Review: The Sweetest Thing by Maya Hughes

Series: SWANK #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Maya Hughes
Release Date: July 1, 2021

Goldilocks has gotten a bit off track. I found her in my room, my bathroom and my bathtub to be precise.

Sabrina Mason is my new roommate. My new unwelcome roommate. Babysitting my Grandma’s apartment means Sabrina’s here to stay. But we’d agreed my room was off limits.

It’s bad enough my nightmares are getting worse, but having her around makes holding it together a little easier. Her smell, smart mouth and sexy a–anyway. I can’t let her get under my skin although it might be too late. In her sloppy bun and pajamas curled up on the couch, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. But a relationship isn’t what I need right now.

It’s hard to remember that when she’s glowering at me when I’m being an ass. We’re forced to live together for only a few more months, I can hold out until I can’t.

She’s in my bathtub and she’s not telling me to leave. So I ask the question, “do you want me to go?”

And I’m shocked as hell when her answer isn’t ‘yes’.


She was a temptation beyond any I’d faced before. I’d never wanted anything as much as I wanted to feel her against me.

Swank is Maya’s more lighthearted series featuring male best friends who meet their matches and The Sweetest Thing was Hunter’s story.

After an ugly breakup, Sabrina is just looking to pick her pieces back up. A generous offer of temporary room is something that she can’t pass up. But what she didn’t expect is the insomniac, cranky roommate that also happens to live there.

Hunter is a man with a tortured past who is desperate to hang on to his secrets. And a woman invading his personal space was not on his agenda. Especially a woman that temps him beyond reason. Theirs is a delicious slow burn full of push and pull and the story a lighthearted contemporary romance. What kept this being a higher rating for me was the same issue I had with The Proposal; it felt too drawn out. I found myself skimming a good chunk of it. DOn’t get me wrong, it was sweet and cute, but also felt unnecessary. It could have easily have shaved off 5-7 chapters with the story losing nothing in the process. As it was, I found myself growing bored at the pacing.

I loved Sabrina’s character. She was so incredibly endearing with her insecurities and the way she fought through Hunter’s stubbornness with his brother that you can’t help but love her. Hunter was a little more hard to love. His push and pull, hot and cold personality made me want to shake him. And his refusal of his brother made me want to strangle him. While I understood his struggles, it just didn’t feel dire enough to warrant his reaction to everything.

That being said, I still enjoyed it. It was cute, fun, and satisfying. It hit the spot just right for a good Maya Hughes fix that I needed after her Falling trilogy. And the cross over into that trilogy with the intro to the couple of the next SWANK book? NEED! I can’t wait for Maddy’s story.

If you’re looking for a lighthearted and steamy romance, this will hit the spot nicely.

Maya Hughes, that’s me!, can often be found sneaking in another chapter while hiding in the
bathroom from her kids! 🙂 I’m a romance writer who loves taking inspiration from everyday life,
namely my husband and biggest fan. Inspiration also strikes when I hear a song, meet someone
new or daydream while at soccer practice.

I love writing stories that capture the possibilities of the paths less travelled and enjoy
experiencing life through my characters’ eyes.

I’m the mom of three little ones, the wife to an amazing husband and also work full time. Some
of my favorite things are cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, white wine, laughing until I can’t breathe,
traveling with my family and Jeff Goldblum.

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