Review: Break Up With Him, For Me by Whitney G.

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Whitney G.
Release Date: May 31, 2021

Penelope, I know that it’s three o’clock in the morning, but I have to get this off my chest.

I can’t give you any more advice on landing this other guy, can’t tell you another “sexy” thing that you should do, or suggest a new set of filthy words that you should text him late at night.

As your best friend, I’ve reached my limit, and I can honestly say that he doesn’t deserve you.

I’m not saying all of this because I’m f-cking jealous, or because he had the audacity to say that he makes more money than me. (I still can’t find his name on the Forbes 500 list, and I know damn well that he’s renting that Ferrari, but that’s a story for a different day.)

He’s not who you think he is, and the better man has always been right in front of you…

You have every reason to never give me a chance since you know me better than anyone, and you agree with all the tabloids calling me “The Cocky King of New York,” and the “Untamed Playboy of Manhattan.” But I honestly believe that you’re better off with someone else, and I need you to see.

I’m not asking for too much…I just want you to break up with him, for me.


I have no idea what ‘this’ is, Hayden. When exactly would you need my help?”
“Tomorrow and every morning this week,” I said. “We ride at dawn.”
Silence. “Can you be honest with me?” He let out a long breath. “Is it cocaine or heroin?”

I’ve been desperately waiting for a full length romance from Whit for what feels like forever. As much as I love her steamy novellas, I wanted a bigger hit of her brand of banter and alphas. And I definitely got it with this book.

This was a slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers romance filled with hilarious banter that I couldn’t get enough of. Hayden is Penelope’s older brother’s best friend. When Pen’s parents pass and her brother chases his career dreams of being an MMA brother, Hayden becomes a bit of Penelope’s keeper. Unwittingly they shift from bantering enemies to unlikely friends. Hayden becoming almost like a crutch to Penelope at times. He’s becomes her relationship guru as she stumbles from one disastrous “relationship” to another.

Admittedly, I had a tough time connecting with Pen’s character. It feels like she barely has any growth from 17 to early twenties and remains the bumbling ingenue even boyfriend #15 later. It was frustrating to read. She used Hayden like a crutch more than a friend at times, and that was even more frustrating.

Hayden is the type of alpha I’ve come to crave from Whit. He’s a rich manwh*re whose sudden feelings for his best friend’s younger sister hits him like a two by four. I loved the build up between them, though I could have done with a bit less flashbacks. Those parts dragged a bit for me and were a bit of same old same old. I didn’t really care to know about any more breakups beyond the first two. I also didn’t care for the side plot with Simon. The way that it all resolved was odd and…unsatisfying. But my main quibble was Pen’s brother. I HATED him. SO HARD. I needed him to redeem himself at the end. Grovel. Beg for forgiveness. ANYTHING. But it was mostly glazed over.

All that aside, I did still enjoy this quite a bit. It was steamy and fun and full of banter. I don’t think I could dislike a Whitney G book. Not really. There’s just something about her books that no matter if I have quibbles or not, they’ll still leave me with a smile on my face. And this one certainly did the trick.

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