New Release & Review: ★The Heart of It★ by @MollyOKwrites

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Novella
Author: Molly O’Keefe
Release Date: February 29, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


On the outside rich and successful Gabe Paterson has everything.

No one would guess the ghosts from his past are tearing him apart.

Desperate, he reaches out to Elena – a resilient call girl, with her own childhood scars – for help.

In their moments of honesty, the two forge the most surprising relationship of their lives.

But will they be brave enough to make it into something more?

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The Heart of It Graphic 3

Review4.5 starsThe heart of it-DGR

He was a bag of lies and half-truths and she was without counterfeit. There could have been a hundred women sitting at this bar and he would have only seen her and the brilliant truth of her.

Can you write a heartfelt and poignant story full of steam and emotion in under 70 pages? If you’re Molly O’Keefe not only can you, but you do it effortlessly. The Heart of It is a must read for any fans of this author. It’s captivating and erotic; full of feeling and emotion. It’s short but satisfying and yet still left me craving more; not because it was lacking, but because I just didn’t want it to end. I don’t believe I’ve ever rated a novella so highly in all my reading experience. Not only am I rating it for the wonderful story, but the mere fact that the author managed to pack in as much development and emotion as she did in these few short pages.

The characters are so well developed they practically leap from the pages. Considering the subject matter it touches on, I was blown away at just how much this author accomplished with just 67 pages. It’s a beautiful story of healing. A story of meeting that one person that finally changes everything. Elena and Gabe couldn’t be more different. Heck, they practically live on opposite ends of the world for all the differences between them. A high class escort and a successful author of children’s books that’s haunted by the demons of his past share an experience together that irrevocably changes them both.

Miss O’Keefe does an incredible job laying the foundation of a truly broken man for the readers. Gabe is no perfect in any means even while he may live the picture perfect life on the outside. He’s a man with a past that won’t let go of his present. He’s a man that hopes to find some solace in the arms of a beautiful escort if only for one night. I loved how endearing his imperfections came across. You can’t help but fall for him and want to heal all his emotional scars. He was this gentle giant that was just perfectly imperfect. Elena has scars of her own from the past, but she’s a heroine I connected with right away. She’s strong in an understated way. She doesn’t flaunt herself, but she owns her sexuality. Both of these characters were simply refreshing in their originality.

What a wonderful treat the author has written for her fans. I only wish it was longer.

If you haven’t read anything by Molly O’Keefe yet, but enjoy novellas by Cara McKenna and Anne Calhoun, this is an author you’ll want to check out. Trust me on that.

Blog Tour & Review: ★From Sanctum With Love★ by @authorlexiblake

Review-FSwLFrom Sanctum with Love
Series: Masters and Mercenaries #10
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: February 23, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2

FromSanctumWithLove_highres (1)

Psychologist Kai Ferguson has had his eye on Kori Williamson for a long time. His assistant is everything he’s ever wanted in a partner—smart, caring, witty, and a bit of a masochist. More than a little, actually, but that’s the problem. Kori won’t admit her own desires. She’s afraid of him and what he has to offer. Luckily for her, helping patients face their fears is one of his specialties.

Kori knows she wants Kai. Her boss is the most amazing man she’s ever met. She’s also smart enough to stay away from him. Having been down this road before, she knows it only leads to heartache. She’s just found a place where she can belong. Another failed relationship is the last thing she needs. It’s better to guard her heart and let Kai think she’s frightened of his dark, dominant nature.

When Kai is recruited for an operation with McKay-Taggart, everything is turned upside down. Kai’s brother, international superstar Jared Johns, is in town and Kai must juggle his family issues along with a desperate hunt for a serial killer. The investigation throws Kori and Kai together, and they quickly discover the chemistry between them is undeniable. But even if their newfound love can survive his secrets and her lies, it may not be enough to save them both from a killer’s twisted obsession.




Kori heard some movement and then felt the whoosh of air caress her skin right before something thin and hard thwacked against her flesh. A gasp made her chest pulse as pure fire licked over her backside.“This is a cane,” Kai explained. “It’s bamboo, nice and not too flexible. It leaves a mark if you apply enough force.” He brought it down on her again, this time on her thighs. Again, she struggled for breath. “Are you bored now, Kori?”

“No, Sir.” She barely managed to get the words out of her mouth.

“Excellent, then we’re making headway.” The cane came down again and again. “Where are we on the stoplight?”

“Green.” She didn’t even hesitate. The pain was doing its job, heating her up and making her soft. Each strike of the cane lit her up and then brought her back down, sinking deeper and deeper into that soft, fuzzy place of submission.

“Now we’re getting some truth.” He kept up his punishing pace. “She didn’t take her time trying to find a way out of what she didn’t want to say.”

“Why would she lie?” Jared asked.

“That’s a good question.” The blows continued, making her ache as Kai spoke. “I suspect she didn’t want anyone here to know that she’s a naughty masochist who can’t get off without a little bite of pain. Or a big one. She hasn’t accepted her nature. Or she has and expects that no one else will.”

“I accepted my nature a long time ago,” she managed to say.

The caning stopped and suddenly Kai’s boots were in view again. He dropped to one knee, that hard hand in her hair again. “Then tell me why.”

She couldn’t tell him. It was too much. “I’m yellow now, Kai. Don’t make me safe word out over an explanation I’m not ready to give.”

“Fine.” His hand moved from her hair down, skimming over her skin until his fingertips found her breast. Kai Ferguson was touching her breast. God, he was cupping her and she couldn’t breathe. “How about I put a scenario forth and you think about it for a few days. I think the reason you didn’t mention your utterly beautiful and sexy inclinations is me. You didn’t want me to know because you were perfectly aware that I’m the only one here who can possibly give you what you need. You knew that once I found out, I wouldn’t be able to help myself because you’re the only one who can do the same for me, baby. Do you know how fucking good I feel right now? How good this makes me feel?”

He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and twisted with a vicious bite that left her panting.

She squeezed her eyes closed because she couldn’t look at him, couldn’t see how beautiful he was. “It won’t work, Kai.”

Another nasty twist got her squirming. “It’s working right fucking now. Darling girl, your ass is up in the air and that means I can see how wet your pussy is. Tell me some other Dom here got you wet and ready.”

“You know I can’t.” She tugged at her restraints, but they didn’t move. The rope rubbed across her skin, keeping her here with him. She couldn’t run, and she had to admit she didn’t want to. She wanted this moment with him. Her pride might make her get up and stride away but every other part of her begged for what she’d denied herself for so long. He was the only man here who could give her what she needed. It wasn’t about who hit the hardest. Any of those other Doms could have adequately provided her with pain. She needed more. She needed connection, the ebb and flow of pain and pleasure coming from a man who was there with her.

Her dark shadow lover. Kai.

“I’m not the exhibitionist you are,” Kai admitted. “And that’s the only reason I’m not fucking you right now, but we’re going to have a long discussion in the morning about the way this needs to go. For tonight, I’m going to start the process that will allow you to remain friends with all those people you lied to. So you are going to give me everything I want. You’re going to cry for me. You’re going to let go and show them that you’ll cry for me.”

She shook her head. “You’re asking too much.”

“It’s cry or come, baby. One or the other, unless you want to find yourself in Big Tag’s office. Let me show him I can handle you.”

“I can’t. I haven’t done either in a very long time.” She hadn’t cried since leaving LA. She couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She hadn’t come either. Not a man-given orgasm. Her mind worked overtime. He wasn’t joking about getting called into Big Tag’s office. Whatever punishment Kai could come up with—nothing would touch Big Tag’s disapproval. They were all mad at her. It was enough to make her want to run away again.

Except it wasn’t that they wanted to see her humiliated. This punishment wasn’t about hurting her. It was about this group of people knowing that someone among them could take care of her. When she looked at it like that, it didn’t seem like punishment at all. It was about the Dominants giving a shit.

Morgan hadn’t cared when she’d lied to him. All he’d wanted was the next bit of work from her. After a while, he hadn’t cared about her finding subspace or her pent-up sexuality. He’d doled out the pain like it was bait for his trap. He would give her enough to ensure she stayed around and did what he needed her to do.

This wasn’t the same thing at all.

“I don’t want to cry in front of anyone, Kai.”

“Then let me show them you can let go in another way.”

Review4 starsFrom Sanctum with Love-DGR

He wanted to tie her up in ropes and contracts and legal bindings. He wanted to possess her, to own a piece of her soul and give her a part of his.

Lexi Blake’s romances are an addiction I never want a cure from. I don’t care how many books this woman writes in this series because I will read each and every single one of them with the fervor of a kid at a candy store for the very first time. Yes. They’re that good. Her Masters and Mercenaries has been my biggest addiction for years now. And with ten novels into the series, I still hope it never ends. Each book continues to be just as good if not better than the last; keeping me on the edge of my seat one minute, and uncomfortably squirming in it and fanning myself in the next. It’s the perfect combination of romance and suspense, espionage and action, all topped with sizzling hot BDSM that together makes for one unputdownable read.

After the events of Master No, there’s one book I’ve been practically salivating to get my hands on. But of course, Lexi being the sadist that she must truly be, she’ll just keep dangling that carrot in front of me for at least another book. And I’ll just keep frothing at the mouth for it like a rabid bunny because GIMME.

While this book was still as action packed and entertaining as it’s predecessors, it was also quite different too. Yes, the team of McKay-Taggart is still hunting the shadowy Collective and trying to find those responsible for the death of their two team members during the op that went to hell. But this is not the focus of this book. Instead you get the mystery of a serial killer all tied in with the story of the resident psychologist, Kai and his secretary, Kori. Admittedly, Kai never piqued my interest much in the previous books. Sure he raised a mild curiosity, but it wasn’t that I’ll-die-if-I-don’t-get-it-soon kind of need. But that certainly changed when I got a true sense of the delicious sadist that this man is at his very core.

Kori is a masochist that’s been hiding her true nature for years after a relationship almost cost her everything that she is. She knows who Kai is and what his kinks are, but she knows she can never show him her true self because he’ll demand nothing short of everything.

Are you afraid of me?”
Yes. She was terrified of him. He was everything she couldn’t have…

When an FBI investigation into a serial killer forces a movie star into their midst, things begin to get sticky. The fact that the movie star also happens to be Kai’s estranged brother certainly doesn’t help matters. The investigation throws Kori and Kai together and it’s not long before their desires get too much for either one of them to deny.

Tell me what you want from me…
Do you want a sweet lover?”
“No, Sir.”
“Do you want me to worship you with kisses and gentle caresses?”
“No, Kai. I don’t want that.”
“What do you want, sub?”
“I want you to hurt me.”

Kori and Kai together burned up the pages. I loved them as individual characters but I absolutely adored them as a couple. They may not have had a strong presence in the previous books, but they were still a dynamic couple in their own. Sadism isn’t typically my cuppa either, but something about just did it for me here. Possibly because Kai was such a great balance of loving and sweet with that demanding Dom persona with his sadistic urges.

While Kori is a true sub and masochist, emotionally she was one of the strongest heroines. I loved her sass and smart mouth. The girl could take hits and keep coming back swinging and I couldn’t get enough of her.

That prostitution-whore stuff can throw a girl off because she’s trying to figure out what the hell you just said. Like if I called you a skanky ho-bag who’s one step above assistant crack whore, you would try to figure out if I was calling you a slut or a prostitute. Mix it up. It throws people off.”
“You’re a bitch.
Kori sighed. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before. And now I’m bored again. Scurry off, sad woman, I’m not sure you’ve got something to do with your time.”

There’s a lot of things happening in this book and all of them tie together for quite a few twists. There’s a few secondary characters introduced that I’m hoping will be getting a book, and one that I already know will (and I’m itching to get my hands on). We also get some more Case and you get to meet the heroine for his book which certainly makes for an interesting combination. I can’t wait to see how that turns out. And of course there’s also Erin and you know who that I’m hoping will follow short after because I can’t take much longer for that.

From Sanctum With Love didn’t feel like it fit the series at first. I kept thinking maybe it should have been a novella as some of the others less dynamic couples from Sanctum have been. But the more I read, the more I understood the need for this book. It served as a powerful transition to quite a few plot twists, new character introductions and a great story of it’s own. I couldn’t stop reading it. And while I do wish it was Case or my beloved (view spoiler), I loved every single page of this. If you haven’t read this amazing series yet, I can’t recommend it enough. But do yourself a favor and read it in order, because while each book focuses on a different couple and their HEA, the story ARC continues throughout the series and you’d be missing out on the full effect of it by not reading it in order.
About the Author

NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.

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Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: ★Finding North★ by Carmen Jenner

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Finding North
Author: Carmen Jenner
Genre: Erotic Romance M/M
Release Date: February 25, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Finding North Ebook Cover

Red Maine’s blue-collared bad boy, North Underwood, has a dirty little secret—Will Tanner.

Friends since kindergarten, North had been the one to jump first, and his fall into Will’s bed ten years ago had been no exception. Will and North had been inseparable, but things change, people grow apart, and even a blazing flame can dwindle to a dying ember over time.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

After a run in with a bottle of Bundy rum, Will and North find themselves in a compromising and all too familiar position.

Blurred lines, bad decisions, and one wrong foot after another lead these two down a spiral of sarcasm, secrets, and sex, but when North’s hetero status is called into question he can’t figure up from down. And despite Will telling himself he wouldn’t fall again, he’s head over heels and wandering without a compass. 

Love is love.

Love is truth.

Love … shouldn’t be this damn hard to figure out.

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Finding North Teaser 7


“Relax, Will,” he says, smoothing my cheek with his thumb. “Don’t you want to know what it feels like?”

I swallow hard, and close my eyes. If only he knew. If only he had some idea of how long I’ve wanted this.


I shove my hands against his chest. He stumbles back and catches himself before he can lose his footing. I take a step towards the door and find myself thrust up against it. North clutches my arm, and twists it painfully behind my back.

“I know what you want, Will, and I know it isn’t pussy. It’s cock,” he whispers the last in my ear, sending a shudder down my spine.

I shake my head and whimper, “No.”

“Yes.” His hot breath on my neck sends all my senses into overdrive, making me fucking crazy. I grind my erection against the door and moan, desperate to relieve the ache. “Let me do this, and you’ll know for sure.”

“Know what?” I hiss, struggling. He grasps the nape of my neck and holds me in place, my cheek firmly pressed against the wood.

“You’ll know if that’s what you are.” North buries his face in my neck and licks the salt from my skin. “And you can finally stop torturing yourself.”

Finding North Teaser 5Book Trailer 1
Review3.5 starsFinding North-DGR

Once, North tore my whole world apart. I promised myself I’d never fall again. Turns out I lied.

Being a huge Carmen Jenner fan, when I saw she’s coming out with an MM romance, I didn’t even bat an eyelash before adding this beauty to my shelves. And when it landed on my kindle? I devoured it in one sitting…though with much fidgeting involved because holy hot sex scenes! My ovaries got a hell of a work out is all I can tell you, because if there’s one thing this woman can write, it’s one extremely hot sex scene. Finding North certainly didn’t lack in steam, but it also packed on emotion and angst all tied together in a steamy GFY set up that I absolutely enjoyed the hell out of.

North was my childhood. My first love. But he’s nothing to me now. We’re nothing.

North and Will grew up together and were the best of friends until one day everything changed. Now twelve years later all they have between them is regret, longing, and resentment. Will is openly gay in a small Australian town where they’re not exactly excepting of that sort of thing. But with his father being the owner of the town’s lone watering hole where he bartends, they mainly ignore it for the booze they come to him for.

North is one of his regulars, and while there was a time where they were inseparable, now isn’t one of them. North is the town’s manwhore, screwing every available woman in sight and drinking his feelings aways. But while North may act like a randy heterosexual, he harbors a dirty secret…feelings for his best friend.

Will is my home; he always has been. It just took me a fucking long time to see it.

Finding North is told in both Will and North’s POV, jumping smoothly from present to past. It slowly unveils the events that led to the demise of their friendship while moving their relationship forward in the present. This is also where I found myself wishing for a little bit more. While I loved the story and the characters, I felt that the story could have used a 100 more pages. I wish it delved deeper into their past. I wished that their friendship was more fleshed out before that one fateful night that changed everything. I had also hoped for just a bit more development on North’s childhood. It would have strongly aided the story and helped the reader build an even bigger connection with an already endearing character.

Don’t get me wrong, while the book is on the shorter end, I did feel a connection to both North and Will. It managed to pack in quite a lot of emotion and angst which I absolutely loved. I especially loved Will and seeing his relationship with North change. It was refreshing to see a character truly struggle with his sexuality as North did. There was no black and white with his feelings. He struggled with them and putting a label on it, which just made him very authentic in my eyes. But again, had his character been more fleshed out, it would have taken this story from the very solid 3.5 to a 5 star easily.

I couldn’t help but feel I was thrown right into the deep waters that was the relationship between North and Will, but I would have loved to spend some time in the shallow end first. Maybe get more of their past or how their friendship developed.

That aside, Finding North is still a fantastic read. It had just the right amount of steam mixed in with an emotionally charged story. Will and North were incredibly hot together, so could you really blame me for wishing I had more time with them?

If you’re looking for a sexy and angsty GFY to spend an afternoon with, this book is a no brainer. Carmen Jenner knows how to write one unputdownable book and this was certainly no exception. While it may not have been the length I would have loved (I’m greedy like that with Carmen’s books), it definitely didn’t lack in depth. A huge rec for any lovers of steamy MM romance!

About the AuthorCarmen JennerCarmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY and international bestselling author of the Sugartown, Savage Saints, and Taint series.

Her dark romance, KICK (Savage Saints MC #1), won Best Dark Romance Read in the Reader’s Choice Awards at RWDU 2015.

A tattoo enthusiast, hardcore MAC addict and zombie fangirl, Carmen lives on the sunny north coast of New South Wales, Australia, where she spends her time indoors wrangling her two wildling children, a dog named Pikelet, and her very own man-child. 

A romantic at heart, Carmen strives to give her characters the HEA they deserve, but not before ruining their lives completely first … because what’s a happily ever after without a little torture?

Welcome to Sugartown (Sugartown Series #1)

Enjoy Your Stay (Sugartown Series #2)

Greetings from Sugartown (Sugartown Series #3)

Now Leaving Sugartown (Sugartown Series #4)

REVELRY (Taint #1)

KICK (Savage Saints MC #1)

TANK (Savage Saints MC #2)

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Review: ★Fighting Dirty★ by Lori Foster

Review-Fighting DirtyFighting Dirty
Series: Ultimate #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Lori Foster
Release Date: March 1, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


He’s the hottest MMA fighter in the game, but one woman is ready to try out a few steamy moves of her own in an unforgettable new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster 

With the life he’s led and the muscles he’s gained, Armie Jacobson isn’t afraid of anything. Except maybe Merissa Colter’s effect on him. It’s not just that she’s his best friend’s little sister. Fact is, she deserves better. Women pursue him for one night of pleasure, and that’s all he wants to offer. Until rescuing Merissa from a robbery leads to the most erotic encounter of his life.

Good girl meets bad boy. It’s a story that rarely ends well. But Merissa is taking matters into her own hands. No matter how he views himself, the Armie she knows is brave, honorable and completely loyal. And as past demons and present-day danger collide, they’re both about to learn what’s truly worth fighting for…



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Review: ★The Rules★ by Elizabeth Brown

Review-The RulesThe Rules
Series: Off-Limits #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: Elizabeth Brown
Release Date: February 2, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


An older-brother’s-best-friend romance

When you’re a guy, the rules are simple. Live by the Bro Code:
Rule #1: Always have his back.
Rule #2: Don’t ever leave him stranded.
Rule #3: Never, ever, touch his sister.

Aw, hell. Two out of three ain’t bad.
Warning: This story contains mature humor, a lot of cursing, and of course, sexual situations. It’s intended for adult readers who enjoy that kind of thing.


Lambo and Ainsley’s story.
Dual POV with no cliffhanger.
Book 2 in The Off-Limits series. Standalone- but you’ll enjoy it more if you read Book 1.


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New Release & Review: ★Fade Into You★ by @TracyWolff

Review-Fade Into YouFade into You
Series: Shaken Dirty #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tracy Wolff
Release Date: February 15, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

She’s one addiction he can’t resist.

Wyatt Jennings has been called a lot of things by the media. Bad-boy rocker. Intense drummer. Addict.

Finally out of rehab and desperate for a fresh start, Wyatt rejoins his mega-platinum rock band Shaken Dirty as they prepare for their world tour. But Wyatt’s demons are never far behind, always nipping at his heels for one. More. Fix.

Enter Poppy Germaine, the band’s new social media consultant. A beautiful bombshell who somehow manages to get underneath Wyatt’s skin, Poppy’s an addiction Wyatt can get behind. And even though she’s with the label—and therefore off-limits—he craves her. Needs her.

Except Poppy isn’t actually a social media consultant. She’s the daughter of the label’s CEO, sent undercover to babysit Wyatt and keep him from falling off the wagon again. Proving herself to her father is Poppy’s only goal—until she finds herself in Wyatt’s bed. But if Wyatt discovers the truth, it could send him spiraling all over again…

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Review: ★Taking The Score★ by @KittyMeader

Review-Taking The ScoreTaking the Score
Series: Tall, Dark, and Texan #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kate Meader
Release Date: February 15, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

His office temptation is now his full-blown fantasy…

Paying down her sister’s debts has left personal assistant Emma Strickland with little more than the thrift store suit on her back. And as if the suckfest couldn’t get worse, she’s forced to get a second job as a waitress to support herself and her cat. At a strip club. Her uptight, sexy-as-hell boss Brody Kane can never find out.

Texas property tycoon Brody Kane hired Emma for her spreadsheet skills, but her prim and proper demeanor sealed the deal. There’s no room in his life for a sexy distraction…and yet, he can’t stop lusting after the delicious Ms. Strickland.

But then he takes an important client to a Chicago strip club and gets the worst lap dance in adult entertainment history. From Emma.

Now that he knows his office good girl has a naughty streak, Brody makes it his mission to uncover her secrets, one illicit, over-the-desk encounter at a time. But Emma is hiding more than her side job, and her final secret could end up destroying them both.

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Review: ★Taking Fire★ by Cindy Gerard

Review-Taking FireTaking Fire
Series: One-Eyed Jacks #4
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Author: Cindy Gerard
Release Date: February 23, 2015add-to-goodreads-button-2


Betrayal. Retribution. Redemption?

Six years ago, tough-as-nails military contractor Bobby Taggart met the woman of his dreams in war-torn Kabul—a sexy, whip-smart war correspondent who approached him at a local bar, took him to bed, made him fall in love…and then mysteriously disappeared. In her wake, the terrorist leader he’d been mining for valuable intel was assassinated—then Bobby discovered his phone had been bugged. And he’s pretty damn sure he’s been played for a fool.

Now, a covert security mission for the U.S. Embassy in Oman unexpectedly reunites him with Talia Levine, the woman who betrayed him and broke his heart. And there’s one more secret she hasn’t told him—one that will change his world. But as the heat of anger mixes with a still-simmering passion, dangerous forces close in, their sights set on Talia. Trust is the only way they will survive—but with their lives in the balance, can Bobby risk trusting her again?


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Review: ★Jockblocked★ by Jen Frederick

Series: Gridiron #2
Genre: New Adult Romance
Author: Jen Frederick
Release Date: February 10, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


She’s always played it safe…

College junior Lucy Washington abides by one rule—avoid risk at all costs. She’s cautious in every aspect of her life, from her health, to her mock trial team, to the boring guys she dates. When a brash, gorgeous jock walks into the campus coffeeshop and turns his flirt on, Lucy is stunned by the force of attraction. For the first time ever, she’s willing to step out of her comfort zone, but can she really trust the guy who’s determined to sweep her off her feet?

He’s always played around…

Entering his last year of college eligibility, linebacker Matthew “Matty” Iverson has the team captaincy in his sights. And it’s his for the taking, if he can convince his quarterback Ace Anderson to give up the starting position. Luckily, Matty already has an edge—the hottie he’s lusting over just happens to be Ace’s childhood best friend. Getting Lucy on his side and in his bed? Hell yeah. Matty is more than confident he can have both, but when he falls hard for Lucy, it’s time for a new game plan: convince the woman of his dreams that she’s not sleeping with the enemy.

Buy LinksAmazon | B&N | Kobo | Google Play | iBooks

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Review: ★Dare to Run★ by Jen McLaughlin

Review-DareToRunDare to Run
Series: The Sons of Steel Row #1
Author: Jen McLaughlin
Release Date: February 2, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

dare to run comps_final.indd

The New York times bestselling author of the Out of Line Novels takes readers to Boston where one gang of criminals knows how being bad can be so good…
She knows what he’s like on Boston’s mean streets. Now she’s going to find out if he’s got some heart.

Lucas Donahue is not ashamed of his criminal past, but after a brief stint in prison, he’s ready to go legit and live a normal life. The problem is, no one leaves the gang without permission—even if he is one of the boss’s top men. Plus someone’s placed a hit on him. And then there’s that feisty little bartender who’s going to cause him even more trouble.

Heidi Greene knows to keep her distance from a ladies’ man like Lucas—even if she can’t keep her eyes off him. When he rescues her from an attack in the alley outside her bar, she’s forced to stay by his side for safety. But the longer she spends time with him, the greater her chances are for getting hurt in more ways than one.


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