Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: ★Devil’s Kiss★ by Ella Frank

Series: Sunset Cove #2
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Author: Ella Frank
Release Date: May 24, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


What do you do when the one you least expect to matter…

Ends up mattering the most?

Derek Pearson likes to think he’s an easygoing guy. Uncomplicated, upfront, and unapologetic with what he wants. His what you see is what you get attitude is on prominent display for anyone who cares to look, and his foul mouth is right there to back it up should you miss the point.

However, what you see isn’t always what you get, and only a select few have ever glimpsed the real man under the brash exterior.

Among them? Professor Jordan Devaney. Complicated, high-maintenance, and vibrant, he’s Derek’s opposite in every way. From the moment they saw each other, a love-hate relationship began.

But what happens when one person wants more?





Ella Frank

Copyright © 2016 Ella Frank

* * * *


Present Day

DEREK PEARSON PUSHED open the door of Leighton, Finley & Associates, and stepped out on the paved sidewalk. It was the first day of August, and if the sweltering Floridian sun was any indication, today was going to be hotter than hell’s waiting room.

As he strolled toward the curb, he pulled a pack of Marlboros from the pocket of his shorts and flipped open the top. He needed a fucking cigarette after watching Daniel Finley and his damn professor get all sappy and shit. That was gonna get old real quick if he had to stomach their nauseating displays of I love yous longer than the fifteen minutes he’d been in there. But he’d known he had to make an appearance sooner or later; otherwise Danny boy would’ve shown up asking questions. Questions he wasn’t ready to answer.

There’d been a reason he hadn’t come around to see Finn when he first moved back from Chicago two months ago, but it wasn’t something he was in the mood to talk about yet, even if he was one of the two people on the planet who would get all the shit he’d been dealing with.

Yeah… He just wasn’t ready to go there.

With a smoke between his lips, he lit up, then shoved the pack back in his shorts. He was so damn antsy lately, and for that he could thank his brother, Alan.

He walked around to the side of his Jeep and pulled open the door. After climbing inside, he grabbed his cell phone and stared at the dark screen, contemplating his next move.

Am I really planning to do this?

Fuck, it seemed that he was, even when he knew better.

If he did this, it would be nothing more than a Band-Aid over the real problem. A shot to numb the more painful issues he was dealing with right now. He would be slipping back into a pattern he had pulled himself out of. An addiction he’d broken free from. But he was also aware that if he didn’t do it, the alternative would be to spiral out of control, and solitude was no longer helping his fucked-up nerves.

He brought the phone to his ear and waited. The phone rang and rang, and fucking rang, until he was close to hanging up—and then it connected.

“You free?” were the only two words out of his mouth. He waited, not caring to pursue small talk. That wasn’t what this was about. All he cared about in that moment was getting what he needed.

When an affirmative came through the phone, he hung up, tossed it on the dashboard, and brought the Jeep to life. As he sped across town, he white-knuckled the steering wheel and didn’t allow himself to think about the consequences of what he was about to do.

It took him less than ten minutes to pull into the underground parking garage of The Palisades and take the elevator up to where his drug of choice waited for him. He glanced up into the camera in the corner of his metallic confines and stared boldly into the face of the one who was waiting at the other end of this ride.

Yeah, he was about to fall off the fucking wagon big time. Was about to slide back into the one place he promised himself he wouldn’t go again. Yet as the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened, there was no denying this was exactly what he wanted.

“I have thirty minutes,” were the words that greeted him.

Derek walked off the elevator and over to the naked man waiting for him. He took the haughty chin between his thumb and forefinger and promised in a voice thick with arousal, “I only need ten. Take me to your room, Jordan. Time’s a wasting.”


Review3.5 starsDevil's Kiss-DGR

Most days he was convinced that Jordan was the devil. A beautiful seduction put in his path to offer salvation at the cost of one thing- his soul.

If there’s one thing that Miss Ella Frank can write, it’s a smokin’ hot MM romance. No, truly. The woman may be a genre chameleon, but there’s just something about her MM that hits me just right…in both ovaries. True story.

Ever since I read Finley, I’ve been itching to get my hands on Derek and Posh Spice aka Jordan’s story. The hate lust vibes were strong with these two in the previous book. So much so, that you just knew something big must have happened between them to make it so. And I for one was ready to part with an ovary to find out what that something was. What? I never said patience was a virtue of mine.

For those of you that are used to mainstream MM, this will be a touch different. Jordan Devaney is an incredibly endearing character, but an ‘alpha’ alpha he is not. He’s charismatic, a touch flamboyant, fun loving and just one of those characters that leaps off of the pages at you. I adored him. He’s the perfect balance to Derek’s uber brooding, tatted and tortured alpha ways. And boy are you in for a surprise when it comes to how things play out between them…in bed and out.

Derek’s size and pissy attitude was like a bright neon warning sign flashing: Danger. Danger. And it was like a rush of blood to his head, and not the one on his shoulders.

The relationship between them is a slow burn and begins just around the time of Finn and Brantley’s, when Derek is in college and Jordan happens to be his new professor; spanning 11 years. And while there’s a touch of similarity there between the two books, that’s where it also ends. Because while Finn and Brantley begin seeing each other then, Derek and Jordan do not. Their “relationship” may start then, but they don’t give into the pull between them until Derek is graduated. This is also where the book began to lose me. The time jumps tend to be a hit or miss for me, and in the case here, it was a bit of a miss. It left me feelings like parts of the story were missing. A chapter would end and then it would jump to two years later and picks up there where the other chapter left off. While I can understand that Derek and Jordan could go 2 years without seeing or interacting with each other, I’m not sure if the time jumps worked to an advantage in order to build on their relationship. I felt like I was missing chunks of the story; left wondering what else took place during those years. Did they not see each other at all? Did they date other people? Did they think about each other? I would have rather if perhaps they just meet during Derek’s college years and then start their relationship in present day. As it was, all the time jumps through the 11 years just didn’t do much for me.

Thank you for picking up.”
“You’re welcome. But I haven’t done anything.”
“You answered. That’s everything to someone with nothing.”

I fell hard for Derek’s character. It’s impossible not to. Everything about the man worked for me. Alas, as much as I loved Jordan’s humorous 180 to Derek’s brooding, he was a source of frustration for me for a good chunk of the book. While Derek’s character was extremely multi layered, I didn’t feel that I had enough about Jordan to make me understand some of the decisions he made when it came to their relationship. He was the one that kept Derek at arm’s length (romantically) for much of the book, and I felt like there was no good reason why for me to connect to it. When Derek was still in college, sure. But then later? It just fell flat for me.  I needed a better reason…especially after their first night together.

Ella Frank is a true talent and she can spin one hell of a story. I have a feeling that most will enjoy this wonderful romance. While it may not have been the 5 star that Finley was for me, it was still a highly enjoyable read. I did love these two characters even if they did frustrate me to the point of hair pulling at times. Ella has created a fantastic wold with her Sunset Cove series and I hope she’ll continue with more books. There’s a certain someone introduced in this book that I’m already craving a book for. Ultimately, Devil’s Kiss was an enjoyable read that although didn’t quite tick all of my boxes for me, I’d still enthusiastically recommend to any lovers of steamy MM romance.


DON’T MISS FINLEY, BOOK 1 IN THE SUNSET COVE SERIESFinley-EllaFrank-CustomDesign-JayAheer2016-WM-Ebook-finalimageGOODREADS | AMAZON

About the Author

IMG_2570Ella Frank is the author of the #1 Bestselling Temptation series, including Try, Take, and Trust. Her Exquisite series has been praised as “scorching hot!” and “enticingly sexy!”

A life-long fan of the romance genre, Ella writes contemporary and erotic fiction and lives with her husband in Portland, OR.  You can reach her on the web at and on Facebook at

Some of her favorite authors include Tiffany Reisz, Kresley Cole, Riley Hart, J.R. Ward, Erika Wilde, Gena Showalter, and Carly Philips.

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New Release & Review: ★Game Player★ by B.J. Harvey

Series: Game #2
Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Comedy
Author: B.J. Harvey
Release Date: May 26, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match. This time it is Zach and Danika’s turn.

I’m a gamer by nature and by profession. I’m all about strategy, performance, and coming out on top.

Five months ago I threw caution to the wind, and in the first miscalculated step of my twenty-one-year life, I made a move on my brother’s best friend.

The first mistake we made was keeping our relationship secret. The next was going off half-cocked when a train wreck of epic proportions hit us.

Now our secret is secret no more. As I struggle to deal with all of the swirling emotions, conflicted feelings, and the multitude of burned bridges that I need to mend, the one person who can help me through it all is the same man I need space from.

To fix it I’ll have to pull on my big-girl panties, focus on what I truly want in life, and put everything I have into winning the most important game I’ll ever play.

Life is a game, and it is what you make it.

Coming out unscathed is a whole other matter.

Buy LinksAMAZONReview3.5 starsGame Maker-DGR

Distance has never worked. Denial hasn’t either. Nothing has ever dimmed the way I feel- and have always felt- whenever I’m around him.

If steamy, feel-good rom coms that are light on the angst and heavy on the swoons are your thing, then B.J. Harvey’s Game series is your holy grail. Game Player was my first book by this author and I was absolutely hooked. Her brand of humor just clicked with me and I knew she had an insta-fan in me.

I’m a sucker for a older brother’s best friend trope, and when I read the blurb for this book, there wasn’t a doubt that I’d be jumping at the chance to meet it.

Danika Roberts is the youngest sibling in her family. She’s an adorably endearing ‘nerd’ that you can’t help but love from the very first page. As the youngest in her family, her brother Zander, who practically raised her, is understandably uber protective of her. Unfortunately for Danika, the object of her fantasies has been and always will be Zander’s best friend and fire fighter, Zach Cooper.

I present to you Zach Cooper Eau de Parfum. Lady boner guaranteed or your money back.

Zach was a refreshing change of pace for me that I absolutely adored. It’s not often you read about a man that actually wants a relationship. Everything that came out of his mouth had me swooning like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert. Swear to god. The man was utter perfection.

As for the story, it was just one of those light and easy reads that simply hits the spot. There’s no internal drama. These two have been hiding feelings from each other for years, and when they do give into it, there’s no question. The light angst comes from an outside factor of Zander and not knowing how to tell him that they’re together. It’s steamy, quirky, and just one of those feel good sort of reads that is perfect to spend a weekend afternoon with.

This was the risk I took when I kissed you back then. The risk I’ve been taking every minute of every day since then while falling in love with you, and the very reason why I’ll risk everything with everyone to have you now”

While Zach and Danika acknowledge their feelings towards each other from the very beginning, I appreciated that the author didn’t throw them into bed together straight away. There’s a bit of a slow burn with that and personally I would have loved more of one. I think for my personal tastes, I would have liked a little of them from the years when Danika moved back to Chicago. I would have loved the added burn and tension between them before they acknowledge it. As it was, it read a little…too easy for me.

This book is so much more than just the romance between Dani and Zach. All the family members and friends make an appearance and I really loved that too. I’ll admit I was little bored with the lack of tension or angst at times, but that’s just my own personal reading taste. B.J. is certainly an author that can write one heck of a rom com and she’ll continue to be my go to for a light and humorous romance. Don’t let my three star fool you. I may be stingy with my stars, but this was definitely a book I’d recommend to any romance lovers…especially if you’re sick of angsty set ups with internal drama and manwhore heroes. Zach will certainly hit the spot just right for you. 😉


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Review: ★The Ending I Want★ by Samantha Towle

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Samantha Towle
Release Date: May 10, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Taylor Shaw had the perfect life—until she was sixteen. That was when everything changed. From that moment on, life went from bad to worse…to the worst.
After recovering from a brain tumor, months later, she suffers the tragic loss of her whole family.
Since that fateful day, she’s been coasting through life.

Now, the brain tumor has returned, and Taylor decides she’s had enough. She’s going to take her fate into her own hands.
No more hospitals. No more surgeries. No more anything.
She’s going to join her family.
It’s her decision.
What she longs for.
The ending she wants.

She just has a list of things to do before she goes.
First, go to England.
Second, kiss a stranger…

Only, Taylor didn’t expect Liam Hunter, the stranger—with his handsome face, his six-foot-three of gorgeousness, and his oh-so-hot English accent—to change things.
To change her.
To change the ending she wanted.

What is a girl, who is standing on the edge of nothing, to do when offered the chance of everything?

Buy LinksAmazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | iTunes |KoboReview2.5 starsThe Ending I want-DGR

Recently, I’ve found myself wishing for a lot of things. Things I have no right to wish for. But the heart can be a selfish and foolish thing. And mine is certainly both.

I have been sitting here for days trying to figure out how to rate this book. I adore Samantha Towle’s books. The Mighty Storm is still one of my all times favorites. When I first read the blurb to The Ending I Want, I knew I had to read it. It sounded like exactly the highly emotional reads I love that would tug at every heartstring. Unfortunately, that’s not quite what I got and what I had to sit and think on is expectation vs. reality. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it wasn’t just reality not living up to expectations for me, it was my lack of connection with the characters and their story that ultimately brought my rating down. So what do I rate it? Ultimately I had to go with a 2.5 because it just didn’t feel like a full 3 stars for me because aside from the first 15% and final 20%, I felt no emotional connection to the story whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it. Not by any means. But I didn’t quite like it either. I had to push myself to finish, and that’s what my rating reflects.

You’re mine, Boston, in every way that matters,” he whispers.

I loved the first 15%. The buildup, the chemistry between the characters, and then it progressively began to lose steam for me. The H and h connection was super quick, but still believable. I applaud the author in pulling that off because it’s not easy considering they get together pretty much right away.

I struggled with my connection to both Taylor and unfortunately even Liam. Taylor just never clicked for me. I didn’t buy her reason for choosing to die. I wanted to feel her reasons and never did. This holds especially true with the decision she made at the end because it just didn’t add up with what she kept saying for the entire book. I didn’t buy it. It felt….dare I say…shallow. There’s quite a bit of sex that happens in the book and ultimately it began to take away from the possible emotion it could have had. 15-20% the characters spend going on dates and having sex and I just wanted more. I wanted to feel Taylor’s plight. I wanted the emotion, the angst. And yet it never came. Not really.

Liam was incredibly sexy and enigmatic, but I struggled even with him. As much as I hate to use the word cliche, at times that’s what he read like. A billionaire with a tragic past. Nothing really new for me here. I wanted more. (view spoiler). It was all too much. I’d almost rather he was an average Joe. I simply didn’t need all that.

I also found some of the dialogue, especially the sex talk, to be forced and stilted at times. It almost felt like those parts were written by someone else. I don’t even know how to explain it, but it just felt…off.

You’re a little exhibitionist. I fucking love it. Just as much as I love your tight little pussy.

One of these days, I’m going to fuck you where everyone can see. Where they can watch me fuck your hot, tight pussy.”

Don’t get me wrong, it was really hot at times, but at other times it was almost cheesy in an OTT way.

That’s it, babe. Fuck my finger. Just like I’m going to fuck you with my cock. God, I want to fuck you now- so bad.


I think we we both know that you and I are more than friends. I think my thumb up your arse while I was fucking you with my cock earlier on should have confirmed that fact to you.

I spent the majority of the book waiting to be hit with the emotion that the blurb promises, and I barely got that in the last 20%. Unfortunately for me, by then it was simply too little too late.

Now to be fair, the author does an amazing job with Liam. I truly felt for him and I loved getting his POV.

I’ll beg if I have to. If that’s what you need to change your mind. I’ll get down on my fucking knees and beg.”

I may not have fully connected with him in the story, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy him. Because I really did.

Don’t let my rating deter you from reading this and judging for yourself. Sometimes you click with a book and sometimes you don’t, and sadly this fell into the latter category for me. Many people loved it; I’m simply getting too picky for my own good. I will without a doubt read any and all future books from this wonderful author. You can’t love every book, even from your favorites, and this was my one fluke. I look forward to what miss Towle will write in the future.

Review: ★Kissed★ by Elizabeth Finn

Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Author: Elizabeth Finn
Release Date: May 23, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Reputation is everything, a fact Keegan Lauri knows all too well. A political PR strategist by trade, he makes his living creating and protecting the image of men, protecting them from women like Gabrielle Kitrick. She’s a threat to every man who falls for her. Beautiful, innocent, young, and available … for a price… Gabe is the shiny little trophy men of power seem to desire. But possessing her is a risk, a risk Keegan is responsible for removing from his client’s life.

He’s not above manipulating her for his own professional gain. He’s not even above seducing her and enjoying every second of it. But he finds out quickly her looks are a façade, and the more he comes to know Gabe, the more difficult it becomes to ignore her humanity. Because behind her beauty and crimson-lipped smile lies a young woman fighting for a better future, a future his very involvement with her jeopardizes.

When Keegan’s professional responsibilities threaten to expose her, will he choose to do his job or protect the young woman he’s become so attached to?

Buy LinksAMAZONReview4.5 starsKissed-DGR

So how much then?”
“How much…?”
“For your lips.”
“They’re not for sale.”

If there’s one thing I know when I pick up a new book by Elizabeth Finn, it’s that angst and a punch straight to the feels is guaranteed. There’s a damn good reason why she’s become my go-to when I’m craving an addicting combination of angst and feelings and she’ll deliver on the promise 100% of the time. Reading the synopsis I knew I was in for one heck of a read and I was not wrong. It’s everything I hoped it would be; seductive, emotional, angsty and hot enough to burn.

Keegan Lauri is ruthless when it comes to his job as a political PR strategist. He will do whatever it takes, even if it requires playing dirty. When he realizes that his new “assignment” happens to have a weakness in the form of the stunning woman that shows up on his arm to a political function, he knows he needs to get rid of her by any means necessary. What he doesn’t expect is to be lured in by her beauty and intriguing vulnerability himself…

Don’t worry. I won’t tell your secrets,” I whisper.
“You ARE the secret,” she whispered back.

Gabrielle Kitrick may be my favorite heroine I’ve read of Finn’s in a while. She’s this endearing combination of vulnerability and strength. The way that the author unveils all her layers though each chapter only serves to connect you to her even more. She may be a high priced escort, but she has a damn good reason for doing what she does. She’s not one of those in your face with her sexuality heroines, yet she doesn’t exactly berate herself about it either. When the devastatingly handsome Keegan shows up instead of her ‘client’ and propositions her for a night, the pull between them is too strong for her to refuse and so she gives in.

You want me to kiss it and make it feel better again, all those feelings you have bottled up inside, torturing you? Our lips sure do know how to make it disappear, don’t they?

What begins is a dangerous push and pull between two people that have everything to lose and yet chose to loose themselves in each other. The chemistry between them is undeniable and you can practically feel the electric current that crackles between them. The fact that you’re basically reading the book just waiting for the other shoe to drop makes it for one absolutely unputdownable read.

You know that something will go wrong, but you don’t know when or how. And that particular weight is a shadow over each and every one of their stolen interactions.

He leaned down, kissing my shoulder and then up to my ear. “Use me,” he whispered. ” I know you need to.”

The one thing that this author knows how to do amazingly well is give her characters an incredible amount of depth and you certainly feel that with both Keegan and Gabe. Keegan is a wonderfully multi-layered character. He may be ruthless when it comes to his job and he may not be able to control some of the insults that fly out of his mouth in the heat of the moment, but there’s also something so incredibly vulnerable about him too. The way that these emotions of his get unveiled is utterly delicious. With each new chapter brings an added depth to him and you can’t help but fall for him even though you know that he just may be Gabe’s ultimate demise…

They can’t hurt me. They can’t make some cruel off-the-cuff remark like you and cut me to the bone. The don’t get to make me cry. They can’t truly touch any part of me that really matters. You”- it came out on a rush of breath, trailing into nothing for a moment- “hurt.”

This is a story that kept me glued to the pages from beginning to finish. While I knew what was coming, it still managed to pack in a few surprises with the way everything took place. I believe the point is that the reader ultimately knows what would happen and spend the entirety of the book with their heart in their throat waiting for that other shoe to drop. Finn manages to wrangle quite a few emotions in the process making this not only one sizzling read but something beyond your typical escort book. The pacing is perfection, the characters are phenomenally developed and the story itself is purely addicting. If you haven’t read anything by this author yet, I highly suggest you start with this one. I guarantee you that you’ll be hooked. Elizabeth’s brand of angst just works for me and she seriously outdid herself with Kissed. I can’t wait what else she has in store for us with her future releases.

I’d entered her life too thoughtlessly, too callously, too selfishly, and try as I might to undo that, I’d just never succeeded.

Review: ★Too Hot To Handle★ by Tessa Bailey

Series: Romancing the Clarksons #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: May 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


When rescue looks like a whole lot of trouble…

The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn’t seen in years. When rescue shows up—six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle—Rita’s pretty certain she’s gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .

Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he’s about to be sorely tempted. There’s something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn’t just for tonight—he’s forever.



Review2.5 starsTHTH-DGR

This is what’s going to pass for conversation tonight. Small talk will be my tongue flicking against your clit until you cry out my name like a swear word. My headboard slapping the wall is going to be our heart-to-heart. And that gorgeous body riding my dick is going to be our nighttime prayers. You with me, Rita?”

Ladies, guard your ovaries, because the Queen of Dirty Talk is back at it with her brand new series featuring the four Clarkson siblings and their journey to a HEA.

The Clarkson siblings have been almost estranged for many years. They love each other but their camaraderie has been strained at the very least. When Rita reads her mother’s journal upon her passing and finds out that her last wish was for all four siblings to travel to NY and jump into the ocean as she did many years ago with the Coney Island Polar Bear Club, she’s not exactly sold on the idea. Then a fire burns down her mother’s award winning restaurant and with insurmountable guilt over it causes her to re-evaluate it. And while her siblings begrudgingly agree to accompany her, the road trip is not smooth sailing. Having their suburban break down in the middle of New Mexico is certainly not something they need to help their bickering even more.

A random good samaritan pulling over his motorcycle to help them wasn’t in their plan either. And neither was the instantaneous connection between him and Rita.

What is this about for you? What do you want from me?”
EVERYTHING. This acquintance with Rita was no longer some test of his worth. It was something bigger. He could feel it. “Time. I need more time with you, Rita.”

Jasper Ellis used to be the town’s bad boy. But he’s looking for more from his life now than simply the owner of the local watering hole and bad boy rep. It takes just a glance at the brown eyed beauty on the side of the road for him to know he wants more than just a good time with her. But Rita is only passing through, so it’s up to him to convince her that their connection deserves more than just a few hours spent between the sheets.

If you’re looking for Tessa’s signature dirty talk, you’ll certainly find that here…in spades.

Welcome to show-and-tell. You’re going to slide those sexy legs apart and show me where I’ll have the privilege of putting this hungry cock. And I’ll tell you tons read them wider.

Jasper delivers on that promise and more!

What I unfortunately found lacking here for me, was a connection with the characters. As much as I wanted to love the two of them together, their instant connection just didn’t work for me. There was definitely plenty of sexual tension and push and pull between them, but I wanted more. I just didn’t buy it, I suppose. For some reason they just fell flat for me. Perhaps it was because the entirety of their relationship in the book spans only three days and I’m just too cynical of a reader for that? Perhaps because at times it wasn’t only their relationship that fell flat for me but the characters themselves as well. I just didn’t connect with them or their romance. The sex was hot, as always, but I wanted more emotion. I also found myself thinking that some of the dirty talk was a bit too much at times, as well. Personally it does nothing for me when I read the hero referring to the heroine’s clit as “sweetheart” and having an actual conversation with her. But then again, since I didn’t have much of a connection with the story, I did nitpick quite a bit.

The pacing of the story was slow yet never boring, but ultimately my lack of connecting did force me to skim certain parts. Don’t get me wrong, it was still entertaining, but I supposed I simply wanted more from it.

I did love the relationship between all the siblings and getting a deeper peek at that with this story. It was enough to hook me to want to read the next three books.

If you’re a fan of this author, I definitely recommend the book. No reader is the same, and this may just be a winner for you! As much as I wish I could rate this a bit higher, it just didn’t hit me as much as I wished it would. This is one of those times where I really wish that GR had half stars, because while it wasn’t quite a 3 stars it wasn’t exactly a 2 either. To be fair, I’ll rate it a 3 here because ultimately I did still enjoy it for what it was. Perhaps it was my mood and coming off another book that blew me away and so my expectations were higher than normal. Read it and judge for yourself 😉


Review & Excerpt: ★Dirty Girl★ by Meghan March

review-Dirty GirlDIRTY GIRL
Series: Dirty Girl duet #1
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Meghan March
Release Date: May 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Desperately seeking rich, famous, single guy with a giant cock to make my lying, cheating, should’ve-been-born-dickless ex-boyfriend realize what he’s just lost.

Oh, and I give great head. Just sayin’.

No man in his right mind would answer that ad.

Except thousands did.

My name is Greer Karas, and I should never be allowed near another bottle of booze again. Because when I drink, my friend and I do stupid things. Like take a page out of my older brother Creighton’s playbook and post something completely asinine on the Internet. Waking up with a giant hangover to find my humiliating personal ad has gone viral is not my finest moment.

Cue my look of shock when one of Hollywood’s hottest new bad boys, Cavanaugh Westman, comes knocking at my door and drops his pants to prove that he does indeed have a giant cock.

What he doesn’t have is an explanation for why he disappeared from my life without a word three years ago, only to show up on the big screen two years later, killing bad guys in action flicks.

And now he wants me again.

What the hell do I do now?

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GreerNo. Fucking. Way.

Can you photoshop real life? Because that’s the only way I can possibly be seeing through my peephole what I’m seeing right now.

Cavanaugh Westman. In the flesh. Outside my door.

The knock stopped me mid-shuffle on the way to my coffeemaker. So that makes me an uncaffeinated, makeup-less, messy-bunned, legging-wearing couch surfer who hasn’t showered in the two days I’ve spent holed up in my apartment.

He can’t see me like this.

I’ve had so many fantasies of how it will go when I finally came face-to-face with Cav again. I’ll be wearing something sexy, yet classy. Perfect hair, makeup, eyebrows. I’ll adopt a casually disinterested mien. He’ll be devastated when he realizes what he missed out on by standing me up that night and disappearing without a word.

There’s no way in hell I’m answering that door. Cav Westman can sit out in my hallway all day. Not opening it.

But Cav reads my mind, the bastard.

“Open the door, baby girl. Your message came through loud and clear with that ad.”

A barely audible gasp escapes my lungs.

“That’s right, I know you’re standing there. So, open the door, Greer.”

His deep, gravelly voice stirs memories I thought I wiped out of my brain. Apparently not.

I rush to the couch to grab my phone. I need to text Banner. Need to freak out with her and schedule an emergency spa day so I can be all the things I need to be before facing him again.

My thoughts come to a screeching halt. I do not need to impress Cav Westman. He’s nothing to me. And I can prove it right now by opening the door. He’ll see exactly how much I don’t care about his opinion.

Before I can change my mind, or look down at my shirt to make sure I’m not sporting any stains from yesterday’s coffee, I reach for the dead bolts and unlock them before I twist the doorknob and tug.

As soon as the door is open, I know I’ve made a terrible mistake.

Through the peephole, he was marginally distorted. On the billboards and movie posters plastered to the sides of buses in the city, he looked like a total stranger. But Cav in the flesh?


I lose my grip on the door and it swings open.

How does he not look older? No new lines bracket his mouth or crease the corners of his eyes. Instead, a new scar curves along his jaw, giving him a sexier, more dangerous look. His shoulders are impossibly broader, making his hips seem even narrower.

His hazel eyes flash as he takes me in—at least they haven’t changed. Today they’re more tawny gold than gray or green. Guessing what color they would be was part of the game I played with myself before. His dark brown hair is sexy and disheveled, longer than the buzz cut he had before, but everything else is the same. Worn jeans, a plain T-shirt, and scuffed boots. Strong, bold features that many a man would find impossible to carry off, but are the reason millions of women would line up to have Cavanaugh Westman’s babies.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper, reminding myself that I no longer have some naive fantasy of being the one for Cav.

His gaze returns to my face, and I know his inspection of me can’t be nearly as flattering as mine of him.

I’m waiting for him to say something . . . anything. Like an apology or an explanation for disappearing three years ago, but instead I get something completely different.

His hands drop to the button of his jeans. “Based on your ad, the inspection isn’t quite complete.”

If my jaw could drop to the floor like a cartoon character’s, it would.

Oh. My. God. I never saw what he was packing before, only a grazing handful the one night I finally got bold, but he put me off, promising me a night that never happened.

I stand like a slack-jawed moron and force my gaze to his face.

“What are you doing?”

His wicked grin—one he uses so rarely, even in the movies of his I’ll never admit I’ve seen—wipes away the three years between our past and present.

The hiss of the zipper comes next.

I keep my gaze on his face as his eyes dare me. To look or to stop him, I’m not sure which.

“Apparently you’ve changed your requirements for wooing, baby girl.”

The endearment on his lips brings back another wave of memories, but the flex of his bicep against the sleeve of his T-shirt steals my attention.

Oh. My. God.

He’s gripping his cock, stroking it, isn’t he? All I have to do is look down, and I’ll have more than one question answered.

“You know you wanna look.”

The dare is there again. And he’s right. I want to look. So I do.

Sweet Jesus.

Oh. My. Hell.

Well, let’s just say Cav knocked that requirement out of the park. The sight of his long, thick cock in his big, capable hand sends heat rushing south through my body, pooling between my thighs. My nipples, sans bra, strain against the material of my shirt. Cav’s gaze drops as well—to my chest.

The room pulses with a desperate intensity. Hanging between us is the night we never had. The one he walked away from.

I have two choices. Take what I want, what I asked for, or hold on to the rejection he dealt me three years ago.

My brain short-circuits on one thought—life is short, and you never know if you’ll get a second chance.

So I step forward, wrap one hand around his neck and the other around his cock, and kiss him for everything I’m worth.

Review3.5 starsDirty Girl-DGR

She’s not the girl who got away; she’s the one I walked away from. Life doesn’t always give us second chances, but this one is mine and I’m taking it. And her.

Ladies and ovaries, prepare to meet your kryptonite. Because this book just may cause some spontaneous ovary cumbustion. I’m not even kidding.

As a long time fan of all things Meghan March, it would have been a crime against humanity that a “dirty girl” didn’t read Dirty Girl. Seriously. But let’s talk about the book, shall we?

Firstly, if you haven’t read Dirty Billionaire series, I highly recommend you do. Greer Karas is Crey’s sister, and while Meghan does a fabulous job writing a book that stands on it’s own, there are some story elements that carry over from Crey’s and it would help connect you to the story more to read that first. That being said, you can also easily read this without having read that series also.

Cavanaugh Westman was the man that got away, or better yet, walked away from Greer’s life three years ago. Now one drunken mistake of an ad is seriously wreaking havoc on her life, especially when a blast from her past comes back to run her doorbell and proceed to drop his pants and bang the ever loving sass out of her against a wall. But Cavanaugh is not the man she once knew. She first met him as a janitor, and now the man is Hollywood royalty and convincing her that she’s all he wants…

I would lie, cheat, and steal to call this woman my own.

But he broke her heart once when he walked away without a word three years ago, can she really trust him again?

Dirty Girl is one smuttastic little romp. It’s hot as all get out and Cav is one delicious dirty talker.

You’ll never remember any cock but mine. Never remember any orgasm as good as the ones I’m about to give you.”

This dirty girl gobbled it up like a starving pervert. True story. But ultimately, within all the sex happening in the book, I began to want more story and connection to the characters. There’s quite a bit of character development, don’t get me wrong. But I also began to feel like it was getting lost in all the sex…and there’s a lot of sex. I can’t even believe I’m complaining about it.

I was beginning to feel like the story was losing it’s steam when Meghan hits you with a whammy of a cliffhanger. I can honestly say, that alone was enough to hook me. I never in a million years saw that twist coming and it worked so well, it made me rethink everything. I never thought I’d say I loved a cliffhanger, but I totally did. Then again, book 2 release is right around the corner, so I don’t have to threaten bodily harm to get my hands on it soon.

I had to think on my rating for a bit because if I rated it for the smuttiness alone, it’d be a solid 4. But if I had to rate it for the story, it’d be a 3. So a 3.5 it is. If you’re a fan of this author, this is certainly a must read.
About the Author

meghanmarchpicMeghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at


DGR Top Fave: ★The Spiral Down★ by @AlyMartinezAuth

Series: The Fall Up #2
Genre: MM Contemporary Romance
Author: Aly Martinez
Release Date: May 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

The Spiral Down

Standalone M/M romance.

I was afraid to fly.
He made me soar.

After years of climbing the ladder of success in the music industry, I finally had everything I could want.
Yet I still found myself wandering through life alone.

Captain Evan Roth was the one man I never saw coming.
Tall, dark, mysterious… Straight.

We were both damaged beyond repair and searching for something so elusive we weren’t sure it even existed.

But, when two broken souls collide in midair, falling is a given.

I just never expected to crave the spiral down.

Buy LinksAMAZONReview5 starsThe Spiral Down-DGR

This doesn’t make you gay, Evan. It just makes you mine.

Book slump officially over! #DoublePeenForTheWin

It’s no secret that I’m gaga for pretty much every Aly Martinez book that I read. There’s just something about her writing that simply clicks with me. She manages to create heroes that have me head over ovaries for them each and every single time. Henry Alexander was the lovable secondary character from The Fall Up that I absolutely fell in love with. When Aly announced she’ll be writing his book, I may or may not have done a pervy dance of excitement around my living room. What? This chick just happens to seriously love her some delicious MM, mkay?

But I digress. Henry Alexander has lived a hard life but now has everything he can ever desire; an amazing best friend that he sometimes performs with, a successful singing career, fame and fortune. Henry is also openly gay and happens to get his kicks by seducing straight men. There’s just something about that rush that does it for him, no matter how badly it ends at the end of the night…

Those forbidden encounters were a drug. And I was a junkie. The hunt of finding that perfect blend of brute masculinity and subtle curiosity.

One of the things I adored about this book was the banter. Man. The banter. It was amazing. With Henry neuroses and his fear of flying, I found myself giggling like a school girl at his antics though most of the book.

I swear to God, if you get us kicked off this flight, I will kill you. We have to get home. Take a deep breath, grab your fucking balls, and act like a man. It’s a flight. Not a death march.”
Another loud bang made me flinch. “What the hell was that?”
He sighed. “Man. Up.”
“I’d like to meet the pilot before we take off. Get his credentials and all. Maybe he’s willing to take a bribe.”

Fate has some irony in store for Henry, when the man that has a horrific fear of flying ends up lusting for a sexy pilot that just happens to be straight…or is he?

It wasn’t supposed to happen like that. But, for reasons lost on me, Evan could strip whatever disguise I attempted to hide behind. Fame, fortune, fear. He saw through them all.

TSD-DGRAly serves up some of the best sexual tension I have ever read with this book. Oh my GOD but it was utterly delicious. The very second that Henry and Evan appear in a scene together you can practically feel the crackle in the air. It was electrifying. The chemistry between them was instantaneous and just got better and better with every turn of the page.

Grasping his wrists, I pressed them to the wall on either side of him. He moaned, and I swear to God I tasted it. His pure, carnal need filled my senses.

Written in dual first person POV, you get equal time in both Henry and Evan’s heads and it just makes the story that much better.

Henry is the lovable goof to Evan’s dark brooding. Together they’re sheer magic. They balance each other out and the sexual chemistry between them is so hot, I swear to you I actually felt an electric shock each time I turned a page. The author did a perfect job balancing just the right amount of steam that it adds to the story as opposed to distracting from it. The character development was absolutely fantastic. I fell so hard for both of these guys.

I also loved the cameos from Sam and Levee. I adored the friendship between Levee and Henry in the previous book and it only manages to get better here.

Please don’t call it a penis. You know he prefers his formal title.”
“Yes. Sorry. I forgot. Please relay my apologies to Prince Everhard.”

The Spiral down was everything I had hoped it would be and so much more. It was emotional and angsty perfection. I was glued to the pages from beginning to finish with the biggest case of book butterflies I have had in a very long while. Evan and Henry were absolutely magnetic together. If you haven’t read anything by this amazing author yet, you’re seriously missing out. And if you haven’t yet read The Fall Up, I can’t recommend it enough. However, you may easily read The Spiral Down as a standalone.

Gay. Straight. Bi. None of them fit me the way “mine” did rolling off Henry’s tongue. Suddenly, it was the only label I’d ever wanted.


the fall up cover ebookMY REVIEW | GOODREADS | AMAZON

Review: ★Wicked Heart★ by Leisa Rayven

Series: Star Crossed #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Leisa Rayven
Release Date: May 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


The one guy she can’t have is the one she can’t forget.

Liam Quinn is one of the biggest movie stars in the world…and the only man Elissa Holt has ever truly loved.

After being out of her life for six years, he and his gorgeous fiancé are set to star in the new Broadway show Elissa is stage managing. The only trouble is, when late night rehearsals bring Elissa and Liam together, the line between what is and what could have been gets blurred. Now one moment of weakness is about to create a scandal that will echo around the world.

Elissa knows that falling for Liam again would be a tragedy in the making, but as any good romantic knows, love doesn’t always follow the script.


Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKS | B&NReview4.5 starsWicked Hearts-DGR

Heartache doesn’t teach you to be resilient. It teaches you to protect your fragility. It teaches you to fear love. And it draws a bright red circle around all the ways you’ve failed as a person and laughs while you cry.”

I feel like I’ve been run over by the angst truck. I don’t know whether I want a drink, a hug, or a cigarette. All I know is that I love the absolute hell out of this book and I’m not even a little sorry!

As a self professed angst whore, second chance romance happens to be my favorite catnip. I lurve it. Seriously. If there’s a grovel involved? Putty. Just scrub my completely melted self off of the floor and go about your business because I can’t even! So when I read the blurb to this book, I knew I had to read it.

Confession time: I didn’t love the first two books in this series. (hides) I know, I know. But save your rotten tomatoes because while I didn’t love the characters, I knew this author was gonna be one to watch out for me. The woman writes good angst and the feels she’s able to pack into it, I gobbled right up. So I knew it was just a matter of time before she was going to give me characters to swoon over and luckily for me, Liss and Liam were that.

I’m not saying goodbye,” he says as he shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Because this isn’t over.
One day, fate’s going to fix this.
Bring us back together.
I believe that.”

Liam wasn’t a famous action star when he first met Lissa. But for one day six years ago, he was her everything. That is until he walked away and shattered her heart. Lisa never quite recovered and she’s held herself aloof to all men since. Now a successful stage manager, she gets the shock of a life time when not only is the new star of the show she’s working on the love of her life, Liam. But the co-star is his gorgeous and disgustingly sweet finance, who’s also impossible to hate.

Enter: über angst. Holy mother. You GUYS. I couldn’t get enough of them. The tension was so thick and palpable, you can practically taste it. And. It. Was. Delicious.
Wicked Heart-DGRI didn’t know what I was feeling. I wanted to hate Liam, but it was impossible. I wanted Lissa to make Liam grovel, but I also got why she couldn’t. The connection they share is so obvious, and the chemistry between them was so hot, it made it completely impossible to put the book down for even a second.

I used to think that if I just waited long enough, fate would bring us back together. That our stars would align, or whatever, and you’d come crashing back into my life to stay. But that didn’t happen. So now I say, screw it. I’m done waiting. Sometimes, fate is what you make it.”

The one thing that I need from a second chance romance is a good reason for the separation. I want to understand it, I want to feel it, and I really got that here. When everything is finally revealed, it’s like the puzzle pieces all clicked together. It just made sense. And I loved that we got that. It wasn’t some silly miscommunication or something ridiculous. It just made you connect with the characters that much more.

Wicked Heart is an angsty and emotional roller coaster with enough sexual tension to make even the toughest reader hurt. It was effortless in its execution and beautiful in its delivery. Liam and Lissa together were absolute perfection. If you don’t head over heels for Liam Quinn, we haven’t been reading the same book.

Ask me to give up a limb and I swear, I’ll find a way to do it. But don’t ask me to live without you anymore. I can’t. I’m so goddamn in love with you, it hurts.”

I already can’t wait for the next tale that this talented author has in mind.

I did wish for a little more from the ending, which is what kept this from being a full 5 stars for me. But overall it was still a fantastic read!



Bad Romeo and Broken Juliet are a duet based on Cassie and Ethan. Wicked Hearts is Ethan’s sister, Elissa, and while she’s first introduced in the previous 2 books, you may also enjoy it as a standalone.

Review: ★Beautiful Liar★ by Natasha Knight

Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Natasha Knight
Release Date: May 7, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2



“Everything I believed was a lie. Everything except for her, the one person I blamed for it all.”

MacKayla Simone was beautiful. She was sexy as hell. She was also the set-up.

One night.

Sex that rocked my world.

Rocked it to its very foundations because the next thing I knew, she and I made the headlines of every paper, every news channel across the country, and it cost me everything.

But that wasn’t the worst of it. That came when I learned who was behind the set-up. That was when I understood what it meant to be destroyed absolutely.

I don’t know why I went after MacKayla. She’d been a pawn just like me. But it was all I could do, all I had left. Hell, it was the one thing keeping me from tumbling into the abyss and never coming back into the light.

Find her. Find the girl who’d fucked me. Find her and make her pay.


I didn’t know who Slater Vaughn was, but if I had, it wouldn’t have mattered. Not when my sister was in trouble. I would have done what I did anyway. You can judge me. You can call me a whore. But I would have done it anyway.

One night, they’d said. Make him want you, let him have you. Easiest money in the world for just one night of my life.

Only it wasn’t one night because that night obliterated Slater Vaughn, and he came after me. He told me I owed him, and truthfully, I did. Hell, maybe those years in hiding, I’d been waiting for him to find me. To punish me. To make me pay.

Maybe I sought his forgiveness all along.

But now that he had me, how far would he take this game? Slater Vaughn was a broken man. He had nothing left to lose. What was to keep him from taking me with him into his darkness?

Buy LinksAMAZONReview3 starsBeautiful Liar-DGR

In this game, this play of power, only he had control. Absolute control.

This was my first Natasha Knight book and I can already tell the woman will be my guilty pleasure read indulgence. Sometimes even when a book doesn’t quite blow you away you still click with the writing style and become an instant fan. That was definitely the case here. Beautiful Liar is a little gritty, insanely hot, and certainly one entertaining as hell read.

One night. A moment of weakness. And I’d paid. How I’d paid.”

One night three years ago cost Slater Vaughn everything. All he wants is revenge; to make those responsible for his destruction to pay.

MacKayla Simone may not have been the mastermind behind his set up, but she still had a role to play…even though he’s fairly certain she was set up same as him. It doesn’t matter because after three long years he’s finally tracked her down, and now she’ll be his one way or another. But while he may still lust for her, it’s not just about making her bend to his will, it’s about making her pay.

From the moment I’d set eyes on her, I’d wanted her. Damn her.

MacKayla escaped everything after what she did three years ago. She regrets what she cost Slater, but she had her reasons for doing what she did. Barely making ends meet working two jobs at a book store and a strip joint, the last face she expects to see during her dance is Slater. Slater isn’t going to let her escape again and he’s quite blunt in what he wants.

I own your nights, MacKayla. In the small hours, I am your master.”

Now I’m one of those readers that loves a good revenge plot. There’s something about the angst and all that hate lust that just tastes extra delicious on the tongue. Add in a little rough play and bondage, and hello ovary combustion!

While Beautiful Liar started out really strong, there were a few things here and there that I felt good do with a little smoothing out; some awkward phrasing and dialogues being the primary thing.

“I smell you, MacKayla,” he whispered…
“I smell your sex.” Before I could process his next move, his tongue licked my length.

But that did nothing to ruin the book for me.

What ultimately brought this down my rating was the quick turn around in Slater and MacKayla’s relationship. I had a hard time wrapping my mind around it. It goes from one extreme to another without a clear and smooth transition and considering the story, that transition was necessary here. I found the few other side plots to be fairly distracting as well. While some did serve to drive the plot, there was just too much focus on them at times. Almost the entire second half of the book had something to do with it and ultimately I just wanted more of the couple and less of the background noise.

But even my few quibbles aside, this was still a very solid 3 star read and one I enjoyed very much. Natasha Knight certainly has a new fan in this reader and I would gladly read any of her other books. As a matter of fact, I’m already stalking her backlist as I type this. If you’re looking for a super steamy read with a side of revenge and a splash of grit to spend your afternoon with, I’d definitely recommend it.

Review: ★Never Let You Go★ by Monica Murphy

review-NLYGNever Let You Go
Series: Never Tear Us Apart #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Monica Murphy
Release Date: May 3, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


The second novel in this darkly sexy contemporary series from bestselling author Monica Murphy wraps up an emotionally powerful two-part tale of forbidden love.

The truth hurts, they say—and my pain cuts deep. While I was falling for Ethan, he was deceiving me the entire time. He held a huge secret, protected by his lies. When I discovered what he was hiding, the truth shook my world, threatening to ruin us forever. Ruin me. But I soon realized that what we share can’t be destroyed.

The connection between us is too strong. It always has been. I can’t deny him any longer. And I can’t deny my truth: I’m in love with Ethan.

I don’t want to let him go.

While we’re trying our best to make this relationship work, other forces are fighting against us. My family, who wants to keep me safe. The media obsessed with my tragic past. The public that feeds off of it. Even Ethan’s father—the man who nearly destroyed me all those years ago. He’s doing his best to finish the job.

Despite my love for Ethan, the doubts creep in, clouding my mind. Is he worth the pain? Will our love survive, or will we have no choice but to end it—end us—once and for all?

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKS | B&NReview3 starsNever Let You Go MM-DGR

Ethan. Will. The boy of my past. The man of my future. The one I can never, ever let go.

Never Let You Go is the powerful conclusion to the emotional duet that started with Never Tear Us Apart. It begins immediately where the first book ended; both Ethan and and Katie dealing with the aftermath of the revelation of Ethan’s lie and the continuous hounding for their story by one very determined reporter.

I fell in love with this story and this couple in the first book. It was gripping and emotional, poignant and tragic love story of two people that should never be together yet make perfect sense together. The journey that the author sends them on individually as well as a couple was equal parts powerful and easy to believe. The story is equal parts emotional and devastating at times. Katie is still dealing with he afteraffects of all she’s been through. But now, she’s not only dealing with her issues after her kidnapping and rape when she was young, but the boy from her past all of a sudden being the man of her present. Who is Ethan/Will? Does he truly want her? Can she allow herself to feel for him?

Ethan was an incredible character. His unwavering love for Katie was so emotionally powerful, it’s almost heart breaking at times because all the odds are stacked against them.

The pace of the story is very slow, even more so than the first book. But whereas in the first book I found it to be a slow burn, here I just found it to be too slow. I can’t say it’s boring, because it’s more character driven than plot driven most of the time, but it didn’t have me gripped to the book and eager to turn the pages either. But even then, this was a solid 4 star read for me…up until that last 20%.

The crazy action and drama of that ending left my mind reeling. It was just too much. The pace of the book is quite slow and steady and then BAM, you get hit with all of that. I think that many people will actually enjoy the way things resolve, but for this reader it just felt out of the blue and unnecessary. I think the story was quite solid as it was and had everything just resolved quietly with some people out of the picture, it would have been best. I felt like I was watching a soap opera ending unfold. Add into this mix a somewhat cliche revelation and I was left with a lot of meh feelings.

Now all that aside, a 3 star rating means I did enjoy the book, because I did. While it didn’t wow me, it was still a satisfying conclusion. I’d gladly recommend it for readers that want something a little different in their romance because this is definitely that. It’s poignantly written and it’s certainly not a story I’ll soon be forgetting.



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