Jenn’s 5 Star Review: Drifter by Janine Bosco ‏

Series: Nomad #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotic
Author: Janine Infante Bosco
Release Date: September 20, 2016

I’m a drifter.
A man born to ride through this world alone.
There used to be a time when I thought I was the rescuing type. I enlisted in the Marines and made it my duty—I was going to save lives.
I was going to be a true American hero.
But God had another plan.
Or maybe Satan did.
For everything I touch finds mortality.
I’m no hero.
I’m nothing.
I’m a veteran biker, a former nomad who survived war only to live in hell.
Now I ride with the Satan’s Knights of Brooklyn and I’m drifting into a different kind of chaos.
The kind that revolves around a pretty girl with intoxicating green eyes.
A girl who has the power to turn me inside out.
A girl who doesn’t need anyone to rescue her because she’s her own savior.
Until she’s not.
But a man plagued by war and the devil inside him can never be her hero.

Gina Spinelli

Strong. Independent. Fierce.
They are the three things I strived to be.
But sometimes being successful can be lonely.
Sometimes a girl just wants to be a girl and have someone take care of her.
Maybe even love her.
Sometimes the strong become vulnerable.
Or worse, the victor becomes the victim.
Sometimes we lose control or in my case it’s stripped from you.
Defeated. Broken. Haunted.
They are the three things I have become.
In my darkest hour I admit defeat.
In my darkest hour I need one person.
I need him.

***NOTE:Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, sensitive subjects, offensive language, and mature topics. Recommended for age 18 years and up. ***


5,000 Stars!!!!!
 1. I love this book with everything in me.
2. I love this author with everything in me.
3. I love the people. (These people are REAL. They exist. Leave me alone!)
4. I love the sex. (The dirty talk! Unf!)
5. I love the FEELS. (The ugly cry is waiting for you. But not in the whole book. I don’t like when the entire book is depressing.)

You know when someone tells you they didn’t enjoy one of your favorite books EVER?! Yeah, this is one of those books. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinion….Blah, Blah, Blah. But really, if you don’t like this book……
Gina is just a stock broker, and a woman with balls of steel. I love a feisty heroine. The meet-cute between her and Stryker over a pool table is delicious and had me grinning like an idiot the whole time. In fact, I was in the middle of Chick-Fil-A while my kids were playing in the indoor playground, and I bust out laughing. That’s right, Other Moms. I don’t watch my kids while they play. I read. I digress….
à la Mode St. » fashion

She isn’t the girl you nail down, she’s the one you watch fly, and if you’re lucky, you’re the bastard who gets to spread your wings alongside her.

à la Mode St. » fashionStryker. Jesus Christ. Stryke me with lightning right now because I will say the Lord’s name in vain in order to express my feelings about THIS MAN. In fact, I will thank The Lord in my prayers tonight for creating Janine Infante Bosco so she could write THIS MAN. Stryker is a drifter. He is a nomad of the Satan’s Knights MC, never feeling like he belongs anywhere. He suffers from PTSD from his time served as a Marine, and this is a big part of Stryker’s character. He find the Satan’s Knights, and this book also shows his journey of learning to depend on family.

The FIRE…..this book is scorching. And I am a picky bitch when it comes to the dirty talk. And Stryker delivered the dirty talk to my ears and put the tingles in my jingle. I just want Stryker to call me his “pretty girl,” ok? Is that too much to ask?!

The issues! Janine does not sugar coat. She brings up the issues. And I loved the way that she addressed them and delivered them. I was pretty much a SOBBING MESS. You probably have no idea what I’m saying right now because I can’t say too much without spoiling something (and I hate spoiling). Just know that JANINE CAN WRITE A DAMN BOOK.
What I loved most about this book (and what gets me every damn time I love a book), is the writing. Character development = Off the Charts. I felt attached to every single character. I usually don’t mind reading books out of order, but I regret it this time because most of these characters are from a previous series that I am dying to read now.

I am now going to read ALL of Janine’s books every second that I can in between all the life going around me. I’m gonna go all crazy-bitch. I can feel it coming. Don’t botha me.

Review: Destined To Crave by Setta Jay

Series: Descended of Guardians #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Erotic
Author: Setta Jay
Release Date: August 30, 2017

Fate gave them love… then tore them apart.

This standalone novella is the first spin-off from the Guardians of the Realms world!

The descendant of two almighty Gods and a Guardian of Earth, Eirykr “Rykr” is born of immense power. Yet, no amount of strength or skill can save him from the curse that tore him away from his first and only love. Turned into a shadowy assassin, he wields the demons bound to his soul with the ruthlessness of a blade. For nearly a decade, he’s searched for the key to free himself, all the while watching over and dangerously craving the beautiful mate who believes she’s driven him away.

Lucy is a born protector, a trait of her Guardian lineage. When her greatest gift was torn from her, leaving a gaping hole in her soul, she refuses to allow a young Rykr, her known mate, to suffer the same dire consequences. Her fear forces her to make a haunting decision and with a grave threat she crushes him, demanding they part for a decade. Yet, as the years pass she can feel him watching her from the shadows, conjuring wild fantasies that make her ache for him to finally end their torment.

As time ticks toward the decade mark, dark forces rush to descend. Will Rykr’s secret and relentless need to protect Lucy condemn them to a hopeless destiny of constant craving? Or will Lucy bind them for all eternity, no matter the violent threat to her very soul?

Warning: This title contains dirty talk, bad language and erotically charged scenes meant to scorch your eReader.


Every night, she fantasized about the sexy male he’d turned into while mourning the loss of the mischievous boy she’d loved.


Setta Jay’s Guardians of the Realms series has been a guilty pleasure of mine for years. A well crafted, erotically charged PNR that hooked me from the first and kept me riveted until the end. When I saw she’ll be coming out with a spin-off series, I was thrilled. And now that I read it, I’m already craving more!

Destined To Crave is a short, but extremely satisfying novella that sets the scene for her brand new Descended of Guardians series which, you guessed it, features the kids of the couples from the previous books. We get a well crafted set up and intro to most of the characters and a main couple that will melt your e-reader with their sizzling chemistry.

This is also a great opportunity for new readers to discover this fantastic author, because while it doesn’t hurt to read the previous series, it’s certainly not necessary to enjoy this one. You get all the back stories and the characters are unique and don’t much piggy back of the stories of their parents.

Rykr and Lucy were amazing together. This book was hot, entertaining, and addicting. My only quibble is I wished for more, but that’s always my complaint with novellas from favorite authors. I’m hooked, line and sinker and can’t wait for more in this series! If you like erotic PNR, then you definitely want to check this one out!

Review: Three Is A War by @pamgodwinbooks

Series: Tangled Lies #3 (trilogy)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Pam Godwin
Release Date: August 29, 2017

Three means war.
Three sides vying for forever.

My first love.
The bad boy with the dangerous smile and passionate temper draws attention like a lit fuse on dynamite. But his dark molten eyes spark only for me.

My second chance.
Over six feet of Norse god in a tailored suit, he calculates every move and seizes my hungry breaths with an iron fist.

The free-spirited dancer, torn between two men with no resolution in sight.
I tried leaving, staying, refusing, and surrendering.
What options do I have left?

I love two men, and I do the only thing I can. I fight.

The TANGLED LIES series must be read in order.
One is a Promise
Two is a Lie
Three is a War


I fell in love with two men and lost myself. I’ll stay in love with one and find myself again.

Oh. my. heart.
Oh. my. god.
Oh. mylanta.
I have no idea how I survived this book. Did I survive this book?

*looks back at the empty bottles of wine standing on night stand*

I think I’m still in recovery here.

*goes back to rocking in the corner*

I don’t read love triangles. Not usually. My cold black heart can’t handle it. But when Pam Godwin writes a love triangle, I put on my big girl panties, suck it up, and stock up on all of the wine.

You shatter me,” he breathes against my lips. I hum with contentment. “We can fall apart together.”

Two books. Three hearts. It’s all been leading up to this nail biting, heart wrenching, rip your hair out, stress inducing, and completely unputdownable conclusion. Dani is left with an impossible decision; a choice between two men that own her heart equally.

Her first love. The man that first stole her heart and never gave it back when he left, leaving her in shatters.

This is your world.” He spreads his arms wide. “I just live in it. You own my heart, my every thought. You have the power to take whatever you want when you want it.”

And her new love. The man that picked up the shattered pieces and gave her hope and made her see that love never dies, it just takes the right person to bring it back to life.

Since the moment I saw you…” Trace squeezes my fingers. “I haven’t gone a day without thinking about you. No matter how much it hurts or how long it takes, I know that a lifetime with you is worth fighting for.”

An impossible decision.
Two men willing to fight for the chance to own the entirety of her heart.
A woman torn.
A reader driven to drink and sob hysterically while experiencing all of it along with the characters.

I cannot describe to you the emotional wringer this book put me through. Pam Godwin crafted a sensual, deeply emotional, intense, and heart wrenching story that captivates from the beginning and owns you throughout.

I was a card-holding member of #TeamTorn throughout the trilogy. I wasn’t sure who I was rooting for or what I wanted. My feelings were so up and down and back and forth, that I completely felt for everything that Dani was going through. And even though I didn’t have a favorite that I was rooting for, it didn’t stop me from having my heart broken all the same.

This wasn’t a story, this was an experience. A deeply emotional, stress inducing, anxiety causing experience. I was an absolute wreck for the entire last third of the book. I sobbed uncontrollably and didn’t think I’d survive it. And this is coming from someone that rarely feels emotional in books. But man oh man, did this one gut me.

Am I happy with the choice? I don’t know.
Am I satisfied with the conclusion? I don’t know.
I seriously don’t know how or what I feel. But what I do know is that Pam Godwin wrote her sadistic little heart out with this book.
Will it satisfy every reader? No. Will you be happy with how it all turns out? Maybe. But one thing is for sure, you will understand the why’s of everything completely. Pam did a phenomenal job with weaving emotions together of not only her characters but also her readers. This book was easily her best work yet. It ruined me but I have no regrets.

Yes, I’m an emotional wreck after finishing it and I likely won’t read another love triangle for a long damn while. My thoughts are still a jumbled mess and I honestly can’t decide what I think of the ending. But this trilogy owned me thoroughly and completely and I’m so glad that I got to experience it.

And now that you got some semblance of a coherent review out of me…



One promise.
One forever.

One look and I knew Cole was mine. My dark rebel in leather. My powerhouse of passion, devastating smiles, and impulsiveness.
When his job sends him overseas, he promises to return to me.
A promise that’s destroyed in the most irrevocable way.

Two years later, an arrogant suit invades my heartbroken loneliness.

Clean-cut and stern, Trace is everything Cole wasn’t.
At first, he’s a job that will rescue my dance company. But as he intrudes on my life, our hostile relationship evolves.
He knows I’m still in love with Cole, but his dedication is my undoing.

Then a catastrophic moment changes everything.

Promises resurface.
Lies entangle.
And an impossible choice shatters my world.

I love two men, and I can only have one.


Two lies.

Two men who don’t share.

I never stopped loving Cole. Not when he left me. Not when he disappeared for three years. Not when he crashed back into my life in a violent explosion of testosterone and fury.

His sudden reappearance questions everything I thought I knew, including how I came to love another man.

Trace is an intoxicating breeze of seduction over ice. My rock. My second chance at forever.

And he’s committed to annihilating the competition.

The battle that ensues wrenches me back and forth between them.

Fighting and fucking.

Resisting and submitting.

Together, they entangle me in a web of lies, rivalry, and desire that weaves as deeply as their devotion to me.

I love two men, and if I can only have one, I choose none.


Three means war.

Three sides vying for forever.


My first love.

The bad boy with the dangerous smile and passionate temper draws attention like a lit fuse on dynamite. But his dark molten eyes spark only for me.


My second chance.

Over six feet of Norse god in a tailored suit, he calculates every move and seizes my hungry breaths with an iron fist.


The free-spirited dancer, torn between two men with no resolution in sight.

I tried leaving, staying, refusing, and surrendering.

What options do I have left?  

I love two men, and I do the only thing I can. I fight

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

E-mail →


Other books by Pam Godwin

Deliver Series:



Trilogy of Eve Series:

DEAD OF EVE (#1) | HEART OF EVE (#1.5) | BLOOD OF EVE (#2) | DAWN OF EVE (#3)







Author Interview & DGRFave Review: Disorderly Conduct by @mstessabailey

Series: The Academy #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: August 29, 2017

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…

Police academy cadet Charlie Burns can’t believe his luck when the gorgeous blonde he meets in a bar murmurs those magic words: “Nothing serious, ’kay?” Mind-blowing, no-strings sex with Ever Carmichael—it’s the holy grail of hookups for a guy who’s too busy following in his law enforcement family’s footsteps to think about getting serious. Charlie’s all about casual…that is, until Ever calls it quits and his world tilts on its axis.

Ever knows that when you control the relationship game, you can’t get played. But for the first time, she wants more than short-term satisfaction. Step one: end her fling with commitment-phobic Charlie. Step two: sacrifice herself to the ruthless NYC dating scene. Yet everywhere she turns, there’s Charlie, being his ridiculously charming self. No online match or blind date compares to the criminally hot cop-in-training, but they’re over. Aren’t they?

If love is a four-letter-word, why does the idea of Ever seeing someone else tie Charlie up in knots?  Now he’s desperate to win her back…and a little date sabotage never hurt anyone, right?


If you follow my blog, you already know what a HUGE Tessa Bailey fan I am. And the fact that I’m salivating for every single one of her releases is pretty damn hard to miss. Well I was downright flailing with excited glee when I saw she’ll have more of her dirty talk hot cops for us with her brand new Academy series and I fell head over ovaries with this series immediately after finishing Disorderly Conduct. I’m so excited to have the queen of dirty talk today with an interview with DGR and I’m even more excited for you all to discover this AMAZING new series!

DGR: For those that haven’t read Disorderly Conduct and seen your acknowledgment, can you tell us about your inspiration for The Academy series?

TB: Yes! I would love to! I’ve never had a story idea come to me in dream format before, but I woke up one morning with a fresh memory that literally made my chest ache. A man on his way to a lover’s apartment, so obviously in love with her (but in complete denial) and no idea she’s about to break it off to go look for something “real.” I was in the middle of another project, but immediately set it aside to write the first chapter of DISORDERLY CONDUCT.

DGR: Disorderly Conduct had equally the cutest and sexiest meet cute ever! Did you picture it before you even wrote the book?

TB: Thank you! I love it, too! Charlie and Ever made magic in that rainy day pub. Originally, the book didn’t include the meet-cute! It started with Charlie walking to Ever’s apartment (like in my dream), but my editor correctly decided people would want to see that first meeting. And thus, the Mistress Test was formed, with a little help of my vast Titanic movie knowledge!

DGR: I LOVED Ever Carmichael. For all her quirks and issues, she’s such a solid person who owns their sexuality and makes no excuses for it. What’s your favorite thing about Ever?

TB: I think I loved her compassion most of all. Even when Charlie was being an absolute idiot, she saw through to his inner turmoil and wanted to be his friend, as well as his lover. But I can’t help but include her snappy sense of humor as a close second. I mean, she did threaten to shoot lasers out of her eyeballs at Charlie.

DGR: Charlie Burns. GAH. The man makes my ovaries burn. Ha! See what I did there? But I digress. I loved his playfulness in the story. He’s also such a lost boy at times, which was so endearing. What’s your favorite thing about Charlie?

TB: Exactly that. I love nothing more than writing a cluelessly endearing hero. There’s just something about a man who is confused and knocked over sideways by his own feelings. “Wait…she loves me? I…love her? Oh, God. I LOVE HER SO MUCH”. What makes us want to excuse Charlie’s lack of clarity is the fact that he’s also super protective and capable. Sigh.

DGR: What was your favorite scene to write for this book?

TB: There is a scene when Charlie arrives to help Ever cater a party. They haven’t really spent any time together as “friends”—and when he shows up and sees her in her element (spinning circles around the kitchen), he realizes how much he doesn’t know about her. How dynamic she is. And the seeds are planted in his mind that he screwed up big time by letting her go.

DGR: Now you know I have to ask this, because you ARE at Dirty Girl Romance after all, but sweet jesus, woman! How do you keep coming up with hotter and hotter sex scenes and the most sizzling dirty talk? Share your dirty secret. It’s tumblr, isn’t it? Oh wait…that’s my dirty secret

TB: HA! Well, thank you very much! I’m not sure where the inspiration comes from, but I like to give every couple their unique flavor. Whenever Charlie got his hands on Ever, he kind of just became an animal and Ever fed off of it, that male desperation fulfilling something inside her. When you have a good foundation for what turns your characters on, you can make the booty original every time.

DGR: What are you most excited about with this new series?

TB: This series feels like coming full circle. I started my writing career with NYC cops and now I’m back—and it really just felt like coming home. I know this type of man and they’re SO fun for me to write! Law enforcement heroes are my kryptonite and I’m most excited to be back in my happy place. Not to mention getting to share it with everyone who loved my original cops!

DGR: If you had a dream cast for Charlie and Ever, who would they be?

TB: Well. I watch a lot of Disney Channel because I have a six year old. And there’s an actress named Dove Cameron who is in a few shows. She’s funny and sexy and relatable. I totally envision her as Ever. As for Charlie, there’s an actor named Sean Faris that is mega adorable and plays a cop on television. He would be my ideal Charlie.

DGR: What do you want readers to know about the Academy series?

TB: I want readers to know they’ll have a lot of fun and probably sweat beneath their clothes during the sex scenes. The characters are deep, but the angst doesn’t overshadow the fun.

DGR: Can you give us a little taste of what we can expect from Disorderly Contact with a favorite scene from the book?

Ever Carmichael is salvation.I’m not just saying that because she calls me big man when we’re fucking.

I’m already unbuttoning my uniform shirt, even though I haven’t even reached her building’s lobby yet. My cock is so stiff, I think I might black the fuck out before I get it inside her. Here’s the thing, though. Ever will understand. She’ll take one look at the tented fly of my standard issue, police academy pants and let her slinky, bad girl panties drop.

This woman. You just can’t fathom the magic she wields.

I don’t want anything serious, ’kay?

She said those words to me the rainy afternoon we met. At which point angels filled the bar and started singing. I’ve had women tell me before they didn’t want entanglements or relationships, too. My long line of law-enforcement ancestry, however, has honed my ability to differentiate between truth and fiction. And Ever is the first woman who actually meant those words. Nothing. Serious.

I’m right across the street from her building now—a four-story tenement on the Lower East Side. She works nights running her start-up catering company and sleeps late, so at noon on my lunch break, she’ll still be soft from bed. Freshly showered. I’m going to fuck her lights out, I swear to Christ. As soon as I walk in the door.

In the month since we met, the urgency to be inside Ever has only skyrocketed. The need to get my hands on her smooth skin, my tongue inside her bare pussy. You don’t understand—I’m a fiend for this woman.

And guess what? That’s perfectly fine, because I can have Ever any time I need her. Now, hear me out before calling me an arrogant prick—although I admit to being one on occasion. Ever can have me, too, when she needs me. This arrangement works both ways. After a Maroon 5 concert two weeks ago, she showed up at my apartment around midnight, high on Adam Levine—or whatever he’s called—and we didn’t even make it inside. I hiked up her tiny, leather skirt and gave it to her right there in the hallway. We weren’t quiet about it, either, not that I heard the neighbors complaining.

My point being, this arrangement I’ve made with Ever is what most men don’t dare dream about or even deserve at age twenty-three. For my species, it’s usually a choice between empty hookups or committed relationships, complete with updating your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram bios, but only after deleting from all of the above any photographic evidence that you ever used your dick. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about commitment. Right now, though, my entire reserve of commitment juice is being poured into becoming a cop. A lieutenant, specifically, just like my older brother, Greer. And eventually a bureau chief like my father, his father before him . . . and back about four generations.

This thing with Ever? It’s neither empty, nor committed. It’s a fucking unicorn. It has made me a believer in life on other planets, Bigfoot and even the Jets winning the Super Bowl again someday. Apart from the Levine Incident, we haven’t spent any time at my place, because Jack or Danika are usually home. Not to mention, I covet this little slice of heaven I’ve carved out, and I worry my roommates will make some crack to Ever about wedding bells—which is never happening—and blow the whole perfect situation to hell. Plus . . . they don’t need to know a damn thing about Ever. She’s mine. I’m hers. We’re ours.

Unofficially, of course.

The deeper I fall into friendship with Charlie, the deeper I sink into the point of no return.

The queen of dirty talk strikes gold with her newest series! A sexy and humorous romp, Disorderly Conduct was an entertaining read from start to finish. It was the perfect blend of humor and Tessa’s signature steam. It was smart and sassy and oh so cute! I had a goofy smile on my face the entire time. It was utterly delicious with a sexy meet cute and a ridiculously swoony grovel at the end. This book was exactly why I love romance!

…this arrangement I’ve made with Ever is what most men don’t dare dream about or even deserve at age twenty-three.

A sexy meet cute leads to the unicorns of all relationships for Charlie and Ever; a mutually agreed upon and satisfying friends with benefits (heavy on the benefits). Coming from a long line of cops, Charlie has focused everything on getting through the Police Academy. It’s all he’s ever wanted for himself; to make his bureau chief father and lieutenant brother proud. Relationships have never been on his radar. He has no time for them. But when he spots a stunning blonde at a bar giving him the eye, he can’t stay away. And when she murmurs every man’s dream words, “nothing serious,” in his ear? He’s a goner.

If I texted him right now, he would meet me. He would give me the Adam Levine sex and ask me no questions, tell me no lies.

Ever comes from a long line of mistresses. Her mother is a serial dater of married men. A relationship is just as much of a pipe dream to her as a reliable and trustworthy man; they don’t exist in her life. Charlie was only supposed to scratch an itch for one month. Sex and nothing else. But then everything changes for Ever and she realizes that she no longer wants the bare minimum. She wants the pipe dream. She wants love. Only problem? Charlie is determined to make her see the error of her ways, even if he has to sabotage her every attempt at seriously dating after she gives him the boot.

I’m becoming her friend in the hopes of knocking every other dude out of the running and graduating to friend with benefits. So I can slide in there real smooth. Like a snake.

I cannot tell you how much I adored Charlie and Ever. Their “relationship” was romantic comedy gold. Charlie is hopelessly lost. He doesn’t want Ever to date but he doesn’t realize that his yearning for her is something beyond just needing their friends with benefits status back. Ever is determined to move on but her feelings for Charlie are a messy distraction. Watching their back and forth was as entertaining as it was frustrating and I loved every second of it.

And did I mention the dirty talk? Because oh my god the dirty talk!!!

I will get between those legs if I have to kill, steal or sacrifice to get there. And you’ll be a sweating, moaning, crying tangle of sex in the sheets by the time it’s over. I know you don’t doubt me, because I’ve done it. I’ve done it.”

Man but I missed Tessa’s hot cops. I haven’t been this enamored with a series since her Line of Duty boys. And with the secondary characters introduced here, I’m already salivating for more.

But as for Ever and Charlie? Loved. Them. Yes, they both made some frustrating decisions and choices that had me wanting to slap them. But considering their age, I found my anger didn’t last. I just loved watching them mess up too much. It was adorable and endearing and frustrating and GAH. Did I mention I loved it?

I love first person POV and being in both Charlie and Ever’s heads was a true treat. Especially Charlie. He reminded me a little bit of Drew from Tangled. His inner monologue was just so much fun. Even if the poor guy was completely clueless at times.

I’m hooked, line and sinker, on this series and I can’t wait for more. If you were a fan of Tessa’s Line of Duty series, this one is simply not to be missed. It was everything I’ve come to love from her and made me giggle and swoon all at once.

Her hands are still locked together on top of her head, making her look like a prisoner. My prisoner. Except, I’m hers. This whole time I thought our lack of commitment was setting me free, but in truth, she’d thrown away the key to my freedom the minute she opened her mouth. She didn’t mean it, my Ever, but I’m imprisoned forever, just the same.

Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days.

Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of eight years and four-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


New & Upcoming Releases: August 28-30

Who’s ready to make their wallets lighter and their one-clickers happy? THIS GIRL!!


FALLEN HEIR by Erin Watt

These Royals will ruin you.

Easton Royal has it all: looks, money, intelligence. His goal in life is to have as much fun as possible. He never thinks about the consequences because he doesn’t have to.

Until Hartley Wright appears, shaking up his easy life. She’s the one girl who’s said no, despite being attracted to him. Easton can’t figure her out and that makes her all the more irresistible.

Hartley doesn’t want him. She says he needs to grow up.

She might be right.

Rivals. Rules. Regrets. For the first time in Easton’s life, wearing a Royal crown isn’t enough. He’s about to learn that the higher you start, the harder you fall.

Warning: This book has a cliffhanger. The story will be resolved in Cracked Kingdom, due out January 2018.

MUSCLE MEMORY by Stylo Fantome

Her lips, the way she feels, how she moves against me.

Her voice when she laughs, her eyes when she cries.

Her soul connected to mine, for better or for worse, for all eternity.

I don’t remember.

A blank face.


The darkness and impenetrable fog, day after day after day.

Who am I?

And for that matter, who is she?

I can’t remember.

Two sides of the same coin – one wants to remember, and the other wants to stay forgotten. Which side will win? Can he trust his heart to bring him back to her? Or will she stay lost in the fog forever?

I might never remember.


A new standalone from NYT bestselling author Tijan.

Rule #1: No hot guys.
It might sound ridiculous. I get it. It kind of was, but college was supposed to be my sanctuary. It was my place to start over. The rumors, the whispers, and the jealousy I endured through high school would all be gone.
No one would know me at college.

Rule #2: No drama.
I’d major in pre-law. I’d make a few loyal friends. Everything would be easy-breezy. No one was going to use me or hurt me. I wouldn’t let them.

Rule #3: New year. New place. New me.
And all because of Shay Coleman.

Football captain and quarterback, he was the big guy on campus. The cocky guy in my political science class with a smirk. I hated him on sight . . .

. . . and he was about to break all my rules.


Thais Fenwick was eleven-years-old when civilization fell, devastated by a virus that killed off the majority of the world’s population. For seven years, Thais and her family lived in a community of survivors deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. But when her town is attacked by raiders, she and her blind sister are taken away to the East-Central Territory where she is destined to live the cruel and unjust kind of life her late mother warned her about.

Atticus Hunt is a troubled soldier in Lexington City who has spent the past seven years trying to conform to the vicious nature of men in a post-apocalyptic society. He knows that in order to survive, he must abandon his morals and his conscience and become like those he is surrounded by. But when he meets Thais, morals and conscience win out over conformity, and he risks his rank and his life to help her. They escape the city and set out together on a long and perilous journey to find safety in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Struggling to survive in a world without electricity, food, shelter, and clean water, Atticus and Thais shed their fear of growing too close, and they fall hopelessly in love. But can love survive in such dark times, or is it fated to die with them?

DRIFT by Amy Murray

I’m not crazy.

My mother may have died with everyone believing she was insane, but I refuse to accept that as my fate.

Even if I am recalling memories about a life I never lived.

A life that includes the mysterious James—a guy I’ve only just met, but feel as if I’ve known all my life.

The memories are coming hard and fast, and I’m falling down a rabbit hole with consequences that far exceed anything I could have ever imagined.

And now, someone is trying to kill me.

Someone from my past who knows about my visions and is looking for something he believes I took from him. All I have to do is figure out how these memories relate to the present and maybe

I’ll survive to live another day.


MAKE ME WANT by Rebecca Brooks

“Brooks’ heroes will melt your heart . . . and your panties.” – Jennifer Seasons, author of Throwing Heat

Abbi Haas likes them big, bad, and out of her bed the next morning. So when a smoking hot firefighter shuts down a possessive ex by pretending to be her boyfriend, she’s happy to play along—and stay for the no-strings-attached sex under the stars. But her knight with bulging biceps had better not think she’s some damsel in distress. She’ll handle her ex like she does everything: on her own.

Wildland firefighter Tyler McCall is supposed to be taking a break from danger. First step to having fun: pick up a sexy stranger by pretending he’s her man. Too bad his fake girlfriend is also his new coworker…and their little white lie has already spread. Tyler knows he should walk away before he gets burned. But he can’t stay out of trouble, and there’s no way he’s letting her go.

Each book in the Men of Gold Mountain series is a standalone story that can be enjoyed out of order.
Series Order:
Book #1 Make Me Stay
Book #2 Make Me Beg
Book #3 Make Me Want


Stressed out hotel heiress Arden St. Sebastian is in Maui for one thing and one thing only. Work. But when the hottie at the bar buys her a drink to end all frilly umbrella-and-glow stick drinks, she can’t help but accept his unspoken invitation. When they get back to her villa, however, and the sexy moment of truth arrives, she can’t…quite…get there. Again.

ER resident Nick Bancroft can handle a night of fun, anonymous sex, but he draws the line at a fake orgasm. He makes his mystery woman a deal. He’ll take care of her little stress-induced orgasm problem if she’ll spend the next six days exploring the island with him, no questions asked.

A week of island relaxation on the arm of the sexiest man she’s ever met? Arden’s game. As long as she keeps her identity secret, she’s got nothing to lose…except her heart.

Each book in the Compromise Me series is a standalone story that can be enjoyed out of order.
Series Order:
Book #1 Compromising Her Position
Book #2 Hard Compromise
Book #3 Compromised in Paradise

HARD RUN by Sheryl Nantus

When Skye Harris shows up on the Devil’s Playground’s doorstep asking the Brotherhood for help with a gang taking over her hometown, it’s time for Finn Storm to step up.

The bikers might be tough but he’s tougher – and armed with Brotherhood tech and a warrior’s heart he’s going to get the job done, no matter what or who stands in his way.

The one weak spot in his plan is in his heart––Skye gets under his skin like no other woman has and she’s not going to let him take all the danger on his shoulders alone.

But when she’s caught in the crossfire Finn has to decide whether to follow his heart or his carefully crafted plan to not only clean up the town but heal his soul.

Books in the Delta Force series:

Hard Play
Hard Run

RENEGADE by Brynley Blake

Gemma Ward, an outgoing and strong-willed wedding photographer, goes through men like she goes through thongs, forever looking for a guy who can handle her. She’s about given up on love when she meets Declan, the sophisticated father of one of her clients. He’s perfect for her, if only she can convince him she’s not too young and inexperienced to meet his singularly erotic tastes.

Then, like an answered prayer, Walker Kincaid shows up, looking for a place to stay while he investigates allegations surrounding the death of his SEAL brother, Liam Prescott. If anyone can tutor her in the art of the kind of power play Declan wants, it’s Walker, her best friend and partner in crime since high school.

But what starts as friendly lessons in forbidden pleasure soon turns into something more…leaving Gemma to wonder if the lover she’s been looking for has been right in front of her all along.

Each book in the Phoenix Rising series is a standalone story that can be enjoyed out of order.
Series Order:
Book #1 Rogue
Book #2 Renegade

RESCUED BY THE WOLF by Sasha Summers

Mal wants one thing in life—vengeance against those that deserted him and those who tortured him. But rescuing a wounded girl from their captors, one that wreaks of innocence and fear, makes Mal put his plan on hold. Temporarily. He’ll do what he needs to keep her alive and safe, even if it changes both of their lives forever.

Being stabbed and held in a dark cell wasn’t on Olivia’s top ten list. Her savior isn’t exactly hero material. Angry, scarred, and pissed at the world, he seems to resent being saddled with her. But the longer they’re together, the more firmly a connection forms between them. A connection that binds her to him, his pack, and his world.

But that connection may just lead to her death.

Books in the Blood Moon Brotherhood series:

Falling for the Billionaire Wolf and His Baby
Rescued by the Wolf

DISAVOWED by Tee O’Fallon

NYPD Detective Dom Carew can’t forget the violent way his lover was killed in Afghanistan fifteen years ago. The pain and trauma of her death still haunt him, and since then he hasn’t let a woman under his skin. Until one incredible, hot and steamy night with stunning and sassy Daisy Fowler.

Sexy, gorgeous, and hunky doesn’t begin to describe Dom Carew, but Daisy’s been burned by Dom before. A year ago, he bolted from her bed in the middle of the night without so much as a gee you were great in the sack, babe. Never laying eyes on his handsome face again is the plan. If only their paths didn’t keep crossing. If only she didn’t still find him irresistible as sin.

Seeing Daisy again sets Dom’s blood on fire, but he’s about to embark on the most dangerous undercover op of his life—infiltrate the Pyramid, an international organization of assassins. Love has no place in his heart or his world, but when the dangers of his job threaten Daisy, he’ll destroy anyone in his path to protect her.

Each book in the NYPD Blue & Gold series is a standalone, full-length story that can be enjoyed out of order.
Series Order:
Book #1: Burnout
Book #2: Blood Money
Book #3: Disavowed


THREE IS A WAR by Pam Godwin

Three means war.
Three sides vying for forever.

My first love.
The bad boy with the dangerous smile and passionate temper draws attention like a lit fuse on dynamite. But his dark molten eyes spark only for me.

My second chance.
Over six feet of Norse god in a tailored suit, he calculates every move and seizes my hungry breaths with an iron fist.

The free-spirited dancer, torn between two men with no resolution in sight.
I tried leaving, staying, refusing, and surrendering.
What options do I have left?

I love two men, and I do the only thing I can. I fight.

The TANGLED LIES series must be read in order.
One is a Promise
Two is a Lie
Three is a War



You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…

Police academy cadet Charlie Burns can’t believe his luck when the gorgeous blonde he meets in a bar murmurs those magic words: “Nothing serious, ’kay?” Mind-blowing, no-strings sex with Ever Carmichael—it’s the holy grail of hookups for a guy who’s too busy following in his law enforcement family’s footsteps to think about getting serious. Charlie’s all about casual…that is, until Ever calls it quits and his world tilts on its axis.

Ever knows that when you control the relationship game, you can’t get played. But for the first time, she wants more than short-term satisfaction. Step one: end her fling with commitment-phobic Charlie. Step two: sacrifice herself to the ruthless NYC dating scene. Yet everywhere she turns, there’s Charlie, being his ridiculously charming self. No online match or blind date compares to the criminally hot cop-in-training, but they’re over. Aren’t they?

If love is a four-letter-word, why does the idea of Ever seeing someone else tie Charlie up in knots?  Now he’s desperate to win her back…and a little date sabotage never hurt anyone, right?

THE TIME IN BETWEEN by Kristen Ashley


After a painful loss, Cady Moreland is coming to Magdalene to start the next chapter of her life. A chapter that began eighteen years ago but had a heartbreaking ending. The time in between was full of family and friendship, but Cady could never get the man she fell in love with all those years ago out of her heart.

Coert Yeager has learned to live without the girl who entered his life right when she shouldn’t and exited delivering a crippling blow he never would have suspected. The time in between was full of failing to find what he was missing…and life-altering betrayal.

But when that girl shows up in Magdalene and buys the town’s beloved lighthouse, even if Coert wants to avoid her, he can’t. A fire in town sparks a different kind of flame that won’t be ignored.

As Cady and Coert question the actions of the two young adults they once were thrown into earth-shattering circumstances, can they learn from what came in between and find each other again?

CAN’T HARDLY BREATHE by Gena Showalter


New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter returns with an irresistible Original Heartbreakers story about a woman who’s never felt desired and the man who wants her more than air to breathe… 

Bullied in high school, Dorothea Mathis’s past is full of memories she’d rather forget. But there’s one she can’t seem to shake—her long-standing crush on former army ranger Daniel Porter. Now that the sexy bad boy has started using her inn as his personal playground, she should kick him out…but his every heated glance makes her want to join him instead.

Daniel returned to Strawberry Valley, Oklahoma, to care for his ailing father and burn off a little steam with no strings attached. Though he craves curvy Dorothea night and day, he’s as marred by his past as she is by hers. The more he desires her, the more he fears losing her.

But every sizzling encounter leaves him desperate for more, and soon Daniel must make a choice: take a chance on love or walk away forever.

DR. NEURO by Max Monroe

From the New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of TAPPING THE BILLIONAIRE comes a new three book series of Romantic Comedy standalones.

I’m Dr. Nick Raines.
Brain surgeon and notorious over-thinker, I take the analytical approach with everything, until I can determine the best, carefully calculated plan of action. It’s no shock the producers of the popular reality series The Doctor Is In have decided to call me Dr. Neurotic.

Besides my more than full-time job as Chief of Neurosurgery at St. Luke’s Hospital, I’m a single dad and my number one priority is my daughter.

But life had plans to add another priority to my list.
Charlotte Hollis. Outspoken, impulsive, and beautiful, she’s everything I didn’t know I was craving.

She makes me wonder What if?

What if I don’t have to be alone for the rest of my life to give my little girl the father she deserves?

It’s a battle—my battle: Head vs. Heart.


What would you do if the love of your life had no memory of you? A man tries to win back the love of his life after an accident has her in a coma in this emotional, romantic drama from #1 ebook phenomenon J. L. Perry writing as Jodi Perry

The 19th of January, 1996 … I’ll never forget it. It was the day we met. I was seven and she was six. It was the day she moved in next door, and the same day I developed my first crush on a girl.

Then tragedy struck. Nineteen days after our wedding day, she was in an accident that would change our lives forever. When she woke from her coma, she had no memory of me, of us, of the love we shared.

That’s when I started writing her letters.The stories of our life. Of when we met. About the happier times, and everything we’d experienced together.

What we had was far too beautiful to be forgotten.

MY FAIR LOVER by Nicole Jordan

Nicole Jordan’s irresistible Legendary Lovers series continues in this sizzling twist on My Fair Lady, as a bewitching beauty and a rakish sea captain trade favors . . . and tempt fate.

Lady Katherine Wilde believes she has crushed any lingering romantic feelings toward Brandon Deverill, who spurned her six years ago. And now that the rough-edged rogue needs polishing to claim his inheritance, she’s willing to strike a practical bargain: Kate will mold the brash privateer into an acceptable English nobleman if Deverill will safeguard her from brigands on a voyage to recover lost family treasure. However, the soul-melting kiss that seals their agreement just may reignite blazing passion.

Brandon’s fortitude was sorely tested when he turned Kate away from his bed all those years ago. Even a rake such as he wouldn’t seduce an innocent beauty before sailing into battle. But now that he’s inherited a title and must take a suitable bride, he sets his sights on Kate. Though he fiercely desires her, true love is a notion that baffles him—until their adventure turns perilous and Brandon realizes he’d gladly trade his life to save the woman who has captured his heart.


Friends don’t let friends marry the wrong man. But where, oh where, is Mr. Right?

In high school, Greta Steinburg and her two BFFs made a pact: none of them would get married unless they all approved the man in question. Since then, Greta has had her fair share of romantic ups and downs—but now, after her latest failed relationship, she is done. Greta announces that her days of dating are officially over, and she’s kissed the idea of happily-ever-after goodbye. . .

Of course her friends will hear none of it. Instead, they insist that Greta go out with Jon, the hottest new DJ who just happened to be at her sister’s wedding. To get her friends off her back, Greta proposes that they pretend to date. The only problem is, for every fake date they have—from feeding angry rhinos to crashing a kiddie roller-skating party—Jon wants a real one. Each time they get together, their attraction grows. . .and soon there’s no turning back. Could it be that true love requires a leap of faith—and that Jon is the one Greta’s been waiting for all along?

Kayti McGee’s That Thing You Do is a charmingly sexy novel about finding love in the least likely place.


“Mixed with paranormal romance and humor…Sparks clearly has a style [that] readers love.”—USA Today’s Happily Ever After blog


From the New York Times bestselling author of the Love at Stake series comes a novel of the Embraced—an epic tale of two star-crossed lovers destined for doom—or desire…

Growing up on the Isle of Moon, Brigitta knew that she was born with the magical powers of the Embraced—even if she did not know how to wield them. But she has finally learned the truth: Brigitta is the lost princess of the kingdom of Tourin. She was sent into hiding as an infant to escape the wrath of her half-brother, the king. And now he knows just where to find her. . .


Rupert is a notorious pirate and sorcerer. He’s spent most of his life plotting revenge on the evil king—and Rupert believes that Brigitta could be the key to finally destroying his enemy. But what begins as a kidnapping of the innocent beauty escalates into something deeper, and more passionate, than either captor or captive could have imagined. Rupert soon vows to protect Brigitta against the king—but will they survive long enough to find their happily-ever-after. . .or does fate have something else in store?

PRETEND YOU’RE SAFE by Alexandra Ivy

First came the floods. Then came the bodies. The victims—strangled, then buried along the shores of the Mississippi—have finally been unearthed, years after they disappeared. He remembers every satisfying kill . . . each woman’s terror and agony. But there’s only one he truly wanted. And fate has brought her within reach again . . .

Jaci Patterson was sixteen when she found the first golden locket on her porch. Inside were a few strands of hair wrapped around a scrap of bloodstained ribbon. Though the “gifts” kept arriving, no one believed her hunch that a serial killer was at work. Now Jaci has returned home . . . and the nightmare is starting once more.

Back then, Rylan Cooper was an arrogant deputy sheriff convinced that Jaci was just an attention—seeking teen. It was a fatal mistake. There’s a murderer in their midst, someone determined to settle old scores and keep playing a twisted game. And it won’t end until Jaci is his forever . . .


They are part of an elite unit. On task. Off grid. These are the men of the Shadow Ops task force. Be seduced and thrilled by Take to the Limit, the next Unbroken Heroes novel by Dawn Ryder.

Holding out for a hero

A hardened military machine, Bram Magnus is a tough, combat-ready, all-American hero who never surrenders. But the one thing he can’t fight? His smoldering, intense attraction to his girlfriend’s younger sister. He’s always kept his feelings locked deeply down. But when his girlfriend betrays him the night before he ships off to Afghanistan, Bram has one chance to show the woman he’s resisted for years that he wants her as fiercely as the first day he saw her.

Ever since her older sister first brought home the soldier with steely hard muscles and piercing eyes, Jaelyn has wanted Bram, and when her sister casts him aside the night before he leaves, Jaelyn can’t resist one steamy hot kiss with him. But danger is not far behind, and even as a deadly enemy hunts them, their relationship only grows more explosive. It’s all Bram can do to keep Jaelyn safe, but with a threat this powerful, will they pay the ultimate price for their passion?


The New York Times bestselling author of Every Dark Corner returns to Baltimore, where a father-daughter reunion puts innocent victims in the sights of a stone-cold killer…

Baltimore PI Clay Maynard routinely locates missing children for clients, but his own daughter—stolen by his ex-wife—has eluded him for years. Until she turns up right under his nose…

Since she was a child, Taylor Dawson believed the lie her mother told her: that her father was a monster. But now she has a chance to get to know the real Clay while doing real work as an equine therapist, which includes helping two girls whose mother was brutally murdered. She might even find something deeper with her boss’s handsome son, Ford Elkhart, whose eyes are so haunted. But just as Taylor feels her life opening up to new family, work, and friends, a danger lurks in the darkness—one that will show Taylor the face of true evil…


She was a naive country girl. He was a billionaire’s spoiled son. He was her first crush, her first heartbreak…and now her sworn enemy.


As Avalon Harwood’s fortunes soared, Maximilian “Mac” Coltrane’s plummeted, and he had to fight his way back to where they both began: Hellcat Canyon. Now Mac and Avalon will play dirty—in more ways than one—to get what they each want: the glorious old abandoned Coltrane mansion. But when Avalon snaps the house up at auction, she discovers there’s something awfully familiar about the extremely hot caretaker…


Mac might have a heart of stone, and the abs to match, but Avalon—the dazzling girl whose heart was always too big and too reckless for her own good—was always his Kryptonite. And just like that, the stakes change: suddenly they’re fighting not just for a house, but for a magic they tasted only once before and never since—long ago, with each other, at Devil’s Leap.

HOT PURSUIT by Jennifer Bernard

Deputy Will Knight and reporter Merry Warren couldn’t be more different—she’s the queen of questions, he’s the king of no comment. The inquisitive beauty drives Will crazy with her feisty attitude and sassy mouth…the one with the full lips just made for kissing. Not that he’s noticed. Much. He’s too busy working an arson case that may be tied to something bigger, helping his brothers prepare for the opening of their new flight-seeing business, and spending what little free time he has flirting with an online mystery woman.

Merry has enough to deal with without the sexy distraction that is Deputy Knight. She’s currently working undercover on what might be the most important story of her career, avoiding an unwelcome half-brother who’s invaded her life in Jupiter Point, and, oh yeah—her new boss wants her to do a story on a local cold case—the unsolved murder of Will’s father. A painful event he and his brothers are reluctant to relive. And then there’s that online flirtation…

A bossy alpha male with a protective streak a mile wide, and a fiercely independent reporter with a talent for trouble. The sexual tension is three years in the making, and before Will knows it, he’s in hot pursuit of Merry…and they’re both headed straight to danger.

TURNED UP by Erin Nicholas

Dillon Alexander has been Kit Derby’s nemesis since third grade, when he beat her in the school spelling bee.

They’ve been competing ever since, driving each other to be the best at everything from science fairs to bake sales.

While working together one night during their senior year, they stopped bickering long enough to share an emotionally charged kiss.

But a tragedy that same night left them both racked with guilt, driving Dillon out of town and leaving Kit determined to keep her distance.

Now an emergency room physician, Dillon has returned to their hometown of Chance, Nebraska.

Soon he and Kit fall back into old habits, sparring in public while trying to stay out of each other’s arms.

But when a blizzard traps them overnight at Kit’s grandmother’s farmhouse, the real competition begins: Who will be the first to give in to the feelings they’ve denied for a decade?


HE SAYS . . .

I, Aidan the Divine, am, well divine. My name was given to me by the Dragon Queen herself! I’m a delight! Cheerful. Charming. And a mighty warrior who is extremely handsome with a very large and well-hidden hoard of gold. I am also royal born, despite the fact that most in my family are horrendous beings that don’t deserve to live. And yet, Branwen the Awful—a low-born, no less—either tells me to shut up or, worse, ignores me completely.

SHE SAYS . . .

I’ll admit, I ignore Aidan the Divine because it annoys him. A lot. But, we have so much to do right now, I can’t worry about why he keeps staring at me, or why he always sits so close, or why he keeps looking at me like he’s thinking about kissing me. We have our nations to save and no time for such bloody foolishness . . . no matter how good Aidan looks or how long his spiked tail is. Because if we’re going to win this war before it destroys everything we love, we’ll have to face our enemies together, side by side and without distractions. But if we make it out alive, who knows what the future will hold . . .

DEACON by Kit Rocha

Book #2 in explosive new series from bestselling author Kit Rocha…

Ana has trained most of her life to achieve one goal: to prove that anything men can do, she can do better. Now she’s Sector One’s first female Rider, and being the best is the only way to ensure she won’t be its last. Distractions aren’t allowed–especially not her painful attraction to the reserved but demanding leader whose stern, grumpy demeanor has already gotten into her head.

Deacon has spent the last twenty years trying to atone for his past, but the blood he spilled as a mercenary and assassin will never wash away entirely. If his riders knew the extent of his sins, he’d lose their trust and respect. It’s easier to keep them all at arm’s length, especially Ana. But his newest recruit’s stubbornness is starting to crack his defenses.

And their sparring matches are driving him wild.

The passion sparking between them can’t be denied, but neither can the vengeance barreling toward Deacon. When his old squad comes back to punish him for his betrayal, Ana and the Riders are squarely in the line of fire. The only way to save his people may be to make the ultimate sacrifice.

But first, he has to convince Ana not to follow him straight into hell.

MAYBE I DO by Nicole McLaughlin

“Nicole McLaughlin is a wonderfully fresh voice in contemporary romance—sweet, sexy, and immensely satisfying.”—Lauren Layne,New York Times bestselling author

She doesn’t believe in fairy tales. He’s married to his job. Maybe whiskey is the secret ingredient that will bring them together—and give true love a shot?

Wedding photographer Charlotte Linley loves her work—even though she hates weddings. Sure, she still holds a grudge after being left at the altar by her high-school sweetheart. But today Charlotte is just happy to have complete control over her career, which is flourishing. Especially since she joined forces with one of the three gorgeous owners of The Stag, a boutique distillery that has become Kansas City’s hottest wedding venue.

Dean Troyer, bitter after the end of his own marriage, knows that Charlotte is the real deal—beautiful, talented, and successful. He may flirt with her every time she comes to The Stag but Dean is determined to keep his professional distance. . .particularly now that she’s helping him with his own sister’s wedding. The only problem? The more time Dean spends with Charlotte, the deeper their connection grows. Is this a rom-com cliché or could it be that these two jaded souls in the wedding business have finally found their real-life happily ever after?


A single mom and tortured musician find common ground in Scarlett Cole’s Elliott Redeemed, the second standalone romance about the band Preload.

Elliott “Pyro” Dawson burns up the lead guitar like a legend.

But the nickname Pyro isn’t just a clever play on words.

It’s much darker.

A past he’s fought like hell to overcome.

Grocery store cashier Kendalee Walker is at her wits end and homeless.

She’s watched her fourteen-year-old son, Daniel, go so far off the rails, he can no longer see the tracks.

When the two are brought together, attraction flares, but can Elliott find the family he never had with the sexy woman and her son, or will he fall back on dangerous habits?

LAST FIRST KISS by Sidney Halston

He’s an A-list Hollywood heartthrob.
She’s trying to prove herself in a man’s world.
For this female bodyguard, protecting her client is simply business, but what happens when sparks fly and the danger heats up?

After a series of box office flops, Rocco Monroe needs a hit. Bad press, shit talking, rumors, lies…it all goes with the territory after almost two decades in the spotlight, but when he lands the role of his career in a controversial biopic, the part of a lifetime comes with a catch: a hired bodyguard.

Annabelle Clad is so bored she wants to scream. Her life is coding and algorithms and binary codes…rinse and repeat. To her Rocco Monroe means freedom, a chance to show her overprotective brother and business partner that she can contribute to Iron Clad Securities. And no arrogant playboy will fuck up her concentration by batting his lashes at her. She would never jeopardize her reputation by swooning over any man.
That had happened once, and she wouldn’t bear that loss or humiliation ever again. Even if Rocco looks like a walking fantasy…

From USA Today bestselling author Sidney Halston comes the second book in the Iron-Clad series, Last First Kiss.



The descendant of two almighty Gods and a Guardian of Earth, Eirykr “Rykr” is born of immense power. Yet, no amount of strength or skill can save him from the curse that tore him away from his first and only love. Turned into a shadowy assassin, he wields the demons bound to his soul with the ruthlessness of a blade. For nearly a decade, he’s searched for the key to free himself, all the while watching over and dangerously craving the beautiful mate who believes she’s driven him away.

Lucy is a born protector, a trait of her Guardian lineage. When her greatest gift was torn from her, leaving a gaping hole in her soul, she refuses to allow a young Rykr, her known mate, to suffer the same dire consequences. Her fear forces her to make a haunting decision and with a grave threat, she crushes him, demanding they part for a decade. Yet, as the years pass she can feel him watching her from the shadows, conjuring wild fantasies that make her ache for him to finally end their torment.

As time ticks toward the decade mark, dark forces rush to descend. Will Rykr’s secret and relentless need to protect Lucy condemn them to a hopeless destiny of constant craving? Or will Lucy bind them for all eternity, no matter the violent threat to her very soul?

Warning: This title contains dirty talk, bad language and erotically charged scenes meant to scorch your eReader.


#DGRFave Review: Ghosted by @JMDarhower

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: J.M. Darhower
Release Date: August 24, 2017

He’s a troubled young actor, Hollywood’s newest heartthrob, struggling with fame as the star of the latest superhero franchise. Through scandal after scandal, addiction on top of addiction, a flurry of paparazzi hunt him as he fights to conquer his demons.

She’s a single mother, assistant manager at a grocery store, existing in monotony with her five-year-old daughter. Every day when she goes to work, lurid tabloids surround her, the face of a notorious bad boy haunting her from their covers.

A man and a woman, living vastly different lives, but that wasn’t always the case. Once, they were just a boy and a girl who bonded over comic books and fell in love unexpectedly.

When Kennedy Garfield met Jonathan Cunningham back in high school, she knew he had all the makings of a tragic hero. With stars in his eyes, and her heart on her sleeve, the pair ran away together to follow their dreams.

But dreams, sometimes, turn into nightmares.

Now, years later, the only thing they share is a daughter—one who has no idea her father plays her favorite superhero. But Jonathan is desperate to make amends, and at the top of his list is the woman who gave up everything for him and the little girl he hasn’t yet met.


Never make someone else the main character in your own story.”

EVERYTHING. This book was EVERYTHING. All of the things. Of the angsty, second chance romance feels variety.

You know when you see a book on your feed and find yourself wondering if it’s really worth all of the hype? I can tell you with total conviction, that this book is. It’s a huge step away from Darhower’s other books, pure contemporary, and downright magical.

He’s an actor. His talent comes natural. He’s never had to work very hard at it. He can switch moods in a moment, change scenes in an instant, flip the script without anybody even realizing it’s happening. It’s hard to tell if he’s just playing a character or if you can trust that he means things.

So what is it about this story that enraptured me so completely? Aside from the multi-layered characters that are full of depth and you can’t help but fall for immediately, it was the writing. The way that this second chance romance unravels and the way the author gives the reader the POV from the past? Pure literary magic.

You don’t know this, but that girl? As she stands there, staring at you, seeing the light in your eyes and feeling so much love in her heart, she would’ve done anything you asked. Anything. She would’ve climbed any mountain and dug any hole. She would’ve lied, cheated, and stolen. That girl would’ve promised you forever. As long as you love her, for as long as you care, she’s yours.

A troubled young actor, struggling with newfound sobriety and righting the wrongs of his past. A heart-broken, hardworking single mother with a spine of steel that was left in his rearview mirror as he chased his dream and got lost in a haze of alcohol and drugs. An adorable baby girl that brings the two of them a full circle. This was a powerful, incredibly realistic, and emotional story of second chances. Jonathan is not a perfect hero. He’s nowhere close to it. You want to hate him for his mistakes, but as you learn the story through the eyes of the woman that loved him and get his POV in the present, you get to see a man that’s determined to pay for his mistakes and make them right. He’s a man that never stopped loving the girl from his past and the woman that never truly left his present. He’s a man that knows that if she gives him just one more chance, though he doesn’t deserve it, he won’t squander it, and he’ll do anything to convince her that he’s worth the risk.

To me, she was the center of the universe, the sunlight that burned so bright, but she writes herself in the shadows, secondary in her own life. Instead, she made me the hero, the center of this alternate universe she invented around her.

Once burned, twice shy. Kennedy gave up everything once for the man she loved to chase his dreams, and now six years later, she’s still picking up the pieces that he left in his wake. It’s impossible not to immediately love this character. There’s this endearing vulnerability to go along with her spine of steel and determination to make a life for herself and her daughter that you have a tremendous amount of respect for. She struggles with trying to let go of her past and move on from the man that will always hold a piece of her heart.

I’m playing with fire, like I don’t remember how much it hurts to get burned, but from here, where I’m standing, all I can seem to feel is the warmth.

Ghosted is perfectly paced, phenomenally written, and completely enrapturing. It was full of emotion and a beautiful romance that’ll stay with me for a long, long time.

But love is only as strong as the people who fuel it. And you? You’re Superman, thinking Kryptonite makes you invincible. And the woman you love? She… can’t keep pretending any of this is normal. She can’t keep writing this as if somewhere along the way the plotline will fix itself. She can’t keep acting as if this isn’t her story.


Blog Tour, Excerpt & Review: Love Another Day by Lexi Blake

Series: Masters & Mercenaries #14
Genre: Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Author: Lexi Blake
Release Date: August 21, 2017

A man born to protect

After a major loss, Brody Carter found a home with the London office of McKay-Taggart. A former soldier, he believes his job is to take the bullets and follow orders. He’s happy to take on the job of protecting Dr. Stephanie Gibson while the team uses her clinic in Sierra Leone to bring down an international criminal. What he never expected was that the young doctor would prove to be the woman of his dreams. She’s beautiful, smart, and reckless. Over and over he watches her risk her life to save others. One night of pure passion leads him to realize that he can’t risk his heart again. When the mission ends, Brody walks away, unwilling to lose another person he loves.

A woman driven to heal

Stephanie’s tragic past taught her to live for today. Everything she’s done in the last fifteen years has been to make up for her mistakes. Offering medical care in war-torn regions gives her the purpose she needs to carry on. When she meets her gorgeous Aussie protector, she knows she’s in too deep, but nothing can stop her from falling head over heels in love. But after one amazing night together, Brody walks away and never looks back. Stephanie is left behind…but not alone.

A secret that will change both their lives

A year later, Stephanie runs afoul of an evil mercenary who vows to kill her for failing to save his son. She runs to the only people she trusts, Liam and Avery O’Donnell. She hasn’t come alone and her secret will bring her former lover across the world to protect her. From Liberia to Dallas to Australia’s outback, Brody will do whatever it takes to protect Stephanie from the man who wants to kill her, but it might be her own personal demons that could destroy them both.


The door slammed and she suddenly found herself with her back against it. Brody crowded in, taking up all the space and staring down at her. His body brushed hers and she found both her wrists captured in one of his. He dragged them over her head, forcing her chest to come out, breasts skimming along his body. “I shouldn’t do this.”Tough chick was winning. Steph let her take over. It was surely better than the desperate girl who lived inside her. She kept asking for love and affection and getting swatted away. This was the next best thing, possibly the only thing she would ever get. “Then don’t. Let me go and I won’t bother you again.”

“No, you’ll go find Ezra Fain and bother him,” Brody said on a growl.

“Somehow, I don’t think he’ll find me a bother.” She’d barely spoken two words to the man, but she wasn’t going to admit it. It was better to let Brody think she wasn’t a love-starved girl.

“He won’t fucking find you anything at all. If you’re determined to not sleep alone tonight, you can damn well do it with me.” His mouth came down on hers and every inch of her skin came alive. His kiss was overwhelming, hungry. There was no slow meshing of mouths. He took her, his tongue surging inside and dominating her own. He let go of her hands and started to explore her body. His hands were on her hips when he came up for air. “I’m leaving in the morning. I’m going back to London and I can’t come back.”

She’d known that would probably be his answer. She’d known he wouldn’t want to stay and she couldn’t leave.

“One night. That’s all I want.” It was all she could have. It had been foolish to think it could be any different.

His mouth came down on hers again and she let herself get swept away. One night and her life would go back to normal. One night and then she would be alone again. His hands started to roam over her and she tried to forget all the reasons why this was a bad idea.

He stepped back, his entire body set in hard lines. He strode over to the bed and sat down. “Take off the gown. It’s pretty, but I want to see you.”

She hesitated, all her insecurities coming to the forefront. Somehow, she’d thought he would simply take her. “Let me get the lights.”

He was back in her space again, his hand wrapping around her wrist. “I didn’t say turn off the lights. I said take off the gown. How am I going to see you if you turn off the lights?”

“Brody,” she began.

He was having none of it. “You got on your knees in front of me and you said you knew what you were offering me. The first thing you were offering me was obedience. The second was your body. You’re giving me neither right now.”

His voice had gone midnight dark and something about the tone made her soften. He was right. She did know what she’d offered him and now she was trying to have it all her way.

There was nothing wrong with her body. It was feminine and she was healthy. What was she afraid of? “All right.”

He let go of her wrist and sat back down, looking like a damn king waiting on his concubine’s performance. For all his “I’m nothing but a grunt” talk, the man could be incredibly arrogant, and damn if she didn’t find it sexy as hell.

Something about that voice let her know that everything was going to be fine. He was past the point of rejection. He was in and that meant he would play her Dom for the night. He would take care of her. She was as safe with him in the bedroom as she’d been in the field.

At least she was safe for the night. In the morning she would be in a world of hurt, but she wasn’t thinking past tonight.

I want that connection. I want to feel you, and not only in a physical way. This isn’t playing. Playing is a silly word for what I want from you.”
“What word would you use?”
“Everything. I want everything.”

Have you ever read a series that you hope never ends. Like it could have 34355 books and you’ll still crave more? Yeah. This series is that for me. Not only does my addiction to it increase with each new book and new character that gets introduced, I find myself more and more invested. These characters have become like friends to me. I root for them. I hurt for them. And I will never get enough of them.

Dr. Stephanie Gibson was first introduced in A Dom is Forever and my interest in her story has been increasing ever since. As a teenager, an accident due to unfortunate and naive negligence changed her life forever. She’s been paying penance ever since and punishing herself trying to pay things forward. She gained a dear friend out of the woman that she felt should hate her for the accident but family of her own is not something she’s had since that fateful day.

When Brody Carter and his team showed up at her clinic at Sierra Leone, she found herself falling quickly for the broody Aussie. On his last day there, she makes a decision to finally act on her feelings, even knowing he won’t want anything beyond the one night. Brody doesn’t feel he’s good enough for her, even while in her head, she feels it’s the exact opposite. But their one passionate night together comes with a lasting surprise, when Steph finds herself pregnant and her messages to Brody go unanswered. She got the message from the man loud and clear, but when her life and her son’s life is threatened, she finds herself on the doorstep of Liam O’Donnell and back in Brody’s world.

The tension between them is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I needed Brody to redeem himself for the radio silence act he pulled on Steph. I needed him to step up and be a man. I wanted him to grovel, to work for it, to need her forgiveness, and man oh man did I get it. And then some!

He thought briefly about putting the baby in his crib and trying to get a bit of work done, but it felt better to sit, to rock with his son in his arms. For the first time in forever, he knew what peace meant.

While Brody finally sees the light and realizes he needs to fight for Steph, his battle certainly isn’t an easy one. With a dangerous enemy hunting for his woman and her determination to continue to punish herself for her past, it’s not easy to prove just how great they could be together. But it sure made for an entertaining read.

I wanted to be annoyed with Steph and her constant martyr mentality, but I simply couldn’t. Lexi Blake did an amazing job with character development and you can’t help but understand her and feel for her at the same time. To know that you’re the cause of two innocent lives is not easy to get over, no matter how many years passed and whether or not it was a horrible accident. Steph lives with those demons every day. It’s the reason she became a doctor and fights to save lives.

There’s a lot that happens in this book, but the romance is always at the front and center, and it. is. SIZZLING.

It’s going be long and slow and I’m going to know every single inch of this beautiful body like it’s a map I need to memorize. I’ll be able to close my eyes and know how many kisses it takes to get from your mouth to your nipple to your sweet belly to that pussy I’m going to eat like a starving man.”

I loved these two together and I loved how they fight for each other even when they fight with each other.

Of course it wouldn’t be a Lexi Blake book without the rest of the gang and a whole bunch of fun from my favorite, Ian.

You can’t fix someone. That’s not what love does. Love can make a person want to fix himself. That’s the key.” He frowned at his wife. “I said love. I want to vomit.”

Love Another Day was another high octane ride; full of action and suspense that will keep you turning the pages well into the night. I just finished it and I already can’t wait for the next book. I’m an addict when it comes to this series and I can’t recommend it enough if you like your romantic suspense with some sizzling BDSM romance.




NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog int eh world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.

Cover Reveal: Ruthless King by Meghan March

Series: Mount Trilogy Book 1
Author: Meghan March
Release Date: October 17, 2017


Get ready for the darker and dirtier side of New Orleans with a brand new alpha romance from USA Today bestselling author Meghan March.

New Orleans belongs to me.
You don’t know my name, but I control everything you see—and all the things you don’t.
My reach knows no bounds, and my demands are always met.
I didn’t need to loan money to a failing family distillery, but it amuses me to have them in my debt.
To have her in my debt.
She doesn’t know she caught my attention.
She should’ve been more careful.
I’m going to own her. Consume her. Maybe even keep her.
It’s time to collect what I’m owed.
Keira Kilgore, you’re now the property of Lachlan Mount.

*Ruthless King is book one of the Mount Trilogy*

Amazon | iBooks | B&N | KOBO 

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at


Lana & Jenn Review: Thrill Seeker by Taryn Quinn

Series: Sinful In Seattle #1
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Taryn Quinn
Release Date: August 15, 2017

He saved me…

I wasn’t paying attention that night after work. I was just in a hurry to get to my car.
But someone was watching.
A stranger waited in the shadows, and he tried to hurt me. But another man also came out of the darkness, ready to defend me.
I serve billionaire Max Chapel his dinner every evening.
He’s powerful. Mysterious. And just as dangerous, but in a much different way.

He destroyed me…

But is it destruction if I asked him, the man who’d saved me, to tear my clothes? To take me roughly while the fear and helplessness still raged inside my belly?

He made me whole again…

Not just physically, but emotionally. He unlocked a side of me I never knew existed. But he knows.
He practically owns this whole town.

Now he wants to own me.

Author’s note: If you like sweet love scenes, this isn’t the story for you. Max and Georgia learn they like dangerous games. And they want more of them.

Author’s note part deux: Thrill Seeker is a 19K novella that ends on a cliffhanger, and there are two more parts to come of this story.


I wanted her laid out and bare. I wanted to grip her hair as I took her from behind. I wanted to leave bite marks on that glorious ass that swung with each brisk step across the courtyard to my favorite table. I wanted to lick her from clit to ass and own it all.
Oh no, my wants were not the hero kind.


This book should come with an additional warning: Do NOT read in public. For the love of ovaries! For just 19k words, this quickie novella packed a heck of a punch. Wowza!

Sassy restaurant hostess meets millionaire playboy and sparks don’t just fly, they explode. Yes, this is short, but it’s surprisingly satisfying and serves to whet the appetite for more deliciousness to come. And considering the sexy games these two allude to? I’m not sure I’ll survive the next two books.

As for that cliffhanger? Let’s just say the authors were getting a 12 AM death threat though messenger when I finished. But it’s nothing they didn’t expect. These two sadists know full well what they were doing when they teased the readers with what’s to come. And having a pretty good idea of what it is (it just happens to be a HUGE fave of mine), I’m pretty sure I’d part with an ovary to get my hands on book two IMMEDIATELY!

And authors, if you’re reading this review, if I don’t have book two in my grabby little hands in the next 3 months…

Just kidding!
I’m not kidding.



Chocolate bars.

Graham Crackers.

Yep, I’m about to roast it up because this book was FIRE and I want S’MORE!!!!

 smores GIF
Too cheesy???
Georgia has been eyeing Max for a while. She is the hostess of a restaurant that Max frequents, and they continue to dance around each other. They don’t know that they want each other…..BAD. When something happens to bring them together, they cannot resist each other. Things, clothes, body parts…..GET…HOT….FAST. And they like it rough, y’all….*giggles like a giddy school girl.
 tv dancing jimmy fallon tv show tonight show GIFI gorged myself on this book, and I’m not ashamed. I loved every second of this shortie. Of course it wasn’t long enough, but I would go back and reread it already.

I’m sad to say that I had no idea there was a cliffy and I have to wait for the next one, but that did not affect my view of this book because it’s THAT good.

As for you, Taryn Quinn….

 the sandlot sandlot killing me smalls GIF

Jenn’s Review: Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

Series: Throne of Glass #2
Genre: Fantasy, YA
Aught: Sarah J Maas
Release Date: August 27, 2013

From the throne of glass rules a king with a fist of iron and a soul as black as pitch. Assassin Celaena Sardothien won a brutal contest to become his Champion. Yet Celaena is far from loyal to the crown. She hides her secret vigilantly; she knows that the man she serves is bent on evil.

Keeping up the deadly charade becomes increasingly difficult when Celaena realizes she is not the only one seeking justice. As she tries to untangle the mysteries buried deep within the glass castle, her closest relationships suffer. It seems no one is above questioning her allegiances—not the Crown Prince Dorian; not Chaol, the Captain of the Guard; not even her best friend, Nehemia, a foreign princess with a rebel heart.

Then one terrible night, the secrets they have all been keeping lead to an unspeakable tragedy. As Celaena’s world shatters, she will be forced to give up the very thing most precious to her and decide once and for all where her true loyalties lie… and whom she is ultimately willing to fight for.


You know those books that are so BEYOND that you can’t even give them stars? THIS. SERIES.

Earth? What is Earth?

I am living in Erilea.

What was I thinking waiting so long to read this series? I am utterly captivated. I would even believe that this series has cast a spell on me. Gasp! Maybe it has!!! These characters. This world. The magic. The mystery. The secrets. The murder. The LOVE. The FEELS. I am escaping into this series every day, and I couldn’t escape it if I tried. I am shackled to it. I can’t stop thinking about it.

My Celaena:

Celaena. The baddest of asses. She could literally kill you with a fingernail. Seriously. I’m scared of her. And I want to be her. She is the epitome of heroines. She is THE ASSASSIN…..of the world! (I’m not even reviewing this book, specifically. I’m just giving my overall point of view of this series so far.) The world, Erilea, is in a bad way, you guys. Like, when I picture the King of Adarlan, I picture the evil King of Men from Lord of the Rings. He is so evil, he oozes it. Celaena is The Assassin, now for the King. She won this role in the first book after a competition. In this book, she has to kill people for the evil man she hates. All while solving a great magical mystery in the castle. What I love most about Celaena is her struggle. She is The Assassin of the World, and yet she still has human doubts and loss and…..Gah!

My Dorian:

Dorian. The Prince of Adarlan. When we meet him in the first book, he seems like kind of a pansy, but with a big heart. But in this book, we see him grow some balls!! I won’t give anything away, but I love where this is going with Dorian. I can only hope for more from him!!

My Chaol:

Chaol. Oh, Captain, My Captain. Back off, Ladies. He’s mine! Chaol is the Captain of the Guard. He holds a lot of power, and I want all of his power on my body. Chaol rescued Celaena from prison in the first book, and he did not trust her for a long time. His character is fiercely loyal, so he is torn between protecting his King and trusting Celaena. This lasts for a while, but they get off their asses and onto each other in this book, and it’s perfection. But because Sarah J. Maas is a sadist….things happen. Tears were shed. This specific book had me crying like a friggin’ baby. (I’m not crying! You’re crying!)

I know what you’re thinking, and NO, this isn’t a love triangle because it is very clear who she is going to be with. But what I love about this series is the relationships. This woman can write a damn book!!! There is SO MUCH in this series that I haven’t even given you the tip of the iceberg.

If you love Harry Potter, read this book.
If you love Hunger Games, read this book.
If you love The Lord of the Rings, read this book.
If you love books, read this book.

Imagination. Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

THIS. This is why I love this series. It literally has dissected my brain and shown me MORE.

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