Blog Tour & Review: ★Wicked For You★ by Shayla Black

Wicked for You
Series: Wicked Lovers #10
Genre: Erotic, Romantic Suspense (BDSM)
Author: Shayla Black
Release Date: October 6, 2015

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Ever since he rescued her from a dangerous kidnapper, Mystery Mullins has wanted Axel Dillon. When he returned her to her Hollywood father and tabloid life, she was grateful…and a little in love. Mystery wasn’t ready to let Axel go, even after the soldier gently turned her away because, at nineteen, she was too young.

Now, six years later, Mystery is grown, with a flourishing career and a full life—but she’s still stuck on Axel. Disguised, she propositions him in a bar, and the night they spend together is beyond her wildest dreams. Mystery steels herself to walk away—except the sheets are barely cold when her past comes back to haunt her.

Once he realizes Mystery isn’t the stranger he thought, Axel is incensed and intrigued. But when it’s clear she’s in danger, he doesn’t hesitate to become her protector—and her lover—again. And as the two uncover a secret someone is willing to kill for, Axel is determined to claim Mystery’s heart before a murderer silences her for good.

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Review4 starsWfY-DGR

At the end of the day, I’m the kind of Dom who prefers to do one thing above all: get in your head and own you.”

Heart-pounding action, nail-biting suspense and sizzling hot BDSM romance, it just doesn’t get any better than that. Shayla Black delivers yet another winner in her 10th book of her Wicked Lovers series. Sinfully sexy and filled with enough action to keep you at the edge of your seat, Wicked For You definitely delivered on the promise of it’s title.

While this is book 10 in the series, each one can easily be read as a standalone. I love that the author does that all while including all my favorite characters from previous books while allowing new readers to experience her books without being confused. Truth be told I was a little hesitant about reading this one after being slightly underwhelmed with the previous book, but this series is like crack to me so I had to dive in….and I enjoyed the hell out of it! I’d say after Belong to Me, this may be my second favorite in the series.

This woman dragged him into a need that sucked him under like quicksand. The more he fought for control, the less he had.

Mystery Mullins is the daughter to one of the most renowned hollywood directors, who’s reputation as a womanizer is just as infamous. She’s used to media attention, but the only attention she truly craves is from a man that turned her down after saving her life six years ago.

Axel Dillon never forgot the beauty that he rescued from a kidnapper six years ago. But she was vulnerable and only 18 then. Now when she comes to him in disguise and tilts his world on it’s axis once he figures out who she really is, it’s fair game and it’s definitely game on.

You want to know what I’m going to do to you?”
“Yes, Axel.”
“Steal your control.

I love that the author takes you back in time to show the reader exactly what happened between these two all those years ago. It only serves to strengthen the connection to both the characters as well as the connection between them. I love me a sexy Dom that can kick some ass and then spank it. What? I’m being honest here. Axel is a hero that you’ll definitely fall for. Mystery was a great heroine in her own right. She may be inexperienced in the brand of kink that Axel likes, but she’s no blushing virgin. If you’re not a fan of hardcore BDSM, rest easy, there’s no whips or chains in this one. Axel is kinky, but it’s light on the BDSM. A little spanking here, a little bondage there. Mix, repeat, end with orgasms.

The only thing that kept this from being a 5 star read for me was the ending. It was just a little much for me to suspend disbelief on. Maybe it was because I built it up a little more in my head, but whatever the case may be I just had a tough time believing it. However, it did bring all the details and clues together nicely, so I can’t complain too much. If you’re looking for a sexy romantic suspense with a little kink on the side, you can’t go wrong with this one.


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About the Author ShaylaBlack high resShayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than forty novels. For over fifteen years, she’s written contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances via traditional, independent, foreign, and audio publishers. Her books have sold well over a million copies and been published in a dozen languages.

Raised an only child, Shayla occupied herself with lots of daydreaming, much to the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and realized that she could have a career publishing the stories spinning in her imagination. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and embarked on a stint in corporate America to pay the bills, her heart has always been with her characters. She’s thrilled that she’s been living her dream as a full-time author for the past seven years.

Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband, her teenage daughter, and a very spoiled cat. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.



Review: ★Master No★ by Lexi Blake

Review Master No Master No
Series: Master & Mercenaries #9
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: August 4, 2015


Disavowed by those he swore to protect…

Tennessee Smith is a wanted man. Betrayed by his government and hunted by his former employer, he’s been stripped of everything he holds dear. If the CIA finds him, they’re sure to take his life as well. His only shot at getting it all back is taking down the man who burned him. He knows just how to get to Senator Hank McDonald and that’s through his daughter, Faith. In order to seduce her, he must become something he never thought he’d be—a Dom.

Overcome by isolation and duty…

All her life, Dr. Faith “Mac” McDonald has felt alone, even among her family. Dedicating herself to helping others and making a difference in the world has brought her some peace, but a year spent fighting the Ebola virus in West Africa has taken a toll. She’s come home for two months of relaxation before she goes back into the field. After holding so many lives in her hands, nothing restores her like the act of submission. Returning to her favorite club, Mac is drawn to the mysterious new Dom all the subs are talking about, Master No. In the safety of his arms, she finds herself falling head over heels in love.

Forced to choose between love and revenge…

On an exclusive Caribbean island, Ten and Mac explore their mutual attraction, but her father’s plots run deeper than Ten could possibly have imagined. With McKay-Taggart by his side, Ten searches for a way to stop the senator, even as his feelings for Mac become too strong to deny. In the end, he must choose between love and revenge—a choice that will change his life forever.

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5 stars
I unfortunately don’t have the time to write this the full and glowing review this amazing book deserves, but I can’t just give it 5 stars and call it a day either. This was easily, hands down, the best book in the series. I had some high hopes for Ten “Master No” Smith, and all I can say is they weren’t met, they were exceeded. The amazing thing is that nine books into the series, it just keeps getting better and better, which is no easy feat.

First, I would recommend not reading this as a standalone even though plenty of background is given for you to do that easily. This series always has a suspense element arc that is carried on through each book while having it’s own individual HEA. While Mr. Black was taken care of in Ian’s book (Love and Let Die, there is now a new baddie and they’re even more powerful. You get the full gist of this in Jessie’s book in You Only Love Twice. So I highly recommend reading these books in order to truly appreciate what’s going on beyond the romance and all the secondary characters (from past books and new ones just introduced)

What I can tell you is this was so much more than just a romance and also much more than suspense. It was captivating, emotional, heart-pounding, erotic, suspenseful, gut-wrenching. In 2 words? Un-fucking-believably good. I knew Ten had quite the history to him but nothing prepared me for the full dose of what he’d been through.

Faith “Mac” McDonald was his perfect equal and balance in every way. I loved her quiet and unassuming strength. Considering the family she comes from, she was definitely a pleasant surprise. Even though it feels like their “courtship” is quick, it also wasn’t. I’m not sure how Lexi Blake managed to pull that off, but she did. How you can formulate such an intense and believable connections through emails and conversations and a few meetings short after, I have no idea. But not only did she pull it off, she did it flawlessly. I loved it.

Nothing and I mean nothing prepared me for that last 25%. I cried my damn eyes out. I’m talking ugly crying, sniveling, whole body shaking kind of crying. It fucking gutted me. I loved every miserable second of it. The set up for a certain character in this book is nothing short of incredible. I’m pretty sure I’d part with an ovary if not both to get my hands on his book. I mean, OH MY GOD! Are you fucking kidding me? GAH! And his book isn’t even the next one. I think the wait just may kill me. I’m not even kidding. Kill me dead.

If you haven’t yet discovered this phenomenal series yet, you are really missing out. Espionage, heart-pounding suspense, scorching sex, and unforgettable love stories all combined for an absolutely unputdownable read. I can’t recommend it enough. If this book doesn’t make you a die-hard fan of this author, I don’t know what will.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)

Excerpt & Review: ★Servicing The Target★ by @CheriseSinclair

STT Review & Excerpt Tour Banner Servicing The Target
Series: Master of the Shadowlands #10
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Genre: BDSM Romance
Release Date: July 28, 2015add-to-goodreads-button31Servicing the Target - cover

A discharged Army Ranger, Ben considers his job as a BDSM club security guard to be an excellent hobby. He’s never been tempted to join in. But everything changes when the notorious Mistress Anne inadvertently reveals the caring heart concealed beneath her Domme armor.

Now, he’s set his sights on the beautiful Shadowlands Mistress. Maybe he’d considered himself vanilla, but she can put her stiletto on his chest any day, any time. He’ll trust her delicate hands to hold his heart. And if she wants to whip his ass on the way to an outstanding climax, he’s just fine with that too.

Sure, he knows she likes “pretty boy” slaves. And he’s older. Craggy and rough. And six-five. Minor hindrances. The mission is a go.


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STT - Teaser 1


He’d lied to her because of his own fears.
They’d both messed up.Oh, Ben.Why had he told her he wanted to be her slave? Whatever had possessed him? She’d known he was almost vanilla. Had cautioned him because he was so new to the lifestyle. Told him he was rushing things.Her eyes welled with tears. Her memory of that day was so clear, the joy she’d felt so brilliant. “I’ll be your slave.”And because she remembered so well, she also recalled what had happened before. How Ben had handed her the phone.Joey’d been on the line.She froze as the puzzle came together.Oh. Damn.After a long moment, she rubbed her hands over her face gently. Her skin felt fragile, as if a sudden movement might cause pieces to fall away.Joey’d asked to be her slave again, and Ben had heard enough to worry.She sighed, seeing how events had created the inevitability of this day. Because Ben wasn’t the sort of man who’d allow someone to poach his woman. If he’d been with her longer or understood more about the lifestyle, he’d have known he didn’t want a 24/7 submissive or slave relationship.But Joey had forced his hand.She’d been so stunned—“Yes, Ma’am, this is what I want”—and so filled with happiness, that she hadn’t questioned his motivation.Then, as she tumbled into loving him, she’d seen only what she wanted to see. Love might be blind, but it was also deaf, dumb, and stupid.She pressed her lips together. Her heedlessness had hurt them both.Now what should she do?A half-laugh escaped. The person she’d normally ask for guidance would be Ben. She rubbed her chest where the aching mass of bruised heart muscle hadn’t stopped throbbing. Heknew her. He’d have given her solid advice because he liked her the way she was.

With him, she’d been able to relax and not stay “on” all the time.

Was that because he didn’t need her to always be strong and invulnerable.

He was smart. Easygoing. Deadly. Competent. A survivor of the worst New York could throw at him and war, as well. He didn’t need her to make his decisions.

She blew out a breath, feeling like an idiot. Caught up in the way she always did things, she’d tried to make every choice for her, for him, for them.

He didn’t need her to be in charge.

What about her? Could she cope with a relationship where she wasn’t in control all the time?

Rather than an instant “no,” she heard only silence. As if the answer was…maybe. How odd.

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Review5 starsServicing The Target- DirtyGirlRomance

I’m going to hurt you, Ben- because this is what I told you I’d do. And because this is what you obviously want me to do.”

I’m not typically a fan of Domme heroines, but when it’s Cherise Sinclair writing it, it’d be a sin for me not to at least attempt it. Well imagine my shock that I can now say that this may have easily been my favorite Shadowlands book yet. Of course it figures that it would be this author that will not only make fall in love with the story and the characters but also appreciate a strong Domme. If you’re on the fence about reading it, you need to jump off the damn fence and READ IT…or else deVries will come and spank you. Trust me when I tell you that you will to be left disappointed.

Before last night, he’d hoped that if he had a taste of her, got a little closer, his curiosity would be satisfied. Instead, like the first shot of fine whiskey, she’d teased his appetite.
Now he’d set his sights on the woman.
And- as his team in the Rangers had witnessed- he never missed.

I think my hesitancy in reading about a submissive hero was that eventually he’d be too submissive for me. You know what I’m saying here? Like he’d lose some of his alpha, and if there’s one thing I need in my heroes is that absolute alpha vibe. Well, my friends, Ben is ALL alpha. If you don’t fall whips over stilettos for this man from the first few chapters, we’re not reading the same book. Ben has always been the man in the background of this series. The gentle giant that guards the doors of Shadowlands and absolutely vanilla, he’s always been a bit unassuming but you just knew there’s something intense brewing underneath the service. So of course it would take Mistress Anne to bring it to the surface and make him face his true desires.

This was not a man to be underestimated. Give him an inch and he’d take the entire country.

StT-DirtyGirlRomanceBen struggles with his desire for Mistress Anne because while it’s clear he has more…submissive desires in bed, that’s also where it ends. Anne likes the pretty boys and he’s definitely a few years and a few scars away from that, but he’ll gladly submit to her sharp stilettos and whip. But the ultimate deal breaker may be that Anne wants a slave and Ben doesn’t see himself submitting his control so fully.

He’d joined the U.S. Army to protect his country and moved into the Rangers to do an even better job. Anne might be the Dominant, but this soldier operated under his own priorities.

I loved the power play between these two. Ben, while being submissive, never loses his intensity. Being a former Ranger this is a man that protects those he loves with a single minded intensity, and it’s hard for him to turn that off long enough for Anne to take the reins. While on the outside they seem to be the unlikeliest match, together they make a perfect kind of sense. Their chemistry together is absolutely mind-blowing.
As far as Anne goes, well it doesn’t get more kick-ass than her. A fugitive recovery agent by day, this is a woman that knows how to throw a punch to fall a man twice her size. This is not only a woman that makes men shrivel in fear in the dungeon, she certainly handles her own outside of it. What I really loved about her is the vulnerability that was so evident about her. I think that’s what truly made her as endearing as she was. And the fact that Ben saw it and did everything to try and shelter her made me fall for him even more.

She reminded him of a glass knife. Unbelievably sharp, yet frighteningly vulnerable to being shattered. And she brought out every protective instinct he had.

Anne is tough, but beneath the leather and heels is a gentle soul of a woman that didn’t have an easy childhood growing up as an army brat and being constantly undermined by her military father. Being the only girl in the family doesn’t make it easier. But that doesn’t stop her from going after what she wants and leading a team of other agents in her job all while being constantly harassed by her misogynistic asshole of a cousin. She’s always having to prove herself, but she lets it roll off her back. I loved how protective she was of Ben too. I was worried that their relationship dynamic may come off as slightly emasculating, but it was never that. It was always this perfect power balance between them and man did I enjoy that.

Sheena’s face paled, but she still…stupidly…tried to speak.
“Listen, you—”
“Maybe your wimpy friends put up with you touching and hanging on their men, but I don’t. Hands off.” She twisted to put her hand on Ben’s stomach in her own claiming gesture. Why be subtle? “Mine.”

Cherise Sinclair always manages to write an incredible romance that’s laced with an erotic touch of BDSM and this book was no exception. I loved every single page of it and never wanted it to end. What I really appreciate about these books is that they’re so much more than sex or BDSM. At the heart of it, it’s a touching and emotional love story about two people that are imperfectly perfect and yet perfect together. Having read this author’s entire backlist, I can say that without a second thought and mean every word. No one writes an erotic BDSM romance quite like her.

As always all the favorite characters from the previous books make an appearance and even get a POV in this one. I loved getting a little more Z and Jessica, and of course Raoul and Kim was great as well. It felt like the added perk on top of what was already a fantastic story. If you’ve enjoyed the previous books in the series, it’s pretty much a safe bet that you will love this one. And if you haven’t yet discovered this incredible author yet? I’m really not sure what you’re doing with your life.

About the Author

Author PhotoHaving to wear glasses in elementary school can scar a person for life.

Dubbed a nerd at an early age, Cherise Sinclair has been trying to live up to the stereotype ever since. And what better way than being an author?

Known for writing deeply emotional stories, the USA Today Bestselling Author has penned sixteen erotic romance novels, most with a BDSM theme. (Please do not mention the phrase mommy porn in her presence.) Her awards range from a National Leather Award to a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice nomination to a GoodReads BDSM group award for best author of the year.

Cherise lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband. Their two fledglings have left the nest recently to try their wings and hopefully will fly high and strong. The “ascendant erotica queen” (Rolling Stone Magazine) now spends her days writing with occasional supervision from a sadistic calico cat.

Website /Facebook / Twitter /Goodreads / 1001 Dark Nights

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Call On Me★ by @roniloren

Call On Me Tour Banner Call On Me
Series: Loving On The Edge #8
Author: Roni Loren
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Release Date: July 7, 2015



Oakley Easton wants two things: to be a good mom to her daughter and to ditch her less than ideal night job. Hooking up with bad boy drummer Pike Ryland? Not on the agenda. She needs a promotion. Not sex, tattoos and rock ’n’ roll.

Pike isn’t about to let Ms. Prim and Proper shut him down so easily, especially when he stumbles upon Oakley’s sexy night job. She’s only playing a role on those late night calls with strangers, but when he gets her on the line, all bets are off. He won’t stop until that sultry voice is calling his name for real.

But as they move from anonymous fantasies in the dark to the flesh-on-hot-flesh reality of the bedroom, the risk of falling in love becomes all too high. And the safe, quiet world that Oakley’s worked so hard to create is about to be exposed to the one person who could ruin it all.

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“Don’t tease me, mama. Tell me. In vivid detail preferably.”

She pressed her lips together, humor in her eyes, and looked toward the road. “You sound like one of my callers.”

“You’re dodging my question.”

She nodded. “A fair assessment.”

“How come?”

She glanced down, a self-deprecating smile tugging at her lips. “It’s silly, right? I talk sex for a living but when it comes to talking to you about it, I lock up like some awkward virgin. I had to fight it the first few times we talked on the phone. Now, in person, it’s coming back.”

He appreciated the honesty. “I get it. Everything’s easier when it’s a role. You talk sex as Sasha. But it’s just you here tonight. Same for me. It’s easier for me when I’m the drummer from Darkfall. But the only person you’ve got in this car with you is James Pike Ryland. So don’t feel awkward. We’re on even ground.”

She looked over at him. “Your name is James?”

“It was my father’s name. But my dad walked out when I was five and I started going by Pike since my mom said she couldn’t stand to hear his name in the house. I legally changed it when I joined the band to separate myself from my history, but for some reason, James still feels like my real name. It’s what my brother called me.”

She considered him. “So if I was in here with Pike Ryland, rockstar, how would it be different?”

He laughed. “We are not going to discuss that. You would hate him.”

She turned her body toward him, devious smile beaming. “Oh, no. We have to go there now. I think I got a glimpse of him the first time we met.”

He rubbed the back of his head. How had he gotten trapped in this corner? “Fuck, all right. I do what’s easy. I tell women what they want to hear. Most girls just want to know how hot they are, how great they look in whatever they’re wearing. It’s much more about them and the conquest of landing the band member than it is about me. I figured that out early on. Then it usually ends up with talk of who I know, where I’ve been, all that shit that makes me sound like a big deal.”

Oakley bit her lip like she was trying hard not to laugh.

“What?” he asked, grinning. “That shit totally works.”

“Oh, I have no doubt. I’m sure ten minutes of that and there’s no more talking because the girl’s head is bobbing in your lap. Frankly, I don’t know why you even bother talking. I mean, looking at you is enough. You probably could just unbutton your fly and point.”

His mouth kicked up at the corner. “Yeah? Would that have worked on you?”

“That would’ve gotten you a knee to the balls. And a thank you for showing me where to aim.”

He laughed.

She turned, peering out at the passing mileage signs. “Looking at you is no hardship. You know that. But talking to James Pike Ryland is what got me here. The other guy would’ve never had a chance.”

The gently spoken admission thumped him right in the chest. He focused on the road, trying not to show on his face how the words had affected him. “Thank you, Oakley.”


4 stars

Call on Me-DGR

He would show the lovely Ms. Easton exactly why she wouldn’t be able to walk away from him after one night.
Because that was definitely not an option.
One taste was supposed to satisfy the craving. But Oakley was wasn’t cake, she was heroin. And he was fucking hooked.

Just a few short lines into this book and I was perfectly hooked and I knew I head another winner from Roni Loren on my hands. I’ve been a huge fan of this author since first discovering her Loving On The Edge series years ago. But I have to admit, not one of her other characters had intrigued me quite as much as Pike did when I first met him in Not Until You as the sexy drummer bad boy and Foster’s roommate (who also took part in a very scorching threesome until both Cala and Foster realized they’re meant for each other). I’ve been practically salivating for Pike’s book and HEA ever since. I mean, I ask you, who doesn’t love a tatted up rockstar drummer with a penchant for the kinky sex and dirty talk?
I knew his heroine will have to be something very special to catch his eye and boy was she. I knew I’d love Oakley from just the first chapter. Not often you meet a heroine that’s preparing cupcakes for her daughter while engaging in dirty talk as a sex line operator as her day job. I couldn’t help but giggle as she described the mundane experience of her “night job” while thinking about her chores. The woman had sass a mile long too.

Good news: Her libido was not dead after all.
Bad news: It still had destructive taste.
And like a recovering alcoholic, she knew to stay far, far away from that brand of temptation.

Oakley is a young single mom that’s focusing on making ends meet for her and her daughter. She works two jobs so that she can give her autistic daughter everything. Men are definitely not on her to-do list; especially too gorgeous for their own good rockstars.

How can you not like me already? Usually it takes women at least a time of two to give me that look. And usually they get something out of the deal first.”
“You really have to ask?”
“Yeah. I’m asking. What did I do to you? Well, besides make you think really impure thoughts at work. Because let’s face it, that totally happened. It may be happening right now. 

Oakley has a history with music and fame, one that burned her and she’s not looking for a trip down memory lane. When a special project at her job forces to her work with Pike, his incessant charm begins to slowly chip away at all her reserves until she finally finds herself giving in. But Oakley knows it can never be anything more than just sex….incredibly hot, possessive, make you scream because it’s so good sex.

Come for me, Oakley. Let me see how much you love being fucked against a wall, how bad you need my cock.”

Pike is a bad boy you’ll fall for right away. There’s always this undercurrent of vulnerability to him that flashes behind his devil-may-care attitude. When all the pieces of his past begin to click together, your heart will absolutely break for him and everything that he’s been through. While Pike thinks that all he wants is between Oakley’s thighs, he soon begins to realize that what he wants most of all is inside her heart. Oakley is not so easy with her turnaround, however. Her history with men and especially men in the music business is one that left some deep rooted scars. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t soon find herself falling deeper and deeper under Pike’s appeal.

All she could do was stare. Pike took command of the drums like he had a personal vendetta against them, banging hard and violent but with a sharp-edged grace that made it look like moving art.

This book was a little bit different from the rest of the series in where The Ranch wasn’t a large part of the sex, if at all. Pike may be a rockstar in bed and out, but he’s not a man that recognizes himself as a Dom or anything else. He likes what he likes and he doesn’t label it. He likes a bite of pain in his sex and he likes a little bondage, but he’s not above letting the woman take control either. While he’s definitely NOT vanilla, the romance between him and Oakley didn’t have a very big BDSM element. So if you’re a reader that doesn’t enjoy much BDSM, you’d definitely enjoy this book.

The most honest version of ourselves is the one behind closed doors.”

CoM1-DGRI absolutely adored Pike. He was a beast in the sack but an absolute sweetheart with Oakley and her daughter. He just had this perfect balance of sweet and badass. And of course I loved the way he gets Oakley out of her shell and straight to the dark and kinky side.

His girl wanted to be fucked hard. “I want to hurt you, mama. Break you in two and put you back together.

I don’t think there was anything I didn’t enjoy about this book. It was sizzling hot and with a fantastic story that was perfectly paced. The sex was scorching but it never took away from the romance, only added to it. It’s not often you find an author that finds that perfect balance of erotic but without overwhelming it with sex.

Fans of this series will absolutely love Pike and Oakley. And if you haven’t read this series, it’s one I highly recommend. You can easily read this as a standalone, though you’d enjoy it more if you read it in order. There’s some cameos here that I loved hearing more about. I can’t wait for more in this series. It seems like it only keeps getting better and better.

About the Author


Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. Though she’ll forever be a New Orleans girl at heart, she now lives in Dallas with her husband and son.

If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rockstars, er, rock concerts. Yeah, that’s it. She is the National Bestselling Author of The Loving on the Edge series from Berkley Heat.

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Blog Tour & #Giveaway: ★Rules of Seduction★ by Joya Ryan

Rules of Seduction
Series: Serve #7
Author: Joya Ryan 
Release Date: June 9th, 2015
Entangled Brazen

He’ll be the dream and the dirty fantasy…

Through with both her controlling ex and relationships, Ava Webber is determined to explore the spicy and sometimes forbidden appetites of the exclusive BDSM nightclub, Serve. Here, she’ll get exactly what she needs…as long as it’s from a man she doesn’t know.

Nolan Hart ensures that Serve’s clients get what they want, how they want it. But with one look at the curvy brunette, Nolan knows he’s the man to fulfill her desires. As the anonymous lover, he’s Ava’s dirtiest fantasy. Outside of Serve, he’s her charming, smartass friend.

But Nolan wants more. More than Ava is willing to give. And as long as the blindfold stays on, she’ll never discover that the two men she’s falling for are one and the same…

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Despite the many steps it had taken her to wind up sitting and waiting for membership at Serve, nothing would now deter her from the path she’d chosen.

It was time.

Time she truly moved on. Time she admitted what she wanted. Time to go after it.
The moment her lungs filled with oxygen on a heavy inhale, the door opened and a tall, muscled man walked in, flipping through what looked to be her extensive questionnaire.

“Ava Webber?” he asked, eyes fused to the paper.


He kicked the door shut with his foot, flipped to another page, and frowned. He still hadn’t met her eyes yet, which was a shame, because even in the low light, she could tell his eyes were not only the iciest blue she’d ever seen, they were intense. Power and strength radiated from him as he took his seat behind the desk. His big body settled into the chair, and all his muscles flexed beneath the thin black T-shirt he wore. 

Her mouth watered. Just the way he moved was hypnotizing.  

“There’s a problem with your application,” he said, and now he looked at her. But the sound of his voice and the finality in his tone made a rise of panic swell in her gut.

“What? No, that can’t be. I read through the entire handbook, and I’m confident I meet every requirement.”

His eyebrows furrowed. He leaned forward and placed his hands on the desk. Which did crazy amazing things to those impressive biceps of his.

“You didn’t fill out section three completely,” he said, flipping to the page in question and sliding it in front of her. 

“For preference in a partner, you put male.”

“Is that a problem?”

He tossed her a lethal grin, and she suddenly felt a little giddy. Whoever this man was, he knew how to work a room—likely a woman, too—and had a special kind of swagger that was gifted from god and well-honed over the years. He glowed with confidence and an alpha intensity that matched the gleam of the laid-back charm in his eyes.

Male is a good start. Narrows the attendees down by half. But usually I’m given more to work with. Like body type, hair color, eye color—”

“I don’t care about any of that.” Her response seemed to take him off guard, but it was the truth.

“All I care about is that it’s anonymous sex.”

He looked at her for a long moment. “That’s a problem. Because see on section five? Sexual preferences, boundaries, hard limits, personal wants and desires?”

She nodded, looking at the section in question. “What’s your point?”

“You put any.”

“I’m aware.”

“As am I. Which is why I’m concerned.”

Ava took a deep breath. Hottie McSexyGrin was grilling her. He was the last step before she could participate in this club. She absently gripped her ring finger. Even with the discarded ring sitting in a drawer at home, she still felt its weight.

She couldn’t lose this chance. She needed a place like Serve. Needed to feel alive again and needed this man to stop blocking her from the path she’d discovered. A path that would finally let her be free.

“I don’t understand your concern.” She tapped the paper. “I’m open to any experience, hence the word.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Yes, I can read, sweetheart. But I’m not sure you understand all Serve has to offer. If you leave yourself open to anything, I can assure you, you just may get that.”

“I see we finally understand each other.”

He sat back in his chair and looked at her with amusement. “In the spirit of understanding each other, let’s go through a list.”


He shrugged. “Yeah, you seem to be open to anything, but I need to be clear on your desires, so we’ll start with your pussy.”

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I offend you? Or are you not sitting in the middle of a sex club and claiming to be open to anything?”Great, not only was this guy sex on a stick, he was a smartass 
trying to call her bluff. Fine, she could play.

“What is it you’d like to know?”

“Several things,” he admitted with a heat in his eyes that made her thighs tingle. “Do you like your pussy to be sucked? Fucked? Made love to?”

She held her posture as still as possible. “All of the above.”

“And what about your man? Assuming I assign you one. What do you want to do to him?”

“Whatever he wants.”

He tsked. “Oh sweetheart, that is the best and worst answer you could give.”

“I don’t see how me wanting to please the man you will assign me is a bad thing.”

He grinned, obviously picking up on her determination that she wasn’t leaving without what she’d come for.

“Not bad, just trying to keep your expectations in check. He may decide to fuck your mouth for a while before touching you otherwise.”

“Sounds great.” And it really did. There was something about sucking a man that really turned her on. Not that she was going to go into details about that since the guy on the other side of the desk was baiting her as it was.

He shook his head. “I don’t think you know what you’re asking for.”

That’s where he was wrong. She’d thought about this more than he could know, and she knew exactly what she was asking for. Time he understood she was confident in her choice.

“I want to touch him however he’ll let me, and he can have me however he wants. I don’t know how to be more clear than that. Unless you’d like to run through every single scenario?”

The sarcasm in her voice made his amusement fire into something a little more lusty. His shoulders stiffened. She was wearing him down, showing she could handle what she was asking for, and slinging him back a taste of his own medicine.

You can read my full review HERE
I am a mother and a wife. I love to read, write, bake, cook, barbecue, baste, flambe’…basically anything regarding food you can assume my involvement. I also have terrible dance moves and unleash them upon the general public often.

If you want to know more about me or the books I write, come check out my site!

Rule of Seduction Prize Pack, including a Coffee Mug, Stress Ball and Tote Bag.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

#NewRelease & Review: ★Rules of Seduction★ by Joya Ryan

Rules of Seduction 
Series: Serve #7
Author: Joya Ryan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 9, 2015

He’ll be the dream and the dirty fantasy…

Through with both her controlling ex and relationships, Ava Webber is determined to explore the spicy and sometimes forbidden appetites of the exclusive BDSM nightclub, Serve. Here, she’ll get exactly what she needs…as long as it’s from a man she doesn’t know.

Nolan Hart ensures that Serve’s clients get what they want, how they want it. But with one look at the curvy brunette, Nolan knows he’s the man to fulfill her desires. As the anonymous lover, he’s Ava’s dirtiest fantasy. Outside of Serve, he’s her charming, smartass friend.
But Nolan wants more. More than Ava is willing to give. And as long as the blindfold stays on, she’ll never discover that the two men she’s falling for are one and the same…

This was what being consumed felt like.

After ending a relationship with a man that took too much of her in his controlling ways, Ava Webber is not looking to go back to being the woman she once was. She has a successful career and she takes care of her own self, thank you very much. She doesn’t need a man to validate or take care of her. She may not want a man to consume her life again, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want that in the bedroom…no strings attached. And what better place to get that than in Serve; an exclusive sex club that caters to people with needs just like hers.

Nolan Hart ensures that Serve’s clients get what they want, how they want it. He’s responsible for matching up subs with a Dom and making fantasies happen. After a disastrous match at his previous club caused a sub to be pushed too far by a Dom that didn’t listen to her limits he takes his job very seriously. And when the gorgeous Ava comes in saying that she wants a night of anonymous sex with a man and willing to try ‘anything’, he knows he’s that man for her and no other will do.

In the spirit of understanding each other, let’s go through a list.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, you seem to be open to anything, but I need to be clear on your desires, so we’ll start with your pussy.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I offend you? Or are you not sitting in the middle of a sex club and claiming to be open to anything?”

But one night proves to be no enough and what starts off as a night of anonymous pleasure soon begins to turn into something more than either one of them every expected.

He was all over her, in her, in every way. She couldn’t breathe. Didn’t want to.

I’ve been a huge fan of this series since book 1 and I’ve loved the different author contributions to it by both Katee Robert and Tessa Bailey. Having loved Joya Ryan’s other Brazen series, Chasing Love, I couldn’t wait to see what she’ll have to bring to the mix.

While I did enjoy this book as a whole, it was also missing that edge that the rest of the books in the series had. The rest of the Serve series really played into that BDSM element. It was always that perfect mix of BDSM and romance without pushing too many boundaries. Rules of Seduction was missing that for me. Aside from the sex taking place inside Serve and involving some light bondage there was none of that here. It could have been a great book as a standalone, but as part of this particular series, it didn’t quite fit…at least for me.

I also struggled to form any sort of connection with either one of the characters. Ava, I never could develop a liking to. She was just too cold for my tastes. There was also not enough backstory on the characters for me either and no real physical descriptions. You know the hair and eye colors and you know their individual bad past experience but nothing else.

Nolan knew her and what she wanted better than she did. She was sliding down a slope that wasn’t just slippery, it was fucking terrifying, and it led to a cliff. One where she’d fly over and crash into a deep chasm.

I suppose I just needed something a little bit more here.

If you haven’t read the rest of this series, you may enjoy this one more than I did. I had high hopes for this book that it unfortunately just didn’t live up to. It was an enjoyable read albeit just an OK one. I still love Joya Ryan’s writing and look forward to more from her in the future and of course more in this series too.

Don’t miss the rest of this sizzling hot series!

Owned by Fate (Serve #1)
Exposed by Fate (Serve #2)
Mistaken by Fate (Serve #3)
Betting on Fate (Serve #4)
Driven by Fate (Serve #5)
Protecting Fate (Serve #6)

Review: ★Their Virgin Mistress★ by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake

Their Virgin Mistress 
Authors: Shayla Black, Lexi Blake
Genre: Erotic Romance. BDSM
Release Date: April 14, 2015

One wild night leads to heartache…

Tori Glen loves her new job as an image consultant for Thurston-Hughes Inc. The trouble is, she’s also in love with the three brothers who own it, Oliver, Rory, and Callum. They’re handsome, successful, aristocratic, and way out of this small-town Texas girl’s league. So she remains a loyal professional—until the night she finds a heartbroken Oliver desperate for someone to love. Tori knows she should resist…but it’s so tempting to give in.

And a desperate plan…

Callum and Rory have denied their desire for Tori, hoping she’ll heal their older brother, who was so brutalized by his late wife’s betrayal. But when Oliver cruelly turns Tori away in the harsh light of day, she tenders her resignation. Rory and Callum realize that to save their brother, they must embrace the unconventional sort of family they’ve always wanted—with Tori at its center. And it all starts with seducing her…

That could lead to happily ever after—or murder.

Isolated with the brothers at an elegant English country manor, they begin awakening Tori to the most sensual of pleasure. But consumed with regret, Oliver won’t be denied the chance to embrace the only woman worth the risk of loving again. What begins as a rivalry veers toward the future they’ve only dared to dream of. But a stranger is watching and waiting for a chance at revenge. Can the brothers come together to embrace the woman they love and defeat a killer?


This series is pure guilty indulgence for me. Whenever I’m looking for a light read that’s heavy on the smut but still has enough story to keep me from skimming the sex scenes; these books are my go-to.

Now admittedly they all follow the same formula. Sweet naive virgin meets 3 men that want her for themselves. One will always fight the attraction, one will already be in love with her, and the 3rd will be the voice of reason. Formulaic? Absolutely. But yet seven books into the series and I’m still not bored of it and look forward to the next book.

If you’ve read Their Virgin Princess then you’ll remember Oliver Thurston-Hughes as the poor unknowing sap that gets double crossed and almost killed by his conniving wife. While I wasn’t sure about him during most of that book, I have to say that by the end I was fully rooting for him to get his HEA. Now it’s Oliver’s turn and his two younger brothers, Callum and Rory. Callum the infamous footballer who suffered a career ending injury and the play boy, Rory, then there’s the jaded Oliver and all 3 of them are practically in love with their image consultant; Tori Glen.

Tori is the younger sister of Piper Glen from Their Virgin Concubine. While her sister may have found her HEA with her 3 gorgeous husbands, Tori knows that can’t be her fate. First, the Thurston-Hughes brothers can barely get along enough to even consider sharing a woman, and second they’re in England where relationships like that aren’t exactly accepted as the status quo as they are in Bezakistan. So she does her job all while pretending to be engaged until Callum finds out the truth and the brothers come together in a united effort to seduce her, body and soul.

I enjoyed the first 60% of this book but I found the last 40% to be a little dragging. The ending and the “bad guy” was of course extremely predictable and served no other purpose then to simply be the final bang that brings everything together. A nice and smutty read that offered nothing new but an enjoyable book to spend a lazy Sunday evening with.

Although characters do build off of one another and get introduced earlier in the series before their own book, these are still all easily read as standalones.

Review: ★Filthy Dirty Secrets★ by Grace Morgan

Filthy Dirty Secrets 
Author: Grace Morgan
Genre: Erotic Romance (trilogy)
Release Date: May 18, 2015

My unique brand of kink has most women dropping their panties.
But not Lola.

Which makes her all the more interesting. You know the old cliché that men love the chase? Hell yeah we do. I want her to fight me. Resist me.

Because when I finally take her, I’ll have conquered not only her body, but her mind. And to a Dom like me, there is no better victory.

This is book 2 in the Filthy Dirty Alpha series, continuing the erotic journey of Lola and Burke, and the dark, and troubling secrets he’s been hiding.

Book 1 – Filthy Dirty Alpha
Book 2 – Filthy Dirty Secrets
Book 3 – Filthy Dirty Fate

You know the old cliche that men love the chase? Hell yeah we do. I want her to fight me. Resist me. Because when I finally take her, I’ll have conquered not only her body, but her mind.

The story of Lola, Burke and the mystery of Hope’s disappearance continues in Filthy Dirty Secrets. And the book is very appropriately titled since there seems to be a whammy of a secret at work here which finally hits you over the head like a two by four with that cliffhanger.

There was quite a few revelations packed into the short 65 pages here. You get the reason behind Lola’s ferocious need to find out what happened to Hope. I was afraid that the author may never address that and I always felt that the story really needed that reason. And I must say, I was very satisfied with what it was. It explains her thirst for answers and truly makes you connect with her character here.

Burke continues to be the mystery that he was in book 1. Even though the story is told in dual POVs, you don’t get much about Burke here other than his struggle with what he wants from Lola. Does he secretly crave more or will it stop with the end of their thirty day arrangement? Guess we’ll have to wait for the third and final book for that answer. I’m really hoping for some insight about his character next. Besides being a Dom with commitment issues and the owner of Second Circle, we truly don’t know much about him. Though we do get to find out his connection with Hope, it still leaves quite a few questions to be answered.

There is a hell of a cliffy that the author hits you with at the end, and I have to say that it was one I never saw coming. I love a story that can continue surprise me and this series continues to keep doing that. Grace Morgan manages to pack in a mix of scorching hot sex with a bit of story, answering a few questions while leaving you with many more here. My only complaint is the length. I would have loved for a little bit more here. I’m hoping that the final installment will give us just a little bit more. I can’t wait to see how this all ends. Quite the addicting little story the author has penned here. Definitely looking forward for more from her.


Blog Tour & Review: ★Adored★ by Lexi Blake

ADORED is a Contemporary Erotic Romance novella in Lexi’s Masters and Mercenaries Series! Check it out below and grab your copy today!!

 Adored - coverA man who gave up on love

Mitch Bradford is an intimidating man. In his professional life, he has a reputation for demolishing his opponents in the courtroom. At the exclusive BDSM club Sanctum, he prefers disciplining pretty submissives with no strings attached. In his line of work, there’s no time for a healthy relationship. After a few failed attempts, he knows he’s not good for any woman—especially not his best friend’s sister.

A woman who always gets what she wants

Laurel Daley knows what she wants, and her sights are set on Mitch. He’s smart and sexy, and it doesn’t matter that he’s a few years older and has a couple of bitter ex-wives. Watching him in action at work and at play, she knows he just needs a little polish to make some woman the perfect lover. She intends to be that woman, but first she has to show him how good it could be.

A killer lurking in the shadows

When an unexpected turn of events throws the two together, Mitch and Laurel are confronted with the perfect opportunity to explore their mutual desire. Night after night of being close breaks down Mitch’s defenses. The more he sees of Laurel, the more he knows he wants her. Unfortunately, someone else has their eyes on Laurel and they have murder in mind.

3.5 Stars

He was in deep and he was fairly certain that this time he would drown

I love this series. Lexi Blake never fails to deliver a sexy and suspenseful romance in her Masters and Mercenaries series. Though these novellas are a part of the series, they’re slightly different from the actual books. The characters in each novella are not predominant characters in the series story arc. They’re secondary characters that mainly stand on their own, so you can easily read these novellas out of order even if you haven’t read the rest of the series. As a matter of fact, you’re better off reading the novellas in order as those are closer tied together than they are to the full length books, if that makes sense.

Adored is the story of Mitch and Laurel. Laurel Daley is the younger sister of Will from Cherished and Mitch is his best friend. Now I love me that falling for the older brother’s best friend trope, so I was really looking forward to this. And while it may not have packed the same punch as the full length books for me, it still gave me my fix of the M&M series.

Laurel has been in love with Mitch for years, but unfortunately for her, Mitch doesn’t see her that way. She’s too young for him and he’s too jaded. Two failed marriages under his belt, he’s not looking to add another one. He can’t give Laurel what she needs, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t tempt him. So one night where the passion between them burns too hot to resist, they give into the temptation. Only for Mitch to completely go back into his jaded shelf immediately after and forcing Laurel to completely give up hope on any sort of future with him.

But not everything is so simple. When an unexpected turn of events after their one night of passion forces them together, it allows them to further explore the passion between them.

Of course it wouldn’t be a M&M book without an appearance by some of my favorite characters (cough Ian cough). But this really focused more on the romance with a side of suspense. I really enjoyed this story, though it was missing that extra oomph that Lexi Blake’s books usually carry for me. But this is mainly because I’m not a big novella fan. They are just too fact paced and short for me to truly get invested in the characters. But I can never pass up a book by this author, so I couldn’t miss this one. So while it may not have a blow me away kind of read, it was a very enjoyable one. Quick, steamy, suspenseful. The perfect book to spend a sexy evening with.

Author PhotoNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband and three kids. She began writing at a young age concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.

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New Release & Review: ★Filthy Dirty Alpha★ by @gracemauthor

Filthy Dirty Alpha (Filthy Dirty series)
Author: Grace Morgan
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 10, 2015

I own Second Circle, the hottest underground sex club in Texas. And as hard as it is, pun intended, I’ve learned better than to fuck with the playthings at my club. It only leads to trouble. But being twenty-seven, well-hung, and a millionaire, coupled with a brand of kink that makes most romance novels look like nursery rhymes, it’s a magnet for pussy.The one exception to that rule seems to be the tight-assed reporter named Lola who joins Second Circle seeking answers about the girl who went missing from my club last year.

Her only objective is to solve a mystery, while mine is to fuck her senseless.

Good luck, pet, you’re going to need it.

Filthy Dirty Alpha is book 1 in a hot new series.
Book 1 – May 11
Book 2 – May 18
Book 3 – May 25

Buy Links
4 stars

I want you. Thirty nights- and you’re mine for every one of them.”

My, my, my; what a dirty little gem this turned out to be. Bravo, Grace Morgan, on a debut book well done. This pervert reader is definitely hooked on this serial and can’t wait for more.

I had no idea what to expect when starting this book aside from the fact that the title was practically calling my name. Give me a dirty talking alpha, mix in a heroine that’s just begging to be shown the dirty side of things, throw in a little kink with a side of mystery, and I’m on pervy cloud nine.

Lola is reporter that’s determined to find out what happened to a woman that disappeared that frequented a very kinky and private sex club owned by an enigmatic and even kinkier man. But going undercover isn’t quite as easy as she thought it’d be…

What aspects are you most interested in, Miss…Lola?”
“We’ll get to that later, sweetheart. Promise.” He winked.
Snatching my eyes away from the impressively large bulge at the front of his pants, horror set in as I realized what had just come out of my mouth. Oh dear God.

And nothing prepares Lola for when she finally comes face to face with the owner of Second Circle, Burke. The dominant, too sexy for his own good, Burke, that’s definitely hiding quite a few secrets that Lola is determined to unearth. Burke can see through Lola’s lies right away and calls her on it. But he also makes her a deal; he’ll let her have carte blanche in his club for her investigation, if she agrees to thirty days with him. And it sure as hell will not be platonic or professional.

Now admittedly, I’m always hesitant with new authors that attempt BDSM elements because I don’t handle red room of pain fluff type BDSM well. I was very pleasantly surprised how it was here. It’s just the right side of kinky to satisfy us seasoned BDSM readers while being light enough for those that are just dipping their toes in the genre. It was also sexy as all hell. I loved the build up of sexual tension between Lola and Burke. It burned so good.

I also liked that there was something else driving the story aside from the lust between the MCs. The developing details about the disappearance of Hope was just that added icing on the cake that made this for an even more entertaining read.

Burke was everything the synopsis promised he’d be; kinky, cocky, and just the right side of mysterious and broody. Lola was a great heroine too.

This was definitely a great start to what looks to be a promising three part series, and I for one am definitely hooked.

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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