If… Someone hadn’t scarred my face.I hadn’t followed my dreams to LA.That tweaker hadn’t attacked that homeless guy.I hadn’t invited a stranger over for Thanksgiving.I hadn’t fallen in love.If I hadn’t lost him.
If…I hadn’t gone for that drive.I saw the world like everyone else.My “genius” wasn’t slowly destroying me.I had just walked away before I could ever know her.She hadn’t ignited the spark.If the spark didn’t ignite the madness.
“Let’s start with something simple. How about a tree, in the fall, so you can play with color?”
She smiled. “That sounds perfect.”
“Okay, we’re going to use acrylic because if you make a mistake, you can paint over it as soon as it dries.”
“Oh ye of little faith,” she said, coming over to stand in front of me at the easel. She was so close, I could feel her warmth even though we weren’t touching.… Read more