Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Debt✩ by @NinaGJones

Title: DEBT

Author: Nina G. Jones
Genre: Erotic Suspense
Release Date: December 2, 2014
Cover Model: BJ Gaddour
DEBTcoverI don’t know what I was thinking when I hired someone to attack me. Maybe I was bored, or lonely, or there was a void so deep inside of me that I needed something explosive to fill it.

It was supposed to be safe. A thrill. A way to break through the monotony of everyday life. It was an illusion of danger that I could walk away from as soon as it was over.

Except that it wasn’t. Because I had been in danger long before I ever invited it into my life.
My mission is almost complete. The bubbling boil of vengeance that heats my blood might finally simmer.

She is the last piece of the puzzle. Once I destroy her, everyone who ever hurt me will have paid their debt.

It was supposed to be quick and easy, but as soon as I met her it got complicated.

Very complicated.

“Please, dance with me,” I beg in a mewl.

His hand threads through my hair, the other grabs my ass and pulls me up and against his thigh, applying more pressure against him.

Brick by brick.

And we move in sync: slow, rhythmic grinding. Eye to eye. Lids barely parted. Sweat beading. Low moans vanish into the air. The deafening music drowns out any conflicted feelings that remain. He tugs my hair and extends my neck, grazing his teeth against my chin, the tip of his tongue awakening the sensitive nerve endings. His hand squeezes my half-exposed ass, and everything lights up. My nipples and clit, a partnership of arousal, tense in ecstasy as they stroke against the man who sets me on fire. He is also the only person who can put me out.

My moans grow louder, but they are drowned out in the safety of the music. And like the flashing lights in the club, I become ablaze with flickering energy, throwing my head back, arching my spine as he supports me, as he lets me use his body, his smell, his taste, his overpowering masculine energy to put out the blaze that he ignites inside of me.

I collapse onto him, grasping his shirt, taking in his smell, the warmth of his broad chest, completely lost in the sensory experience that is Tax. I smile as I burrow my face into his chest, drunk off the mixture of alcohol and lust.

4 dirty dirty DIRTY debt Stars

Reckless. Irresponsible. Dirty. Dangerous. Exhilarating. Erotic. Wild. Euphoric.
How can one thing be all of those?
How can peering into the gutter of my soul feel like I just touched heaven?

What in the effing hell did I just read? And why do I suddenly feel the need to go to confessional? But the better question is, why in the fucking hell did I like it?!

The quote above describes the book perfectly, because it truly is ALL of those things.
And most importantly Dirty (it’s worth listing it twice)

There are no pleasantries, no small talk it’s a man who wants to fuck a woman. Not just fuck her, but take her.

I can say that this book is certainly not for everyone. It’s just one fuck shy of being depraved. Luckily my sanity is long gone and my ovaries are steel plated, so this was right up my pervy little alley.

Don’t fucking act like you don’t like this shit, Mia. I know you want someone to dirty you up. I’ll make you fucking filthy.

Mia is a good girl…well mostly anyway. She loves her job working at an adult toy company, but her own sex life has been sorely lacking lately. So when her best friend tells her about the most thrilling and erotic sex she’s ever had just so happened to come from a service in the form of a ‘rape fantasy’ she wants to be disgusted…and yet she can’t help but be incredibly intrigued at the same time. A hot and sexy stranger, a safe word that makes it all stop should you chose, and the promise of the hottest sex she’s ever had proves too alluring to resist. But nothing prepares her for the man that shows up to ‘attack her’

Tax Draconi is a debt collector and Mia is the last name on his list of people to pay.

I will suck her dry. I will fuck the life out of her, I will ravage her until she is hollow and used…

Now I have to tell you, some of the scenes that take place in this book? Even the seasoned pervert in me was almost screaming

Because it is one step away from being borderline rapey…and yet it wasn’t. But it was certainly…dirty. Very, very, VERY dirty.

My advice if you chose to read this is to slightly suspend your disbelief. The interesting thing is I couldn’t find it in me to care that some of the things that I read here would usually bother me in any other books. Which definitely goes to say something…and I’d rather not think on that right now LOL.

But the premise of the book is much darker and a whole lot more than the dirtyness of it.

Tax targets Mia for a very specific reason. A reason that has everything to do with their shared past and a past that she has no recollection of.

The story is told in alternating flashbacks of present to past and slowly trickle feeds the reader details, little by little, until you start putting together all the puzzle peaces. Tax’s history is absolutely gut wrenching. This is no sunshine and unicorns type of book. It’s DARK and it’s all kinds of fucked up.

I wish I can give you more of the plot, but I simply can’t. That blurb is vague, and that’s all you should know going in.

I had a hard time understanding Mia’s almost instantaneous connection to Tax, especially given some of the things that he makes her do. I have to say some were almost too tough to swallow…even for me. And yet her lust for him was always unwavering. Now taking into consideration their “past”, it did make a little more sense to me by the end.

I have to say that I could have gone without one very particular scene: (view spoiler)[I don’t want to even read the word ‘tampon’ in my book, especially a sex scene that starts off with the pulling of one out. Euuuwie. No spanks (hide spoiler)]

But aside from that, I couldn’t put this one down. As much as I thought I had an idea about where this book would go, the constant twists and turns kept me on my toes until the very end. And then that end! Holy freaking shit! The feels! The feels, I tell ya! Damn.

This was my first Nina G. Jones book, but I can definitely tell you that she’s found a new fan in me.

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Nina G. Jones is the author of the Strapped Series and Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel.

Her next novel, DEBT, is slated to be released in December 2014.

Nina currently resides in Milwaukee, WI with her husband and two fur babies. She will work for chocolate cake.

love p

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Perfect Chaos✩ by @nashodarose

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Perfect Chaos
Unyielding (book 1)
Author: Nashoda Rose
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: November 24, 2014

I lie to survive.

Have since I was sixteen and my world fell into chaos. But I found a way to endure, or rather it found me. Now I’m a prisoner of my own doing, hiding behind a false mask so no one sees the truth. Not even the man I want but can’t have—Deck. But I messed up and the lies are spilling over, out of control.

Deck is unrelenting and will settle for nothing less than the truth. He demands everything from me—EVERYTHING—even if it rips me apart.

I kill for a living.

Unyielding—It’s how I survive in my line of work. I bend people to my will…except Georgie.

But that ends now.

I’ve played her game for far too long, but not anymore. Now I think it’s time we play mine.

*18+ due to sexual content, strong language and violence.

Amazon US / UK / CA / AU / B&N / iTunes / Kobo

5 Deck was worth the wait Stars

Another year gone. Another year filled with lies.
This was who I needed to be.
The perfect chaos.
My perfect world had just been thrown into destructive chaos.

It’s official. Nashoda Rose is incapable of writing a book that I won’t obsessively devour in a sitting and love the absolute fuck out of. I have been practically salivating for Deck’s book since finishing Overwhelmed by You, but Georgie was a wildcard. As much as I knew I would love Deck in all his brooding glory, I was afraid that Georgie would annoy me. After all, ever since she’s first been introduced in the Tear Asunder series, she’s always come across as a little vapid, overly flirty, and just too OTT for my tastes.

This man…I would never have him, but I also knew I’d never deserve him. Deck was everything I wasn’t and more.

I should have known better than to doubt the awesome that is this author, because Georgie was not at all how she came across in the other series. Not even close. This was a woman with some deep and dark secrets. Secrets that she keeps from everyone, even Deck, her deceased brother’s best friend and the man she’s been in love with for as long as she’s known him.

Deck has been keeping a close eye on Georgie ever since her brother Conner was killed on deployment. He’s also been the person to watch her slowly spiral into her own her own brand of grieving in a haze of alcohol, partying, and empty flirting. But not everything is as it seems… 

We were a lot alike. I hid behind a false persona, and he blocked his out.

The author managed to completely redeem Georgie in my eyes. She took someone that has always came off as mostly two-dimensional to me before, and give the character incredible depth. And the amazing part is that she managed to do this in such a realistic way that it made me not only like Georgie, but completely endear her to the reader. As much as I loved Deck, I loved Georgie’s character just as much. And the two of them together? Perfection.

Nashoda Rose has this signature writing style that delivers a gritty, dark, and action packed plot with a scorching hot romance that all together adds up to an unputdownable read.

I was the girl who fell in love with him. I was the woman who still loved him and one day it would be my destruction.

While the romance between Georgie and Deck does take center stage, there is also plenty of action and suspense that will leave you in nail biting anticipation, absolutely dying to see how it all resolves.

If you’ve read the other series, then you know that (view spoiler)[Connor (Georgie’s brother) is suspected to be alive (hide spoiler)] and Deck has been searching for him since. This book really focuses on that and all the secrets that are unearthed surrounding the mystery of his disappearance. I won’t tell you much about it, but I will tell you to brace yourself because it will keep you at the edge of your seat with twists and turns that you will never see coming.

You get better acquainted with the men on Deck’s team as well as a whole lot more on the mysterious Kai. And Oh My GAWD, with everything that gets revealed here, I already know that his book will absolutely GUT ME. And my inner masochist cannot freaking wait. There is also another character that gets introduced here that’s a complete enigma (highlight to view spoiler)TRISTAN (end spoiler). I have already been hounding Nashoda and begging for him to get a book, and I sincerely hope she’ll eventually give him one too.

And of course at the center of everything else that is going on here is the romance.

If you had imagined Deck to be the demanding and sexy before, be prepared, because he’s even BETTER. I couldn’t get enough of these two. Deck and Georgie finally together? It was erotic, and sweet, and swoonworthy. God but I loved it.

You’re my rainbow. The brilliant colors of you make me whole. Without your colors, I’m just a man living in the dark.

As much as I tried to stretch out this book because I never wanted it to end, here I am again, absolutely dying in anticipation of the next one.

If you haven’t read the Tear Asunder series, you can still read this book as a standalone, as it is a spin off of that series. However, I would recommend you read the Tear Asunder series first just to get a better introduction to these characters. Deck and Georgie were both first introduced in Torn from You and there were some events that happen in Overwhelmed by You that carry over into this book. The author does sum everything up so you won’t be lost if you haven’t read it. But trust me when I say, that you won’t want to miss the other books because they’re just as addictingly good as this one. 

brimNashoda Rose lives in Toronto with her assortment of pets. She writes contemporary (NA) romance with a splash of darkness, or maybe it’s a tidal wave. Her novella “”With You”” is the first in the Tear Asunder series, followed by the novel “”Torn from You””.
When she isn’t writing, she can be found sitting in a field reading with her dog at her side while her horses graze nearby. She loves interacting with her readers on Facebook and chatting about her addiction—books.

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Book Blitz, Review & #Giveaway: ★Falling For The Enemy★ by @SamantheBeck1

Falling for the Enemy
Private Pleasures #3
Author: Samanthe Beck
Release Date: December 1, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Caught between a rock and a rock-hard body…

Salon owner Virginia Boca has declared herself celibate…at least until she wins the election for mayor of Bluelick, Kentucky. No hot men. No sex. And her plan to play the good girl might have worked—if the mysterious, hard-bodied stranger she’s seen around town hadn’t pulled her from the street and saved her life. The least Ginny can do is offer her savior a free haircut.

But when an innocent haircut turns into hours of wickedly hot sex, former Navy SEAL Shaun Buchanan knows his plan to keep a low profile is shot. Especially once Ginny finds out he’s the current mayor’s son. With her reputation and the election on the line, Ginny seems determined to keep their nightly sexcapades a secret, but Shaun’s not willing to stay in the shadows forever…

Amazon / B&N / Kobo / iTunes

She cupped his balls at the same time she stroked him, stopping just shy of the flare of his head. “So, you’re touching yourself, and thinking of me, and…”

His head dropped back of its own accord, and his breath quickened. “I’d dream of you kneeling between my legs, opening your mouth, and letting me fuck you like that until I was the only thing you’d taste for the rest of your life.”

While they both watched, liquid beaded at the head of his cock and trembled there. He shivered when she used the pad of her thumb to swipe it, pressing down hard enough to explore the small opening. Then she brought her thumb to her mouth and licked it clean.

Eyes locked on him, she gripped his thighs, spreading them slightly, and brought her mouth so close her breath ruffled the hair around the base of his cock. “Could I trouble you to do the honors?”

Hell yes. He gripped his shaft and guided it to her lips. She opened her mouth, fully prepared to take him in, but he delayed their gratification by tracing his tip along her upper lip. “You have the softest lips, Virginia. Even before I ever kissed you, I knew they’d feel amazing.” He dragged his tip along her lower lip and couldn’t hold back a groan.

She chased him with her tongue, wetting her lips in the process. “Having them sealed around you is going to feel even better.”

He placed his hand on the top of her head, spearing his fingers through her hair. “Don’t rush me. This is my dream, remember?”

“I remember everything. Tell me what comes next.”

Why he wanted to torture himself he couldn’t say, but he wanted to savor this. “Kiss it…just the tip. With those plush lips of yours. No tongue, yet.”

She wet her lips again, puckered them, and rubbed them over the tip he held out for her. Somehow he managed to keep his eyes open, even though they wanted to roll back in his head. Then she parted her lips to take him deeper.

“Not yet,” he ground out, still hoping against hope to make this last more than three seconds.

“I can’t wait. I want to cradle the weight of you in my mouth. I want to hear you beg as I take you in.” She tightened her hold on his thighs and aimed a plaintive look at him.

“Sweet Virginia, you’ve got me so worked up I can’t trust myself. If you let me in your mouth, I’m going to own it. I’ve been fantasizing about this too long to sit by like a gentleman while you have your fun.”

4.5 Wolverine was worth the wait Stars

One night. No apologies. No regrets.”

I absolutely love this series and I absolutely loved this book. A lot. Like a lot A LOT. The town of Bluelick.

When can I move? Samanthe Beck, are you taking applications? Because I am so there it’s not even funny.

If you’ve read the previous book in this series (Light Her Fire) and you’ve been panting at the chance to finally read all about wolverine and Virginia, prepare to read a book with a silly grin on your face the entire time and a major case of lady blue balls. Because wolvering aka Shaun Buchanan is everything you had hoped he’d be and so much more!

What this book has?
A take charge heroine that gives as good as she gets.
Considering that Ginny is running for mayor against someone that isn’t afraid to play dirty, you’d expect her to have a good quip or two, and boy does she.

A sexy as all hell SEAL that has no problems getting a little dirty, if you know what I mean.

I’m full of expectations. I expect you to let me peel those thin, tight, and very damp shorts down your legs. I expect you to give my mouth and tongue and hands free reign until you’re biting your lip to keep from begging for more. And when I give you more, I expect you to scream my name in gratitude.”

THE hottest public restroom sex scene I have ever read. Holy freaking ovaries!

All our favorite characters from previous books along with a good share of humor that will leave you with a goofy smile on your face the entire time.

I wonder if Tyler would Chapter Thirteen me if I gave him a shave and a haircut?”
“When you’re engaged to a man with a nickname like ‘Footlong Longfoot’, you might want to settle for two Chapter Fives followed by a nice Chapter Three to finish things off,” LouAnn observed. “Otherwise, you’ll join the ranks of fidgety pants over here, who can’t sit still through breakfast.”

I adored this book. It was sexy and funny and completely unputdownable. If you haven’t discovered this series yet, I strongly advise you to get better acquainted with the town of Bluelick.

Who knew he’d survive four years at Annapolis, six years as a SEAL, dozens of dangerous missions all over the globe, only to die in Bluelick with a smile on his face, his extremely grateful dick limp in his lap, and a gorgeous redhead completely at fault?


Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California, with her long-suffering but extremely adorable husband and their elementary-aged turbo-son. Throw in a furry ninja named Kitty and Bebe the trash talking Chihuahua and you get the whole, chaotic picture.

When not clinging to sanity by her fingernails or dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy ways to get her characters to happily-ever-afters, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.

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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★All I Want★ by @JDanielsbooks

Title: All I Want

Series: Alabama Summer #2
Author: J Daniels
 Release Date: November 24, 2014

Luke Evans is a heartbreaker.

I didn’t want to give mine to him. Not when he kept me out.

He gave me enough, just enough to make me fall in love with him. I say this to convince myself. But I know the truth.

I would’ve fallen in love with him at a distance.

Handing my heart over to Luke was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I was naive when I wished for more, when I hoped he wanted the same things I did.

I try to hate him. I try to forget him.

But it’s not that easy.

Love is a ruthless bitch, and I’m her latest victim.

Tessa Kelly is a man-eater.

When she sets her sights on you, she doesn’t just consume your heart, she goes for your soul.

What we had was perfect, real, and all I would ever want.

But she destroyed it.

She destroyed us.

I try to hate her. I try to forget her.

But it’s not that easy.

Love is for people who have hope, and I have none.

4 Stars

Because when you fall in love with someone exactly the way they are, how do you convince yourself they aren’t enough for you?

One of my favorite tropes is jilted lovers. Just something about all that angst between the couple that were once hot and heavy then ripped apart but still feel that inexplicable connection to each other months (or in the case here, a year) later. It’s utterly delicious. Now make one of those a manwhorish and brooding hot cop and the other a sassy call ’em like she sees ’em heroine? Well that’s just guaranteed book magic for me. What? I’m easy like that.

I knew from the first chapter that Tessa was going to be one of those heroines that I’m going to love. She’s snarky, sarcastic, borderline bitchy, and doesn’t hesitate to cut anyone down to size. It’s not everyday you get a heroine that walks in on her ex (who she still has feelings for) getting a blowjob from a random blonde and manage to put them both in their place.

Oh sweetie. You might want to go disinfect. he’s got the herp.”
“Oh my God. Are you serious? You have herpes?”
“What? No I don’t!”
“He’s really sweet about it though,” I say sympathetically at the blonde. “He pays for my Valtrex every month.”

She does have her moments of acting juvenile and stupid and at times a straight out bitch. BUT, underneath all that was a vulnerability that I couldn’t help but connect with.

Tessa met Luke through her older brother Ben, who happens to be Luke’s partner on the force. They hit it off right away and their relationship starts hot and heavy. Their chemistry never fizzles off, but when Tessa realizes that Luke will always hold himself off from her emotional and isn’t interested in ever settling down, she calls it off.

Now Luke. Oh my sweet darling Luke. What can I tell you about him aside from the fact that I couldn’t get enough of his stubborn and pigheaded ways. Luke never got over Tessa, but he knows that he’ll never be able to truly open up to her emotionally. That doesn’t stop him from hating her for walking away from him without any explanation. The fact that even a year later the redheaded vixen continues to plague his fantasies certainly doesn’t help matters any.

It’s possible to hate someone, to look at them and wish you weren’t aware of their every move, and to want them more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your life.

Thus begins their (not so) delicate dance of I hate you/I want you. Gawd it was delicious.

I have to admit that at times both Luke and Tessa had me wanting to shake them for their juvenile actions and decisions. But at the same time, it also just worked in this book. Don’t ask me to explain why or how, such is the magic of J. Daniels writing.

It’s possible to hate someone, to look at them and wish you weren’t aware of their every move, and to want them more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your life.

Underneath all the jealousy and snarky barbs there was a chemistry that was so hot, it burned through the pages.

Oh my God,” I whimper.
“Do I need to tell you what to do with that?” he asks, his voice laced with arrogance as he glances down at my hand that remains stagnant against his cock.
“God I fucking hate you.” I pull his cock free and wrap my hand around it, feeling him thicken in my palm…
“Yeah, I hate you too, babe.”

It was fucking hot is basically what I’m trying to tell you here.

Beyond the hot hate sex and the constant back and forth between Tessa and Luke, there was also a fantastic story. The author did a fantastic job allowing both these characters the growth that they needed but in their own due time. Even if you’ll find Tessa brash at times, you’ll really grow to like her toward the end. And if you don’t lust for Luke from the very beginning, well then there may be something wrong with you 😉

All the characters from the previous book make an appearance as well as an introduction of a few more. One of which I am practically panting to get a story for.

This was a sizzling hot romance that was humorous, sexy, and even emotional. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. The epilogue was great and I couldn’t imagine it ending any different with this couple. But I’m definitely looking forward to getting a peak of them in the future books in this series like we did for Mia and Ben in this one.

Also Available

Where I Belong (Alabama Summers bk 1)

J. Daniels was born and raised in Maryland.

After putting her kids to bed, she escapes into her cheeky world where some of her characters kiss, and some of them do a lot more than kiss.

She is an avid reader and enjoys everything from unconventional romance to fantasy novels.

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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Flawed✩ by @FrancettePhal

Title: Flawed
Series: The Butcher (bk 1)
Author: Francette Phal
Genre: Dark, Erotica


That’s the only memory he carries from a childhood he does not remember. And now it is all he knows. Blood is his life.

Knox Bishop has done a lot of horrible things, all at the command of the man who holds his leash. It’s a matter of loyalty for him. Allegiance to the man who saved his life when he was a child. So he goes where he is needed and does what he is told. He tortures. He kills. He kills. He tortures. It is an unrelenting cycle that he constantly craves and can never quite satisfy.

Until her.

Eighteen year old Lacey Barnes distributes her assets to fund her dreams. Medical school is the end game and she is determined to get there by any means necessary. But a family member’s careless mistake derails her plans and now she must pay a price in order to save him.

She goes to Knox willingly offering him the only valuable thing she has. Herself. In doing so he allows her into his world, a world filled with darkness but rather than being scared it intrigues her. It lures her, calls to something in her that she hadn’t known existed until he awakened it.

Every bit of his flaws is reflected in her and Knox will do anything to keep her in the darkness with him.


I’m not what you would call normal. The word has no meaning to me. But I’ve been pretending to act normal. It’s something I’ve been practicing since I’ve been aware of the thrum and its significance in my life. I was seven when I first heard the lullaby. Second grade, just before recess. It happened in a squall. Nothing and then all at once. I remember everything about that day. The bell rang and the other children went to play. Not me. Never me. I always stayed behind, mostly by choice, but never contested because the other children thought I was weird. I think maybe they unconsciously knew that I was lacking something fundamental. Something they all had and I didn’t, and maybe even never had at all. Whatever it was, I was alienated, excluded from their games. But I couldn’t say it bothered me. I was indifferent to it. Katia would sometimes play with me. Yuri’s youngest daughter, my adoptive sister, kept me company when she wasn’t with her own friends. But she’d been home sick that day.

In the small classroom with its oversized, rainbow-colored letters hanging over the chalkboard and tiled number blocks littering the carpeted floor, I sat in the beanbag chair staring fixatedly at the class pet. Sweet Ms. Devon always stayed with me but she’d left for a moment. A moment to heat her lunch. A moment to speak to a fellow staff member in the teachers’ lounge. But it’d been a moment too long for me. The noise in my head had been too loud. The urge too strong. The pink-eyed little rabbit, Mr. Apples, and the yellow pair of scissors sitting blades down in Ms. Devon’s “Best Teacher” mug had been too much of a temptation for me to resist.

The pounding of my heart. The lullaby and the thrum. The latch had given way beneath my shaking fingers, soaked with apprehension and anticipation. The struggle. The frantic movement of something living, something warm, with the same accelerated heartbeat as mine grappling for life. Desperate for freedom even while knowing the inevitable hand of death loomed was intoxicating. The thrill, the excitement, the sweet seductive power. I swam in it. Like too much candy on Halloween. Too much ice cream in the summer. It had been a quick death for Mr. Apples. It had been crude. Amateurish. But ever so effective in quieting the discord of my mind.

Poor, sweet Ms. Devon came to find me on the floor of the overly-bright classroom. Huddled on the floor, covered in Mr. Apples. She’d been one to smile a lot. But I stole her smile that day and replaced it with horror instead. Her pretty features contorted like a Kabuki mask.

4.5 I Want My Mama Now Stars

Have you ever looked at something so beautiful, so utterly alluring that you just wanted to destroy it? That’s what you are to me. You are this beautiful thing I want to destroy.

Do you like dark romance that have a redeemable hero that slowly succumbs to his inevitable love for the heroine? Perhaps an anti-hero that has what you’d like to think is a semblance of a conscience? Well fuck that and your delicate sensibilities! Because you sure as fuck won’t find it here!

I’m serious. This book is like the love child that would result if Seduced In The Dark and Dexter ever had wild monkey sex and then had a baby that was seriously fucked in the head. Holy mother this was all sorts of fucked up. It was also Francette Phal’s best book to date. If you’re like me and have read every other book that this author has written, then you know she leans towards the super angsty, a little gritty, a lot dark, and seriously fucked up stories. Well, this is her most dark and fucked up yet.

If you’re looking for an anti-hero that is unapologetically flawed (pun intended), meet Knox. A serial killer, a cold and brutal borderline sociopath. This is not a man that will make your happy place tingle. This is a man that will have you quivering in fear and questioning your sanity because you find yourself liking it…and then finding that your happy place tingles. (Just don’t expect that till pretty much the very end of the book)

Lacey is a product of her circumstances. A high school senior who has all the skills to get into the best universities…if only she wasn’t constantly taking care of her junky mother and a brother that she’s constantly bailing out of trouble.

I know I am the constant in this never ending cycle of fuckery. I don’t know who I killed in my past life, but it seems I’m paying for it in this one.

Your heart will break for this girl and everything that she goes through. The author spares no gritty or painful detail when it comes to what she deals with on a daily basis.

But then her life takes an unimaginable turn when she meets him.

If you’re looking for a book that is dark but has this undercurrent of a budding romance, this is NOT that. Not at all. At least not yet. There is nothing soft or even redeeming about Knox in this book. He is a cold and ruthless bastard. There are scenes of borderline non-consent. There are also scenes of extremely graphic violence. Knox doesn’t look at the Lacey and all of a sudden become a different person. Fuck no! He’s just as cold and ruthless with her…

I will treat you like a favorite toy and break you simply because I can. In this room, you are an object, my object. You have no voice. You have no opinion. Your wants, your needs, are inconsequential to the pleasure that I will reap from your pain.

Yeah. Exactly.

This book takes you deep into the underbelly of a Boston crime family. It’s depraved, and dark, and violent. It spares no details and makes no excuses. There’s murder, rape, human trafficking, and then there’s the beautiful faces with the ruthless hearts that run it all. It’s fucked up is what I’m trying to tell you here. Don’t expect any moments of light or any dose of happy.

It’s a truth you will never say aloud. A want you will never admit to, even to yourself, but i can see your sweet, dark truth. I can smell how badly you want to be controlled. And rest assured, Lacey, there will only ever be one man who pulls your leash. Me.

Through all this the author manages to build an inexplicable connection between a predator and his prey. This truly goes to show you Francette’s talent as a writer because as depraved as it was, you’ll believe it, you’ll actually find yourself rooting for this couple at the end and yet you won’t have the slightest idea why.

He seduces me with his words, lays a path of pleasure-laced agony for me to follow and I do. Stupidly, I follow him down the blinding darkness of this euphoric hell. Shame can’t touch the girl he wants me to be, the girl who needs his absolutely mastery.

I can honestly tell you that this is one of the darkest books I’ve read to date. When I finished it I wanted a hug, a shot, and my mama…maybe not in that exact order. I can also tell you that it was a book I couldn’t put down for even a second. If the second book was already out, I’d be diving straight into it because it was THAT good.

Notice that I barely gave you any details about the plot? That’s because it’s best that way. Trust me when I say you don’t want to read any reviews before reading this one because you’ll just ruin the entire effect. You want to experience it along with the characters; the surprises, the secrets, the revelations, everything.

This is part 1 of a 2 book series and it does end with a cliffy. A big one in my opinion. A cliffy so bad that I’m practically foaming at the mouth for the next book. But I recommend you read this right away anyway, if anything just to experience the crazy along with me. As a matter of fact I’m still trying to find my sanity after finishing this and loving it as much as I did.

Francette lives in Massachusetts with her amazingly supportive husband of ten years and her darling two year old son. Reading amazing books has led her to writing and she’s dabbled in fan-fiction before self-publishing her own works. She’s constantly thinking up new stories to write and does her best work when music is playing in the background. Romance is where she’s most comfortable but she hopes to one day venture in mystery novels. She has a weakness for coffee ice cream, tropical fruits and a good glass of wine.

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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ✩First Debt✩ by @PepperWinters

Read the dark & sexy continuation to Jethro & Nila’s Story!

Amazon / B&N  / Kobo / iTunes

First Debt (Book Two) Indebted Series

“You say I’ll never own you. If I win—you willingly give me that right. You sign not only the debt agreement, but another—one that makes me your master until your last breath is taken. You do that, and I’ll give you this.”

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Stolen, taken, and bound not by monsters but by an agreement written over six hundred years ago, she has no way out.

She belongs to Jethro as much as she denies it.

Jethro Hawk’s patience is running out. His inheritance gift tests, challenges, and surprises him—and not in good ways. He hasn’t leashed her but he thinks he might’ve found a way to bind her forever.

Debts are mounting. Payment waiting.




5 It Just Keeps Getting Better Stars

The only way I had a chance at surviving long enough to reap vengeance on the men who ruined my ancestors was to fight his ice with fire.
I had to burn.
I had to blaze.
I had to cinder his beliefs and control to the ground. And smear his soul with the ashes of his sins.

If you’ve read the first book and found yourself unsure about where this series is going, READ THIS BOOK. First Debt just goes to further proof the genius that is the evil mind of Pepper Winters. I say evil because when you get to the cliffy at the end, you’ll be convinced that the woman is fucking with you. She flawlessly and seamlessly weaves a twisted and dark tale that will leave you with more questions than answers and only leave you begging for more. If you haven’t read the first book, DO NOT read my review as it will contain minor spoilers. I will keep it spoiler free for this book though.

First Debt takes off immediately where Debt Inheritance left off. Nila Weaver is given a choice; run and if she escapes then she’s released from the Debt, but if she’s caught she fully gives herself over to Jethro Hawk. Mind, body, and soul.

Everything I’d been prepared for- every argument, every hardship I’d been drilled to expect- hadn’t prepared me for the complication that was Nila Weaver.

Pepper Winters manages to do the seemingly impossible in this book. She gives a naive and sheltered virgin a backbone of steel and she makes you BELIEVE it. She also humanizes a cold and brutal man and gives you a peak inside his cracked armor without ruining the effect of his control.

This woman had the power to ruin me. That would never be permitted. I had to ruin her first.

Both these characters are so deeply in my brain right now, I still can’t stop thinking about them even a day after I finished. You really get to see both sides of the coin in their personalities. While Nila continues to develop more and more strength and truly come into her own, you also get glimpses of the vulnerable woman that has no control over her own fate. On the other hand you have a cold and ruthless Jethro, but then you get a glimpse of how he came to be the way he is and his…shall we say, motivation?

While book one was more of a build and set up for the story, this one really gives you an undercurrent of romance. Don’t get me wrong, since it is a Pepper Winters book after all, it’s certainly not sunshine and butterflies. No. But you do have a passion that so clearly burns between two people that couldn’t be more dangerous to each other.

Kiss me,” I murmured…
“I don’t kiss my enemies.”
“You just fuck them?”
His mouth twitched into a roguish smile. “Only if they beg.”

Every kiss, every touch- I was sentencing her to worse than any debt she could ever repay.

This author really knows how to build up a story that will keep you gripped to the pages from beginning to end. You’ll be left with more questions with answers, but little by little you start getting more puzzle pieces…they’re just not yet fitting together.

We locked eyes.

I shouted at her silently.
Cursed her wordlessly.

You feel me inside you?

You feel me claiming you?
You feel me destroying you?
You feel me around you?
You feel me undermining you?
You feel me making you care?

With the First Debt taking place you get to find out more about the Weaver/Hawke ancestor history that has all led to this. You get a pretty big chunk of it here, and yet there’s obviously still plenty left to be answered.

You also really get that first semblance of the romance here. It may not be perfect but the foundation is being intricately laid out.

Prepare yourself for the mother of all cliffhangers too. If you thought it was bad before, you’ll probably want to rip your hair out after this one. If I don’t get the next book sometime soon, I’m pretty sure I’ll cut a bitch LOL.

Debt Inheritance (Book One) Indebted Series

“I own you. I have the piece of paper to prove it. It’s undeniable and unbreakable. You belong to me until you’ve paid off your debts.”

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Being the first born daughter, her life is forfeit to the first born son of the Hawks to pay for sins of ancestors past. The dark ages might have come and gone, but debts never leave. She has no choice in the matter.

She is no longer free.

Jethro Hawk receives Nila as an inheritance present on his twenty-ninth birthday. Her life is his until she’s paid off a debt that’s centuries old. He can do what he likes with her—nothing is out of bounds—she has to obey.

There are no rules. Only payments.

A modern day Dark Erotic Romance

ONLY $0.99

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex… her books have sex.

She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

Her Dark Erotica books include:

Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)

Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)

Her Grey Romance books include:


STALK Pepper: 

Signed Swag Packs (2 Winners)

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Review: ✩No Promises Required✩ by Cari Quinn

A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

No strings. And no restraints…

Professional football player Bryan Townsend is sidelined for the next two weeks while he recovers from a knee injury. The upside? He’ll get to attend his sister’s wedding. The downside? He’s not sure he’ll have a spot on his team when he returns. So when he’s confronted by a sexy blast from his past the night of the bachelor party, he sees an opportunity to seduce thevery stunning maid of honor.

But Bryan had no clue Jill St. John was still a virgin. Or that she was merely looking to expand her sexual repertoire without having to trust anyone with her heart. But with every encounter, Jill can’t help but fall for the man Bryan’s become. The clock is running down. If he’s to win it all, Bryan must make the biggest play of his career—choosing between his team…or the woman he’s always wanted.

Available today and just $.99 for a limited time!
4 Bad Boy meets Good Girl with a bad side Stars

It turns out that the girl next door sometimes grows up to be the woman who makes you fall in love with her, whether or not you’re ready.

I love Cari Quinn’s writing, and she never fails to deliver some of the sexiest bad boys I’ve had the pleasure of reading. When you have a football star with a penchant for dirty talk and a little kink thrown in?

Nothing I like more than good girl lusting after her best friend’s older brother trope. It’s pretty much always a winner in my book, especially when the MCs chemistry is so sizzling it practically burns the pages.

Jill has been lusting after the town’s bad boy, Bryan, since she was just a teen. But unfortunately for her, he’s always seen her as his younger sister’s best friend. They share one sizzling kiss once and then he leaves town to pursue his football career. Now he’s back for his sister’s wedding, and all bets are off. Jill may be a virgin, but she’s determined to finally seduce the bad boy into her bed…even if she has to get her hands a little uhem…dirty…in the process.

I was a little afraid at first that Jill would annoy me at first. I’m not really a reader that likes heroines that are on the brash side, or are basically coming off as desperate in their pursuit of the guy, but luckily Jill never quite crossed that line. She does pursue Bryan, and she’s certainly not shy about it, but it was never excessive to the point where it would bother me.

Make me come. Please.” She didn’t recognize the high, thin pitch of her own voice. She couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t quite get there.
“I will, baby. I’m living for it.”

Now Bryan was a bad boy you will fall for right away. He struggles with his attraction to Jill. Given his reputation of the love them and leave them type, he thinks she’s too good for him. That is, until the good girl shows him that she has a VERY bad side to her.

This wasn’t about claiming some part of her she hadn’t given someone else. This was total ownership. But he didn’t own her. She owned HIM.
His body. His mind. His heart.

No Promises Required is a steamy, a little kinky, and a lot entertaining. It was the perfect sexy romance to pick up while in between books. I enjoyed the heck out of it. If you’re a fan of the best friend’s sibling trope, you will LOVE this book. Cari Quinn definitely knows how to write one scorching sex scene. But beyond the sex, there was a fantastic romance with even better secondary characters. I really hope that Cade will be getting a book. My curiosity is definitely peaked with that one.

Don’t miss the first 3 books in the Love Required series!

No Dress Required (Love Required, bk 1)
No Flowers Required (Love Required, bk 2)
No Romance Required (Love Required, bk 3)

Review: ✩Soul Resurrected✩ by @KeriLake

As Wrath’s fiercest son, Logan carries the scars of fifty years spent in the most dreaded prison of the underworld, for a sin he’d kill to keep secret. Enduring decades of gruesome torture has left Logan feared by and detached from others, until a female Alexi’s blood resurrects his soul from death and, with it, the pleasures he’s been denied for so long.Plagued by shame of her own, Calla is drawn to the ruthless demon, Logan, whose insatiable craving for her touch rouses buried passions and, for once, leaves her feeling desired.

A dark and dangerous evil has been reawakened, however, and when Calla is drawn too close to its breeding grounds, Logan vows to summon the violence of Wrath in order to keep her safe. First, though, Calla must save him from a past riddled with deceit and corruption … but only if she can accept the chilling consequences of unearthing his vilest skeleton.

Sons of Wrath
Never gamble with vengeance …

Warning: This book contains explicit language, sex, and violence. Not suitable for readers under 18 years of age.

Title: Soul Resurrected
Series: Sons of Wrath (book 2)
Author: Keri Lake
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: October 31st 2013


I never believed in love. Mostly because love never believed in me enough to break through my shield. Why believe in something that’s never touched you?

Holy, sweet mother of AWESOME. Where has this series been all my life? It was 500+ pages of action packed, gritty, sexy, unputdownable awesome that I absolutely devoured. My nails are bit to shit, I’m running on about 2 hrs of sleep, and you know what? So. Totally. Worth. It. If you haven’t started this series yet, I’m not sure what you’re doing with your life.
After the set up for Logan’s book in Soul Avenged I knew I couldn’t wait any longer before diving straight into his book. I read them back to back. I was incredibly curious how things would play out with him and Calla. I’m not a reader that likes weak and sniveling heroines, and Calla gave me those vibes in the previous book. Boy was I wrong!

Vulnerability and weakness are two separate entities, Miss Calla. Where one exposes you to pain, the other allows you to be consumed by it.

Calla really comes into her own in this book and proves herself to be a force to be reckoned with. She does make a few questionable decisions here and there, but none of that made me like her any less. She was the perfect match for Logan.
It’s clear from just the first few pages that Logan is a very broken character. He’s already survived unspeakable horrors in his life, and his recent death and resurrection is just another notch to add to it. In the midst of all the turmoil that is already ever present in his head there is also the woman that got him killed in the first place; Calla, the Alexi warrior.
This was no insta-love or insta-lust case. Not even fucking close. Logan hates Calla and makes no bones about it. He also makes it pretty evident that he blames her for what happened. He’s cold, and callous, and utterly brutal to her. It was delicious. Because underneath all of that loathing is a undercurrent of unwanted lust. Keri Lake did a phenominal job working that in without making it too obvious. It truly makes the reader burn for this couple to finally figure that out themselves.

While I felt that the romance was secondary in the first book, it was definitely front and center here. While it is a slow but sizzling hot build, it is clearly prevalent in the story. Once Logan realizes how Calla really effects him, all bets are off…
You want a tortured, dirty talking, and yet somehow endearingly vulnerable hero? Logan is all that and more. I love PNR, but as much of it as I’ve read through the years, some heroes tend to blend into one another. Not Logan or ANY of the Wrath brothers. Nope. These are alphas that I’ll be comparing all other alphas to.
In the midst of the romance you also have an incredibly action packed and fast paced story. The author has woven together an intricate world with unique characters and twists and turns that will leave you biting your nails and turning the pages well into the night. Holy shit it was awesome! The whole thing unfolded before me like a movie playing through my mind.

She’d broken him. Punched right through him and found the soft, dark place that he’d sworn off to everyone. Little Calla, the seemingly meek and fragile human female, had somehow fought her way through his defenses with every intention of conquering his heart.

If you’re a fan of sizzling hot and action packed PNR, this is a series that is a MUST read. Trust me. I’m seriously kicking myself for not discovering it sooner. And now I’m left practically panting for Gavin’s book next. Keri is the queen of a twisty set up that will leave the reader begging for the next book. I can’t freaking wait!

I do not recommend reading these books out of order as each one builds off of the other. The story will be that much more enjoyable if read in order.

Review: ✩Soul Avenged✩ by Keri Lake

Passion is blind in vengeance and love…

Ayden’s suburban home was invaded by a pack of Lycans.

The brutal attack is the only memory she carries of her former life.

Now, one motive burns in her soul:


The Sons of Wrath—a brood of vengeance-dealing warrior demons—band with Ayden to hunt the Lycans on Detroit’s most deadly feeding grounds.

Kane Walker should’ve been her easiest kill.

Unfortunately, the newly bitten Lycan has something she wants—clues that may finally lay her past to rest. To reach them, she must be willing to submit to the sensual pleasures awakened by his touch.

Time is running out.

In seven days, Kane will become what Ayden despises most. She can halt his transformation but the antidote requires the ultimate sacrifice. As the beast takes hold, Kane becomes more of a threat.

Ayden must choose between her lust for revenge, or surrender to her enemy and discover a horrible truth.

Sons of Wrath
Never gamble with vengeance

Title: Soul Avenged
Series: Sons of Wrath #1
Author: Keri Lake
Genre: Paranormal Romance
4 Holy Shit Why Did It Take Me So Long To Read This STARS

Anger and vengeance was all she’d ever known, all she’d ever lived for.

PNR was the genre that first got me into reading, it continues to be one of my favorites to this day. But finding a good PNR series lately has become like finding a needle in a haystack. But boy did I hit the fucking motherload when I found Keri Lake’s Sons of Wrath series.

You want a kickass heroine that puts most men to shame? Meet Ayden
Usually when I start a new PNR series, I have what I refer to as a case of the “book firsts”. What I mean is, it takes me a while to truly get into the book with all the character introductions and world building. Not here. Keri’s intricate and unique world building sucked me right in from the very beginning. I knew right away that that I had a new favorite series on my hands. And the Wrath brothers? Holy mother of FUCK, those boys are drool worthy and panty melting hot.

Ayden is a very tough and yet cold heroine. She’s survived a brutal attack that would have left her dead and then was molded into a cold-blooded hunter whose one goal is to hunt down and kill every single Lycan. With zero memory of her old life, all she’s known is vengeance and death.
We’re introduced to an intricate world of ghouls, lycans, demons, and much more. Ayden definitely stands out above the rest with her no-ties, cold hearted and brutal tendencies. This is not a soft heroine in the very least. This woman kicks ass and makes no apologies. When she finds a recently bitten Lycan (Kane) writhing in pain, it should be an easy kill…except one touch gives her memories that may very well be her own. She has seven days before he makes a full turn and she’s forced to kill him to figure out just how this halfling ties into her old life.

I have to admit that Ayden was a tough heroine to truly like in the very beginning. She treats Kane like the dirt stuck to her shoe, even though he’s not a fully turned Lycan yet and is a victim just like she was. Her treatment of him was so cold it was almost off-putting at times.
I would also say that the romance was not really the center of this book, or at least it didn’t quite feel like that to me. But I couldn’t care in the least because between all the secondary characters and the world building, I was so thoroughly sucked in that I didn’t even bat an eyelash at it.

My other minor quibble was that Kane wasn’t quite the alpha male that I usually prefer in books…or at least not in the beginning. He wasn’t quite beta either, I’d call him a gamma hero. He really came into his own towards the end, and it was very satisfying. But he was more sweet and caring and at times I almost questioned how he could have feelings for Ayden after her treatment of him.

However, Keri Lake is an extremely talented author in that she’s able to tie everything together flawlessly. Everything was a balance system and all questions get answered in the end about Kane, Ayden, as well as a few others. I LOVED how Keri was able to tie everything together. The reader really gets a feel for why Ayden is the way that she is and why Kane, although not quite as tough as she is, is the perfect match for her. Then there were the plot twists! Holy fucking shit those plot twists! You will never see them coming and when they hit you BAM! You’ll be left with your jaw hanging open. Holy shit it was awesome!

Soul Avenged is a unique, action packed ride that you will not want to put down from beginning to finish add into that some incredibly sexy Wrath demons and you’ve got yourself a recipe for awesome! As a matter of fact, I’m diving right into Logan’s book because I can’t wait a second longer. If you’re looking for a new PNR series with characters that you will absolutely pant over, look no further. I cannot believe it took me so long to finally start this one. Thank you to my lovely friend Sammy for giving me the final push that I need it. I highly recommend this for any fans of sexy PNR.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Not Until You✩ by @RoniLoren

Not Until You
Author: Roni Loren
Genre: Erotic Romance, BDSM
Release Date: November 4, 2014

Cela knows how to be good. She’s had a lifetime of practice. But on the night of her college graduation, she decides she’s earned one wild night before she has to move back home to her overprotective family. So when the hot neighbor she’s been quietly fantasizing about for a year suggests a game of Never Have I Ever, she’s ready. But what starts out as a simple game takes an unexpected turn. Because Ian Foster doesn’t play games he can’t win.

Foster knows his desires aren’t for the faint of heart, especially not for someone as sweet and innocent as his pretty neighbor. But when Cela shows up at his door with an invitation that surprises him, he can’t resist indulging. Cela has no idea what she’s in for. The secret dark side of this man’s need will both intrigue and terrify her. But Cela has a secret of her own—and a new game to see just how far they’re both willing to go, and how much they’re willing to risk by crossing every boundary of desire.

Amazon / B&N / iTunes / Kobo


“Andre, this isn’t a good time. Can I call you back?”

I did my best not to let my cell phone slip from between my ear and shoulder. Just don’t drop the tequila. I adjusted the enormous bottle my friend, Bailey, had given me as a graduation present from my right hand to beneath my left arm and tried to dig my keys out of my purse so I could open the main door to my apartment building.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to make it, Cela,” my older brother said, his guilt obviously trumping my request to call him later. “I got caught at an investigation site this morning. I thought I’d be able to get there in time, but we had a witness wanting to talk and….”

I cursed silently as my keys hit the pavement. I crouched down, doing my best not to flash my underwear to anyone who may be passing by. “Really, it’s fine. They called my name. I walked across the stage and got a piece of paper and a sash for being summa cum laude. Papá yelled my name like he was at a baseball game instead of a ceremony. Mamá cried. We all went to lunch at Rosario’s and then the two of them headed back to the airport. Not that interesting.”

My brother’s heavy sigh said everything. I almost felt guilty that he felt so guilty. “Before you move back home next month, we’re getting together to celebrate. My baby sister, the doctor. I’m so proud I could burst.”

I smiled. I did like the sound of that. Dr. Marcela Medina, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Seven years of exams and studying and clinics, but it was finally done. Now it was time to leave Dallas and head back home to Verde Pass and take up the slack in my dad’s practice.

That last part had my smile faltering a bit. I hooked my key ring with my finger and wobbled back to a stand. “That’s sounds great. But I really have to get going. I have my hands full and need to get through the door.”

“Cela, you know better than to carry too much. Parking lots at night are one of the most dangerous places for women. Are you holding your mace?” he asked, his voice going into that bossy cop tone I was all too familiar with.

“It’s in my hand,” I lied, trying to remember where I’d stowed the last little canister he’d given me—probably in my junk drawer. “But I don’t have a free hand to pull the door open.”

“All right,” he said, placated. “Congratulations again. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

The phone call ended but I didn’t have a way to take the phone off my ear, so I just shuffled forward in a sideways hunch, trying to juggle everything I was holding to get my key into the door. After two attempts, I got the lock turned and pressed my back against the glass door to push my way into the lobby.

As soon as I’d cleared the entrance and turned toward the stairs, male voices sounded behind me. Of course someone would show up right after I didn’t need help anymore. I peeked back to see who it was, Andre’s danger warnings still echoing in my head, but found something more distracting than criminals—my neighbors, Foster and Pike.

Foster stepped through the main door first and glanced my way. As usual, everything went melty inside me, his smile like a zap of heat to my system. Ridiculous. “Need some help, neighbor?”

I straightened, but forgot about my phone in the process. My brand new I-

Phone went sliding off my shoulder.

“Crap!” I lurched forward, trying to save it from its imminent demise, and accidentally dropped my plastic bag of Chinese takeout on the way.

“Whoa, there.” Pike, Foster’s roommate, was at my side in a second. His hand caught my elbow, saving me from losing the ginormous bottle of liquor along with my balance. But my phone clattered to the ground, the harsh sound mixing with the splat of my noodles hitting tile.

I winced, anticipating a broken screen. “Dammit.”

Foster bent down, his tie brushing the ground as he swept my phone off the floor. He peered at the screen, dark brows lowering over pale eyes, then he turned the phone toward me—the happy puppy screensaver staring back at me in tact. “All is well. Luckily, these things are built to take a licking.”

My brain got snagged on the work lick, and the back of my neck went hot. My lips parted, but words failed me. Great, imitate a gaping goldfish–that’s cute.

Pike cleared his throat, easing the tequila from my arms, and then crouched down near the open bag at my feet. He grabbed a noodle from the spilled box of Chinese food, tipped his head back and dropped it into his mouth, his eyes watching mine. “The lomein’s a loss, though.”

I swallowed hard, his gaze even more bad boy than the tattoos peeking out from his open collar. His pierced tongue snaked around the noodle. Look away. I forced my face upward, but then ended up focusing on Foster again. Say something. God, I was standing there like an idiot. This was why I always avoided these two like they were contagious. They made me go stupid.

Foster held out my phone, and I managed to take it, the slight brush of his fingers against mine hitting the reset button in my brain. I managed a feeble, “Thank you.”

Foster glanced at the mess on the floor. “I’m really sorry I said anything. I didn’t mean to distract you from your intricate juggling act.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have been trying to carry everything at once. It’s been a long day, and I was hoping to save myself a second trip up the stairs.”

“The joys of a walk-up.” Pike grabbed a few napkins and started cleaning up the noodles at my feet like it was his mess to worry about.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” I lowered down to my knees. “I’ll take care of it.”

He grinned over at me, the mirror opposite of his roommate. Ian Foster was all suits and dark looks—a man who preferred to be called by his surname. Whereas, Pike didn’t seem to even have a last name. He was a drummer in some popular local band—jeans, a sex-on-the-mind-smile, and spiked, bleached hair his usual uniform. Not that I had studied either of them. Or listened to their escapades through the wall I shared with them. Not at all.

Keep telling yourself that, Cela.

Despite my protest, Pike helped me finish picking up the mess. “So what’s the big ass bottle of tequila for? No one could’ve had that bad of a day.”

I glanced over at the bottle I’d set on the floor, debating whether I could be trusted to have normal conversation with these two without sounding like I had a speech impediment. “I, uh, graduated today. It was a gift.”

“Oh, right on.”

“Congratulations, Cela,” Foster said. Just the sound of him saying my name in that smooth, dark voice had my stomach clenching. He was all southern refinement, but I didn’t miss the glimmer of a drawl underneath it all.

Ay diosmio. My body clamored to attention like an eager Labrador ready to be petted. Down, girl. These guys were way above my pay grade. I wasn’t dumb or delusional. I’d seen/spied on/secretly hated the women who’d passed through their apartment door—women who looked like they’d earned their doctorates in the art of seduction.

I hadn’t even reached the kindergarten level in that particular department.

“Thank you.”

“You were going to vet school at Dallas U, right?” Foster had tucked his hands in the pockets of his slacks, and though the question was casual, I had the distinct impression he was tense beneath that suit jacket.

Pike handed me a napkin for my hands and stood to toss the food into a nearby trash can.

I wiped off my hands and pushed myself to my feet, trying to do it as gracefully as possible in my restrictive skirt. “Yes, how’d you know that?”

“The scrubs you wear have the school insignia on them,” Foster said, as if it was totally normal that he’d looked at me that closely.

“Observant.” Especially considering I usually only managed a head-down, mumbled hey-how-are-ya exchange when we passed each other in the hallway. Secretly listening to one of your hot neighbors having sex had a way of making eye contact a bit uncomfortable the next day—particularly if said eavesdropper had used the soundtrack to fuel her own interlude with her battery-operated boyfriend.

Not that I had. Several times. Whatever.

Pike sidled up next to Foster—a motley pair if there ever was one. “So, doc, now that you’ve got no dinner and clearly too much liquor on your hands, why don’t you join us? We already have pizza on the way, and we can play a drinking game with the tequila. Do college kids still play Never Have I Ever? I was always good at that one.”

Kid? Is that what they saw me as? Neither of them could be that much older than I was. Though in terms of life experience, I had no doubt they trumped me a few times over.

“Oh, no, that’s okay.” The refusal was automatic, long practiced. How many times had I turned down such offers—from guys, from friends? My parents had been so strict when I was younger that I almost didn’t know how to say yes even after living on my own the last few years. Studies first. Fun later. Yet, there never seemed to be any time for fun after the first one was finished.

“You sure? I don’t want you going to bed with no dinner because of us,” Foster said, frown lines marring that perfect mouth of his.

Going to bed and us was about all I heard. My father’s stern voice whispered in my ear. You don’t know these men. You’ll be all alone in their apartment. Medina women have more respect for themselves than that.

“Really, I’m fine. I had a big lunch,” I said, my smile brief, plastic. “But thanks.”

“Oh, come on,” Pike said, his tone cajoling. “We’ve been neighbors for what, two years? We should at least get to know a little about each other.”

Get to know each other? I knew that Foster was loud when he came—even if he was alone. Knew that Pike liked to laugh during sex. Knew the two men shared women. And the other sounds I’d heard over the last two years…the smacks, the commands, the erotic screams. My face went as hot as if I’d stuck my head in an oven.

“Y’all just want me for my tequila,” I said, attempting to deflect my derailing thoughts.

The corner of Pike’s mouth lifted. “Of course that’s not all we want you for.”

“Uh…” Oh, hell. Pictures flashed across my brain. Dirty, delicious pictures. I almost dropped my phone again. I had no idea what to do with my hands, my expression.

Foster put a hand on Pike’s shoulder. “The lady said no. I think we should let her go celebrate her graduation however she wants.”

“All right.” Pike’s face turned hang dog, but he handed me the tequila bottle. “If you change your mind, we’ve got big plans. Supreme pizza and a Star-Wars-themed porn marathon. The Empire Sucks C—”

Foster smacked the back of Pike’s head, and Pike ducked and laughed.

“Kidding. I mean, a Jane Austen marathon,” Pike corrected, his green-gold eyes solemn. “Pride and Pu—”

Foster was behind Pike, his hand clamping over his friend’s mouth in a flash. “I seriously can’t take him out. He’s like an untrained puppy. Maybe you can lend me a shock collar or something.”

Pike waggled his eyebrows, all playful wickedness.

I laughed, putting my hand to my too hot forehead, and turning toward the stairs. “Yeah, so, I’m going to go now.”

“Cela,” Foster said as I put my foot onto the first step.

I glanced back. “Yeah?”

His ice melt eyes flicked downward, his gaze alighting along the length of me before tracing their way upward again in a slow, unashamed perusal. “Promise you won’t go to bed hungry.”

I wet my lips, my skin suddenly feeling too tight to accommodate the blood pumping beneath it, and nodded.

But it was a lie.

I always went to bed hungry.

And it had nothing to do with a spilled dinner.

4 Stars

Never have I ever…

Broken the Rules.

Had a one-night stand.
Lived out a fantasy.
Slept with the hot neighbors I’ve been crushing on for a year.
Lost Control.
But I want to…

First of all, if you haven’t read any other books by this fantastic author, you’re seriously missing out. If you liked erotic BDSM romance than you really need to read her Loving on the Edge series. I first fell in love with this series when I stumbled onto the very first book, Crash into You and absolutely loved it. Not Until You was originally written as a serial spin off from that series, with the heroine being Cela, who is the younger sister of Andre (the hero from Melt into You). I knew right away that I wanted to read it, but my poor impatient self just couldn’t bring myself to read it one crumble at a time…so I waited for the full serial to be out and read it as a full book.

I was spellbound. Things like this did’t happen in my life. I didn’t allow them to. My world was safely constructed and populated with people who didn’t push my boundaries.

Marcela or Cela has been a good girl all her life, constantly feeling the pressure to be the obedient child while stuck under her father’s overbearing thumb. Now she’s finally achieved her goal of graduating veterinary school and is preparing to go back to the family nest to join her father’s practice. But before she does that, she wants to truly experience passion and life…and what’s a better way to do that then one sinfully sex night with her two incredibly sexy neighbors.

Now before you go getting any ideas, while this book does have a VERY hot MFM scene, it is NOT a MFM romance. It’s made clear from the very first encounter that the true passions burns the hottest between Cela and Foster.

You want to play this game, angel, and know what I’m really like? Want to see what you think is such a little issue? Because I’ve had a real bad day, and there’s nothing I’d like more right now than to fuck that notion right out of you.

Foster was absolute perfection. He was also a breath of fresh air since he was (are you sitting down for this) a dom that actually WANTED a relationship and a commitment of having a sub. That’s not to say that he doesn’t have issues, because he had those aplenty. Guilt from a tragedy from his past, fear of the woman he wants not wanting his particular brand of dominance. He falls hard and fast for Cela (though no insta-love found here), but he’s afraid that she’s just sowing her wild oats with him.

It was the perfect moment.
With the perfect woman.
And for just those few minutes, as they rolled over and curled into each other, he let himself imagine that it wouldn’t be temporary. That’d he’d found that girl.

Cela develops feelings for Foster but she’s afraid of being weak or getting out from one man’s thumb and right under another. She struggles with her submissive nature and questions their relationship.

I really enjoyed this book, but I also felt that it was a little dragged out at parts. I found myself skimming through parts of the book since my interest would wane. But this wasn’t frequent and didn’t last long.

My only other quibble is Foster’s constant use of the “angel” endearment. It drove me a little batty. I understand that was his “thing” for her, but switching it up at times wouldn’t have hurt. It was used 153 times. And I’m a reader that tends to nitpick, so you can tell my dilemma here.

But nonetheless, the book was still highly entertaining, the romance was sizzling, and even considering my 2 quibbles I did still really like it.

There is also a bonus novella included here, So Into You. Which was a nice little addition to the book. I loved getting Bret’s story since she really intrigued me in Cela and Foster’s book.

If you’re wondering if you can read this without having read the other books in the series? Absolutely. Though if you’ve read Melt into You, you’ll appreciate the appearance of Andre, Jace and Evan in this one. However, it can easily be read as a standalone.

Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. Though she’ll forever be a New Orleans girl at heart, she now lives in Dallas with her husband and son.

If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rockstars, er, rock concerts. Yeah, that’s it. She is the National Bestselling Author of The Loving on the Edge series from Berkley Heat.

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