He thought I owned him. He thought he loved me, that I was enough. But this animal, this sex god who could drive me crazy and steal my heart in the same breath, he would never be full mine. It was impossible. No one ever owned a god.

If there’s one thing that I am absolutely convinced of after finishing this book, is that Alessandra Torre can write. I mean, she can write. Her writing is always able to wring a multitude of feelings and emotions from me, and this book was the perfect conclusion to an amazing trilogy.
If you have not read the first two books, DO NOT read this review. It will contain spoilers of the previous books but I will try not an revealing anything important from this one.
End of the Innocence takes off right where book two left off. Brad and Julia are now engaged and planning a wedding. But the threat of being engaged to the son of one of the biggest mafia families in town is still looming over Julia’s head. Brad knows that he will do anything to protect her. You can literary feel his love for Julia flowing through every page. Alessandra has a gift for combing equal parts of eroticism and pure emotion in her books, and this was no different here.
It’s not all sunshine and butterflies for these two however. Not everyone is happy about their engagement or supportive of it. Julia has to deal with the fallback not only from the office, but from her friends and family as well. But that doesn’t slow down their sex life in the least.
Julia really grows into her own as the woman that is meant to be by Brad’s side. I loved that Alessandra stayed true to her characters and didn’t all of a sudden make them a purely vanilla couple that no longer enjoys the thrill of adding a third person to the mix. This book was probably the hottest of the 3 as far as the steam went. Brad doesn’t hold back and Julia is certainly no wilting wallflower when it comes to taking what she wants. I have 2 words for you: Brad’s birthday. You’ll see what I mean.
But try as you might to sit back and enjoy this couple finally finding a sort of normalcy in their relationship, there’s a layer of dread that hangs over your head the entire time. The prologue of this book sets a dark undertone, but you don’t know when it will happen. I spent the entire time reading sitting on pins and needles waiting for that shoe to drop and all hell to break loose. You’re kept guessing the entire time. I think that this really added to the book as a whole, as I don’t think I would have been quite as drawn to the story otherwise.
As for the ending…well I definitely won’t be giving anything away. I can tell you that I struggled a little with how I felt about it. On the one hand I wished for things to be more resolved and to have a bit more closure on certain things. On the other hand, I can understand that to wrap it up in a perfect little bow would not have been true to the characters or realistic as a story. There was a wonderful epilogue and I highly recommend reading the bonus scene that the author includes for that additional icing on top.
Alessandra Torre is a new author who focuses on contemporary erotica. Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, was published in July 2012, and was an Erotica #1 Bestseller for two weeks. The sequel to Blindfolded, Masked Innocence, will be released in February 2014.
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