ARC Review: ☆Hot Mess☆ by @LynnRayeHarris

English professor Dr. Georgeanne Hayes has a problem. Her star pupil, an Army sergeant who works in a Top Secret government program, is missing—and someone tried to push her in front of a train last night.

Sam “Knight Rider” McKnight is used to looking out for Georgie. When they were kids, she was just his best friend’s baby sister. But Georgie’s not a baby anymore and Sam is getting some very male—and very dirty—thoughts about the girl he knows he can never have.

When someone threatens Georgie’s life again, Sam will do anything necessary to keep her safe. Even if it means spending the next few days locked up in a remote house on Maryland’s Eastern Shore with her.

Sam might be used to denying himself what he wants, but he’s about to find out that being cooped up with Georgie will push him to the limit. And maybe beyond.

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Review4 stars

She thought he had trouble remembering she wasn’t a kid anymore. No, what he had trouble remembering was that he was no good for her. Because damn if he didn’t want her. He wanted her every possible way he could have her.

Wow! What a hot little read this was. I definitely didn’t see that coming. After reading and enjoying Hot Pursuit, I was expecting more along the lines of that book. And it was…mostly. If you’re looking for a nail biting romantic suspense, that’s not quite what you’ll get her. This was light on the suspense and action but verra high on the steam. You certainly won’t be getting many complaints from me. This was the perfect short and steamy little read to spend my Saturday night with.

Georgeanne was Texas money, debutante balls, exclusive sororities and country club all the way. She knew which fork to use, what to wear to any event- and she used bone china for her morning coffee.
He was nothing but a poor kid from a dysfunctional family.

12 years ago Georgeanne was hopelessly in love with Sam McKnight, her older brother’s best friend. Sam was used to see her as his friend’s annoying little sister, until one night changed everything. But Sam also knows that he’s not good enough for Georgie. He’s the boy from the wrong side of the tracks, and she’s the beautiful and innocent southern belle.

Now Georgeanna is and English professor coming off of a recent divorce after her husband cheated on her. The last person she expects to see on her doorstop is Sam, who’s been sent by her brother to check on her. When they see each other again, all those pent up sexual feelings begin to resurface again.

Georgie never hid the fact that she wants Sam, and she’s not exactly shy about showing that it hasn’t changed with the years that have passed. But Sam fights the attraction between them, knowing he’s not good enough for her. But when Georgie’s life is threatened, he’s determined to protect her. And when these two are thrown together in a remote house on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, sparks begin to fly. Sam may be determined to stay away from her, but there’s only so long he can fight it for. And when Sam does give in, holy hell but does he give in.

I do want you, Georgie. I’ve wanted you since that night twelve years ago. I want to spread you out beneath me and make you come so many times you can’t do it anymore. I want to taste your pussy and feel your legs wrapped around me as I pound into you. I want to see you swallow my cock and hear you cry out in ecstasy.

He was deep inside Georgeanne Hayes, the perfect little princess of his teenage years, and he wanted to corrupt her utterly. He wanted to possess her and make her scream his name. He wanted to imprint himself on her so thoroughly she’d never forget this night with him.

The suspense part of the book was mainly lost in the background of the story of two childhood friends reuniting and giving into the chemistry between them. I was hoping for a little more action, at least in the end, but that never happened. I found the ending a little too perfect and glossed over. The other thing keeping this from being 5 stars was Sam’s constant self esteem issue. He was always dwelling on how he wasn’t good enough for Sam, no matter how hard she tried to show him she didn’t care about that. It did get slightly frustrating at times.

I still really enjoyed this book, and would recommend it for those looking for a quick and steamy little read with some suspense thrown into the mix. This can easily be read as a standalone, as neither of these characters appeared in the first book (that I remember) and there was plenty of background given that nothing is lost. I’ve become a big fan of this series, and if you like steamy Romantic Suspense, I’d recommend reading this series in order. The men of HOT are definitely worth meeting, and I can’t wait to dive into Dangerously Hot


Review, Excerpt & #Giveaway: ☆Ecstasy Claimed☆ by @SETTAJAY_

Gregoire has spent centuries with his brother Guardians fighting for the safety and security of the Realms. Endless decades of battling mixed with bouts of mindless sex to sate his needs. Needs that haven’t truly been fulfilled since she was born. The one destined to be his bonded mate. For the last twenty five years Gregoire has kept his distance giving her time to grow into a female who is capable of handling his intense dominance.

Alyssa has done everything that was expected of her, until the day she finds out she has a mate who has left her unclaimed. Unheard of when mates are rare and coveted. Even worse is the fact that he is the most powerful of her race and a Guardian of the Realms. Furious at the rejection she decides she is now in charge of her life. No more will she allow others to rule her.Against the backdrop of evil forces that are conspiring to topple the Realms, can Gregoire find his wayward mate before she is taken by corrupt Immortals? Can Alyssa forgive him and learn to exert her own female power while surrendering to his savage passion? And will the two of them be able to forge a mate bond that cannot be severed… or will they be forever cursed with an Ecstasy Unclaimed?

Warning – Dirty talking, possessive alpha male; scenes of sexual exhibition; an instance of f/f; spankings and more.

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Gregoire and Alyssa – Ecstasy Claimed
She was wide open, her knees straddling his thighs, her bottom against his stomach.  She circled her hips, thriving on the stretching sensation of being taken.  He flipped her hair to one side and pulled her bare back against his heaving chest.  His tongue and lips caressed her neck, and gooseflesh rose all over her arms.  He angled her head so he had the access he needed as she moved on him.  His hands massaged her hips up to her swollen breasts.
Do you like being open and on display for anyone that might come up to the house?
Desire flooded her at his words and the implication.  She was spread and impaled on his cock, her back tight to his chest, as he caressed her in front of the open windows.  No one was around, but the idea was there, and it made her hot.
I can feel that you do.  Imagine all they would see.  Your bare pussy sucking my cock deep as I lift your breasts and play with your pretty nipples.
His lips and tongue were at her neck, and her movements were frantic as she tried to lift up and ride him.
The only movement he allowed was the grinding of her hips and ass.  She pushed hard, trying for more, when one of his hands left a breast and gave a sharp smack to her mound.  She jumped at the unexpected action.  It hadn’t hurt; the slight sting moved quickly into delicious warmth.
You like when I slap your pussy, Angel?  Like the sting?  He spread his thighs beneath her, forcing her knees wider.  Look out the window and imagine what they’d see.  Your beautiful body spread wide, my cock buried deep inside your pussy, and your mound pink from my hand. Another sharp smack landed.  This one lower, right against her clit.  She cried out; she needed to come and almost did as heat flooded her.  They’d see you come as I slap your pussy and mark your skin as mine, and only mine.  They’d watch what only I can do to you.  They’d know you were mine in every way.
Review4 stars

It was your beautiful green eyes I saw every fucking time in the last five years. You were a hunger that ate at my gut every fucking day. Now that I have you, it’s even more intense. It’s not enough to have you. My beast wants the world to know you’re mine. It’s making me obsessed with showing the world you’re mine.

Do you like crazy hot PNR books. I’m talking CRAZY HOT. Several panty changes during the book hot. Leave you screaming


Well, my friends, then you need to introduce yourselves to the deliciously kinky world of The Guadians of The Realms.

Setta Jay does a great job with retelling details from the past book without sounding redundant, so you can easily read this as a standalone. However, I would highly recommend reading the series in order since many characters are introduced early on and it helps you develop a better understanding of them.

In Ecstasy Claimed we get the story of Gregoire, Uri’s manwhorish friend that we first meet in Ecstasy Unbound.

Only problem with his manwhoring ways? Turns out he’s had a mate for 25 years that he was waiting to claim once she’s reached her maturity. But hey, a manwhore has has needs 🙂

Alyssa has always been the good daughter and the good girl. But when she comes to terms with the fact that her destined mate doesn’t seem to want her, she decides to really start living her life. First thing on the menu? Relieve herself of her pesky virginity.

I really enjoy Setta’s unique world building in this series. She definitely writes some sadistic asshole villains, so be prepared for that.

As for the story, I enjoyed this one even more than the first book. I was happy to see Sam and Erik get their HEA. My heart broke for everything that Sam went through in the previous book, and I loved how gentle and caring Erik was with her.

To say that it was scorching hot would be an understatement. At times I even found myself asking if there was almost too much sex.

(pause for dramatic gasps)

Yes, this does happen to me some times believe it or not. But the story drew me in enough that I was able to overlook this.

My few minor quibbles keeping this from a 5 star?

There’s a scene around the 20% mark that I’m not quite sure how I feel about. Warning, there’s a MFFM scene here. Alyssa goes from a good girl virgin, to getting one hell of a lesson in oral pleasure. Now given the context of the book, this wasn’t THAT far out of the realm of belief. BUT, and this is a big but, I couldn’t match the girl that was portrayed to this wanton one that was jumping into an experience like this. Not to say that scene wasn’t hot as fuck, but it just didn’t fit the story for me.

I was hoping for a little bit more characterization on Gregoire. There were bits and pieces given during their bonding scene, but I would have loved a little more. He was such a enigma to me in book 1 and I wanted to know more about his past.

All that aside, I really enjoyed the second installment and I’ve definitely become a fan of this series. I love how even though you have the “mate” element, there is no insta-love present. I also really like Setta’s writing and world building. I seem to get more and more sold on this series with each new book and I cannot wait until book 3 and the big bad Dorian to get his story. I’ve been curious about him from the beginning and from the sounds of it his mate will be giving him a run for his money.

About the Author
The sad truth is that I’m not nearly as entertaining as fiction. *Wink* I am a thirty-seven year old stay at home writer, thanks to my incredibly supportive husband.  We’ve been together for thirteen years and I still love waking up next to that sexy man.  We lost our furry child recently, so we are childless at the moment.  Our whole world revolved around her.  Needless to say, I love animals, especially dogs.  Okay, maybe not all animals, I’m not a super big fan of monkeys.  Any animal that throws their feces kind of eeks me out.  I may, or may not, have a problem with candy.  I love any research that leads to Neiman Marcus’ online shoe department. Spreadsheets give me way more happiness than they should.  I love to read, the dirtier the better. It all started with the naughty historical romances by Judith McNaught that I devoured as a teenager.  I love reading about hot, sexy alpha males and heroines that are smart enough to live.
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Review: ☆Six Sons☆ by Lili St Germain

I have lied.

I have cheated.

I have given my body and my life to the man who destroyed my family and left me for dead.

I have killed, I have sinned, and worst of all, I have enjoyed the misery of others.

I have licked the salty tears of a father mourning his firstborn son, and nothing has ever tasted so sweet.

I have died, and I have been resurrected, a phoenix from the ashes.

I know I’m going to hell. I’ll burn in the fiery pits alongside Dornan and his sons for the things I’ve done, and for the things I’m about to do.

But I don’t care. It will be worth every lick of the devils flames on my guilty flesh to destroy Dornan Ross.

One down, six to go

Review4.5 stars

Well well well, Lilli St. Germain, you evil genius you. Just when I began to question whether or not I’m going to like what happens in book two, you hit me over the head with the two by four of your dark mind brilliance. Touche, madam. Touche. I am utterly hooked, line and sinker on this series and cannot wait to see what you have in store for the next installments.

If you questioned the sanity of Sammi’s plan from the previous book, rest assured because it is all coming together more and more with each book. All the questions you may have had in Seven Sons get addressed in this one.

Six Brothers starts off immediately where Seven Sons left off; with the blowback from Chad’s murder. So what can I tell you about this book without giving anything away?

Sammi is more kick-ass then ever. I gained a deeper understanding for the whys of what she is doing.

Dornan is even an ever crazier, sick and fucked up asshole. But he is also that much closer to being caught up in Sammi’s web of deceit.

I see through his control, into the blackness of his very soul. I see the scars I have left on his cold, dead heart, on the tiny part that has the capacity to care for his own offspring. A primal, human instinct that lives inside of him despite his hatred, despite his abject twistedness.

There is much more that gets revealed about the past and what happened to cause the devastating ripple effect of murder and pain 6 years ago.

Sammi and Jace will pull at your heart string even more

Be prepared to finish this book in one sitting and be left begging for more. Six Brothers grips you by your throat from the first chapter and will keep you at the edge of your seat until the last page.

Now if only I didn’t have to wait until March 30 for book 3.

***ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review***

Review, Spotlight & #Giveaway: #EcstasyUnbound by @SETTAJAY_

As one of the twelve Guardians of the Realms, Urian has spent the last several centuries in a constant battle to keep the inhabitants of Earth’s Realms under control. Humanity needed to evolve, hell beasts needed to die, and Immortal races needed mates. Unfortunately, he found that he cared less about duty, and more about when his sexy voyeur would again grace the shadows to watch as he and his brother Guardian shared one of the human females frequenting the club. All Guardians were forbidden contact with the little goddess and her brothers, but his need for her was escalating. He found it more difficult than ever to keep from pinning her face down on the nearest surface, and making her his.

Alexandra and her brothers have avoided exile from the human Realm for centuries, ever since the Creators sent the Gods to sleep for their sins against humanity, and banished the Immortals. She has always known that she was needed on Earth. Only once had she gone against her instincts and the price she paid will forever haunt her. It is for that reason she forces herself to stay away from the only male that has ever truly enticed her. The only one that has ever made her flesh heat, and her stomach quiver with desire.

In desperate need to help her beloved brother, she will have to go to the enthralling Guardian, her dark obsession. He is her best hope to get the help she needs, even though he would surely attempt to exile her. She won’t go easily…

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And grab the prequel novella : Hidden Ecstasy for free on Smashwords
I’m always excited when i find a new PNR author that I like. PNR is the genre that got me reading, so I hold a special place in my heart for it. It also means I’m picky as shit when it comes to my books LOL! I was really blown away by this debut novel by Setta Jay. I’m completely sucked in and cannot wait for the next book in the series. Huge rec from me 😉
3.5 stars
3.5 Stars
Keep eating me up with those eyes, little goddess, and I’ll be so deep inside that hot little pussy you won’t remember what you came her for.

With a title and cover like that, you have to wonder how well a book will deliver on the erotic element that’s promised. In the case of this book book, no worries are needed. Ecstasy Unbound starts out with a bang, and concludes with one too. I’m sure you get my drift here…

But dirty in the most delicious way, of course.

Being the first book in a series, it’s always a concern for me if the world building and story will suck me in enough to keep me interested to continue with the series. In the case here, the answer would be a resounding HELL YES. Setta Jay takes a new and very interesting spin on the Greek gods lore. You get a little bit of everything, gods, demons, hell hounds, immortals. And while there is quite a bit of world building that takes place, it never got too wordy for me. It did take a while for me to wrap my head around all the different details and gain an understanding, but that’s to be expected with the first book in a series.

If you’re expecting a PNR novel with some steam, that’s not quite what you’ll get here. This is an EROTIC novel, and being that there are some HIGHLY erotic scenes; menage, voyeurism, the works. Which was right up my pervy little alley. I love me my smutty smut.

I do have to warn you that there is a rape scene that some may be uncomfortable with. It was detailed and quite graphic, yet the way it was done left me unsure how I feel about it. I’m not sure how to best describe it, but while it was rape, it wasn’t a violent one.

There was the “mate” element that you get in most PNR books. But what I enjoyed here, is neither Alexandra nor Uri fight their connection. Setta managed to throw in some undeniable sexual tension, steam, and build a believable connection between two characters without settling for a case of insta love or an overly drawn out angsty “she may be my mate but I don’t want her” situation.

There were several characters that were introduced, but it wasn’t overwhelming or too wordy. It was just enough to give the reader a little crumb and leave you wanting to know more about them.

Of course this being a first in a series, it wasn’t without a few kinks. (Pun intended)

But I digress…

So what didn’t I like?

The overuse of words like ‘ liquid heat’ and ‘core’. I don’t mind it a few times, but it does tend to grate on me when authors get too creative with the sex scene lingo. It’s an erotic novel, ‘pussy’ will do 95% of the time.

The very graphic rape scene. It left me feeling confused. I seriously didn’t know how to feel after reading it.

The fact that the 2 men were obviously not big on the rape thing and attempted to make Sam enjoy it…I don’t even know. I’m still trying to figure out how I felt about it. (UPDATE: the new version of the book has a different version of his scene)

Other than that, I did enjoy this. I’m definitely hooked enough to continue with the series, especially with that little teaser in the end for Gregoire.

I’m also hoping to get more of Sam and Alexandra’s brother, Erik in the next book too. Their story really tugged at my heart strings, and I’d love to see them get their HEA.

So if you’re a fan of erotic PNR, with fantastic world building, sexy Guardian warriors, and enough action to keep you reading well into the night…then definitely give this book a try.

I’m already in pervy anticipation for the 2nd book. Fingers crossed it will be Gregoire’s.

***ARC courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest review***

About the Author
The sad truth is that I’m not nearly as entertaining as fiction. Sigh. I am a thirty-six year old stay at home writer, thanks to my incredibly supportive husband. We’ve been together for twelve years and I still love waking up next to that sexy man. We lost our furry child recently, so we are childless at the moment. Our whole world revolved around her. Needless to say, I love animals, especially dogs. Okay, maybe not all animals, I’m not a super big fan of monkeys. Any animal that throws their feces kind of eeks me out. I may, or may not, have a problem with candy. I love any research that leads to Neiman Marcus’ online shoe department. Spreadsheets give me way more happiness than they should. I love to read, the dirtier the better. It all started with the naughty historical romances by Judith McNaught that I devoured as a teenager. I love reading about hot, sexy alpha males and heroines that are smart enough to live.
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Review: Rough Canvas by Joey W. Hill


When his father dies, Thomas is forced to abandon a burgeoning art career in New York. As difficult as it was to give up his lifelong dream, it’s nothing next to walking away from the man he loves.

Marcus taught him to embrace who he is, a sexual submissive who responds to the touch of only one Master.

But why would the sophisticated Marcus need some farm kid from the South?

Then Marcus shows up and offers him a way to continue his art career and help his family.

There’s only one hitch-he asks Thomas to spend a week with him in the Berkshires. Thomas knows he should refuse.

But he’s never been able to say no to his Master.

No matter what happens, I can tell you this. I will always love you. No matter what you feel you need to be, where you need to go, I’ll always know you’re mine. I understand that now.

How do you go about reviewing a book that touched you on such an emotional level, you’re still trying to work through it?


Hands down one of THE best MM Romances I have had the pleasure of reading to date

In a word…


Having read a few books by Joey Hill in the past, I knew going into this to expect a book that was as intense as it was well written. What I truly was not expecting was the range of emotions that this story would bring out in me.

Joey took 2 characters and painted an emotionally gripping story that will keep you reading from beginning to end completely unable to set it down.

I fell in love with Marcus in Holding The Cards. I couldn’t get enough of him; the dry wit, the potent sexuality, everything about him…just GAH

Thomas was by far one of the most endearing characters I’ve read. The way that he came off both strong and vulnerable is no small feat for an author to show.

I’m in complete awe of this book. No amount of words from me will ever do it justice. I can sit here and regurgitate the plot for you, but I won’t. I can sit here and attempt to write a lengthy review that this book deserves, but I won’t. Because this is a book that you need to experience for yourself to even begin to come close to understand why I felt about it the way that I did.

When I’ve come inside you, lain on you, felt you tremble, felt that silence between us that has everything…you don’t think God is there? If there is a God, I’ve felt It then, and I know you have too.

I was a highlight slut through the whole book. There is not one chapter that I didn’t highlight in this book. Not.A.One.

I knew that when I finally got Marcus’s full past it would break my heart. And my GOD. It did and then some. I was an emotional, hysterically sobbing mess for a large part of the book (mainly the last 15%).

Sometimes when you lose everything, the last thing you want to do is remember. And telling is remembering.

This is no light read, and it’s certainly not for the faint of heart or those never having read BDSM before. What it is, is a poignant, emotional, brilliantly written love story between 2 people that that are broken in their own way but learn to heal one another. Just beautiful.

All I can tell you is read it, read it, READ it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to deal with what will most likely be a book hangover from hell after finishing this. And I thank you

Review: Temporarily Yours

This soldier’s the perfect hoax…if she doesn’t fall for him first.

Stats whiz Kayla Moriarity knows her way around numbers and algorithms. Men, on the other hand, are unsolvable equations. Now Kayla’s en route to her sister’s wedding—alone and without the fictional boyfriend she invented for her family. Fortunately, her plane comes complete with complimentary cocktails and a ridiculously hot ex-marine in the seat beside her. And that’s all it takes for Kayla’s inhibitions to go sailing out the airlock…

Cooper Shillings has soft spot for people in trouble, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to land in it himself—and definitely not while getting naughty mid-air with a sexy southern belle. When he hears Kayla’s predicament, however, he offers his services as a stand-in boyfriend. After all, he’s heading overseas soon…and how could he refuse a little no-strings wickedness?

It’s the perfect plan. And all Kayla has to do is ensure her family falls for the ultimate bluff, without falling for it—and Cooper—in the process…

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She might think this was the end of their time together, but if he had anything to say about it… it was only the beginning.

It’s not secret that I’m a total Brazen junky. Whenever I need a fix for something sexy and steamy, they’re my go to books. Add into that me being a fan of Diane Alberts, and I just had to snatch this up. Did I like it? Sure. I got my fix. But I was still left feeling like I wanted more. Guess I’m a greedy hussy that way.

This was a quick and sexy little read about 2 people that meet on a flight, have a scorching affair that shockingly leaves them both feeling like they need more even when neither one was looking for it.

Kayla Moriarity is an actuary that can recite the percentage and probability of something happening at the drop of a hat. Sitting at the airport waiting for her plane to take her to see her family for her sister’s wedding, she can’t help but feel a little unease. Because while Kayla may be a wiz with numbers, she happens to have 2 teensy weensy little problems; she lied to her family about having a boyfriend so they would get off her back about settling down and she’s deathly afraid of flying.

Just a tad.

Cooper Shillings is an ex marine that is adjusting to life after leaving the service due to an event that marked him. Feeling a bit off himself, especially since he’s question the new job offer he accepted, he’s not looking for permanence himself.

When he spots the beautiful brunette and strikes up a conversation they both may find the answer to their problems. So what happens?

Some mile high action. Some car action. Some hotel action. In short?

I’m not complaining, trust me. It was hot and Cooper definitely didn’t disappoint in the dirty talk department.

They get to slake their lust, and Kayla gets a temporary boyfriend to appease her family. It’s a win win right? Until feelings get involved…

This was too quick paced for me. I’m not big on the H/h getting together so quickly after meeting. I want to feel the sexual tension, that burn. When it happens too quickly, I find that my interest tends to wane and it was no exception with this one. While it is a novella length and could have easily been a one-sitting read, it took me over 2 days to finish. I kept getting bored and putting it back down. I never really grew invested in the story or the characters.

So in short, this was a cute and sexy read, just not anything I would really go back to.


Review: Hostile Takeover by Joey W. Hill

Book V of the Knights of the Board Room series (can be read as standalone)

Ben is the last unattached member of the five-man executive team of K&A Associates. The other four, all Masters, have found the submissive of their dreams. That’s fine. The sharp-edged lawyer knows he’s the most hardcore of all of them, with extreme tastes as a Master he satisfies physically through experienced club submissives. He doesn’t really need anything more than that.

Marcie has loved Ben since she was sixteen. He’s never behaved as anything more than a protective big brother, a family friend. But now she’s twenty three and starting her career as a corporate investigator. She may be a blood-and-bone deep submissive, but she won’t hesitate to use her aggressive talents to prove she’s meant to be his. With a Master as tough as Ben, she’ll have to take whatever measures are needed—even if her deepest desire isn’t a hostile takeover of his heart, but an unconditional surrender to it.

Reader Advisory: Marcie’s sexual journey contains a group scene of female/female sexual exploration. The Masters also share her in a brief group scene.

She’d heard rumors about his size, but if that was a partial erection, there were monsters in Japan who would run screaming.


That’s the best word I can come up with here to describe the experience that was this book. As much as I love this author’s writing and as hot as most of the scenes in this book were…this was not my favorite book by her. The series has been a little hit or miss for me, with Peter’s book still continuing to be my favorite.

If you’ve never read BDSM books, this is not the one you pop your BDSM cherry with. Seriously. And before you meet Ben and his monster cock, might I suggest working on your stamina a bit

Because the man’s cock has the recovery time of 1.5 seconds. It’s like the BDSM energizer bunny…it just keeps fucking, and fucking, and fucking…

If you’ve read this series, then you’re familiar that every man in the group has his own particular kink. Now personally, if I had to pick, I’d stick with Lucas and his kink. Why? I’ll give you a hint.

Ben is the most intense of the ‘knights’. So you may be curious what his particular kink is.

Now I gotta admit, as delicious as Ben is, his penchant for anal in combination with his monster cock…I’d be a bit intimidated. Oh who am I kidding. I’d be a whole lot of

But Marcie handled it like a champ.

I’m not typically a fan of extremely forward heroines in my books, but Marcie was just awesome. She had the lady balls of steel. To be able to handle Ben and his very dark past, she’d have to be.

But somewhere along the line, this book lost some of its fizzle for me. I knew what I was walking into reading it after seeing some reviews, so I wasn’t too surprised. But there were a few scenes that left me a bit

1. highlight to view spoiler: There is a FF scene in the book. Doesn’t really bother me, though I mainly prefer cock on cock action. My problem with this particular scene is that I didn’t quite get the necessity of it. Marcy is coming down from a very intense fight with Ben so the women comfort her. Somehow this goes from having drinks, to getting a message, to oral sex from Dana. Huh? It wasn’t meant to be sexual, more of a comforting thing. I think that’s why I really didn’t connect with this. Dunno.(end spoiler)

2. There is a CNC scene in the book. Consensual non-consent. Didn’t bother me, but I thought I’d put the warning out there.

3. highlight to view spoiler: I understand the bond that these men share, and the need to share their women with each other during scenes. I don’t have a problem with this. But the fact that Marcie is Lucas’s sister in law kinda killed my lady boner. (end spoiler)

There was not much romance in this book, so don’t really expect that here. Ben is not a hero filled with sweet words, endearments and butterflies.

I won’t be your Master, but I will be your mentor. If you show me you can behave. Those are my terms. No revisions, no loopholes, no games. If you can’t handle that, collect your stuff, take your fuck-me-now slut attitude, and get out of this office.

There were parts where Ben was a total asshole. Now while I’m typically all into that sort of thing, what I mainly felt here was

Luckily he gets his shit together by the very end, and we do get a little bit of his softer side.

I also wanted to delve a little deeper into his past. After the many hints throughout the series of what he’s been through, I was expecting this to be a focus somewhere in his book. But I felt that ultimately it was a bit glossed over. There were hints and a few revelations, but no more so than we already knew about him.

This book is certainly not for everyone. I did enjoy it, but it is not anything I see myself ever going back to.

Review: ★Broken Dove★ by Kristen Ashley

Far too young, Apollo Ulfr lost Ilsa, his wife, the love of his life and the mother of his two children. The grief of her loss does not settle in his soul, it solders to it. But when he discovers there is a parallel universe where his wife may have a twin, he feels there’s hope and sets about bringing her to his world so he can have her back.

But Ilsa Ulfr of our world is married to the parallel universe’s twin, Pol, who is not a good man. Not in any way. She’s on the run from him and the last thing she wants is to be transported to a fantastical world and be forced to take his side as his wife, even if he is not Pol. And Apollo finds the broken, bitter Ilsa nothing like his beloved and he further wants nothing to do with her.

But darkness is looming and evil is amassing. Apollo must protect his land and keep his family safe, including the new Ilsa.
Review-DGR4.5 stars
All my life, I’ve never been happy. So I never imagined even being that way. Until now.

Now THAT is what a Kristen Ashley book is supposed to be like. Are you taking notes Forever? Because you should.

Know everything that you love about KA books? Oh you know what I’m talking about; the descriptiveness, the sexual tension, the super hot Alphas, the sassy and quirky heroines, the action, the steam, the writing, the inability to put it down even though it’s crazy long. Ringing a bell? Yea, that. All of which have been missing in her recent releases through her publisher for me.

I was ready to give up after Kaleidoscope ended up being a 2 star read for me. I began to think that maybe one of my all time favorite authors may be starting to lose her touch. Then I read this book, and I realized it truly is her publisher that seems to be dimming my enjoyment of her books for me.

I loved it. While The Golden Dynasty continues to be my favorite book in this series, this book still hit the spot.

For those that are like me and have been anticipating this book hoping it lives up to the promise, rest easy, kick back, and be ready to enjoy KA at her finest.

Maddie, look at me and listen.
“Come closer,” I begged.
“I need to gag you and tie you to the bed,” he declared.
Oh God.
“Yes,” I breathed, pressing closer to him again.

Got your attention now, didn’t I? Good.

So what can I tell you about Apollo?

8127919._SX540_Seems to sum it up quite nicely. He was the perfect combination of asshole, sweet, possessive, protective, dirty talking sex on a stick.

The one thing that I’ve grown to love in Kristen Ashley books is that level of hate/sexual tensions between the hero in heroine tend to have in the beginning. It was no smooth sailing for these two, not even close.
Apollo is still getting over the death of his wife. Ilsa is running from a past she never wants to repeat. Together they had to work through quite a bit to find their common ground.

Ilsa was such a great heroine. She was quirky, funny, endearing, and just a little bit broken.

When Apollo finally gets his head out of his ass and begins to work on their relationship…well let’s just say he did it WELL.

Why not 5 stars then? Well, I wasn’t as enthralled with this book as I was with Golden Dynasty. It was still fantastic, don’t get me wrong. Just not quite 5 star material.

Would I re-read it? Maybe…certain parts MOST DEFINITELY.

I can’t wait to get my greedy little hands on Pol’s book now. And I’m keeping my fingers crossed for more of KA’s self published awesomeness.

ARC Review: In Bed With Mr. Wrong by Katee Robert

The blind date from hell is about to get hotter…

Brianne Nave is never doing her friends a favor again. When they begged her to go on a blind date, she didn’t expect someone so perfectly gorgeous. She’s a mousy librarian—totally not in this man’s league. And judging by his odd reaction when she opens the door, he knows it, too.

Air Force Pararescuer Ryan Flannery avoids his hometown at all costs. He’s not thrilled about the date until he’s shocked silent by the prickly little librarian’s sweet curves and kissable lips…and her smart mouth. But then an argument leads to a kiss that spirals out of control. How can two people have so little chemistry outside the bedroom when they fit together so perfectly in it?

When their friends strand them in a cabin to “work things out,” Bri’s not sure whether to kill him or put the industrial-sized box of condoms they find to use. Bottom line—Ryan’s career military and hates the tiny town she loves. He’ll leave, just like everyone else in her life. And if she’s foolish enough to give him her heart, he’ll take it with him.

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3.5 stars
They didn’t like each other. Couldn’t carry on a conversation without snipping at each other, and couldn’t snipe at each other without ending up in compromising positions.
This book is exactly why I’m an obsessive Brazen junky. It was the perfect recipe to a deliciously spicy little read for me. I loved it!
Now let me start with saying that I happen to have a type…for my books that is. There is nothing more that I love more than an enemies to lover trope. Something about the snarky comments, insults, and barbs flying back and forth with an thick undercurrent of lust that never ceases to just do it for me. And if that happens to be your type too, then look no further than this book.
Ryan and Bri set the pages on fire, and I loved every fiery and passionate moment of it.
When Brianne Nave agrees on a blind date as a favor to her friend, she’s not expecting much. She doesn’t exactly date much. She’s a little mousy, a little shy, and knows she’s not prime male fantasy material. But when Ryan Flannery shows up on her doorstop, she’s speechless. Until he makes it evident that she’s clearly not what he expected. And this is when the insults start flying.
Bri and Ryan couldn’t have less in common. Bri is a librarian that dreamed of living in the small town where everyone knows you and your business. Ryan is an Air Force Pararescuer, that wanted nothing more but to escape the town and leave it in the past along with his infamous reputation of being the son of the town drunk and the boy that burned the high school down.
To say that these two start off on the wrong foot would be a gross understatement. The snarky comments and insults start flying right off the bat. And let me just tell you. It is
Bri might be a mousy librarian, but she is certainly no push over. If anything I felt her to be a little harsh on Ryan at times. She never really thought twice about throwing his past in his face, even though she knew barely anything about it.
Now Ryan on the other hand was absolutely swoon worthy. I have a soft spot for military men in my books, and he was no exception. While Bri may have been running scared from their sexual chemistry, Ryan faced it head on.

One thing was certain—she thought this was over and done with between them. Well, he damn well didn’t. He wanted to know which was the real Bri—the snarling harpy from their date or the sweet, sexy thing from the porch—and the only way to do that was to see her again. They were going to talk this out, even if he had to lock her in a room to do it.

I loved the banter between these two.

You’re staring at me like you’re thinking—” She blushed and frowned harder. “Knock it off.”
“You’re projecting. I wonder why?” Could it be that you recently had your mind blown?”
“Shut up. We’re in public.”
“That didn’t bother you the last time we were together.”
“Oh my God, will you stop talking?”
“It’s not my fault someone has their panties in a twist.”
She leaned in, kissably close. “Don’t think for a second that you had more than a passing effect on my panties.”

And then when the banter would stop, the clothes would start flying. And let me just tell you, the chemistry between them? SCORCHING

A quick paced, sexy story about two very different people who find out they may have more in common than they thought. A first in a series that is already looking to be an auto-buy for me. I cannot wait to get my greedy little hands on the towns bachelor/sheriff and Ryan’s brother Drew. Would it be possible that Avery might be the girl for him? Not sure. But a girl can hope 🙂

I really enjoyed this book. This was my first novel by Katee Robert, and it certainly will not be my last. It wasn’t quite the amazing 5 star book for me (I tend to be stingy with my 5 stars). But it is a book I wouldn’t think twice about re-reading, and I definitely liked it a whole heck of a lot.

If you’re a fan of witty banter, swoon worthy military heroes, sassy and sharp tongued heroines, and a steamy story that will be sure to get your own panties in a twist then this book is definitely for you. Gotta love that Brazen yumminess!

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

ARC Review: Reaper’s Legacy by Joanna Wylde


Eight years ago, Sophie gave her heart—and her virginity—to Zach Barrett on a night that couldn’t have been less romantic or more embarrassing. Zach’s step-brother, a steely-muscled, tattooed biker named Ruger, caught them in the act, getting a peep show of Sophie he’s never forgotten.

She may have lost her dignity that fateful night, but Sophie also gained something precious—her son Noah. Unfortunately, Zach’s a deadbeat dad, leaving Ruger to be Noah’s only male role model. When he discovers Sophie and his nephew living in near poverty, Ruger takes matters into his own hands—with the help of the Reapers Motorcycle Club—to give them a better life.

Living with outlaw bikers wasn’t Sophie’s plan for her son, but Ruger isn’t giving her a choice. He’ll be there for Noah, whether she wants him or not. But Sophie does want him, has always wanted him. Now she’ll learn that taking a biker to bed can get a girl dirty in every way…

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Review4.5 stars 
The man was like heroin – seductive, addictive and a damned good way to wake up dead.
I have been impatiently waiting for the 2nd book in the Reapers MC series ever since Horse made my happy place tingle in Reaper’s Property. So suffice it to say I was just a wee bit excited when I got my greedy little hands on the ARC of this book.
I was also a little nervous going into this. I mean, how would Ruger measure up to the all mighty Horse? Is he going to have a Godzilla sized cock? I just had to know! So I bet you’re all curious then too, huh? Well prepare yourself for the tatted and pierced deliciousness that is Ruger, my friends. And in case you’re wondering if those piercings happen to be in the place you’re hoping it’ll be…you would be correct.

So what can I tell you after finishing this book?

It did not disappoint!

When Sophie decides to give her virginity to her high school boyfriend Zach, she doesn’t quite get the experience she hopes for. What can possibly be worse than a less than wonderful first time? Having your boyfriend’s dangerously hot brother catch you in the act. The only good thing that comes out of the experience is her son, Noah.

Now eight years later Sophie is struggling to make ends meet. Being a teenage mother wasn’t easy, but with Zach being a dead beat dad all the financial responsibility falls on her. The only male role model Noah has is Zach’s brother, Ruger. When Ruger gets wind of Sophie’s situation, he’s determined to protect her. But the last thing she wants is to be a part of his dangerous life and his MC.

I really loved Sophie. It’s great to get a tough and witty heroine with a backbone that can dish it out as well as she takes it. Ruger was growly and domineering but she never made it easy for him. The banter and sexual tension between them was utterly delicious. I devoured the first half of this book in one sitting. I simply couldn’t put it down until they finally got down to business. What? I never denied this 🙂

But I digress…

Ruger. What can I tell you about the complete deliciousness that was Ruger? He was just the kind of alpha I love; posessive, jealous, slightly (OK maybe a lot) domineering, sexy as hell, and good gawd but can the man get you all hot and bothered with the way he talks.

 Ruger is determined to make Sophie his. He’s been feeling the combustible lust between them since day one, and he’s done fighting it. But Sophie refuses to give in. She doesn’t want to be a part of his life in the MC, especially with her son.

But you can only fight chemistry like that for so long and it’s not long before clothes start flying. The man is built and pierced for pleasure.

I found the metal bar piercing his glans- two hard, metal balls capped it, top and bottom.
“Imagine those deep inside you. Firs I’ll rub them against your clit, and then the’ll hit your G-spot the whole damned time I’m riding you. Un-fucking-believable, babe.”

What woman in her right mind can possibly turn down that?

But while the chemistry between them is undeniable, Sophie is looking for something that Ruger is not willing to give.

You want the freedom to sleep around. I’m not willing to give you that- I want more. Sounds like we have a fundamental difference of opinion here, and I’m not going to try and change you. But I’ll tell you one thing, Ruger- I deserve to be with someone who gives a shit about me, as a person. Someone who values me enough not to fuck other women. I’d rather be alone the rest of my life than settle for what you’re offering. Consider yourself a hell of a booty call, but that’s it. We clear?”

Right around the 50% mark of the book I started to get a little irritated with both Sophie and Ruger and the decisions and choices they made. There were times I wish I could reach through my kindle and shake some sense into both of them. But luckily, it didn’t end up bothering me too much by the end.

This book felt a little grittier to me than the first one. We got a much closer look at the MC life and the members, which I really enjoyed. We also got a lot more of all the side characters from the previous books.

The side characters introduced in this book were awesome. I loved Sophie’s friend Kimber. She was the comedic relief for most of the book. The banter between the women, and especially with Kimber was hilarious.

How am I supposed to live the single life vicariously if I don’t get any details?
I shook my head and shrugged mournfully.
“I’m doing my part. I tell you everything.”
“And don’t think I don’t appreciate it,” she said, tearing up slightly. We gave each other a drunken hug.

This was a sexy, gritty, and action packed ride that you will never want to end. Joanna Wylde just seems to get better with each new book. The fact that it was in dual POVs only made it that much better for me.

As frustrated as I was with Sophie and Ruger at times, I think the ending is what fixed it for me. I found that to be a very fitting way for things to happen.

Then there was the set up for the next book. And now to wait until June 2014?!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??!!!

On a side note, for those that are wondering if there is cheating in this book: (Highlight to see)

Quotes were taken from the ARC version of the book and may change upon publication

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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