Review: ☆Tempting Ecstasy☆ by @SETTAJAY_

*Erotic Paranormal Romance*Conn had spent the millennia of his life fighting alongside his brethren as a Guardian of the Four Realms. He’d never allowed himself to imagine that he would be gifted a mate but her scent was inside him now. The intoxicating lure incited his wolf to track her and claim her in a sexual frenzy she could never deny. He refused to repeat the mistakes his brothers had made in their unions, instead he planned to fight the demands of his beast and tempt his female.

Dacia had spent the years of her life as a guardian of her family’s secrets. Her days were consumed with helping her siblings search for the Immortals who had escaped the God Apollo’s brutal training camps with her parents thousands of years ago. They were the only hope of finding answers to questions about their lives. Questions her parents hadn’t resolved before their deaths.

Not in her wildest of dreams would Dacia have imagined the answers would instead find her. Or what form those answers would take. The breathtaking male who stepped out of the night and into her life was certainly not one of the hidden Immortals her parents had told of, he was so much more. Wielding both immense power and thrilling strength he aroused not only her body but the wolf hidden within.

Dacia needed to find a way to trust her seductive Guardian, not only with herself, but with her family as well. But how long could she hold out against both the intensity of the mating frenzy that demanded sexual release, and the wickedly sexy male who was tempting not just her body… but also her heart?

Warning: This book is intended for an adult audience. It contains explicit sex; voyeurism; dirty talking males with bad language

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Review4.5 stars
4.5 My Ovaries will never be the same again Stars

The things you do to me. Fuck. I’m going to destroy you princess. I’ll toy with you, tempt you, and give you everything you never new to ask for.

This book is intended for an adult audience. It contains explicit sex; voyeurism; dirty talking males with bad language.

I am NOT kidding here, people. Read this series at your own risk. Even my steel ovaries get overheated while reading this. I swear it’s like Setta Jay sits down after she finishes each book and then thinks to herself, I wonder how I can make my next dirty talking alpha even DIRTIER. Then she finishes the next book and thinks

Because OH MY GAWD but this series just continues to get hotter and hotter.

First meet Conn

The tatted and pierced lycos of The Guardians. I loved that Conn never fought his mating when he learned he had a mate. His courting of her was both sweet and a practice in sexual frustration. He knew that if they touched each other they would go into full mating heat, and he didn’t want Dacia to feel like her lust forced her decision. What takes place is the most sexually frustrating experience of my life. And no I’m not exaggerating here.

See Dacia needs to make up her mind that she’s not coerced into the mating by getting to know Conn. So while the sexual chemistry between the two of them was so damn hot I thought I’d get scorched, they may eye fuck the fuck out of each other

Between their lusty little dancing around each other, Conn’s dirty talking ways, and the undercurrent of the hottest sexual chemistry ever, I thought I’d die if they didn’t bang each others brains out soon

I can’t wait until you’re coming on my lips. I’ll lap up your juices and bury my face in your hot cunt. After drinking my fill I’ll slide my tongue over the nerves of your tiny ass. There isn’t an inch of you that won’t feel my mouth, princess. I promise.

What? Don’t you judge me here. The man was a dirty talking god…pun intended.

As always in the midst of all this mating heat, Setta Jay continues to weave an intricate plot with her unique world building and side characters. I enjoyed that this book didn’t have a secondary story as I felt it would have been too much. As it was we get a sizzling hot romance and the plot of the bad guys thicken. I’m totally and completely sucked into the world of The Guardians of the Realms and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Did I mention that it’s fucking HOT?

I think the thing that I really loved the most, is that Conn and Dacia didn’t have to solidify their union by him sharing her with his brother Guardians. As hot as it was in the other books, it still wasn’t my favorite since it came immediately after the mating ceremony and it kind of fizzled it for me. Though obviously not enough for me to not enjoy it. But I am glad that we didn’t have that here.

If you’re a fan of SUPER erotic PNR I have no idea why you haven’t read this series yet. While most information from the past books gets reiterated in each new book without ever sounding redundant, I’d still recommend reading this series in order. The world building builds off of each book and there is a continuing story line with the bad guys that continues throughout the series. You’d enjoy the books much more reading them in order.

As for me? I’m off to ice my ovaries now…

Don’t miss the first 3 books in the series!


Review: ☆Owned by Fate☆ by @mstessabailey

Her mind rejects his world. But her body knows its master.

Journalist Caroline Preston arrives at Serve, New York City’s hottest BDSM club, with one goal—to hate it. If her brother wasn’t trying to turn the family’s respectable financial magazine into a publication that features “lifestyle” pieces for the wealthy and adventurous, she wouldn’t even bethere, trying to write an article about a world she doesn’t understand. But then she sees him.

Jonah Briggs doesn’t leave his post for just anyone. As the owner of the club, his sole purpose is to ensure that his clientele get everything they need, but when he sees Caroline, his only thought is what he wants—to dominate the sexy little reporter and give the most exquisite pleasure she’s ever experienced.

Caroline has no intention of entering that particular lion’s den—not with her family’s reputation at stake—no matter how dark, sexy, and complex the lion in question may be. But with every encounter, she craves more, and with every slide of his lips, she realizes Jonah might just be the man to break down all her defenses…if she’ll let him.

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4.5 stars

So a respected financial journalist and an award-winning interior designer walk into a BDSM club…”
“And nothing. That’s the entire joke.”

If you’ve read any other book by this author, then you already know that she writes books with heroes that can deliver some panty evaporating dirty talk. I swear to you, with every new hero of hers I meet, I keep thinking that they only get better. So what can I tell you after Jonah Briggs? Just one thing:

All hail the queen of dirty talk!

Sweet mother of all that’s pervy. I needed to ice my ovaries after this one in the worst way possible.

Caroline is an Ivy League graduate, award winning journalist, and heir to a legendary financial publication first started by her father. Unfortunately, the magazine is now in trouble and her brother has come up with an idea that will either make them or break them; to feature “lifestyle” pieces for the wealthy and adventurous inside the world of an elusive BDSM club. This is why she reluctantly finds herself sitting at Serve with her best friend, sipping on a lollipop martini, with every intention of hating it.

Are you going to suck it? Or just play with it all night?

Enter Jonah Briggs; Serve owner and resident Dom. One look at the dark and sexy Jonah, and Caroline simply can’t deny the chemistry that instantly sizzles between them. For a woman that lives her life in black and white and straight vanilla, she can’t help but take him up on the offer that his mere presence promises.

After sharing an unforgettable encounter, Caroline knows that no matter how much she wants it, with her reputation at stake she simply can’t handle more. Too bad that Jonah is determined to wear her down by any means necessary, and he’s not exactly going to fight fair.

Careful, baby. You’re giving yourself away. You love it, don’t you? That sharp bite echoing between your gorgeous, shaking thighs? Who’s the one providing the bite, Caroline?
You are, Master.”
“That’s right. Thank me for your punishment.

I am so happy to finally get a Dom (outside an actual BDSM romance) that truly lives up to the title and isn’t merely some domineering ass with some spanky tendencies. While I would really qualify this as BDSM lite, it still managed to hit all the right spots for me. It was a sizzling hot romance with some BDSM elements and a sexy as sin hero that you’ll never want to stop talking.

You’ve already shattered all my limits, baby. I’m going to make sure you catch up.

Jonah absolutely made this book for me. While Caroline was a great heroine, she did have a few moments where I wished I could shake some sense into her. Mainly in her treatment of Jonah in the very beginning. Though I must say, she more than made up for it at the end.

In the dark, unknown to anyone around them, they weren’t Caroline Preston, the Ivy League graduate, heir to a legendary financial publication, and Jonah Briggs, controversial BDSM club owner

Everything about this book just worked for me, especially the secondary characters. I’m so excited to get a book for Caroline’s brother, Oliver, and her best friend next.

Oliver, Oliver, Oliver… I am so ready for you…

Release Week Blitz, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Vanquish☆ by Pam Godwin

Warning: Graphic sex and violence. Age 18+ only

It is recommended to read after Deliver, but it can be read as a stand-alone.

Her life is like a prison cell.
A self-made, to-hell-with-the-free-world existence that locks from the inside.
Stop judging. Her agoraphobia doesn’t define her. It simply keeps her safe.

He belongs in a prison cell.
The 6×8, make-me-your-bitch variety that locks from the outside.
But he’s free. To hunt. To take. To break.
And he just found a sexy new toy.

Capturing her is the easy part. Her fucked-up mind, however, makes him question everything he does next.

But he’s a determined bastard. If all goes his way, this will hurt like hell.

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ExcerptHe stalked toward her, mirroring the tilt of her head, knees and shoulders loose, and his gaze holding her prisoner. A breath away, he paused, soaking in the subtleties of her tipped-up chin, parting lips, and glossy but resolute eyes. 

With the next breath, he launched, hands on her jaw, fingers spread around the back of her head.
His elbows dropped, shoulders raised, and he yanked her to him, lifting her on tiptoes, guiding her mouth, taking it. His grip twisted through her hair as he drew in her upper lip and shoved her against the fridge, following her with the weight of his body.
The kiss went fucking wild, their lips mashing in a frantic battle. His tongue plunged her mouth, attacking, thrusting in and out, possessing her movements, owning her. Breath for breath, lick after lick, he ate at her mouth, tasting, devouring.
He dropped his hands to her breasts, squeezing ruthlessly as he rolled his cock against her cunt.
His tongue tingled, his skin burned, and his head swam. God, she was a drug, and he was so fucking high.
She gripped his biceps, bit at his lips, and threw her arms over his shoulders, her fingers scratching the fuck out his back. He shuddered, loving it, but he was in control.
Reaching back, he grabbed her wrists and slammed them above her head. Their bodies ground together, his forearms pressing hers to the fridge, their tongues dancing and clashing. Chest-to-chest, hips fused together, he flexed his ass, dry humping her like a horny teenager.
Jesus, fuck, he didn’t care. He wanted her.
He leaned back to study her face and found strong smoldering eyes, sharp breaths, and swollen wet lips. Whatever she saw in his expression made her mouth chase his and her fingers curl around his hands. They kissed endlessly, fueling the fire and pushing his control long past the point of discomfort before pulling back and starting all over again.
When he broke the kiss with a hand on her jaw, they panted as one, mouths open and so close their bottom lips brushed. She peered at him through lowered lashes, and he stared back in awe. What trembled between them wasn’t an if? Or even a how hard? Those were foregone. The question they shared was simple.
Review-DGR4.5 stars

He was a cold-hearted fuck with an appetite for blood, come, and tears. And he had the perfect girl to feed it.

Can you take a cold, sadistic, and practically nonredeemable hero and not only feel for him but completely fall for him by the end of the book?

Can you take a heroine that’s so fucked up and insecure but make her come across as fierce and give her an inner core of strength that manages to shine through even during her darkest hours?

Can you take a relationship that by all intents and purposes begins as something that should be a horror story but make you understand it, feel it, and completely turn it around into something brighter by the end of the story?

For those of you that are curious if you can read this book if you haven’t read Deliver

That’s exactly what I did. As much as I adore Pam Godwin’s writing, I knew based on some details I’d gleaned from the first book that it just wasn’t my cuppa, so I decided to pass on it. But when I saw the cover read the blurb for this book? I knew this was not a book I’d be passing up in a million years. See I have this thing for the anti-heroes and the assholes. As in, the more fucked up they are, the more I love them. Messed up? Maybe. But fuck me if Van didn’t fit my requirement to the T.

He was a kidnapper, a rapist, and she ached to be repulsed by him, just to prove she was sane, but she could’t. And she wasn’t. His scarred beauty radiated seduction and danger, a deadly combination.

Now most people would probably spend the first half of this book conflicted. You’ll want to hate Van for what he does, or maybe you WILL hate Van for everything he does. Me? I gobbled it up like the starved little pervert that I am.

From the very beginning the author gives you little tidbits of insight of who Van really is; his childhood, his past, his scars…both internal and external. As a matter of fact she gives you just enough to make you almost feel for him in the first half. I was afraid that his almost obsession with Liv would make it so that Amber would feel more like his consolation prize. But luckily that’s not at all how it was. As a matter of fact, I though the author pulled this off flawlessly.

Vanquish begins immediately where Deliver took off; Van being shot by Liv but surviving. But just because Liv has a new life now, doesn’t mean that Van has let her go. Stalking is what he does best, so that’s what he does. He lurks in the shadows, watching her house and her new life with her new boyfriend all while plotting on how to get close to her to get what he wants; information. In his stalking under the shadows of what he thinks is an abandoned house, he inadvertently stumbles onto the owner and who he decides will be his new victim, Amber.

Now Amber was a character I was afraid I would hate at first. How would I sum her up? Fucked the fuck up. That probably does it. Yep.

She’s agoraphobic, OCD, with an eating disorder and self esteem issues to boot. Bitch got issues is what I’m trying to tell you here. But beneath all her problems, she had this understated strength and an almost fierceness to her. Sounds strange doesn’t it? But it’s very true. And as the story progresses, more and more of her personality shines through and you simply can’t help but like her. Van was definitely not immune either

My mother named me Van Quiso. You’ll refer to me as Master.

The first half of this book is no light read. Van is one sadistic and cruel fuck, and that certainly doesn’t go away the second he lays eyes on Amber. While you may get small peeks into the damaged soul of a boy that lurks beneath the scary and cold exterior, he doesn’t exactly endear you with his actions toward Amber.

But that’s also the thing that I liked. Pam Godwin managed to take one fucked up hero and make his transition into someone more endearing and softer in a believable way. It didn’t happen in the blink of an eye, and I appreciated that because that would have completely killed the book for me. His road to redemption was a slow and painful one. Considering his background, history and parentage, I couldn’t envision this any other way.

His journey to redemption was slow, but believable and oh so satisfying when it came. The author truly makes you understand the damaged child beneath the cruel man. As much as you want to hate him for his actions, you can’t help but also feel for him at the same time. At least I know I did.

Fuck him, but he wanted to be her security, her anchor, her fucking everything. Not as her captor but as her lover.

I absolutely loved the epilogue. What a perfect way to end the book. If you’re a fan of dark romance, this is not to be missed.

About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.


Other Books by Pam Godwin

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ARC Review & #Giveaway: ☆Denying Ecstasy☆ by @SETTAJAY_

A headstrong sassy mortal, Rain is a Mageia living in Tetartos, the Realm of beasts and Immortals. Her nights have been restless, filled with sensual dreams of a big blonde Guardian whose glares indicate he wants nothing to do with her. She is determined to shake off the odd feelings until she finds out her dream lover is responsible for her rescue from a demented Demi-God. In doing so, his touch ignites something rare and coveted. Something that she’s never anticipated… Something he should have told her about. Rain is set on making him explain and then feel the full force of her ire.

After a devastating betrayal resulting in the loss of a close friend a century ago, Dorian refuses to trust or engage with Immortals other than his Guardian family. His years of brutal fighting in the underground Immortal rings are over. He patrols the Realms and slakes his lust with the humans on Earth. Existing, but not living as he used to. He knows the moment he scents Rain that he has found his mate and after touching her he plans to avoid her as long as he can… Until he learns she is in danger. Raging, his beast demands that he go to her, but taking her from their enemy has repercussions he fully plans to escape at all costs.

For Dorian, finding a way out of mating Rain means he could succumb to madness and harm those that mean so much to him… but giving in to his burning urge for her means losing control in a heated mating frenzy sure to ignite them both and link them forever.

Warning: This book is intended for adult audiences; brief instances of M/F/F and M/F/M ménage; voyeurism and sexually explicit scenes.

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Review4.5 stars

Are you saying you don’t want me, nymph? Because your pussy is calling you a liar.”
“Oh, my body wants you. It’s my mind that wants nothing to do with you, my little guppy.”

This series needs to come with a warning. Read at the risk of your ovaries. Spare panties are not just recommended but required. Sweet mother of orgasms but Setta can write a smoking hot sex scene. But the best part? She can also write a fantastic story with phenomenal world building, hot as fuck alpha heroes and sassy-make-you-want-to-reach-through-your-kindle-to-high-five-them heroines.

I’ve been hooked on this series since the very first book and the author seems to only get better with each new release. It’s like she’s taken all my constructive criticism from the previous two and put all of it to work here to blow me away with this latest installment.

Meet Dorian…

Intrigued? You should be. After a brutal betrayal by a woman a century ago, the last thing he wants is to be caught up in the claws of another one. A mating? Forget about it. Even if it’s with his destined mate. He may burn for her like nothing he’s ever experienced before, but he’ff fight it with everything he’s got. After all, his memories and guilt won’t allow him to move on from what happened all those years ago and he doesn’t feel worthy of it. When he learns of his mating to Raine, let’s just say he’s less than thrilled about it. OK, let’s just put it out there, he was a grade A asshole about it.

I think that’s what I truly appreciate about this series; while you have your usual PNR “mating” heat, there’s no insta anything here. These characters don’t just tumble into bed together. There’s plenty of development to truly make you believe and feel their pairing.

Rain was a fantastic heroine. She gave as good as she got. While Dorian may have been a total asshole to her in his attempt to fight the mating, she certainly doesn’t take it lying down…well…later she does. But really, who could resist all that is Dorian?

I loved the sexual tension in this story. Nothing better than that burn of anticipation, and the author really makes you feel it here.Though not gonna lie, it did leave me a raging sexually-frustrated-blue- ovaried mess at times that made me want to equal parts throttle Dorian ans scream at him to just

But I appreciated the burn nonetheless.

In addition to the romance there was also plenty of action, world building, and bad guys to add to the entertainment. And the author manages to weave it all together effortlessly.

There is also a side plot going on with another couple, but that only added to the enjoyment. Setta is able to combine these multiple POVs flawlessly without any confusion and making it feel necessary as opposed to a filler or addition. That’s no small feat, let me tell you.

This was easily my favorite book in the series. If you’re looking for a smoking HAWT PNR series, you really need to look no further than this. Just make sure you have certain “provisions” on hand as you read. Just sayin 😉

Then there is that teaser of an ending. GAH! How can an author end a book in a satisfying HEA while still leave you begging for the next one? I have not a clue, but fucking A I need Conn’s book like yesterday.

**ARC gifted (and gleefully received) by author in exchange for an honest review**


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ARC Review: ☆Baiting the Maid of Honor☆ by @mstessabailey

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Julie Piper and Reed Lawson have nothing in common. She’s a people-pleasing sorority girl hiding behind her perfect mask. He’s a take-no-prisoners SWAT commander who isolates himself from the world. But when they’re forced together at their friends’ posh destination wedding, one thing is clear—Reed wants Julie more than he wants his next breath. Which is why he’s not about to stand by when she’s dared to seduce another man.

Julie wants neat, tidy sex, so she could get back to what she does best—making everybody else happy. She never expected to slip into a dark bedroom and have her mind blown by rough, demanding hands, and a sinfully filthy mouth—neither of which belong to the best man.

One night should have been all Reed needed to get the blond temptress out of his system, but when one taste is nowhere near enough, he’ll be forced confront the effects of his hellish past. One that may push Julie away forever…just when he realizes he can’t live without her.

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5 stars
He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Ladies, meet SWAT commander Reed Lawson…

Yes. That’s precisely what you’ll be doing the second you meet him. He’ll have you a perving, swooning, turned on hot mess in 2 words flat. I’m not even kidding. Just when I think that Tessa Bailey cannot possibly make her dirty talking heroes any hotter, she goes and gives us the tatted up sex on a stick Reed. I swear, I had a hart time focusing half the time. The man would open his mouth, and all I could think was

May I present exhibit A?

Aren’t you going to at least kiss me first?”
“Kissed were?” His voice was a rough , almost inaudible whisper that bathed her in blistering heat.
“Your mouth? Or the slick little pussy you’re hiding from me?”

Sorry. It’s a knee-jerk reaction at this point. But I digress

While this could be read as a standalone if you really want to, I highly recommend reading this series in order. It will make it that much better for you. Besides, every book in the series is fucking fantastic and so worth the read.

When the bridesmaids at Kady’s wedding bet each other to hook up with a groomsman, the tall, dark and broody Reed is the last man southern belle Julie would pick. She wants neat. She wants tidy. She wants polite. And the best man, Logan, fits that to a T. Too bad Reed has his sights set on the sexy blonde, and when Reed wants something, he gets it. Oh does he get it.

If you need servicing while we’re stuck in this fancy-ass hotel for a week, I’m going to be the one to do it. No one else. Not Golden Boy. Not even your right hand. And when you slip between your sheets tonight, think about this. I will service you so hard you’ll be booking another week here just to recover.”

Reed is everything you want in a bad boy hero…and more. So much more. Reed doesn’t do entanglements, and he certainly doesn’t do more than sex, yet something about Julie draws him in and keeps him wanting more.

As for Julie, well I haven’t read a heroine by Tessa Bailey that I haven’t loved yet, and she was certainly no exception. She so endearingly sassy and her quirky southern sayings never failed to put a smile on my mouth. She was no pushover, and she definitely gave Reed a run for his money…but boy was it delicious.

You want me to despoil you? I hope you’re ready because I don’t fuck politely.
“I’m counting on it.”

The banter between them was entertaining and sexy.

But would you expect any less from the talented Miss Bailey? I think not.

This book had everything; romance, hot as hell sex, and dirty talk that will melt the panties right off of you. Might I suggest keeping some spares handy?

I only have one thing to add after finishing this.

Dear Tessa,

For the love of all that’s holy, please GAWD make a spin off from this novel. I need dirty talking SWAT men in my life. BAD.

That is all. I’m off to stalk the poor author for any news of her upcoming releases. And I thank you

Read the series in order:

Book 0.5:
Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5) by Laura Kaye
(My Review)

Book 1:
Falling for the Groomsman (Wedding Dare, #1) by Diane Alberts
(My Review)

Book 2:
Baiting The Maid Of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2) by Tessa Bailey

Book 3:
Seducing The Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare, #3) by Katee Robert
My Review

Book 4:
Best Man With Benefits (Wedding Dare, #4) by Samanthe Beck
My Review

***ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**


Review, Excerpt & #Giveaway: ☆Ecstasy Claimed☆ by @SETTAJAY_

Gregoire has spent centuries with his brother Guardians fighting for the safety and security of the Realms. Endless decades of battling mixed with bouts of mindless sex to sate his needs. Needs that haven’t truly been fulfilled since she was born. The one destined to be his bonded mate. For the last twenty five years Gregoire has kept his distance giving her time to grow into a female who is capable of handling his intense dominance.

Alyssa has done everything that was expected of her, until the day she finds out she has a mate who has left her unclaimed. Unheard of when mates are rare and coveted. Even worse is the fact that he is the most powerful of her race and a Guardian of the Realms. Furious at the rejection she decides she is now in charge of her life. No more will she allow others to rule her.Against the backdrop of evil forces that are conspiring to topple the Realms, can Gregoire find his wayward mate before she is taken by corrupt Immortals? Can Alyssa forgive him and learn to exert her own female power while surrendering to his savage passion? And will the two of them be able to forge a mate bond that cannot be severed… or will they be forever cursed with an Ecstasy Unclaimed?

Warning – Dirty talking, possessive alpha male; scenes of sexual exhibition; an instance of f/f; spankings and more.

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Gregoire and Alyssa – Ecstasy Claimed
She was wide open, her knees straddling his thighs, her bottom against his stomach.  She circled her hips, thriving on the stretching sensation of being taken.  He flipped her hair to one side and pulled her bare back against his heaving chest.  His tongue and lips caressed her neck, and gooseflesh rose all over her arms.  He angled her head so he had the access he needed as she moved on him.  His hands massaged her hips up to her swollen breasts.
Do you like being open and on display for anyone that might come up to the house?
Desire flooded her at his words and the implication.  She was spread and impaled on his cock, her back tight to his chest, as he caressed her in front of the open windows.  No one was around, but the idea was there, and it made her hot.
I can feel that you do.  Imagine all they would see.  Your bare pussy sucking my cock deep as I lift your breasts and play with your pretty nipples.
His lips and tongue were at her neck, and her movements were frantic as she tried to lift up and ride him.
The only movement he allowed was the grinding of her hips and ass.  She pushed hard, trying for more, when one of his hands left a breast and gave a sharp smack to her mound.  She jumped at the unexpected action.  It hadn’t hurt; the slight sting moved quickly into delicious warmth.
You like when I slap your pussy, Angel?  Like the sting?  He spread his thighs beneath her, forcing her knees wider.  Look out the window and imagine what they’d see.  Your beautiful body spread wide, my cock buried deep inside your pussy, and your mound pink from my hand. Another sharp smack landed.  This one lower, right against her clit.  She cried out; she needed to come and almost did as heat flooded her.  They’d see you come as I slap your pussy and mark your skin as mine, and only mine.  They’d watch what only I can do to you.  They’d know you were mine in every way.
Review4 stars

It was your beautiful green eyes I saw every fucking time in the last five years. You were a hunger that ate at my gut every fucking day. Now that I have you, it’s even more intense. It’s not enough to have you. My beast wants the world to know you’re mine. It’s making me obsessed with showing the world you’re mine.

Do you like crazy hot PNR books. I’m talking CRAZY HOT. Several panty changes during the book hot. Leave you screaming


Well, my friends, then you need to introduce yourselves to the deliciously kinky world of The Guadians of The Realms.

Setta Jay does a great job with retelling details from the past book without sounding redundant, so you can easily read this as a standalone. However, I would highly recommend reading the series in order since many characters are introduced early on and it helps you develop a better understanding of them.

In Ecstasy Claimed we get the story of Gregoire, Uri’s manwhorish friend that we first meet in Ecstasy Unbound.

Only problem with his manwhoring ways? Turns out he’s had a mate for 25 years that he was waiting to claim once she’s reached her maturity. But hey, a manwhore has has needs 🙂

Alyssa has always been the good daughter and the good girl. But when she comes to terms with the fact that her destined mate doesn’t seem to want her, she decides to really start living her life. First thing on the menu? Relieve herself of her pesky virginity.

I really enjoy Setta’s unique world building in this series. She definitely writes some sadistic asshole villains, so be prepared for that.

As for the story, I enjoyed this one even more than the first book. I was happy to see Sam and Erik get their HEA. My heart broke for everything that Sam went through in the previous book, and I loved how gentle and caring Erik was with her.

To say that it was scorching hot would be an understatement. At times I even found myself asking if there was almost too much sex.

(pause for dramatic gasps)

Yes, this does happen to me some times believe it or not. But the story drew me in enough that I was able to overlook this.

My few minor quibbles keeping this from a 5 star?

There’s a scene around the 20% mark that I’m not quite sure how I feel about. Warning, there’s a MFFM scene here. Alyssa goes from a good girl virgin, to getting one hell of a lesson in oral pleasure. Now given the context of the book, this wasn’t THAT far out of the realm of belief. BUT, and this is a big but, I couldn’t match the girl that was portrayed to this wanton one that was jumping into an experience like this. Not to say that scene wasn’t hot as fuck, but it just didn’t fit the story for me.

I was hoping for a little bit more characterization on Gregoire. There were bits and pieces given during their bonding scene, but I would have loved a little more. He was such a enigma to me in book 1 and I wanted to know more about his past.

All that aside, I really enjoyed the second installment and I’ve definitely become a fan of this series. I love how even though you have the “mate” element, there is no insta-love present. I also really like Setta’s writing and world building. I seem to get more and more sold on this series with each new book and I cannot wait until book 3 and the big bad Dorian to get his story. I’ve been curious about him from the beginning and from the sounds of it his mate will be giving him a run for his money.

About the Author
The sad truth is that I’m not nearly as entertaining as fiction. *Wink* I am a thirty-seven year old stay at home writer, thanks to my incredibly supportive husband.  We’ve been together for thirteen years and I still love waking up next to that sexy man.  We lost our furry child recently, so we are childless at the moment.  Our whole world revolved around her.  Needless to say, I love animals, especially dogs.  Okay, maybe not all animals, I’m not a super big fan of monkeys.  Any animal that throws their feces kind of eeks me out.  I may, or may not, have a problem with candy.  I love any research that leads to Neiman Marcus’ online shoe department. Spreadsheets give me way more happiness than they should.  I love to read, the dirtier the better. It all started with the naughty historical romances by Judith McNaught that I devoured as a teenager.  I love reading about hot, sexy alpha males and heroines that are smart enough to live.
Author’s Social Links

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Review, Spotlight & #Giveaway: #EcstasyUnbound by @SETTAJAY_

As one of the twelve Guardians of the Realms, Urian has spent the last several centuries in a constant battle to keep the inhabitants of Earth’s Realms under control. Humanity needed to evolve, hell beasts needed to die, and Immortal races needed mates. Unfortunately, he found that he cared less about duty, and more about when his sexy voyeur would again grace the shadows to watch as he and his brother Guardian shared one of the human females frequenting the club. All Guardians were forbidden contact with the little goddess and her brothers, but his need for her was escalating. He found it more difficult than ever to keep from pinning her face down on the nearest surface, and making her his.

Alexandra and her brothers have avoided exile from the human Realm for centuries, ever since the Creators sent the Gods to sleep for their sins against humanity, and banished the Immortals. She has always known that she was needed on Earth. Only once had she gone against her instincts and the price she paid will forever haunt her. It is for that reason she forces herself to stay away from the only male that has ever truly enticed her. The only one that has ever made her flesh heat, and her stomach quiver with desire.

In desperate need to help her beloved brother, she will have to go to the enthralling Guardian, her dark obsession. He is her best hope to get the help she needs, even though he would surely attempt to exile her. She won’t go easily…

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And grab the prequel novella : Hidden Ecstasy for free on Smashwords
I’m always excited when i find a new PNR author that I like. PNR is the genre that got me reading, so I hold a special place in my heart for it. It also means I’m picky as shit when it comes to my books LOL! I was really blown away by this debut novel by Setta Jay. I’m completely sucked in and cannot wait for the next book in the series. Huge rec from me 😉
3.5 stars
3.5 Stars
Keep eating me up with those eyes, little goddess, and I’ll be so deep inside that hot little pussy you won’t remember what you came her for.

With a title and cover like that, you have to wonder how well a book will deliver on the erotic element that’s promised. In the case of this book book, no worries are needed. Ecstasy Unbound starts out with a bang, and concludes with one too. I’m sure you get my drift here…

But dirty in the most delicious way, of course.

Being the first book in a series, it’s always a concern for me if the world building and story will suck me in enough to keep me interested to continue with the series. In the case here, the answer would be a resounding HELL YES. Setta Jay takes a new and very interesting spin on the Greek gods lore. You get a little bit of everything, gods, demons, hell hounds, immortals. And while there is quite a bit of world building that takes place, it never got too wordy for me. It did take a while for me to wrap my head around all the different details and gain an understanding, but that’s to be expected with the first book in a series.

If you’re expecting a PNR novel with some steam, that’s not quite what you’ll get here. This is an EROTIC novel, and being that there are some HIGHLY erotic scenes; menage, voyeurism, the works. Which was right up my pervy little alley. I love me my smutty smut.

I do have to warn you that there is a rape scene that some may be uncomfortable with. It was detailed and quite graphic, yet the way it was done left me unsure how I feel about it. I’m not sure how to best describe it, but while it was rape, it wasn’t a violent one.

There was the “mate” element that you get in most PNR books. But what I enjoyed here, is neither Alexandra nor Uri fight their connection. Setta managed to throw in some undeniable sexual tension, steam, and build a believable connection between two characters without settling for a case of insta love or an overly drawn out angsty “she may be my mate but I don’t want her” situation.

There were several characters that were introduced, but it wasn’t overwhelming or too wordy. It was just enough to give the reader a little crumb and leave you wanting to know more about them.

Of course this being a first in a series, it wasn’t without a few kinks. (Pun intended)

But I digress…

So what didn’t I like?

The overuse of words like ‘ liquid heat’ and ‘core’. I don’t mind it a few times, but it does tend to grate on me when authors get too creative with the sex scene lingo. It’s an erotic novel, ‘pussy’ will do 95% of the time.

The very graphic rape scene. It left me feeling confused. I seriously didn’t know how to feel after reading it.

The fact that the 2 men were obviously not big on the rape thing and attempted to make Sam enjoy it…I don’t even know. I’m still trying to figure out how I felt about it. (UPDATE: the new version of the book has a different version of his scene)

Other than that, I did enjoy this. I’m definitely hooked enough to continue with the series, especially with that little teaser in the end for Gregoire.

I’m also hoping to get more of Sam and Alexandra’s brother, Erik in the next book too. Their story really tugged at my heart strings, and I’d love to see them get their HEA.

So if you’re a fan of erotic PNR, with fantastic world building, sexy Guardian warriors, and enough action to keep you reading well into the night…then definitely give this book a try.

I’m already in pervy anticipation for the 2nd book. Fingers crossed it will be Gregoire’s.

***ARC courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest review***

About the Author
The sad truth is that I’m not nearly as entertaining as fiction. Sigh. I am a thirty-six year old stay at home writer, thanks to my incredibly supportive husband. We’ve been together for twelve years and I still love waking up next to that sexy man. We lost our furry child recently, so we are childless at the moment. Our whole world revolved around her. Needless to say, I love animals, especially dogs. Okay, maybe not all animals, I’m not a super big fan of monkeys. Any animal that throws their feces kind of eeks me out. I may, or may not, have a problem with candy. I love any research that leads to Neiman Marcus’ online shoe department. Spreadsheets give me way more happiness than they should. I love to read, the dirtier the better. It all started with the naughty historical romances by Judith McNaught that I devoured as a teenager. I love reading about hot, sexy alpha males and heroines that are smart enough to live.
Author’s Social Links

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Review Tour & Giveaway: Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey

Pretending to be in love has never felt so sexy.
Brent Mason and Hayden Winstead can’t stand each other. She plans exclusive parties for her rich family’s charities. He’s a rough and tumble cop who rigs explosives for a living. Could two people be any less suited for conversation? They think not and prefer to keep it that way.
Unfortunately, their two best friends are deeply, disgustingly in love. Forced together, the mutual attraction simmering beneath the surface of Brent and Hayden’s non-relationship grows with every argument until it explodes into a scintillating night of mind-blowing sex. And it won’t be the last, as far as Brent’s concerned.
Hayden has a secret, though. Her father’s company is relying on a merger to save them from financial ruin, and only Hayden’s marriage to the CEO’s wealthy son can secure the deal. If she’s to protect her family, she’ll have to forget Brent. And he has no intention of being forgotten.


If you have any doubt about my ability to fuck the ever-loving sarcasm right out of you, I’ll be more than happy to clear it up.”
No one, and I mean no one can write a dirty talker quite like Tessa Bailey. The woman is the queen of dirty talk and I bow down to her awesomeness. It’s not secret that I have been a huge fan of this series from the very first book, Protecting What’s His, and I swear the series just keeps getting better and better.
I didn’t think anyone could replace my beloved playboy Daniel, but Brent gave him a run for his money. Nothing like a rough and tumble explosives expert with a sense of humor and dirty mouth to make my pervy little heart go all pitter patter.
I knew from the very first chapter that I would love this book. Nothing I love more than the ‘enemies to lovers’ trope. And when it came to Brent and Hayden, you could just feel the sexual tension behind every insult. It was absolutely delicious!
For Hayden and Brent, it was hate at first sight. While they may have to tolerate each other since their best friends are dating, it doesn’t mean they have to like it. But beneath the barbs and insults that they’re constantly throwing at each other, there’s a strong undercurrent of something else: lust.
(In case you’re wondering, YES, Brent reminded me of Ryan Reynolds. It’s the dirty blonde hair, green eyes, sexy with a splash of dirty humor that sealed this particular delicious image for me)

I knew I would love Brent when we first met him in Officer Off Limits. He’s crude, funny, always has a snarky comment, and did I also mention sexy as hell? The man is 6 foot 5 of complete and utter deliciousness. But beneath all the crude jokes, there’s a fantastic man. He works 2 jobs in order to help support his family. So is it any wonder that rick girl Hayden seems to hit his every nerve?
Hayden is not quite the spoiled little rich girl that Brent sees her as. It’s just that that Brent manages to hit all her buttons, and she can’t help but lash out with the only means she has. Right?
But what happens when a dare between two people that are supposed to hate each other, goes a little bit too far?
While Brent never minced his words, I loved that Hayden gave as good as she got. She really gave the poor guy a run for his money. I swear, you could feel the sexual tension beneath all their bickering. 

Aw, what’s wrong, Brent? Jealous? After all, if ever there was someone who deserved to have a jackass named after him, it’s you.”
“Yeah? And what would they name it? How about…Spanky?”
“How about Oversized Dickhead?”
He shrugged. “Didn’t hear you complaining about
my oversized—”
She shot to her feet, jostling the table. “Can I speak with you in private?”
“You need it right now?” He feigned exasperation.“We’re in the middle of dinner, woman. You’re insatiable.”

As much as I enjoyed Hayden’s character, at times I did get irritated with the way she seemed to hit below the belt with her insults. I understood the why’s of it, but it did still grate with me a bit. I felt that there were times that she should have been going after Bret and smoothing things over, not the other way around.

But Brent, my delicious dirty talking Brent, he just made the book for me. I was a highlight whore every time the man opened his mouth. I highlighted everything he said. The man was the Midas of dirty talk. Everything that came out of his mouth was pure gold.

Spread your thighs wide for me. I’m gonna fuck you until my next thrust is the only thing keeping you sane.

I’m going to cram your tight pussy full over and over again,” he growled. “I’m going to fuck you until your ears ring. I’m going to bite you hard. Mark you. Ruin you.”

I know, right? Might I suggest keeping some ice on hand, and maybe a fan while you’re reading this? My ovaries were doing a pervy little happy dance throughout the entire book.

Jesus, baby.” He groaned loudly, shifted. “Been a while?”
Yes. “No. It’s just you…you’re…”
Brent sat up, putting his face right in front of hers.He bit her bottom lip and tugged. “I’m what?”
When she tried to kiss him, he dodged her mouth. “Say it. What am I?”
“Huge,” she whispered.
“That’s right.” His hands slipped up her back and gripped her shoulders. “And you’re going to take it.”

This series has become a guilty pleasure of mine. Whenever I’m in the mood for a super steamy romance with a sassy heroine,a sinfully sexy hero, lots of dirty talk, and a light but engaging plot, I know I can never go wrong with these books. They always hit JUST the right spot.
Now I am sitting on pins and needles in pervy anticipation of the broodingly quiet Matt to get his book. I can already tell it’s going to be a good one.
Now that is all the gushing you’ll be getting from this girl. Go make your ovaries happy and read this book. And I thank you.

Connect with Tessa Bailey


Want a chance to win an autographed copy of Tessa’s first two books Protecting What’s His & Officer Off Limits? It’s the first time they’ve ever been in print!
She’ll be giving away 3 sets. All you have to do is leave a comment below to enter.  Giveaway ends 12/1.  Limited to US residents only.
Increase your chances of winning by visiting the rest of the tour HERE
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