Review: ★Their Virgin Mistress★ by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake

Their Virgin Mistress 
Authors: Shayla Black, Lexi Blake
Genre: Erotic Romance. BDSM
Release Date: April 14, 2015

One wild night leads to heartache…

Tori Glen loves her new job as an image consultant for Thurston-Hughes Inc. The trouble is, she’s also in love with the three brothers who own it, Oliver, Rory, and Callum. They’re handsome, successful, aristocratic, and way out of this small-town Texas girl’s league. So she remains a loyal professional—until the night she finds a heartbroken Oliver desperate for someone to love. Tori knows she should resist…but it’s so tempting to give in.

And a desperate plan…

Callum and Rory have denied their desire for Tori, hoping she’ll heal their older brother, who was so brutalized by his late wife’s betrayal. But when Oliver cruelly turns Tori away in the harsh light of day, she tenders her resignation. Rory and Callum realize that to save their brother, they must embrace the unconventional sort of family they’ve always wanted—with Tori at its center. And it all starts with seducing her…

That could lead to happily ever after—or murder.

Isolated with the brothers at an elegant English country manor, they begin awakening Tori to the most sensual of pleasure. But consumed with regret, Oliver won’t be denied the chance to embrace the only woman worth the risk of loving again. What begins as a rivalry veers toward the future they’ve only dared to dream of. But a stranger is watching and waiting for a chance at revenge. Can the brothers come together to embrace the woman they love and defeat a killer?


This series is pure guilty indulgence for me. Whenever I’m looking for a light read that’s heavy on the smut but still has enough story to keep me from skimming the sex scenes; these books are my go-to.

Now admittedly they all follow the same formula. Sweet naive virgin meets 3 men that want her for themselves. One will always fight the attraction, one will already be in love with her, and the 3rd will be the voice of reason. Formulaic? Absolutely. But yet seven books into the series and I’m still not bored of it and look forward to the next book.

If you’ve read Their Virgin Princess then you’ll remember Oliver Thurston-Hughes as the poor unknowing sap that gets double crossed and almost killed by his conniving wife. While I wasn’t sure about him during most of that book, I have to say that by the end I was fully rooting for him to get his HEA. Now it’s Oliver’s turn and his two younger brothers, Callum and Rory. Callum the infamous footballer who suffered a career ending injury and the play boy, Rory, then there’s the jaded Oliver and all 3 of them are practically in love with their image consultant; Tori Glen.

Tori is the younger sister of Piper Glen from Their Virgin Concubine. While her sister may have found her HEA with her 3 gorgeous husbands, Tori knows that can’t be her fate. First, the Thurston-Hughes brothers can barely get along enough to even consider sharing a woman, and second they’re in England where relationships like that aren’t exactly accepted as the status quo as they are in Bezakistan. So she does her job all while pretending to be engaged until Callum finds out the truth and the brothers come together in a united effort to seduce her, body and soul.

I enjoyed the first 60% of this book but I found the last 40% to be a little dragging. The ending and the “bad guy” was of course extremely predictable and served no other purpose then to simply be the final bang that brings everything together. A nice and smutty read that offered nothing new but an enjoyable book to spend a lazy Sunday evening with.

Although characters do build off of one another and get introduced earlier in the series before their own book, these are still all easily read as standalones.

#NewRelease & Review: ★Rock My Heart★ by @JeanHaus

Rock My Heart 
Author: Jean Haus
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: June 6, 2015

Raised in poverty and violence, Gabe Reed wears a could-care-less attitude like a shield. He expects life to suck. It always has, and he is usually the one to screw it up even more. Drumming for the college band Luminescent Juliet started as a way to release the built up rage inside of him. But when the band signs with a label, Gabe begins to envision a different life. He just needs to stay out of trouble and follow the court orders of his probation.

April Tanner knows most people view her as perfect. From her icy looks to her college four point, she cultivates the persona since it helps keep people at a distance. Because behind her perfection, April constantly struggles with a past that she is trying to atone for but can’t face.

Though Gabe and April seem worlds apart, fate throws them together and forces them to see beyond the fronts they each present. But even an emerging friendship mixed with a growing lust might not be able to overcome the walls built of guilt and insecurity and abuse that stand between them.

This story can be read as a standalone.

*New Adult for language and sexual situations.*

This intensity, this desperation, this is what I want from him. His fierceness send music in my veins, the notes a fast, rhythmic crescendo that exposes his need for me, and drives my need to equal the wildness of his. Together, we’re a flying, building tempo, our sensual energy changing to prestissimo- the fastest tempo- in an instant.

Ever since I was first introduced to this fantastic series a couple years ago, I’ve been waiting for Gabe’s book. Something about the silently brooding and manwhorish drummer has always called to me. And after finishing his book, I gotta say that Jean Haus has definitely saved the best for last. I absolutely loved it!

While you may technically read this book as a standalone, I highly recommend you read the series in order to truly get the appreciation for all the side characters. The author does a fantastic job of giving all the background without making it be redundant for those that have been following the series; but it’s definitely best read as a series. Jean Haus is one of those authors that I wish more readers knew about. Her ability to weave music into her writing always gives an additional layer to her books. It’s actually one of the things I’ve grown to love most about her writing. She doesn’t just write a rockstar romance, she gives you the music element to go along with it.

Gabe Reed is the drummer for Luminescent Juliet. He’s a man of little words and barely contained violence. His less than favorable childhood pretty much assures this…

His band is on the route to true fame, but his position in it isn’t quite as guaranteed. His anger issues and short fuse to violence has given him a record. And although he’s not quite as threatened by Romeo’s girlfriend for the position of a drummer that he had originally lost to her now that she has her own band, he’s still filled with doubt. The last thing he needs is the presence of the ice princess at his court mandated group meetings…

April Tanner isn’t what she appears. Keeping a tight reign on her facade is the only thing that keeps her from coming apart at the seams.

I have issues. Tons of them. Most people do. I’m just far, far better than most at hiding them. The root of my issues, the real reason, the burden I live with every day, will never come out…Not in the future. Just not ever.

While she may understand that the perception of what she seems to be is what causes the look of contempt on Gabe’s face every time he sees her, it doesn’t help her fight her attraction to him any more. When Gabe walks into her group therapy meetings, she’s forced to deal with the tension between them head-on and it’s not long before the spark between them fly.

As different as Gabe and April are, somehow together they make perfect sense. Their road to a relationship is rocky at best and filled with dark secrets and tragic pasts. But it’s also beautiful and emotional. As cold as April comes off on the outside, inside is she’s shattered.

Her friendship with Romeo and ties to the band hurt her as much as they help her for reason that are trickle fed to the reader. She keeps such a tight control on her life and her emotions, and yet at the same time she’s punishing herself for a tragic past and attempting to atone for it.

Gabe has issues of his own. He definitely doesn’t make it easy on April with his assumptions of good girls like her being too good for the likes of him. As much as he fights it, he also can’t help the bond he soon begins to feel for her. When he offers to complete a bucket list from April’s cousin that passed away tragically young is the catalyst for their unlikely relationship.

I have to say that I absolutely loved these two together. As much as neither of them are perfect, together they made perfect sense. Rock My Heart was the perfect combination of emotional and sexy. It’s everything I’ve come to love about NA and wish more books in the genre had. It’s not the typical cliche ridden romance. The characters and their stories have so much depth; and that goes even more so for this book. I absolutely loved it and would recommend for any lovers of NA or rockstar romances.

Review: ★Hindrance★ by Angelica Chase

Series: The Excess #3
Author: Angelica Chase
Genre: Erotic Romance (trilogy)
Release Date: April 27, 2015

Nina Storms are a funny thing. Most people ignore the warning signs: a strong gust of wind, a lightning strike on the horizon, the distant rumble of thunder.

My head and heart had been at odds for the last two years because of Devin McIntyre, and my relationship with Aiden had only complicated matters. Still, I craved both men. Just when I thought the decision was taken from me, a choice between the two became inevitable. The two men I had attached myself to emotionally and physically had already told me everything I needed to know.

Although the dark clouds were gathering overhead, I ignored the lightning, played deaf to the thunder, and let the tempest push me toward them both. I ended up in a whirlwind of secrets, a vortex of deception and depravity I never imagined possible. I was drowning again, but this time … this time I would be ready.

Or so I thought.

Nothing could have prepared me for the coming storm.

If you are not a fan of cursing, erotic and extremely explicit sex, cheating, immoral behavior, dysfunction or sexual scenarios that may make you feel uncomfortable this is not the series for you. FILTHY EROTIC ROMANCE

Book 3 of 3.


I wanted her to scream it, to realize her need for me on both levels. I had to have her confirm she felt the same, and that I hadn’t completely lost her. I was asking too much when I had given so little, and I didn’t give a fuck. This woman had consumed me.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Of all the ways I saw this love triangle and the story playing out, never in a million years did I think it would be like this. I am flabbergasted. Good shocked or bad shocked? I can’t even tell you. I’m that fucking shocked. My poor puny brain is still playing catchup with all my emotions because WOW. Can’t say that the author didn’t warn me with that preface of her, but still…damn.

How do I even begin reviewing a book where any possible details could be a spoiler? I’ll give it my best college try, but don’t expect anything too coherent. If you haven’t read the first two books DO NOT read my review because it will contain minor spoilers of the first two.

Oh what a tangled we we weave…when first we practice to deceive.”
Walter Scott

When Nina met the intensely sexy and captivating Aiden after finally severing ties with her toxic relationship with Devin, never did she suspect that the two men are connected (view spoiler). Now that Devin has made his feelings for her clear, she’s even more confused. As much as she loves Devin, their relationship has been damaged by one too many lies. Then there’s also the fact of his crazy wife that clearly has it in for her. When Nina’s life gets threatened she knows she has no other choice but to sever her connection with Devin totally and completely.

I was an ambitious, determined, wealthy woman with a strong insatiable, sexual appetite who needed to take control of her life.
And so I did.

Aides may have taken off when he realized who Nina’s ex was, but now he’s back in the picture and making her decisions even harder. She craves him but she still loves Devin, and the fact that they happen to be (view spoiler) is a weight that will always hang over her. With Aiden back in the picture and Devin refusing to give her up, Nina has one hell of a battle on her hands.

You see, I know how to fuck, and I know how to please a woman. But I’ve never been so fucking satisfied as when I had your perfect cunt trembling around my cock.

If you think things are clear cut, think again, because this book comes with a major whammy of what the fuck. And when it hits? It will hit you with the impact of a two by four. You’ll never see it coming and it will leave you absolutely reeling. Bravo to Miss Chase for writing something so unpredictable. Truth be told, if every love triangle I read was resolved in such a matter, I’d probably read them a whole lot more.

This was a jaw dropping conclusion to an addicting series and offered a little taste of the next series and Taylor’s story. Angelica Chase is a new to me author, but I can tell you that she’s one that I will read all future books from without a second thought. I’m eagerly anticipating Taylor’s books.

If you’re not sure if you want to read this because of the love triangle, trust me and take the dive. You’ll know exactly why after finishing the series. This was an erotically charged, unpredictable story filled with twists and turns. I loved it from beginning to end.


Opulence (The Excess #1)
Reverence (The Excess, #2)
Hindrance (The Excess #3)

Review: ★Reverence★ by Angelica Chase

Series: The Excess #2
Author: Angelica Chase
Genre: Erotic Romance (trilogy)
Release Date: April 27, 2015


I was a prick, but I never hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it.

Well … until Nina. I was a very smart man who made a very bad decision, but the mistakes I was paying for were not just my own.

My behavior toward her, no matter how unforgivable, had always been about protecting her—from me, from my wife, and from the long line of mistakes I would never be able to rectify.Nina was finally done with me, and I knew it was for the best. I could finally keep her safe from depraved people like me. I needed her as far removed from the situation as possible.

I tried to force myself to be content with her decision to move on … until I found out whom she was moving on with.

My unyielding love for a corrupt man might have cost me the affection of someone worthy. With Aiden, I had finally discovered a version of myself I could tolerate; then he dropped a one word bomb that ruined my new sense of self. Instead of listening to my voice of reason, I blocked it out, until it became a scream that refused to be ignored. Now, I would give anything to quiet that voice.

If you are not a fan of cursing, erotic and extremely explicit sex, cheating, immoral behavior, dysfunction or sexual scenarios that may make you feel uncomfortable this is not the series for you. FILTHY EROTIC ROMANCE
Book 2 of 3.


The whore in me celebrated my luck in finding two men capable of sating my appetite.

It’s official. I’m completely addicted to this series. Who thought I’d ever say that about a love triangle, and yet here I am, absolutely devouring these books and never wanting them to end.

Kissing her was my undoing. Just a kiss in the middle of the harbor had ruined me. Her pussy would cripple me.

Reverence gives us the one thing I’ve been craving and that’s Devin’s POV, and I just knew it was going to pack a punch. If anything is true about these books is that looks are definitely deceiving and nothing is ever as it seems. Devin is the epitome of this, because beneath the cold and ruthless man that he was in book 1, Reverence reveals the wounded heart beneath the cold exterior of the man. Anyone that may have had doubts about him in the first book, I guarantee they will all fade in the blink of an eye in this one.

I couldn’t let her walk away. I needed to let her go. The realist in me knew it was for the best. I was forcefully married, she was newly divorced and had trust issues. We were a ticking time bomb….

We already know that Devin’s wife is one conniving bitch, and it was strongly reaffirmed here. There’s this inevitable sense of doom that keeps circling Devin and Nina’s relationship and yet you can’t help but still continue to root for them…especially with the turn of events and the revelations that Reverence brought.

…I was insatiable. No matter how hard I came, I would always want more. I was addicted.

Nina is firmly stuck in the middle between two men. One that’s toxic for her and everything that she doesn’t need but still craves with every fiber of her being, and one that’s his polar opposite and everything that she needs. The problem seems to arise in the figuring out of her wants and needs.

Aiden is everything that Nina needs in her life; he’s not married, he clearly wants her; and his intensity is more than satisfying in the bedroom.

The man was brilliant, beautiful, talented beyond words, and had a cock that could silence a porn star.

But there’s also a connection between the two men that Nina never saw coming that may be the downfall to them all.

This yet another review that’s almost impossible to write without giving anything away and this series is definitely one you want to go into knowing as little as possible. What I can tell you, is each book is better than the last and there was not one dull moment. I tend to struggle with serials/trilogies with the same couples since I usually tend to get bored. This is especially true with the 2nd book in a trilogy. It’s always that feeling of the story being stretched out or thinking that it could have easily been accomplished in two books. Shockingly, that was not the case for me here. I never found myself bored or feeling any part of this story is filler. You can truly see why this story needed to be split into the three parts that it was and it’s all the better because of it. Yes, those cliffhangers are painful but with every book in the series already being released, that’s not a problem at all. I loved it. And even though my poor cold and black heart still isn’t sure how it will handle this love triangle business, I’m eagerly anticipating the conclusion to this erotically charged trilogy.


Opulence (The Excess #1)
Reverence (The Excess, #2)
Hindrance (The Excess #3)

Review: ★Opulence★ by Angelica Chase

Series: The Excess #1
Author: Angelica Chase
Genre: Erotic Romance (trilogy)
Release Date: April 13, 2015


When I was twenty-eight years old, I wrote my own winning lottery ticket. A simple idea thrust me onto the fast track to wealth, and into a world I had only ever dreamt about. I submerged myself in the unfamiliar, a life that seemed all too alluring … until it lost its appeal.

I made my fortune, built my castle, and then exiled myself within its comforts once reality set in.

Far too late, I discovered I was drowning in a sea of hungry sharks. Given the choice to sink or swim, I chose the latter … and it cost me everything.

Devin McIntyre, the most dangerous shark of them all, was the last nail in my naïve coffin. His beautiful smile and amazing cock tainted me in ways I could have never imagined.
I craved him. I needed him. I loved him.

Miserable with the outcome of my prosperity, I set out to change what disgusted me most—the first decision being to rid myself of Devin. Little did I know that taking that first step would make me a slave to a man far more tempting … or that my addiction to Devin would threaten to ruin it all.

If you are not a fan of cursing, erotic and extremely explicit sex, cheating, immoral behavior, dysfunction or sexual scenarios that may make you feel uncomfortable this is not the series for you. FILTHY EROTIC ROMANCE

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…that’s exactly what Devin was: poison packaged in a gorgeous smile and a mouth-watering cock. Our beginning was false and our end was inevitable.

Clearly I’m late to the party as always, since most of my Goodread’s friends have already read and loved The Excess series. Truth be told it was the love triangle that always made me weary. Oh who am I kidding, I avoid love triangles like a venereal disease; it just isn’t good for my health. But after recently taking a dive into Love Triangle city with a different book and liking it, I thought, what the hell? Besides, the book was calling my name after reading this:

If you are not a fan of cursing, erotic and extremely explicit sex, cheating, immoral behavior, dysfunction or sexual scenarios that may make you feel uncomfortable this is not the series for you. FILTHY EROTIC ROMANCE

This particular pervert reader will never pass up a good filthy erotic romance. Nope. And if there’s a great story to top it off? I’m sold! Which is exactly why I absolutely binged on this series and read every book in a matter of 2 days, back to back. But let’s talk about Opulence for now…

Nina Scott is a thirty-one year old self made millionaire, coming off of a bitter divorce. She didn’t grow up with money, but she saw what it did to her mother to never be accepted by the inner circle of the rich and influential. Being new money herself, she hasn’t exactly had it easy; especially when she realized that she was the other woman for a man that she thought herself in love with but who’s married to a woman very much established within the society.

Now she’s the woman that knows she’s the mistress but just can’t seem to break the hold that Devin McIntyre has on her.

I was lovesick and disckstruck. Judge away, but unless you’ve been the center of Devin McIntyre’s attention and the woman underneath him, you could never understand. Self-respect took a back seat to those few moment with that perfect cock.

Devin is gorgeous, rich and successful, and an asshole of epic proportions. There’s no love lost between him and his wife, but he doesn’t spare his contempt for Nina either. The sexual relationship between them is one of anger at this point. Neither can stay away from the other but they know they’re toxic for each other. The one thing that I really loved about Devin is that there’s this undercurrent of something beneath the sharp tongued insults. You want to hate him and yet you can’t feel like there’s just something more to him. I can’t say that’s an easy feat for an author to pull off, but Angelica Chase certainly did.v

Nina knows their relationship is toxic and she needs to sever all ties but Devin will always have his hold on her simply because she will always crave him. When she finally makes the cut she meets a man that’s the complete opposite of Devin but whose sexual intensity draws her in just the same.

Your misery makes you beautiful.”

I wish I could tell you more, but it’s just one of those things that’s best experienced absolutely blind.

Opulence was an erotically charged ride filled with unpredictable turns and dark secrets that made for one unputdownable read. I absolutely devoured this book and couldn’t wait for more. And after that cliffhanger? Forget about it! Thank goodness I waited for all the book to be out because if I had to wait for the release of book 2 after the ending here, I may have had to cut a bitch. True story.

If you’re looking for filthy hot sex, a heroine that owns her sexuality and makes no excuses for it, two men that will pull you in different directions with how you feel, and a great story as the icing on the cake? Clearly you’ve just found your next read.

Review: ★Game Changer★ by @m_cutler

Game Changer 
Series: Bomb Squad #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 19, 2015

The author of Undefeated and Risky Business has another sexy hero for you to meet…

Welcome to Destiny Falls, New York, home of Bomb Squad—an ice hockey team full of rugged military heroes. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has the team captain packing his bags for greener pastures, but saying good-bye to the woman who’d captured his heart is easier said than done…

After being wounded in combat, Brandon Theroux lives every day like it’s his last. He never could have imagined that the sleek mechanics of his prosthetic leg would open so many doors, including minor celebrity status as a fitness model and a well-earned reputation as a rakish playboy. The only door it hasn’t opened is the one to Harper Johnson’s bedroom.

Harper has too much self-respect to join the ranks of Brandon’s “carpe diem” conquests, but when she needs someone to keep the peace in the tavern she owns, Brandon offers his help—as long as she agrees to a very tempting trade. It isn’t long before the two realize that a deal struck between friends who can’t keep their hands off each other has the potential to be a whole lot hotter than either of them is prepared to handle…

This is going to ruin our friendship.”
The fire in his eyes threatened to incinerate them both where they stood. “Baby, we were never meant to be friends.”

Oh. Oh wow. This book. What a perfectly pleasant surprise this was. Admittedly, my inner cover whore first caught her eye on that cover, because c’mon, have you seen that cover. So of course I was thinking I’m getting another hot hockey player and manwhore and the woman that denies him so he wants her even more. What I got is so SO much more. The depth of these characters, their story, the romance, I think I loved everything about this book.

You should see the way you look right now,” he growled. “The fight in your eyes. The fire. I live to see you like this.”
“Such pretty words,” she sneered, shoving at his chest. “If only they weren’t empty.”
“You have no idea how hard I’ve tried to give you up.”
“Stop saying that as though it means something.”

Brandon Theroux lost his leg to an IAD explosion while deployed in the military, but he didn’t let that stop his life. A successful model and personal trainer by day, a lothario by night, he lives every day like it’s his last. As much as he loves his Bomb Squad team of fellow wounded vets, he knows he’s not meant for the small town of Destiny Falls and finally seizes his chance with the opportunity of a lifetime to move to Miami and appear on Meet the Groom and bring national recognition and inspiration for all wounded vets like himself. He just has some unfinished business first; in the form of the independent and feisty blonde that has been denying every single one of his advances for the last five years.

He didn’t know what the future held for her, or for him. All he knew was that neither of their lives would ever be the same again after this weekend.

Harper Johnson has no interest in being another notch on Brandon’s bedpost. She wants commitment and permanence and she knows that Brandon will never offer what she needs and she has too much pride to give into the lust between them knowing it won’t last past the night. She’s eight years older and he just may be too young to understand the beauty of what she wants. But then one disastrous hook up takes them from two people fighting their chemistry to two people who become each other’s rocks during their most difficult times and best friends.

Someday you’re going to find someone who’ll beg you to put that ball and chain on his leg. A guy who thinks the perfect way to spend the rest of his life is shackled to you inside your brick fortress.”

First of all, can I just say how much I loved the way that the author handled the first hookup between the characters. How often do you read about the hero loosing his erection because he’s so angry and the heroine faking an orgasm because she’s thinking too much. Bad sex? These two had it.

Melissa Cutler then takes a story that could have been ordinary and cliche and made into something so much more. She took a heroine and gave her a true struggle. She made her a survivor. She gave her a weakness to embrace. She made her a fighter, a woman who fights for every day of her life and enjoys it to the fullest. She then took a hero that could have been your typical manwhore, and gave him depth. She took a friendship and infused it with just the right amount of undeniable chemistry that the characters both try to ignore but can’t. She developed an incredible friendship between Brandon and Harper. She gave these characters so much depth and made me fall in love with their story and this book.

He was in love. He, Brandon, the biggest commitment-phone of all time, a self-proclaimed bachelor for all eternity. He didn’t want to settle down. He didn’t want to be shackled to one place and one woman. Except that now, he could think of no better fate than to spend the rest of his life bound to Harper.

Was this filled with gratuitous sex scenes? Nope. But the few that it did have were absolutely scorching and just added to the story. It’s not quick paced or filled with twists and turns. It’s a slow burn that’s paced just right to truly make you fall in love with the characters and the town of Destiny Falls. There was nothing even a little ordinary about either one of these characters and I absolutely loved all the secondary characters.

This was my first book by this author and I can definitely tell you that it won’t be my last. This book is easily read as a standalone (I started with this book and had no problems keeping up with the story), but I’ll definitely be going back and reading the rest of the series now. I hope that Melissa gives us Kayla’s book next because that set up was just too delicious to miss.

If you’re looking for a friends-to-lovers romance that’s different from the norm, a romance to fall in love with, and characters that you won’t soon forget, this is the book you need to be reading. I’m so glad that I did.

Review: ★Asking For It★ by @LilahPace

Asking for It
Author: Lilah Pace
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary
Release Date: June 2, 2015

This is who I am. This is what I want. Now I need a man dangerous enough to give it to me.”

Graduate student Vivienne Charles is afraid of her own desires—ashamed to admit that she fantasizes about being taken by force, by a man who will claim her completely and without mercy. When the magnetic, mysterious Jonah Marks learns her secret, he makes an offer that stuns her: they will remain near-strangers to each other, and meet in secret so that he can fulfill her fantasy.

heir arrangement is twisted. The sex is incredible. And—despite their attempts to stay apart—soon their emotions are bound together as tightly as the rope around Vivienne’s wrists. But the secrets in their pasts threaten to turn their affair even darker…

Reader Advisory: Asking for It deals explicitly with fantasies of non-consensual sex. Readers sensitive to portrayals of non-consensual sex should be advised.

You can have neat, tidy, and safe. You can have tame. Or you can have what you really want. But you can’t have both, Vivienne. And I think we both know which one you’re going to choose.”

Thought provoking, evocative, erotic, and unlike anything I’ve ever read before. I am absolutely blown away by this book. I didn’t know quite what to expect when I began reading it, but I never envisioned something like this. Aside from anything else, this book will make you think. It will take every line your mind never had thought to have crossed and burn them in one erotic blaze. Do not take the warning in this book lightly, because it’s everything that it talks about. This is not a subject matter that will be for everyone. But if you’re unsure whether you want to read it? I say dive in without a backwards glance because it will be one of the most unique books you’d ever have read. That much I can guarantee.

If you’ve read Willing Victim and/or Debt and wondering if this book is anything like that? The answer is a resounding no. The heroine is not bored with her sex life and looking to spice things up with one night of something rougher; she craves the darker fantasy with every fiber of her being. The heroine is also not one that’s introduced to the rougher edge by the hero; they both equally crave it. And most importantly, at the core of this story it’s not quite a romance….yet. It’s definitely erotic with a slow building undercurrent of romance that floats right under the surface but never quite breaches it. I’m assuming the romance aspect we’ll get in Begging for It.

This is who I am. This is what I want. Now I need a man dangerous enough to give it to me.

Vivienne Charles is twenty-five year old graduate student at the UT Austin School of Art and a teaching assistant. She’s also an artist that creates unique drawings. She’s a regular woman, with regular friends, and regular boyfriends. But beneath all that is a woman that craves something darker. Something that she equal parts needs and brings her shame. Unable to orgasm with any of her previous boyfriends unless she fantasizes about being taken forcefully, bent to someone else’s will and completely owned, Vivienne recognizes that what she needs during sex is anything but conventional. In therapy for many years because she understands the root of her desire, she’s attempting to deal with it. But that doesn’t mean that she can turn it off that easily. She just never thought she’d meet a man that could deliver them…

When she gets a flat tire driving home late one evening, a stranger that pulls over on the side of the road is able to induce the kind of reaction from her that her boyfriends never could with just his stare. Equally terrified of him and drawn to him, she never expects to see him again after he drives off once he’s helped her. Little does she know that she’ll soon not only meet him but find that he’s been closer to her than she’s ever known.

At a friend’s party, Vivienne comes face to face with Jonah Marks; the same man that she’s been fantasizing being taken forcefully by on the side of that road. Jonah is a research professor of Volcanology at the same university Vivienne attends. He’s also quiet, mysterious and still manages to evoke the same reaction from her if not even stronger one. When Jonah overhears her ex-boyfriend disclose her most private sexual desires, the last thing that she expects is for him to make her an offer that she’s both been fantasizing about and terrified of.

What soon begins is the acting out of a mutual and consensual fantasy. A fantasy that they both crave but for very different reasons.

I dream about tearing that dress off your body. When I close my eyes I see you the way you were afterward. Wrecked. And what I want more than anything else is to wreck you all over again.

The author doesn’t dance around the provocative subject of rape fantasies. She throws you right into the deep end and she does it flawlessly. The story is told only in Vivienne’s POV while Jonah remains the enigmatic mystery that he is for most of the book. The only pieces you get of him is what Vivienne does, so you get to experience everything along with her. It truly allows the reader to get inside the heroine’s head and get the full effect. You get this sense of ‘it sounds like it should be wrong but it’s oh so hot at the same time’. Knowing as little as you do about Jonah really makes that line between fear and arousal all that much bolder.

He’s brought me back to the line between fear and arousal. And Jonah’s going to hold me there as long as he wants.

This is very much a slow burn. It’s erotic, that’s for damn sure. There’s also the potential for romance that sizzles right under the surface but it never comes out. I appreciate that the author did that because it really allows the reader to get to know the characters and truly get what makes them tick. Adding any clear element of romance into this book would have ruined the effect. It wouldn’t have fit.

He’s making this last longer, because he wants to revel in his power over me. Jonah wants to show me how helpless I am. Whatever he gives me, I have to take.

I loved Lilah Pace’s writing style. That’s what truly made this book as provocative as it was. Although everything that goes on is very much consensual, she’s also able to weave in that little bit of an edge. You feel the struggle that Vivienne has with craving what she does and her shame of it. You also get to feel her question whether or not she should fear it. It was brilliantly handled.

I loved the depth that both of these characters had. Though they have one thing in common, their reasons for it are very different. I never expected this book to be quite as deep as it was. (no pun intended). It’s not thoughtless smut and acting out a dark and kinky fantasy. It’s so so much more.

Each of us assumed the other was simply indulging a kinky fetish, when in fact we were shepherding each other through our nightmares.

You know how sometimes you read a book and you really don’t see how it couldn’t just be one longer one? Or that the cliffhanger that was thrown in was done for pure shock value alone? This book is neither of those things. If ever there was a story that needed to be told in two parts, this is it. I can appreciate that the reader needs that clear division of getting to know the characters and then getting their love story. It’s what made this book was it was. And while it does end in a place where you know book two will follow, it wasn’t a shocking cliffhanger either; more of a to be continued. I appreciated that as well. The author could have gone there had she wanted to, but she stayed true to the story and didn’t. I can definitely tell you that Lilah Pace now has a huge fan in me and she’s going straight to my auto-buy list. I’m eagerly anticipating the conclusion to this story and can’t wait to see how it all resolves.

Review: ★Destroyed★ by Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliot

Authors:  Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott 
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 12, 2015

Only one woman has ever refused him…and she’s the only one he wants.

Now that he’s successful beyond his wildest dreams with his band Oblivion, Simon Kagan is happy to enjoy his all-access pass to the groupie train. After getting more fists in the ribs than hugs growing up, he discovers having a warm female in his bed is an easy way to escape the loneliness.

Until Margo.

From the moment the classy, buttoned up violinist entered his sphere, he knew she was different. After one amazing night in the studio, he feels like he’s finally connected with someone on a deeper level—only to have her walk away without a backward glance.

As a member of the Boston Symphony orchestra, Margo Reece’s life revolves around the regimented structure of a second chair violinist. But Simon’s uncanny ability to crawl into a song and create a smoky, sin-filled experience translated into the hottest night of her life. She walked away afterward because that’s what she was supposed to do.

And Margo always does what she’s supposed to.

Until Simon.

When she’s called on again to blend her sound with Oblivion’s, she has to make the decision to play it safe or let her wild side free. Especially when her first meeting with Simon shows that sometimes rigidly contained passions create the most dangerous sparks…

Playing with fire,” he said into her ear.
She turned her face so her lips brushed his ear. “Which one of us is the flame?”

I have been looking forward to Simon’s book since first meeting him in Seduced. It’s no secret that I love me the manwhores, and when you make said manwhore the cocky lead singer of a rock band? Well, I’m putty in your hands is what I am. Speaking of Seduced, I HIGHLY recommend that you read that before this book. It will give you an extra insight into Simon and Margo’s relationship (how they met and how it all began). Though the authors give you the backstory here, I feel that it will really help connect you with the couple a lot better (especially the way this story is written, and I’ll get to that in a bit). Also, I’ll highly recommend reading this series in order. Each character gets their own book, but the story arc continues to roll out throughout the series and you’ll definitely enjoy it much more reading it in order.

Simon and Margo are as opposite as they get. Simon is the lead singer of Oblivion and man slut extraordinaire. his vices are alcohol and women and the band’s groupies never leave him hurting for what he wants. But the one woman that he only share one scorching stolen moment with is the one that continues to haunt his every thought.

Margo has recently lost her spot in the Symphony orchestra, the classy and buttoned up violinist gets the chance of a lifetime to play on Oblivion’s new record. Unfortunately that also brings her back face to face with the one man that tempts her good girl ways to go very very bad.

I hate to admit that I struggled through a few parts of this book. Margo and Simon together had me wanting to rip my hair out with their constant back and forth with each other. They both want each other beyond the sex, but they’re each too stubborn to admit to it. Simon’s treatment of her is almost callous at times. And Margo’s ability to just move right past it and continue the sexual relationship between them without calling Simon on all his bullshit frustrated me even more.

It wasn’t a relationship. It was more like frenetic sex in any and all available places.

I’d say that this quote describes the majority of this book perfectly. There really wasn’t much in the form of romance between these two. There was rough sex, public sex, dirty sex…but that was essentially all that it was; sex. I wanted that connection. I needed it to truly get invested in this couple. The previous books in this series definitely gave that to me and I loved the angst of it all. But for some reason, I struggled here. I wanted to love them, but there was always something missing for me. Thought admittedly, the sex was really REALLY hot!

I would have loved more about Simon’s backstory. You get a few bits and peaces about his rough childhood, but I was also left wanting. I needed something…more. Same thing with Margo. The primary focus of the book leaned toward their sexual connection and the unfolding story of the band, while the romance was more on the back burner.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love this series, but I suppose I wasn’t prepared for how this story will unfold. The last 10%, however, managed to accomplish what the rest of the story didn’t. It finally gave me that connection with Simon and Margo. But then Cari and Taryn hit me with that cliffhanger! Sweet mother of torture! Why oh why must you make it hurt like that? Even though the previous book in this series was told in 2 parts, I wasn’t expecting the same thing here (since book 1 was a standalone). On the one hand I’m frustrated and left wanting more. On the other hand I’m happy because I know that the second part of their story will bring me everything that was missing here. The set up is definitely delicious enough. I was really hoping to be getting Nick’s book next, but I’m not complaining at all about getting more of Simon.

If you’re a fan of this series, this is different than the previous 2 books (at least it was for me). Deacon and Harper’s story was a bit simpler, so I can see how they fit into one book. Gray and Simon are definitely more complex characters and I can understand why the authors want to tell their stories in 2 parts. I just wish that Simon and Margo had a little more of an emotional connection here. But I’m definitely looking forward to see what the next book brings for them.


-this is the series introduction I highly recommend you check out before starting the series. You get a background on each of the characters and really get what sets their stories in motion.
Deacon and Harper’s book (Currently FREE on Amazon!)
Deacon and Harper’s novella
Gray and Jazz (part 1)
Gray and Jazz (part 2)

Review Blitz & #Giveaway: ★Revelry★ by @CarmenJAuthor

Title: Revelry
Series: Taint #1
Author: Carmen Jenner
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: May 25, 2015

Cooper Ryan is living the dream. Between the parties with rock royalty, booze, groupies and performing to crowds of thousands with his band Taint, life seems pretty sweet. There’s just one thing missing: the feisty little red-head that took his baby and ran off with his heart. Throwing himself into music is the only thing keeping him sane.

Until a run-in with a nonplussed, package-wielding PA throws everything off balance.

Ali Jones is having a craptastic life. Her grandmother died, leaving her homeless, penniless, and alone, and her boyfriend left her for a tramp who takes her clothes off for money. That’s why when she lands her dream job at a record company it seems like it’s too good to be true.

Because it is.

Slapped with an ultimatum, Ali must decide if facing the horror of the unemployment line is a fate worse than going on the road with four rowdy rockers hell-bent on making her life misery.

He’s adored by millions.

She’s not even loved by her cat.

Can they ignore their hatred long enough to survive the tour from hell? Or will their chemistry force everything to come crashing down around them?

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My vision is partly obstructed by Ali, but the sight of her head bobbing as she takes him in her mouth is all I need to know what’s going on. Levi meets my gaze across the limo. There’s gloating there—that much is obvious—but there’s also understanding. When you spend as much time together as we do, you come to know your bandmates pretty well. For all his talk, he’s not as big of a douche as he claims to be. He may not ever sleep with the same woman more than once—with the exception of Ali, I guess—but I know he’s not immune to the loneliness our lifestyle creates. It’s strange how you can be adored by millions and yet completely alone all at the same time.

He slides his hand into her hair and closes his eyes, throwing his head back against the seat.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whispers, and then he gathers her hair to the side and shifts her body so that my view is completely unobstructed. I watch as she works her hands up his shaft in time with her mouth. He doesn’t attempt to fuck the back of her throat and make her choke on it, the way we both had that first night we fucked her. Instead, his touch is gentle. Reverent.

It makes me crazy, and hot as fucking hell. I shift uncomfortably, adjusting my cock within my jeans. I don’t make a move towards them, though I want to. I want to bury myself inside her and mark her as mine, but at this point the lines are so fucking blurred it doesn’t matter whom she belongs to. Him. Me. The both of us, or neither one.

I lean forward, taking a glass from the shelf and a crystal decanter filled with amber liquor, and I pour myself a drink, and then I slide back into the leather to watch.

“Play with yourself, Red,” he whispers.


“Do it,” I say, and she turns around to glare at me. I can’t tell if she’s disappointed I’m not joining in, or if she forgot I was even here.

“I don’t want—”

“Why are you suddenly so embarrassed?” I say sharply, swigging back more of the scotch than I should.

“I’m not embarrassed. I’d actually rather that you joined in.”

“I’m watching,” I say, eyeing her coolly over my glass. She scowls at me a moment and then she kneels up, steadying herself with one hand on Levi’s thigh. She wriggles her skirt up over her hips and bends over. Everything is on display as she takes him in her mouth again. I close my eyes, not wanting to watch her on her knees in front of him, her head bent low, her full fuck-me lips wrapped around Levi’s cock. I feel as if I’m on a ride that’s spinning out of control and I can’t find a way off. I can’t make it stop. And I so badly want it to stop.

I’m losing my mind. I’m sinking, drowning, and on fire all at once. I’m split down the middle, torn in half by two different men, two different bodies pushing and pulling me in all directions, breaking me down and then lifting me up again, shoving me into the fire and soothing my scorching flesh with their kisses that act as a balm.

I hope you’re sitting down as you’re reading this because what I’m about to tell you will shock the hell out of you. You ready? IjustreadalovetriangleandIactuallylikedit. Did you get that? Because after all my blustering about never reading it, I think I just died a little inside admitting it. But holy shit, leave it to Carmen Jenner to make me love it. Somewhere right now, my friends, hell is surely freezing over.

I wish I could tell you I was shocked by the fact that it was this author that made it happen, but considering just how much I love her writing, it really isn’t all that shocking. Carmen’s characters are anything but conventional. Her heroines are sassy, sharp-witted, potty mouthed little hellions. And her heroes are to die for alphas with just that right touch of vulnerability. She’s not afraid to go outside the conventional lines with her stories. She thinks outside the box and that’s what makes me love her books as much as I do. She’ll go there. Where most authors will shy away from certain scenarios, she charges into these things like a bull and knocks it out of the fucking park. I love it! But enough about my fangirling and lets get onto the review, shall we?

This feisty little ranga is going to own my balls and store them in her handbag, and I’m going to let her, because I was a fucking goner the second I saw her glaring up at me from the floor of that conference room. I just have to hope like hell she doesn’t realize it.

If you’ve read Enjoy Your Stay, then you’ll remember Cooper Ryan; the sexy rockstar that lost his girl and his child to man from his woman’s past. (And if you haven’t read it, no worries because this book and series stands on its own). Left broken hearted and jaded, Cooper never wants to feel that way again. He’ll never let himself get that vulnerable again. But when a sexy redhead literary comes stumbling into their meeting he seizes the opportunity to make her one of his contract demands. He wants her as the band’s PA, even if she’s glaring daggers at him at the mere mention of it.

Ali Jones hasn’t exactly had the best year. Her boyfriend cheated on her with their stripper roommate. She’s lost her grams and is now living out of her car with her grandmother’s cat that clearly hates her guts. As much as she loves the industry and dreams of managing big names one day, the last thing she wants is to get on a tour bus with the too cocky for his own good rockstar. Even if he makes her nether regions go all aflutter.

You’re one of those Alpha-holes, aren’t you?”
“What the fuck is an Alpha-hole?”
“You know, one of those bossy dicks. Everything has to be my way and I’ll blindside you with how fucking sexy I am so you won’t see it coming when I slap you upside the head with my big cock, and my bullshit about how I own your pussy, and you belong to me and blah, blah, blah.”

The banter in this book alone is worth 5 stars. I was laughing like a loon the entire time reading this and couldn’t stop. Carmen Jenner really brought her A game with this series. Holy shit! It was hysterical. There was a certain circle jerk incident, then there was a certain waxing incident, and through it all I was laughing so hard I had honest to gawd tears in my eyes.

Because Cooper is inebriated, and I’m not. I need to back away…right after he gropes my boob. I mean, his hand is already under my shirt, it would be rude not to let him.

In case you haven’t caught on yet, yes this book is a love triangle. For a reader that avoids the mere mention of LT like a bad case of the clap, believe me when I tell you that it was handled well. Well enough that even this picky bitch loved it. There was no leading the reader around by the nose about who she might pick. There was no leading on of both men and wishy washy twatty heroines. Hell no! If more authors wrote love triangles this way, I’d probably read them a whole lot more.

As much as I loved Cooper, Levi, the rockstar with the giant cock heart of gold stole my heart just the same. I simply couldn’t get enough of him and his BOD. What’s BOD you ask? Allow me to clarify

All clear now? Great!

Fuck, Red. I been wanting to bend over the sweet arse and fuck you for weeks now.”
“I think your giant cock might break me.”
“It’s not gonna break you.”
“Well that’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one who might spend the rest of your life in a wheel chair because all your lady parts fall out when you stand up after having that monster of a thing inside you.”
“You’re really hurting his feelings now.”

The story is told in alternating POVs from Cooper and Ali and it really allows to fall for these characters, no matter what their faults or quirks may be.

There’s plenty of other things that happen aside from the romance between them, but the romance was definitely the focus. It never deviated from it and even though another man was involved, it never took away from the main couple. What it did do, was add an absolutely sizzling touch to an already hot as fuck romance. Did I mention there’s some hawt MFM scenes? Oh yes, my pervy friends, this book had it all. The only reason I’m not giving it a full 5 stars was because I wanted just a little bit more from that ending. It’s definitely satisfying enough, but I still wanted more. I guess I’m just greedy like that. I’m not sure if their story will continue in the next book or Ali and Coop will just be featured in it, but whatever it is, I’ll take it! 

If you’re looking for your next rockstar romance that’s anything but conventional and will keep you laughing hysterically one minute and panting in lust the next, you just found your next read. I’m seriously in love with this series and cannot wait for more on the boys of Taint.

Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY and international bestselling author of the Sugartown, Savage Saints, and Taint series.

Her dark romance, KICK (Savage Saints MC #1), won Best Dark Romance Read in the Reader’s Choice Awards at RWDU 2015.

A tattoo enthusiast, hardcore MAC addict and zombie fangirl, Carmen lives on the sunny north coast of New South Wales, Australia, where she spends her time indoors wrangling her two wildling children, a dog named Pikelet, and her very own man-child.

A romantic at heart, Carmen strives to give her characters the HEA they deserve, but not before ruining their lives completely first … because what’s a happily ever after without a little torture?

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Review: ★Flirting With Scandal★ by @ChanelCleeton

Flirting with Scandal (Capital Confessions #1)
Author: Chanel Cleeton
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 19, 2015

The author of I See London sets her sights on Washington, D. C., with a sexy new series about three sisters, the secrets they keep, and a powerful blog with a knack for exposing scandals…

Jackie Gardner knows all about dirty little secrets. The illegitimate daughter of one of the most influential senators in Washington, D.C., she grew up surrounded by the scandals and shadows of politics. Now that she’s landed an internship with a powerful political consulting firm, she’s determined to launch her career and take this city by storm.

William Andrew Clayton was born for politics. He knows the drill: work hard, play discreetly, and at all costs, avoid scandal. At twenty-six, his campaign for the Virginia State Senate is the first step to cementing his future. It’s time for him to settle down, to find the perfect political spouse. He needs a Jackie Kennedy, not a Marilyn…

When Jackie meets Will in the bar of the Hay-Adams Hotel, sparks fly. But the last thing Will needs is to be caught in a compromising position, and an affair with a political candidate could cost Jackie her career. When what began as one steamy night, becomes a passion neither one of them can walk way from, they must decide if what they have is really love, or just another dirty little secret…

We’d created something wild here, something dark and dangerous that wound its way through me, tempting me to break every rule I’d ever set for myself.

I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of politics and I’m especially not a fan of having it in my books. So when I got the chance to read this book, I was skeptical whether I’d like it. But that blurb was just too tempting to pass up so I jumped in…and I’m so glad. What an incredibly pleasant surprise this book turned out to be. I can honestly tell you that I’m completely hooked on this series now and anxiously anticipate the next one. I loved pretty much everything about Flirting With Scandal; the story, the romance, the characters, the steam. It was fantastic!

He looked at me like he was trying to make out all my secrets, and for a girl like me that was a dangerous game to play.

Jackie Gardner has quite a few skeletons in her closet, her biggest being the illegitimate daughter of one of DC’s influential senators. Her mother? Nothing more than a mistress to the rich political powerhouses that she seems to flop from one to the other. The last thing Jackie wants to be is like her mother. She has goals, and dreams, and she wants to get there on her own terms. Her political career has only just begun with an internship at one of the biggest political consulting firms. She can’t afford for her secrets to come out and she certainly can’t risk the temptation in the form of an immaculate suit and an arresting face…

When they meet at a bar, sparks fly. But what Jackie doesn’t know is that the handsome Will is indeed a William, William Andrew Clayton to be exact and also in the running for Virginia State Senate. He’s everything that she should steer clear off. Too bad her consulting internship puts her to work on his campaign and to meet the attraction between them head on.

We were quickly going into unchartered territory. There was something about this girl. She’d gotten under my skin so quickly in a way no one ever had before. I was still trying to make sense of it, trying to understand why everything inside me screamed, THIS ONE…

Will had to have been one of my favorite parts of this book. Can I tell you how absolutely refreshing it is to get a nice guy, but one that still maintains that sexual edge to him. The man was absolute perfection. He gave me a major case of the swoons.

If a woman’s in my bed, it’s because I want her there. I’m not a child who gets bored with his toys after five minutes. If the guys you’ve been with treat you like that, then you’ve been screwing round with boys. Would’t you rather fuck a man?

Jackie was a great heroine as well and the perfect match for Will. She takes charge of her life and goes for it. She doesn’t allow anyone to walk over her. She’s smart, sharp witted, but of course harbors her insecurities due to her history. She certainly doesn’t make things easy for Will. But Will is also a man with a mission and he refuses to take no for an answer. he fights for her. He doesn’t allow for stupid miscommunications to come between them. He becomes the voice of reason and forces her to talk everything out. There was no stupid drama, no angst, no miscommunications. But beyond that it was also incredibly sexy.

Scandal, sex, and politics all come together into one scorching and entertaining read that readers would love from start to finish. I loved it. If you’re looking for a light and sexy read with no stupid drama, characters that you’ll fall in love with and root for till the end, then you’ve definitely found your next book. Read it. Love it. Thank me later 😉

I want you to be scared. I want things to be messy, and complicated, and difficult. I want you to feel, and I want you to know I’m the one making you feel, that I’m the one making it mean something.

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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