Review & Giveaway: ★Sinner’s Creed★ by @authorkimjones

Review-Sinner's CreedSINNER’S CREED
Series: Sinner’s Creed #1
Genre: MC, Erotic
Author: Kim Jones
Release Date: March 1, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


First in a new series—welcome to the Sinner’s Creed Motorcycle Club, where hard bodies and hot leather are made for each other, and love gone wrong is the most irresistible of all…
“I was the demon-possessed monster and she was the innocent, naïve angel. But none of that matters. She asks, I give and right now, I’ll kill anyone who tries to stop me from giving this woman what she wants—me.” 

Dirk lives in the shadows—performing hits, maintaining order, and upholding the no-holds-barred legacy of the Sinner’s Creed Motorcycle Club. A nomad with a restless spirit and a cold heart, the open road is his world. One of the few constants in his life: his desire for the one woman who has consumed his thoughts for years.

Saylor Samson grew up far from the harshness of Dirk’s world.

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Upcoming Releases for March 1

New Releases-DGR
Is it already time for another new release post? Well good thing that I got a whole list of prettehs for my dirty birds! Check out all these upcoming releases that can be hitting your kindle on March 1!

EXPOSED by Jasinda Wilder


New York Times bestselling author Jasinda Wilder presents the second novel starring the mysterious Madame X.
My name is Madame X.
My life is not my own.
But it could be…
Everything Madame X has ever known is contained within the four walls of the penthouse owned by her lover—the man who controls her every move and desire.

While Caleb owns her body, someone else has touched her soul. X’s awakening at the hands of Logan’s raw, honest masculinity has led her down a new path, one that is as exciting as it is terrifying.

But Caleb’s need to own X completely knows no bounds, and he isn’t about to let her go.

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New Release & Review: ★The Heart of It★ by @MollyOKwrites

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Novella
Author: Molly O’Keefe
Release Date: February 29, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


On the outside rich and successful Gabe Paterson has everything.

No one would guess the ghosts from his past are tearing him apart.

Desperate, he reaches out to Elena – a resilient call girl, with her own childhood scars – for help.

In their moments of honesty, the two forge the most surprising relationship of their lives.

But will they be brave enough to make it into something more?

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The Heart of It Graphic 3

Review4.5 starsThe heart of it-DGR

He was a bag of lies and half-truths and she was without counterfeit. There could have been a hundred women sitting at this bar and he would have only seen her and the brilliant truth of her.

Can you write a heartfelt and poignant story full of steam and emotion in under 70 pages? If you’re Molly O’Keefe not only can you, but you do it effortlessly.… Read more

Hooker Line #2: ★Out-Hookered by Brooke Blaine★


Did you know that Brooke Blaine is releasing book 2 in her super fabulous L.A. Liaisons series, eloquently titled as HOOKER? So of course it’s only right that us hookers had to get her sassy ass for an interview on our blogs, #HookerLineStyle of course. It’s the only way we know how. We went into this hoping to out-perve Brooke, and she ended up out-hookering us. My mind is still reeling after. We chat all things Hooker, her LA Liaisons series, nude pics, Tom Hardy, Jason Statham, Tom Hardy peen, high school crushes, kinks with suspenders, and much much more. But why tell you about it, when you could read it for yourself. Make sure you scroll all the way down for an exclusive interview AND a super fabulous giveaway for a chance to win a SIGNED PAPERBACK of Licked and an ARC of HOOKER!

No, this wasn’t your typical fucking interview.… Read more

★DGR’s Ultimate List of Second-Chance Romance★

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Blog Tour & Review: ★From Sanctum With Love★ by @authorlexiblake

Review-FSwLFrom Sanctum with Love
Series: Masters and Mercenaries #10
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: February 23, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2

FromSanctumWithLove_highres (1)

Psychologist Kai Ferguson has had his eye on Kori Williamson for a long time. His assistant is everything he’s ever wanted in a partner—smart, caring, witty, and a bit of a masochist. More than a little, actually, but that’s the problem. Kori won’t admit her own desires. She’s afraid of him and what he has to offer. Luckily for her, helping patients face their fears is one of his specialties.

Kori knows she wants Kai. Her boss is the most amazing man she’s ever met. She’s also smart enough to stay away from him. Having been down this road before, she knows it only leads to heartache. She’s just found a place where she can belong. Another failed relationship is the last thing she needs. It’s better to guard her heart and let Kai think she’s frightened of his dark, dominant nature.

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Cover Reveals and Rockstars with Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott

Did you know I’m slightly obsessed with all things Cari and Taryn? No? Because I am. Like borderline going Misery on them just to keep getting a fix. You may wonder what started my addiction, and that was the day I read Rocked, book one in their Lost in Oblivion series. Rockstars, romance and angst; this girl couldn’t ask for anything more.

Now this amazing series has gotten a face list with brand, spanking new and gorgeous covers! If you’re new to the series, you need to be one-clicking the hell out of these. And fans will surely appreciate the brand new stunning covers on our favorites 🙂

Seduced (Lost in Oblivion, #0.5)



Music kept them going. Now it might tear them apart…

Guitarist Nick Crandall has one focus in his life—Oblivion, the band he started with his closest friends, lead singer Simon Kagan and bassist Deacon McCoy.

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Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: ★Finding North★ by Carmen Jenner

RB Banner

Finding North
Author: Carmen Jenner
Genre: Erotic Romance M/M
Release Date: February 25, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Finding North Ebook Cover

Red Maine’s blue-collared bad boy, North Underwood, has a dirty little secret—Will Tanner.

Friends since kindergarten, North had been the one to jump first, and his fall into Will’s bed ten years ago had been no exception. Will and North had been inseparable, but things change, people grow apart, and even a blazing flame can dwindle to a dying ember over time.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

After a run in with a bottle of Bundy rum, Will and North find themselves in a compromising and all too familiar position.

Blurred lines, bad decisions, and one wrong foot after another lead these two down a spiral of sarcasm, secrets, and sex, but when North’s hetero status is called into question he can’t figure up from down. And despite Will telling himself he wouldn’t fall again, he’s head over heels and wandering without a compass.

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New Release & Giveaway: ★Booty Call★ by Ainsley Booth

Happy Release Day to Ainsley Booth! Booty Call is live and ready to rock them ovaries 😉


I know what I’m doing when I text Scott at four in the morning.

He knows what I’m doing, too.

That’s why he shows up twenty-three minutes later, freshly showered with a condom in his pocket and a barely dissolved breath mint on his tongue.

I smirk as he looms over me. “You are such a dirty old man.”

“We need to stop doing this.”


“Because you’re twenty-one and I’m not. Because I want to take you on a f***ing date and you won’t. Because we wind up yelling at each other half the time.”

“But the rest of the time you’re inside me and it feels so good, right?”

His eyes darken and I don’t need to look down to know he’s hard for me.


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It’s obscene, this view of my cock sliding between her legs.… Read more

Review: ★Monster In His Eyes★ by J.M. Darhower

Series: Monster in His Eyes #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Mafia
Author: J.M. Darhower
Release Date: April 27, 2014add-to-goodreads-button-2


Ignazio Vitale is not a good man.

I suspect it, the first time I see him, sense the air of danger that surrounds the man. He has a way of commanding attention, of taking control, of knowing what I’m thinking before I even do.

It’s alarming and alluring. It’s dark and deadly. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted but the last thing I truly need. Obsession.

It doesn’t take him long to draw me into his web, charming me into his bed and trapping me in his life, a life I know nothing about until it’s too late. He has secrets, secrets I can’t fathom, secrets that make it so I can’t walk away, no matter how much I beg him to let me go. I see it sometimes in his eyes, a darkness that’s both terrifying and thrilling.

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