DGR’s Ultimate List of Hot Cops in Romance

DGR Ultimate List of Hot Cops

Know what’s better than a man in a uniform? A man OUT of uniform and knowing how to use those cuff of his. Uhem. What? So I like me some hot alpha cops. Arrest me. Ha! See what I did there? Alright, enough of my bad jokes.

I know I’m  a little late with this month’s list. I try to get these out for you guys on the last Saturday of every month, but unfortunately real life has been kicking my butt lately. But better late than never right?

This month you all voted for my Ultimate List of Hot Cops, and that’s what I’m giving you. Fair warning, this will quite possibly be my longest list ever! We always chat about these lists in my FB group, so if you haven’t yet, join in on the inappropriate fun  HERE.

Since this list will be ridiculously long if I let it, I decided to limit my choices to the uber angsty book picks. These are some of my all time favorites and my go-to recs.

And if you’re new to my blog, this a monthly feature I do on the last Saturday of each month! Check out the previous features here:









As always, I’d love to hear from you all in comments if you don’t see one of your favorites listed. You know I love me some book recs 😉

You’ll notice I’ll list some of these by author because I loved several of their books, some I’ll list by series, and some will be simply individual books. Now let’s do this thing!

HARD EVIDENCE (I-Team #2) by Pamela Clare

Hard Evidence

“I’m half Italian.”
“Which half?” the words were out before Tessa could stop them. Was she flirting with him? She never flirted with men.
His lips curved in a slow, sexy smile that made her heart trip. “From the waist down.”

If you follow my reviews, then you already I’m obsessed with this series and this author. I’m talking LOVE this series. While this is book 2 in the series, you can easily start with it and not be lost. If you like dirty talking, slightly assholish yet protective cops, then undercover FBI agent,  Julian Darcangelo will be right up your alley. My top favorite in this series is definitely Marc “Hunt” Hunter in Unlawful Contact, Hard Evidence is definitely right up there too!

DIRTY SEXY CUFFED (Dirty Sexy #3) by Carly Phillips & Erika Wilde

Dirty Sexy Cuffed

“I want to lick you and eat you and taste you on my tongue as you come. Then I want to slid my cock into your soft , tight pussy and bury myself so fucking deep that you scream my name.”

Officer Levi Kincaid can do dirty REAL good. But he can also do super sweet.

…this went beyond simple attraction. She was the first woman to stir something deep inside of him when he honestly thought that part of him was damaged beyond repair.

Oh and did I mention he has a very specific kink that happens to involve those handcuffs of his? Cause…yeah.

CUFF ME (New York’s Finest #3) by Lauren Layne

Cuff Me

“He pushed her thighs wider apart. “You have the right to remain silent . . .” Vincent slid his hand upward, one finger sliding slightly into her.
Jill moaned. 
“Apparently you’re forgoing that right,” he said, his teeth nipping at her left butt cheek as his fingers continued to play with her. 
“Vin, you—” 
“Careful, baby. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

Oh I’m sorry…did you actually need more to convince you to read this? OK. Grumpy cop, sassy heroine. There. Now go read it! And don’t miss the first two Moretti brothers in FRISK ME and STEAL ME.

EXPOSED (Unguarded #1) by Ivy Stone


He was a cop.
She was a criminal.
Together we were chaos.


I want him, bad. I want him to slap those cuffs on, tell me what a bad girl I’ve been, and fuck me into oblivion. I hold back my grin. This is so not going to end well.

Ivy Stone had an insta fan in me when I read this fantastic debut full of angst and enough sexy time to keep my inner perv in me satisfied. My love for this series was solidified with book 2, DIVIDED, which I loved just as much if not more.


It’s no secret that I’m a fan of all things KA, and the woman has written some of my favorite cops EVAH, like Hector “Oh My God” Chavez. Seriously now. Have you met the man? Because you need a Hector “Oh My God” Chavez in your life. Below my favorite 3 KA cop heroes.

HOLD ON (The ‘Burg #6)

Hold On

“Need you to get this, Cher. I wanna kiss you. But right now, I wanna kiss you because you’re standin’ in my arms, lookin’ up at me the way you’re lookin’ up at me. I definitely wanna kiss the girl who loves to make me laugh. And I wanna kiss the girl who put that dress on for me. I also wanna kiss you because after I kiss you, I’m gonna take you to my bed and I’m gonna fuck you. But you need to know, in this instant, I wanna kiss you because you’re the girl you are right now, the way you are right now, lookin’ up at me.”

Swoon. I mean, FREAKING SWOON.



Rock Chick

“Chiquita, women spend a lot of time sittin’ around bitchin’ that there are no good men out there.
I hate to tell you this, but there aren’t a lot of good women either.
The difference is, when a man sees one, he knows it.
Then, he goes after her and wears her down until she’s his.
Then, if he’s any man at all, he won’t let her go.”

A protective alpha male cop, a girl in trouble and a whole lot of shenanigans.

KA at her best with this book!

Though it wasn’t my favorite in the series, I still couldn’t get enough of  Eddie Chavez.


Rock Chick

Then before I could stop it, to my horror, I started crying.
Really! Where was my Ice Princess? Why did she come along when she wasn’t wanted and disappeared when I needed her? She was beginning to really annoy me.
When the Ice Princess didn’t show, with no other choice so he wouldn’t see me cry, I shoved my face in his neck.
He dropped to the side on his back taking me with him. He rolled us and then we were lying on the couch, me snug between the heat of him and the soft back of the couch.
One of his arms held me close at the waist; the other hand cupped the back of my head and held my face to his throat.
“Let me take care of you,” he whispered through my sobs.
“Okay,” I whispered through my sobs too, too tired to fight it anymore.

This was easily the most emotional book in this whole series, and for me, the most memorable one too!

BREATHE (Colorado Man #4) 


“I’ll let you in on a secret, honey. The knight who has serious chinks in his armor but never falls is the true hero. That means he’s won battles and doesn’t waste time polishing his armor so he can look good while he rides in parades that are tributes to his glory. He just drags himself back on his steed and keeps right on battling. And if he’s the right kind of knight, he never rides alone. The best heroes inspire loyalty. The best heroes keep fighting the good fight, tirelessly, quietly. The best heroes always have scars. If they didn’t, the heroine would have nothing to do. It’s her job to help the hero let all that stuff go in order that her man can be strong enough to fight on but when he’s with her he’s free to just ‘breathe’.”

Chace Keaton. All of the swoons.

LAW MAN (Mystery Man #3)

Law Man

“I’ll go gentle, baby,” he whispered against my lips. “I promise. You’ll always be safe with me.”

Oh. My.

“Mitch,” I breathed.

His soulful eyes held mine captive as he repeated firmly, “Always.”

And of course, last but certainly not lease is Detective Mitch Lawson. A cop, a single dad, and all of the swoons!

“You’re Mara, you’re sweet, you’re beautiful and I will not forget until the day I die how beautiful it felt to slide inside you with you wrapped around me, see your eyes get wet and know straight in my gut that you felt how beautiful it was too.”

And now back to regularly schedule programming…

IN A BAD WAY (Bad Boys of The Bay #4) by Karin Tabke

In A Bad Way

“I’ll split you apart and make you beg for more” He dropped his lips to the base of her throat and inhaled her sweet scent. “And I’ll be gone before you wake up.”
“Is that how you court a lady?”
“You’re not a lady and I don’t court.”
“If you don’t court, what do you do?”
“I fuck.”
“Then just fuck me.”

A missing stripper sister, the Russian mob, a smoking hot FBI Agent and the enigmatic woman who lies at the center of it all, is as crazy sexy as it gets.

Sounds delicious? Well that’s because it totally is! And it’s also easily read as a standalone.

ALL I WANT (Alabama Summer #2) by J. Daniels

All I Want

“Oh sweetie. You might want to go disinfect. he’s got the herp.”
“Oh my God. Are you serious? You have herpes?”
“What? No I don’t!”
“He’s really sweet about it though,” I say sympathetically at the blonde. “He pays for my Valtrex every month.”

What’s better than a second chance romance? A second chance romance with a healthy dose of hate lust and a whole heck of a lot of sass thrown in! You need Luke Evans in your life!

Oh my God,” I whimper.
“Do I need to tell you what to do with that?” he asks, his voice laced with arrogance as he glances down at my hand that remains stagnant against his cock.
“God I fucking hate you.” I pull his cock free and wrap my hand around it, feeling him thicken in my palm…
“Yeah, I hate you too, babe.”

And if you haven’t met Officer Benjamin Kelly and looking for more enemies to lovers, then don’t forget to check out book 1 in this series, Where I Belong.

FLOORED (Frenched #3) by Melanie Harlow


…I was irritated. It wasn’t the note, either. It was the fact that Charlie had come over here, tempted me with his whiskey and his cologne and his cuddling, and then kept his word not to touch me. How dare he!

Speaking of enemies to lovers, Floored definitely hits the spot for that trope as well. Plus the hot cop AND the pee yourself laughing sort of humor to boot.

Confession: I actually said a little prayer here, something along the lines of Dear God, I hope you’re not watching this but I’d really, really be grateful if I could get through this without gagging or choking, and also it would be great if this was the best blowjob he ever gets in his entire life. OK thanks, go away now.

Oh and you can easily read it as a standalone!

DOWN ON HER KNEES by Christine Belle

Down on Her Knees

A warm summer breeze kicked up as he clamped his fingers tight around her wrists and pinned her to the hood with his hips, hard enough to make her gasp.
“Tell me no,” he murmured against the soft shell of her ear, “and I won’t slide my hands up that little dress and work that pussy until you scream.”

*Pervy shudder*

Officer Rafe could arrest ME any time. Any. Time.

This book had by far one of the HOTTEST cop role plays I’ve ever read, and it was with an actual cop too! Well, fictional. But you get what I’m saying here.


I mean, the woman has only written some of my all time favorite dirty cops to date. How do you even have a list like this and NOT have at least her entire Line of Duty series? HOW I ask ya?!


Protecting What's His

“Listen to me, baby. From the time we walk in the door to my apartment, you will have less than a minute before I put my cock inside you. No foreplay. No kissing. There won’t be any time, because you’ve got me strung so damn tight I can barely thing straight. I need you to keep yourself wet for me on the ride home. Starting now.”


HIS RISK TO TAKE (Line Of Duty #2)

His Risk to Take

“I’ve been ready for you since Saturday morning. It’s going to take me hours of fucking that tight little body of yours to satisfy it. I hope you know what you’re in for”
She looked up at him, bold and determined. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
He growled, equally exhilarated and annoyed by the way she insisted on pushing him back. “I’m going to put you on your knees, Ruby. You’re going to hate how much you love it.”


OFFICER OFF LIMITS (Line of Duty #3)

Officer off Limits

“Just that in my experience, guys who talk the biggest game are usually a letdown in the end.”
“It wouldn’t be disappointing.”
“I’ll tell you what. You’ve got one minute to prove me wrong.”
His eyes narrowed. “Elaborate.”
She slipped her phone out of her pocket and held it up. “I’ll set the timer for one minute. You’ll have sixty seconds to prove you’re not just a bunch of talk.”
Daniel glanced at the bed behind her. “The things I want to do to you, Story, would take a lot longer than sixty seconds. Your phone’s battery would die well before I finished.”
“Then show yourself the door.”
“Set the damn timer.”


Asking for Trouble

“Aw, what’s wrong, Brent? Jealous? After all, if ever there was someone who deserved to have a jackass named after him, it’s you.”
“Yeah? And what would they name it? How about…Spanky?”
“How about Oversized Dickhead?”
He shrugged. “Didn’t hear you complaining about
 my oversized—”
She shot to her feet, jostling the table. “Can I speak with you in private?”
“You need it right now?” He feigned exasperation.“We’re in the middle of dinner, woman. You’re insatiable.”



Liberating Lacey

Without a word he led her through the bar to the sultry heat of the parking lot, heading for the shadows created by an enormous black SUV arrogantly angled across three parking spaces in the back corner.
“Yours?” she asked as they rounded the truck’s hood.
“Nope, just a place for a private conversation.” He backed her up into the passenger door. Hands braced on either side of her head, he fastened his teeth on the sensitive juncture of her neck and shoulder, sucking at her skin with just enough pressure to make her gasp.

Older woman meets younger man in one of my all time favorite Anne Calhoun books EVER. Hunter Anderson brought all the swoons and all the sexy and I loved the ever-loving hell out of him!


Uncommon Passion

My God, he was broken. So broken, this frightening vulnerability protected only by pieces of bulletproof vest held together with razor wire, attitude, and a smile that broke her heart every time he flashed it.

Broken alpha for the win! Clearly I’m a fan of this author so it’s not a shock she appears on my list once more for hot cops. In Uncommon Passion you get Swat Officer Ben Harris and man oh man will you fall hard for this broken man.

This book had everything! The feels. The sizzling sex. And the romance! In true Anne Calhoun passion, she crafts strong heroines that balance out her broody heroes perfectly!


CROSSING THE LINE (Battered Hearts #3) by Kele Moon

Crossing The Line“Wyatt didn’t want it, but without his permission, his heart started beating again. 
It had always beat for Tabitha.”

Second chance romance so emotionally gripping, it’ll make your heart beat. No one and I mean NO ONE writes gritty and emotional love stories quite like Kele. What makes Sheriff Wyatt Conner sexy? It’s not that he’s a former MMA fighter. It’s his absolutely unwavering love and devotion for Tabitha.

If you want swoons and feels and a sizzling hot romance, you need this book AND this series in your life!



Packing Heat

“You like being forced to just lay there and wait for me. I like it too. You look so good all open and ready for my cock. Just being still and obedient like a good little cock whore.”

A cop AND a firefighter in a sizzling hot MM?!! Be still my ovaries! Sure this is a shortie of a book, but man oh man does it pack a one two punch straight to the ovaries!



A Lot Like Love

“I’d like to know more about this undercover agent who posed as my daughter’s date. The ubiquitous Tall, Dark, and Smoldering.’

Nick put on his best meet-the-parent smile. ‘I generally prefer to go by Nick.”

Sassy heroines, laugh out loud humor, & sexy romance with grumpy and broody heroes is what makes this series absolute crack for me! I’ve been a huge fan since meeting  Special Agent Jack Pallas in SOMETHING ABOUT YOU, book 1 in this series. And while I loved that little enemies to lovers romp, there was something about A LOT LIKE LOVE that stuck with me even more.

But then again, this is a series that just got better and better with each new installment.

EXTREME DANGER (McCloud & Friends #5) by Shannon McKenna 

Extreme Danger

“You use your tits the way a ninja assassin uses nunchuks.” 

If über alphas are your thing, then this series will be pure catnip for you. Because let me tell you, Shannon McKenna writes some SUPER uber alphas. These men are dirty talkers, crazy possessive, domineering, protective, and hit the spot for me each and every single time. Most of the series focuses on the McCloud brothers and their investigative and security business, but Extreme Danger was about cop Nick Ward, undercover to investigate a dangerous enemy when a beautiful and innocent woman lands in his crosshairs and he simply can’t walk away.



These are all titles I’ve read and loved and would strongly recommend to all my fellow dirty birds 😉

RUN THE RISK (Love Undercover #1) by Lori Foster

Run The RiskWhen Detective Logan Riske goes undercover to find Pepper Yates, a potential link to his best friend’s unsolved murder, he vows to gain her cooperation by any means necessary. But the elusive beauty is more suspicious—and in far more danger—than he expected. And the last thing Logan needs is to start caring for her…

Pepper has spent years dodging the corrupt club owner who will stop at nothing to keep her silenced. She can trust no one, not even the handsome new “construction worker” who’s moved in next door. The heat between them is undeniable. But will surrendering to passion bring her the safety she so desires—or will her feelings for Logan draw them both into a killer’s crosshairs?


MIDNIGHT SECRETS (Wildefire #1) by Ella Grace (pen name for Christy Reece a DGR fave author)

Midnight Secrets


On a hot southern night, with a storm on the horizon, a family is shattered. Three beautiful daughters—Savannah, Samantha, and Sabrina Wilde—go on with their lives, each significantly changed, as they bear the memory of the murder-suicide that killed their parents. For years, they have stayed away from Midnight, Alabama. Until Midnight calls them home.

Savannah is the first one back, when a grueling case in Nashville leads the young prosecutor to seek shelter in the quiet of the once grand Wilde mansion. But when she finds letters casting doubt on her family’s dark, shameful past, she realizes that peace in Midnight is a shallow façade and sinister secrets lurk beneath the surface. Zach Tanner, once the town’s bad boy, is now the new police chief and still has a wild hold over her. Zach can feel it, too, but he hurt Savannah once. As teenagers, they broke every rule together. Now it’s his job to keep her safe, even though he isn’t sure who her enemies are—or which ones might be his own.


arrested by love

In the steamy world of bestselling romance author Virna DePaul, there are bad boys and good girls on both sides of the law. And when they mix, it’s always an explosive combination. Now the three novellas of her contemporary Red-Hot Cops series are available together in this eBook anthology:


Though Claire Fullerton, a respected journalist, isn’t afraid to walk on the wild side, she’s terrified that unleashing her inner vixen will expose her to getting hurt. But when Claire is captured by a notorious gang of bikers, she recognizes a friendly face from her darkest fantasies: undercover cop Ty Williamson, who has managed to infiltrate the gang to bring them down from the inside. Now Ty’s determined to bind Claire to him and prove that he wants all of her: the good with the bad. In fact, the badder she is, the better they’ll be—together.


People used to call her Sure-Thing-Sarah, but the only thing Sarah Larson’s sure about these days is the torch she’s carried for undercover cop Luke Anderson. Four years ago, Sarah made the biggest mistake of her life: leaving Luke to marry another cop. Now, a year after her divorce, Luke’s back in her life—ready to convince Sarah that he’s the one when it comes to love. But Sarah has a big fear—that her dangerously possessive ex-husband is out to make sure that her second chance at happiness is destroyed forever.


As a former centerfold, Jenna Mills is a pro at deflecting male attention, and with good reason. A painful past has made her mistrustful of all men—and hell-bent on getting revenge on one in particular. But first she needs help overcoming her fear of physical intimacy. And honorable cop Noah James might just be the perfect place to start. Noah’s used to making a woman feel safe, in bed and out. But when Jenna makes him an indecent proposal, Noah’s willing to give her everything she’s asking for . . . and more.

MINE TO HOLD (Wicked Lovers #6) by Shayla Black

Mine To Hold

A friend’s duty.

Tyler Murphy was an LAPD detective, single and happy—until a near-fatal tragedy crippled his friend, fellow detective Eric Catalano. While Tyler supported Eric, he also became a shoulder for Eric’s wife, Delaney, to lean on. But with one naughty suggestion from Eric, a drunken night with Delaney spilled into erotic abandon. Before it was over, Tyler saw his best friend’s wife as a woman and yearned for more. When Eric struggled to deal with the aftermath, Delaney begged Tyler to leave. Crushed, he fled to Louisiana, hoping to escape his longing for the one woman he could never have again…and unaware of what he’d left behind.

A lover’s desire.

After two years of living with regret, Tyler finds Delaney on his doorstep, her husband having abandoned her long ago. She’s protecting a shocking secret and desperately needs refuge from a stalker determined to see her dead. As they fight to stay alive and catch the killer, they struggle to resolve the guilt of their past pleasures. But they can’t deny that what was once a spark is now a flame burning out of control. To possess Delaney—body and soul—Tyler must heal her pain and thwart the evil that’s a mere breath behind her…

INTO THE NIGHT (The Reliance Group #1) by Janelle Denison

Into The Night

A former Marine and Las Vegas Vice cop, Nathan Fox has seen it all and then some. Heading up security for The Onyx Casino is tame compared to his past, but it’s not his only job. Working for The Reliance Group is his real passion project. His current case: A missing woman. His mission: To find her. But soon Nathan must deal with a stubborn—and stunning—journalist who’s nosed her way into the investigation…and into Nathan’s fantasies.

To reporter Nicole Hutton, exposing a ruthless, twisted criminal who abuses vulnerable teens isn’t just a job. In fact, this story has become very personal, especially now that she’s gotten tangled up with sexy Nathan Fox. But before she can break the story, and help rescue a missing girl, she and Nathan must brave the labyrinth of Vegas’s dark underbelly…where the heat simmering between them is about to burst into flames…

DEADLY HEAT (Deadly #2) by Cynthia Eden <— my top favorite series by this author!!

Deadly Heat

She wants revenge…
Six months after her lover died in an arsonist’s blaze, firefighter Lora Spade calls in the FBI’s elite Serial Services Division to track the elusive killer. When Special Agent Kenton Lake is lured into a violent inferno, Lora pulls him to safety and is stunned – not by the fire, but by her own searing attraction to Kent. For the first time in months, she longs for something other than vengeance.

He wants her…
Kenton’s interest in Lora should be purely professional. But one fleeting kiss and he can’t get her out of his mind. Her combination of strength and vulnerability makes him want to protect her, and that means solving this case – and fast. For even the passion igniting between them can’t hide a terrifying truth: Lora is the next target in a murderer’s sadistic, fiery game.

A vicious killer wants only…


Men Out of Uniform

The hottest thing about a man in uniform is imagining him out of it… 

They may enforce the rules, but when men in uniform are off duty and under the covers, they’re experts at breaking them. In this searingly sexy anthology, popular authors Maya Banks, Sylvia Day, and Karin Tabke present men in uniform-unzipped…

Taking the Heat by Sylvia Day
It’s time for protected witness Layla Creed to come out of hiding and take the stand. Layla has only three days to reconnect with federal marshal Brian Simmons—and slake the white-hot lust that has simmered between them for years…

Soul Possession – Maya Banks
Jessie spends a hot night with two sexy-as-sin detectives, only to be accused of murder the very next day. But when Jessie becomes the target of a serial killer, her two detectives will risk everything to have her back in their arms—and in their bed…

Karin Tabke’s Wanted follows the X-rated exploits of bad-boy cop Colin Daniels and the soon-to-be-ex-wife of a mob boss. He’s been hired to guard her body, but it drives him to distraction instead, putting his career—and his life—on the line…

FAITH & FIDELITY by Tere Michaels

faith & fidelity

New York City Vice Detective Evan Cerelli has lost his wife, the only person he ever loved and slept with. He’s trying to get on with his life, build a life for his children.

Former Homicide Detective Matt Haight is a ladies’ man, all sex/no commitment. He’s depressed, having a midlife crisis, and not sure where his life is headed.

The two find friendship in the bottom of a shared bottle. When the friendship turns to love, it shakes two straight men to the core and flips their lives inside out.

Kids, families, careers that are not gay-friendly — can all the love in the world overcome the obstacles to faith and fidelity?


DANGEROUS BOYS AND THEIR TOY by Shayla Black <— super hot MFM with GFY

dangerous boys and their toy


Trading orgasms for information isn’t their usual way of doing business, but when a missing criminal-turned-star-witness and fifty grand are on the line, bounty hunter R. A. Thorn and Detective Cameron Martinez are prepared to put their bodies to the task and give gorgeous Brenna Sheridan everything she needs. An exchange they never anticipated becomes an experience none can forget—or walk away from. Sexual hunger sizzles the threesome, but the stakes and danger rise as a mafia bad-ass stalks Brenna. Soon, their “deal” is no longer about information—or sex. Emotions bind Brenna, Cam and Thorn together more tightly than they ever imagined as the men protect—and serve—the beloved woman neither can live without.


Welp, that’s it for my list. Loved it? Tell me in comments? Did I miss one of your favorites? Tell me about it in comments! I love to hear from you all, so don’t be shy <3

Till next time, dirty birds!

Jennifer’s Review: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

The Rosie Project-ReviewTHE ROSIE PROJECT
Don Tillman #1
Genre: Fiction, Contemporary
Author: Graeme Simsion
Release Date: June 3, 2014add-to-goodreads-button-2


An international sensation, this hilarious, feel-good novel is narrated by an oddly charming and socially challenged genetics professor on an unusual quest: to find out if he is capable of true love.Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a “wonderful” husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical–most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.

Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent–and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don’s Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie–and the realization that love is not always what looks good on paper.

“The Rosie Project” is a moving and hilarious novel for anyone who has ever tenaciously gone after life or love in the face of overwhelming challenges.

Buy-Links10AMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR5 stars

All the Stars in the Universe!!!! This book will be on my shelves forever and I will read it over and over and over again.

(This review will take 2 minutes and 32 seconds to read.)

Love is a powerful feeling for another person, often defying logic.

For the Love of Books!
This book is like eating all of the ice cream flavors at once.
This book was MADE…FOR…ME. I’m a huge nerd, and this book was the epitome of nerd. This book IS MY BRAIN….sometimes. It’s science AND psychology….in one book! What else could I ask for?! Oh yeah, ROMANCE! Done. I loved every word. Every moment. I literally read this book twice in a month before doing this review. Beat THAT, every other book in the world!

My Don: (I can ONLY picture Zachary Quinto!)

The hero of this story…..Take all of the swoons, wrap them up, and throw them at my face….and you have the hero of this book.

You are the world’s most perfect woman. All other women are irrelevant. Permanently. No Botox or implants will be required.

Zachary Quinto: à la Mode St. » fashion

“It would be unreasonable to give you credit for being incredibly beautiful.”

à la Mode St. » fashionDon has Asperger’s, but he doesn’t really know it or acknowledge that he has it in the whole book. There are a couple of hints, but he never actually comes out and says it. He knows that he wants a wife, so he creates The Wife Project, a survey….a large survey with lots of questions in order to weed out the women with which he would not want to spend the rest of his life. He basically creates his own match.com, except he’s a genius scientist with Asperger’s so some the questions on this survey are completely absurd….and hilarious.

My Rosie:

I have heard the word stunning used to describe women, but this was the first time I had actually been stunned by one.

woman with short hair in large and thin black glasses, plaid button up shirt, sipping a coke with a straw -- #glasses #eyewear #style: Rosie is sent to him by his only friend as a joke. Rosie is the complete opposite of him. This is an opposites-attract book. He sees the logical benefit of keeping her around as an experiment, and after a discussion about Rosie’s biological father, Don creates The Father Project to help locate her biological father. Thus begins the adventures of Rosie and Don as they work together in the mysterious pursuit for The Father Project.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“Where do you hide the corkscrew?” she asked.

“Wine is not scheduled for Tuesdays.”

“Fuck that,” said Rosie.

There was a certain logic underlying Rosie’s response. I would only be eating a single serving of dinner. It was the final step in the abandonment of the evening’s schedule.

I announced the change. “Time has been redefined. Previous rules no longer apply. Alcohol is hereby declared mandatory in the Rosie Time Zone.”

à la Mode St. » fashionRosie comes into his life and turns his entire world upside down, and for a while, he doesn’t like the change very much. In Don’s mind, everything is logical and emotions just get in the way, but I loved the journey of how Don falls for Rosie. He doesn’t even know what love is, but I loved learning the definition of love along with him.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“I want to spend my life with you even though it’s totally irrational. And you have short earlobes. Socially and genetically there’s no reason for me to be attracted to you. The only logical conclusion is that I must be in love with you.”

à la Mode St. » fashionDon doesn’t understand social cues and doesn’t catch onto sarcasm. I found myself laughing so much in this book….not at him, definitely not that. Don is just so endearingly adorable. Sexy without being sexy. Charming without knowing he is charming. The author of this book probably had no intention of this book being sexy. But I am just utterly attracted to this man. He has the best confidence, and confidence is so sexy. I found him fascinating, and I just wanted to know more about him. I am so glad there is a sequel waiting for me so I can dive into more of Don and Rosie to see where they go from here.

Review by Jennifer, age 32, BMI 22.

Review: Game Saver by BJ Harvey

Game Saver-ReviewGAME SAVER
Series: Game #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Author: BJ Harvey
Release Date: August 25, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match. Now it’s Cade and Abi’s turn.

How do you know when fake turns real?

Abi Cook lives her life by her own rules. She works hard, plays hard, and knows who she is and where she wants to be.

Following a repeat one-night stand with the dashing Dr. Cade Carsen, Cade asks Abi for a favor: be the fake girlfriend on his arm for the duration of his father’s mayoral campaign.

Never one to turn down a challenge, she doesn’t hesitate. I mean, who would when all that’s involved is a little fake girlfriending with a side of hot sex, and with Doctor Hottie no less?

But like any Game, there are always twists and turns, unexpected players, villains, heroes and ultimately, winners and losers.

Game Saver is the story of what happens when two happily single people try for something less, but end up with something so much more.

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…don’t rule out something more just because it started off as something less.”

When I’m in the mood for a light and steamy feel good romance, BJ Harvey has become my go to. There’s just something about her books that never fail to make me squirm and put a big goofy grin on my face. The stories are filled with fun banter, sassy heroines, alpha males, and amazing secondary characters that always makes for a satisfying rom com.

Game Saver brings us Dr. Hottie and Spitfire, and boy do these start off with a bang!

Right now, I’m interested in what’s underneath that fucking dress and how fast I can make you come the first time. The second will be a test of your stamina, and if you can still talk after number three, then we can talk about anything you want.

Suffice it to say I was a BIG fan of Dr. Cade Carsen from the very first page with a mouth like that on him. The man oozes sex appeal and I devoured every delicious page of it.

Abi Cook is exactly the kind of heroine I love to read about. She’s independent, funny, sassy, and has no qualms in taking pleasure for the sake of pleasure. She has a healthy sex life and sees nothing wrong with indulging in some no strings sex with a hottie Dr that never fails to get her engine revving.

It’s been over ten months since Abi and Cade had a sizzling hot one night stand. It was supposed to stay just that night but mutual friends guarantee that they run into each other again. The sexual chemistry between them is too strong to deny, so why not indulge…with a little extra perk. Cade wants Abi to be his pretend girlfriend to get his image and politically obsessed parents off his back.

It’s not like that. We’re just friends.”
“That bang,” Dani adds, helpfully.
“I’m the mother buffer,” I clarify.

These two definitely set the pages on fire. Now admittedly, I’m a reader that doesn’t enjoy when a couple gets together right away in the story. It looses that added oomph of a good tension filled burn for me. But that was never the case here. Somehow it just WORKED for these two. They never lost their sparkle and I was fully invested in their relationship from beginning to end. It was fun to watch them both deny what was slowly building between them.

There was also the added perk of not having any stupid drama or angst thrown into the mix. Just fun, sexy romance with two amazingly endearing characters.

This is beyond sex- this is surreal fucking that should be documented for future generations. It would be a worldwide bestseller: How To Rock Her World By Completely Shattering Her Vagina.

I would have loved a little more from the ending and seeing a few things fully play out, but I did adore that epilogue at the end. If you’re looking for a feel good romance to put a smile on your face, this just may be the book for you.


GAME PLAYER (GAME #1) – Review

GAME MAKER (GAME #2) – Review

Author Q&A & Giveaway: Roman Crazy by @ninabocci & @alice_clayton

Roman Crazy SpotlightRoman Crazy
Series: The Broads Abroad #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Authors: Nina Bocci & Alice Clayton
Release Date: September 16, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Avery Bardot steps off the plane in Rome, looking for a fresh start. She’s left behind a soon-to-be ex-husband in Boston and plans to spend the summer with her best friend Daisy, licking her wounds—and perhaps a gelato or two. But when her American-expat friend throws her a welcome party on her first night, Avery’s thrown for a loop when she sees a man she never thought she’d see again: Italian architect Marcello Bianchi.

Marcello was the man—the one who got away. And now her past is colliding with her present, a present where she should be mourning the loss of her marriage and—hey, that fettuccine is delicious! And so is Marcello…

Slipping easily into the good life of summertime in Rome, Avery spends her days exploring a city that makes art historians swoon, and her nights swooning over her unexpected what was old is new again romance. It’s heady, it’s fevered, it’s wanton, and it’s crazy. But could this really be her new life? Or is it just a temporary reprieve before returning to the land of twin-set cardigans and crustless sandwiches?

A celebration of great friendship, passionate romance, and wonderful food, Roman Crazy is a lighthearted story of second chances and living life to the fullest.

Buy-Links10AMAZON | iBOOKS | KOBOAuthor Interview

DGR: Hi Nina and Alice! I’m so thrilled to have you at DGR today and picking your brain about all things Roman Crazy 🙂

So first things first, I’m so curious to know what inspired you to write this book together?

Nina/Alice: We had talked about writing something together for years. We didn’t know what, just that we wanted to do a book or two together. When we were chatting about this, it became pretty obvious that this was to be the book we collaborated on. I’d never collaborated with anyone, but I knew if I was ever going to do it that it would this chick that I’d do it with. We already share a brain, so it made sense.

DGR: How did the idea for Roman Crazy come about? Was there food and wine involved?

Nina/Alice: Ha, I wish. A friend of mine had just told me she was getting a divorce and I had literally just returned from a trip to Italy. I was chatting with Alice about the ugliness of the divorce and all the arms and legs that goes into a marriage like theirs and we both agreed that what she needed was a torrid affair with a stunning Italian. And once we started thinking about that stunning Italian it became obvious that there was a book there. Plus we know American women love an accent 😉

DGR: Would you say you were like peanut butter and jelly? Each one adding something different to the mix and coming out with something verra delicious? (Sorry, clearly I’m still stuck on the food part)

Nina: Maybe chunky peanut butter and jelly. We had it very detailed as far as an outline went so there were only a few sideways turns that it took once we chatted with Lauren our kick ass editor. We had a very specific idea of what it was to be at the end. Getting there was a trip 😉

Alice: Did she just call me chunky? I think we each have a very similar sense of humor, but a very different sense of romance, so it was an interesting mix of ideas. At the end of the day, we just wanted to make sure we melded together, and it was a seamless story, rather than a reader being able to clearly say “Oh that’s a line Nina must have wrote.”

DGR: Let’s talk Roman Crazy. Can you give us a quick summary of what it’s about?

Nina/Alice: Abby from Gallery called it, Roman Holiday for a new generation and I love that description! It is 100% a second chance romance but not just with the heroine and the hero but the heroine finding her happiness and passion. I think everyone likes to imagine what you’d do differently if you could start over, press the reset button. And our girl has that chance. Plus she gets to press the restart button while eating pasta, so there’s that.

DGR: What would you say was your favorite part to write in the book?

Nina/Alice: All of it. I loved writing about Italy. It really is a love letter to a country that I adore. I have always dreamed of going to Italy and writing this story made it go right to the top of my bucket list.

DGR: So Marcello….rarrr…even his name sounds hot. What can you tell us about him?

Nina/Alice: He’s yummy, surly at times and passionate. A typical Italian man that loves his woman. Plus he has a Vespa…

DGR: What about Avery? What would you say is your favorite part about her character?

Nina/Alice: That she doesn’t give in anymore. She had a path that she was on and changed courses. That’s a huge thing for anyone to do and it made me happy for her. I love that she remembers that she’s fearless, and more than just her cardigan.

DGR: If you had to pick a favorite short quote from the book, what would it be?

Nina/Alice: “What am I to do with this?” It sounds dirty but it’s not 😉 My favorite quote is almost like an easter egg because it shouldn’t have been left in but it was when we realized we loved it. I was writing a scene where Marcello was on the phone and Avery is listening at the door and it’s clear that Marcello is upset about something and the quote is “Angry Italian words!” Which is actually a note I left for Nina to make sure she actually came up with some angry Italian words…but we both laughed so hard we left it in!

DGR: And since I’m a visual dirty bird, I gots to know; if you were to case Marcello and Avery in a movie, who would be your dream cast?

Nina: For me it’s Simone Bredariol and Elizabeth Olsen.

DGR: Thanks again for being here! Anything you’d like to leave the readers with?

Nina/Alice: A big huge thank you to everyone and a reminder that it’s never to late to make a change.


Want to win a paperback of Roman Crazy? Enter on my Facebook page HERE

DGR Fave & Review: Disclaim by @pamgodwinbooks

Series: Deliver #3
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Pam Godwin
Release Date: August 31, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


Camila was seventeen when Van Quiso kidnapped her. Ten years after her escape, the shackles refuse to release her. Not while there are still slave traders preying on her city.
She will stop at nothing to end them.
Even if that means becoming a slave again.

Returning to chains is her worst fear—and only option. They won’t know who she is or what she intends to do. She’s prepared for every complication.
Except him.
The one who decimated her sixteen-year-old heart.

Matias is charming, gorgeous, and dangerously seductive. He’s also untrustworthy and enshrouded in secrets. After years of no contact, he finds her—on her knees, wrists bound, in the clutches of her enemy.
Will he sabotage her mission by needlessly saving her?
Or will he keep her in chains and never let her go?

It is recommended to read after Deliver & Vanquish, but it can be read as a stand-alone.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR5 starsDisclaim-DGR Teaser

Over the years, his need for her hadn’t faded. It had become a living, starving thing inside him, ruling his fucking world.

No one can make you fall head over ovaries for an anti hero quite like Pam Godwin. And no one can write a dark, gritty and addicting romance quite like her either. Every time I read a book of hers they just get better and better. The woman is an evil genius and I can’t get enough of how her twisted mind works.

Twelve months after her disappearance, she’d become a mirage in his wasteland, distorting at the edges and flickering out of reach.

First of all, while you can read this as a standalone, I highly recommend reading at least Vanquish first. Van has a very heavy presence in this book, and it would help to connect to the story and the characters having read his book first. Besides, the book was amazing, so do you even need a better reason than that? But I digress…

When Camilla was just 17 years old she was stolen from her home and the boy of her youthful love. She survived being Van Quiso’s slave and escaped her captivity over ten years ago. Now her goal is single minded; find every sick and twisted trafficker and make them pay while climbing her way to the top of the organization to cut off the head of the viper.

She could fight her desire, but she couldn’t disclaim their unbreakable bond, one that had taken root so long ago in the haven of their citrus grove.

Matias is not the young innocent boy she left behind those years ago. He’s a broken man, a man haunted by the demons of his past and his present. He’s a man that’s shed blood and didn’t bat an eye lash or lose a minute of sleep over it. He’s also a man with deep and dark secrets…and he also holds the answers that Camilla seeks. But is she brave enough to let down the walls she’s so carefully constructed though the years in order to seek them out?

He needed vindication and intended to take it from her pleading screams, from the give of her body beneath his thrusts. Pain and pleasure. Twisted justice.

Disclaim, much like its predecessors in the series, was one fucked up ride…and I couldn’t get enough of it. Camilla was such a strong heroine. But beneath that hard shell of hers lay the soul of a woman that yearns to submit. Watching her inner struggle and turmoil though the story was almost mesmerizing. When you add in the brooding intensity of Matias and it was the perfect recipe for an unputdownable read. Matias was an alpha to beat alphas. His dominance practically crackles though the pages.

He was going to fuck her until they were both annihilated. Until their broken pieces scattered in an unholy tangled mess. And when they put themselves back together, there would no longer be hers and his. Only them.

The story was a perfect blend of erotic and gritty, suspenseful and dark. It was everything I’ve come to love in a dark romance without any of the predictable plot twists. As a matter of fact, the only thing predictable about it was the fact that I loved it.

I loved getting more pieces of Liv and Van. I loved the progression of the story and all of the twists and turns. I had no idea where any of it would lead and when the secrets were finally revealed? Mind. Blown.

Pam Godwin is a queen of dark romance and she crafted the perfect couple with Camilla and Matias. They were a ying and yang of dominance and submission. They were dark and darker. They were pain and pleasure. They were devastatingly perfect.

He couldn’t stop. He was so fucking lost in her he didn’t want to find his way back.

If you’re looking for a page turning read with a twist of dark and a whole lot of sexy, then this book is a no brainer purchase. Trust me on this. And if you haven’t read anything by this incredible author yet, you my friend, are seriously missing out.




Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: Winner Takes All by Erin Kern

Series: A Champion Valley Series
Author: Erin Kern
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 30, 2016
Publisher: Foreveradd-to-goodreads-button-2

Winner Takes All Cover Image

Money. Fame. Endorsements. Blake Carpenter had it all—before his professional football career spiraled out of control. Determined to rebuild his life, he takes on coaching the high school team in his Colorado hometown. Despite a few fumbles, Blake knows he can lead these boys to victory. As long as he can keep his eyes on the prize and off the team’s distractingly gorgeous physical therapist.

Annabelle Turner knows all about the scandal that cost Blake his NFL career, and she’ll be damned if she’s going to let his mistakes hurt her team. What she doesn’t count on is the intense attraction that turns every heated run-in they have into a wildly erotic competition. Point by point, play by play, kiss by kiss, they try to keep things professional for the good of the team. But when the score is this close—and the passion this fierce—it’s anybody’s game . . .

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The parking lot was almost empty as Blake left the field-house after the team’s win. He strolled toward his truck, keys dangling from one hand and his gym bag in the other. As he approached, he noticed a figure leaning against the driver’s side door.A petite, luscious figure in a pair of tight jeans and a Blanco Valley High hooded-sweatshirt.

Just the sight of Annabelle turned his body on high alert. Over the past week, Blake hadn’t been able to get their kiss out of his mind. Not only the feel of her lips pressed to his, but how perfectly her body fit with his. Each one of her curves had molded seamlessly against his harder and bigger one, as though they were two pieces of the same puzzle.

And look at him with all the lame metaphors.

Blake approached the truck, twirling his keys around in his hand. Because if he didn’t keep them busy, he’d yank her away from the door and kiss her again.

“Hi,” she greeted when he stopped in front of her.

He tossed his bag in the bed of the truck. “Hey,” he replied. “You’re here awfully late.”

“I wanted to hang around and congratulate some of the kids. You guys played a good game tonight,” she told him.

“Thanks.” And why did her praise have to mean so much to him? The parents and the school district was what mattered. Not some hazel-eyed opinionated goddess.

Annabelle scraped the toe of her tennis shoe along the ground. And for some reason Blake found the movement endearing.

He was turning into such a pussy.

“Blake,” she said on a sigh. She pushed away from the truck and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry,” she told him. “About before.”

“For what?” he wanted to know. “The kiss or the apology?”

She blinked at him and inhaled a deep breath. “For the way I acted afterward,” she clarified. “To be completely honest, I’m not sorry for kissing you. I thought that maybe…” Her words trailed off. “I thought I had taken you off guard and acted inappropriately. I didn’t want you to think I was being too forward. The sorry just kind of popped out before I could think.”

Blake pocketed his keys. “You did take me off guard. But that didn’t mean I didn’t like it as much as you did. I think we both know I did.” She’d been pressed up against him hard enough to feel the evidence between his thighs.

As though sensing his thoughts, Annabelle’s gaze dropped down, lingering long enough to elicit a reaction. “I think it’s safe to say we both liked it. A lot,” she added. “Probably too much, actually.”

“And how much is too much?” Because that was part of his confusion.

One of her shoulders moved. “To be honest, I’m not sure. I’m still trying to figure that one out.”

“Maybe we should try it again, just to see,” he suggested.

Winner-Takes-All-Quote-Graphic-#1About the AuthorAuthor Photo - Erin KernErin was born in Houston, TX. but spent the majority of her life in the Bay Area. She married her high school sweetheart and began her writing career while being a stay-at-home mom to her daughter.

Her first book, Looking for Trouble, was on the Amazon top 100 for four months, and on the indiereads.com top ten for four weeks. The second book in the Trouble series, Here Comes Trouble, was also a top seller on Amazon. Erin currently lives in North Texas with her husband and two children.

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Blog Tour & Review: Bad Judgment by Meghan March

Bad Judgment
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Meghan March
Release Day: August 22, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Bad JUD Cover Front

He’s so arrogant.

She’s so self-righteous.

I can’t stand him.

I want her.

He’s a distraction I don’t need.

She’ll say yes eventually because I’m not giving up.

Justine Porter is stuck between a rock and a stripper pole. She lost her law school scholarship, which means she has two choices to keep her life on track: strip for her tuition or tutor the most distractingly sexy guy in her class—the one she’s been turning down for two years straight. It should be an easy choice, but tutoring Ryker Grant could derail her plans to graduate with honors faster than two-for-one night at the Déjà Vu. Then again, topless has never really been her color.

She could take the easy road, just this once . . . but the deal has enough loopholes to trip anyone up.

Who knew they taught bad judgment in law school?


“I’ve got some things I need to say to you, and you’re going to let me.”Her brown eyes snap up to mine, surprise clear in them. “Why should I?”

“Because you’re nothing if not curious, and you want to know what I have to say.”

She steps backward, and I let my fingertips trail across her skin before they drop away. Justine adjusts the straps of her backpack on her shoulders and tucks Chewbacca into a side pocket.

“You know you want to hear the rare sound of me apologizing, don’t you?”

Justine purses her lips, and all I can think about is the dreams I had all weekend of her staring down at me from a stage while she danced and stripped. My own private show. I’m not going to admit how many times I jacked off to the mental picture. I need the real thing, and I won’t have another shot if she won’t even give me a chance to talk to her.

I don’t know what changes her mind, but she relaxes her posture and relents. “Fine. You’ve got five minutes. This better be good.”

It’s not much, but I’ll take it. I lead the way out of the classroom, slipping out the side door I used to make my unobtrusive entrance. Or at least, it was unobtrusive until I decided to share my strike-out history with the entire class at Professor Turner’s invitation.

Glancing behind me, I’m marginally surprised to see Justine actually following. I head for the third-floor doors to the library, where the private rooms are. This conversation isn’t for public consumption.

The first private room on the right is empty, so I push the door open. Justine trails me inside, and I shrug off my backpack and drop it on one of the four chairs.

She closes the door behind her and leans against it, her arms crossed over her chest. I’m guessing she wouldn’t stand that way if she realized how it draws attention to her chest. I force my eyes back to her face. I’m not about to fuck this up.

“Wow, you must really plan on groveling if you need privacy,” she says, an eyebrow raised in challenge.

“Maybe I just wanted to get you alone.”

She rolls her eyes. “And I’m already getting bored.”

“You love to bust my balls, don’t you?”

“I don’t really like to think about your balls, if you want to know the truth.”

I try on my charming smile, the one that has dropped panties for years. “I’m calling bullshit on that. You’ve thought about me at least once.”

She pushes off the door and turns halfway to reach for the handle. “And if that’s all you wanted to say, then I think we’re done here.”


I’m shocked when she listens.

Justine rubs her hands over her face, her every move revealing her frustration. “You ask me out for two years, practically blackmail me into a kiss, then you blow me off completely, and now you’re all up in my business again. What the hell do you want from me?”

Her confusion punches me in the gut, making me wish I could tell her why I wasn’t there the morning I promised to help her move. It wasn’t for any reason she thinks.

I stride toward her, pressing one palm against the door beside her head. “I’m not blowing you off, and I haven’t stopped thinking about that night.”

“Then why—”

I can’t give her the explanation she wants, so I try something different.

Lowering my head, I catch the next words out of her mouth on my lips. They’re just as soft as I remember, and I drop my other hand to her hip, drawing her against me. Her fingers curl into the fabric of my T-shirt, almost reluctantly, but she’s not pushing me away.

I take her mouth, my tongue diving between her lips to taste her again—finally, but the pulsing of my dick against the zipper of my jeans forces me to back off. If I don’t, I’ll be laying her out on the table behind us, and that’s not what this is about. At least, not all of what this is about.

With her face flushed and her hair messy from my fingers, Justine shutters her expression. She’s rebuilding her walls brick by brick.

That’s not going to work for me.

“What’s it going to take, Justine?” I remember asking her the same question at the bar.

Her dark eyes fill with confusion. “What’s what going to take?” The words come out defensively.

“With you. To get a second chance. I fucked up once, but doesn’t everyone deserve another shot?”


Review-DGR3.5 starsBad Judgement-DGR teaser

That’s not how this works. We come. We study. We leave.”
“If we’re doing this my way, you’d definitely be coming.”

This book may be titled Bad Judgment, but reading certainly was no error on my part. No sir. Meghan March never fails to disappoint with introducing readers to yet another hero that’s sure to melt panties within a 50 mile radius. Guaranteed. Ryker Grant was dirty talking, possessive deliciousness and I couldn’t get enough of him. Nothing beats a man on a mission and a woman that’s determined to resist him at every turn.

I want it all, Justine. Including the chance to show you how fucking amazing life can be when you let a few distractions in.

Justine has been avoiding the temptation of Ryker for over 2 years now. She’s doing good, dammit. That is until she’s stuck between a rock and a broke place. When her scholarship is snatched from her quicker than she can say “objection”, she has two choices; strip to finish her final year of law school, or tutor the man that tempts her beyond reason yet she knows is so very wrong for her. So what’s a girl to do?

I want her addicted to me. It’s only fair, because I’ll never get enough of her.

Yeah. She never stood a chance.

Bad Judgement was a slow burn sizzle. It delivered on what I’ve been missing in Meghan’s books lately; that tension and sizzle of a couple that doesn’t give into their lust but lets it burn between them until it explodes. It was utterly delicious! Ryder is a bad boy and definitely one that didn’t deny himself the pleasures of women, but once he sets his eyes on Justine, she’s all he wants…and he won’t stop until he gets her.

Justine was a pretty endearing character. Usually when the woman is pushing the man away as much as Justine did here, I begin to get annoyed. But it surprisingly really worked for me here. Their chemistry together was fantastic and when they finally get together? Yowza! Incendiary.

So why not a higher rating? Welp, the ending. There was just way too much happening at the end. There’s his stuff, her stuff, their stuff, a lot of stuff basically. Quite honestly it just felt unnecessary. And the fact that all of it hits you right at the final 15% just felt OTT for me. It would have been good with one or even 2 issues, but having all 3 combined just didn’t do much for me, unfortunately.

Was it my favorite book by this author? Not quite. But I have no doubt that she has plenty more planned in that devious little pervy mind of hers and I can’t wait to read it. Meghan is still an auto-buy author for me and will continue to be. I love her alphas and the woman can write one hell of a hot sex scene. Did I still enjoy this? Abso-freaking-lutely! Would I recommend it? Without a doubt!

Don’t make me beg.”
A darkly satisfied smile tugs at his lips. “Oh, you’re going to beg.”

About the AuthorMeghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at meghanmarchbooks@gmail.com.



New & Upcoming Releases: Aug 29-31

New Releases-DGR

Not even going to lie; when I saw this week’s list of new releases, my wallet actually got performance anxiety. True story. WAY too many good books releasing this week, so hope those one-clickers of yours are ready for a hell of an exercise  😉


THE DEBT by Karina Halle

The debt

Her life changed in an instant.
And he’s the only one who could have prevented it.

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Pact and The Lie comes a new standalone contemporary romance about those McGregor men.

Jessica Charles shouldn’t have even been in London when the unthinkable happened.
She should have been back at home in Edinburgh, perhaps hanging with her boyfriend, having drinks with her sister or doing yoga with her group of friends. She should have been going on in her normal, dependable life as always.
But on that fateful day in August, when a mentally-ill ex-soldier opened fire in public, Jessica’s world changed forever.
Now single and crippled from the gunshot wounds, Jessica finds herself scared and alone, losing faith in herself and humanity with each agonizing moment that passes.
That is until a stranger enters her life. A stranger who makes her live again.
Keir McGregor has always been the strong, silent type. Throw in tall, dark, and handsome and you’ve got pretty much the perfect Scotsman.
Except Keir is anything but perfect. He’s got a past he’s running away from and a guilty conscience he can’t seem to shed. But the more time he spends with Jessica, the more he falls in love with her.
And the more his secret threatens to tear them apart.

He may have been a stranger to her.
But she’s never been a stranger to him.

WIDE OPEN SPACES by Aurora Rose Reynolds (Buy link TBA)

wide open spaces

That moment your life changes.
That moment that changes your life.
That moment you love someone more than you love yourself.
That was the moment we gave our son up for adoption and the moment I was left bare. A wide-open space that would forever be empty.
There are moments that define you as a person, moments that prove just how strong you are, moments you push yourself to keep going forward when all you really want to do is give up. It was in one of those moments when I reached out and found him waiting for me.

When Shelby Calder left home fifteen years ago, she never planned on returning to the Alaskan town she left behind. But after the death of her grandfather and a bitter divorce, she hopes going home will be a fresh start for her and her ten-year-old son.

Zach Watters has made a lot of mistakes in his life. But when he sees Shelby Calder, looking more beautiful than ever, standing outside her childhood home, he promises himself that letting her go won’t be a mistake he ever makes again.

Some things never change and love is one of them.

SWEETEST SORROW by JM Darhower (buy link TBA)

sweetest sorrow


SHADOW FALLING by Rebecca Zanetti

Shadow Falling

Before the Scorpius Syndrome tore through North America and nearly wiped out the population, Vivienne Wellington was the FBI’s best profiler. The bacteria got her anyway. But she survived. She recovered. And when she woke up from a drug-nightmare of captivity, her trust in her fellow man had gone from shaky at best to nonexistent. Her mysterious rescuer wants to convince her he’s the exception. But no matter how tempting he is, with his angel’s eyes and devil’s tongue, Vinnie knows she shouldn’t trust him.

If the FBI were still around they would rate Raze Shadow as one of the bad guys. His military training can’t wipe out his association with the Mercenaries, the most feared gang in a thousand miles. His loyalties are compromised. He won’t even tell Vinnie his real name. But there’s no FBI in the new America of fear and firepower, only instinct and risk. And the way his arms wrap around her tells its own story. Whatever else Raze is concealing, he can’t hide his desire . . .


Dirty Little Lies

From #1 bestselling author Lora Leigh comes Dirty Little Liesa scintillating novel of the Men of Summer—and the scorching hot women who set their hearts on fire…

Zack Richards knows he’s asking for trouble. Trying to protect a member of the notorious Maddox family could get a man killed—even a battle-scarred, muscle-ripped alpha like Zack. But the woman who has captured his wildest fantasies is nothing like the rest of her power-hungry clan. She’s innocent, beautiful, and has quickly become the one shining light in his dark, desperate world. The only woman worth fighting for…and dying for…

Her name is Grace Maddox—and everybody knows that she is a marked woman. Targeted for her family’s sins and hunted like a wild animal, Grace has no choice but to accept Zack’s protection. In his arms, she finally feels safe. In his eyes, she sees an insatiable desire that mirrors her own. But the truth is dangerous—and could end up tearing them apart. Will surrendering to Zack end up being the biggest mistake of Grace’s life?

TURBULENCE by Whitney Gracia Williams (buy link TBA)


Fuck me recklessly
Kiss me harder.
Take me again and again… 

He and I met under a cloud of clichés:
Boy meets girl. Boy charms girl. Boy fucks girl.
Our story was supposed to end right after the orgasms, right after we went our separate ways.

But then we saw each other again…
And neither of us could walk away.

Our rules were simple.
Our passion was scandalous.
Our hearts were supposed to be safe…

But when you find something so all-consuming—something so intoxicating and inescapable, you’ll risk everything you’ve ever had, even if you’re destined to crash and burn.

This is us.
This is our messed up love.
This is turbulence.


For better or worse

Will a budding wedding planner and her bad boy neighbor stop banging heads and start hearing wedding bells in the sexy second novel in USA TODAY bestselling author Lauren Layne’s irresistible new series that marries Sex and the City with The Wedding Planner?

When small-town girl Heather Fowler finally gets promoted from assistant to actual wedding planner, she’s determined to make it as one of Manhattan’s elite Wedding Belles. Unfortunately, her first client demands an opulent black-tie affair at the Plaza…in five months’ time. Heather’s days quickly become a flurry of cake tastings, dress-fittings, RSVP cards, and bridal tantrums. But what she’s really losing sleep over is the live music blaring from her playboy neighbor’s apartment all night.

Five years ago, Josh Tanner was an up-and-comer on Wall Street, complete with the penthouse and the migraines. But a grim cancer diagnosis made him realize there is more to life than the corner office. If only he could convince his pretty, workaholic neighbor to let loose, too. As Heather lets down her guard, Josh is surprised when he starts falling for the sweet, vulnerable woman hiding beneath those power suits. Soon, it’s Heather’s turn to convince Josh to take the biggest risk of all: love.

PLAYING FAST by Melanie Scott

playing fast


When baseball bad-boy Finn Castro raises one eyebrow too many, the Saints send him down to the minors. He’ll have to earn back his major-league dreams with the Sarasota Springs Preachers. Finn’s certainly never claimed to be a man of the cloth, and cleaning up his act isn’t going to be easy with stunning Eva Harlowe at the heart of the team’s administration…


Eva knows having a crush on Finn Castro is about as sensible as wishing for an eighth day of the week, but seeing the gorgeously muscled player in person melts her resolve. If she’s planning to leave baseball at the end of the season, a hot fling could be a fantasy home run. But when no-strings sex begins to feel like a perfect partnership, will Finn and Eva choose the love of the game or real life together?

DARE YOU TO RUN by Dawn Ryder

dare you to run

Dawn Ryder returns with Dare You To Run, the second rapid-fire romance in her Unbroken Heroes series―featuring the tough, sexy men who serve in a top-secret Special Ops unit.

For Vitus Hale, only one mission has ever gone wrong. All he had to do was rescue a beautiful woman from her kidnappers. But falling hard into bed―and into love―with the stunning innocent was not part of the game plan, and when she leaves him in the dust, Vitus has nothing but a blemished record and a hardened heart. Now, after three long years, his beauty has finally come back into his life―and this time, failure is not an option…

Damascus Ryland knew from their first steamy embrace that stoic warrior Vitus Hale is the only man for her, but when her power-hungry Congressman father offered her an ultimatum―sever ties with Vitus, or he dies―Damascus knew she had to walk away to save the man she loved. But now, three years later, a new threat is closing in on her―and tossing Vitus right back into her life. Damascus needs to keep her love for him locked in her heart if she is to keep him safe, but the old flame that burned between them is still as vibrant and hot as ever. Now, Damascus and Vitus must risk it all to find their freedom…and embrace their love…


an indecent proposal

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Katee Robert continues her smoking-hot series about the O’Malleys-wealthy, powerful, and full of scandalous family secrets.

Greed. Ambition. Violence. Those are the “values” Olivia Rashidi learned from her Russian mob family-and the values she must leave behind for the sake of her daughter. When she meets Cillian O’Malley, she recognizes the red flag of his family name . . . yet she still can’t stop herself from seeing the smoldering, tortured man. To save her family, Olivia sets out to discover Cillian’s own secrets, but the real revelation is how fast-and how hard-she’s falling for him.

Plagued by a violent past, Cillian is more vulnerable than anyone realizes. Anyone except Olivia, whose beauty, compassion, and pride have him at “hello,” even if she’s more inclined to say good-bye to an O’Malley. While his proposal of sex with no strings seems simple, what he feels for her isn’t, especially after he learns that she belongs to a rival crime family. Cillian knows that there is no escape from the life, but Olivia may be worth trying-and dying-for . . .

FROST LINE by Linda Howard & Linda Jones



Lenna is Strength, a manifestation of the Tarot card, and powerful beyond reckoning. But when she’s pulled into the human realm and tasked with protecting a young boy, everything is thrown into chaos. Lenna’s not supposed to be here, interacting with mortals. She’s definitely not supposed to be drawn to the sexy mercenary sent to retrieve her by any means necessary . . .

As a Hunter for magical beings, Caine’s duty is simple: return this compelling, impossibly attractive woman and secure the long lost Tarot deck that made travel between worlds possible. Instead he’s drawn into Lenna’s dangerous rescue mission and blindsided by his growing feelings. But there is more than one enemy to contend with. And as the clock runs out, failure means not just the loss of an innocent life and the woman Caine has come to love, but the destruction of Lenna’s entire world.


The billionaire's voice

As an extreme-sports mogul, billionaire Micah Sinclair is comfortable taking risks. But nothing—and no one—has ever challenged him like Tessa Sullivan. He’s fascinated by the woman who’s overcome so much, including the loss of her hearing. The petite blonde dynamo, a small-town restaurateur on the Maine coast, is the most courageous person he knows, and he wants her in his bed. Now all he has to do is convince Tessa to explore their desire.

After a lifetime of loss, Tessa’s finally come to terms with her limitations. Or she would, if a certain sexy businessman weren’t pushing her to want more. And to want him. All her remaining senses are clamoring for her to touch, taste, and feel. But her doubts tell her to go slow when their passion gets too hot.

Micah’s determined to prove to Tessa that she can still have everything she’s ever wanted, including his love. But will she listen to her head—or her heart?


Winner Takes All Cover Image


Money. Fame. Endorsements. Blake Carpenter had it all — before his professional football career spiraled out of control. Determined to rebuild his life, he takes on coaching the high school team in his Colorado hometown. Despite a few fumbles, Blake knows he can lead these boys to victory. As long as he can keep his eyes on the prize and off the team’s distractingly gorgeous physical therapist.

Annabelle Turner knows all about the scandal that cost Blake his NFL career, and she’ll be damned if she’s going to let his mistakes hurt her team. What she doesn’t count on is the intense attraction that turns every heated run-in they have into a wildly erotic competition. Point by point, play by play, kiss by kiss, they try to keep things professional for the good of the team. But when the score is this close-and the passion this fierce-it’s anybody’s game . . .

RUN TO YOU by Rachel Lacey

Run to you



Moments after meeting the most gorgeous guy ever, Gabby Winters promptly gets stung by a zillion yellowjackets and falls-not gracefully-into a stream. Yup, Ethan Hunter is trouble with a capital “hot,” and Gabby definitely needs to keep her distance. Except in the small town of Haven, there’s nowhere to hide from Ethan’s sexy, infectious grin . . . and all the residents are conspiring against her.

At the center of the town’s matchmaking is Ethan’s grandmother, who’s convinced their relationship is a done deal. Rather than break her heart, Gabby and Ethan find themselves cornered into pretending to be falling in love. The problem: there’s serious sizzling attraction between them. And if this charade continues, they won’t fool just the entire town – they might fool themselves too . . .

HOMECOMING by Shannon Stacey


They were the golden boys of fall: Stewart Mills High School’s legendary championship football team. Fourteen years later, they’re back to relive their glory, save the team—and find themselves again . . .
Sam Leavitt has returned home to Stewart Mills with one goal: to fill in for Coach McDonnell and lead the high school football team to the championship. He doesn’t have time for distractions or commitments—but he’s unable to resist falling for the sexy guidance counselor he shared a hot night with months ago.

Jen Cooper knows what she’s looking for long-term, and it’s not Sam—even though the night they shared was explosive. Now, with Sam back in town and working by her side, picking up where they left off is too great a temptation to resist. But before long their fun fling is looking like a future together. And as the championship approaches, Sam is faced with a big decision that will either break them apart—or help them find their way home.

STEALING TAFFY by Susan Donovan

Stealing Taffy

LOVE IS PRICELESS in Stealing Taffy by New York Times bestselling author Susan Donovan.

Ten weeks in a swanky Arizona rehab center and Tanyalee Newberry, aka Taffy, is ready to give up everything that isn’t good for her―her forgery habit, taking (i.e., stealing) things that don’t belong to her, and, of course, men. But when her flight home gets rerouted, she finds herself in a hotel room with her smoking-hot travel companion. One night together is all it should have been. But passion is oh-so sweet…

Special Agent Dante Cabrera has been duped at his own love-’em-and-leave-’em game by this so-called Taffy. To forget she ever existed, Dante buries himself in his work…until a case leads him to North Carolina and, impossibly, right back to her. He has no business messing around with this felonious femme fatale, especially one who could be in more danger than she thinks. But Dante also knows there’s more to her than great looks and hot nights―a soul-searching woman who wants amend her past sins. Is he ready to take their desire to the next level…and steal Taffy’s heart?


DISCLAIM by Pam Godwin


*** It is recommended to read after Deliver and Vanquish, but it can be read as a stand-alone. ***

Camila was seventeen when Van Quiso kidnapped her. Ten years after her escape, the shackles refuse to release her. Not while there are still slave traders preying on her city.
She will stop at nothing to end them.
Even if that means becoming a slave again.

Returning to chains is her worst fear—and only option. They won’t know who she is or what she intends to do. She’s prepared for every complication.
Except him.
The one who decimated her sixteen-year-old heart.

Matias is charming, gorgeous, and dangerously seductive. He’s also untrustworthy and enshrouded in secrets. After years of no contact, he finds her—on her knees, wrists bound, in the clutches of her enemy.
Will he sabotage her mission by needlessly saving her?
Or will he keep her in chains and never let her go?

MANIPULATED by Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott


My name is Owen Blackstone, and I’m currently in recovery.

Not from what you think, though I do enjoy a bit of whiskey.

No, my issue is that I fell foolishly in love with my best friend. Oh, and she’s getting married.

So, in my eternal stupidity, I hooked up with a woman at our annual masquerade ball. You know what they say—the best way to get over a woman is to get under another.

Who is this woman, you ask? Calliope Templeton. She’s unlike any other I’ve ever met. And believe me, as the guitarist for Hammered—only the biggest selling rock band out there right now—I’ve met quite a few.

Now I have to figure out how to convince her we’re more than just a one-night stand. She’s supposed to be my happily ever after.

And if necessary, I’m willing to show her just how resourceful one determined Irishman can be…

BEYOND OBLIVION – A Rockstar Romance full of sexy fun set within the world of our Lost in Oblivion series! You never know who you’ll see show up in the books.

DEFY THE DAWN by Lara Adrian

Defy The dawn

An immortal warrior must decide between loyalty to his people and desire for a beautiful Breed female determined to bring a powerful enemy to justice at any cost, in this new novel in the “steamy and intense” (Publishers Weekly) Midnight Breed vampire romance series from New York Times and #1 international bestselling author Lara Adrian.

Blog Tour, Author Q&A, & Giveaway: Furious Rush by S.C. Stephens

Author: S.C. Stephens
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 23, 2016
Publisher: Forever


The first in an emotion-fueled, New Adult series from the #1 bestselling author of the Thoughtless novels!

Too fast, too furious—and way too hot to handle…

Mackenzie Cox has a lot to prove. Daughter of a racing legend, she is eager to show the world that she has inherited her father’s talent in the male-dominated sport of professional motorcycle racing. The last thing Kenzie needs is to be antagonized by her rival team’s newest rider, Hayden Hayes. Plucked from the world of illegal street racing, Hayden immediately gets under Kenzie’s skin. His insinuations that Kenzie is a spoiled princess who was handed her career fuels her desire to win, and much to her surprise, Kenzie soon learns she performs better when she’s racing against Hayden.

As Kenzie and Hayden push each other on the track, the electric energy between them off the track shifts into an intense—and strictly forbidden—attraction. The only rule between their two ultra-competitive teams is zero contact. Kenzie always does her best to play by the rules, but when her team slips into a financial crisis, she has no choice but to turn to Hayden for help. The tension simmers during their secret, late-night rendezvous, but Kenzie has too much to lose to give in to her desires. Especially when she begins to doubt that Hayden has completely left his street life behind…

Buy LinksAmazon | B&N | B-A-M | Google Play | iBooks | IndieBound | Kobo


Author InterviewSo why choose to write about motorcycle racers specifically?

I wanted a heart-of-gold bad boy who did something sexy for a living. Kellan already owned the rock star market, so I started looking around for other avenues for Hayden. My brother had just purchased a shiny, red street bike, and when I saw it, I couldn’t help but notice that the bike was super-sexy. I knew right then and there that bikes were going to be Hayden’s “thing.”

Would you ever write a sports romance about football, baseball, etc.?

I think professional football could be interesting. The dramas between the wives, the egos of the players, and of course, the forbidden romance with the cheerleader… Sounds like fun!

Was it challenging to write about something completely new after spending so much time with the characters in the Thoughtless series?

Yes and no. It was very freeing to be able to write new characters with no set-in-stone back stories, no previous timelines fixing them to a certain path. What I did find challenging however, was the endless possibilities. So many options can be overwhelming, and it took some time to narrow the scope into something more manageable.

What is one book you are dying to read but haven’t gotten the time to do so yet?

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. It’s literally sitting on my nightstand right now, but I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. I’ve only heard good things about this entire series, and I can’t wait to start it.

Furious-Rush-Quote-Graphic-#-1-2About the AuthorS.C. Stephens CREDIT Tara Ellis Photography

S. C. Stephens is a #1 bestselling author who spends her every free moment creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance. In addition to writing, she enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with her friends and family. She and her two children reside in the Pacific Northwest.


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Review: First Star I See Tonight by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Review-First Star I See TonightFIRST STAR I SEE TONIGHT
Series: Chicago Stars #8
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Release Date: August 23, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


A star quarterback and a feisty detective play for keeps in this sporty, sexy, sassy novel—a long-awaited new entry in the beloved, award-winning, New York Times bestselling author’s fan-favorite Chicago Stars football series.

Piper Dove is a woman with a dream—to become the best detective in the city of Chicago. First job? Trail former Chicago Stars quarterback, Cooper Graham. Problem? Graham’s spotted her, and he’s not happy.

Which is why a good detective needs to think on her feet. “The fact is . . . I’m your stalker.Not full-out barmy. Just . . . mildly unhinged.”

Piper soon finds herself working for Graham himself, although not as the bodyguard he refuses to admit he so desperately needs. Instead, he’s hired her to keep an eye on the employees at his exclusive new nightclub. But Coop’s life might be in danger, and Piper’s determined to protect him, whether he wants it or not. (Hint: Not!) If only she weren’t also dealing with a bevy of Middle Eastern princesses, a Pakistani servant girl yearning for freedom, a teenager who just wants of fit in, and an elderly neighbor demanding Piper find her very dead husband.

And then there’s Cooper Graham himself, a legendary sports hero who always gets what he wants—even if what he wants is a feisty detective hell bent on proving she’s as tough as he is.

From the bustling streets of Chicago to a windswept lighthouse on Lake Superior to the glistening waters of Biscayne Bay, two people who can’t stand to lose will test themselves and each other to discover what matters most.

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKS | B&NReview-DGR4 starsFirst Star I See Tonight-DGR teaser

She was a woman who attacked life instead of waiting for it to unfold around her. And her general imperviousness to him had stirred up some kind of primitive bullshit need to conquer.

This book.
*Attempts to wipe goofy grin off of face*
*grins even bigger*
I mean…THIS. BOOK.

As a long time fan of SEP and especially her Chicago Stars series, when I heard the news that she’ll be releasing another book in one of my most beloved contemporary romance series, I downright wet myself in fangirling excitement. True story. Well…maybe not the wetting myself part. But close. I was dang excited, mkay?!

I mean let’s face it, no one, and I do mean no one does an enemies to lovers romance quite like this author. She delivers these irresistible grumpy alphas that are just the perfect amount of endearing and sexy. They’re not perfect, but that’s what makes them perfect. Am I even making sense here? Let me put it this way; have you ever read about a hero that has a trigger happy moment yet manages to come off all the more endearingly sexy for it? Yeah? Didn’t think so.

If you love quirky, sassy, and adorably awkward heroines with just a dash of crazy to them, you will simply adore Piper. The woman is a downright nutter and I couldn’t get enough of her antics. If you’ve read any book in this series, you already know that SEP can deliver some of the best banter, and this book certainly didn’t disappoint in that department.

Did I ever mention what a bad lover I was when I first started out?”
“I don’t believe you did,” she said.
“I got lots of complaints, so I had to work at it. Treat it as a job.”
“Put in the extra practice time, right?”
“Precisely. When I think of the mistakes I made…”
“Mortifying, I’m sure.”
“But I kept my eye on the ball.”
“Only one? Curious. Oh, well, I hope your deformity didn’t make you too self-conscious. I’m sure you could still-”
“I finally got the hang of it when I was about-”
“Eighteen. I was a fast learner. All those older women willing to take a young kid like me into their loving arms…”
“Blessed are the merciful.”

20173970I love a slow burn, and that’s exactly what I got with this romance. Sparks flew between Cooper and Piper right away…but not of the sexual variety. Oh no! Piper is hilariously failing in her job to trail former Chicago Stars quarterback. The problem? He makes her right away and is not entirely pleased about the slightly deranged woman that seems to be everywhere he turns lately.

The fact is…” She released her breath in a whoosh. “I’m your stalker.”
“Not a dangerous one. Lord, no. Merely obsessed.”
“With me.” A statement, not a question. He’d been here before.
“I don’t make a habit of stalking people. This…quite got away from me, you see.” She didn’t know exactly how this tactic will save her, but she plunged on. “I’m not full-out barmy, you understand. Just…mildly unhinged.”
He cocked his head, but at least he was listening. And why not? Lunatics were always fascinating.

This book will make you laugh, and laugh some more. Piper’s antics are downright hilarious.

Watching the unwilling development of a relationship between these two go from antagonistic, to grudging respect, to something more, was pure gold. I couldn’t get enough of the two of them. Of course it didn’t hurt that I got plenty of cameos from one of my favorites. If you’ve read Match Me If You Can, you’ll definitely appreciate it.

First Star I See was everything I’ve come to love about this author and so much more. It was full of fun banter, swoony moments, fantastic secondary characters, and the perfect slow building romance.

What about your scruples? I’m still the hired help.”
He leaned forward and nibbled on her bottom lip. “You’re not the help. You’re the obstacle.”
She nuzzled the cleft in his chin. “To what?”
“My peace of mind.”

It was the perfect light hearted sort of read I needed and I loved every single page of it. It reminded me exactly why I fell in love with this series in the first place. SEP fans are in for one delicious treat with First Star I See Tonight. If you’re in the mood for laughs and swoons, this book has EVERYTHING. The perfect contemporary romance to satisfy any romance lovers!


IT HAD TO BE YOU (Chicago Stars #1)
Heaven, Texas (Chicago Stars, #2)
Nobody’s Baby But Mine (Chicago Stars, #3)
Dream a Little Dream (Chicago Stars, #4)
This Heart of Mine (Chicago Stars, #5)
Match Me If You Can (Chicago Stars, #6)
Natural Born Charmer (Chicago Stars, #7)

Copyright © 2015 · Dirty Girl Romance

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