Jenn & Lana’s Review: Follow by @mstessabailey

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: October 30, 2017

He wants her soul. Too bad she already sold it.

Family is everything to gambling den darling, Teresa Valentini. Blood comes first, especially before men. So when her brother lands himself in hot water, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to save him. And showing up topless in her unwitting savior’s motel room is turning out to be the furthest thing from a hardship…

Will Caruso is the bad boy of New York’s financial scene…and he just found out the very thing that drives his success is a damn lie. Now, he’s exchanged his high-stress life for the open road, no one but his Great Dane…and half a million Instagram followers to keep him company. When a mysterious beauty arrives, her secrecy prods his suspicions, even while she tempts his lust to the breaking point.

Teresa met Will under false pretenses, but the bond consuming them is real. They’re strong enough to overcome a little betrayal…aren’t they?


Will is going down in the books as one of my favorites!!!! Definitely Top favorites of Tessa’s and Top favorites….EVAH!!! Checks all of my boxes and clenches all of my inner muscles (wink)!!!

Tessa has never written a book like this. Almost all of her books are written in the third person, except Unfixable. In Follow, we have both pov’s and both are written in the first person, and Gah! Tessa needs to write first person more often!! This is also her first independent book, and I am so glad Will and Teresa wouldn’t leave Tessa alone until she wrote their story.

Teresa is trying to save her brother from working for the mob for the rest of his life. She is taking names, walking right up to the boss and demanding he let her brother go. Who does that?! Teresa does that! I absolutely loved this chick with tits of steel. She does what she has to do to save her brother and that includes doing a favor for the mob boss. That favor is to bring his son to New York, using whatever means she can.

Will. Will. Will. (Is what I said over and over in my dreams last night!) Rugged. Intelligent. Sexy. Businessman. Perfect. Alpha. Dirty Talker. I could survive on nothing but Will. He’s the bastard son of the mob boss, and he doesn’t want to be. He doesn’t want anything to do with his father. He is taking an extended leave of absence, taking a cross country trip with his dying dog. Will is Teresa’s mark. They are immediately suspicious of each other, trying to keep their guards up against each other, but they aren’t able to keep away the sexual chemistry. The meet cute…is more like a meet sexy, and omg perfection. Teresa doesn’t want to give in and have sex with Will because that would be drawing a line that she doesn’t want to cross. But Will is a very determined man, and he wants This book is HOT. This book is FIRE. I continue to be scorched by every single Tessa book.

Of course, we all know that Tessa is the Queen of Dirty Talk. She owns the Dirty Talking Universe, and if you don’t know that….I’m totally judging you right now. Because reading a Tessa Bailey book should go down as One of the Top Things to do Before You Die. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating….but I don’t think I am.


You make me crazy, too. Crazy in a way that makes me want to rearrange the earth so it’s laid out exactly the way you want it.”

Oh. My. GAWD.
*pats self down*
Can you feel if both of your ovaries exploded? I swear to god, I felt it. There is no way that both of those suckers survived Will Caruso. No freaking way. So, Tessa Bailey, you now owe me a new set of ovaries. You better hope that Prime carries that shit, because I still can’t even. Give me a dang second here.
*dunks into ice bath*
And I’m back!

Tessa Bailey brings the sass and the steam with this read-in-one-sitting standalone. It had EVERYTHING; memorable characters, suspense and a bit of action, an adorable giant (and I mean GIANT) dog, and a dirty talking GOD that is Will Caruso.

Oh my God. Have I ever been spoken to like this? I mean, there’s dirty chatter. And then there’s Will’s Fantasyland of Fuck Talk.

Mmm hmm. *fans self*
Dang. Now I need a another minute.
And I’m back!

Teresa Valentini will do anything for family, especially when her little brother Nicky is all she has left. So when he finds himself neck deep in the worst sort of trouble, she doesn’t think twice before making a bargain with the devil himself to get him out of it. The deal? Follow a crime bosses errant son as he takes a cross country trip for his dying dog and bring him back to the multi million dollar empire he left behind in New York. But Will is nothing like the man Teresa was prepared for. Sure, he’s handsome as a devil and has a mouth on him that will drive a saint to sin, but there’s also something about him that calls to her. Something that can prove dangerous to her mission and her heart.

When she realizes I’m watching her, she meets my gaze head on, her expression half bemused, half serious…and I can feel a barrier forming that wasn’t there a moment ago. I’ve known this woman less than a day. But I’m going to knock that barrier down.

Now you’ve already guessed that I’m salivating for Will. I’m not exactly subtle about it. But beyond this sexy man and his dirty, dirty mouth, this book had a story that wrapped me up in the pages. I was hooked. Completely and totally hooked. I think I fell just as hard for his adorable dog as I did for Will. I adore the personality that Tessa instilled in all secondary characters, even those of the four legged variety.

The romance was a low burn and crackled with every page. And my sweet baby Jesus, when these two finally give into the undeniable chemistry between them? LAWWWWWWWD.

No matter what comes out of my mouth, I know you’re Teresa. I respect you,” I whisper against her panting lips. “You’re going to work this little kink out on my lap so we know its flavor, woman. Understand?
Then I’m going to hold the door open for you on the way into that restaurant. Going to pull out your chair and dare anyone with a dick to look below your neck. I’m going to be the same man after you take off that dress for me.”

Teresa was an awesome heroine, full of spunk and sass. She’s in a bit of a predicament between loyalty to her brother and the man she’s slowly but surely falling for.

The chemistry between these two was unbelievably hot. The story was unputdownably addicting. I’m crossing my fingers and toes that Tessa takes pity on this poor reader and writes a book for Nick as well, because I need more. This book was ridiculously satisfying, yet like the addict to her words as I am, I’m already salivating for even more.

Blog Tour, Guest Post, Review & Giveaway: Too Beautiful To Break by Tessa Bailey

Series: Romancing The Clarksons, #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: September 26, 2017

A love of a lifetime . . .

Leaving Belmont Clarkson is the hardest thing Sage Alexander has ever done.

From the moment they met, she knew Belmont was the one, and getting up close and personal with him on his family’s epic road trip has taken her desire to a new, even hotter level.

But there’s no way she can go there—not without revealing secrets that could devastate them both.

Losing Sage is not an option.

Belmont’s heart is hers, has always been hers.

He knows she’s hiding something from him, but nothing will stand in his way of telling her just how much she means to him.

Finding her is easy—saving her from her past could cost him everything.

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DGR asked Tessa Bailey what her 5 favorite scenes were with the Clarkson siblings. This was her answer:

Hello! Thank you so much for having me! What a great (and difficult) question! LOL. Here are the scenes in the book that stick out as my favorite.

  1. Trust exercise in the desert. This scene is in TOO HOT TO HANDLE. The siblings have been dragged out into the middle of the desert for a bonfire, but they quickly realize they’ve been tricked into making confessions to one another. It’s a funny scene—and really telling.

  2. Hair ribbons. In TOO WILD TO TAME, there is a scene where Aaron cuts his necktie into strips and knots them into Grace’s hair, to replace the ones she lost. It’s the first time he shows his hand (how he feels) and it’s such an unexpected move from our cynical politician.

  3. Fake acting coach. Peggy is my favorite character in the series and there’s no end to her talents. She proves this in TOO HARD TO FORGET by pretending to be an acting coach, sweeping into a high school auditorium with dramatic flare and saving Elliott’s daughter from total embarrassment. It’s a hilarious scene.

  4. Black moment at the football game. Another scene from TOO HARD TO FORGET. Elliott and his daughter are standing on the sidelines while the winning play is happening on the field. And they look at each other and realize Peggy should be there. It’s a great moment and I could just cry thinking about it!

  5. Train platform kiss. In the final book of the series, TOO BEAUTIFUL TO BREAK, the first kiss between the hero and heroine takes place on a smoky, early morning train platform and it was as dramatic as that sounds! I’ve always wanted to write a movie kiss and I finally got my chance!


Tessa Bailey out-did herself with this book. This is the most emotional Tessa Bailey book. It’s not sad. It’s beautiful. It’s EPIC.

Tessa has been teasing me with Belmont & Sage throughout this series, feeding me little lines of crack to keep me addicted and coming back for more!! I couldn’t get enough of their weirdness/attachment issues. I felt like I waited forever for these two to be together, but the wait was worth it because this book was every bit of perfect.

Belmont. For the love of Belmont. There is a quiet dignity to this man. A stillness that is rare in a hero. He is the anchor that stays strong when the world is falling to pieces. And what better man for Sage? Her life back home is a mess. Of course, she tries to keep him away from her mess, but Belmont & Sage are the EPIC love story, and their story is MEANT TO BE. And they do. They are. They….be.

These two are unbreakable. You can’t wedge a needle between them. They are so in sync with each other. But sometimes, depending on another person can be dangerous if it is taken to an unhealthy level. Belmont & Sage realize that in order for their relationship to work, they have to learn to overcome their fears apart from each other and be able to accomplish life goals without giving into the never-ending urge to hide from life in each other’s arms all the time.

There is so much beauty in this book. So many tears in this book, beautiful tears. I wouldn’t call this book sad, but it’s not a bunch of rainbows either. I have to say, I’ve never read a book quite like this. I could definitely tell that Tessa was inspired by this story, and I honestly wonder if she wrote this book first before writing the 3 books before it.

There is a spark to Tessa’s writing. It always ignites a fire in my jingle, but she managed to melt my heart as well with Belmont & Sage. They are SOLID to the end. Never once did I doubt their ending. That doesn’t mean this book was predictable. It means that Belmont & Sage’s love is steady and you know it will never end.


Sometimes the right thing was the most painful. Sometimes it gutted you and ruined you forever, so a single second wouldn’t pass without a reminder. Sage knew that lesson all too well.

Ever since the very first time we met Belmont, I’ve been fascinated by his quiet intensity. Ever since we get introduced to his and Sage’s somewhat…borderline dysfunctional relationship, I’ve been anticipating their story with a rabid sort of glee. But I was also afraid. See when you anticipate a certain character’s story, you tend to build it up in your head, and it inevitably falls short. Belmont was such an enigma. He’s such a memorable, multi-layered, and broken character. And I’m thrilled to report that not only did Tessa Bailey do him justice, she blew all my expectations out of the water.

Too Beautiful To Break was entirely worth the wait and lived up to every single promise. Belmont’s story was EVERYTHING; Emotional, gripping, swoony and entirely unforgettable.

I’ve never trusted anyone the way I trust you. Not while wanting at the same time. And want…want isn’t the right word for this feeling inside me, Sage.”
“What is the right word?”
“Famine,” he ground out. “I’ve been in a famine.”

The Clarkson siblings tale concludes with this book, as they reach their ultimate destination. Four books in the making, they originally took off on a cross country trip in order to fulfill their mother’s last wish by jumping into the freezing water of the Atlantic on New Year’s Day for the Polar Plunge.

But as they near their destination, Sage announces that she needs to leave, shaking Belmont to the very core. Their relationship is this combination of codependency meet suppressed lust. It’s such a fascinating dynamic. Sage is the balm to Belmont’s tortured soul. She calms him in a way nothing in his life ever has. And Belmont has been Sage’s constant in a life that has been anything but.

Sometimes, she swore they shared a fractured pulse.

Too Beautiful To Break shows just how very versatile this author really is. Belmont is not her typical dirty talking, uber alpha. He’s complex and while no less alpha, there’s also this endearing child like quality to him. His quiet intensity grabs you from the start and completely hooks you in this book. He’s a complete goner for Sage and he doesn’t even want to hide it. He just wants to prove to her that he’s worth it.

If you’re not my perfect Sage, let me learn you. Prove it. So I can prove to you I’m not going anywhere.”

I was dying to know what happened to Belmont to make him the way that he is. I was starving for more details of Sage and her past. While she paints the picture of the perfect little wallflower, there was always this hidden depth to Sage and you certainly saw it come out here.

This was a beautiful and gripping romance about two broken souls piecing themselves back together. It was romantic and emotional. It was swoony and the most perfect book to end the book with.

My one quibble is the somewhat rushed details at the end. There’s a particular revelation of Belmont’s past coming to light and I wanted more of it. Considering that that particular detail is what molded him into the man that he is today, I needed a little more on that end. Aside from that, I enjoyed this book from start to finish and I couldn’t imagine a more perfect book to close this series with.

Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans, and laptop, and drove cross-country to New York City in under four days. Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend, and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband and daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

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Author Interview & DGRFave Review: Disorderly Conduct by @mstessabailey

Series: The Academy #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: August 29, 2017

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…

Police academy cadet Charlie Burns can’t believe his luck when the gorgeous blonde he meets in a bar murmurs those magic words: “Nothing serious, ’kay?” Mind-blowing, no-strings sex with Ever Carmichael—it’s the holy grail of hookups for a guy who’s too busy following in his law enforcement family’s footsteps to think about getting serious. Charlie’s all about casual…that is, until Ever calls it quits and his world tilts on its axis.

Ever knows that when you control the relationship game, you can’t get played. But for the first time, she wants more than short-term satisfaction. Step one: end her fling with commitment-phobic Charlie. Step two: sacrifice herself to the ruthless NYC dating scene. Yet everywhere she turns, there’s Charlie, being his ridiculously charming self. No online match or blind date compares to the criminally hot cop-in-training, but they’re over. Aren’t they?

If love is a four-letter-word, why does the idea of Ever seeing someone else tie Charlie up in knots?  Now he’s desperate to win her back…and a little date sabotage never hurt anyone, right?


If you follow my blog, you already know what a HUGE Tessa Bailey fan I am. And the fact that I’m salivating for every single one of her releases is pretty damn hard to miss. Well I was downright flailing with excited glee when I saw she’ll have more of her dirty talk hot cops for us with her brand new Academy series and I fell head over ovaries with this series immediately after finishing Disorderly Conduct. I’m so excited to have the queen of dirty talk today with an interview with DGR and I’m even more excited for you all to discover this AMAZING new series!

DGR: For those that haven’t read Disorderly Conduct and seen your acknowledgment, can you tell us about your inspiration for The Academy series?

TB: Yes! I would love to! I’ve never had a story idea come to me in dream format before, but I woke up one morning with a fresh memory that literally made my chest ache. A man on his way to a lover’s apartment, so obviously in love with her (but in complete denial) and no idea she’s about to break it off to go look for something “real.” I was in the middle of another project, but immediately set it aside to write the first chapter of DISORDERLY CONDUCT.

DGR: Disorderly Conduct had equally the cutest and sexiest meet cute ever! Did you picture it before you even wrote the book?

TB: Thank you! I love it, too! Charlie and Ever made magic in that rainy day pub. Originally, the book didn’t include the meet-cute! It started with Charlie walking to Ever’s apartment (like in my dream), but my editor correctly decided people would want to see that first meeting. And thus, the Mistress Test was formed, with a little help of my vast Titanic movie knowledge!

DGR: I LOVED Ever Carmichael. For all her quirks and issues, she’s such a solid person who owns their sexuality and makes no excuses for it. What’s your favorite thing about Ever?

TB: I think I loved her compassion most of all. Even when Charlie was being an absolute idiot, she saw through to his inner turmoil and wanted to be his friend, as well as his lover. But I can’t help but include her snappy sense of humor as a close second. I mean, she did threaten to shoot lasers out of her eyeballs at Charlie.

DGR: Charlie Burns. GAH. The man makes my ovaries burn. Ha! See what I did there? But I digress. I loved his playfulness in the story. He’s also such a lost boy at times, which was so endearing. What’s your favorite thing about Charlie?

TB: Exactly that. I love nothing more than writing a cluelessly endearing hero. There’s just something about a man who is confused and knocked over sideways by his own feelings. “Wait…she loves me? I…love her? Oh, God. I LOVE HER SO MUCH”. What makes us want to excuse Charlie’s lack of clarity is the fact that he’s also super protective and capable. Sigh.

DGR: What was your favorite scene to write for this book?

TB: There is a scene when Charlie arrives to help Ever cater a party. They haven’t really spent any time together as “friends”—and when he shows up and sees her in her element (spinning circles around the kitchen), he realizes how much he doesn’t know about her. How dynamic she is. And the seeds are planted in his mind that he screwed up big time by letting her go.

DGR: Now you know I have to ask this, because you ARE at Dirty Girl Romance after all, but sweet jesus, woman! How do you keep coming up with hotter and hotter sex scenes and the most sizzling dirty talk? Share your dirty secret. It’s tumblr, isn’t it? Oh wait…that’s my dirty secret

TB: HA! Well, thank you very much! I’m not sure where the inspiration comes from, but I like to give every couple their unique flavor. Whenever Charlie got his hands on Ever, he kind of just became an animal and Ever fed off of it, that male desperation fulfilling something inside her. When you have a good foundation for what turns your characters on, you can make the booty original every time.

DGR: What are you most excited about with this new series?

TB: This series feels like coming full circle. I started my writing career with NYC cops and now I’m back—and it really just felt like coming home. I know this type of man and they’re SO fun for me to write! Law enforcement heroes are my kryptonite and I’m most excited to be back in my happy place. Not to mention getting to share it with everyone who loved my original cops!

DGR: If you had a dream cast for Charlie and Ever, who would they be?

TB: Well. I watch a lot of Disney Channel because I have a six year old. And there’s an actress named Dove Cameron who is in a few shows. She’s funny and sexy and relatable. I totally envision her as Ever. As for Charlie, there’s an actor named Sean Faris that is mega adorable and plays a cop on television. He would be my ideal Charlie.

DGR: What do you want readers to know about the Academy series?

TB: I want readers to know they’ll have a lot of fun and probably sweat beneath their clothes during the sex scenes. The characters are deep, but the angst doesn’t overshadow the fun.

DGR: Can you give us a little taste of what we can expect from Disorderly Contact with a favorite scene from the book?

Ever Carmichael is salvation.I’m not just saying that because she calls me big man when we’re fucking.

I’m already unbuttoning my uniform shirt, even though I haven’t even reached her building’s lobby yet. My cock is so stiff, I think I might black the fuck out before I get it inside her. Here’s the thing, though. Ever will understand. She’ll take one look at the tented fly of my standard issue, police academy pants and let her slinky, bad girl panties drop.

This woman. You just can’t fathom the magic she wields.

I don’t want anything serious, ’kay?

She said those words to me the rainy afternoon we met. At which point angels filled the bar and started singing. I’ve had women tell me before they didn’t want entanglements or relationships, too. My long line of law-enforcement ancestry, however, has honed my ability to differentiate between truth and fiction. And Ever is the first woman who actually meant those words. Nothing. Serious.

I’m right across the street from her building now—a four-story tenement on the Lower East Side. She works nights running her start-up catering company and sleeps late, so at noon on my lunch break, she’ll still be soft from bed. Freshly showered. I’m going to fuck her lights out, I swear to Christ. As soon as I walk in the door.

In the month since we met, the urgency to be inside Ever has only skyrocketed. The need to get my hands on her smooth skin, my tongue inside her bare pussy. You don’t understand—I’m a fiend for this woman.

And guess what? That’s perfectly fine, because I can have Ever any time I need her. Now, hear me out before calling me an arrogant prick—although I admit to being one on occasion. Ever can have me, too, when she needs me. This arrangement works both ways. After a Maroon 5 concert two weeks ago, she showed up at my apartment around midnight, high on Adam Levine—or whatever he’s called—and we didn’t even make it inside. I hiked up her tiny, leather skirt and gave it to her right there in the hallway. We weren’t quiet about it, either, not that I heard the neighbors complaining.

My point being, this arrangement I’ve made with Ever is what most men don’t dare dream about or even deserve at age twenty-three. For my species, it’s usually a choice between empty hookups or committed relationships, complete with updating your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram bios, but only after deleting from all of the above any photographic evidence that you ever used your dick. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about commitment. Right now, though, my entire reserve of commitment juice is being poured into becoming a cop. A lieutenant, specifically, just like my older brother, Greer. And eventually a bureau chief like my father, his father before him . . . and back about four generations.

This thing with Ever? It’s neither empty, nor committed. It’s a fucking unicorn. It has made me a believer in life on other planets, Bigfoot and even the Jets winning the Super Bowl again someday. Apart from the Levine Incident, we haven’t spent any time at my place, because Jack or Danika are usually home. Not to mention, I covet this little slice of heaven I’ve carved out, and I worry my roommates will make some crack to Ever about wedding bells—which is never happening—and blow the whole perfect situation to hell. Plus . . . they don’t need to know a damn thing about Ever. She’s mine. I’m hers. We’re ours.

Unofficially, of course.

The deeper I fall into friendship with Charlie, the deeper I sink into the point of no return.

The queen of dirty talk strikes gold with her newest series! A sexy and humorous romp, Disorderly Conduct was an entertaining read from start to finish. It was the perfect blend of humor and Tessa’s signature steam. It was smart and sassy and oh so cute! I had a goofy smile on my face the entire time. It was utterly delicious with a sexy meet cute and a ridiculously swoony grovel at the end. This book was exactly why I love romance!

…this arrangement I’ve made with Ever is what most men don’t dare dream about or even deserve at age twenty-three.

A sexy meet cute leads to the unicorns of all relationships for Charlie and Ever; a mutually agreed upon and satisfying friends with benefits (heavy on the benefits). Coming from a long line of cops, Charlie has focused everything on getting through the Police Academy. It’s all he’s ever wanted for himself; to make his bureau chief father and lieutenant brother proud. Relationships have never been on his radar. He has no time for them. But when he spots a stunning blonde at a bar giving him the eye, he can’t stay away. And when she murmurs every man’s dream words, “nothing serious,” in his ear? He’s a goner.

If I texted him right now, he would meet me. He would give me the Adam Levine sex and ask me no questions, tell me no lies.

Ever comes from a long line of mistresses. Her mother is a serial dater of married men. A relationship is just as much of a pipe dream to her as a reliable and trustworthy man; they don’t exist in her life. Charlie was only supposed to scratch an itch for one month. Sex and nothing else. But then everything changes for Ever and she realizes that she no longer wants the bare minimum. She wants the pipe dream. She wants love. Only problem? Charlie is determined to make her see the error of her ways, even if he has to sabotage her every attempt at seriously dating after she gives him the boot.

I’m becoming her friend in the hopes of knocking every other dude out of the running and graduating to friend with benefits. So I can slide in there real smooth. Like a snake.

I cannot tell you how much I adored Charlie and Ever. Their “relationship” was romantic comedy gold. Charlie is hopelessly lost. He doesn’t want Ever to date but he doesn’t realize that his yearning for her is something beyond just needing their friends with benefits status back. Ever is determined to move on but her feelings for Charlie are a messy distraction. Watching their back and forth was as entertaining as it was frustrating and I loved every second of it.

And did I mention the dirty talk? Because oh my god the dirty talk!!!

I will get between those legs if I have to kill, steal or sacrifice to get there. And you’ll be a sweating, moaning, crying tangle of sex in the sheets by the time it’s over. I know you don’t doubt me, because I’ve done it. I’ve done it.”

Man but I missed Tessa’s hot cops. I haven’t been this enamored with a series since her Line of Duty boys. And with the secondary characters introduced here, I’m already salivating for more.

But as for Ever and Charlie? Loved. Them. Yes, they both made some frustrating decisions and choices that had me wanting to slap them. But considering their age, I found my anger didn’t last. I just loved watching them mess up too much. It was adorable and endearing and frustrating and GAH. Did I mention I loved it?

I love first person POV and being in both Charlie and Ever’s heads was a true treat. Especially Charlie. He reminded me a little bit of Drew from Tangled. His inner monologue was just so much fun. Even if the poor guy was completely clueless at times.

I’m hooked, line and sinker, on this series and I can’t wait for more. If you were a fan of Tessa’s Line of Duty series, this one is simply not to be missed. It was everything I’ve come to love from her and made me giggle and swoon all at once.

Her hands are still locked together on top of her head, making her look like a prisoner. My prisoner. Except, I’m hers. This whole time I thought our lack of commitment was setting me free, but in truth, she’d thrown away the key to my freedom the minute she opened her mouth. She didn’t mean it, my Ever, but I’m imprisoned forever, just the same.

Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days.

Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of eight years and four-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

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Jenn’s Review: Raw Redemption by Tessa Bailey

Series: Crossing The Line #4
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: June 13, 2016

Disgraced cop Henrik Vance is having a shit year. Banished to a derelict undercover squad, he’s been tasked with hunting down the daughter of Chicago’s most dangerous criminal. His obsession with saving the beautiful girl destroyed his career. And this time, it might cost his life.

Ailish O’Kelly doesn’t need a hero. She’ll save herself from her father’s violent criminal dynasty, thank you very much. Unfortunately, the sexy as sin cop who crashes her hideout isn’t hearing reason—especially not after the kiss that becomes much more.

His boss wants her as an informant. Ailish wants Henrik to keep whispering filthy things against her skin. But she knows too well the evil they’re up against, and when it comes down to protecting the man who owns her body and soul, she only has one choice…

Each book in the Crossing the Lines series is a standalone, full-length story that can be enjoyed out of order.


Hi. I’m Tessa Bailey, and I write the dirtiest words you’ll ever read….ever.
 You don’t even know….unless you know…if you’ve read my books. You should read this book I wrote, and Henrik is going to tell you why.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“My fingers are a lot bigger than yours. It would be more of a fucking than a fingering if I put my middle one down the front of your underwear. You could ride it just like a dick.”

à la Mode St. » fashionà la Mode St. » fashion

“You think I won’t put you on your knees in that Disney Princess T-shirt, baby?” he breathed in her ear before licking along the rim. “You’re wrong. I’ll even use it to wipe your chin afterward.”

à la Mode St. » fashionOh, Henrik, you say the sweetest things! *swoony giggles
These two GET….IT….AWN pretty much the entire book and it doesn’t get old. I would say it’s the hottest book in the series. I love Henrik almost as much as I love Connor (ok, I love all my heroes).

And I just rolled up my sleeves and went to town on this book.

Now go forth and Read this book. You will flove it.

 bow gene wilder willy wonka willy wonka and the chocolate factory bowing GIFAnd if you don’t…

(Just kidding. Well…kinda LOL)

Disclaimer: The author of this review is not actually Tessa Bailey….but she wishes she were.



Jenn’s Review: Wound Tight by @mstessabailey

Series: Made In Jersey #4
Genre: MM Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: December 5, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


A sexy new M/M romance from New York Times Bestselling author Tessa Bailey

When CEO Renner Bastion walks into a room, everyone keeps their distance. Well, everyone but the sarcastic, tattooed, Boston-bred security guard whose presence has kept Renner in New Jersey longer than intended.

As if the unwanted attraction isn’t unsettling enough, Renner finds out his protector isn’t as unavailable as originally thought.

Milo Bautista just came out to his wealthy, ultra-confident boss, a man he secretly respects and admires…in more ways than he’ll admit.

Worldly, experienced Renner would never look in his direction, let alone share some of that confidence he wears like a cloak, so Milo has set his sights on someone else to be his first.

Until Renner offers him private lessons in seduction…

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR

 Spontaneous combustion does exist. Because that’s exactly what happened while reading this book. Oh man oh man oh man. The business man and the security guard GET…IT….AWWN!!!! It’s impossible for Tessa to NOT write dirty words.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“Take it out,” Renner rasped. “Take out your dick and jack yourself off for me. But if you stop giving me what I need, I’ll make you put it back away. I don’t care how pretty it is to look at. You understand?”

à la Mode St. » fashionRenner is THE BOSS!!! Of my libido! Give. Him. To. Me. He is the man in the suit, always in charge. We meet Renner in the previous book, Worked Up, and I was freaked the fuck out when I found out Tessa was writing her first M/M. And she did NOT disappoint. Renner and Milo were made for each other. Renner has been dating men for a long time, and at the beginning of this book, he believes Milo to be 100% heterosexual. But he is in for a pleasant surprise.
à la Mode St. » fashion

“You let me pull your pants down, let me fuck myself up against your pretty-boy ass, and then challenge me? You’re not ready for what I’d like to give you right now. You won’t be ready for a while.”

à la Mode St. » fashionMilo. Let me tell you, I usually go for the man in the suit. But give me this charming, dimpled, blue-collar, Boston security guard every damn day. Milo was hired to keep the factory safe, including the boss man who runs it. There is an instant attraction and connection between these two hotties. Milo recently discovered that he likes a dude for the first time (and it isn’t Renner), but he has no idea how to even to date a guy. So he asks Renner to help him woo another guy. Definitely not a good idea when Renner wants him already, but Milo quickly learns that he wants Renner too. *cue all the swoons. MILO!! Stop charming the socks…and my bra…and my panties… off me! Ugh.
Oh god. The manly banter between these two. I could just listen to Renner and Milo talk to each other and
à la Mode St. » fashion

“I’m healthy as a fucking horse, and unless you want some good, hard confirmation on that, Bautista, I would refrain from comparing me again to your daddy.”

à la Mode St. » fashionAnd like every Tessa book, I give you the best similes:
à la Mode St. » fashion

“The man has a grip like King Kong on a bad day.”

à la Mode St. » fashion

“like a filthy poem that made no sense.”

à la Mode St. » fashion

“You think I’m going to act like a teenage girl at a One Direction concert over some nipples?”

à la Mode St. » fashion

“Ah God. The boss man’s voice had deepened. A lot. It smoked out from between Renner’s lips and slithered in between Milo’s ribs, gathering in his stomach, like a living thing.

I pray to God this is not Tessa’s last M/M!!!






Review & Excerpt: Too Close To Call by Tessa Bailey

Series: Romancing The Clarksons #3.5
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: June 13, 2017

All-American wide receiver Kyler Tate’s life is about to change. A fairytale college career skyrocketed him to the NFL draft. Adoration and opportunity are thrown in his direction wherever he goes, thanks to being chosen in the first round by the Los Angeles Rage.

None of the accolades mean anything, though, without his high school sweetheart, Bree Justice, by his side. Four years ago, she walked away from Kyler, choosing a quiet life over the flash and notoriety his career would someday bring.

Now he’s back in their Indiana hometown, refusing to leave for Los Angeles without her. Demanding she give their life together a shot.

Her heart never stopped bleeding for the love of her life, but Bree’s decision was final.

Too bad their wild attraction has only been amplified by their separation, and Kyler won’t quit until Bree is wearing his ring.


“Bree.” Her blood snapped with electricity at the sound of her name, said in that low drawl. Kyler stepped to the forefront of the crowd. The green eyes that still graced her dreams zeroed in, raking over her like they couldn’t help it.Heaven above, four years looked incredible on him. Extra inches had been added everywhere. His height. The athletic breadth of his shoulders. The corded biceps that tested the stitching of his T-shirt sleeves. Even his thighs, which were wrapped up in faded denim, were exploding with muscle; thighs she’d spent a good portion of her youth perched on since Kyler never allowed her to sit anywhere but his lap, no matter where they were or whether it was appropriate. “Hello.”

“Hello,” she whispered. “You’re in town.”

His slow nod was so familiar a ripple moved through her. “Here for the week. Can I get you that coffee?”

“No.” She flushed over her own abruptness. “I meant to say, I can’t stay. I’m going to be late for an appointment.”

“Fine. I’ll walk you out.”

His expression dared her to say no. Challenged her. And for the first time since Kyler left, sexual awareness danced in her middle, sending a swift tremble down the length of her legs. Because her body hadn’t forgotten what often lay on the other side of those challenges. “Fine,” she breathed. “Suit yourself.”

For all his sexual energy, Kyler was a gentleman, straight down to the soles of his feet. So Bree wasn’t one bit surprised when his long gait ate up the distance between them. He reached over her head to push open the glass door, sending his scent crashing into her senses, the combination so familiar, Bree’s nipples tightened until she winced. Grassy fields and Nautica Blue aftershave.

Their gazes clashed, but Bree couldn’t decide if he’d worn the scent on purpose. His steady eyes gave nothing away. Before hers could betray her curiosity, Bree turned and passed through the door Kyler held open. And hell if it wasn’t the longest walk in history, his presence behind her looming larger than a mountain. Every eyeball in the diner was sure to be on them and the attention made Bree twitchy, her fingers yanking on the strings of her hoodie.

She needed to get this reunion over with as soon as possible. Being around Kyler would only make her wonder what might have been. That kind of thinking was pointless. Destructive.

Back in high school, the writing had been on the wall when it came to Kyler. Everyone knew he’d been destined for greatness. That he would shake off Bloomfield and put his name in the history books. She’d been selfish to stay with him for so long, absorbing his love and attention, all the while knowing she’d wave good-bye to him someday. The decision was a painful one, but it had been made and now she would stick to it.

What happens later?”
Kyler moved in and brushed his lips along her jawline. “Depends on how good of friends we want to be.” One hand lifted to squeeze her hip, slow and possessive, that low voice directly against her ear. “Me, Bree? All due respect, I want to be the kind of friend who takes your panties home in his pocket. The kind of friend who sucks your lower lip until your fingers start fumbling with his zipper. You need a friend like that?” His labored breath matched hers. “Because trust me when I say I’ll be your best fucking friend.”

All of the pervy shudders! ALL OF THEM! Tessa Bailey scores another touchdown with her latest installment in the Romancing The Clarksons series and I couldn’t be more satisfied. There is nothing better than a swoony second chance romance for me…unless that second chance romance is written by the queen of dirty talk! So color me one happy reader here, because GAH!

I’ve been hoping that Kyler will get a book ever since he was first introduced in Too Hard to Forget. The sweet southern boy with a heart of gold drafted into the NFL thanks to his college coach also known as The Kingmaker. But all that wasn’t what intrigued me about him. It was this echo of sadness that drew me to him. It was hints a man with a broken heart that completely sucked me in.

Back in high school Kyler Tate and Bree Sutton were inseperable; high school sweethearts with their entire life ahead of them…until it wasn’t. Bree broke Kyler’s heart but he’s never forgotten or gotten over the first and only girl that stole his heart. Now he’s back in town before he has to go to training and he’s determined that this time will be different. This time, he’ll get the NFL dream AND the girl and he’s not afraid to fight dirty to get it.

There’s only us, Bree.” He shook his head. “The rest is just noise.”

Kyler goes after Bree with singleminded intent. He’ll woo her into being his friend again and then he’ll slowly break it to her that he’s still madly in love with her. If only Bree wasn’t convinced that their dreams are too different and her life is meant for the small town while his is under the bright lights of a stadium; a light she doesn’t see herself sharing.

Too Close To Call was a ridiculously sweet and swoony romance. Kyler was everything I thought he’d be and yet so much more. With the perfect mix of dirty and sexy, this man was pure temptation with a heart of gold. He loved Bree fiercely and no matter how many years they spent apart, that never faded. You can practically cut the sexual tension between them with a knife.

This was the perfect read to spend a weekend with. It’s short yet incredibly satisfying; packed full of feeling and oh so steamy! I can’t wait for the next one but this was the perfect read to tide me over until Sage and Belmont’s book.

Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days.

Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of eight years and four-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


#DGRFave Review: Too Hard To Forget by Tessa Bailey

Series: Romancing The Clarksons #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: April 25, 2017

This time, she’s calling the shots.

Peggy Clarkson is returning to her alma mater with one goal in mind: confront Elliott Brooks, the man who ruined her for all others, and remind him of what he’s been missing. Even after three years, seeing him again is like a punch in the gut, but Peggy’s determined to stick to her plan. Maybe then, once she has the upper hand, she’ll finally be able to move on.

In the years since Peggy left Cincinnati, Elliott has kept his focus on football. No distractions and no complications. But when Peggy walks back onto his practice field and into his life, he knows she could unravel everything in his carefully controlled world. Because the girl who was hard to forget is now a woman impossible to resist.



They called him the Kingmaker, because so many of his players had gone on to be first round NFL draft picks. That man. The one who visited her bed nightly. Well. In her dreams anyway.

Show of hands; who likes a good grovel?
How about an EPIC grovel?
How about a grovel that lasts for almost the entire half of a book?
How about when that grovel is wrapped into one of the sexiest and most delicious second chance romance stories?
And what if ALL THAT is written by the queen of dirty talk, Tessa Bailey?
Confession time, this was possibly my least anticipated book in the series. *cringes*
Don’t look at me like that! It just wasn’t, ok? Something about Peggy never really struck out at me, but boy am I eating my words right now because not only did I love her but this ended up being one of my top favorite Tessa Bailey books. Ever. True story.

Three years ago Peggy Clarkson fell for a man that was completely off limits. She was the popular and bubbly cheerleader, he was the closed off and brooding football coach. Their relationship was forbidden, their love was unexpected, and their end inevitable. Three years have passed and both their lives haven’t been the same. While Peggy has plowed her way through a string of failed engagements, Elliot has been married to his football coaching job. Now Peggy is back in town and she knows the one thing that may fix her broken self is to leave Elliot in her dust when she walks away from him this time around. But fate has other plans…

Man oh man did this book grab me from the very first. I love a good forbidden factor and Elliot and Peggy’s beginnings were certainly that. Peggy was always quick to smile and sunny and drew everyone into her orbit. Elliot is a man that only had two constants in his life; football and religion. Now I have to say, I was a little nervous about the religious element of the book. Tessa managed to take that fear and make into one of the hottest things I’ve ever read. Holy moly that one scene in the beginning that involved a certain Our Father prayer? *fans ovaries*

Every single detail of this book had a deeper reason. I loved the way that the author tied in Elliot’s self loathing, religion, and guilt into a particular kink that Peggy had developed. Both of these characters had such depth to them that you couldn’t help but fall for both of them. You want to be mad at Elliot for the way he treated Peggy but you just can’t. And then there’s the angst. Sweet mother, the angst! The first half of I want you but I can’t have you, I want you but I don’t forgive you push and pull? DE-LE-CIOUS. I was rooting so hard for both of them and I loved getting peeks into their past. The flashbacks were done so flawlessly that they seamlessly flowed into the story.

And then there’s the second half of the book that is one. long. delicious. grovel. Oh my god! It was so good. I don’t even have words. I cried, I swooned, I couldn’t stop reading.

This was easily one of my favorite Tessa Bailey books to date. It was EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. It was swoony and ridiculously sexy. It was addicting and unputdownable. It was one of the most satisfying second chance romances I’ve read in a long while and I simply can’t recommend it enough.



New Release & Review: Wound Tight by Tessa Bailey

wound-tight-reviewWOUND TIGHT
Series: Made In Jersey #4
Genre: MM Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: December 5, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


A sexy new M/M romance from New York Times Bestselling author Tessa Bailey

When CEO Renner Bastion walks into a room, everyone keeps their distance. Well, everyone but the sarcastic, tattooed, Boston-bred security guard whose presence has kept Renner in New Jersey longer than intended. As if the unwanted attraction isn’t unsettling enough, Renner finds out his protector isn’t as unavailable as originally thought.

Milo Bautista just came out to his wealthy, ultra-confident boss, a man he secretly respects and admires…in more ways than he’ll admit. Worldly, experienced Renner would never look in his direction, let alone share some of that confidence he wears like a cloak, so Milo has set his sights on someone else to be his first.

Until Renner offers him private lessons in seduction…

Buy LinksAMAZON | iBOOKSReview-DGR4 stars

I make the decisions. Do you understand? Boss inside work, boss outside of work. That’s me. Your dick seems to like that idea just fine.”

Ever since I realized that Mr. Tightpants and big and bad boss Renner Bastion was gay in Thrown Down, I’ve been wiggling in pervy anticipation for his book. Can you blame me? Take Tessa Bailey’s gift of writing some of my favorite dirty talking alphas and multiply that by TWO? Sign me the hell up! But I was also a little nervous, too. Can an author that’s written mainstream contemporary romance pull off an MM without making it cliche and suffering some of the pitfalls that some author have when taking on something that’s away from their norm? In the case of this book, it’s a resounding HELL YES.

He had a strict set of rules when it came to other men, and Milo violated them all by being his employee. Not to mention being too young…and too straight.

Now before you go getting the wrong idea here, no, this isn’t a GFY. Milo is very much gay. He knows who he is and embraces it. But coming to the realization that he’s gay a bit later in his life is also making him question his approach. Watching his boss be so comfortable in his own skin and sexuality makes him follow him around not only to keep him safe. So of course it makes the perfect sort of sense to ask Renner for his help…in navigating this new to him world and eventually getting the attention of the man responsible for his sexual realization. A man that is NOT Renner.

…please stop acting like a nightclub is Mars, for the love of God. You could easily do this on your own, but apparently you’re rubbing off on me because I feel…” He shivered. “Obligated to guide your path. You’ve turned me into a gay Yoda. It’s not a good look.”

But the second these two touch, the sexual fireworks go off, the lines get blurred, and all of a sudden what was supposed to be, isn’t, and what shouldn’t be happening, is.

Renner was every bit the brooding and broken alphahole I expected him to be. But getting pieces of his past does help you understand why he is the way he is. Milo is his antithesis. Fun-loving to his serious, quit to laugh to his brooding. But together they make the perfect sort of sense. The sexual chemistry between them was utterly sizzling. This was more mainstream MM and it hit the spot just right for this reader. I loved the way that Milo was so sure of his own self even while Renner questioned everything. Runner’s past does explain some of his behavior, though I didn’t feel that it was enough to make him be AS hesitant as he was. He frustrated me to no end with the way he handled certain things with Milo at times. Then again, he was just the right amount of endearing that I forgave him everything at the end.

Wound Tight was a perfectly delicious conclusion to the Made In Jersey series. It was steamy and with the right amount of emotion (though there was some cheese thrown in at the end that was a touch too sweet for me). But it was also entirely satisfying and a totally enjoyable read. If you’re looking for a spicy MM romance to spend an evening with, you can’t go wrong with this one.






Jennifer’s Review: Baiting the Maid of Honor by @mstessabailey

review-baiting-the-maid-of-honorBAITING THE MAID OF HONOR
Series: Wedding Dare #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: June 9, 2014add-to-goodreads-button-2


He’ll own her from the very first touch.

Julie Piper and Reed Lawson have nothing in common. She’s a people-pleasing sorority girl hiding behind her perfect mask. He’s a take-no-prisoners SWAT commander who isolates himself from the world. But when they’re forced together at their friends’ posh destination wedding, one thing is clear—Reed wants Julie more than he wants his next breath. Which is why he’s not about to stand by when she’s dared to seduce another man.

Julie wants neat, tidy sex, so she could get back to what she does best—making everybody else happy. She never expected to slip into a dark bedroom and have her mind blown by rough, demanding hands, and a sinfully filthy mouth—neither of which belong to the best man.

One night should have been all Reed needed to get the blond temptress out of his system, but when one taste is nowhere near enough, he’ll be forced confront the effects of his hellish past. One that may push Julie away forever… just when he realizes he can’t live without her.

Buy LinksAmazon | Barnes & NobleReview-DGR4 stars

Tessa, I’m just gonna hire you to be my word slave and tie you up in my basement and never let you out except to write more words…..Bwahahaha! Ok, the crazy fangirl is coming out and scaring everyone so I’m gonna reign it in a little.

20902510Mother….effing…..Reed. It’s like he jumped out of my dreams and into this book. Dark, Tattoos, Broody, Mean, Bossy. Ugh. Gimme. He is from the other side of the tracks. The bad boy. He is a SWAT team leader, so he used to bossing everyone around. Everything is black and white to him. He barely even made it to the wedding. The first time he sees Julie, she is letting her hair down, literally, and he knows he has to have her. Reed…..I want him for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and especially for dessert.

My Reed & Julie:



She switched her hips from a circular motion to a gentle front-to-back tease that allowed her to ride his length base to tip. “You like that, sugar?” she whispered, barely audible among the bass-heavy music.

He released a strangled growl against her neck. “Enough teasing. Sit down all the way and work my cock with your beautiful ass.”

760328-_sx540_Julie is the perfect southern girl. She is the maid of honor and the wedding planner. She is organized and put together. And Reed wants to mess…her…up. She doesn’t understand why she attracted to the bad boy, but her insta-lust is undeniable. She barely tries to keep away from him, and when she does let herself just let go, she becomes a brazen hussy. Lol. Reed doesn’t expect her to loosen up, but she exceeds his expectations in many creative ways. Hehehe. Reed and Julie get…it…on. Pixie-style (His nickname for her is Pixie. Lol.)



He gripped her chin and lifted her head so it faced the mirror. “Watch me. Watch me finish, baby. You need to see what you did.” When she nodded, his movements grew jerky, yet somehow even more determined. Ever so slightly, he tightened his grip on her jaw until her mouth opened from the pressure. He pushed his fingers inside. “Suck.”

à la Mode St. » fashionThat ladder scene?! Tessa, how do make a ladder scene so erotic?!!! Because I will never look at a ladder the same way again!

”Reed. I’m…I’m going to fall.”
“No. You will not fall. You will stay right there until I’m finished.”

Once again, Tessa goes above and beyond. The whole setting of this book takes place before the wedding as they groomsmen and bridesmaids are gearing up for the big event. I knew this would be a quick read, but I didn’t expect the character development to impress me so much. I absolutely loved all of the characters and enjoyed trying to figure out which groomsman will end up with which bridesmaid. I am super excited to read the other books in this series, even though they are written by different authors.

Jennifer’s Review: Too Hot To Handle by @mstessabailey

too-hot-to-handle-reviewTOO HOT TO HANDLE
Series: Romancing the Clarksons #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Tessa Bailey
Release Date: May 17, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


When rescue looks like a whole lot of trouble…

The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn’t seen in years. When rescue shows up—six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle—Rita’s pretty certain she’s gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .

Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he’s about to be sorely tempted. There’s something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn’t just for tonight—he’s forever.



Review4.5 stars

4.25 Tessa-has-a-waaaay-about-her Stars!!!!!

I don’t know what it is….but I know that I can’t live without her.

Her men are so classic, almost iconic, and I can’t help but love them. Her brain is classically dirty. She is able to capture these moments and write them so well that I feel like I’m right there.
à la Mode St. » fashion

A man who woke up, stretched his flexing biceps over his head, scrubbed a hand down his abs, and grinned before getting up to drink coffee naked in his kitchen. Because why spend one unnecessary moment dressed? And speaking of clothes, the warmth coming off his tucked-in flannel shirt rivaled the sun. She would bet anything that if she sniffed the material curing around his shoulder it would remind her of snuggling into pajamas fresh from the dryer.

à la Mode St. » fashionAs I was reading this book, I finally figured out one of the many reasons why I love her writing so much. She is an artist at writing similes and metaphors. They are always the most eloquent or poetic, but they make me understand EXACTLY what that character is thinking or feeling. Most of the time, I smile and highlight them, and that’s why I love her books so much….because of all the smiling. I truly believe that Tessa Bailey is underestimated because she is a powerful writer, so I don’t underestimate her at all. She can write anything, and I’ll read it. She emotes, but it’s not always elegant. It’s raw and blue-collar and makes me FEEL ALL THE FEELS!!! Tessa, I would read your grocery lists.
à la Mode St. » fashion

Promises dug like tiny tractors in his gut, excavating vital components of what impulse directed him to say, leaving messes behind.

à la Mode St. » fashion20703796The 4 Clarkson siblings are on a road trip to fulfill their mother’s wish for them. They are not close siblings so there is automatically tension between them. When the car breaks down, of course Jasper is riding by on his sexy motorcycle. Tess is the queen of insta-lust, alpha-male, dirty-talker who wants his woman.
à la Mode St. » fashion

”Play offense,” he demanded in her ear. “Push down into it. Fuck yourself up against it. I’ll help you get where you need to go, beautiful. You answered the door begging for something bad from me. So that’s what I’m giving you. You and this sweet, neglected pussy. Now fuck your vibrator.”

à la Mode St. » fashionMy Jasper: (without the cig)

Jasper Ellis was a twenty-ounce hanger steak with a side of garlic mashed potatoes. 


My Rita:

Jasper is the owner of the Liquor Hole (get it!), the local bar. He is a reformed playboy trying to be good and responsible now, but his reputation precedes him. As he starts to pursue Rita, he can’t escape the playboy stigma.

Rita is a little black sheep of the family. She is a chef who tried to follow in her mother’s footsteps, but felt like she was never able to measure up. I loved watching her transform her strength and how Jasper helped her get there. Jasper and Rita think they only have a day together until the car is fixed. Well, due to some unexpected events each day (I love all of this), they end up getting a few more days together, enough time for the 4 siblings to help Jasper open his new restaurant.
à la Mode St. » fashion

”….stop stealing my breath when I’m trying to catch it.”
“No.” He pressed their foreheads together. “I don’t want you to catch it. I want it to stay lost and I want to be the man who steals it. All day, every day. Forever. Stay with me right here.”

à la Mode St. » fashion20703797I fell in love….with this whole family! I feel like I already have a clear picture of who each sibling is, but I know Tessa is going to pull out so much more in each book. I cannot wait to learn more about every single one of them. If you like series that involve brothers and sisters and FEELS, then you will love this book. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It is different than Tessa’s other series, and I can’t wait to jump into Aaron’s book.

One word….BELMONT. And Sage! Gah! Of course, Tessa is saving his book for last! But I know I will enjoy the journey.


(releasing 4/27/17)

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