Review: Hell Hath No Fury by RC Boldt

Genre: Romantic Suspense
Author: RC Boldt
Release Date: May 19, 2020

In Hell Hath No Fury, RC Boldt brings us an unforgettable tale of loss, betrayal, and revenge in this new romantic suspense standalone…

Seven years ago, they took everything from me.

My father. My husband. My child.

When they stole my chance at justice, I vowed to get revenge.

Then I met him.

He tempts that long-lost part of me, but his presence is a reminder that betrayal lurks around every corner.

Their biggest mistake is underestimating my commitment for vengeance.

They don’t realize that when it comes to a woman like me, hell hath no fury.


This story is about a woman who had everything taken from her. And how she took it all back.

The second I read this synopsis, I knew this would be my first RC Boldt book. Heck, the cover didn’t exactly talk me out of it either. A revenge plot AND a badass heroine all in one? Sign me the hell up!

Hell Hath No Fury was a non-stop thrill ride full of grit, vengeance, plot twists, and a sizzling romance in the backdrop of a heart-pounding suspense. In a word, it was DELICIOUS.

Now I love me a good revenge plot, but there’s something so much more delicious when the one wreaking the vengeance is a female. A female that lost her entire world in one heartbreaking and violent moment, and never recovered. A female that had all of the odds stacked against her, who tried to go up against an organization that has everyone in their pocket and it cost her even more. When she couldn’t get justice the legal way, she turned to a different way. A way that turned her into judge, jury, and executioner. And I was SO HERE FOR IT.

There was something equally vulnerable and badass about Caitlin that I couldn’t get enough of. She goes after her revenge knowing full well that she doesn’t walk out of it in the end. She wants justice for her family and the only way to get it is to go after those that took it from her and make them pay.

Now as for the hero? GAH. This man. GAH. I don’t even know what to tell you without spoiling it. But let’s just say he was the perfect balance to Caitlin’s badass, because he was just as big of one himself. He gives intense a new meaning. He was mysterious, enigmatic, secretive, and I fell hard and fast.

Now in all fairness, if you don’t read a lot of suspense, this book is dang near perfect. As a reader that reads a ton in this genre, there were a few plot…things that didn’t quite add up for me. Not plot holes, necessarily, but things that came together a little too perfectly without much explanation, that I wish we got a little more of. Like the seven years that Caitlin spent away and how she got there. We get most of it off the pages, but I would have loved more. I also didn’t quite love the twist at the end.

Now all that aside, I still devoured this book. It was addictive. The story was quick-paced and full of action and with a sizzling romance that I couldn’t get enough of. It was different, and unique, and I seriously loved it. I’m definitely a new RC Boldt fan and highly recommend this book if you’re looking for something that will keep you on your toes and reading well into the night.

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