My name is Jade Lennon and I stand still for money.
The night I saw Shane Arthur watching me everything changed. A man in a suit always catches my eye, but it was the way he looked at me that was different. Like he knew me or something. He didn’t know me, especially not in my costume. My sobriety rests on staying away from men, but there was something about him that made me throw caution to the wind.
After all, I was never going to see him again, right?
Standing still isn’t the only way I make my money. I also bartend at a concert hall. Never in my wildest dreams did I think Shane was going to show up there. Not only that, but he’s the most recent addition to the orchestra. So now on a daily basis I have to resist one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever met and he plays the violin. For me that’s one hell of a deadly cocktail.
He wants me to teach him how to live. I’m not sure how much a twenty-six year old recovering alcoholic who works in a bar and moonlights as a living statue can teach a world class concert violinist, but I’m sure going to try.
Still Life with Strings is a story of music, art, sex, magical realism, and romance that you will never forget.
Not suitable for readers under 18 years. Contains strong language and scenes of a sexual nature
To be a muse is to be a wonder in someone else’s eyes, flaws and all.

This was my first book by L.H. Cosway, and I can definitely tell you it won’t be my last. The author has an incredible talent in allowing her words on a written page to build a vivid and living visual in your head as you’re reading it. I think that may have been may favorite part of the book.
Jade is a street performer and a bartender in a concert hall. A recovering alcoholic, she uses music and art as her way to escape. One night while she’s standing still on a busy street in her blue lady concert she finds a beautiful man in a suit watching her…and everything changes.
It was just an ordinary night.
He did’t think anything extraordinary would happen.
Until it did.
Turning a corner onto the bustling night time street, he saw her all in blue.
Shane Arthur is a talented violinist that plays at the concert hall where Jade works. He’s instantly drawn to the beautiful girl in the all blue costume and they share a stolen moment of passion within the shadows of the nigh time street.
In this moment we’re base and animalistic. No reservations, no pretenses, just two people seeking relief and some small piece of a human connection.
What I truly loved about the story was that Shane wasn’t some asshole player. Nope. He was a lost soul that was equal parts endearing and sweet, yet had an incredibly sexy side to him as well.
When I look at him, I see a heart that was badly broken and is only just sewing itself back together.

What begins as a friendship, soon begins to develop into something much more.
Jade isn’t looking for a relationship. She has her hands full without a man taking care of her younger siblings. And the only relationships she’s known were when she was drinking. But little by little Shane and his sweet and unobtrusive ways begin to chip away all the reasons she thought she had not to get involved with him.
Usually with a heroine like this, I’d find myself getting frustrated. Shane made his intentions very clear about what he wants, and plays no games. Jade was the one that wasn’t looking to get involved. BUT, something about Jade just really worked for me. She was endearing and strong with not of that wishy washy, ‘I want to but I can’t’ back and forth. I truly understood her struggle and my heart felt for her.
The author wrote a beautiful story about 2 broken people that are connected in more ways than they even realize. The subtle twists and revelations in the story were fantastic. But this is also a difficult review for me to write since considering all the elements of the book, I should have loved it. But there was also something missing for me the whole time. I’m not even sure what it was exactly. But it was just missing a certain spark, a little something that would bring up to a solid 4 star read for me.
That’s not to say I didn’t like it, because I really did. And I will happily read any of the author’s past and future books because her writing style really captured me.
***ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review***
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