Review: ★Verum★ by @Court_Writes

Author: Courtney Cole
Genre: New Adult; Dark Romantic Psychological Suspense
Release: February 2, 2015

The truth shall set you free.
My name is Calla Price and I’m drowning.

My new world is a dark, dark ocean and I’m being pulled under by secrets.

Can I trust anyone? I don’t know anymore.
The lies are spirals. They twist and turn, binding me with their thorns and serpentine tongues. And just when I think I have it figured out, everything is pulled out from under me.
I’m entangled in the darkness.
But the truth will set me free.
It’s just ahead of me, so close I can touch it. But even though it shines and glimmers, it has glistening fangs and I know it will shred me.
Are you scared?
I am.
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 Review5 stars

I’m unsafe.
And he has found me.
What a strange thought.
But then again, I’m a strange girl

I um stunned stupid. Utterly speechless. Blown the fuck away by this book. I can’t even describe to you what it did to me.

I was a fan of Courtney Cole before this series, but now? I’m convinced that the woman is an evil genius. I don’t even want to know what went on inside her head as she was writing it. But I can definitely tell you what went on inside mine…a whole lot of crazy.
Let’s touch on the biggest thing here: the writing. It is out of this world phenomenal. The way that Courtney paints a picture through her words makes you think you’re going crazy right along Calla. No joke. The utter vividness of the madness is something that jumps right out of the pages at you. I had goosebumps the entire second half of this book as I was reading it.
The truth is stark. 
The truth is hurtful.
I lay it out there, like flesh flayed open, like pink muscle, like blood.

Calla agrees to allow Dare to take her back to where it all started; Whitley. A place where Calla’s grandmother lives. A place where secrets are buried deep but are also bubbling to the surface of Calla’s mind. Confused? You should be.
They can’t get to me.
I won’t let them.
I don’t know them.
And I don’t want to.
While Nocte answered one question, only to leave us with a million worse, Verum is five times worse. There’s a secret that Calla is struggling to unearth from her mind. But her mind is still a fragile and broken thing. She knows that she’s in danger, but she doesn’t know from what…or from whom.

Dare is my heart, but Dare isn’t a light. He’s my darkness.

The entire book Courtney dangles this secret in front of you like a carrot. It was absolutely maddening. You’re left almost salivating and twitching to know what it is.

The truth will set us all free.

I know it feels like I’m giving you absolutely nothing, and that’s the only way to go into this book. Absolutely blind. You simply have to experience this madness right along with Calla.

He’s a weapon, armed for obliteration. And if I’m not careful the obliteration will be my own.
While Verum unearths quite a few dark secrets from the past, it will leave you with a thousand more questions.
I tend to be a very analytical reader. I will pick apart every detail trying to figure out a plot twist or a mystery as I read, and most often than not, I’m usually on point. It’s a rare thing where a book manages to take me by complete surprise. And Verum managed to do just that. I read it in one sitting. It’s just not a book you’ll be able to put down. You’ll be reading it with your heart in your throat feeling like you’re going mad until the very last page. And that, my friends, is where Courtney Cole manages to throw in a mother of all plot twists. As a matter of fact, I have a pretty good mental image of what I’m assuming she looked like as she was writing it…

Yeah. It was killer.
I absolutely cannot wait to see what she has in store for us in the conclusion of this mind-blowing trilogy.

Don’t miss the first book in the Nocte Trilogy…


Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Kick★ by @CarmenJAuthor

Author: Carmen Jenner
Release Date: January 26, 2015

When I was ten, my father indoctrinated me into the family.A brotherhood who would fight, protect, and give their lives for one another. A club whose ties ran thicker than blood, murkier than the dirt and grime that tainted my soul. Stronger than the bonds that connected me to my own family.

A band of brothers, where loyalty was kept and paid in a currency of blood.

When I was twenty-seven, I betrayed that brotherhood.

I’ve spent every day since running, avoiding paying back that debt.

My name is Daniel Johnson. I have betrayed everyone I ever loved.

And I’ll betray her too.

This is my story—if you’re screwed up enough to want to read it.

Warning: KICK contains graphic violence, profanity, drug use, and explicit sexual situations of a taboo nature. Intended for an 18+ audience only. Not intended for pussies.

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KICK Trailer

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4 stars

I’m not the hero in this story; I’m the motherfucking villain.

Are you easily offended? Do you like fluffy MC books with a touch of Disney? Do you like easily redeemable anti-heroes that even at their worst still have some sort of lightness to them? Well fuck that and your delicate fucking sensibilities! Because you sure as fuck are not going to find it here.

Kick is a brutal, gritty, unapologetic, and no-punches-pulled look at the underbelly of the violent and bloody world of the MC. The men of Savage Saints are not men that are going to make you swoon. These are men that you’ll find yourself thinking you should be rooting against, and yet you can’t help but feel an inexplicable connection to. They’re all utterly fucked up in their own ways, and in the midst of that is Daniel “Kick” Johnson; a recent Savage Saints member but no less fucked up than the rest of them.

Fans of the Sugartown series may remember Kick as Ethan’s old MC brother, but if you haven’t read it, no worries, you’ll get a hell of an introduction into his world here. Kick is an asshole of epic proportions, and I’m not just talking of the sexy asshole variety, I’m talking flat. out. asshole. Born to a a drug whore mother and an MC member father, he was indoctrinated into the life at just ten years old. He was forced to grow up fast and hard. Life spared no feelings for him, teaching him a lesson no man should ever learn in a way that he’ll never forget it…

Sometimes kindness is a far worse weapon than brutality…

He’s learned early on that there are no happy endings for him and not to get close to any woman long enough to let her rip his heart out.

I love the broken ones because for a brief second, in the heat of the moment, I can forget how fucked up I truly am inside. I can forget about the darkness that i crave. I can forget who I am and focus on someone else’s pain…


But then Kick’s already fucked up world gets twisted on it’s axis even more when he meets her. A woman that may be even more fucked up than any of the club whores that he’s been tangled up with in the past.

But before you go thinking this is a romance that’s centered around the MC life, think again. It’s nothing even remotely close to that. This is Kick’s story, and while it may be at times erotic, the romance is very much secondary, and it works. So if things like graphic sex with other women other than the one he ends up with bother you, well my delicate little friend, this book is sure as fuck not for you.

His dark eyes challenge, they dare me to run, but they also implore me to stay. It’s ironic that the only thing keeping me here, keeping me grounded, is the man who abducted me.

Most of the story is told in Kick’s POV but you do get glimpses inside Indie’s head every now and then. It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to really make you connect with her. Ultimately, though, the star of this story is Kick.

I don’t wanna fuckin’ need her. I don’t wanna need her. I never wanted to feel this shit, this helplessness again.

This is definitely not a book for the faint of heart. It’s violent and it’s fucking brutal. It will grip you by the throat and keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. It will also leave you reaching for that liquor cabinet at quite a few scenes.

Carmen truly brought the gritty fucked upedness with this book. And I for one enjoyed the fuck out of it. Speaking of ‘fucks’, this book had over 500 of them. Yes, I did a fucking ‘fuck’ count. My kindle actually lost fucking count. No joke. Carmen Jenner has managed to out-fuck my kindle. Ironically I DNFd a book last month for being riddled with what I found to be too many “fucks” for the sake of trying to be gritty and dark. That was not the case here. While my second 4 letter word makes quite a few appearances here, it never felt forced. It actually fit the story as a whole, and that says a lot. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that if lots of cussing offends you…

I kid. But also, this book is not for you.

She’s been through hell and she looks like a fuckin’ warrior. But if she’s a warrior, then what does that make me?
Warriors don’t need saviors.
Warriors save themselves.

I seriously enjoyed the hell out of this book. It was a non-stop, heart-pounding ride. It’s no small feat to take two completely fucked up characters and yet somehow make them work. Together. It’s also no small feat to take a character like Indie, with everything that she’s been through, and yet still give her a backbone of steel.

In short? This book was fucking awesome. And I can’t wait to see what else the evil genius mind of Carmen Jenner has in store for this series.

…because revenge is sweet. Until it isn’t.

Additional books by this author

Welcome to Sugartown 
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Enjoy Your Stay
Greetings from Sugartown
Welcome to Sugartown Website:


About the Author

Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY Best Selling Author, doctor, pilot and CIA agent. She’s also a compulsive, flagrant prevaricator who gets to make things up for a living.

While Sugartown may not technically exist, Carmen grew up in a small Australian town just like it, and just like her characters, she always longed for something more. They didn’t have an Elijah Cade, though.

If they did, you can be sure she would have never left.


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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★Second Debt★ by @PepperWinters

Second Debt by Pepper Winter is LIVE!
Read the dark & sexy continuation to Jethro & Nila’s Story!
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About The Book

“I tried to play a game. I tried to wield deceit as perfectly as the Hawks. But when I thought I was winning, I wasn’t. Jethro isn’t what he seems—he’s the master of duplicity. However, I refuse to let him annihilate me further.”
Nila Weaver has grown from naïve seamstress to full-blown fighter. Every humdrum object is her arsenal, and sex…sex is her greatest weapon of all.
She’s paid the First Debt. She’ll probably pay more.
But she has no intention of letting the Hawks win.
Jethro Hawk has found more than a worthy adversary in Nila—he’s found the woman who could destroy him. There’s a fine line between hatred and love, and an even finer path between fear and respect.
The fate of his house rests on his shoulders, but no matter how much ice lives inside his heart, Nila flames too bright to be extinguished.
4.5 stars

I wanted to be like him. I wanted to protect my secrets so damn well that whatever I did next would come as a surprise.
I wanted to rule him.

When Debt Inheritance came out, Pepper Winters introduced us to the cold, brutal, terrifyingly unfeeling Jethro Hawk. And with each new installment of this series she has been systematically chipping away at his armor to reveal more and more of the man that keeps hidden inside, behind the icy persona. In Second Debt, if you’re not convinced of his internal struggle that he’s been facing since he first laid eyes on Nila Weaver, then we haven’t been reading the same book.

And while Jethro’s steely reinforcements have been tumbling down, Nila has been busy building hers back up. When she comes face to face with the cold hard truth of her imminent future, she can no longer deny it. She knows what’s coming for her and she needs to accept it. She also has to accept the fact that the one man that she’s felt an unwilling connection to will also be the man that deals the death blow. She can’t possibly care for a monster. She needs to be just as cold and lethal as the rest of the Hawks.

I didn’t want food or water or shelter.
I didn’t need love or understanding or connection.
I wanted retribution.
I wanted justice.

But now the tables have turns, and it’s not only Nila that’s facing a danger. For years Jethro has been hiding a secret about who he is…what he is. A secret that just may cost him everything, including his life. It’s a secret that he’s been diligently keeping from everyone in his family. All but his sister Jasmine.

But ever since Nila Weaver has stepped into his life, his methods of keeping it secret no longer suffice. He yearns for her and knows that she may be the only cure to what he needs. Nila is no longer the naive woman that first stepped through the doors of the Hawk estate. She’s learned pain, she’s learned hatred, and she’s ready to taste revenge. But no matter how much she tells herself that Jethro should be at the center focus of her hate, she can’t deny the inexplicable connection that they’ve formed; a connection that he seems to feel just as much.

Our eyes locked with fury.
Then something happened.
Something switched.
Fury became desire.
Desire became insanity.
I couldn’t withstand the command.
“Fuck this.”
I kissed her.

Much like the installments before it, Second Debt is a book that will keep you at the edge of your seat the entire time. Pepper will leave you crying and begging for any new scraps of information that she deems worthy to throw your way. It’s as painful as it is engrossing. You’ll get some answers only to be left with even bigger questions.

What was this…this tether? How had she captured me so completely, and how the fuck did I sever it?
The deeper I fell into her, the worst it got.

Then comes that cliffhanger. I should be used to this by now, 3rd book in, right? Fucking wrong! That was freaking painful. This woman is the queen of giving you just enough while leaving you begging for more. It’s truly a skill, and I for one can’t wait to see what she has up her sleeve next

Series Reading Order

Debt Interitance (Indebted #1) ONLY $0.99

First Debt (Indebted #2)

Second Debt (Indebted #3) January 26th:
About the Author

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex… her books have sex.

She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

Her Dark Erotica books include:

Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)

Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)

Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3)

Her Grey Romance books include:



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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★The Untouchables★ by @JJMcAvoy

TheUntouchables Tour
The Untouchables
Ruthless People #2
Publication Date: January 22, 2015
Also in this series: Ruthless People
Genres: Contemporary, Dark, Romance
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Tour: The Untouchables by J.J. McAvoyBook 2 in the Ruthless People Trilogy.“One Secret. Multiple Casualties.”

Everything Melody Callahan has ever been told about her past is a lie. Her father lied. Her husband lied. But like all secrets…they come out. Not only is her mother, Aviela, alive but she won’t stop until she tears down everything Liam and Melody have spent the past year building.

With a new target on their back and the media now focused on their family as the Presidential election approaches, Liam and Melody must fight on two battlefronts. Melody is torn between being in love with Liam and wanting to kill him for lying to her. Being in love and showing love are two different things in her world. Liam wants to do anything to protect his family even if that means hurting the people he loves.

Family is everything… but what happens when they’re out for your blood? Everything they have been through is nothing compared to what is coming…

***Warning: This book contains adult language and subject matter including graphic violence and explict sex that may be disturbing for some readers. This book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.***

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The Untouchables Soundtrack
Read The Untouchables Prologue and Chapter One
3.5 stars
I was a Callahan. God help whoever stood in this family’s way. 

The Callahans are back and they’re as crazy as ever. Ruthless People was one of my favorite books from last year, but it’s definitely a book that’s either for you…or not. There’s not really a middle here. Melody and Liam are borderline psychotic, violent, ruthless, and their volatile relationship pretty much mirrors that. If the first book wasn’t your cuppa, I don’t suggest you read this one. If you were like me and found the first book entertaining for exactly what it was, then you definitely need to read this one.

We were all fakers; lying to people who were lying to themselves.

The Untouchables takes off immediately where Ruthless People ended; Liam finds out that Melody’s mother that everyone thought had died in the plane crash years ago is not only alive and well but is even more ruthless than her daughter and wants them all dead. He’s determined not to let Melody find out until he has more details, but Melody is just as determined to discover whatever it is that Liam is keeping from her.

All the motives for murder are covered by four Ls: Love, Lust, Lucre and Loathing.”
-P.D. James 

Of course nothing stays hidden long and when the queen B is pissed, heads start to roll. The truth about her mother turns out to be much more than her simply being alive and after Melody and her family. A long standing vendetta soon begins to become uncovered and the Callahans may be facing an enemy that is even more ruthless and dangerous than them.

I wasn’t sure what was coming, but I knew it was coming straight from hell. 

When Melody’s life is threatened, Liam is determined to protect her at whatever cost…even if he has to kill his own family members to do it. This is not a man to be messed with. Liam is as Liam was, quick tempered, violently overprotective, and always horny.

While Melody and Liam may still fight like they want to kill each other, the passion between them is just as fiery.

I was addicted to her.
She glared at me and I wanted her, she sneezed and I wanted her. She was everything… 

There was a lot, and I mean A LOT that happens here. Truth be told, it was almost too much for my puny brain at times. I think that had I read Ruthless People right before this and had all those details fresh in my mind, I would have enjoyed this a lot more. As I began to get further into the story I began to realize that I had forgotten some very pivotal details and the author doesn’t really ease you into that information here, more throws you right into the deep end. Now that’s not necessarily bad, because it may get redundant to have all these things repeated, but it did impact my enjoyment since I did forget. It was the smallest details too, like Declan being Liam’s cousin and not brother. At first I thought it came completely out of left field, but when I went back to re-read parts of Ruthless People, I realized this was something that was revealed a while ago.

Murder is like potato chips: you can’t stop with just one.
-Stephen King 

All that being said, the biggest reason for my lower rating was the POVs. There were a lot of them. I’m talking everyone and their mother had one. Literally. You had Liam, Melody, Declan, Olivia, Sedric, Neal, Coraline, and even 2 side characters that were the hired muscle. This is something that will either work for you or it won’t. Unfortunately, I fall into the latter. my puny brain just couldn’t keep up. Between trying to remember all the details from book 1 and then wrapping my head around everything that was happening here, it was taking me forever to read. I kept having to go back and re-read many parts simply because I would find myself lost. Now again, perhaps if Ruthless People was still fresh in my memory, I wouldn’t have had this issue, so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt.

This wasn’t a game. This was our fucking family, and nothing trumped family. 

My one quibble aside, this was still entertaining as fuck. Filled with murder and betrayal, mystery and suspense, this was a non-stop action packed ride. The question of who is the game changer that is currently pulling the strings and looking to overthrow the Callahans is something that remains a mystery until the very end. Then JJ hits you with a motherfucker of a cliffhanger. Luckily the wait for book 3 isn’t long, so my reaction wasn’t quite as stabby as it could have been haha.

I can’t wait to see how it all resolves. The stakes are certainly high and it’s bound to be one epic conclusion.



About The Book

J. J. McAvoy first started working on Ruthless People during a Morality and Ethics lecture her freshman year of college. X number of years later, she is an insomniac who has changed her major three times, and is a master in the art of procrastination. If you ask her why she began writing, she will simply tell you “They wanted to get their story out.”

She is currently working on her next novel . . . so please bug her on Twitter @JJMcAvoy

Review: ☆Two Roads☆ by @LiliStGermain1

Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers), Book Six

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The sixth book in the #1 iBooks bestselling Gypsy Brothers series.
Juliette and Jase may be out of Dornan’s immediate reach, but as tensions rise, will they end up walking right into the enemy’s trap?
Can Juliette forgive Jase for his devastating betrayal, or will it destroy everything they’ve been fighting for?
5 stars

I’ve left one prison, the one Dornan constructed for me, only to be trapped in one of my own making. The one in my mind that goes over and over and over again.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time! Every time! This sadist of an author leaves me tearing my hair out with a case of the feels ragey, screaming at the ceiling

And then I remind myself that I am completely and utterly addicted to this mindfuck of a serial. So I put on my big girl panties (while grumbling), suck it up (while crying), and patiently waiting (read: stalking author) for the next book.

After months of torture at the hands of the deranged Doran, Juliette is trying to deal with hitting her rock bottom. Scarred mentally and physically and dealing with the revelation of a betrayal she never expected from the one man that holds her heart, Juliette may be rescued from her past hell and thrown right into a brand new one.

Blood and death are all I have right now, the only things that tell me this is real and not some awful hallucination, a sign I’m here and not still stuck on that bed with that stupid music playing full blast in my ears.

As more and more information gets revealed, you find answers to questions only to form new ones.

My heart absolutely broke for both Juliette and Jase in this book. I will not tell you more than that, because just like the previous books, it’s best left to discover on your own by going in blind. But what I can tell you? You know how they say to never kick a person when they’re down? Well Lili St. Germain doesn’t subscribe to that particular newsletter. NOPE. Just as you’re hit with information that leaves you reeling, she will ram right over your ass with a mack truck, and then back up to run you over again.

Oh my holy HELL. The feels! The feels in this book are indescribable.

But don’t despair, because in the midst of all the despair, pain, and heartache, the author does at least throw a little bit of happy your way

Only to fucking rip it away from you in the last few pages!!!!!

This woman is the queen of torture with her cliffhangers. I swears. Every time I read one book, I think to myself, how much more fucked up can it get? And the answer? A whole fuck-of-a-lot more.

I need, have to have, MUST GET the next book NOW. So now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go die a little.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

Release Week Blitz, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Vanquish☆ by Pam Godwin

Warning: Graphic sex and violence. Age 18+ only

It is recommended to read after Deliver, but it can be read as a stand-alone.

Her life is like a prison cell.
A self-made, to-hell-with-the-free-world existence that locks from the inside.
Stop judging. Her agoraphobia doesn’t define her. It simply keeps her safe.

He belongs in a prison cell.
The 6×8, make-me-your-bitch variety that locks from the outside.
But he’s free. To hunt. To take. To break.
And he just found a sexy new toy.

Capturing her is the easy part. Her fucked-up mind, however, makes him question everything he does next.

But he’s a determined bastard. If all goes his way, this will hurt like hell.

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ExcerptHe stalked toward her, mirroring the tilt of her head, knees and shoulders loose, and his gaze holding her prisoner. A breath away, he paused, soaking in the subtleties of her tipped-up chin, parting lips, and glossy but resolute eyes. 

With the next breath, he launched, hands on her jaw, fingers spread around the back of her head.
His elbows dropped, shoulders raised, and he yanked her to him, lifting her on tiptoes, guiding her mouth, taking it. His grip twisted through her hair as he drew in her upper lip and shoved her against the fridge, following her with the weight of his body.
The kiss went fucking wild, their lips mashing in a frantic battle. His tongue plunged her mouth, attacking, thrusting in and out, possessing her movements, owning her. Breath for breath, lick after lick, he ate at her mouth, tasting, devouring.
He dropped his hands to her breasts, squeezing ruthlessly as he rolled his cock against her cunt.
His tongue tingled, his skin burned, and his head swam. God, she was a drug, and he was so fucking high.
She gripped his biceps, bit at his lips, and threw her arms over his shoulders, her fingers scratching the fuck out his back. He shuddered, loving it, but he was in control.
Reaching back, he grabbed her wrists and slammed them above her head. Their bodies ground together, his forearms pressing hers to the fridge, their tongues dancing and clashing. Chest-to-chest, hips fused together, he flexed his ass, dry humping her like a horny teenager.
Jesus, fuck, he didn’t care. He wanted her.
He leaned back to study her face and found strong smoldering eyes, sharp breaths, and swollen wet lips. Whatever she saw in his expression made her mouth chase his and her fingers curl around his hands. They kissed endlessly, fueling the fire and pushing his control long past the point of discomfort before pulling back and starting all over again.
When he broke the kiss with a hand on her jaw, they panted as one, mouths open and so close their bottom lips brushed. She peered at him through lowered lashes, and he stared back in awe. What trembled between them wasn’t an if? Or even a how hard? Those were foregone. The question they shared was simple.
Review-DGR4.5 stars

He was a cold-hearted fuck with an appetite for blood, come, and tears. And he had the perfect girl to feed it.

Can you take a cold, sadistic, and practically nonredeemable hero and not only feel for him but completely fall for him by the end of the book?

Can you take a heroine that’s so fucked up and insecure but make her come across as fierce and give her an inner core of strength that manages to shine through even during her darkest hours?

Can you take a relationship that by all intents and purposes begins as something that should be a horror story but make you understand it, feel it, and completely turn it around into something brighter by the end of the story?

For those of you that are curious if you can read this book if you haven’t read Deliver

That’s exactly what I did. As much as I adore Pam Godwin’s writing, I knew based on some details I’d gleaned from the first book that it just wasn’t my cuppa, so I decided to pass on it. But when I saw the cover read the blurb for this book? I knew this was not a book I’d be passing up in a million years. See I have this thing for the anti-heroes and the assholes. As in, the more fucked up they are, the more I love them. Messed up? Maybe. But fuck me if Van didn’t fit my requirement to the T.

He was a kidnapper, a rapist, and she ached to be repulsed by him, just to prove she was sane, but she could’t. And she wasn’t. His scarred beauty radiated seduction and danger, a deadly combination.

Now most people would probably spend the first half of this book conflicted. You’ll want to hate Van for what he does, or maybe you WILL hate Van for everything he does. Me? I gobbled it up like the starved little pervert that I am.

From the very beginning the author gives you little tidbits of insight of who Van really is; his childhood, his past, his scars…both internal and external. As a matter of fact she gives you just enough to make you almost feel for him in the first half. I was afraid that his almost obsession with Liv would make it so that Amber would feel more like his consolation prize. But luckily that’s not at all how it was. As a matter of fact, I though the author pulled this off flawlessly.

Vanquish begins immediately where Deliver took off; Van being shot by Liv but surviving. But just because Liv has a new life now, doesn’t mean that Van has let her go. Stalking is what he does best, so that’s what he does. He lurks in the shadows, watching her house and her new life with her new boyfriend all while plotting on how to get close to her to get what he wants; information. In his stalking under the shadows of what he thinks is an abandoned house, he inadvertently stumbles onto the owner and who he decides will be his new victim, Amber.

Now Amber was a character I was afraid I would hate at first. How would I sum her up? Fucked the fuck up. That probably does it. Yep.

She’s agoraphobic, OCD, with an eating disorder and self esteem issues to boot. Bitch got issues is what I’m trying to tell you here. But beneath all her problems, she had this understated strength and an almost fierceness to her. Sounds strange doesn’t it? But it’s very true. And as the story progresses, more and more of her personality shines through and you simply can’t help but like her. Van was definitely not immune either

My mother named me Van Quiso. You’ll refer to me as Master.

The first half of this book is no light read. Van is one sadistic and cruel fuck, and that certainly doesn’t go away the second he lays eyes on Amber. While you may get small peeks into the damaged soul of a boy that lurks beneath the scary and cold exterior, he doesn’t exactly endear you with his actions toward Amber.

But that’s also the thing that I liked. Pam Godwin managed to take one fucked up hero and make his transition into someone more endearing and softer in a believable way. It didn’t happen in the blink of an eye, and I appreciated that because that would have completely killed the book for me. His road to redemption was a slow and painful one. Considering his background, history and parentage, I couldn’t envision this any other way.

His journey to redemption was slow, but believable and oh so satisfying when it came. The author truly makes you understand the damaged child beneath the cruel man. As much as you want to hate him for his actions, you can’t help but also feel for him at the same time. At least I know I did.

Fuck him, but he wanted to be her security, her anchor, her fucking everything. Not as her captor but as her lover.

I absolutely loved the epilogue. What a perfect way to end the book. If you’re a fan of dark romance, this is not to be missed.

About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.


Other Books by Pam Godwin

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ARC Review: ☆Three Years☆ by @LiliStGermain1


**Please note this book is a dark romance and deals with serious themes.*

Every day for six years, I used to pray that I would find my way back to the boy I loved.
Until finally, one day, I did.
But that’s the funny thing about life. Nothing good ever lasts, not for me, anyway. You think you’re the one with the power, at least I did, but then I got careless. One tiny mistake, and now I am powerless to stop what comes next.
People think money equals power, but all the money in my bank account, the dirty notes laundered clean that my father left for me, are useless.
Money does not equal power. Power is held by the one with the knife in his hand, tracing shallow cuts into your skin.
Power is held by the one who owns you.
I had power once.
Now, I have nothing.
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Four sons dead before you even fucking noticed me.

Oh. My. GOD.
Oh. My. Feels.
Oh. My. Sanity.
Oh. Mylanta.

No really. I needed that shit after finishing this book with my throat in my stomach, my nails bit to shit and back, and the worse case of book caused indigestion EVAR!!!

Lili St Germain is a full time evil genius and a part time sadist. That is the only thing I have left to say about this series. This incredibly fucked up, addicting like crack series. Each time I think my mind has been fucked with enough and it can’t possibly get any worse?


The next book comes along and blows me away.

This is not a book for the faint of heart. This is not a book for the squeamish. And it sure as FUCK isn’t a book if you like your sleep. Because it will keep you up all night reading…in one sitting…utterly incapable of putting it down. PERIOD.

If you haven’t read the previous books, stop right now and read no further. While this review will be spoiler free for this book, it will contain spoilers from the previous 4. These are not books you can read out of order.

Four books it has all been leading up to this moment. This one moment that will grip you by the throat and not let go until the last page. You knew it was going to happen. You didn’t know when. And you certainly had no idea it would be THIS bad when it does happen. The storm was brewing, and now it’s here…

But I’m smarter than you, better than you, more DEPRAVED that you, little girl. You ventured into my playground and now I’ve got you in my web.


What do you get when you cross two vengeful beasts?
You get a war. And I’m the fucking winner.”

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, these books have become crack to me. I’m addicted and each time one ends I’m a twitching impatient mess just waiting to get my next fix.

This latest installment of the Gypsy Brothers serial was filled with pain, depravity, and enough twists and turns that you’re barely able to keep up. Think I’ll tell you more than that? Think again. You simply must read it.

But prepare yourself for a mindfuck of an ending. While I can’t say it was quite as bad as the one in the previous book, it was such a shocking twist and one I never in a million years saw coming. I guess such is the genius of Lili. She’s able to keep you guessing and never knowing which end is up. And if it makes me a fucked up mess of a reader for loving every minute of it? Well sign me up for the crazy train, because I cannot wait to see how it all ends.

But now to wait until Sept 28 for the next book?!!

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

Read it in order!

Welcome to Venice Beach, California. Home to the Gypsy Brothers motorcycle club.

: My Review
: My Review
: My Review
: My Review

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Gypsy Brothers series Spotlight, #Giveaway & Review: Four Score by @LiliStGermain1

Welcome to Venice Beach, California. Home to the Gypsy Brothers motorcycle club.
Confucius said, “Before embarking upon a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
I planned to dig seven.

Seven Sons
(Gypsy Brothers, #1)
Release Date: January 3, 2014
My father was most certainly NOT an innocent man. As the leader of the Gypsy Brothers MC, he was guilty of many things. But he died for a crime that he didn’t commit, framed by an enemy within who then stole his club and everything he had ever worked to protect.
Including my innocence.

When Dornan Ross framed my father, he set into motion a series of events that could never be undone. My father was murdered by Dornan Ross and his sons when I was fifteen years old.

Before my father died, Dornan Ross and his seven sons stole my innocence, branded my skin and in doing so, ensured that their lives would be prematurely cut short. That they would suffer.
I’ve just turned twenty-one, and I’m out for blood. I’m out for revenge.
But I didn’t expect to fall for Jase, the youngest brother in the club.
I didn’t expect that he would turn my world upside down, yank my heart out of my chest and ride away into the sunset with it.
Now, I’m faced with an impossible choice – Jase, or avenging my fathers death?

Six Brothers
(Gypsy Brothers, #2)
Release Date: February 16, 2014
I have lied.
I have cheated.
I have given my body and my life to the man who destroyed my family and left me for dead.
I have killed, I have sinned, and worst of all, I have enjoyed the misery of others.
I have licked the salty tears of a father mourning his firstborn son, and nothing has ever tasted so sweet.

I have died, and I have been resurrected, a phoenix from the ashes.

I know I’m going to hell. I’ll burn in the fiery pits alongside Dornan and his sons for the things I’ve done, and for the things I’m about to do.
But I don’t care. It will be worth every lick of the devils flames on my guilty flesh to destroy Dornan Ross.
One down, six to go.

Five Miles

(Gypsy Brothers, #3)
Release Date: March 31, 2014

My father taught me the importance of an eye for an eye—a cardinal rule, ingrained in every club member.

A life for a life.

Seven lives in payment for an unimaginable list of sins.

People might wonder why I’m doing this. If this vengeance is borne from some noble cause. If I’m trying to prevent others from suffering at the hands of Dornan Ross and his sons.

But I’m no selfless vigilante.

I’m doing this for me. I’m doing it because I want to.

I’m doing this because I just want to be able to sleep at night without seeing their faces.

This is the fate they have earned. The penance for their crimes.
Time to send some of these brothers off with a bang.

 Four Score
(Gypsy Brothers, #4)
Release Date: May 26, 2014
Love and hate aren’t all that different.

Two sides of the same coin, the yin and the yang.

Once upon a time, Jason Ross loved me. And now that he knows what I’ve done, I see the love and the hate warring within him.

I see the way he looks at me.

The way he wonders how I could do the things I’ve done.

I hear it in the way he begs me to stop, to leave this life and run away with him.

But there’s only one way I’m leaving LA.

And that’ll be when Dornan and the rest of his sons are dead and buried.

Jase might forgive me for what I’ve done.

But will he forgive me for the crimes I’m yet to commit?

Purchase the series here:
5 stars



If you haven’t read the first 3 books in the Gypsy Brothers series, STOP reading my review immediately. Although it will be a spoiler free review of this book, it will contain some MAJOR spoilers of the previous 3. What are you thinking even reading this? Honestly!

Now then, let’s move on to my ragey rant review, shall we?

That gif up here? That would have been me while reading this book yesterday. I was an emotional mess. You want to know what 16 chapters of anxiety feel like? Read this book!

3 books, over 3 months and many suspenseful and tension filled reading hours I’ve spent waiting for a certain secret of Sammi’s to finally come to light. I’ve been agonizing over when Jase will finally find out the truth. And then when he finally, FINALLY does in the end of book 3, it ends. Suffice it to say I was a little upset

Thankfully I got my hands on this book after weeks of waiting, and it delivered on every promise I was hoping it would.

Lili’s writing continues to not only blow me away, but get better with each new book. With each new chapter I get more and more sucked into Julliete’s plan of vengeance and heartbreak.

Honestly, to give you even a little bit of details from this book would spoil the experience of reading it, so I won’t even try. What I will tell you is Lili continues to trickle down information that effortlessly builds the whole picture. Things you may have questioned in the previous book receive answers in this one, yet still leaves you with more questions.

Then there was the endings. Holy mother of fucking cliffys!!

And by my room and processing it, I mean

So what’s next for Julz and Jason? Only the twisted mind of Lili St. Germain knows. What I know? I will be right here, slowly dying a little each day in my wait for book 5…on fucking JULY 26.


About the Author



Lili writes dark erotica and NA. Her debut serial novel, Seven Sons, is was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband, good coffee, hanging at the beach and running. She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.



love p


ARC Review: ☆Five Miles☆ by @LiliStGermain1

*Please note this book is dark romance and deals with serious themes including rape, violence and murder.* 

This story unfolds over seven volumes approx. 25 – 30,000 words each. 

My father taught me the importance of an eye for an eye—a cardinal rule, ingrained in every club member. 

A life for a life. 

Seven lives in payment for an unimaginable list of sins. 

People might wonder why I’m doing this. If this vengeance is borne from some noble cause, that I’m trying to prevent others from suffering at the hands of Dornan Ross and his sons. 

But I’m no vigilante. 

I’m doing it for me. I’m doing it because I want to. Because the look on Maxi and Chad’s faces when I killed them was a balm to my soul. 

This is the fate they have earned. The penance for their crimes. 

Two down, five to go. 

Time to send some of these brothers off with a bang. 

Five Miles is the third book in the Gypsy Brothers series. The series should be read in the following order: 

Seven Sons (Gypsy Brothers, #1) 
Six Brothers (Gypsy Brothers, #2) 
Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers, #3) 

Four Score, #4 in the Gypsy Brothers series, releases on May 26th, 2014

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Holy HOLY hell! Just as I think I know what to expect from this series, Lili goes and throws me a curve ball like this. Wow! This was the best book in the series so far and they only seem to get better and better with each book.

Now I have a confession to make. See I happen to have the attention span of a 3 year old. True story. Serials are typically my kryptonite since I almost always seem to grow bored by book 2 or 3. It’s a sickness really and seems that Lili St. Germain just happens to be my cure because her books have hooked me…line and sinker. If I wasn’t completely addicted to this series before, after this book I am practically salivating for more.

If you had questions about Sammi’s motives or reasons in the past 2 books, most of your questions will be answered here. Anything that left you hanging in book 1 is also brought to light.

Here’s the thing, if you’re at all like me, I bet you were thinking that this may be some of the same old, same old. You have 7 brothers, there’s 7 books, each book you have one die, and Five Miles will follow the same formulaic approach, right? WRONG. It’s like Lili saw into my head, that evil genius, and decided to take everything I thought I knew and blow it all to hell and back.

I will not give you a sum up of this book, I will not regurgitate the blurb back to you or any of those things. But what I will tell you, is prepare yourself for one hell of a ride.

I was on pins and needles the entire time I was reading this. It kept me at the edge of my seat, biting my nails in nervous anxiety, equal parts nervous to keep reading yet unable to put it down. With each book I fall more and more for Jase and understand Sammi just a little bit more.

But the one thing that I love about this series? Lili gives you an ending that has your practically panting for the next book without doing the obligatory cliffy. She gives you just enough yet not enough. It’s that sadistically perfect balance between a sneak peek of what’s to come without all the details to make you sure of it. GAWD but it’s awesome.

And the ending of this book had me raging in bittersweet pain. Everything I’ve been waiting for finally happens…yet not. It was perfect yet not enough. I’m addicted. Completely, totally, utterly hooked.

But don’t take my word for it, read for yourself and find out what I mean. This is one of those serials that I can’t recommend enough. Trust me, if you weren’t sold with the past 2 books, this one will seal the deal.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

Review: ☆Six Sons☆ by Lili St Germain

I have lied.

I have cheated.

I have given my body and my life to the man who destroyed my family and left me for dead.

I have killed, I have sinned, and worst of all, I have enjoyed the misery of others.

I have licked the salty tears of a father mourning his firstborn son, and nothing has ever tasted so sweet.

I have died, and I have been resurrected, a phoenix from the ashes.

I know I’m going to hell. I’ll burn in the fiery pits alongside Dornan and his sons for the things I’ve done, and for the things I’m about to do.

But I don’t care. It will be worth every lick of the devils flames on my guilty flesh to destroy Dornan Ross.

One down, six to go

Review4.5 stars

Well well well, Lilli St. Germain, you evil genius you. Just when I began to question whether or not I’m going to like what happens in book two, you hit me over the head with the two by four of your dark mind brilliance. Touche, madam. Touche. I am utterly hooked, line and sinker on this series and cannot wait to see what you have in store for the next installments.

If you questioned the sanity of Sammi’s plan from the previous book, rest assured because it is all coming together more and more with each book. All the questions you may have had in Seven Sons get addressed in this one.

Six Brothers starts off immediately where Seven Sons left off; with the blowback from Chad’s murder. So what can I tell you about this book without giving anything away?

Sammi is more kick-ass then ever. I gained a deeper understanding for the whys of what she is doing.

Dornan is even an ever crazier, sick and fucked up asshole. But he is also that much closer to being caught up in Sammi’s web of deceit.

I see through his control, into the blackness of his very soul. I see the scars I have left on his cold, dead heart, on the tiny part that has the capacity to care for his own offspring. A primal, human instinct that lives inside of him despite his hatred, despite his abject twistedness.

There is much more that gets revealed about the past and what happened to cause the devastating ripple effect of murder and pain 6 years ago.

Sammi and Jace will pull at your heart string even more

Be prepared to finish this book in one sitting and be left begging for more. Six Brothers grips you by your throat from the first chapter and will keep you at the edge of your seat until the last page.

Now if only I didn’t have to wait until March 30 for book 3.

***ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review***

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