Release Blitz, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Broken Course✩ by @AlyMartinezAuth

Broken Banner
Title: Broken Course (Wrecked and Ruined, #3)
Author: Aly Martinez
Release Date: November 10, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Seven years ago, my life changed forever. One accident and the person I saw in the mirror no longer resembled the woman I used to be. I was lost and confused inside my own body. I felt alone and disconnected from the world, carrying the incredible weight of guilt and loss that wasn’t even mine to harbor.

Then fate led me to Leo James. He taught me that crazy could be perfectly normal and it shouldn’t hurt to breathe. Don’t get me wrong. Leo isn’t perfect. He has his own cross to bear, and the truth is, that might be why I fell for him in the first place. But despite everything he does for me, learning to forgive myself is infinitely harder than overlooking the flaws of another.

Now, the secrets and lies of our past have begun to dictate our future—threatening to ruin us before we get the chance to try. Perhaps we were cursed from the start. Or maybe, just maybe, the remnants of our fractured lives will fit together to form one whole, where love isn’t questioned and being happy is…well, easy.

Can a second broken soul be enough to fill the voids of my own? Or will such scarred pasts prove too much for our love alone to overcome?

**Each book in this series can be read as a stand alone.**

4 Healing Stars

Only, in my book, there are no more fresh pages- I’m writing in the margins these days.

In my never ending fashion of doing things backasswards, I dove into this book without having read the first 2 books in the series where the heroine was first introduced. I did read Among the Echoes, which is where I first fell in love with Leo James. When I heard that Aly Martinez will be giving him a story in Broken Course, I absolutely knew that I must read it. Being a reader that tends to be be very hard on the heroines, I’m partly happy that I didn’t read the first two books (YET), because I think that Sarah may have originally turned me off. If you did read the first two books and that is holding you back at all, don’t give it a second thought. Because there’s no way you can continue to hate her after this book. Now on to the review…

Can two broken people make something whole?

In usual Aly Martinez fashion, she gives you a prologue that is guaranteed to suck you into the story. With a chilling introduction like that, how can it not? But this is not as gritty or dark as the prologue makes you think it is, which is actually a big reason why I loved this book as much as I did.

Seven years ago, a devastating accident changed the course of Sarah’s life. Left in the ruins of a life that she can’t remember and a woman that is no longer her, Sarah barely manages to keep her head above water. All she knows is almost irrational anger and guilt. But she’s no longer that woman, she’s made a change and is trying to right the wrongs…when fate leads her straight into the arms of Leo James

Angel, you were mine from the first moment I laid eyes on you.

Leo is struggling with demons of his own. If you haven’t yet read Among The Echoes, I highly recommend you to because it will give you a much deeper understanding of the man that he is and the dark memories that haunt him.

Leo is instantly drawn to the blonde beauty when he runs into her on a busy Chicago street. There’s just something about her that calls to him, a connection that he can’t explain…or can he?

The author did an incredibly beautiful job handling an extremely sensitive issue. Leo may be sex on a stick, and when he whips out the Spanish in bed he will melt the panties right off of you, but this is a man with a dark past. Struggling with crippling guilt, depression and PTSD, he is by no means perfect. I loved that the author didn’t gloss over his issues, but faced them head on. I also really loved the way that Sarah handled his issues. As broken as both of these characters were, I found them to be absolutely perfect together.

I will not give you more of the story since it simply just has to be experienced. But what I can tell you is I thought this was the perfect book to end this series with. There is no heavy angst, manufactured drama, or really any abundance of gritty or dark events. It’s a story of two broken people that learn to heal one another while realistically dealing with their own issues. This was a more character driven story than anything else, and I loved it for that. Both Leo and Sarah show an incredible amount of personal growth through the book. All the characters from the previous books make an appearance and even if you’re like me and haven’t read those yet, you’ll never find yourself lost.

You have told me a million times that i saved you, but I disagree. With one simple, ‘Hi, I’m Leo James,’ you rescued me. You shattered the force field and magically began repairing parts of me I didn’t even know were broken.

The romance between Sarah and Leo was steamy and swoonworthy. If Leo doesn’t make your heart all pitter patter I don’t know what will. The story wasn’t quick paced or action packed, but it was emotional and realistic. They each make their share of mistakes, but I never found myself getting frustrated with them because they fit the story and their history. I appreciate that the author never diminished the characters’ issues. Sarah may have worked through her issues with Brett, but it’s never perfect, and I liked that. I wouldn’t have believed it if it had after all they’ve been through.

The epilogue was perfection! It was so great getting that extended peek into all the previous characters, including Leo and Sarah years down the line.

I’m definitely a big fan of this author and highly anticipate what she’ll have in store for her readers next.

Wrecked and Ruined
wrecked and ruinedChanging Course (Wrecked and Ruined, #1)

Stolen Course (Wrecked and Ruined, #2)
Broken Course (Wrecked and Ruined, #3)
Aly Martinez
Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Aly Martinez is a stay-at-home mom to four crazy kids under the age of five, including a set of twins. Currently living in Chicago, she passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a glass of wine at her side. 

After some encouragement from her friends, Aly decided to add “Author” to her ever-growing list of job titles. So grab a glass of Chardonnay, or a bottle if you’re hanging out with Aly, and join her aboard the crazy train she calls life.

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love 2

Review: ✩Until The End✩ by Abbi Glines

The backstory that fans have been clamoring for—how Rock and Trisha fell in love—is the final installment in the Sea Breeze series from New York Times bestselling author Abbi Glines. And don’t miss the sizzling Epilogue, where Abbi wraps up all the Sea Breeze couples’ stories!

Trisha Corbin always knew how to hide a bruise. With her momma’s boyfriends unable to keep their hands off of her, she had no choice. And as long as it meant the guys wouldn’t go near her little brother, Krit, it was worth it. But her days of dreaming that Prince Charming would ever come rescue her are far, far in the past.

Rock Taylor always had a plan. Through football, he would rise above the life he was born into. A full ride to play for a major college team was within his reach—assuming he didn’t let anything get in his way. But scoring a date with the hottest girl in Sea Breeze was proving harder than expected. Trisha Corbin was every man’s walking fantasy, and she wouldn’t even glance his way.

When Rock finally does get Trisha in his truck, it isn’t for a date. It’s because he picks her up on the side of the road, beaten and bruised and walking to the local hospital. Before Rock knows it, football is no longer his life. Trisha Corbin is. And he’ll do anything to save her. And keep her.

In addition to Rock and Trisha’s love story, this special novel contains the wrap-up stories of all your favorite Sea Breeze couples: Sadie and Jax, Marcus and Low, Cage and Eva, Preston and Amanda, Jess and Jason, Krit and Blythe, and Dewayne and Sienna.

4.5 Stars

With one look, that girl changed my dreams.

This was such a bittersweet book for me to read. Sea Breeze has been my favorite series of Abbi Glines, even though not every book in the series has been a total winner for me. But through them all, the two characters that always had a solid presence have been Trisha and Rock. I think that Miss Glines couldn’t have ended this fantastic series with a better couple. Rock was…he was just…GAH! He was swoonworthy perfection.

One day, Trisha Corbin, you will call me your hero. And that day will be the most important moment in my life.

I loved seeing how this couple first got together and fell in love. We’ve already gotten peaks into Trisha’s turbulent childhood in the previous books, and we know that Rock has been her cornerstone through it all. What we didn’t know is how it all began and came to be. And this book gives you that extremely satisfying, sweet and also steamy love story that we’ve all been dying for.

I had been entranced by the teenager who wouldn’t give me the time of day, and completely captivated by the woman she had become.

I can honestly tell you that Rock may just be my favorite hero by Abbi Glines. EVER. The man was walking perfection, even as a teenager. The things that he says never failed to make my heart flutter.

“Why did you do that?”
“Because I’m crazy about you. Because your lips are the prettiest damn lips I’ve ever seen. Because you think you’re a burden to me when I just want to keep you close to me all the time. Because you are making me lose my mind. Because I don’t want to be your friend, Trisha. I want to be yours.”

My only wish is that their romance would have been a little longer. It was only half the book, while the other half gives the reader extended epilogues of all the previous couples in this series.

I loved getting those final peaks into the lives of these couples months and then years later. It was the perfect way to bring Sea Breeze to a close. I almost don’t know what to do with myself now that it’s over. ESPECIALLY after that last line! [I would absolutely freaking LOVE to get a spin off series with the kids. That last line! UGH! Are you kidding me?! What sweet torture LOL (hide spoiler)]

Paperback Release, Excerpt, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Before We Fall✩ by Courtney Cole

Before We Fall
Beautifully Broken #3
Author: Courtney Cole
Forever Trade Paperback; $12.00
Paperback Release Date: November 4, 2014

Sometimes before we fall . . . we fly.

One dark moment was all it took to turn twenty-four-year-old Dominic Kinkaide’s world black. On the night of his high school graduation, a single incident changed him forever, and he became a hardened man-famous in the eyes of the world, but tortured inside. Now all he cares about is losing himself in the roles that he plays.

At twenty-three years old, Jacey Vincent doesn’t realize how much her father’s indifference has affected her. She is proof that sometimes it isn’t one specific moment that wrecks a person, but an absence of moments. She tries to find acceptance in the arms of men to fill the void-a plan that has worked just fine for her, until she meets Dominic.

When jaded Dominic and strong-willed Jacey are thrown together, the combination of his secrets and her issues turns their attraction into the perfect storm. It could change their lives for good-if it doesn’t tear them both apart . . .

“Are you feeling warm yet?”

I watch his lips as he speaks the words, husky and low. His lips are full, yet manly and suddenly I ache to lean over and press mine to his, to touch them in any way that I can.

But I don’t.

Because I’m not a girl who gets used. Not anymore.

“No, not at all.”

But Dominic takes that as a challenge. He’s not used to hearing the word no and he’s not about to start now. I see that in his dark eyes a scant moment before he dips his head and consumes my mouth.

I say consume, instead of kiss, because that’s what he does.

He consumes me.

His lips are fiery and hot and he kisses me with a fierceness that touches a secret part of me; moist, hot, firm, sexy. I want to inhale him, to suck him down. I vaguely feel his hands on my back, his warmth emanating through my clothes, his hardness pushing into my softness.

I’m breathless when he pulls away.

“What about now?”

For the life of me, I’m afraid to answer that. Instead I pull away, just a bit, just enough that there is some space between us, but I can still absorb his warmth. As my teeth chatter, both from the cold and from the sudden absence of his lips, I answer.

“I’m good.”

He laughs, a husky, low, naughty sound.

“Oh, I’m sure of that.”

And just like that, I’m drawn back in . . . in toward his sexy smile, his arrogant gaze, and his knowing smirk. He’s bad for me. Very bad for me. I’ve got to remember that.

He will decimate you, I tell myself.

But my problem is, every time I look into his dark eyes and see the mysterious things that lurk there, I forget that. I forget everything that is supposed to matter.


4 Stars

Dominic is trouble. And I don’t need any more trouble in my life. I’m turning over a new leaf and I’m making good choices. Dominic Kinkaide is a bad, bad choice.

I know that whenever I pick up a book by Courtney Cole I am in for one dark and angsty emotional roller coaster ride. Book 2 in the series, If You Leave continues to be one of my favorite books this year. That being said, I was hesitant to pick this one since I wanted to throttle Jacey in that book. I’m not even exaggerating. I hated her. I was pretty sure that there would need to be a miracle for me to develop any semblance of like toward her. So why was I still anticipating this book? Because I couldn’t wait to see what kind of magic Courtney had in store to endear us to Jacey as the heroine.

So did I like it? Did Courtney Cole manage to do the impossible and actually get me to like Jacey?

For those that have read this series before, you know exactly what you are in for. Though I felt that Dom was possibly the darkest and most intense of the previous two books.

For those that have never read this series, Beautifully Broken is a light, easy, and fluffy read with perfect heroes and sweet heroines…

Had you going there for a second though, didn’t I?

No, there is nothing light, fluffy, or easy about this book. This is a story about 2 flawed people that start of on a rocky relationship that will either put them back together again or shatter them once and for all.

To say that Dominic was fucked up would probably be one hell of an understatement. You know the second you meet him that this is a man that is hiding some very dark demons beneath his sexy as sin exterior.

Dom learned early in life that the only thing that’s guaranteed in life is betrayal and pain. So he doesn’t let anyone in. He wears a facade that’s so well constructed even he has trouble recalling who he once was.

My problem is that I’m stuck in limbo… I don’t want to remember and I don’t want to forget. If I remember, it hurts like hell. But if I forget, it might happen again.

He hides beneath meaningless hookups, nameless women, his work, and alcohol. In short? He’s a jaded asshole. But can you really blame the guy? He’s a famous actor that women pretty much throw themselves at.

Jacey struggles with demons of her own. After a stupid lack in judgement causes a devastating outcome she is determined to turn her life around and be a better, more responsible person. But then she crosses paths with Dominic fucking Kinkaide. She can’t help but feel attracted to the sexy movie star.

But before long the undeniable attraction between them leads to something much more. But can Jacey break through the impenetrable emotional armor that Dom hides behind, without getting broken in the process?

He’s dangerous to me. Because even though this is supposed to be fun, temporary, and lighthearted, I can feel myself getting pulled in. I feel myself getting getting attached and I can’t do that. That wasn’t supposed to be part of this.

But Dom knows that the secrets he has he will never be able to get over. They’ve broken him, and they can only hurt anyone that gets close enough to even attempt to reach them.

Jacey, I’m not good. I’m the opposite of good. Have you ever wondered if people are monsters inside, down where no one can see? Because I don’t have to wonder. I know that I am.

There was the intricate back and forth dance of ‘I want you’ but ‘I can’t’, followed by ‘I want you’ but ‘I shouldn’t’. Which after a little while left me feeling a little bit like

It got to be a bit much, even for an angst whore like me. I wanted Jacey to be a little more harder at times and say no to Dom and not give in as easily as she seemed to. But then little by little we began getting more intimate glimpses of the man that Dom tries so hard to keep hidden.

What are you afraid of, Dominic? Really? What are you afraid of?”

I thought that I was heading toward a 3.5 star read in the first half of the book. But then BAM! At 75 percent all hell starts to break loose and I was glued to my kindle wanting to find out what happens. I was an emotional and ugly crying mess. Of all the things I thought that Dominic was living with, I didn’t see that one coming. But then as if that wasn’t enough, Courtney Cole went and threw in a mother of all twists…


The last 25% brought the book up to a 4 star book for me. It was THAT good.

Dominic and Jacey relationship was filled with many bumps. It was emotional, it was devastating, it was also steamy as hell.

I was a little taken aback by a certain event in the epilogue, though. I’m not sure why, but it just seemed a little out of place in this series for me. I can’t say it was either bad or good, just weird…I guess?

If you like angtsy, steamy, and emotional NA romance books, definitely give this series a shot. Although each book can be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading the entire series in order.

Courtney Cole is a New York Times and USA Todaybestselling author who lives near Lake Michigan with her family.  

She’s always working on her next project… or staring dreamily out her office window.

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Review: ✩Leave Me Breathless✩ by Cherrie Lynn

Leather and lace don’t strike sparks. Or do they?

It’s Valentine’s Day, but Macy Rodgers isn’t feeling the love. Aside from a torrid, one-night fling in a backseat a few months back, her love life has been sorely lacking, but fortunately she has devious friends who feel like playing Cupid. Wouldn’t they be shocked to learn that the match they’ve made for her is the same one that steamed up the back of that ’69 GTO…

Seth “Ghost” Warren has just returned to town after an extended absence. Between his grandmother’s failing health, his job as a tattoo artist, his band’s gigs, and a crazy ex that won’t leave him alone, he’s stretched thin. Cautious cowgirl Macy is the last thing he needs thrown into the mix.

She’s all country, he’s all heavy metal—and Macy knows that if anyone can propel her out of her rut, it’s Seth. But when their worlds collide, it’s anyone guess if they’ll survive with their hearts intact.

Warning: Contains explicit sex, graphic language, road trips, troublemaking exes, emotional baggage, and an unconventional but exceptionally hot hero tatted and pierced for your pleasure…

4.5 I’ll never look at Casper the same again Stars

How big is it?”
“Uh, don’t you know?
“I’m talking precise measurements.”
“Why, Macy. A nice young lady like yourself, asking such a thing. I’m appalled.”
“Oh, come on. Guys always know how big they are.”
“Big enough that I should tie a bow around it and attach a little card that says “To: Macy. You’re welcome. Love, Seth.”

Sorry, sorry. I just couldn’t resist. I was laughing at that quote for like 10 minutes, and that’s the only mental visual I had. Well…that and then the mental visual of Seth’s pierced gift with a bow. Uhem.

I am kicking, seriously kicking myself for taking this long to finally read this book. I read the first 2 books in the Ross Siblings series when they first came out. Maybe the thing that held me off was the fact I didn’t exactly love Macy after meeting her in Rock Me? She was just a bit too uptight for my usual tastes.

Meh. Potatoes Potahtohs if you ask me. She was a righteous little nosy body in that book that kinda drove me nuts.

But Ghost? Sweet mother of GAWD. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Ghost, and I couldn’t wait to finally find out exactly what did happen in that GTO. (And if you’re curious, I highly suggest reading Breathe Me In before reading this book) Now on to the review.

Want me to describe Seth “Ghost” Warren in one gif?

Ghost is a carefree bad boy. But still waters run deep with that one. This is a man that has been seriously wounded by love in his past. His crazy slightly stalkerish ex is the perfect testament that his taste in women mostly sucks. He doesn’t want to get his heart broken again, especially not by a girl that couldn’t be more out of his league than Macy Rodgers.

Macy is a good girl. After seeing her friend fall in love with a guy that she believed at the time couldn’t be more wrong for her, she’s now eating humble pie…spending Valentine’s Day by herself. The one man that won’t leave her thoughts is also the one that couldn’t be more wrong for her. And he’s also the man she shared an unbelievable erotic night with in the back of his GTO right before he left town. But now he’s back, and looking to take off where they left off.

But what happens when lust begins to turn into something that neither of them expected? Can two people that couldn’t be more different be exactly what they need for each other?

I loved this book. I seriously freaking loved this book. I never thought I’d grow to like Macy, and I was so shocked when I not only began to like her but to root for her. She was nothing like the righteous little goody goody she appeared in the previous book.

Ghost was absolute perfection. Tatted and pierced and lawd but the man had a mouth on him. And the two of them together?

Devastatingly hot! They burn up the pages together.

If you haven’t yet read this, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. I guarantee you’ll be kicking yourself for not reading it sooner just like I was.

ARC Review: ✩Rellik✩ by @TeresaMummert

Rellik Bentley is to die for.

He can have any woman he wants and they will do anything to be with him. He uses and abuses them like drugs and tosses them out with the trash. The only thing he gives a f*ck about is his music. That is, until Ella Lighten walks into his life and stumbles upon one of his darkest secrets. In the midst of doing damage control, he begins to obsess over the mysterious woman who wants absolutely nothing to do with him.
Rellik won’t take no for an answer.

Amazon / B&NiTunes / Kobo 

4 Stars

The thing about sins is they don’t have to be your own to haunt you.

Did you read the book blurb? Did you get anything from it? No? Good! Because you won’t get much out of my review either. Though I do have to say that I had thought the book was not quite what the blurb hinted at…and not in a bad way.

If you like your books gritty, dark, and erotic, say hello to a series that you will obsess over. Or at least I’m hoping it will be a series, because if Teresa Mummert doesn’t give the rest of these boys a book, I just may cut a bitch.

Does the mirror lie, as you hold my hand?

Or do my secrets hide, conceal the man?

Because I can’t give you what you need.
My hands are dirty, baby, you’re so clean.
Falling for the wrong was your mistake.
Giving me your heart for me to break.

Rellik Bentley is fucked up. A past that haunts him to this very day, he’s not looking to be saved. He knows there’s no saving him. His soul is too black already.

Women do nothing for him except assuage a random urge. He’s not looking to give any of what he takes back, because he’s not looking for them to come back or stick around. Besides being in a fairly successful band doesn’t exactly leave him hurting for willing women…until the one woman that wants nothing to do with him.

Ella Lighten is hiding something. She’s also searching for something. Something that may put the demons from her past to rest. There’s just one problem, the man that she’s trying her damnedest to fight her attraction to, just may hold the key to all the answers she seeks. It’s not long before an unwilling attraction begins to turn into something much more and to burn much hotter…

His eyes met mine, challenging me. I didn’t fight against him. The control was his to have as long as he didn’t stop.

It took me a while to click all the puzzle pieces together, and when I did? Holy fucking shit. What a twisted web the author weaved. A fucked up and gritty as hell web. I have to admit that there were a few things that I found a little confusing about Elle and Rellik’s relationship in the beginning. At least the way it came together. I particularly had a tough time understanding (highlight to view spoiler)[how she could ask him to do what she did when she knew practically nothing about him. Or how he agreed considering he didn’t know that much more.] (end spoiler)However, taking into consideration how fucked up both of these characters were, perhaps there really didn’t need to be a logical reason. There was nothing simple or logical about either of their pasts, so I suppose it’s fitting.

It was a slow-motion car crash that I had no way of surviving. I would take her down with me, and she would willingly go. Something broken inside of both of us fit together, the jagged pieces piercing into the armor we wore against the world.

At the end of the day, I could sit here and try to pick apart this and that, but the bottom line is it didn’t matter to me at all whether anything made exact sense. I was completely and utterly sucked into the story from the very first page and it kept me turning the pages almost obsessively waiting to see what happens. Even now, days after finishing it I find myself thinking about it. So that deserves 4 stars for that alone.

Some people are born this way unable to control the urge. I was created. I became this on purpose. And it all led to you. Don’t you see that? You’re the butterfly. You flapped your wings, and the entire universe set us into motion. It was an unstoppable force.

Rellik and Ella, as fucked up as they were apart, somehow made perfect sense together. Both of them were broken in their own way. Though I imagined Rellik’s history being a tad different going by the blurb. If you had asked me in the first half, I’d tell you he was nothing like the blurb implied. But holy shit did that change in the second half. Ella, although fighting demons of her own was still a very strong heroine, all things considered. She wasn’t one of those woe-is-me type of women, which just made it that much better for me.

Bottom line is if you love your books gritty as fuck with a darker undercurrent and a whole lot of sexy, Rellik is definitely a book you want to read.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

ARC Review: ✩Nocte✩ by @Court_Writes


My name is Calla Price. I’m eighteen years old, and I’m one half of a whole.
My other half– my twin brother, my Finn– is crazy.

I love him. More than life, more than anything. And even though I’m terrified he’ll suck me down with him, no one can save him but me.

I’m doing all I can to stay afloat in a sea of insanity, but I’m drowning more and more each day. So I reach out for a lifeline.

Dare DuBray.

He’s my savior and my anti-Christ. His arms are where I feel safe, where I’m afraid, where I belong, where I’m lost. He will heal me, break me, love me and hate me.

He has the power to destroy me.

Maybe that’s ok. Because I can’t seem to save Finn and love Dare without everyone getting hurt.

Why? Because of a secret.

A secret I’m so busy trying to figure out, that I never see it coming.

You won’t either.


Dear Reader,

I once considered not writing this story. It was too dark, too twisted, too much, too, too, too.
Obviously, I changed my mind. But I re-wrote in four different ways first, trying to make it different, more easily palatable, softer.

It didn’t work.

So I went back to my original idea, the idea that I loved. The idea that I dreamed about and lived and breathed until it was done the way I wanted it, the way it has to be.

I know you’re capable of reading it. I know you’re capable of putting yourselves back together again when it’s all over. I have faith in you.

Is this story dark?

It is twisted?
At times.

Will it slap you in the face?

Will it have you flipping the pages, trying to figure it out, trying to get to the climax, trying to breathe?
God, I hope so.

I wrote this story the way it needed to be written. I couldn’t sugarcoat it. I couldn’t water it down. It is this way because the story demands it.

I’m not sorry.

Releasing: November 3
Pre-Order on:
To receive clues and sneak peeks during the weeks leading up to NOCTE’s November 3 release, by signing up here:

4.5 Twisted Stars

By night, I am free.

No one hears my monster but me.

My freedom is fragile, though,
Because every morning
The night is broken
by the sun
It’s a good way to die.

Well…hell…I’m a little speechless here. See here’s the thing, I don’t read YA. Ever. Or at least I don’t make it a point to since it’s not my preferred genre. But then I saw Courtney Cole was coming out with this book, and I didn’t even think twice before adding. I added it before it even had a blurb, just a note from the author. I didn’t care if it was YA. I HAD to read this. I just had to. And now I did, and you know what?

Yeah. I’m still freaking speechless.

Here’s what I can tell you about this book

Because even the most minor of details can be the most major of spoilers. The book is that cleverly woven together and twisted.

What I can tell you is that I was sucked into the story just from the very first page. I read it in pretty much one sitting, practically salivating for this BIG secret to be revealed.

At times I thought I knew where everything was heading, and then the author would throw me for another loop. My head was spinning by the time I finished.

The quiet between us is loaded and charged and I don’t know why. I don’t know why I feel like I’m standing on a precipice and if I make one move, I’ll fall.

This book just further proved the absolute genius that is Courtney Cole’s writing. And then that revelation at the end? Holy HOLY shit! I was stunned stupid. I never saw it coming in a million years. I had a feeling about a small part of it but nowhere close to how closely tied together everything was.

I feel it fair to mention that this is not a standalone but a trilogy. And the cliffhanger is there, and it’s one that will leave you with a bigger question than the answer that was revealed. It will leave you begging and crying for the next book. But that is all you’ll get from me. Do NOT read any reviews before reading this. This is a book that you must go into absolutely blind. Trust me. Now go on and read it so I have someone to bitch and moan to in my wait for my next fix….erm…book.

ARC gifted to Dirty Girl Romance blog in exchange for an honest review

Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Light Her Fire✩ by @SamantheBeck1

He’ll show this good girl the thrill of being bad…

Good girl Melody Merritt is ready to be bad. Fresh out of an unsatisfying ten-year engagement to the town golden boy, she’s determined to make up for lost time. And who better to burn her sterling reputation to the ground than Bluelick’s sinfully sexy new fire chief whose wicked gaze promises complete and utter domination? Yes, please.

Corrupting the prim and proper Little Miss Bluelick is the most action Josh Bradley’s seen since he transferred from Cincinnati to fast-track his career. He won’t let anything or anyone—not even the delectable Melody Merritt—trap him in this Kentucky-fried Mayberry, but when their searing chemistry yields an unexpected result, he realizes he’s started a blaze that’s completely beyond his control…

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“Oh, sweet mercy, don’t—”

“Don’t what? Torture you until you think you’re going to die where you stand? How do you think I feel every single time I look at you? When you come into Jiffy Java, fiddle with the top button of your blouse while you decide between an iced coffee or a sweet tea, all I want to do is tear your shirt open, shove your bra out of my way, and feast on your breasts. How do you think I feel when you lean on the bar at Rawley’s, talking to your friends while I drive myself insane wondering what you’ve got on under your good-girl dress? Tortured doesn’t even begin to describe it.”

Those diabolical fingers made a circling motion, and Melody’s knees threatened to buckle. “How shameless of me. I’m terribly”—oh, there he went again with the fingers—“sorry.” She wasn’t. Not in the least.

“You will be, because I can’t let behavior like yours go unpunished.”

She closed her eyes and a pathetically small scenario of erotic punishments paraded through her head. Waves of hot and cold washed over her. It was all she could do to find her voice, and keep it even while she asked, “What did you have in mind?”

“When I get you alone the first thing I’m going to do is give you a pillow.”

Uh-oh. She didn’t know the pillow game. “A pillow?” she asked, and immediately wondered if she’d just given Josh a big hint of exactly how tame her sex life had been up until tonight.

“Yeah. Because once I get started, you’ll need something to bury your face in so nobody hears you pleading with me to let you come. Does that answer your question?”

Why yes. Yes it did. So much so, for a moment she could only nod. “A-and then?”

“At that point, I’m going to tongue-whip your clit until you don’t care if the whole fucking town hears you begging. Then, if you ask nicely, I will guide my very eager cock into you”—he rocked his hips again for emphasis, coaxing another moan out of her—“and give us both the relief we’re after. Are you ready, Miss Bluelick?”

4.5 Josh Bradley Can Light My Fire Anytime Stars

You okay?”

“I’m not sure. I think I just had an out-of-body experience.”

“That’s funny, ’cause I just had an in-your-body experience.”

Now where do I find me a dirty talking Fire Chief to put it out? Because I know the dirty talking Fire Chief that caused the fire to begin with. Josh Bradley. Pervy dreamy sigh But I digress…

If you’re looking for a sexy romance that will make you laugh, make you pant, and make you swoon, you need not look further than THIS book. I had a goofy smile on my face the entire time reading it…well, except for those times that I was having the uncomfortable hot flashes and happy place tingles. And LAWD did Josh make my happy place tingle. The dirty talking delicious man that he was.

At that point, I’m going to tongue-whip your clit until you don’t care if the whole fucking town hears you begging. Then, if you ask nicely, I will guide my very eager cock into you-” he rocked his hips again for emphasis, coaxing another moan out of her-“and give us both the relief we’re after. Are you ready, Miss Bluelick?””

Well I don’t know about Melody…but as for me?

Melody Merritt is a good girl. A good girl that has been with her highschool sweetheart for 10 years, was engaged and planning their lives together…until said sweetheart confessed he’s gay.

It’s true. And the worst part about it? Her ex is still one of her best friends and isn’t ready to come out to the entire town, so she covers for him by allowing everyone to think that it didn’t work out because his sexual flavors were a touch too spicy for the good girl. But Melody is tired of being good. She wants a taste of being bad is like, and she wants it with a man that sizzles with passion for her. And why not let that be her town’s newest fire chief, Josh? If going by the sizzling looks he sends her, she’s pretty sure his mind is in the same gutter that hers is currently in.

The looks he sent her warned there would be no respectful wooing- only a short, ruthless chase, her inevitable surrender, and then…please God…complete and utter domination.

Josh, Josh, Josh. What can I tell you about Josh? The man was HOT. Scorching hot.

He’s been lusting after proper Miss Bluelick since he first laid eyes on her. He just didn’t think that Melody could handle his, shall we say, rougher edges? Josh likes things hot, hard, and dirty in the bedroom. So color him surprised when he finds out the town’s good girl doesn’t flinch away when he lets out that side of himself.

I can’t help it. I’m dying. You have no idea.”
“I do. I know exactly what you’re going through, and I have the cure right here. You think you’re ready for my cock? Ask nicely, and I’ll give you everything you need. I’ll fill you so completely you won’t remember what it’s like to feel restless and empty.

Everything that came out of this man’s mouth was just…GAH

But it wasn’t just sizzling hot chemistry and dirty talk. There was also a great story filled with humor that kept me smiling the entire time. I don’t think I have one bad thing to say about this book. I loved the romance between Melody and Josh. Even though things start off pretty spicy with them straight off the bat, it never lessens their chemistry. Samanthe Beck still managed to instill just the right amount of sexual tension into the book to keep you satisfied.

I went into this book without having read the first one in the series (which I was told the main couple was originally introduced in), but I never felt loss. I will, however, be going back and reading that book now because…well why the hell not? I love Samanthe’s writing and I also liked the follow up to the characters from the previous book. I’m also grateful that there were no spoilers of their relationship, so I can go back and read it without feeling like I know something I shouldn’t. Now I’m really looking forward for more from this series and this fabulous author.

Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California, with her long-suffering but extremely adorable husband and their elementary-aged turbo-son. Throw in a furry ninja named Kitty and Bebe the trash talking Chihuahua and you get the whole, chaotic picture.
When not clinging to sanity by her fingernails or dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy ways to get her characters to happily-ever-afters, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.
$25.00 Amazon Gift Card, a rare print copy of Private Practice, and a Skull Bracelet – International

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Pre-Oder Tour, Excerpt & Review: ✩The Darkest Touch ✩ by @genashowalter

From New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter comes the long-awaited story of Torin, the most dangerous Lord of the Underworld yet…

Fierce immortal warrior. Host to the demon of Disease.

Torin’s every touch causes sickness and death—and a worldwide plague. Carnal pleasure is utterly forbidden, and though he has always overcome temptation with an iron will, his control is about to shatter.

She is Keeley Cael. The Red Queen.

When the powerful beauty with shocking vulnerabilities escapes from a centuries-long imprisonment, the desire that simmers between her and Torin is scorching. His touch could mean the end for her, but resisting her is the hardest battle he’s ever fought—and the only battle he fears he can’t win.

Did you know?

If we reach 15,000 pre-orders for The Darkest Touch before the November 25th release date, Gena Showalter will:
  • Post a never before seen excerpt from The Darkest Touch 
  • Select one winner for a Swarovksi Two-Tone Crystal Butterfly Pendant Necklace
  • Select winners for 1 of 10 signed posters of the Darkest Touch cover, just in time for Christmas.

To enter The Darkest Touch Pre-Order Campaign, visit http://members. darkest-touch for details.

They would be a couple, she decided. Touch— pleasure—had been denied her for far too long. A fact his presence had never allowed her to forget. He’d had other girlfriends so he knew how to handle a romantic relationship. They could do this, could make this work. And they would be vigilant, cautious, never courting danger.

All she had to do was get him to agree.

There was no better time to try. “I’m dirty,” she announced. “Absolutely filthy, and I’m going to take a bath.”

“Good for you.” So mocking.

So unaware of his coming fall.

“Be a dear and help me remove my dress,” she said.

A strangled sound left him. “It has no ties, no zipper. You tug it on and off.”“Well, good news, then. As strong as you are, you  shouldn’t  have any problems.”

His gaze swept over her and heated. He licked his lips, as if he could already taste her. “What game are you playing, princess?”“Does it matter?”“Yes. And why the hell are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like I’m a hero. I’m not a hero. I ’m a villain.”

Did he not realize that only made her want him more? “Well, be a good little villain and help me out of my dress.

“No.” His tone dovetailed into guttural as he added, “I’m not going near you.”

He’s definitely tempted. How thin was his control? “Very well. I’ll near you.” Hips swaying, she closed

The distance between them. She reached out.

He jerked away only to return—closer.

She wrapped her fingers around his wrists and guided his hands to her hips.

He resisted. At first.

“Relax, warrior. We’re protected by our clothes.”

His fingers clenched around her and held on tight. Did he think she would float away like a forgotten balloon?

“What’s…next?” he gritted.

Not exactly surrender, but close enough.

She leaned forward, careful as her breath fanned over his ear. “All you need to do is feel good.”

“I can do that.” He tugged her against him. Suddenly they were flush, the softest parts of her cradling the hardest parts of him. A growl rose from low in his chest as if, in this stolen moment, he’d regressed into little more than an animal.“I’m doing it right now.”

The pleasure…thoughts of being careful evaporated like mist. “Would you like to do more?”“More. Yes.” His lips parted as he fought for breath. Eyes glazing with a wildness he’d never seen from any- one other than condemned prisoners, he squeezed her hard enough to bruise. “I’m going to take more, and you’re going to like it.”
To be denied forever what I crave most…

YEARS. Years, I’ve been waiting for Torin’s book. I’ve been sitting in anxious anticipation from book one just waiting to get his story. But see, here’s the thing…in the past year, I’ve also been dreading it a little too. Why? Because the last few releases from this author have left something to be desired for me. They just haven’t quite been the same, with that signature Gena spark missing. So I was extremely nervous that one of my most anticipated books EVER just may turn out to be the biggest disappointment. And you know what? I shouldn’t have been worried. Gena has officially got her awesome back with this book. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING that I have loved about her books in the past; the snark, the humor, the sexy romance, all of it is back here.

Just so you know, I’ve eaten warriors like you for breakfast.”
“Well, did you spit or swallow? Never mind. Don’t answer. Your sexual kinkiness has no bearing on this situation. I’d appreciate it if you focus.”

After escaping Cronus’s prison, Torin is attempting to find his way back…but he’s not alone. Following him and intent on exacting her revenge for her fallen friend is his previous prison neighbor, Keeley Cael. The Red Queen.

Now let’s stop for a minute here and talk about Keeley. I think I just may have found my favorite heroine in the series after Anya. Spoiler alert: she’s freaking AWESOME! Wow. I just knew that the woman to bring down the big, bad and reclusive warrior will have to be fierce, and holy hell but she was.

She also just happens to be possibly the most powerful heroine in the series. Period. But that wasn’t even my favorite part of the book. Nope. My favorite part was the banter between her and Torin. Keeley is determined to get vengeance. Having been betrayed by pretty much every man in her life, including her father, she doesn’t exactly trust easily. But yet…something about Torin calls to her, almost soothes her. Or maybe it’s just his fabulous ass?

I’m going to do it. I’m going to hit you with a blast of power, and you’re going to writhe in the worst pain of your life. Nothing will ease you.”
“Great.” Then, when she hesitated, he had the gall to add, “I’m waiting.”
“You should be running.”
“Why? Do you want to stare at my ass?”

Torin was everything I thought he would be and then more, in his own book. Throughout the series, you don’t get to see Torin in action too much. Due to the demon he carries, he limits his exposure to others as much as possible, and you’d typically find him behind a computer screen. So I was so happy to get that fierce side of Torin the warrior in this book. Well that and his humor and snark, because let’s be honest, what’s a Gena Showalter book without that, right?

Now I bet you’re all sitting there and wondering the same thing I have been wondering; how in the hell is Gena going to give Torin his HEA if he can’t touch anyone without his demon infecting them with a fatal disease? Is the book going to be completely sexless? Are they going to dream-diddle each other? Do they talkthrough masturbate? WHAT?

What? Was it just me then? Right. Carrying on. Well worry not, because this book was definitely sexy in its own right. The sexual chemistry between Torin and Keeley alone burned up the pages. But Gena definitely throws plenty of satisfying scenes your way too… of the sexy-time variety 😉

How does that happen without Torin making Keeley sick and killing her? Guess you’ll just have to read and find out.

I promise that between the seriously laugh out loud banter

My inability to rile you is maddening.”
“I’ll yell at you if it’ll make you feel better.”
That perked her up, saying, “That would be extremely helpful, thank you.”
“How dare you bare your arms in public! You’re damn right it makes you a tease. It gives a man ideas. Makes him think you’re good at carrying heavy boxes- which just happens to be HIS job! It’s humiliating is what it is.”

And all the side characters; you will not be bored for a minute of the book. The secondary story here was absolutely amazing. (I won’t tell you who it was, but I can tell you that I am now utterly DYING for their book because OMG that plot twist)

Did I happen to mention that we get a lot more of Baden here too? YES

So in short, was this book everything I had hoped it would be? Hell no! It was better! What used to be one of my favorite PNR series is now right back to my auto-buy list and I cannot wait for the next installment.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

Gena Showalter is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author whose books have appeared in Cosmopolitan and Seventeen magazines, as well as Entertainment Weekly. Her novel Red Handed has been optioned by Sony Television. Critics have called her books “sizzling page-turners” and “utterly spellbinding stories,” while Showalter herself has been called “a star on the rise.” Her mix of humor, danger and wickedly hot sex provides wildly sensual page-turners sure to enthrall.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Burying Water☆ by @KathleenATucker

BURYING WATER is a New Adult Romantic Suspense novel, published by Simon & Schuster and it will blow. You. Away! 

Burying WaterThe top-selling, beloved indie author of Ten Tiny Breaths returns with a new romance about a young woman who loses her memory—and the man who knows that the only way to protect her is to stay away.

Left for dead in the fields of rural Oregon, a young woman defies all odds and survives—but she awakens with no idea who she is, or what happened to her. Refusing to answer to “Jane Doe” for another day, the woman renames herself “Water” for the tiny, hidden marking on her body—the only clue to her past. Taken in by old Ginny Fitzgerald, a crotchety but kind lady living on a nearby horse farm, Water slowly begins building a new life. But as she attempts to piece together the fleeting slivers of her memory, more questions emerge: Who is the next-door neighbor, quietly toiling under the hood of his Barracuda? Why won’t Ginny let him step foot on her property? And why does Water feel she recognizes him?

Twenty-four-year-old Jesse Welles doesn’t know how long it will be before Water gets her memory back. For her sake, Jesse hopes the answer is never. He knows that she’ll stay so much safer—and happier—that way. And that’s why, as hard as it is, he needs to keep his distance. Because getting too close could flood her with realities better left buried.

The trouble is, water always seems to find its way to the surface.

Amazon / B&N / iTunes / Kobo /  IndieBound

4.5 Stars

And the truth pushed to the surface.

Like water, buried.

If you’ve read the Ten Tiny Breaths series, this book is NOTHING like that, but in the absolutely best possible way. I knew after only finishing the prologue that this was going to be one of those books that will leave me glued to the pages and devouring every word. And you know what? I was not even a little wrong. Burying Water is the perfect example of the incredible talent of K.A. Tucker as an author. She has take bits and pieces and flashbacks and has expertly woven it all together in a story that is captivating, suspenseful, and emotionally gripping. In short? I loved it.

Now I don’t believe in fairy tales. Or at least, not in the happily-ever-afters that Disney brainwashed us all with.”

Left for dead after a brutal attack that she is lucky to barely survive, “Jane Doe” wakes up with zero recollection of who she is and no memory of her past.

Short of a blurry flashback and a tattoo on her pelvis, she struggles with resurfacing her memories and wondering if she will even survive getting them back.

What if all those little bits that make up me get lost, overshadowed by one dark memory? My last memory, the one that made me want to forget everything else in the first place. Will I be able to escape the kind of damage that experience can cause?

Taken in by the reclusive old woman that lives on the nearby horse farm, Jane renames herself “Water” and begins to rebuild her life. She may not remember anything from her past, but a persistent feeling of familiarity whenever she catches the eye of Jesse, the mysterious man with the dark penetrating eyes that watches her from afar. Does she know him? Or does she simply wish she did?

Burying Water is told in constant flashbacks from past and present. The one thing that I truly loved is that the author separates the POVs in each one; with the past told only in Jesse’s POV and the present being told in Water’s. This was so intricately woven together that it actually made the story that much better. I am not usually a fan of constant flashbacks, but in the case here it was absolutely perfect.

Jesse is a character that you will fall for right away. You won’t be able to help yourself. With every small bit that the author trickle feeds you regarding his past you will fall for him more and more.

Her breathing evens out, her heart beasts steadily against my side.
I absorb all of it.
As I fall fast and hard.

I really don’t want to give you any more detail, as you simply must experience it for yourself and it’s best to go into it as blind as you can. But what I can tell you is that this was a beautiful story or resilience and quiet strength. It’s a tragic and emotionally gripping romance about two people that shouldn’t have come together, and yet they did.

What do you want? Right now, from me,” he whispers against my mouth.
I swallow against my ball of nerves. “I don’t want to be afraid.”

It’s also an amazing story with an undercurrent of suspense that will leave you completely unable to set it down until the last page.

The mind, it can be a deceitful thing.
But it is no match for the heart.

If you’re a fan of this author, I highly recommend this book. And if you haven’t yet read anything by her, I guarantee you’ll become a fan after reading this one.

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Author Photo

Born in small-town Ontario, K.A. Tucker published her first book at the age of six with the help of her elementary school librarian and a box of crayons. She is a voracious reader, and currently resides in a quaint town outside of Toronto with her husband, two beautiful girls, and an exhausting brood of four-legged creatures.

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Review: ☆Unforgiven☆ by @ElizabethFinn77

A mistake made long ago . . .

Pain buried so deep . . .

When Bailey Trent returns home to her small Ozark mountain town after being away for nearly six years, she is prepared to face the ghosts of her past. It does not mean she’s prepared to come face to face with the cruelest of those memories.

Darren Cory’s life is a shell of what it once was, and when he’s forced to look at the cause of his agony over and over, hatred rises to further blacken his days. But hating Bailey also destroys him, forcing him to become someone he doesn’t recognize or want to be.

Can Darren find a way to move past the pain and forgive the woman he once cared so much for before his anger consumes them both? Or will he drag them both into the hell of an unforgiven past?

5 Forgiveness Starts

You don’t fall in love with the person responsible for your greatest loss. And God help you if you do.

Emotional. Gripping. Captivating. Heartbreaking. Unforgettable.
This book gutted me. It absolutely devastated me. Broke me into a million pieces only to put them back together in the end. If you’re looking for an emotionally gripping, erotic, and absolutely unforgettable read…THIS. BOOK. READ IT

This is, hands down, bar none, my absolute favorite book by Elizabeth Finn. And considering I’ve pretty much loved all her books, that’s really saying something.

Hatred was a one-way street with them, and it flowed directly from him to her.

It’s not often where I read a book that in just a few short paragraphs manages to enrapture me, twist itself around my heart, and leave me turning the pages all night completely incapable of putting it down. That’s what Darren and Bailey’s story did to me.

Was it an easy, light read? FUCK NO. Prepare for a book that will reach inside and rip your heart out through your throat. Good lord. It will make you rage, it will make you cry, it will make you scream, and it will do all that through a story of forgiveness and second chances unlike you’ve ever read before.

This was her hell. Being trapped in a room with a reminder of who she used to be, a reminder of everything she lost, a reminder of everything she destroyed.

Once decision. One choice. That’s all it takes to change everything. And that’s what happened to Bailey six years ago. A decision with a devastating result that she continues paying for to this day. Now six years later, she’s back in the town that houses her darkest demons and memories to help her mother after the death of her father, and comes face to face with the flesh and blood reminder her of her greatest mistake.

It was as if his need to hurt her was an addiction he couldn’t deny. But his need to see her and be near her in some way was becoming just as compelling as his anger.

Darren. Wow. Talk about your love/hate emotions towards a character.

I wanted to hate him so much for everything that he puts Bailey through…and yet…I was utterly incapable of it. My heart broke for him, I couldn’t help but feel his inner struggle to hate the woman that he once loved. The story is told in four parts with dual POVs. It’s poignantly written with flashbacks from past to present in the first part that allows the reader to really understand the choices and decisions that led to that one fateful night when everything broke.

I never wanted to hate you. Not ever. You did this.

I appreciated that the author did not stretch out the truth of what happened 6 years ago throughout the entire book. Everything gets revealed in the first part, leaving the rest of the book for the reader to really get invested in Darren and Bailey’s struggle for forgiveness and love.

I won’t lie, there will be parts where you’ll want to reach through your kindle and choke the ever loving sanity out of Darren for some of the things that he does and says to Bailey. He really struggles with his feelings for her, this delicate dance he has between love and hate; something he struggles with for the majority of the book.

I want…I want so much to hate you. Do you know what that’s like? Do you have any idea what it’s like to see you, smell you, be near you again, feel your skin? Can you imagine what it is to hate someone so much, and yet…You destroyed everything.”

But he will also give you glimpses inside the broken soul of a man that is still recovering from a devastating loss and WANTS to forgive…he’s just unable to.

He closed his eyes again, settling in beside her warm body, and he imagined it. Loving her.

I also absolutely loved Bailey’s quiet and understated strength. While she had every reason to be an emotional damsel in distress, she never was. She was such an amazing and endearing heroines. Her struggle with the past and present and loving the one man that she can never have was heartbreaking. My favorite heroine of Elizabeth Finn’s. Period.

The wringer of emotion that this book put me through was exhausting. I don’t think I’d be capable of ever reading it again…and yet…it’s also a story that will forever stay with me.

Darren and Bailey’s road to forgiveness was not a smooth or an easy one. Nor was it a quick one.

Forgiveness isn’t an emotion. It’s an action, and it’s a choice. It’s the choice to no let the past affect how you feel.

God but I loved it. It may have left me an ugly crying mess at times, but it was worth it. If you’re worried about a HEA, don’t be. You’ll get one here. An amazingly emotional one.

You don’t love me.’
“I. Love. You.’
“No! You used to love me.’
“I love you still. I love you again. I just love you. I’ve always loved you.”

(hide spoiler)]
But I can also understand how a second book is needed here, so I am so excited that we’ll be getting one next month. I can’t recommend this story enough, but just prepare yourself. This book will grab your heart, run it over with a Mack truck, back up and run it over again. But it will heal it in the end. Just make sure you have tissues and booze on standby for the ride.

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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