Blog Tour & Giveaway: Cage by Harper Sloan


**Warning** This book is intended for a mature reading**
Alpha heroes you’ll want to kidnap and keep, heroines to root for, and sizzling love scenes with emotional punch.” Carly Phillips, NY Times Bestselling Author

Greg Cage was born to protect. While growing up, he was his mother and sister’s shield against the world…until he failed. For the last decade, he has carried that guilt and need for vengeance

around…until it was stripped from him. Now, with his best friend getting married and no longer needing his protection, he is even more lost, completely adrift, and desperate for some control. All he has ever known was how to protect: his family, his friends, and his country. Can he go against everything he has ever known, and give up that control?

Melissa Larson will never let anyone hold the reins in her life. She has been the rock in her family for more years than she can remember, and the fight to keep them together is her main priority

right now. She has always been fiercely independent and proud. The last thing she will ever do is ask for someone else’s help. But when that choice is out of her control, forcing her to rely on others to save her and her family, and pick up the pieces that are left, will she be able to let someone else be her strength?
The second Greg locks eyes with Meli, he knows that she is someone he needs. Someone he craves. Meli knew the second she met Greg that he would be nothing but trouble and heartache. Her life takes an unexpected turn, and that bitch Fate is back to wreak more havoc on another

member of the Corps family. All hell breaks loose, leaving Greg no

choice but to call in a favor. He hooks back up with his old friend Braxxon Breaker from the Breakneck MC. Together, they make sure that nothing threatens anyone Greg loves again.
CAGE is a complete story with a HEA.

My Review

4.5 Sexy Beast Stars

Having her in my arms feels like coming home. I am not one to believe in all that love at first sight bullshit, but even as cynical as I am, I can recognize something bigger than lust at work.

Before, this was all about the game. Enjoy him while I can and stay away from any kind of attachments. But now, I feel like it would be impossible to walk away.

Whose pants, you ask? Well Greg Cage’s of course. No need to think about decor, as Cage has already decorated the ahem…facilities very well. And yes I mean exactly what you’re thinking about. Don’t worry about bringing refreshments, as you will be getting drunk on all his sexy Alpha-maleness. I would suggest bring a few packs of ice for those moments (and there will be quite a few) where your ovaries will feel like they are about to catch on fire.

In Axel, I got very sweet and tame vibes from Cage. Boy was I in for a surprise when we got to see what he was really like. And let me just say, mama like! The book starts off with a bang

And I do mean a bang! And what a ride it was.

Axel definitely still holds the number one spot for me (until Maddox finally gets his book. What? I happen to have a thing for the broken and broody assholes), but Greg did give him a run for his money.

What really made this book for me though, was the heroine. I love me a kick ass heroine, and Melissa had it in spades. She is still dealing with the pain of losing her sister, but she still maintains this strength about herself.

One thing I have learned is you never hide who you are. If you want something, you fight for it. When you think you have fought hard enough, fight a little more. Don’t ever let anyone or any situation make who you are.”

It was so refreshing to read about a heroine that didn’t have any insecurities about her looks, and gave as good as she got. Greg may have his way with words, but Meli definitely put him in his place and made him work for it.

Name’s Greg Cage. Most of my friends call me Greg, some call me Cage, but you can call me whatever you want.” Really? Is he for real right now?
“Does that line ever work for you? And why would I call you Cage? Sounds like something you stuff a rabid animal in.

Greg is a man that hasn’t exactly been the relationship type. That’s not to say that he doesn’t secretly long for it when he sees the love between his friends Axel and Izzy. When he first sees Meli, it’s a case of insta-lust and he is determined to do everything to make her his.

While Meli doesn’t exactly make it easy for him, Greg certainly has a way with words. And when the man has his goal in mind, he pulls no punches.

Your body wants this as bad as your mind does. I can feel how wet you are. Come on beauty, let’s get out of here.”I feel his hand slip around the front of my body, back under my skirt, and his fingertips brush against my screaming core.
“Do you taste as good as you feel? Warm and juicy? Like a ripe peach that’s mine for the picking?”

And let me just tell you, when these two finally get down to business…WOWZA!

I am not usually a fan of almost insta-love, but somehow with Greg and Meli it just worked. It was not a instant thing, but it was a fairly quick transition from lust to love, yet it felt smooth. It just worked for them.

Greg is still dealing with regrets and past pain of his own. But he is trying to work through it and make amends for his past mistakes. He still has an edge about him with his dirty talking ways, but he also had this incredible sweet side.

I can’t make you promises, Beauty. I can’t sit here and tell you that I’m worth letting those walls down for. But, I can tell you that if the way I feel for you now keeps growing, there isn’t an army strong enough to pull me out.

We also get some more glimpses at all our favorite boys, including my deliciously broody Maddox. And of course some more Axel and Izzy and their newest little addition…that apparently doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

Nate is all ‘alpha baby’.”
“He is constantly saying ‘mine’. But does he say it about normal things a one year old would claim? Noooo, not Axel Reid’s baby. His baby claims boobs, Izzy. I took him with me to the mall the other day, and when we ran into Victoria’s Secret to get some new boyshorts, because hey, they were on sale so why not? Anyway, we walk in and he starts pointing to every mannequin, every sales lady’s chest. Then when I’m checking out, he pulls my top down and screams ‘mine’. You have issues with that boy if he is already chasing tits at one.”

Then there was Mandy:

And that is all I will say on that subject.

This book was not as angsty as the first one was, but it was still filled with plenty of action, steam, and suspense. There was a super sweet epilogue, and a quick sneak peek into Beck and Dee’s book.

This series has become an auto-buy favorite for me. Harper Sloan really knows how to write one hell of a sexy Alpha hero. And Greg Cage was no exception. I am now a little spoiled. I will be expecting every hero I read from now on to have the “trifecta of vaginal bliss.”

Now that is all the ramblings you will be getting from this girl. I am off to pout about the fact that I have to wait until book 5 to read about my beloved Maddox. And I thank you!

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About the Author

Harper lives in small town Georgia just a short drive from her hometown of Peachtree City. She (and her 3 daughters) enjoy ruling the house they dubbed ‘Estrogen Ocean’, much to her husband’s chagrin. Harper has a borderline unhealthy obsession with books; you can almost ALWAYS find her with her ereader attached. As an ex-reviewer and blogger, Harper’s passion for reading runs deep. It wasn’t until ‘Axel’ decided to take up residence that she realized her true calling.

She started using writing as a way to unwind when the house went to sleep at night; and with a house full of crazy it was the perfect way to just relax. It didn’t take long before a head full of very demanding alphas would stop at nothing to have their story told.

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Instagram @harper_sloan

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ARC Review: Hard To Handle by Jessica Lemmon

Hard to Handle (Love in the Balance #2)Hard to Handle by Jessica Lemmon

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Synopsis:

Sadie Howard never dates a guy more than once-but Fate has other plans for her when it comes to Aiden Downey, the one that got away. Aiden loved her, left her, and broke her heart. Yet suddenly she’s bumping into him at every turn, driven to distraction by his wicked grin and rock-hard body. Now she can’t resist finishing what they started-as long as she doesn’t let herself fall in love . . . 
Aiden Downey threw away the best thing he ever had when he let Sadie go, and now he’s determined to win back the woman he’s always wanted. Sadie agrees to let him into her life-and her bed-as long as there are no strings attached. But Aiden’s not about to make the same mistake again. Can he convince her to take a second chance on a once-in-a-lifetime love?

My Review

4 Pleasant Surprise Stars

This wasn’t just lust. There was more. There’d always been more. 

Let me start out by saying I am not usually a reader of “sweet” romances. I like my romances with a kick, preferably a dirty one. But every now and then, a girl needs some sweet, and I got the perfect dose of it with this book.

I went into this with zero expectations, having never read a book by Jessica Lemmon before. After finishing, I can definitely say I will not hesitate in picking up any of her future books. I fell in like with this book. No, it wasn’t quite ‘sing the book’s praises from the rooftop’ love, but I liked it a whole hell of a lot.

So you read the book blurb, and you might be expecting Aiden to be some type of heart-breaking, womanizing, man-whore, right? No? Odd…I did. Maybe because that seems to be all I read lately. Aiden was NOT that. I LOVED Aiden. He was the perfect combination of sexy as hell, sweet and yet also endearingly vulnerable. My heart broke for everything that he went through. I really loved that the reason he left Sadie a year ago was not your typical commitment phobe issues.

When she’d first met Aiden, hot-handed, dead-sexy-smile, two-hundred-pounds-of-delicious-golden-muscle Aiden, he’d been to hell and back. Now he’d been to hell and back, and returned for one more round trip with frequent flyer miles. And he was still clawing his way out of the depths.

He recognized right away the mistake he made and now that he has another chance, he’s determined to show Sadie that she needs to take another chance on him.

He had so many things to say. Like how sorry he was, how he’d do anything to take back the day he’d lost her for good. How he wanted her with an intensity time and space hadn’t been able to erase.

Sadie was tough, quirky and sassy. I love heroines like her. When Aiden left her a year ago, he left her with a broken heart. She’s determined not to let any other man in again, especially the sex on a stick Aiden. So what happens when Aiden starts chipping away at all her hard built walls?

I loved how Aiden pursued Sadie. He wasn’t pushy, domineering, or high handed. He simply wore his heart on his sleeve and made no attempts to hide it from her.

Love wasn’t hard for him. Love was simple. Love was yes, followed by a hundred more yeses. What was so damn complicated about that?

But don’t get me wrong, while this book was sweet, it still had some steam. And Aiden definitely delivered on that end as well.

This book was just what I needed. It was sweet, with a side of steamy, and a fantastic hero.

We were also introduced to Aiden’s brothers, the broody millionaire Landon and the angry, grieving Evan. I hope that we will be getting their stories next, because the set up already has me intrigued.

This book, while part of a series, can be easily read as a standalone.

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

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ARC Review: Tie Me Down by Tracy Wolff

Tie Me DownTie Me Down by Tracy Wolff

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Book Blurb

As the only woman on her homicide squad, star investigator Genevieve Delacroix maintains a tough-as-nails attitude that keeps men at arm’s length. She never gives in to her secret fantasies—until she meets a mysterious stranger who teaches her how little control she really has over her mind or her body.
Cole Adams arrives in New Orleans believing Genevieve is his last hope for solving the murder of his younger sister. He just doesn’t expect the hard-bitten detective to look like a blond bombshell. Once he breaks through her inhibitions, he soon finds an unexpected obsession driving Genevieve right to the edge of desire . . . and beyond. But when the serial killer who has been terrorizing the streets of the French Quarter sets his sights on Genevieve, they realize that they both have let down their guard. And losing control can have fatal consequences.

My Review

3 stars

He was a magician, she decided as she allowed herself to sink into Cole. A sorcerer who could seize control of her body, make it do whatever he wanted.

Well, this book had a lot of sex. No really. It had A LOT of sex. I am not usually one to complain about something like this. I do love me my smutty smut. BUT I need a little plot to go along with it. And in this book, the plot was pretty much lost within the never ending sex. I swear, Cole had an energizer dick. It just kept going, and going, and going.

This had all the makings for a fantastic read, a suspenseful plot, great characters, but unfortunately it just fell flat. If you’re looking for a steamy read, look no further. This book was HOT. The sex scenes were incredibly erotic, and VERY frequent. If I was to rate this on the sex alone, hell it would have been 5 stars, easily. But I read so much erotic romance, that I expect a little bit more substance in my books to make them stand out.

Relationship development? Nope! Just sex.

Conversations between the two characters that allow them to learn about one another? Nope! Just sex.

An argument arises between them. Do they communicate to resolve it? Hell no! They have sex!

I like steamy books. Oh who am I kidding? I love them! But I also like to feel a certain level of sexual tension between the characters. A connection that goes beyond just a physical joining. There was none in this book. These two go at it within the first minute of meeting each other. At the 30% mark my interest was pretty much gone.

Then there was Cole’s newly acquired Dom penchant. Basically I’m expected to believe that a man in his 30s that has had zero experience with D/s, all of a sudden develops an uncontrollable urge to dominate and control Genevieve because the sex between them is THAT hot.

So he goes to a sex store, picks up supplies, and VOILA, he’s an expert in Shibari just a few days later.

What? Did he google it? Watch a youtube tutorial?

Right then. Moving on.

The suspense part of the book could have been good. Unfortunately I figured out who the bad guy was pretty early on. So the ending was a bit anticlimactic for me.

As for my rating?
I’d give 5 stars for the sex, and 2 stars to the actual story. So let’s just make that 3 stars for the whole package. This was my first book by Tracy Wolff, and I enjoyed the author’s writing style so I plan to try another book by her. This book wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t a 5 star read for me.

ARC courtesy of publisher VIA Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Review: Convicted by Aleatha Romig

Convicted (Consequences, #3)Convicted by Aleatha Romig

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Blurb

You must stick to your CONVICTION, but be ready to abandon your assumptions – Denis Waitley

Book #3 of the Consequences Series—
There were still lessons to learn and consequences for the truth!
When Claire Nichols met Anthony Rawlings, she didn’t know they had a past, or that he had plans for her future. Over time, the role of teacher changed—games became reality—and domination turned to desire. Despite an insurmountable history, Claire and Tony found their way back to one another.
Just when they seemed to have it all—love, respect, and the promise of a family—the game master exposed the truth. Claire’s world once again spun out of control. Unwilling to allow her child to suffer the consequences of an old vendetta, Claire fled…
At one time, Claire was held captive in an opulent mansion—then her incarceration was a cell inside a state penitentiary. Was her new prison—a tropical island—truly less lonely? Perhaps that was the game master’s plan, all along? 
Who will save Claire from her oldest nightmare and her newest reality? Will it be Tony? Can he forgive her for leaving him—again? Harry? Will he utilize previously unknown connections to save the woman who infiltrates his thoughts? Maybe Phil? Will his devotion in keeping Claire and her child safe be rewarded? 
As the cards are played—sins of the past, innocent victims, and truths are revealed. With compartmentalization no longer an option, is the reality too much? Could there be an even worse isolation?
With the game master dealing from a stacked deck, can this new high-stakes game possibly be won?
When it’s all over and their cards are on the table—SOME will discover their bets were too high—they have nothing left to lose—ALL will learn the crucial lesson—the most important rule—there are CONSEQUENCES for the TRUTH! 

My Review

5 I’m still getting over this book stars

Theirs was a long, complicated story with a monster and a knight. What made their story unique was that these two players were the same person.

March 2010. No, that wasn’t when I was born. It was when I began to live. Most people think I’m crazy— maybe I am. You see I began to live, the day my life was taken away.

This book was…I thought…And maybe…uhhhhh…To sum it up…
FUUUUUUUCK! My brain hurts! I need a mental health vacation. I need unicorns and rainbows. I need a hug. I need a drink. I need my sanity back. Actually, that’s probably long gone now.

Having read all 3 books back to back, I can tell you all one thing. If you plan on doing the same, I suggest having reinforcements.

I imagine, that if I had a conversation with Ms. Romig, it might go something like this.

Me: Any words of advice for the readers about to pick this book up?


Me: Allrighty then…I’ll take that as a no??

So what was going through your head as you were writing convicted?


And there you have it. But guess what? That’s all that you’ll be getting from me too. It’s impossible to fully review this book without revealing spoilers, so I’m not even going to try.

What I can tell you? This series is unlike anything you will ever read. It’s dark, twisted, convoluted, fucked up, and so brilliantly written that even when you’re curled up in a dark corner and rocking yourself back and forth, you’ll still want to continue reading.

Aleatha doesn’t ease you in with Convicted. Fuck no! She throws you right into the deep end of crazy and doesn’t let up up until the end. There are so many twists, the book will keep you at the edge of your seat until the last page. It is not every day you can pick up a book and get a hero that by all accounts you’re supposed to hate, yet somehow the author makes you fall in love with him. Stockholm? Maybe! This series has taken over my life for a week. I will never be the same after finishing it.

I cannot think of words that will give this book the justice that it deserves. Is it something that I would read again? Not even if you paid me. I think that if I pick this up again, they will be carting me away to the nearest psych ward. Is it a series that I will ever forget? Not in a million years. I hated it. I loved it. I wanted to throw my kindle at the wall. I wanted to rage, scream, cry, and beg for mercy. But it never let up.

I had to sleep on it before leaving a rating. After much deliberation, I know one thing: Any book that makes you feel and think as much as this did, deserves nothing less than 5 brilliant stars. Yes, it was one crazy ride. But damn, it’s not one I will be forgetting anytime soon.

Me right after I finished
Review to come. Once I get some of my sanity back. Which might take a while. Or never? I don’t even know. Who are you? Where am I? Who’s that? What was I talking about? Tonyyyyyyyyy

la la la la la la la la

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Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Worth The Fight by Vi Keeland

To see other stops on the tour for reviews, guest posts, and excerpts click here or the tour button above.

Worth the Fight (MMA Fighter #1) by Vi Keeland

Book Blurb

It didn’t matter that the ref called it a clean hit. Nico Hunter would never be the same. 
Elle has a good life. A job she loves, a great apartment, and the guy she’s been dating for more than two years is a catch and a half. But it’s boring…and she strives to keep it that way. Too many emotions are dangerous. Her own past is living proof of what can happen when you lose control.
Then Nico walks into Elle’s office and everything changes…for both of them. But what can the tattooed, hard-bodied MMA fighter and the beautiful and always steady attorney have in common? A lot more than they bargained for.

My Review

4 TKO Stars!

Nico Hunter might just be my kryptonite. I’m a character in my story, going through the chapters of my life as if it was written by an imaginary person, when I should be the author. 

 I’m woman enough to admit that what initially drew me to this book was the cover. Shallow of me? Perhaps. But is it so wrong that I just want to lick it? I think not. Then I read this: tattooed, hard-bodied MMA fighter and my inner dirty girl was all 
and I knew I was sold. Luckily for me, this book lived up to the cover, unlike the many I’ve read before it.
Elle lives a good, albeit controlled existence. She’s a successful lawyer with a good job and boyfriend that technically should be perfect for her. Everything should be perfect, she should be happy. The controlled life is a boring one, but that’s the way that she wants it and she likes it that way.

I’ve been this way for a long time. I make responsible choices. My life is neat and organized and my heart rate stays constant. I like it that way most of the time. I should be proud of where I am in my life. But the truth of the matter is sometimes I feel like I’m suffocating in my perfunctory life.

But beneath the perfect layers lies a dark past with an even darker secret. And if controlling her environment allows her to keep it buried and wake up without nightmares, then that is what Elle will do. But then Nico Hunter walks through her office doors, and everything changes. Nico was a six-foot-three, two hundred and twenty-one pounds, green eyed sex on a stick. When he sees Elle, he knows what he wants and the man knew damn well how to go after it. I have to admit he certainly had a way with words.

Why do you want to have dinner with me?” “Aside from the obvious, that you’re gorgeous?” “When I look in your eyes I see a little light flicker…” He pauses for a second. I look at him, but still don’t speak. “And for the last twenty four hours all I could think about was what it would take for me to turn that flicker into a flame.”

I am not usually a fan on insta-lust, insta-relationships, well insta anything to be honest. But for some reason Nico and Elle’s almost instant relationship didn’t bother me. Nico’s nickname was Lady Killer, but he never really came off as this womanizing, cocky asshole. So that may have been why the quick relationship development made sense? I didn’t feel it was rushed or unrealistic. Nico doesn’t want to scare Elle off, so he tries to be a gentleman and doesn’t try to instantly jump her bones. Which I would have had no issues with. Really. But then again, I’m a sexual fiend that way LMAO. Nico may have played a gentleman, but beneath that was filthy deliciousness.

You’re a beautiful, smart, strong woman who is used to being treated like a lady.” I’m confused at his words and Nico sees it on my face. He pulls me to him and buries his face in my neck. His breath is so close to my ear when he speaks, I feel the words throughout my body as he speaks them. “But when I finally get you underneath me, I’m definitely not going to treat you like a lady.”

If you follow my reviews, you know I have a soft spot for the dirty talkers, and Nico did not disappoint in that department.

Ride me. You’re so tight and wet.  I’m going to fill up that sexy little pussy and make it mine. I want my smell on you. In you. So that the whole god damn world knows you’re mine.”

 My thoughts:

I really enjoyed this book. There was no unnecessary angst. They didn’t play games with each other. I loved that even though Nico had a womanizing past, he doesn’t hesitate to stake a claim on Elle. He was a straight shooter and didn’t have commitment issues.

The relationship between Nico and Elle was not a perfect one since they are both characters that are trying to deal with a past that has scarred them. While Elle knows the nightmares that haunt Nico, Nico doesn’t realize the darkness that Elle hides. While we learn what haunts Nico pretty much right away, there are only hints and pieces alluding to Elle’s past. I had a feeling about what it was from the beginning, but I don’t think it was meant to be a big secret. But still, when I found out the whole story, my heart broke for her. 

My only complaint? I really wished the author gave us some sort of physical descriptions on the supporting characters. Aside from a description of what they wore, I never noticed anything mentioning what they look like: hair color, eyes, anything. When I read a book, I like to have an image in my mind of what I’m reading; to feel like the author is showing me a story as opposed to just telling it. Don’t get me wrong, the writing itself was fantastic. I suppose I just wanted a little bit more from it. It wasn’t something that bothered me so much that it took away from the story, but it was enough for me to notice it. I’m a reader that likes to have a visual in my head of every character I read, not just the main hero and heroine. The book itself was fantastic, I enjoyed the characters and the story. This is definitely a series that I will be following. If you enjoy steamy stories with sexy MMA fighters, definitely give this one a shot.

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About the Author

Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn’t change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work.  She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night! 

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Spotling Tour and Review: Dangerous Desire by Annie Seaton

Dangerous Desire BCC:

A desperate search…
Schoolteacher Gracie James has never seen more danger than her Kindergarten classroom, but when she goes searching for her missing sister, she’s thrown into a world of sex, crime…and passion. Following a hot lead, she sneaks onto a stranger’s boat—and gets caught. Their one-sided conversation convinces her of two things. One: the guy is seriously sexy. Two: he knows something about her sister. Oh, yeah. And did she mention he’s sexy?

And a sizzling attraction…
Jake Alexander, former cop, is staking out a yacht brimming with criminal activity, for an insurance company, when a woman, dressed to kill and totally irresistible, stumbles into his dangerous undercover op. If he hadn’t tackled her, she’d have tottered straight onto the questionable yacht in those ridiculous high heels. Then she’d be dead. Or worse. As much as he’d like to kick her off his boat, he can’t risk her going off on some hare-brained scheme—but he can’t keep her around to muck up his job. Oh, yeah. And did he mention she’s distracting as hell?

Lead to dangerous desire…
Unfortunately, she has a keen mind of her own. And a body any man would die for. Jake’s attempt to keep Gracie safe quickly morphs into a reluctant alliance. And a whole lot more… But Gracie finds herself knee deep in more trouble than she bargained for, with secrets revealed and the criminals coming after her. Unless they find a way to trust each other, they’re finished. Oh, yeah. And did they mention they’re in love?

Book Excerpt:

In the dim light coming through the small hatch, sheer terror filled her expression. Wide-eyed, she lay on her back half under the table, pulling her dress down to cover her bared thighs. He held out his hand and she looked at it for a long moment, before placing her trembling hand in his. Pulling her to her feet in the narrow space, he braced himself on his good leg for balance. Her soft breasts pushed into his chest as he pulled her up and he jumped as a jolt of desire shot straight to his groin. 
He put his hand on her shoulders and tried to ignore the reaction of his body, disgusted with himself.
Christ, she’s got eyes as wide as rabbit caught in a spotlight and I’ve got a hard-on? I’ve been on this job too bloody long.
What he had to do was ignore his reaction and find out what she was doing on his boat. All his instincts were screaming she had something to do with what had been going down on the Midas and she wasn’t going anywhere till he found out.

My Review:

“I can’t get you out of my mind, Gracie. Ever since you stepped 

onto my boat in that sexy, red dress you’ve been in my blood. 

I’m a sucker for a steamy Romantic Suspense, and when I read the blurb to this book I was sold. Add in to that mix the gorgeous setting this book is set in, and you have a recipe for a fantastic story. Right? Well…almost.
Unfortunately, there were just a few things that kept this from being a 5 star read for me. Let me start with the things that I loved. 
Jake. He was just what I like in my heroes; broody, slightly broken, and sexy as sin. As much as he tries to fight his attraction to Gracie, I loved reading him inevitably fall for her.
The suspense. I’ve seen some reviewers call it a bit anti-climactic. I don’t agree. I had my suspicions, but the author managed to completely surprise me with where she took it. I did not see that ending coming at all. 
So what about it didn’t quite work for me? The heroine. I’ll admit, I tend to be extremely picky when it comes to MC. Particularly so with the heroines. Romantic Suspense is a genre I read quite a bit, and my expectations have been set pretty high at this point. Unfortunately, Gracie really did not rise up to the challenge here.
I wanted to like her, but never found myself connecting with her. I didn’t feel her actions matched her personality at all. She’s supposed to be somewhat boring and innocent, yet at one point in the book she comes on to Jake and uses sex to get what she wants. This did not add up to me at all. She was all over the place. She’s attracted to him, and stays with him yet at the same time thinks he might be a criminal? 
Because of my disconnect to Gracie, I never really connected to Gracie and Jake as a couple. As much as I loved Jake, I did not love them together. Gracie was all over the place with her behavior that she drove me up the wall. So the progression of their relationship didn’t seem natural to me. They have this instant attraction, yet she never fully trusts him. She has sex with him, but still thinks he’s involved in criminal activity. 
While the revelation in the end did catch me by surprise, I also felt that it wrapped up too quick. I would have liked to get just a little bit more.
As far as my rating:
Hero: 4.5 stars
Heroine: 2.5 stars
Plot: 4 stars
Steam: 3.5 stars
I will average my rating to a solid 3 stars. I think I would have loved this book had it not been my dislike of the heroine.
The one thing that really peaked my interest was Annie’s sister. I would absolutely LOVE to get a book for her. Given the information that we get at the end of this book, I feel like that would be a book I would be ALL over.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

Annie Seaton Bio:

Annie Seaton lives with her husband, and ‘Bob’ the dog and two white cats in a house next to the beach on the east coast of Australia. She sits in her writing chair, gazing at the ocean and writing stories.  Their two children are grown and married and she loves spending time gardening, walking on the beach and spoiling her two grandchildren. She has always been fascinated by all things romantic and has found her niche in life writing romance novels, ranging through contemporary, historical, suspense and paranormal…but all with romance of course.

Her love of reading and history began at an early age and she was a child who always carried a book (or two) no matter what she was doing. Several of her favourite books were confiscated from beneath her desk by teachers who had no understanding of her capacity to read while she was doing her schoolwork!

Her working life has seen her through several major career changes and Annie has now retired from the world of full time work and has fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a published author.

Annie’s debut full length novel, Holiday Affair, a contemporary romance set in the South Pacific was released as part of Entangled Publishing’s Indulgence line in March 2012 and has been a best seller on both Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. The sequel Italian Affair was released in June 2013, and will be followed shortly by Outback Affair. Annie has more books being released in 2013 and 2014 with Entangled Publishing in the Bliss, Entangled Ignite and Covet imprints.

In appreciation of the supportive author community, Annie has written a book on promotion to share the secrets of her success: Promotional Tips and Tricks for Aspiring Authors in the Digital Landscape.

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Review: Truth (Consequences #2) by Aleatha Romig

Truth (Consequences, #2)Truth by Aleatha Romig

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Blurb

Book #2 of the Consequences Series:
Claire Nichols endured the CONSEQUENCES of Anthony Rawlings’ vendetta. 
When she first arrived to his home, her goal was survival. Through strength and compartmentalization Claire captivated her captor. Her resilience in the face of his rule threatened Anthony’s well developed plan. He thought he taught her to behave-but domination became desire and Claire taught Tony to love. 
Their passion and adoration in a world of opulence appeared perfect, yet the reality was a roller coaster of emotion. Claire’s world teetered on the edge of sanity as Antony monitored her every move. When given the opportunity to flee, Claire drove away—a fateful decision which began a well laid plan. 
Unbeknownst to either of them, there were others who saw past the perfect facade of Anthony Rawlings. There were others who saw the TRUTH. Conspiracy and unfulfilled promises result in an early prison release for Claire. Not just a release—a pardon. According to the law, her crime never happened! 
Will it be that easy? Faced with freedom from her past—can Claire seize it? Can she build a new life, mend her broken spirit, become the woman she once was, and seek her own revenge? Or is it all a game? And does the game master have different plans?
How does Sophia Burke fit into the puzzle that is Tony and Claire? Will her presence affect the future of this well esteemed man? Can he dominate twice? Is that his goal? 
TRUTH continues the tumultuous saga of CONSEQUENCES,introduces new players, and uncovers more intrigue. Aleatha Romig skillfully weaves past transgressions through current deception to create a fervent world of obsessed desire. In this reality can an all-consuming relationship survive? 
When buried sins are discovered they threaten not only Tony and Claire’s future—but their very lives! Will the TRUTH be revealed in time?

My Review

5 Mind Blowing I Will Never Be The Same Again after Reading This Stars

There was no question in his mind— he’d seriously underestimated this woman.

Mr. Anthony Rawlings had a lesson to learn, and this time Claire claimed the role as teacher.

Let me start out by saying that I hated…no that’s not right. I despised…no, that’s not quite accurate. I LOATHED Tony in Consequences. I kept asking myself how in the fuck people could be team Tony with such a cruel, brutal, and in my eyes irredeemable asshole. (Now I should probably admit that my internal masochist was silently hoping that he would redeem himself. That bitch is eternally optimistic and has a thing for irredeemable assholes. I just didn’t think it was possible with Tony.)

So imagine my surprise where halfway through this book I not only began to feel for him, and actually (gasp) like him, but became a full fledged team fucking Tony.

This book fucked with my head.

Claire once read that time doesn’t pass at normal speeds within a black hole. If one were to travel into a black hole for only moments and return again, centuries would have passed. That explained the sensation she felt, once again peering into his dark gaze.

Tony was a giant magnet. His pull affected everything, from the rotation of the earth, to her mind’s ability to reason.

Oh Claire, I feel for you. I was right there with you.

I’m not even sure how to go about reviewing this book without revealing any spoilers. So I’m not even going to try. I was questioning where Aleatha Romig would take this series. I struggled through some parts of Consequences. It was one tough fucking pill to swallow. This book? I have one thing to say to you, Ms. Romig

I forever worship at the altar of your greatness.

Holy shit. I’m speechless. My mind? Blown! My sanity? Well what little of it was left…gone! I will never be the same. Truth was a crazy thrill ride filled with enough twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. And then when you read the end?

This book will keep you guessing until the end, it will make you question EVERYTHING and you will still not be close to what the truth is. I couldn’t put it down. My brain hurt. I was going crazy. I needed a shot or 5 of vodka once I finished. But FUCK! What a ride!

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Review: Bared by Him by Red Garnier

Bared by Him: (The Billionaire's Club #5)Bared by Him: by Red Garnier

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Blurb

Power. Possession. And red-hot passion… 
The Billionaire’s Club: The wealthiest, most powerful men—not only in Chicago, but in the world. They are used to having whatever they want, whenever they want it.  
Cade West may be richer than Midas but not even his vast wealth could save his young wife. Cade didn’t just grieve her loss; he was furious. What good is money if it can’t fix…everything? So when the utterly beautiful Ivy Summers boldly walks into his office asking him to donate to her cancer research foundation, he can’t decide whether to throw her out or wrap her up in his arms and never let go. All Cade knows is that he’s caught her scent and he has no intention of letting her walk out his door—even if he has to pay for the privilege. He makes Ivy an offer she can’t refuse: A game of strip poker for two million dollars. She can pretend all she wants, but Cade has awakened dark passions within her from the first time she saw him. Yes, he’s dark and tortured by his past. But if Ivy has the chance to have this man, all bets are off…

My Review

4 sexy and emotional stars

He’s as powerful as Zeus, but has the disposition of Hades

Something in her gaze snared and trapped him. There was passion in there, in those eyes. Kindness. Compassion. And something deep and wounded.

I have been addicted to this series ever since book 2, Taken by Him. And I have been looking forward to the brooding and man of few words Cade ever since. I had a feeling that his story will be a good one, and I was not wrong. While book 2 still continues to be my favorite in the series, this was the most emotionally charged one.

Cade West lost his wife to cancer 10 years ago, and continues to grieve her loss. Though it’s not as much sadness that he feels, as it is anger; anger that he wasn’t able to help her, that no amount of money and treatment was able to save her from death at such a young age.

So when the beautiful Ivy barges into his office demanding that he donate to her cancer research charity, his rage hits an all time high. He wants to throw the ballsy blonde out of his office but there’s just one problem, he wants her, and he hasn’t wanted a woman like this in as long as he can remember.

So what does he do to take care of this problem? Well he challenges her to a game of strip poker and promises his donation if she wins.
Ivy can’t help but feel an intense pull to Cade. She knows the wounds that he has, and she want to get to the man behind it, so she takes him up on the offer.

But when the game begins, all bets are off.

This novella, like all the others, was incredibly steamy and sexy. Cade may be a man of a few words but when he’s in the bedroom…well, let’s just say he says ENOUGH.

Ivy was a wonderful heroine. She was hesitant to get emotionally involved with Cade, but I can completely understand why that was given the information we find out about her in the end of the book. There was no unnecessary angst, which was refreshing as well.

Cade was dark and broody, but when he finally recognized his feelings for Ivy…I just fell even more for him.

I want you, Ivy. I want you more than I’ve wanted anything in my life – I take you in my sleep. I take you any way I can get you, any fucking time I can.”

While the sexy, womanizing, manwhore Luke continues to be my favorite in this series, Cade definitely came in in a very close second.

Each novella is told in dual POV and can easily be read as a standalone. Though I highly recommend reading them all. Red Garnier has this fantastic writing style that allows the reader to not only get a feel for the characters in 100 pages, but to fall for them as well.

And let’s be honest here, these books are friggin HAWT with a capital H.

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My reviews for:
Taken by Him (Billionaires Club #2)
Bound by Him (Billionaires Club #3)

Review: Consequences by Aleatha Romig

Consequences (Consequences, #1)Consequences by Aleatha Romig

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Book Blurb

Anthony Rawlings had a plan—to teach Claire Nichols to behave.
Claire Nichols had a plan—to survive!
In an unfamiliar bedroom within a luxurious mansion, Claire Nichols wakes to memories of a brutal abduction. All of her recollections have one common denominator, the man she just met—Anthony Rawlings. Unbeknownst to Claire, Anthony has had her in his sights for a long time. Every action has consequences—and his actions resulted in their chance meeting. 
Facing incomprehensible circumstances, Claire must learn to survive as she comes to terms with her new reality—every aspect of her livelihood is now dependent upon the tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed tycoon. Anthony may appear to the world as a prosperous, benevolent, kind businessman, but in reality Claire learns he is also a menacing, controlling captor with very strict rules: do as your told, public failure is not an option, and don’t divulge private information. Failure to follow these rules and more, are met with serious consequences.
In an effort to earn her freedom, Claire learns her lessons well and before long, she unknowingly captivates her captor. Anthony/ Tony reluctantly becomes enthralled with Claire’s beauty, resilience and determination. Their interaction instigates strong emotions, including—fear, anger, love, and lust—as their journey flows into uncharted waters of intrigue and passion. 
From the opening criminal abduction, through the twists and turns, to the unlikely romantic thrills, the suspense climaxes as Aleatha Romig utilizes vivid detail, allowing this novel to unfold like a movie. 
Can you put the pieces of the puzzle together? Claire Nichols abduction wasn’t a random act—did she learn her lessons well enough? Will these unlikely lovers remain true–or will she learn the truth before it’s too late?

My Review

3.5 I’m still questioning my sanity after reading this stars

She made a decision, and that decision would have consequences.

How do I even begin to review this book? What a dark, torturous, crazy, fucked up ride! I’m not sure I’m right in the head after finishing it. I’m not sure I’m right in the head for even starting it? I couldn’t put it down. I looked like one of those crazy people that talked to themselves through the whole thing. I must have been yelling and swearing in 5 different languages throughout the entire thing.

I was going to rate it differently, but after sleeping on it, I decided to go with a slightly higher rating. Why? Because I choose to rate this book as a psychological thriller. And as that…it was fucking fantastic! For those that are reading the labels and expecting an erotic romance or even a romance…well you’re in for one hell of a surprise…when you don’t fucking get it! How this got labeled is an erotic romance is really just beyond me. I will not give you a full review, because there is NO WAY to review this without revealing spoilers. So let me try to sum this up as best as I can without the multitude of book notes and highlights I made. Just straight, fucked up feelings.


“Good morning, Claire”

AHHH! You sadistic, fucked up, fucking asshole! I hate you! I hate you so much! How the fuck are people Team fucking Tony? HOW?! I’m Team Tony Should Have an Unfortunate Accident. Period. But I digress.

Let me take you on my Consequences experience

20% in


45% in



The ending?

Any questions??
Oh you DO have some?

The only reason I took off stars is I had to majorly skim many parts due to extremely lengthy and unnecessary descriptions of clothing brands, trips, things that weren’t too pertinent to the story. It just got way too wordy and lengthy and I found my interest waning in those parts.

This book fucked me up! I will never be the same. I may need intense vodka therapy after finishing it. I’m questioning my sanity for reading it. But what a ride! I’m really hoping for some answers in Truth…but somehow I’m doubting I’d get them…or even like the answers I get. Oh well. I’m off to cleanse my brain and read Truth.

And I thank you

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Review: ★Love and Let Die★ by Lexi Blake

A Tragic Love Story
Charlotte Dennis’s mission was clear: distract and misdirect CIA operative Ian Taggart by any means necessary. If she failed, she would never see her sister again. With her training, it should have been simple, but after one night in Ian’s arms, she knew that saving her sister would mean losing the man of her dreams.
Ian was tracking a terrorist when he met the beautiful American daughter of a Russian mobster. His instincts told him Charlotte was trouble, but his body craved her like a drug and his heart would not be denied. She took his ring and his collar. For once he was truly happy. But as he closed in on his target, her betrayal cost him his mission while her sacrifice saved his life. As she died in his arms, Ian vowed he would never love again.
A Dangerous Reunion
For six years, Charlotte has thought of nothing but returning to her husband, her Master. Working in the shadows, she has devoted herself to earning a chance to reclaim her place in Ian’s life. But forgiveness isn’t a part of Ian’s vocabulary.
Nothing is more important to Ian Taggart than his new mission. But the information he needs is firmly in the hands of the woman who betrayed him. To catch his most dangerous prey, Ian will have to let Charlotte back into his life. As the hunt takes them to some of the world’s most exotic locations, the danger grows and their passion reignites.
Will Ian forgive his wayward submissive…or lose her again?
4 stars
He’d been a different man with Charlotte, a softer man, a man who might have had a future.

If there was one thing she’d learned in her lifetime, it was that the world was a game. She would win or she would die.When I read the first book in the Masters and Mercenaries book, I knew, I just knew that I had to, I needed, I had to have Ian’s book.

I’m pretty sure I got to a point where all I had to do was think of Ian’s name and my mind was all

So needless to say, my anticipation and my hopes have gotten quite high in 5 books’ span. I don’t remember the last time I pre-ordered a book and then spent hours staring at my Kindle willing it to come in. Did this book meet my expectations? Not quite…IAN

The bigger they are, the bigger they fall. That’s kind of the idea I had built up in my mind for Ian. He was always so cynical with love with all his friends. I was waiting for a woman to come in to knock him on his ass. So when 5 years later his dead wife shows up at his office, he gets thrown for a bit of a loop.


I absolutely loved Charlie’s personality from the last book. She was spunky, tough, and kick-ass. I just knew that she was going to be even better in her own book. She had been through so much in her life and at the hands of her father. And when she was forced to betray Ian five years ago in order to save herself and her sister, she has spent those years apart trying to atone for her actions.

A girl had to have a hobby. Hers just happened to be causing chaos for some of the world’s worst terrorists and criminals. It was fun.

She made plenty of sacrifices, and even stood in front of a bullet for a member of Ian’s team in the previous book. All in hopes for earning the right to be back in his life.

When Ian is force to work with Charlotte since she holds the key information he needs in order to finally get to the rogue agent responsible so much of his past turmoil, he finds it hard to fight his attraction to her. Even though he should hate her for what she did to him, he can’t help but still feel the pull between them.

He was going to kill her. He was going to wrap his hands around her pretty throat and squeeze. Except the minute he had the vision of killing his back-from-the-dead wife, she was suddenly naked and he wasn’t thinking about throttling her anymore. Maybe he could fuck her to death. That would be a better way to go.

The one thing that I have loved in Lexi Blake’s books in the past was the super steamy love scenes. You could just feel the burning passion between the couples when you read it. I couldn’t seem to get the same thing here. The sex scenes between Ian and Charlie read almost mechanical to me at times. Like insert slot B into slot A, moan, breath, *insert dirty words here*, rinse and repeat. It took Ian pretty much the entire book to finally open up some. So maybe that was what was missing for me? I’m not even sure. Then again, this also might have been the case of my high expectations just being too high? Who knows. What I do know that is that in all the build up to Ian’s book, it didn’t quite meet my expectations in that.

I really liked Charlie. The way that she fought for her sister, and then fought her way back to Ian melted my heart. She took on so much abuse, and she took it all from Ian too, in order to make up for her mistakes. She was understanding, and sweet, yet at the same time maintained a lot of her strength.

The other thing that I found lacking was the romance. At times I found that the romance took a backseat to the suspense. Don’t get me wrong, the story was action packed and entertaining. I guess I just wanted something…more. I was even able to look past a few details that irked the Russian in me. A few stereo types here and there, and the name Dusan Denisovitch. (Dusan? Not a Russian name. At least none I’ve ever heard.) But I suppose that’s just me being picky.

There is a HEA at the end, but a hell of a cliffhanger introduction into the next book. I was really hoping to get Simon’s book next, but looks like we will be getting a different sexy Brit, Damon Knight.

Don’t Miss The Rest of The Series!

The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters & Mercenaries #1)
The Men With The Golden Cuffs (Masters and Mercenaries #2)
A View to a Thrill (Masters and Mercenaries #7)
Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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