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“She healed me. She broke me. I set her free. But we are in this together. We will end this together. The rules of this ancient game can’t be broken.”Nila Weaver no longer recognises herself. She’s left her lover, her courage, and her promise. Two debts down. Too many to go.Jethro Hawk no longer recognises himself. He’s embraced what he always ran from, and now faces punishment far greater than he feared.
It’s almost time. It’s demanding to be paid.
The Third Debt will be the ultimate test…
We were both destroyed. And the cure was to give in.

Oh. My. God.
Oh. My. Sanity.
Oh. Mylanta.
This. Fucking. Book. I’m speechless. I’m shocked. My mind is fucked the fuck up. What. Just. Happened?! Want me to describe my state of being the entire time reading this book?

Yeah. Exactly. I was an over-caffeinated, anxiety filled mess. There was not enough booze in the world to help me get through this. It’s a miracle I’m not a damn alcoholic after finishing it. Good grief. Intense doesn’t even begin to describe it.
I’d given my heart to my enemy.
I’d fallen
Now if you haven’t read the previous 3 books, I have to warn you that this review will contain minor spoilers so stop reading right now. It will be completely SPOILER FREE for this book, however.
Nila had my heart. But my father had my very existence.
Nila and Jethro have been through 3 debt inheritences. It’s changed them, it’s broken them, it’s fused them together. Neither are the same people that they were first introduced to be. Book by book and chapter by chapter, Pepper Winters has been systematically building two characters that are filled with so much depth, you find something new with every book. Nila continues to grow into her own, a stronger woman, a woman that just may have the strength to survive the brutalities done to her and fight for herself and for Jethro to bring them out of their hell. Jethro is taking a different journey.
While first we were introduced to someone seemingly unfeeling, cold and dark, Nila has been chipping away at all of Jethro’s defense and walls. Now he is no longer able to hide his true self from her. But worse yet, he can’t hide it any longer from his father.
I was firstborn.
This was my legacy.
After weeks of preparation, i’d agreed once and for all to prove it.
By killing Nila Weaver.

Everything that Jethro has tried to hide through the years from everyone and especially from his father is being brought to the surface by Nila’s mere presence alone. He craves her and yet he has no way out of his duty to the Hawke legacy. A legacy he wants nothing to do with, but nothing short of death and blood would get him out of. He let Nila go to protect her but unfortunately it’s not so easy when the woman who was once his prey doesn’t want to stay away.
Nila may have suffered at the hands of her captor, but it didn’t stop her from falling for him. But ever since she left, Jethro isn’t the man she fell in love with. He seems lost in a cold fog and reverting back to the man she first met. A man she wants nothing to do with, but she’s determined to bring the man she knows is hiding inside him back to the surface. But can both of them survive the repercussions when all the secrets begin to finally unravel?
Now I’ll be first to admit that I have the worst case of series ADD ever. As in I barely find myself finishing any series past 3 books. Hell, even trilogies sometimes lose me. It’s just that after so many books, I begin to lose interest in the couple. How much can they possible go through before it gets boring, systematic, redundant or predictable? That is NOT the case here, which is remarkable considering each book is a novel length. Each piece is intricately woven into the next that leaves you begging for more every time. I never thought I’d say that of a cliffhanger, but that’s the same case with them. They’re not there for shock value. I actually like getting that break between each book (even though I slowly die inside waiting for the next to be released). These books are simply too intense to be read back to back. They’re perfectly paced to trickle feed you the story piece by devastating piece; answering one question only to leave you with a hundred more. So if you were like me and dying to know the secret behind Jethro’s condition, breathe ease because you’ll get your answers. But then you’ll be left with a cliffhanger from hell. One that will leave you screaming, crying, ripping your hair out, and considering parting with an ovary just to get your hands on the next book just to find out what happens. Oh yeah. It’s THAT bad. And that good at the same time. If you’re not completely hooked on this series after this book…well, let’s just say that you most definitely will be.
She is my salvation, my reason for existence, my queen.
It took me two days of rocking in a dark corner after that cliffy just to be able to write a coherent review. So now that I…mostly have, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off back to my corner.

Series Reading Order
First Debt (Indebted #2)
Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex… her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
Her Grey Romance books include:
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