Review: Shattered Glass by Dani Alexander


A male prostitute, a mangy cat, a murder and an obsession that threatens his career, his impending marriage and his life. Nothing is going as planned for Austin Glass.
Austin Glass seems to have it all, A loving fiancee, a future with the FBI and a healthy sized trust fund. At least on the surface. He also has a grin and a wisecrack for every situation. But the smile he presents to the world hides a painful past he’s buried too deeply to remember, and his quips mask bitterness and insecurity. Austin has himself and most of the whole world fooled—until he meets a redhead in a pair of bunny slippers.

As events unfold in the biggest case of his life, Austin’s carefully planned future unravels, and he finds himself pushed into making quick, life-changing decisions. But can he trust himself or anything he feels, when each event seems to be just a series of volatile reactions?

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Review5 stars

Being gay wasn’t like changing eye colors; you couldn’t just get contacts and “Whammo!”— gayness.

“I like you. Even though you’re probably a criminal and are going to get me thrown off the force. And you kicked me. Broke my nose. Made me gay and refused to kiss me.”

I have to warn you in advance, when I get excited about something, I tend to swear like a sailor with tourette’s syndrome. You’ve been warned… FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK but this book was awesome! I don’t even have the words to describe how much I loved it. I’m pretty sure I highlighted every single word that came out of Austin’s mouth. I couldn’t stop myself. He was like a lingual Midas. Everything that came out of the man’s mouth was pure gold.

I wasn’t gay. You don’t go twenty-six years before the gay gene suddenly just kicks in. It didn’t work like that. I was sure of it. Not that I knew that much about being gay. I had one friend with same-sex orientation, and Dana hadn’t spoken to me since I asked her to describe her honeymoon in graphic detail— and then made vibrator noises.

Awww, Austin, don’t fret

Fuck it, I’m not gay. Goddammit. I’m bunny-slipper-sexual?

Really? Done and DONE!

Now come to mama Austin!

This book was like the perfect set up for a joke: A detective, a whore, and a demonic looking cat walk into a diner…

But I digress, so let’s get to the review shall we?

Austin Glass seemingly has it all, a great job as a detective with the FBI lined up, a more than healthy trust fund that keeps him in $2000 suits for work, a charming personality that seems to get him whatever he wants, a wise crack for every occasion, and a loving fiance. There’s just one problem that he seems to have now. After seeing a certain redheaded busboy in bunny slippers, Austin can’t seem to stop thinking about him. Which proves to be a bit of a problem. How does a man that has been engaged 4 times, and cheated on each woman with the next one, all of a sudden find himself fantasizing about

I’m not gay.”“Congratulations. Would you like a medal?” Bunny Slippers asked.
“I already have a medal. For bravery, not for being gay. I think you made me gay.”
“I made you gay? Is that better or worse than the person who made you stupid?”

That is quite the conundrum you got yourself there Austin. Perhaps there’s a book you can read that might help you out?

Hmmm….well maybe you can talk to a gay friend or something? Maybe talk to your partner’s gay daughter? I think he offered…

I don’t give a shit if your daughter is gay or your whole fucking lineage is taking it up the ass. They’re not me. Unless you have some unique perspective on why I’m suddenly checking out guys’ asses, then I’m just going to go with the redhead that takes it up the ass and hope he has a shitfucking answer.” Or a goddamn roadmap of how to deal with a sudden attraction to penises might be helpful, too.

Well sure, I guess you could do that too.

I think I read this entire book with a big goofy grin on my face. I don’t think there was one thing about it I disliked. Everything was just fucking awesome!

Austin’s internal musings

Dear God, he’d broken my nose, charged me for sex, kicked me, made me look like an idiot, and all I wanted to do is bang the sense out of him with my dick.

Austin’s banter with his partner

“Today is hump day, Luis.” I lolled my head to the side and blinked prettily at my partner.
“Don’t make me lock you in a cell, Glass.”
“What kind of gifts do people give their partner on hump day? Lube? Vibrators? Issues of Bazooms with a box of tissues?”

And most especially, Austin’s banter with Peter

You’re frustrating.”
“I’m adorable.”
“From a distance,” Peter admitted— grudgingly.“Up close, I’m sexy as hell.”
“You’re rich, spoiled and used to getting your way,” he said stubbornly. “Not true. If I had my way you would have kissed me and ridden me like cowboy while screaming ‘yeehaw’.”

This book had everything; humor, suspense, mystery, action. And when we finally have some action between Peter and Austin…

Major swoon!

How the fuckidy fuck did I go so long without reading this book? What is wrong with me? Wait! Don’t answer that. But in all seriousness, this book was simply the best. Thank you my PPE, Pervy, for giving me the friendly shove to read this one. You are the bestest! *muah*

Now I could probably keep sitting here and ramble on and on about how much I loved this, and quite possibly put in like 50 other quotes I like. But that is all you will be getting from me. Stop reading my review and go read this book!!!

And I thank you


I need the next book like yesterday! Cai! I want it! I need it! Gimme gimme gimme!
Dear Dani Alexander, what do I have to promise you to get this book? My first born? A kidney? An ovary? For the love of Jebus, WHAT?!

Ok…I think my manic episode is done now. Really. Don’t judge me!

Review: Craving Constellations by Nicole Jacquelyn

Craving Constellations (The Aces, #1)Craving Constellations by Nicole Jacquelyn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 Raw, gritty, and completely captivating stars

“I know, baby. I know you need control. But with me, you aren’t gonna get it.”

In my head I reminded myself that he was taken, but I couldn’t get over the feeling that he had always been mine.

I went into this book with absolutely zero expectations. I’m a sucker for MC books, but after a recent string of very mediocre reads, I wasn’t expecting much from a debut novel.

Holy shit was I wrong. This book blew me away! It was raw, gritty, painful, emotional, dark, passionate, and unputdownable until the very last page.

Five years ago Brenna made the decision to leave the only life she’s ever known behind, in the hopes of building a different future for herself. Being the daughter of the vice president of a MC that runs guns is not exactly what she wants to be know for. What she doesn’t expect is to run back to her old life when the new one she though she was building comes crumbling down on her. Leaving behind a brutally abusive husband, she takes her daughter and runs back to the only family she’s ever been able to rely on.

Dragon is the Aces new lieutenant. When he first met Brenna at a club party he had just gotten his cut, and had no idea that the enticing woman that he felt such a pull to was his VP’s daughter. They share a night of passion only for her to take off and then reappear in his life with one huge secret.

Fuckin’ gone for five years. No one hears from you. Now, you come back, and I find out you had my daughter and didn’t tell me FOR FIVE FUCKIN’ YEARS?”.

Dragon is devasted that he was kept from his daughter for 4 years, and as much as he may blame Brenna for the decisions that she’s made and her betrayal he can’t seem to make himself stop wanting her.

Nicole Jacquelyn took two imperfect and fucked up characters and wrote them in such a way that you just couldn’t help but love them.

I am not typically a fan of heroines that are overly emotional but yet I felt for Brenna. Her life hasn’t been an easy one, and although she has made some mistakes she still struggles to bring back the strong woman that she once was. She left behind her life because she didn’t want to be the old lady on the sidelines while her man came home smelling like club whores. Dragon may not be perfect, but the magnetic pull between them is impossible for her to deny.

I went into the thing with Dragon looking for a little escape from reality, and I’d gotten way more than I bargained for. He wasn’t charming like Tony. He didn’t tell me sweet things. He was gruff and rude, and the things he said to me made me blush.

Brenna and Dragon are attempting to mend things between them, but
will the secrets that she still hold on to threaten to break them once and for all?

Their relationship was gritty, painful, emotional, but real.

We weren’t making love. It wasn’t sweet or soft. We were fucking, hard. Every movement was rough and needy, and for once, Dragon wasn’t talking me through it. We just needed to be as close as we possibly could before the world came tumbling around us again.

I loved how the relationship between them, while having it’s fair share of bumps and turns, felt real. Dragon may have been a rough around the edges, says what he wants with no holds barred Alpha man, but the way he felt pain broke my heart.

His pain bled through the pages to me. And even though Brenna was the sole reason behind this, I couldn’t bring myself to blame her. They were both broken and tortured souls, and my heart went out for both of them.

He was like a wounded animal, and I was the hunter who’d wounded him. I didn’t know if he would ever forgive me.

There was a point in this book where Dragon did something that I would usually not be able to tolerate or understand in a hero. The fact that I not only forgave him for it, but understood his pain and remorse for it after the fact speaks volumes for the writing.

If you’re looking for an emotionally charged, beautifully written MC book then you really need to give this one a try. I am really looking forward to the next book in this series (hopefully it will be Grease?)

ARC Review: Taken by Him by Red Garnier

Taken by Him (The Billionaire's Club #2)Taken by Him by Red Garnier
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sex appeal oozed from his pores so powerfully Peyton almost felt assaulted. He was all Greek god, do-me-now-or-kill-me-now sexy.

I went into this novella with very little expectations. I mean what can you really expect from 112 pages? When it’s written by Red Garnier, quite a bit actually.

I wanted a quick and steamy little read and I got that. What I also got was great characterization, an interesting story, HOT AS HELL sex scenes, and even a few laughs.

I don’t usually enjoy novellas too much simply because they are too quick for me to get any sort of feel or liking for the characters. I was so happy to see that when it came to sexy as hell Luke and the serious yet craving some spice Peyton, that was not the case. I really enjoyed this one.

Anyone that follows my reviews knows that I have a thing for the arrogant, slightly assholish, sexy manwhores. I can’t help myself. They just do it for me. And Luke was the manwhore to beat all manwhores. The man managed to get shot because he got caught having sex with a woman he shouldn’t have been having sex with. He’s not exactly discerning when it comes to women.

Everyone knew he was a cad – clearly, the heart in his chest was just for pumping blood to his cock. Not for feelings and shit.
Hell, he could probably live without one.

Luke has it all; good looks, success, money, and women seem to just flock to him. His ego also knows no bounds.

He was a sexy man. Everybody wanted him. His famed and acclaimed advertisements for one of his own male underwear companies were fit for a Playgirl cover; he was every woman’s wet dream and they went wild for his big, thick cock perfectly delineated under those damned white briefs.

Something about this egotistical bastard just worked for me

I’m like the fucking holy pope of sex. A night with me is like the pinnacle Of a lot of these women’s sexual lives.”.

While the man that shot him still hasn’t been caught, and his friends practically force him to get out of Chicago for the time being, Luke decides that Cancun will be the perfect place for him to regroup.

Peyton Lane is a successful business woman, a partner in a big invesment firm. She is always the responsible one, the serious one. So when she spends a week in an exotic resort in Cancun she plans to get lose. And what better way to do that then to have a steamy affair with a man she will never see again. When she first lays eyes on the sinfully sexy Luke, she knows she found just the man.

If there had been a god of pure lust and sex in Greek mythology- without the love aspect attached to it, like with Eros- the she had no doubt that his name would be Luke Fucking Preston.

Peyton Lane has always been serious and responsible and she’s determined to have some fun for once in her life. And that means a deliciously, sexy affair with a stranger while she’s on vacation. So when a blond Adonis named Luke crosses her path at the Cancun resort, she’s determined that he will be the one. What takes place is a 3 night scorching hot affair.

Peyton discovers that she doesn’t quite get what she bargained for with Luke, she gets more. She gets passion the likes of which she has never experienced.

For a quickie novella, this one packed quite a punch. I am not usually a fan of a quick relationship development, particularly with a renowned manwhore like Luke was. I am not sure if it was the writing, or the fact that I really enjoyed both the characters, but in this story it really worked. It wasn’t instantaneous, but it was believable.

And when Luke does fall, he falls hard.

This was a short, steamy, and extremely satisfying read. I read it in one sitting, and will definitely be reading the rest of the books in the series.

ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Review: Love Plus One (G-Man 2) by Andrea Smith

Love Plus One (G-Man, #2)Love Plus One by Andrea Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 I want Taz to call ME his ‘baby girl’ STARS

“I’m not looking to get hurt, Taz. I’m just looking to get laid.”

She was a fucking contradiction in terms. She was soft and sweet; lusty and sexy; reserved and abandoned at the same time.

Well, it’s official my friends; Andrea Smith has a new stalker auto-buy fan in me. While I really enjoyed her Baby Lite series, this book pretty much blew it out of the water for me. I thought I knew what I was in for, I though I was prepared for what was coming, boy was I fucking wrong! But before I get into all that, let’s talk about a few other things.

While I have not yet read the first book in this series (something I will be rectifying immediately), I had no issues understanding what was going on. I knew right away when I began reading that this book was going to be right up my alley.

I mean let’s see…
Sexy bad-boy, slightly assholish and manwhoring hero:
Said hero also having tattoos:
He was a sexy as hell FBI agent:
Heroine that I didn’t want to strangle:
A fantastic plot:
And enough steam to feel like my reader was going to catch on fire: YUP!

A year ago, Lindsey Dennison’s life changed irrevocably. Her father turned out to be not quite the man she always thought him to be. She had to deal with the fact that her father’s criminal activity led to federal bust, and his ultimate run from the law. Her parent’s marriage is over, and her mother is now married to the man responsible for the the bust.
Her mother never even hinting to the problems that she was having in her marriage certainly hasn’t helped with the shock that Lindsey has been dealt. But she’s trying to deal with it, to move on with her life. So she focuses all her energy on her first year of college. She’s not looking for happily ever after, she just wants to finish school and begin her career. There’s just one pesky little issue that she’d like to deal with before all that; losing her virginity.

But Lindsey doesn’t feel that way. She’s not looking for rainbows and unicorns and a happily ever after. She just wants to get it over with, and who’s better fit for the job that her step-father’s sexy partner, Trace “Taz” Matthews.

Taz is not into relationships. He likes his sex hot and dirty, and he likes his women disposable. But he’s 10 years older than Lindsey and he knows that his partner and best friend’s virginal step daughter is definitely off limits.

But there’s just one problem to his plan to stay away from her; he can’t seem to stop thinking about the little spitfire.

So they come to an arrangement. Taz will help Lindsey learn all she needs to about sex, and then they will both move on without looking back.

But things never quite work out the way you plan them, and Taz and Lindsey find themselves dealing with what looks to be a budding relationship.

I really liked that the progression of Lindsey and Taz’s relationship didn’t feel rushed or forced. Even though it might have been lust at first sight, both Taz and Lindsey struggled with their feelings, and it took them some time to deal with things.

As I’ve come to associate with Andrea Smith’s books, the story was filled with steam, action, suspense, and twist and turns. Just when I thought I was OK with how things were developing, and thought I knew what was coming Andrea went and swept the rug right out from under me. HOLY FUCKING HELL! When I got to the 80% mark of this book…I have no words. I’m pretty sure it was just

Shortly followed by

And after just left me

Please be warned that the book has a very brutal and graphic rape scene. If you are not comfortable reading that, I would advise against reading this book. The last 20% will leave you reeling.

Was this book perfect? No. There were times where I wanted to slap some sense into Lindsey, and times where Taz did or said some things that had me shaking my head. But something about it just worked for me. I loved it. And now I am eagerly anticipating the 3rd book’s release in December 2013.

But that is all the ramblings you’ll be getting from this girl for now. I’m gonna go read me a sunshine and rainbows book next to deal with the HOLY HELL DID THAT JUST HAPPEN last 20% of this book. And I thank you

ARC Review: Fatal Strike by Shannon McKenna

Fatal StrikeFatal Strike by Shannon McKenna
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

That radiant smile scared him to death. All that “mine” bullshit. No longer an issue. Probably never had been. He was hers. After all his arrogant posturing. All hers.

Finally, 10 books into the series, we get a book for Miles. I’ve been intrigued by his character ever since he was introduced back in book 2. Taking into consideration how much I’ve absolutely hated Cindy, his then love interest, I’m so glad that he got a heroine totally worthy of him with Lara.

I love a good romantic suspsense, and Shannon McKenna can definitely deliver one hell of an action filled punch. But if you’ve been keeping up with the series, you have probably come to realize then when you read this series, you really must prepare yourself to leave the realm of believable. The villains in her book have been getting progressively more crazy…or actually

While enough background information is given to be able to read this as a standalone, many of the previous characters make an appearance. It’s hard for me to say whether it would get confusing, as I had read all the books. But Shannon McKenna does do a very good job with characterization and background without it being boring or repetitive.

Miles Davenport has always been a bit of a nerd in the earlier books. For those that have that image of him in their mind while reading, will have a hard time seeing him as the super sexy commando that he is in this one. I had no such problems. I thought that his journey from basement computer nerd to kickass hero is a very smooth and believable one.

Fatal Strike finds Miles still trying to recuperate after his ordeal in the previous book. After undergoing a horrendous torture, he wakes up from his coma as Miles 2.0.

But this is not happy news for him. He struggles with how to deal with his new psychic abilities, thinking that he must be going crazy. Especially when he begins getting very carnal visits in his mind’s fortress from a woman he can’t stop thinking about, or her failed rescue attempt.

Lara Kirk is being held captive by a psychopath for the past 6 months, undergoing experiments on her mind with a new drug that is supposed to increase her psychic ability. The experiments are slowly causing her to lose track of what’s fantasy or what’s reality; combining both into one shadowy world.

But when her mind leaves her body, it only knows of one safe place to hide; with a man whose virile presence is able to offer a calming and sensual escape from her reality.

When Miles realizes that his phantom visitor is in fact real, and Lara is still alive, he knows that he will stop at nothing to rescue her this time around.

I enjoyed how Miles wasn’t the typical arrogant and jaded Alpha male. Don’t get me wrong, he was still sexy as sin, but still somewhat unsure of himself. It was incredibly endearing.

Lara, although she went through hell for the past 6 months was a great heroine as well. She was strong, and tough, and I loved the connection between her and Miles.

If you’re expecting a realistic relationship progression, you’re definitely reading the wrong book. Expect to have sex scenes right after an ordeal or struggles with bad guys. I had no problem with this, since I knew in advance what I was getting into. And to be honest, I’ve grown to enjoy that in this series.

Why only 4 stars? Well I found myself getting a little bored at some parts. Fatal Strike is action packed, filled with suspense and super steamy erotic scenes. But certain parts were a bit too lengthy for me, and I had to skim pages.

We got a few peeks into Sveti and Sam’s budding “relationship”. And I’m really looking forward to their book. I’ve really liked Sveti’s character, ever since she was first introduced as a young child in Extreme Danger.

I do hope that the next book finally takes a step back from this psychic plot line that seems to be recurring ever since book 7. It is starting to feel slightly played out.

Overall, this was a great addition to the series, and I am definitely looking forward to the next book. Really hoping that it will be Sveti and Sam’s book.

ARC courtesy of Publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

View all my reviews

Fatal Strike expected date of publication is September 24, 2013
Pre-purchase it on Amazon here: Fatal Strike
Read more about it here: Goodreads

Tuesday Man Candy

Well it’s Tuesday here in Dirty Girl land. So you know what that means. Yes yes, only a day away from Hump Day.
I keed, I keed
It may be a day away from Hump Day, but here, Tuesday has become a very holy day. It’s Man Candy time!
Let me present for your perving pleasure, Leon Nieuwoudt






 So happy Tuesday my lovelies. And you’re welcome and all that 😉


Review: Uncommon Passion by Anne Calhoun

Uncommon PassionUncommon Passion by Anne Calhoun
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Beautifully Erotic Stars

My God, he was broken. So broken, this frightening vulnerability protected only by pieces of bulletproof vest held together with razor wire, attitude, and a smile that broke her heart every time he flashed it.

He was in too deep, she was too deep for a man like him, and he didn’t have anything left inside to give her.

Anne Calhoun has this way with writing that is captivating yet understated. It’s erotic and beautifully passionate. The book draws you in from the first page, and the words will weave their way all around you, making sure you experience everything along with the characters; every smell, every feeling, every sound, every passionately erotic moment. Anne doesn’t write simple erotic romances.

I have fallen in love with her writing since reading Liberating Lacey, my first book by her. And I have been singing her praises every book since. I have yet to read a book by Miss Calhoun that I haven’t enjoyed, and this one was no exception. Dare I say this was her best book yet? Well it was definitely a favorite of mine.

I loved everything about this book; the story, the characters, the writing.

What I have grown to love most about Anne’s writing, is the way that she is able to write a heroine that strong, but in this incredibly endearing and understated way. This is how Rachel was.

Rachel has recently left the only life she has ever known inside a restrictive religious community. She may be sheltered and a virgin, but she knows what she wants and she goes after it. She wants to experience life without limitations, she wants to feel. She’s was like this butterfly taking flight after leaving the strict cocoon that was her upbringing.

The first thing she wants to experience is passion. When she meets the sexy Swat Officer Ben Harris at a bachelor auction, she knows that he is the perfect man to give her what she wants.

Ben is a broken and jaded man, trying to bury his pain in an endless haze of adrenaline jags at work, drinking, and sex.

He’s not looking for forever, he’s not even looking for next week. All he cares about is the here and the now. But when he learns that Rachel is a virgin after their one night together, he sets out to make amends. He knows he can’t offer her much, but what he can offer her is a no string attached sexual education and not lose her heart in the process.

Everyone was worried Rachel would get her heart broken if she didn’t get a ring and a vow and a happily ever after right out of a movie. But Rachel needed something more, something he didn’t know if he could give her. She had no shields whatsoever to protect her from anything.
Including him. The only thing he could teach her was how to harden her heart.

Rachel never imagined that this is what she was missing; this lust, this burning hot passion that sets them both on fire.

Ben may have been detached in his life and relationships, but he was certainly not detached when it came to teaching Rachel the darker parts of passion.

Just say cock.”
“I don’t use language like that.” He paused as if he were going to pull out, but then didn’t. Ensnared in need, she moaned and squirmed again. “Try ride me. Pound into me. Make me scream. Or go for the one that means all three. Try fuck me.”

The sex scenes in this book, while beautifully written, were also scorching hot.

Ben was definitely rough around the edges and loved things dirty and hot.

You should have…” she began, but that finger circled again and the words trailed off.
“Should have what, Rachel? Should have fucked you on the steps while they stumbled around? Should have made you be quiet while you took my cock deep inside?” She shook her head, as much response to the tumultuous cascade of sensation his words set off as negating his interpretation.
“Should have stopped?” The whisper was dark, taunting. “Not gonna stop, Rachel.” Two fingers slid inside her when he spoke, and a breathless little cry escaped her lips. “I want it right now, right the fuck now, against this wall now.”

All Ben wanted to do was to teach Rachel about sex, and have a little fun with her while staying his jaded and detached self. But he begins to see that she is not quite what he expected

People assumed virgin meant weak, naïve, insecure, even ashamed. Not Rachel. She was aware, thinking about what she did and why she did it, and strong enough to ask questions, plan, execute a course of action that left her alone in the world.

Rachel may have been sheltered, but she was not your typical virgin that you might read in a book. She had a backbone, she stood up for what she believed. But the way she went about doing it is what made her so endearing to the reader. She had a quite intensity to her. She didn’t scream, she didn’t cry, she didn’t make stupid decisions. She remained true to herself and her desires for life throughout the whole story, and I absolutely loved that about her.

Ben begins to see that there is a whole lot more to Rachel then the naive virgin he first thought her to be.

Rachel was wrong with him. Rachel and her dark hair and golden eyes and her ability to shine a light on the protective shield he held up between himself and the world. Just showing him it was there, let alone what it meant, or how thin it really was. Making him feel things he didn’t want to feel.

Can Rachel get past his defenses to the beautifully broken man inside? But will Ben allow her past his walls and into his heart without breaking hers in the process?

Loved, absolutely loved this book. If you have never read a book by this author, this is the perfect one to start with. You will fall in love with the characters and the story.

Purchase Uncommon Passion here: Amazon

Review: ★Sanctum★ by Lexi Blake

Sanctum (Masters and Mercenaries, #4.5)Sanctum by Lexi Blake
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This novella was like the perfect quickie; not quite as long as you’d like it, yet oddly satisfying.

I really can never go wrong with a book by Lexi Blake, and this one was certainly no exception. I have been absolutely in lust with the Masters and Mercenaries series from the very first book, The Dom Who Loved Me. While many of my favorite characters from the past books made an appearance, this novella can easily be read as a standalone.

Eighteen months ago Ryan Church lost everything; his business and his millions. Distraught and facing jail time for a fraud that he didn’t commit, he doesn’t feel that he can uphold his end of the contract with the beautiful submissive that he’s fallen in love with. So he does the only thing that he feels is right – he lets her go.

Now working as a Dom in Residence in Ian Taggart’s club, he still can’t forget the woman that stole his heart and hasn’t even bothered trying to move on from her. His past collides with his present, when that same woman comes to the club to apply for the bartender position.

Unable to deny the feelings that Jillian still stirs in him, Ryan wants nothing more than another chance. But Jill still hasn’t forgotten Ryan’s rejection and leaving her behind caused, and trust no longer comes easy to her. She’s not the same submissive that she was over a year ago. The one thing she definitely cannot deny is the fire that still burns between them.

Oh, God”
“No, baby, it’s Ryan.” He chuckled, the sound a vibration against her flesh.
“I like the way you used to shout my name when you came. I want to hear it again. I’ve been waiting to hear it for a fucking year and a half.”


For a short novella, this book was extremely fulfilling. We get the back story and development of Jill and Ryan’s relationship, while also getting a little bit more Adam and my favorite Dom, Ian.

I have been anticipating Ian’s book from the very beginning of this series, and the little taste that we get of him in this book will just have to tide me over until October 1st.

How can I help you, Mr. Taggart?”
“You can fuck my Dom in Residence.”
“Sorry,” Taggart said, not sounding sorry at all. “My friend tell me I don’t deal with social situations. Supposedly I’m too blunt.”

“You’re kind of the worst fairy godmother ever, you know.”
“I don’t know. Do you intend to fuck him?”
“Then I would say I’m pretty fucking good. But the next time I have to play fairy godmother, I’m shoving a wand up someone’s ass.”

I read this book in one sitting and loved every single page of it. I also really loved Jill’s sister and hope we’ll get a book for her soon. It looks as if we will be getting a book next for my favorite kinky Brit, Simon. Or so I’m hoping!

If you enjoy super steamy BDSM books, you really need to give this series a try.

Now I just have to sit and wait impatiently for Ian’s book.

Tuesday Man Candy

Well my darling dirty birds, today is Tuesday, which according to my Dirty Girl Calender has been officially deemed as Man Candy Day. So let me present you with all the deliciousness that is Eric Belanger.
I mean, I ask you, who can resist that face? I think I found my go-to casting for pretty much any hero with dark hair and blue eyes. YUM!
The best part?
He looks even better with less clothes on 😉






Why do I have a sudden have an urge to go swimming??

ARC review: Blaze of Secrets by Jessie Donovan

Blaze of Secrets (Asylums for Magical Threats, #1)Blaze of Secrets by Jessie Donovan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

What did I think? I’m still not quite sure…

I didn’t love this one, nor did I hate it either. It had all the makings to a great book for me, the writing was good, the characters intriguing, steamy, with fantastic world building. Yet somewhere along the way, it just fell flat. Not enough for me to put it down, but enough that it did take me longer than usual to finish it. I tend to rate books based on how unputdownable it is for me. While I was curious enough to finish it, I had no problems putting it down for a while to go back to it later.

My first love is PNR, considering the series that first sucked me into the wonderful world of books was Black Dagger Brotherhood. So I have a bit of a soft spot when it comes to PNR and discovering new authors.

Jessie Donovan is off to a good start with Blaze of Secrets. The unique take on elemental magic and the intricate world building is what initially drew me to this book.

Considering that most of the PNR books I’ve read lately have been about vampires, demons, or shifters, this was a very refreshing chance of scenery.

The Feiru are struggling to keep their elemental magic a secret from the humans. In order to achieve this, they go to great lengths; locking up their first-born children in compounds known as Asylums for Magical Threats (AMT) when they reach magical maturity.

Unbeknownst to the general public, these Asylums are nothing short of prisons where many Feiru are experimented on, punished, and dying. This is also the place that Keirra has been in for the past 15 years.

Jaxton is ordered by the higher ups to also rescue Keirra for reasons unknown to him, during his rescue mission of his older brother. This is where the story begins.

So why only 3.5 stars?

Well, to be honest, I had a hard time getting into the book. There was a lot of world building that takes place in the first half, and a part of me had a tough time following it at parts. I found myself going back and re-reading certain paragraphs to better understand things. This is at times an issue with the first books in the series, so I overlooked this.

Around the 60% mark the book really took off, and I found myself enjoying it a whole lot more.

Overall, for a debut novel in a series, this was quite good. I feel like as the author grows into her craft the books will just keep getting better and better. The book, although not being a favorite of mine, definitely intrigued me enough to pick up the second book in the series once it comes out.

Keirra’s brother, Gio, was the most intriguing part of this book for me. I love characters like him, conflicted, on the wrong side of the war but yet ignorant of it. I really hope that he gets a book soon because I would definitely want to read that.

If you enjoy PNR reminiscent of Nalini Singhs Psy/changeling series but with elemental magic, you’d definitely want to give this one a try. I think what I enjoyed the most about this book was the unique new take on PNR. I see great things coming from this author in the future.

**Many thanks to the author for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

Blaze of Secrets is set to be released for September 3rd

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