Confession time; we’re a bunch of picky bitches here at DGR. True story. Especially me. I have pet peeves for my pet peeves. Swear to god. It’s a curse. LMAO. But then our 2017 started off strong, and kept going and going and going, until we had so many 5 stars under our belts, we were positively full of good book mojo glee. It’s totally a thing. Go with me here.
So we figured, being the picky bitches that we are, these 5 star reads need to be shouted from the rooftops. So this will be a HUGE spotlight we do for the next several weeks. We’ll be featuring a book per post and telling you just why this happened to make our top favorites (so far) list.
For our third spotlight, I bring you the perfection that is this romantic comedy. Brooke Blaine, as I loving refer to as a dirty hooker (She loves it.… Read more