Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★The Untouchables★ by @JJMcAvoy

TheUntouchables Tour
The Untouchables
Ruthless People #2
Publication Date: January 22, 2015
Also in this series: Ruthless People
Genres: Contemporary, Dark, Romance
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Tour: The Untouchables by J.J. McAvoyBook 2 in the Ruthless People Trilogy.“One Secret. Multiple Casualties.”

Everything Melody Callahan has ever been told about her past is a lie. Her father lied. Her husband lied. But like all secrets…they come out. Not only is her mother, Aviela, alive but she won’t stop until she tears down everything Liam and Melody have spent the past year building.

With a new target on their back and the media now focused on their family as the Presidential election approaches, Liam and Melody must fight on two battlefronts. Melody is torn between being in love with Liam and wanting to kill him for lying to her. Being in love and showing love are two different things in her world. Liam wants to do anything to protect his family even if that means hurting the people he loves.

Family is everything… but what happens when they’re out for your blood? Everything they have been through is nothing compared to what is coming…

***Warning: This book contains adult language and subject matter including graphic violence and explict sex that may be disturbing for some readers. This book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.***

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The Untouchables Soundtrack
Read The Untouchables Prologue and Chapter One
3.5 stars
I was a Callahan. God help whoever stood in this family’s way. 

The Callahans are back and they’re as crazy as ever. Ruthless People was one of my favorite books from last year, but it’s definitely a book that’s either for you…or not. There’s not really a middle here. Melody and Liam are borderline psychotic, violent, ruthless, and their volatile relationship pretty much mirrors that. If the first book wasn’t your cuppa, I don’t suggest you read this one. If you were like me and found the first book entertaining for exactly what it was, then you definitely need to read this one.

We were all fakers; lying to people who were lying to themselves.

The Untouchables takes off immediately where Ruthless People ended; Liam finds out that Melody’s mother that everyone thought had died in the plane crash years ago is not only alive and well but is even more ruthless than her daughter and wants them all dead. He’s determined not to let Melody find out until he has more details, but Melody is just as determined to discover whatever it is that Liam is keeping from her.

All the motives for murder are covered by four Ls: Love, Lust, Lucre and Loathing.”
-P.D. James 

Of course nothing stays hidden long and when the queen B is pissed, heads start to roll. The truth about her mother turns out to be much more than her simply being alive and after Melody and her family. A long standing vendetta soon begins to become uncovered and the Callahans may be facing an enemy that is even more ruthless and dangerous than them.

I wasn’t sure what was coming, but I knew it was coming straight from hell. 

When Melody’s life is threatened, Liam is determined to protect her at whatever cost…even if he has to kill his own family members to do it. This is not a man to be messed with. Liam is as Liam was, quick tempered, violently overprotective, and always horny.

While Melody and Liam may still fight like they want to kill each other, the passion between them is just as fiery.

I was addicted to her.
She glared at me and I wanted her, she sneezed and I wanted her. She was everything… 

There was a lot, and I mean A LOT that happens here. Truth be told, it was almost too much for my puny brain at times. I think that had I read Ruthless People right before this and had all those details fresh in my mind, I would have enjoyed this a lot more. As I began to get further into the story I began to realize that I had forgotten some very pivotal details and the author doesn’t really ease you into that information here, more throws you right into the deep end. Now that’s not necessarily bad, because it may get redundant to have all these things repeated, but it did impact my enjoyment since I did forget. It was the smallest details too, like Declan being Liam’s cousin and not brother. At first I thought it came completely out of left field, but when I went back to re-read parts of Ruthless People, I realized this was something that was revealed a while ago.

Murder is like potato chips: you can’t stop with just one.
-Stephen King 

All that being said, the biggest reason for my lower rating was the POVs. There were a lot of them. I’m talking everyone and their mother had one. Literally. You had Liam, Melody, Declan, Olivia, Sedric, Neal, Coraline, and even 2 side characters that were the hired muscle. This is something that will either work for you or it won’t. Unfortunately, I fall into the latter. my puny brain just couldn’t keep up. Between trying to remember all the details from book 1 and then wrapping my head around everything that was happening here, it was taking me forever to read. I kept having to go back and re-read many parts simply because I would find myself lost. Now again, perhaps if Ruthless People was still fresh in my memory, I wouldn’t have had this issue, so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt.

This wasn’t a game. This was our fucking family, and nothing trumped family. 

My one quibble aside, this was still entertaining as fuck. Filled with murder and betrayal, mystery and suspense, this was a non-stop action packed ride. The question of who is the game changer that is currently pulling the strings and looking to overthrow the Callahans is something that remains a mystery until the very end. Then JJ hits you with a motherfucker of a cliffhanger. Luckily the wait for book 3 isn’t long, so my reaction wasn’t quite as stabby as it could have been haha.

I can’t wait to see how it all resolves. The stakes are certainly high and it’s bound to be one epic conclusion.



About The Book

J. J. McAvoy first started working on Ruthless People during a Morality and Ethics lecture her freshman year of college. X number of years later, she is an insomniac who has changed her major three times, and is a master in the art of procrastination. If you ask her why she began writing, she will simply tell you “They wanted to get their story out.”

She is currently working on her next novel . . . so please bug her on Twitter @JJMcAvoy

Review: ★Love Hurts★ by Mandi Beck

Love Hurts
(Caged Love #1)
Author: Mandi Beck
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Fighter Romance
Release Date: January 18, 2015

Even when she won’t fight for us, I’ll go to war for her…

Inside the Octagon, I have no fear. I’m at home, in my element, inflicting pain onto men trained to hurt me just as badly. Making them submit, knocking them out, maiming them, because it’s them or me. And I choose them.Outside the Octagon, my only weakness is a five-foot-two, classy as fuck woman that I’ve loved for most of my life. She’s the one that brings me to my knees, fills my arms, my heart, and one day soon, my bed. She makes me reckless. Volatile. I drink too much and try too hard to fuck my way out of feeling—all because of her.

Frankie De Rosa is my girl, my best friend. I haven’t earned her yet, but I won’t stand by and let anyone take her from me. She will be the greatest fight of my life, but she’s worth the battle.

Love hurts, but anything worth having does, right?

I’m Deacon “The Hitman” Love — Welcome to the Cage.

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 Review4 stars

We flamed bright and then crashed, losing everything in the process.

You know how sometimes you stumble unto a book that while it’s a little rough around the edges, you can just tell that with a little more time honing their craft, you’ve just discovered an author that’s about to go straight to your auto-buy list? Mandi Beck is definitely that author for me. Was this book perfect? No, there were quite a few parts that didn’t really work for me and didn’t quite add up. But for a debut novel, this was fantastic. I’m always more lenient in my ratings of a debut novel and author simply because it takes time to truly discover your perfect formula. I can also tell you that Mandi definitely has hers with the dirty talking OTT alpha male that Is Deacon. I loved it! It has a few of your typical New Adult circumstances that may not work for everyone, but this angst whore just gobbled it right up.

You can’t lose someone that makes up a part of who you are. We are a part of each other, Princess. That’s never going to change.

Deacon “The Hitman” Love is a successful MMA fighter that’s never lacking for female attention. Unfortunately no amount of faceless women and a few sweaty hours spent between the sheets will never erase his longing for the one woman he truly wants; his best friend, Frankie. Deacon has been in love with Frankie for almost as long as they’ve been friends. She’s been a part of his life and his family’s for years. While she may be like a sister to his brothers, the way he feels for her is anything but brotherly. But Frankie doesn’t see him that way and she’s been dating a royal douchebag that Deacon can’t help but rile at every chance he gets. But then one stolen kiss changes everything…

I loved you, but I wasn’t ready for you. I hadn’t earned the right for you to love me back yet.

Frankie doesn’t trust Deacon and his love-them-and-leave-them habits not to break her heart. Her boyfriend is the reasonable choice for her or at least that’s what she makes herself believe. But when Frankie gets hurt, nothing will stop Deacon for fighting his way into her heart.

Frankie is terrified of letting Deacon in, but it’s not long before she realizes that her feelings for him are much deeper than she’s let herself believe.

My mind is screaming at me to run, run far and fast because in the end, he’ll burn me. It’s what he does, even though it’s not what he sets out to do. My heart though, my heart is swelling, weeping, and singing all the time.

The relationship between Frankie and Deac was definitely a volatile one. Deacon is hot tempered and Frankie isn’t much better with her flip-flopping feelings. But it just worked in this book. Maybe it was all the delicious dirty talk?

Because I have to say that Deacon really delivered on that end.

I struggled a bit in the first half of the book to really understand the dynamic of Frankie and Deacon’s relationship. I would have loved to have more development on that and really getting a better look into their past that led to the certain quirks they currently have; him kissing the inside of her wrist, buying her expensive jewelry for her birthdays, his whole family calling her “The Princess” etc. I’m not sure if this will be something that Mandi may give us in the next book, but it would have been great to have here. As it was, I struggled a little to really develop a connection to Deacon and Frankie’s friendship. Don’t get me wrong, there is definitely chemistry between them, and the author does a great job with that.

I am a strong woman, Deac. I have overcome a lot in the past few months, but I don’t think I can be strong enough to survive you.

Deacon also definitely has his share of bonehead decisions here. There were times where I wanted to reach through my kindle and beat him with it just to make him see sense.

Frankie was a big question mark for me for a good portion of the book. Considering the majority of the story is told in Deacon’s POV, it was tough to get a good grasp on her. Does she truly care for Deacon the way he cares for her? Is the presence of another guy going to introduce a love triangle? (shudders). Luckily this more or less gets ironed out in the second half, and I found myself warming up to her. Although she is dating someone in the beginning and there is the ex boyfriend that suddenly entered the picture, I never felt that dreaded love triangle situation. Frankie and Deac are definitely the main focus, and I’m so happy about that.

While I could sit and nitpick at certain parts, the bottom line is that I enjoyed the heck out of this book, minor quibbles and all. It was angsty, sexy, and with a little element of suspense. Plus it’s set in my home town of Chicago. How do I not love that?

My biggest quibble? That. Fucking. Cliffhanger. OMG! I swear it almost made me stroke out. How could you leave me like this? HOW? How, I ask you?!! That was just cruel. I need the next book like yesterday! But as much as I hated the cliffhanger, it also made sense. A lot of times I read books and it feels like an author cuts it off suddenly for shock value or for no other reason but to split a book that could have easily been one longer novel into two. This was not the case here. You can tell that these characters had come a somewhat full circle and it needed that break. So as much as that cliffy made me a stabby shouty mess, I get why it was necessary.

I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this couple next!

He’s like a feather floating on a breeze, weightlessly riding the wind, until that air starts to swirl around him violently and the lightness of the feather no longer matters, because now in the tempest, it is a deadly, living thing. That’s our Deacon. pain is his art and he’s incredibly adept at it.

Review: ★Riskier Business★ by @mstessabailey

Riskier Business 
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: Jan 5, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance

One more game. And this time, there are no rules…

After a life of pool hustling and living on the wrong side of the law, Ruby Elliott is living on the straight and narrow with sexy-as-all-hell NYPD detective, Troy Bennett. Now the only trouble Ruby has with the law is the naughty kind, pinned against the wall by Troy’s strict and spectacularly hard body. Obeying his every command. Both of them losing themselves in a lust that borders on obsession…

But then her father returns with an offer she can’t refuse: one last hustle in exchange for information. Information she’d die to have. As the pieces and the players of the game reveal themselves, Troy feels the fine edges of his control slipping—control he can’t channel without hurting Ruby. The stakes are high, and the risk higher. Because losing this final game could cost more than Ruby’s heart…it might cost her life.

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Maybe I like trouble,” she whispered.
“Well, you’ve definitely found it. My brand of trouble is so good it hurts. You want to hurt a little tonight, baby?”

Can Tessa write a dirty talker that I don’t completely lust after? I mean, I ask you! And if she does, may I never see that day. Besides, I don’t even think it’s possible. The woman has the midas touch for the dirty. Every hero she creates is not only hot, but they also stand out from each other. In a sea of formulaic writing, Tessa manages something very rare. She has a working formula of sexy romance with lots of dirty talk, but no one character of hers sounds the same. And let me just tell you that this connoisseur of dirty talking heroes loves the hell out of that!

We first met Troy and Ruby in His Risk to Take, and before you dive into this book I’d strongly advise that you read that one first. While Tessa gives you plenty of background on their relationship that you could technically read this as a standalone, I think you’d appreciate the relationship between these two more having read their first book.

Riskier Business marks the beginning of Tessa’s new Crossing the Line series and it’s sure to be an amazing one. Trust me, I would know since I was incredibly lucky to be able to read Risking it All (Bowen’s book) early. Having read that, I can tell you that ANY unanswered questions you may have at the end of this book, will definitely be answered in the next one. So if you plan on Reading Risking it All then DEFINITELY read this one first. There’s key plot developments that take place here that may throw you for a loop if you don’t read Riskier Business first. Now that we have that out of the way with, let’s get to the review.

Riskier Business takes places months after His Risk To Take ended. Ruby and Troy are still settling into their relationship and the volatile way they first got together. But now that Ruby’s pool hustling ways are behind her, they can focus on finding their middle ground. But all that gets shaken up the second Ruby’s deadbeat and criminal father comes back with an offer that she can’t pass up; she plays one more game of pool and the stakes are the highest she’s ever had. She’ll be playing her uncle that just may have the location of her mother, a mother she hasn’t seen since she first walked out on her when she was a child.

Troy is adamantly against Ruby risking herself for anything and knows that he will do anything, absolutely anything to protect her…even if it means that he may lose her trust in the process. The only thing that stays a constant in their relationship is their undeniable chemistry. That’s as strong as ever…

Did you need Officer Bennett to come by and give you a nice hard ride?” Without pausing in his assault, he wrenched her thighs wider.
“Well? How the fuck am I doing?

This was a quick, sexy, and fast-paced read and I absolutely loved it. None of the drama felt fabricated or too much. It actually made sense that it would happen the way it did considering Ruby’s past. Something like that doesn’t just go away the second she starts dating a straight and narrow cop. I also loved the jealous and possessive streak that Tory had in this one. But then again, I tend to go for that sort of thing.

While it may feel like you’re going to be left with an unresolved situation at the end, it WILL be resolved in the next book in the series. But if you’re worried about a HEA, fret not, you’ll definitely get one here. In spades.

Book Blast, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Soul Enslaved✩ by @KeriLake

SOUL ENSLAVED (Sons of Wrath, #3)
Author: Keri Lake
Release Date: December 5, 2014
Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 978-0-9848517-7-5
Imprisonment in Obsidius. Enslavement to a soul-sucking succubus. A reproductive cycle that’d send a sex fiend running into the arms of celibacy.
Given the choice, most demons would opt for death.
Gavin, eldest son of Wrath, has been sentenced to all three.
When the succubus decides its time to collect, though, he fears his nightmares have only just begun.
And Sabelle’s timing couldn’t be worse.
With a bad case of uncontrollable lust, thanks to his Savidon, the last thing Gavin wants is a vengeful succubus stoking his darkest desires, but debts must be paid—he just didn’t bank on enjoying his punishment so much.
Because the swinging bachelor may have found his perfect mate in the sexy seductress.
However, just as things seem to be looking up, past sins resurface, plunging the two into a deadly game of power and deception. As their worst fears merge into one unexpected threat, Gavin is determined to protect Sabelle and win her freedom.

At any cost.

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4.5 stars

Love, itself, is a beast that can make a man crazy with lust and insane with jealousy.
I know. I felt it once. And I swore I’d never put myself through it again.

PNR fans, if you haven’t yet discovered this series, I’m not sure what rock you’ve been living under. What I do know is, you need to crawl out from under there and discover the incredible talent that is Keri Lake and her Sons of Wrath series. Trust me. Three books in and it just continues to get better and better. I would not advise reading these books out of order and the story develops throughout the series, and even though the author does a great job of reiterating the important details without sounding redundant, it’s still better experienced read in order. With that said…let’s move on to the review
Gavin is the oldest brother, and the one I’ve been incredibly curious about since the very beginning. While he seems to be the most balanced of the the Wrath brothers, he still obviously battles demons of his own (pun intended). After the events from book two and the trickery of a certain woman, he finds himself sentenced to the worst kind of torture in Obsidian…for the second time in his life. Worst of all, his sentence is for a crime he had no idea he was committing, but this is one sentence that just may result in his death…
Sabelle is a succubus unlike any of her kind; she hasn’t taken a soul in her entire existence. She’s a loving mother, a caring sister, and a hard worker that soon finds herself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or in other words stuck between her what she’s forced to do as a succubus and what she truly yearns for; freedom. When she sees a dangerous opportunity that just may give her the answer that she seeks, she’s forced to call in her marker. When she saved Logan’s life at the request of Gavin, she also gets to call a marker of her choosing at the time that she needs. And there’s no better favor to be owed than one from a Wrath demon.

Gavin is plucked out of Obsidian in exchange for enslaving himself to Sabelle…but all she wants from him is his protection. Too bad that passion between them soon becomes too hot to resist…

For you, I would commit the vilest sins and revel in the flames of hell, if that would grant you some happiness.

This is no fluffy PNR book. Hell no! It’s gritty, sexy, action packed and fast paced. It’s also filled with so many twists and turns you will never know up from down. At over 500+ pages, it’s long, and it’s also completely unputdownable.

Keri has this talent for writing these broken, slightly tortured, and yet incredibly endearing characters. She also is able to effortlessly weave in a few secondary characters POVs without it ever taking away from the story. I was practically foaming at the mouth for the little insight that we got into Zayne in this book.

As for the rest? You’ll have to read to find out 😉

But what I can say is this may have been Keri’s sexiest book yet. Sabelle is such a strong and persevering heroine. You simply can’t help but root for her. I liked her in the previous book, but she was truly a force to be reckoned with in this one. The things that she goes through were at times almost heart breaking to read. And the author manages to write it in such a way that it paints the picture in your mind while it hits you right in the feels.

Gaving was absolute perfection. I have nothing more to say on that. I adored him in this book.

I will side with the devil himself and gladly hand over my soul to keep you safe.

He was this combination of sweet, romantic, caring and yet with this edge of sexy that just made all the more rugged.

The story with the Sang and the rest of the supes hierarchy continues to get more and more interesting and I can’t even imagine how much more crazy it will get. All I know is that I want front row tickets to the show!

The tease in the epilogue about what the next book may bring? FUCKING KILLER! Keri you evil genius, you. You tease us so. There’s also the set up for Zayne’s book which will pretty much leave you begging for his book next.

I am absolutely, positively, irrevocably hooked on this series.

You may have enslaved my soul, Sabelle, but you’ve irrevocably freed my heart. For that, I will always be in your debt.


One-Click The Series!

Soul Avenged (SoW bk 1)
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Soul Resurrected (SoW bk 2)
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Soul Enslaved (SoW bk 3)
Amazon / B&N / iTunes

The Fallen (SoW bk 0.5) FREE
Amazon / B&N / iTunes


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About the Author

Keri Lake is a married mother of two living in Michigan. She writes paranormal romance, urban fantasy and loves a good, tragic love story. Though novels tend to be her focus, she also writes short stories and flash fiction on the many occasions when distraction sucks her in to the Land of Shiny Things.

Review: ★Mistaken by Fate★ by Katee Robert

The man she should want, or the man she craves… 

Fashion designer Ridley Ethridge thinks she’s found the perfect, stable sort of guy in her childhood friend Will Reaver. With seduction in her sights, she arranges to rock Will’s world at an exclusive club that caters to those with adventurous and erotic appetites. What happens next is both intense and satisfying—until Ridley’s blindfold comes off to reveal Will’s twin brother. The same twin who broke her heart eight years ago.
Former soldier Garrett Reaver hasn’t ever gotten Ridley out of his system. And now that she’s before him in all her submissive glory? He’ll be damned before he lets someone else have her, especially his brother. Because Garrett and Ridley have some seriously unfinished business to take care of, and it starts now. And this time, he’ll show Ridley how exquisite a relationship with him could be…if their past doesn’t catch up to them first.
Title: Mistaken by Fate
Series: Serve (bk 3)
Author: Katee Robert
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Review4 stars

…Stop trying to impress me.
“I don’t have to impress you. I’m going to be inside you before the night’s out.”

Holy hell but does Katee Robert know how to write one hot as all hell Dom. And I’m talking Dom, ladies. None of that water-downed I’m-dominant-because-I-like -to-tie-you-up-and-have-controlling-tendencies “Doms”. I’m talking a deliciously dirty talking, totally takes control, uber sexy Dom. And if BDSM is not quite your cuppa, not to worry. Katee gives you just enough kink here to simply dip your feet in the pool. And if you’re a fan of BDSM but tired of the water downed Doms you’ve been reading lately, you’ll be happy to know that this book will give you just enough kink to whet your appetite.

While this is book 3 in the series, this is Katee Roberts first addition to it. If you haven’t read the previous two books (written by Tessa Bailey), you can still read this as a standalone as the one thing they have in common is the BDSM club, Serve. Though I still highly recommend reading the first 2 because they’re deliciously dirty (and fantastic) books.
Mistaken by Fate has a little of everything; mistaken identity, lovers reunited, and a whole lot of sexy kinky and panty melting love scenes.

Do you know how crazy you make me? I’m so fucking desperate for a taste of you, I’d do damn near anything for it.
Anything, Ridley. I’m on my goddamn knees for you.

Eight years ago, Ridley Ethridge fell for her best friend’s brother…only to have him break her heart right before he shipped out to join the military. The few times that they’ve had an awkward run in through the years that followed were enough to convince Ridley that she had her heart set on the wrong man. Why pine after bad boy Garrett when his twin brother Will is a much more stable option…right?

So with seduction in her sights, she decides to set the scene with the perfect scenario; her. Naked. And waiting for Will at a room at Serve…too bad Garrett is the one that shows up.

I love a good jilted lovers reunited story, and this definitely hit the spot for me. Garrett was the perfect combination of dominant and vulnerable. Ridley, although standoffish at first, really grew on me practically right away too. And the two of them together? Absolutely sizzling.

There was a little bit of angst and a whole lot of sexy which made for the perfect afternoon read.

If you haven’t started this series, you don’t know what you’re missing. I can’t wait to see what’s up next. Though I’d happily settle for any of the Reaver siblings. I got to admit that Will definitely has me the most intrigued especially with a certain female business competitor that was introduced here. That already sounds right up my alley.

Review: ✩Prisoner✩ by @Annika_Martin & @skye_warren

He seethes with raw power the first time I see him—pure menace and rippling muscles in shackles. He’s dangerous. He’s wild. He’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.So I hide behind my prim glasses and my book like I always do, because I have secrets too. Then he shows up in the prison writing class I have to teach, and he blows me away with his honesty. He tells me secrets in his stories, and it’s getting harder to hide mine. I shiver when he gets too close, with only the cuffs and the bars and the guards holding him back. At night I can’t stop thinking about him in his cell.

But that’s the thing about an animal in a cage—you never know when he’ll bite. He might use you to escape. He might even pull you into a forest and hold a hand over your mouth so you can’t call for the cops. He might make you come so hard, you can’t think.

And you might crave him more than your next breath.

Some people have a relationship that’s sunshine and roses. Our is darkness and vengeance.

If you’ve read the blurb, then you probably picked up on the fact that it pretty much tells you nothing. As far as descriptions go, it’s very vague…AND THAT’S IMPORTANT. I’d advise you to read as little reviews about this book if not any before diving in. Trust me, you’ll enjoy it that much more. What are some things I can tell you about it?

1. Prepare to read it in one sitting.
I’m not even kidding. This story sucked me in from the very first page and I was utterly incapable of setting it down until the last one.

2. I wouldn’t classify it as dark, per say. Sure it has a darker undercurrent, it’s definitely on the grittier end, and there are scenes that are violent and even some that border on non-consent. BUT, all that being said, I didn’t find it that dark. I’ve read darker. That doesn’t make it any less good.

See, here’s something for you to ponder. You’re smart, so you need to be thinking what you are to me right now. Do you know what you are to me, Ms. Winslow?”

Abigail hides behind her books and her glasses. She’s not meek, but she’s not exactly “noticeable”. Her childhood hasn’t exactly been sunshine and butterflies, and she’s not looking to go back. When she accepts an assignment from the English Department where she studies to teach a class in prison, she questions her ability. But nothing shakes her more than her very first meeting with him.

Sweet baby jebus, their first meeting was one of the most intense ones I’ve read in a while. I knew right then that this was going to be good, and I was not disappointed in the least. Holy shit.

Pain is a funny thing. We fight so hard to avoid it, almost more than death. But it’s the only thing that binds us. Going through pain together, and coming out on the other side, is the only form of friendship I’ve ever known.

He was such a tortured character, but he also had a very endearing vulnerability to him as well. Maybe that’s also why I wasn’t as bothered by the couple’s almost instantaneous connection. It somehow fit the both of them. Don’t get me wrong, Grayson was not a soft man. Fuck no. He was intense with an undercurrent of brutality, and yet there was always something about him that no matter what fucked up thing he does, you can’t help but love him.

This isn’t a fucking fairy tale. I’m not going to turn into a good guy because her cunt is made of velvet and rainbows.

Abigail was a force to be reckoned with herself. I loved that she wasn’t the meek little kitten that she comes off as in the very beginning. She certainly had a fierceness to her, though she does make some stupid decisions along the way. I never quite understood why she was the way she was though. Sure we get her childhood history and that puts some pieces together, just not all.

I want to hurt her and I want to protect her. Break her and shield her.

Grayson was my favorite part of the story. As intimidating and fucked up as he is, he’s also fiercely protective. This is not a man that enjoys sweet and easy in bed. This is a man that fucks and fucks hard. And this girl is NOT complaining.

I absolutely loved the dynamic between the side characters that are introduced. The subject matter is not a light one of how they all came together and I can already tell we’re in for some amazing books in this series. I’m especially intrigued by Stone. I love me a good asshole and that was one giant, violent, walking asshole. But oh man do I get the feeling his book is going to be fantastic. I can’t wait to read about the woman that will bring him to his knees. The bigger they are…

But that is all you will be getting from me. Only thing I can tell you here is READ THIS BOOK. Do it. It’s a gritty, suspenseful, erotic, and completely unputdownable romance that you will never want to end. It’s not entirely dark and yet it’s definitely not rainbows and unicorns. What it is, is addictingly good. So good in fact, that you’ll be dying for the next book as soon as you finish. But you won’t get any pity from me, since I’m in that fucking boat right now LOL 😉

Review: ✩Exposed by Fate✩ by Tessa Bailey

He’ll train her to lure another man. She’ll lure him instead.

When interior designer Eliza Ballas accompanies a friend to New York’s premier BDSM club, she’s taken aback by the sheer want that overruns her body—especially when a sexy Brit assumes Eliza is adept at dark, sensual arts. If she’s going to play, she’ll need an erotic education, and she knows just the man to teach her how to submit…

Oliver Preston isn’t one to turn down pleasure, but Eliza’s his sister’s best friend, and he’s torn between a sense of duty and his rock-hard need to find out if she tastes as delicious as he’s dreamed. Unable to handle thought of another man owning her body, he draws Eliza deep into his world of exquisite pain and pleasure. He has three lessons to instruct her. Three lessons to drive them both to the brink of ecstasy. And three lessons before he must give her to another man…if he doesn’t lose himself first.

Exposed by Fate is book 2 in the Serve series but can easily be read as a standalone
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3.5 stars

It would be the enactment of a fantasy, something they would wink-wink-nudge each other about next time they were in the same room. That’s what he’d thought. Expected. He hadn’t anticipated her to reach inside his chest and rearrange everything.

Ever since Oliver was first introduced in Owned by Fate as Caroline’s fun loving with a side of kink brother, I have been absolutely dying to get my hands on the book. Add into that the chemistry that he seemed to have with Caroline’s best friend, Eliza, and I may have squeed a little when this little beauty landed on my kindle. I happen to absolutely LOVE the older brother falls for sister’s best friend trope, and Miss Bailey definitely delivered with this book.

Oliver Preston is successful in his own right, running the newly revamped magazine with his sister. He also tends to like his woman on the short term variety. Relationships? Forget about it. They have a 2 week expiration.

He’s been lusting after Eliza for years, but he knows that he can’t have her. She’s a good girl, and he’s…not such a good boy. He likes his sex rough, dirty, and of the kinky variety. Eliza definitely can’t handle that, she’s the flowers and candy and long term sort of deal…until she gives him a proposition that he simply can’t pass up.

Eliza wants to be trained in the art of BDSM, so she doesn’t come off as a kinky virgin to a sexy Brit she met at the club that she’s hoping to hit it off with. And who better to train her than her best friend’s older brother that she’s been crushing on for years and conveniently happens to be a Dom? So they reach an agreement. Three lessons. Just three incredibly sexy, passionate lessons that she will then use to lure another man. But until that time, she’s all his…

I know what your second punishment will be for. Keeping this tight-as-fuck pussy away from me as long as you have. I ought to pull out and redden your ass right now.

Now I have to say I didn’t find Oliver quite as intense or dominant as Jonah from book one. He was more demanding than dominant, at least to me. Though he was deliciously sexy in his own right…

Mister Preston.”
“You can do better than that.” He licked her ear. “Say, fuck me, Mister Preston.”
Eliza moaned, her head falling back to hit the tile wall. “Yes. Fuck me, Mister Preston.”

Yeah. I think you get what I’m saying here. While I didn’t like this book as much as the first, it was still a fun and sexy addition to the series. Oliver and Eliza together burned up the pages. They were scorching hot.

So why not 5 stars? I got a little frustrated with how long everything in their “relationship” stretched out for. There was this constant lack of communication on both their parts and assumptions that led to even more miscommunication. It was just a little too long for my tastes. Neither of them see the light until almost 95% into the book. But the way that everything wrapped up was EXTREMELY satisfying, so I really can’t complain much.

Don’t miss book 1 in the Serve series, Owned by Fate

Review: ✩Chasing Temptation✩ by @JoyaRyanAuthor

Good things come in naughty packages…

What does it take to turn a good girl bad? Sick of her interfering brother nosing into her love life―and by proxy, her sex life—Penny Diamond has decided she needs a break from her “girl next door” reputation. And she knows exactly who can help her… Tall, lean, and impossibly intense Sebastian Strafford is rumored to have a sexual appetite with a decidedly wicked flavor.
Unfortunately, he’s also her brother’s best friend. Sebastian doesn’t do relationships. Getting involved with Penny―and giving into that carnal thirst he’s tried to ignore all these years―is just about the worst idea ever. But he’ll be damned if she turns to anyone else for her “education.” So Sebastian makes her a deal: just two weeks to indulge in every sensual sin imaginable. Now he just has to keep himself from falling for the good girl. Especially when she’s so deliciously bad…
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Review4.5 stars

She was the one woman who should be running from him, the one woman he shouldn’t want as badly as he did.

If you’re anything like me, when you read Chasing Trouble and the SECOND you got a glimpse of Sebastian “Bass” Strafford, your first thought was

No? Was that just me then?

Nothing better than a dirty talking, dominant, rough around the edges and even rougher in bed lawyer. Yes, please

Time for Operation: Orgasm to commence.”

Penny Diamond is tired of her good-girl reputation and even more tired of her lackluster sex life. With a meddlesome and overprotective brother her choice of bed partners is not only small…it’s next near to non-existent. Even bigger problem? Her biggest temptation and the one man she knows is perfectly fit for the job also happens to be her brother’s best friend.

She didn’t like it…she loved it.
Everything from his power to his strength to the way he spoke. He was an unleashed, dirty talking, no mercy lover that she wanted over and over.

Sebastian is used to thinking of Penny as his best friend’s younger sister…until he no longer does. He sees the temptress beneath the good girl reputation, but he knows that he can’t have her. His tastes run a little rougher that what Penny thinks she wants and his relationships have a 2 week expiration date. Too bad Penny is set on testing and tempting him at every turn, until the only option left is to give in…

If you thought book one was hot, just wait till you get your hands on Sebastian. Sweet mother of cock was the man delicious. Dirty talking, wickedly delicious.

Tell me,” he said, delivering kisses on her thigh as he continued to get closer to the spot that was dampening by the second.
“Have you ever been eaten?”
“I’m the first.” It wasn’t a question, rather a statement.”
“Then I should warn you… I’m not going to eat you, I’m going to DEVOUR you.

If you want sizzling hot chemistry and a fantastic story, this is the series for you.

Penny and Bass burn up the pages together. Their sexual chemistry was palpable from book 1 and was an absolute inferno in their own book. I couldn’t get enough of them. Sebastian is just the right amount of dominant and sexy without being OTT. The man was hot outside the bed and most certainly in it too…

This series is a definite auto-buy for me. I love everything about, including all the side characters, and can’t wait for their own books. I also loved the continuation of Colt J.J.’s HEA. It was so great getting that additional part of their story. If you haven’t read the first book in this series yet, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. Just be prepared for HAWTness overload.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Reaper’s Stand✩ by @joannawylde

As Reapers Motorcycle Club president, Reese “Picnic” Hayes has given his entire life to the club. After losing his wife, he knew he’d never love another woman. And with two daughters to raise and a club to manage, that was just fine with him. These days, Reese keeps his relationships free and easy—he definitely doesn’t want to waste his time on a glorified cleaning lady like London Armstrong.

Too bad he’s completely obsessed with her.

Besides running her own business, London’s got her junkie cousin’s daughter to look after—a more reckless than average eighteen-year-old. Sure she’s attracted to the Reapers’ president, but she’s not stupid. Reese Hayes is a criminal and a thug. But when her young cousin gets caught up with a ruthless drug cartel, Reese might be the only man who can help her. Now London has to make the hardest decision of her life—how far will she go to save her family?

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I was learning the hard way that nothing can protect us from the real monsters.

I think there’s something about the Hayes family that just screams awesome. Em from Devil’s Gamewas my favorite heroine in the series and I can now say that Reese “Picnic” Hayes is my favorite hero in the series. Seriously. Move over Horse, Ruger, and Hunter because no one does it better than an older man. Well not that Picnic is old at 43, but in books overrun with 20 somethings, he was a man-whoring breath of fresh air. He definitely teach a thing or 2 to his younger brothers. For instance, the art of the biker woo:

I think getting involved would be a big mistake. Not only that, I’m seeing someone already.”
“I don’t want to get involved and I don’t give a shit about your boyfriend. But I wouldn’t mind fucking your tits- that’d motivate me to help. Your call.”

Taking notes?

Basically what I’m trying to tell you here is Picnic is the DIC. That’s dick in charge if you’re not familiar. What I mean is, he’s this delicious mix of asshole biker, caring father, and a sweet endearing side that he keeps mostly under wraps. But don’t worry, he’s not too sweet.

I want to stick my cock into your pussy. Don’t worry- I’ll get you nice and ready first. Open you up with my fingers, make sure you’re so wet and hot that when you wrap around me, it’ll feel like I’m fucking a goddess because you’re goddamn perfect, London. I can’t wait to feel your cunt squeezing me.

London owns the cleaning service that handles most of the Reaper’s business and that’s how she catches Picnic’s attention; on all fours, scrubbing his floors. What? Did you think he noticed her sparkling personality? Not unless that personality were attached to her tits. Picnic has some standards after all.

London lives her life on the straight and narrow. She’s trying hard to support herself and Jessica, her cousin’s daughter that she’s taking care of. Jessica, a product of being born to a drug addict, makes reckless decisions and lacks impulse control that leads her straight into the sort of trouble London never expected. But I won’t give you more than what the blurb offers, because that would ruin the book, so let’s move on.

Picnic was a character that I fell fall right away. He’s a womanizer, and asshole in his own right, but also has an incredibly caring side to him that extends to his daughters and his brothers. While he was an asshole to London for almost a good half of the book, it’s not too bad since the entire book spans over a week. But behind the dirty talker and the loyal brother, there’s the true Reaper.

As far as grit goes, this book certainly offered a whole lot more of it than the other 3 in the series. There was also quite a bit of action and the romance fit nicely in the midst of it all.

London was a fantastic heroine. Being 38, she’s a lot more mature than the rest of the heroines in this series have been…and I don’t mean that in the age sense. She was strong witted, caring, but definitely not perfect.

There’s something about you, London, something that’s real in a way I can’t even begin to explain. I like it and I want it.

But she’s also hiding something from Reese, something that the reader is privy to from the very first chapter though you don’t know the why’s of it. That information you find out as the story progresses.

I sympathized with her situation and her choice for the majority of the book…until the one choice that she makes where everything pretty much hits the fan. I had a really tough time forgiving her and really moving on from that decision. While she really proves herself afterwards and works for her redemption, I just couldn’t get past that particular choice. (highlight to view spoiler)T[The fact that she pulled the trigger. I understand that she felt that she had no choice and she was only with Picnic for less than a week, but it was definitely a tough pill to swallow. (hide spoiler)]he fact that she pulled the trigger. I understand that she felt that she had no choice and she was only with Picnic for less than a week, but it was definitely a tough pill to swallow.(end spoiler)
But in the light of everything else that was this book, that was just a minor bump in the road. I really enjoyed that this book was more focused on the MC and had more action and a little more grit. The one minor thing with London aside, I’d say this probably was my favorite book in the series. Looks like Joanna Wylde only continues to get better with each new book and I cannot WAIT for the next. Especially after that last chapter. Now THAT is a hero that I am dying to get my pervy little hands on.

Previous Books in the Reaper’s MC Series

Reaper’s Property (bk 1)
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Reaper’s Legacy (bk 2)
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Devil’s Game (bk 3)
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About the Author

Joanna is a freelance writer living in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She started writing fiction in 2002, then took a long hiatus to explore other writing opportunities. She returned to fiction in January 2013 with ‘Reaper’s Property’, the first book in the Reapers Motorcycle Club series.


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Review: ☆Tempting Ecstasy☆ by @SETTAJAY_

*Erotic Paranormal Romance*Conn had spent the millennia of his life fighting alongside his brethren as a Guardian of the Four Realms. He’d never allowed himself to imagine that he would be gifted a mate but her scent was inside him now. The intoxicating lure incited his wolf to track her and claim her in a sexual frenzy she could never deny. He refused to repeat the mistakes his brothers had made in their unions, instead he planned to fight the demands of his beast and tempt his female.

Dacia had spent the years of her life as a guardian of her family’s secrets. Her days were consumed with helping her siblings search for the Immortals who had escaped the God Apollo’s brutal training camps with her parents thousands of years ago. They were the only hope of finding answers to questions about their lives. Questions her parents hadn’t resolved before their deaths.

Not in her wildest of dreams would Dacia have imagined the answers would instead find her. Or what form those answers would take. The breathtaking male who stepped out of the night and into her life was certainly not one of the hidden Immortals her parents had told of, he was so much more. Wielding both immense power and thrilling strength he aroused not only her body but the wolf hidden within.

Dacia needed to find a way to trust her seductive Guardian, not only with herself, but with her family as well. But how long could she hold out against both the intensity of the mating frenzy that demanded sexual release, and the wickedly sexy male who was tempting not just her body… but also her heart?

Warning: This book is intended for an adult audience. It contains explicit sex; voyeurism; dirty talking males with bad language

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Review4.5 stars
4.5 My Ovaries will never be the same again Stars

The things you do to me. Fuck. I’m going to destroy you princess. I’ll toy with you, tempt you, and give you everything you never new to ask for.

This book is intended for an adult audience. It contains explicit sex; voyeurism; dirty talking males with bad language.

I am NOT kidding here, people. Read this series at your own risk. Even my steel ovaries get overheated while reading this. I swear it’s like Setta Jay sits down after she finishes each book and then thinks to herself, I wonder how I can make my next dirty talking alpha even DIRTIER. Then she finishes the next book and thinks

Because OH MY GAWD but this series just continues to get hotter and hotter.

First meet Conn

The tatted and pierced lycos of The Guardians. I loved that Conn never fought his mating when he learned he had a mate. His courting of her was both sweet and a practice in sexual frustration. He knew that if they touched each other they would go into full mating heat, and he didn’t want Dacia to feel like her lust forced her decision. What takes place is the most sexually frustrating experience of my life. And no I’m not exaggerating here.

See Dacia needs to make up her mind that she’s not coerced into the mating by getting to know Conn. So while the sexual chemistry between the two of them was so damn hot I thought I’d get scorched, they may eye fuck the fuck out of each other

Between their lusty little dancing around each other, Conn’s dirty talking ways, and the undercurrent of the hottest sexual chemistry ever, I thought I’d die if they didn’t bang each others brains out soon

I can’t wait until you’re coming on my lips. I’ll lap up your juices and bury my face in your hot cunt. After drinking my fill I’ll slide my tongue over the nerves of your tiny ass. There isn’t an inch of you that won’t feel my mouth, princess. I promise.

What? Don’t you judge me here. The man was a dirty talking god…pun intended.

As always in the midst of all this mating heat, Setta Jay continues to weave an intricate plot with her unique world building and side characters. I enjoyed that this book didn’t have a secondary story as I felt it would have been too much. As it was we get a sizzling hot romance and the plot of the bad guys thicken. I’m totally and completely sucked into the world of The Guardians of the Realms and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Did I mention that it’s fucking HOT?

I think the thing that I really loved the most, is that Conn and Dacia didn’t have to solidify their union by him sharing her with his brother Guardians. As hot as it was in the other books, it still wasn’t my favorite since it came immediately after the mating ceremony and it kind of fizzled it for me. Though obviously not enough for me to not enjoy it. But I am glad that we didn’t have that here.

If you’re a fan of SUPER erotic PNR I have no idea why you haven’t read this series yet. While most information from the past books gets reiterated in each new book without ever sounding redundant, I’d still recommend reading this series in order. The world building builds off of each book and there is a continuing story line with the bad guys that continues throughout the series. You’d enjoy the books much more reading them in order.

As for me? I’m off to ice my ovaries now…

Don’t miss the first 3 books in the series!

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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