power reaches beyond her protective barriers and threatens everyone she has come to love.
Jay Mayard wears his tortured secrets under his rock god facade. Drugs are his release, even as he seeks to be the man forged of the steel only she can see.
In a celebrity world filled with paparazzi, groupies, and drugs, Jay and Charlee must face their worst fears. When the battle is over, what will be left…Beneath The Burn.
Genre: Romantic/Erotic Thriller

Content warning: Includes graphic rape, sex, anal, bondage, and violence. 

My Review

5 Burning Stars

“You showed me beauty in survival. I’ll show you strength in healing.”

How do I even go about reviewing a book that I’m pretty sure had me highlighting every other page. I’m not even slightly exaggerating. I highlighted the hell out of this book. This is the first testament of how much I enjoy a book. If I can’t stop highlighting, I know that I’m hanging on to every single word.

Love is like a series of improbable, lonely notes landing together in meaningful chaos. Where every channel carries a rhythm that conveys an expression of emotion. It doesn’t feel flat or fake or hollow. It’s not exaggerated with overtones. The complexity might feel organized, but the creation is never controlled.”

This was the story about two beautifully broken souls finding a healing peace with each other. A dark and emotional story of pain, abuse, and learning to heal. The characters were amazing, the love scenes incredibly erotic, and the writing? Devastatingly brilliant! I loved every single dark and gritty page.

I will try to review without giving away any spoilers, because you really must discover all the details for yourself. I wouldn’t want to take away from any of it.

Three years ago, Charlee and Jay have a chance encounter at her tattoo shop that effects them both immensely.

Inexplicably drawn to one another for reasons they don’t yet thoroughly understand, fate unfortunately has different plans for them. Charlee’s life takes a dark turn that night, while Jay goes on to become a famous musician.

Now three years later, fate reunites them once more but with many more painful memories and scars darkening their present.

For nine years, she didn’t know who she could cling to, or if she would ever be able to take that risk, but clinging to Jay felt… elemental. As if deep within him lay the map to emotions she’d lost and maybe some she never experienced. She wouldn’t let go. No matter how contagious his pain. If she were tough enough to endure hers, could she shoulder his too?

Charlee was such an amazing heroine. You couldn’t help but feel for her. She was so strong, yet undeniably broken.

The darkness and pain that she has experienced at the hands of an obsessive psychopath in her young years is beyond anything I can describe. Pam Godwin spared no detail in describing any of the darkest details. I consider myself to be pretty used to dark reads, but even I found myself cringing at some parts. The abuse that she experiences was incredibly difficult and disturbing to read. But it helps pain an very vivid picture of how it effects her and forms her into the person that she is now.

Jay, my beautifully broken and damaged Jay. How I loved him in this book. I’m pretty sure I feel for him in the first few pages. The mystery of his past is what intrigued me the most about him. He tries so hard to deal with the nightmares of his past, but the loss of Charlee 3 years ago sends him into another tailspin.

Lost in a haze of drugs, alcohol, and meaningless sex, he struggles to bury his dark secrets as deep as he can. That is until Charlee walks into his life again, and he finds himself wanting to be the man she deserves.

I want to learn how to bend to your touch without breaking.” He stroked his cheek along hers, the rise and fall of his chest intoxicating her. “I want you to touch me inside and out.”

While their relationship was anything but smooth, I absolutely loved the two of them together. It was emotional

Will you walk to me? Will you move so close that the ground wobbles, the walls between us crumble, and your thoughts rip open until we’re melding our fears and hopes as easily as we share air?”


She was his greatest possibility. His reason. His why. He would give whatever she needed to be whole and happy, because (view spoiler)[loving (hide spoiler)] her was as essential as drawing air.

And erotic as hell

If you love dark, emotional, and erotic stories, I couldn’t recommend this one enough.

This book captured my heart, the characters wove their way into it, and their story is one that will be staying with me for a long while.

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