Rock Chick Revolution by Kristen Ashley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
3.5 Rock Chick Stars
“You’ve got your way, the way you are and the way you are with the ones you care about. And that tells me, a man gets in there, you give that to him, the children you give him, that man will be all kinds of lucky. And I’ve decided we’re gonna see if that man is me.”

Well, Ava & Luke and Sadie & Hector still hold first place for my favorite Rock Chick couple, but I have to admit that Ally and Ren definitely came in at a very close second.
I can’t say that this was my favorite book in the series, but I will tell you that it was a fantastic conclusion to the series.
So what was my favorite part of Rock Chick Revolution, you ask? I have a one word answer for that: REN.
The man made my happy place tingle the entire book. He was equal parts bad-ass alpha and sweet, without being obnoxiously overbearing or possessive. Now if I’m being honest here, the urge to lick a fictional character is really nothing new for me. (What? That’s perfectly normal, OK!) Ren took it to a whole different level for me, and I found myself developing a very close and personal relationship with my Kindle while reading.
(What? That’s perfectly normal, too! God! Stop judging me!)
But I digress.
My biggest issue with some of the Rock Chick heroines were their constant and consistent TSTL tendencies. So I am very happy to report that Ally didn’t irritate me at all in this book. She was incredibly endearing. I loved how tough and tenacious she was, yet still had that emotional and soft-hearted center beneath the tough-girl shell.
I was a Rock Chick. I had a lot of friends. I had a lot of good times. The concept of “anything goes” was pretty literal for me. I didn’t have issues speaking my mind. And I didn’t have issues creating a drama if the situation deserved it. I also didn’t give a shit if someonedisagreed with the situation deserving it.
I was… me.
I wasn’t girlie.
I wasn’t romantic.
I didn’t have fantasies (except those that came while wielding a vibrator). Let’s just say the knight in shining armor concept did nothing for me.
Well Ally, a knight in shining armor may not do anything for you, but a hot-headed Italian sure did.

The first 20% of the book we get flashbacks to the relationship (or lack thereof) between Ren and Ally for the past year. Ally fell for Ren pretty quick, but had her hopes of a future with him shattered when Ren unknowingly did something that wounded her deeply. Unable to deny the chemistry between them, Ally insists that they stay on a casual hook-up basis. Which, c’mon Ally, we’re talking about Ren here? Just casual hookups? Like friends with benefits? Really?

Of course Ren is having none-of that, and he definitely doesn’t hold back his thoughts about the matter.
You invited me in, Ally.”
Around the time you came when my mouth was between your legs on my stairs. Then again when you came when my cock was driving into you in my bed. Then again when you wrapped your mouth around my cock, also in my bed. And a-fuckin’-gain when you found it while riding my cock, also in my bed. And last, when you wrapped your sweet, hot, naked body around me and passed out in my bed.”
Ally is not exactly thrilled with Ren. She’s had enough testosterone alpha-speak from her brothers and The Hot Bunch.
Okay, I’d had a variety of Rock Chick chinwags where the girls let it all hang out about their guys and how they communicated in Asshole, but I’d never experienced it personally. And Ren had just demonstrated he was fluent in Asshole. It must be said, I didn’t like it much.
Well Ally, you might not like it, but it certainly made my happy place tingle. So you’ll be getting no complaints from this girl.

Ren was just delicious, and when it came to getting his way with Ally…well let’s just say he had a FANTASTIC way of going about it.

Don’t get me wrong, while Ren was a hot-headed, dirty-talkin, panty-melting hot; he also had an incredible sweet side to him. I loved the way he fought for Ally and to prove that they should be more than just casual. Nothing better than a man that can admit when he’s caught.
You gave me a run for my money, and once I stopped finding it a pain in my ass and started enjoying it, I did nothing but. I enjoyed every fuckin’ second, Ally. And every fuckin’ second I’ve never doubted how I was feeling. And just to be clear, how I was feeling, every day through this game we’ve been playing, was that I was falling deeper in love with you.”

There’s a whole lot of action, and we get to check back with all the Rock Chicks and Hot Bunch. I can’t say that I was so enthralled with this book that I couldn’t put it down. It did take me much longer to finish than my usual reading speed, and I did find myself skimming through certain chapters. But I still really enjoyed it.

The best part about KA books, are her epilogues, and this one definitely didn’t disappoint.
Dear Ren,

So that’d be all the ramblings from me for now.
And I thank you!
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