Series: Nomad #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotic
Author: Janine Infante Bosco
Release Date: September 20, 2016
I’m a drifter.
A man born to ride through this world alone.
There used to be a time when I thought I was the rescuing type. I enlisted in the Marines and made it my duty—I was going to save lives.
I was going to be a true American hero.
But God had another plan.
Or maybe Satan did.
For everything I touch finds mortality.
I’m no hero.
I’m nothing.
I’m a veteran biker, a former nomad who survived war only to live in hell.
Now I ride with the Satan’s Knights of Brooklyn and I’m drifting into a different kind of chaos.
The kind that revolves around a pretty girl with intoxicating green eyes.
A girl who has the power to turn me inside out.
A girl who doesn’t need anyone to rescue her because she’s her own savior.
Until she’s not.
But a man plagued by war and the devil inside him can never be her hero.Gina Spinelli
Strong. Independent. Fierce.
They are the three things I strived to be.
But sometimes being successful can be lonely.
Sometimes a girl just wants to be a girl and have someone take care of her.
Maybe even love her.
Sometimes the strong become vulnerable.
Or worse, the victor becomes the victim.
Sometimes we lose control or in my case it’s stripped from you.
Defeated. Broken. Haunted.
They are the three things I have become.
In my darkest hour I admit defeat.
In my darkest hour I need one person.
I need him.
Stryker.***NOTE:Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, sensitive subjects, offensive language, and mature topics. Recommended for age 18 years and up. ***
5,000 Stars!!!!!
1. I love this book with everything in me.
2. I love this author with everything in me.
3. I love the people. (These people are REAL. They exist. Leave me alone!)
4. I love the sex. (The dirty talk! Unf!)
5. I love the FEELS. (The ugly cry is waiting for you. But not in the whole book. I don’t like when the entire book is depressing.)
You know when someone tells you they didn’t enjoy one of your favorite books EVER?! Yeah, this is one of those books. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinion….Blah, Blah, Blah. But really, if you don’t like this book……
Gina is just a stock broker, and a woman with balls of steel. I love a feisty heroine. The meet-cute between her and Stryker over a pool table is delicious and had me grinning like an idiot the whole time. In fact, I was in the middle of Chick-Fil-A while my kids were playing in the indoor playground, and I bust out laughing. That’s right, Other Moms. I don’t watch my kids while they play. I read. I digress….
She isn’t the girl you nail down, she’s the one you watch fly, and if you’re lucky, you’re the bastard who gets to spread your wings alongside her.
Stryker. Jesus Christ. Stryke me with lightning right now because I will say the Lord’s name in vain in order to express my feelings about THIS MAN. In fact, I will thank The Lord in my prayers tonight for creating Janine Infante Bosco so she could write THIS MAN. Stryker is a drifter. He is a nomad of the Satan’s Knights MC, never feeling like he belongs anywhere. He suffers from PTSD from his time served as a Marine, and this is a big part of Stryker’s character. He find the Satan’s Knights, and this book also shows his journey of learning to depend on family.
The FIRE…..this book is scorching. And I am a picky bitch when it comes to the dirty talk. And Stryker delivered the dirty talk to my ears and put the tingles in my jingle. I just want Stryker to call me his “pretty girl,” ok? Is that too much to ask?!
The issues! Janine does not sugar coat. She brings up the issues. And I loved the way that she addressed them and delivered them. I was pretty much a SOBBING MESS. You probably have no idea what I’m saying right now because I can’t say too much without spoiling something (and I hate spoiling). Just know that JANINE CAN WRITE A DAMN BOOK.
What I loved most about this book (and what gets me every damn time I love a book), is the writing. Character development = Off the Charts. I felt attached to every single character. I usually don’t mind reading books out of order, but I regret it this time because most of these characters are from a previous series that I am dying to read now.
I am now going to read ALL of Janine’s books every second that I can in between all the life going around me. I’m gonna go all crazy-bitch. I can feel it coming. Don’t botha me.