Review: Loving The Liar by Lola King

Silver Falls University #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Lola King
Release Date:
September 12, 2024

An angsty, secret society, dark romance from best-selling author, Lola King

He lost her once. Now he will do anything to have her back. Anything.

Welcome to Silver Falls University, where the elite comes to thrive.

My life as a queen bee was always traced for me. I’m rich, I come from an influential family, and I constructed my personality to become the girl everyone wants to be. I rule Silver Falls University with bright smiles and the pretense of being everyone’s friend.

But in a place where toxic rich kids love to see others fall, no one is safe.
Especially when my family loses its power and someone threatens to spill all my secrets.
In the blink of an eye, my life as I knew it crumbles, and to save the people I love, I’m forced to initiate into the one place I thought I’d never be—the same Secret Society who betrayed my family.

Powerless, I’m thrown into a world of men who want nothing but to use and break me, and only one person can save me.

My ex.

He wants to take care of me even though I hate him.
He wants to protect me when he’s not allowed.
And he wants to make me his even if it puts us both at risk.

I have no hope of surviving a secret society.

But if Christopher Murray makes me his…I have no hope of surviving him.

Loving The Liar is a dark romance intended for readers over 18. Please, read the CW in the book.
This is the first book in a series of 3 interconnected standalones.


God, I hate that man so much it feels a lot like love.

Well now. This book? Finger licking good. And this series? Simply delicious. Because no one, and I mean no one, writes an unhinged morally gray MMC better than Lola King. Fight me on this.

Ella,” he rasps. His gaze bounces between my eyes, and his eyebrows pinch. “I’m so sorry for the things I will do to get you back.”

As someone who has read and thoroughly enjoyed Lola’s North Shore series, I’m so happy to now get this spinoff. The North Shore series focused on the have nots on the wrong side of the tracks and this series gives us the haves and the rich and entitled side. If you’ve read Heartless Beloved, then you’ll remember Alex’s best friend, Ella, the FMC of this book. But nothing prepares you for the unhinged possessiveness that is her ex boyfriend, Chris.

Chris hides his depravity down deep, made it his. His brand of evil. Nothing can compete with that.

Now if you know me or follow my reviews, you know how much I love me an unhinged MMC. But Chris? The man is playing chess while those other morally gray men are playing checkers. Because he is a whole other universe of unhinged and positive with a splash of daddy kink. Yep. You read that right.

Ella and Chris broke up years ago, but neither seems to have moved on. Ella can’t seem to get over Chris and Chris? Well he simply refuses to let her go, even though he’s with someone else.

You will go to bed one night, and it will be me you sleep next to. You will wake up, and it’ll be my cock deep inside you. You will live, because I’m the one who allows oxygen into your lungs.” He shifts, grazing my lips with his, and I don’t dare move an inch. I’m incapable of taking a step back. “And my hand will be so far inside your chest, your heart won’t beat without feeling my grip around it.”

Now if you’re already clutching your pearls and thinking there’s cheating, calm your tatas. There is no cheating here but you’ll have to read to find out why I say that because I will not spoil the details for you. But just trust me when I tell you, you will be fully fine with Chris chasing Ella. But if you’re expecting a possessive anti hero with morals, well probably skip this book. Because Chris is one brain f*ck away from being full villain and a manipulation and gaslighting genius. The lengths he goes to in order to get Ella back is….questionable at best and criminal at worst. But I digress.

And did I happen to mention that Chris is also Ella’s older brother’s best friend? Yep. Now there is so much delicious plot packed into this novel; think dark academia and secret society vibes. So when combined with their unhinged romance, it’s simply unputdownable. And if you’ve read the North Shore series than you will absolutely love the cameos here. For reference, Chris is the best friend of Rose from A Game of Hearts.

And if you haven’t read any of those books, not to worry, you’ll definitely be able to enjoy this fully. But of course I highly recommend you read the North Shore simply because it’s that good and you’ll appreciate this series that much more.

Ella is tortured heroine in her own right. This girl does not have it easy, even when she lives in the affluent town and is the most popular girl in her school. She hides some dark demons. But she’s no pushover and even though she’s the fly caught in Chris’s master web, she’s no pushover either and the girl definitely has a spine of steel.

This story was f*cked up in ways that only Lola King can write and I devoured every page. A huge rec for all my fellow dark romance lovers out there because WOWZA. I can’t wait for the rest of this series! 

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