Review: Bloodstained Beauty by Ella Fields

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Ella Fields
Release Date: November 6, 2018

Fresh out of college and headed straight for my dream job, I didn’t think things could get any better.
Then I met my dream man.

In an instant, my happy ever after had begun.
The life I’d stumbled into was beautiful, and the man I loved was perfect.
But perfection comes at a cost, and I’d slumbered through all the alarms.

Then I met my nightmare.
The man whose bright eyes held untamed darkness.
The man who disarmed me with his peculiar behavior.
The man whose cold, merciless hands shook me awake.
In an instant, questions started to dismantle my happy ever after.

But whoever said the truth would set you free was wrong.
It wasn’t going to repair the cracks in my naive heart.
It wasn’t going to caress my face with comforting hands and reassure me it was all just a dream.
No, the truth shoved me down a rabbit hole, and I landed in the lair of a real-life monster.


Fairy tales, those perfect happy endings, were indeed for suckers. Suckers who could very well wind up dead.

I’m going to keep it real with you all here and admit that I didn’t even bother to read the blurb before adding this book for two very simple reasons:
1. It’s Ella Fields. She writes it, I read it.
2. That cover. Don’t you judge me either! Tell me you didn’t want to lick it when you saw it. TELL ME!

But I digress as usual.

This book? Nothing like what I expected. It was like a dark and gritty take on Beauty and The Beast. It sucked me in with the prologue and kept me riveted to the pages until the end. I was on the edge of my seat with every twist and turn. You only thing you know what’s happening when the author takes a sudden u-turn and everything you thought you knew is left in ashes.

Benevolent tenderness oozed from his heart even as blood and violence tainted his soul.

This story truly breaks the mold to the typical romance formula. It’s nothing like I expected and it owned me from beginning to finish. I’m used to the fact that Ella Fields will always bring me out of my comfort zone as a reader, and she definitely didn’t disappoint here.

While I’d love to tell you exactly what this book is about, I’d be doing you a disservice. You need to experience this story blind. And that’s exactly what you’ll do; you’ll experience it. That blurb is vague and for good reason. That’s precisely how my review will be, too.

Jemima is a heroine that’s unique in her own right. She’s a little naive and a tender heart. She hasn’t really experienced heartbreak, deceit, or betrayal in her young age. But then a chance encounter tilts her entire world on it’s axis. You know the pivotal moment that comes with her choices, because you experience it with the prologue. But instead of putting you at ease because you know what’s coming, it does the exact opposite. The story lulls you into a false sense of security, as you wait for that other shoe to drop. You think you know how and when it happens, but you really don’t.

As for the other main character, or the anti-hero really? I’m not going to tell you much. But what I will say is that he’s one of the most magnetic and intense characters and you know next to nothing about him for the majority of the story. I was salivating for just the tiniest hint into the back void that is him. And this man is dark. There’s not much gray there, trust me.

Bloodstained Beauty was one deliciously gritty read. If you’re looking for a read that’s as unique as it is riveting, this is a must read!

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