Review: SALT by L.A. Ferro

Author: L.A. Ferro
Series: Summer Nights #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Age Gap
Release Date: July 25, 2024

At eight, he gave me roses. At fifteen, he gave me butterflies, and at seventeen, he gave me sanctuary.

I wasn’t a damsel in distress. He wasn’t Prince Charming waiting to whisk me off my feet. We didn’t meet by chance. He’s been part of my life for years, and for most of that time, I’ve been under his spell.

Everett Callahan isn’t just the most attractive man I’ve ever laid eyes on: stoic, tall, dark, and handsome, the stuff fantasies are made of. He’s more than that. Beyond his looks, he’s loyal to the core and wears virtues like duty, honor, and respect as armor. He’s the kind of guy you’d be proud to bring home to meet your dad.

If he wasn’t also your dad’s best friend.

I wasn’t just charmed. I was completely and utterly smitten, and he wasn’t interested.

That’s why I put aside childish things, like my crush on an off-limits man who could never be mine.

Until he fell into my tent on my twenty-first birthday, and I saw a man instead of the untouchable God, I’d made him out to be.

Men are flawed, even Everett Callahan, and now that I know he’s not immune to weakness, I plan to be a hellion ready to exploit it.

Publishers Note: This is a forbidden, slow-burn, age-gap romance with a happy ever after.
Author’s Note: This book is meant for readers 18 years and older.


You are the most beautiful gift I never saw coming..

I love an angsty age gap romance when it’s done right, and it definitely has to be done right when the age gap is 20 years. This one was definitely done right because I was instantly sucked in.

How do you just walk away from something that you want with your whole heart?.

Cameron Salt has been crushing on her father’s best friend for as long as she was old enough to recognize the feeling. Now twenty one, she’s living with Everett after the tragic death of both of her parents. Everett is forty six, divorced and fighting his attraction to Cameron with everything he has. Not only is she too young for him, but his best friend trusted her in his care so suffice it to say the guilt of their connection is eating him alive. Especially when Cameron takes every opportunity to push his buttons and push him to the limit.

I’m not the girl he took in five years ago. I’m a woman who knows exactly what she wants. HIM..

I have to say I loved Cameron. She’s a free spirit and mature beyond her years. I loved the way she pursued Everett but also didn’t take his sh*t when the uber grump came out. She pushed him until she wore him down and when he finally gives in, FIREWORKS.

I catch my breath and open my eyes to my new reality: obsession. My obsession is dangerous. My obsession is her..

It did take me a bit to get into the book because it felt like I was starting halfway into a series. There’s so many subplots and secondary characters that felt like I should have already known their stories of that it got very confusing. I should have definitely read Fade Into You (Everett’s son’s book) first because I feel like many of these subplots may have been introduced in that book. Don’t get me wrong, it was intriguing, but there was so much going on with so many people, that it took me a minute to wrap my head around all of it. I did ultimately figure it out at the end, but all of the details made it a bit of a slower read for me at times.

The romance was absolutely sizzling and I loved the angst, chemistry, and slow burn romance these two had.

My head drops to the crook of her neck as I fade in and out and let go. She’s it. This is it for me. It’s her, or it’s no one. I kiss her neck and pray. If it can’t be this life, let it be the next..

There is a heavy suspense element that added a little oomph to the romance with plenty of twists and turns that I thoroughly enjoyed. If you love slow burn, angsty age gaps, definitely give this one a read.

Review: Rewriting Grey by L.A. Ferro

Author: L.A. Ferro
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 5, 2024

“Bad choices make epic stories. Write one with me.”

Iverson Grey wasn’t supposed to be my happily ever after.
He wasn’t even on my radar.

I came to Copper Falls, expecting to settle my sister’s estate and learn about the woman I never knew existed until I was notified of her death. Little did I know that stories about her weren’t the only thing that awaited me in the small town.

The first time I met the enigmatic Iverson Grey, my car broke down on the side of the road. The second time, he spilled his coffee on me, and by the third, I was letting him have his way with me behind a bar. It was only supposed to be one time, a quick summer hookup in a town I was passing through with a man I’d never see again.

But a week after arriving at the Blackthorn Estate, a twist of fate reveals the home I thought was my sister’s belonged to the one man I haven’t been able to forget. Our chemistry is intense, all-consuming, and utterly wrong.

He was my dead sister’s ex—forbidden.

However, the more time we’re forced to spend together, the more I discover nothing is what it seems. The lines between right and wrong get blurry, and not all perfect endings are black and white. Sometimes, they’re grey, and somewhere in the grey lies the truth, and when it comes out, there’s no predicting the ending.


Some people believe their destiny is written in the stars. I believe it’s written on our hearts, and I’m pretty sure the one inside you holds mine.”

This story took me completely by surprise. The author definitely knew what she was doing when she wrote that blurb and that is all I will say on that.

I place a soft kiss on her lips before saying, “Bad choices make epic stories. Write one with me.”

As a reader who is forever in my walking red flag era, it’s not often I fall for a total cinnamon roll. But Iverson Grey was impossible not to fall for. And while Quinn took me a minute to warm up to, she quickly grew on me.

Quinn comes to the small town of Copper Falls to settle a family estate for a sister she didn’t even know she had. Raised by a single mom, Quinn is shocked to find out she has a sister she knew nothing about. And she’s even more shocked to learn about it because her sister’s mysterious death named her as her next of kin. She plans on this being a quick in and out and has no plans on staying. So the handsome stranger that saved her broken down on the side of the road and is determined to make their passionate one night into something more is the last thing she needs.

While their push and pull would have bothered me in any other book, it just worked for me here. I loved Quinn’s fierce independence. And when I learned more about her past and the relationships that made her, I understood it that much more. But boy did I love the way that Grey pursues her. The man is determined to break down her every defense and he’s not above using his filthy mouth to get her closer. And oh my god his filthy mouth. The man may be a sweet cinnamon roll but he was a beast in the bedroom. *heart eyes*

The story has a mystery element to it which kept me turning the pages. It’s hard to take this reader by surprise, but this story totally blew me away. I didn’t see any of the twists and turns coming. As a matter of fact, I thought it was one thing and it couldn’t be further from it. And I love when a book can take me by surprise like that.

There’s intriguing secondary characters that just added a little sprinkle of more to the already satisfying story. The steam was steaming and the suspense was the perfect addition. If you love a steamy small town romance with a splash of reverse grumpy sunshine, tortured characters, and a page turner of a story, this one is sure to hit the spot!

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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