Release Blitz, Interview, Review & #Giveaway: ★Temperance★ by @EllaFrank2012

Author: Ella Frank
Genre: Romantic Fantasy
Release Date: January 13, 2015
 “Tell me about this place. This… Arcania.”
What if your life as you knew it ceased to exist?

That is the question Naeve Brannigan and her three sisters are faced with on the eve of their 25th birthday.
Continuing a tradition they’ve hidden from their mother for years, the four women arrive at a tarot shop to have their futures told.

Only this time their futures aren’t predicted—they’re forever changed.

They’ve awoken in a strange time and place with no knowledge of how they got there. All they have to go by is the word of a man who claims to be family—a family they’ve never heard of. He tells them of a world they could never have imagined. One that has been cursed by an Empress fueled by old revenge—revenge their mother appears to be at the center of. As they fight to survive the people and dangers of an unknown land, they slowly begin to unravel its mysteries to find that they hold the key to saving this world…this Arcania. 

The question that remains for each of them is: Who do you become when the you that you always were is no longer?


DGR: Hi Ella, thanks for allowing me to interview you once more. I love having you here at DGR. Can we start with a quick introduction for readers that may not be familiar with your work yet?

EF: Hi Lana! Thank you for having me. I always love visiting DGR whenever I can.

A quick introduction on myself…let me see. I’m a Gemini, which may or may not explain the multiple voices and personalities always coming out of my brain.

I love to write all kinds of romantic based fiction, whether it is M/F contemporary, M/M, erotic and erotica, and now I can say fantasy. I love it all!

DGR: Temperance marks the beginning of your new series, The Arcanian Chronicles. This is certainly a step away from anything that you’ve written in the past. What made you want to write in this genre?

EF: I wanted to write something different. I love to read all genres, but sometimes I find that when I’m reading the same thing over and over I tend to get bored. The same could be said with my writing. Sometimes you need a change, and for me I definitely felt the need to switch it up, to try something new.

DGR: I have to say, I absolutely LOVE the synopsis for this book. It sounds almost whimsically good. Was it as fun to write as I’m sure it’s going to be to read?

EF: Was the synopsis fun to write? Ha! Funny you should ask because I am pretty sure all authors would agree that the synopsis is NEVER fun to write. It’s the monumental task of trying to condense a three hundred-page story into three paragraphs. I’m thrilled you loved it, and that it took you on it’s own mini journey. That is what I was hoping for.

DGR: Can you tell us a little about the series and your plans for it? How many books do you plan to write for it?

EF: A little about this series…hmm, well I can’t say much without giving things away. But I will tell you there will be four books for sure, since there are obviously four sisters. There is the possibility of a fifth because there is one character in there that certainly needs a story of his own…so we will see how that unfolds. But for now I would say between four and five books.

DGR: One of my favorite parts of this book were the incredibly vivid visuals and world building. Was there anything in particular that you used for your visual inspiration for this?

EF: Thank you! That was the hardest part. I must have re-worked those first fifteen chapters, three or more times. Trying to capture the way I wanted the world to look. With the first book in a series such as this, you are certainly going to encounter a lot of character introduction and world building, you just hope against hope that you do it in a way that intrigues the reader and takes them to another place. Enough so that that they want to know more about it and can really envision the land you have created. It was a huge challenge and one I procrastinated over for months.

I built up a very full Pinterest board, and had a lot of images I drew inspiration from as I built my Arcania.

DGR: There are a lot of things happening in Temperance and quite a few unique characters that are introduced. Are all books in the series going to follow this kind of formula with multiple POVs and other interwoven storylines along with the romance?

EF: Yes, there is a lot going on, I know. But I kind of like my stories that way. I love knowing what every character is thinking and how they are feeling as the story progresses. So yes, I do see the entire series being told in a similar light.

While this is a fantasy romance series, and there is an aspect of romance that will be in each of the stories, it is also about the relationships between the families and the people within the world that I really want to build.

So hopefully that will come through for the reader, and will make them either root for good or evil, or to know more about the magical beings that will pop up. There is plenty more to discover as we go deeper into the world, that’s for sure.

DGR:  In Temperance you introduce some very intriguing characters like Ry’Ker, Kai, Bastian, and the 4 Brannigan sisters. Will each of them be getting a romantic interest of their own?

EF: Yes, yes, yes and yes (ßwas that vague enough? Ha!) I can’t tell you anymore than that. They will each have a story, and some of them have already met who they will fall for, while others…have not.

DGR: I loved Naeve and Kai together. Are we going to get more of them in the next book?

EF: Yes! Certainly. Their story has just begun. I feel as though everyone’s story will be told through all of the books, even though it is obvious there is a main couple it’s focused on…does that make sense? I won’t just be leaving Kai and Naeve as they were when you finished the book. They still have a long way to go on their journey.

DGR: If you had to describe Temperance using only 3-5 words, what would they be?

EF: Different

DGR: So what’s up next? Can you give us a little sneak peak into what the next book will bring or how soon we can get our hands on it?

EF: The next book I’m working on is the second in the co-authored series I am writing with Brooke Blaine, and then Trust (the third installment in my Temptation Series). I have no set dates yet, but both will be in the first half of 2015.

The second book in The Arcanian Chronicles will likely release around the same time this one did next year, as they take longer to write and I wish to dedicate the time it requires and do a good job on it. But in between I’m sure there will be some other project from myself.

Thank you as always for having me here on your blog Lana. It’s always a pleasure to work with you.

Xx Ella

4 Stars

Who do you become when the you that you always were is no longer?

I added this book to my TBR before I even knew what it was about. Ella Frank has been an auto-buy author for me for years, so if I see a book by her it’s a no brainer add. Period. After finishing this all I know is that I just want to live in her brain for just a day. I’m so serious. I’m convinced that the woman is storing a whole workload of pervy worker elves up there. How on earth does she keep coming up with such brilliant plots and then putting them off so flawlessly? I ask you! It’s just not humanly possible. And yet, when it comes to Ella, she continues to blow me away with each new book.

Why don’t you tell me about this place? This…Arcania.”
“Come closer, and I will show you.”

From just the first chapter I knew I was in for one amazingly intriguing and unique read, and I was so right. The world of Arcania was vividly painted through words, magical, and filled with so many unique characters that it actually took me a little bit to truly get a grasp on it.

Many years ago, a being that is now know as a “sensualeer” brought was almost the cause of the destruction of the entire land. An empress, born to magical powers, she gave in to the cravings inside her when she came in contact with a man, and the darkness within her took over. Since then an order was born with a higher being to oversee it in order to prevent such a thing from happening again.

Years later, set in Arcania past, Maeve, the eldest of her 4 siblings, is getting ready for her 25th birthday on which she will be meeting the man that is fated for her. Unfortunately the man that is destined for her is also the one that her sister is in love with. A sister that also happens to be marked with the blood of the crazed empress that upon the news that she will never have the man she loves, surrenders to the darkness within her

…and so the story begins.

In present time and in the modern world, Naeve along with her 3 sisters, are getting ready for their 25th birthday. A birthday where a tarot reading transports them to a different world and introduces them to things that they have never imagined.

There is A LOT of plot development and world building that takes place in this book. So much so, that there are multiple POVs that are also introduced, aside from the one of Naeve. This is also the brilliance of Ella Frank; because where I would usually find something like this to be too convoluted it actually worked here. The more I read, the more questions I had, and the more things begin to tie together. And I was absolutely sucked in before I even knew it.

He was like everything else in this strange, new world- a beautiful nightmare. Dark, dangerous, and lethal.

Kai was the mysterious brother of one of the Imperial Guards and the man sent to help find the 4 sisters when they get dropped in the world of Arcania. Knowing nothing about who they are or where they came from, he begrudgingly agrees to help find them in exchange for something that he wants to be named later. Kai was a character that grabbed my attention from the very beginning with his obviously dark secret, brooding personality, and tortured self. He was a bit of an enigma…much like his brother and head of the Imperial Guard’s Ry’Ker.

There was A LOT going on in this book. There were the connections between all the characters, the mystery behind what L’iAM, Naeve’s uncle and current ruler of Arcania is hiding, the secret of his son and his still unknown powers and so much more. Because of this, the romance that begins to develop between Naeve and Kai kind of took a secondary place. But don’t get me wrong, while it may not been predominant, it still played a role…

From the beginning Kai had overwhelmed her, frightened her, and controlled her destiny. But right near and now, the look in his eyes told her that she was the one in control. HE was under her spell.

As much as I’d love to give you more than this, I’d only confuse you. This is one of those books you really need to experience to understand. Having read a number of books in the romantic fantasy genre, this was very different…but in a good way. I wouldn’t really qualify this as JUST a romance because it’s so much more than that. Though I did wish that it did have a bit more with the romance since it did take me quite a bit to finally wrap my head around everything.

This is not a complete standalone in a series. This is a continuing plot that will continue throughout the series. While there is a somewhat cliffhanger, it’s not as bad as it could have been. It leaves off in a satisfying enough place that it won’t leave me a rage mess until the next book comes out. But it gives you just enough of a tease to still crave the next release anyway,

I can’t wait to see what the genius mind of Ella Frank has in store for this series next. Definitely a series I will gladly be continuing with.

**Teasers taken from the fabulous Ella Frank

Ella’s Links

  • Fallow Key
  • Those Who Wander Key Necklace
  • $30.00 Amazon GC
  • $20.00 B&N GC
  • Signed copy of Temperance & Bookmar/Postcard

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Release Blitz, Review & #Giveaway: ★Dirty Ties★ by @pamgodwinbooks

Dirty Ties
Author: Pam Godwin
Genre: Erotic, Romantic Suspense
Release Date: January 12, 2015
I race to finance it.
I evade to protect it.
I kill to attain it. 
I planned everything.

Except her.
The alluring, curvaceous blonde at the finish line. 
With sapphire eyes that cheat and lie. 
Whose powerful family murdered mine.

I hate her. 
I want her. 

I know she’s hiding something.

But so am I.

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He knelt over my attacker, his strength visible in the stretch of the jacket over his back and shoulders. His helmet cocked, angled in my direction. “I had this.”
Oh my God, his voice. Okay, it was definitely synthesized, his timbre humming with an electronic overlay, but it was deep and gravelly and so goddamned sexy.
Pull yourself together, Kaci. He was far more dangerous than the man who just attacked me.
“Get out of here.” I nodded to the street behind me, and as if on cue, another squad car zoomed by. “I’ll hold him until you’re gone.”
What was I saying? I didn’t want him to leave.
I thought I heard a chuckle, but couldn’t be sure with the whine of sirens and exhaust pipes. He looked back at my attacker, swung an arm, and knocked him out. Damn. Okay, that worked too.
I lowered the gun. “You won the race?”
“Of course.” He rose and erased the distance between us in three strides.
My nerves shivered, overloaded and amped up, and oh God, he was just standing there, heating the air around me, staring at me. What did he want? I opened my mouth to spew a gushing thank you.

He snatched the gun from my hand.
What the? “Give that ba—”
He lifted my chin and stroked a gloved finger over the nicks on my throat. Each caress irritated the cuts, but I didn’t want him to stop. He raised the finger in front of my visor, blood soaking the leather tip. “Have you learned your lesson?”
His voice reverberated through me, and my knees weakened. Even with the electronic distortion, he sounded pissed.
My heart panted, and a throb swelled, hot and needy, between my legs. All because of a pissed-off synthesized voice? I might’ve just swallowed my self-respect, but I couldn’t help it. My body had one mission, and that mission vibrated against me like he wanted to tear me in half. Damn me to hell, but my inner muscles clenched at the thought.
I touched my throat and flinched at the bite of pain. “It’s just a scratch.”
The reflection of my helmet in his visor wavered as he shook his head. He gazed down on me as if he were…considering something? God, I wished I could see his face, his eyes.
His finger returned to my throat, trailed a path beneath my chin, lifting it and catching on the edge of the helmet. He tugged it, like he wanted to rip off the shield and see my eyes, too. “Get on your bike, sweetheart.”
He flicked the safety on the gun and gripped my shoulders, turning my body to face the bike. Both bikes. His and mine side-by-side. Oh, how I loved the sight of that.
His fingers touched my hip, slipping beneath my jacket to stroke my bare skin. I trembled against the brush of his glove, until he opened his mouth. “This is your last race.”
The temperature in my helmet rose by ten degrees, and my cheeks inflamed. I glared at him over my shoulder. “Excuse me?”
Smack. A stinging jolt of fire rippled over my ass, and I shuffled forward. He fucking hit me! I placed my hands on the bike’s seat, and unbidden, a grin took hold of my face. He fucking spanked me.

5 Stars

The strongest love begins from a place of conflict. It’s a volatile journey of committing and fighting and recommitting, but the effort is resolute and evolves into something so consuming the heart aches just thinking about it.

It’s official, Pam Godwin is completely incapable of writing a book that I not only devour in one sitting, but I book I have yet to not absolutely love. And Dirty Ties was definitely no exception. It was different from her other books since it wasn’t dark but an romantic thriller. It was also absolutely unputdownable.

This author has this incredible ability to completely suck you into the story with her writing. You will not only feel every ounce of emotion along with the characters, but she paints such a picture with her words that the entire book unfolds before your eyes in vivid detail like a movie.

On the surface, Kaci Baskel has it all; stunning good looks, a healthy sex drive, an heir to media empire, and a loving marriage. But much like everything is with this book, not everything is as it seems and behind every door there’s a dark and dirty secret, some of which you will never see coming. While her husband is her best friend their marriage is anything but conventional, leaving Kaci unfulfilled in every way a woman yearns to be. Besides dealing with her corrupt and twisted parents and parents in law that sit at the head of the company she works for and hopes to be CEO of one day, there is the threat that is always hanging over her head that could cost her and her husband, Collin, everything. Should they not portray exactly what they need them to portray for the public their parents hold the very key to their destruction and they have no problem using it. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Kaci wants what she knows she can never have. And the man that is always front and center of her every fantasy is the one that’s only known in the illegal underground racing circuit as The Evader for his ability to evade not only his racing opponents but the cops.

A man that’s just as lethal behind his bike as his image is off of it. He’s never lost a race and continues to be a mystery dressed in black leather since no one knows what he looks like behind his sleek helmet.

But behind the lethal image and the helmet is a man, one that’s focused on one thing and one thing only; revenge. Revenge against the powerful family that ripped everything away from him.

He wasn’t a man women said no to. The way he carried himself, the way he fought. Built like a warrior, he knew how to manipulate torque and power between his legs.

How does everything tie together? Well in that, my friends, is the engrossing story and one that I will not spoil for you with too many details.

I was captivated by this story. The chemistry between the MCs was absolutely SIZZLING. And I do mean sizzling. I have 2 words for you; elevator scene. Yeah, you’ll see what I mean. But man oh man does Pam know how to build undeniable chemistry. Chemistry that’s so hot that when things finally get together? Everything will go BOOM, your ovaries included.

Nothing compared to this, to him. Because he didn’t just kiss. He fucked with his mouth, stretching and owning, dragging his tongue, wrenching every wanton part of me from my chest, and drawing it past my lips.

Kaci was a heroine I wasn’t sure I’d like at first. But I was already rooting for her after one chapter. I truly felt for her and what she’s dealing with, and how she’s managed to maintain her inner strength even through everything that’s thrown on her with her twisted family. Her desires were so simple and yet almost impossible for her to attain

I wanted legendary love. Love intensified to its highest power. The kind that would fill the vacancy in my heart with a simple touch, a thought, a broody glare.

And of course the way that she managed to captivate the mystery outlaw was so much fun to read too.

Then there was The Evader. Sweet baby jebus! I still don’t know how my ovaries survived everything that was him.

I wanted to bite him, slap him, punch him again. More than that, I wanted to make him mine. I wanted his anger, his ferocity, his pain. To claim every part of him, fuse it with with all of me, and make us a singular whole.

This book was action-packed and fast paced from beginning to finish. It was entertaining and sexy and filled with twists and turns that weren’t just on the racing track. It was fucking awesome is what I’m trying to tell you here.

Sure I felt some things wrapped up just a little too smoothly at the end and there may have been some things here and there that I could pick at but I was so engrossed in the book and enjoying it so much that I simply couldn’t bring myself to even give one tiny little fuck. If you’re a fan of this author, this is a must read. And if you haven’t read her yet, than this is a great book to start with.

This is a stand-alone.

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

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Review: ★BURN★ by @_callie_hart

Blood & Roses, #3
Genre: Dark, Erotic Romance
Length: 123 pages
Release Date: May 23, 2014
I’m not safe.
I haven’t been safe for a while now.
I ran to Zeth for protection, but Zeth is in danger himself. With Julio on one side, and the leader of the Widow Makers MC on the other, the smartest thing to do would be to run. I’ve been running long enough, though.This is the closest I’ve come to finding my sister in two years.I can’t back down now.
My right hand man’s being tortured in the basement.
The guy who tried to buy Sloane’s virginity is burning rubber in our direction.My psychotic boss is on a mission to find me, and the girl I’m supposed to be keeping safe has landed herself right in the middle of all of this.Just another breezy weekend in the Californian desert.
What could possibly go wrong in the next 48 hours?

4.5 Stars

You like obeying me. You like feeling defenseless. You like feeling that trickle of fear, lighting up your insides. It makes you feel alive.

This. Fucking. Series. I can’t even right now. I just can’t. Can we just talk about that ending for a second? Because for the love of fucking FUCK, I need Rebel’s book like yesterday! Gah!

What a twisted and fucked up ride this continues to be. And I just can’t get enough of it.

Just when I think that I figured something out and I know where it’s headed….BAM! Cliffhanger. I’m convinced Callie Hart is just toying with us while she sits back in her writer’s chair devising even more madness while practicing her evil laugh.

But I suppose you want to know more about the actual book than my sleep deprived ramblings, right? Fine then.

When Sloane ran to Zeth for protection when Charlie’s men broke into her house for Lacey in the middle of the night, she didn’t know she’d be running straight into another devil. Now stuck in Julio’s mansion, with Zeth’s man, Michael, being interrogated, more and more suspicion continues to fall on Zeth. And Sloane is now stuck in the middle. With no choice but to attempt and pass her off as his latest piece of ass, Zeth is doing his best to protect her. But Sloane’s backbone sometimes lets her mouth run ahead of her brain.

I’m afraid you seem to be confusing the dynamic of the relationship I share with Zeth, Mr Perez. I’m not the one on my knees begging for snippets of his affection. It’s entirely the other way around.”

Of course it wouldn’t be a book with these two if they weren’t still going at it like bunnies at every turn. But hey, you won’t find this bitch complaining because it’s always just that perfect spice to the mix. Zeth is an animal and I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of him. The man is just utterly delicious.

In the midst of trying to figure out the web of lies around Charlie, Zeth also has to focus on protecting Sloane. And while Sloane fights what they seem to be developing between each other, Zeth is beginning to understand that he may be getting more than he bargained her and feelings are starting to get the best of him. Not that he’s willing to let Sloane in on that

Is this ‘where do you see our relationship heading’ conversation?”
“God, no! Relationship? We aren’t in a relationship. WE don’t know a thing about each other, Zeth. You’re the guy who shows up on my doorstep and screws me senseless whenever he feels like it. And I”m the girl stupid enough to let you do it.”

All of Sloane’s searching for her missing sister leads up to the big reveal in this book when she finally comes face to face with Alexis. But she’s in for the shock of a lifetime when she discovers just where she’s been all this time…and with who.

I’m seriously in lust with this series. I don’t know if I ever want it to end. Callie Hart takes a dark & sexy romance and weaves it together seamlessly with non stop action and so many twists and turns, it’ll make your head spin. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off for another late night with a binge read of Fallen.


Deviant (Blood & Roses #1)

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One Month of @ElleKennedy with #GIVEAWAY starting with ☆One Night of Sin☆

If you guys have been following my reviews, then you already know that I have been OBSESSED with this sexy new series from Elle Kennedy. And the best part? It only gets better with each book. So I’m so freaking excited to spotlight this fabulous author, starting with the book that began it all with Gage and Skylar! If you haven’t read this series yet, now’s the time to discover it. Trust me, you’ll love it. I know I sure as hell did!

One Night of Sin
(After Hours #1)
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 4, 2014
Length: 162 pages

A sexy category romance novella from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

Sometimes it’s good to be bad…

When it comes to sex, good girl Skyler Thompson always plays it safe, choosing stable and sedate over wild and thrilling. She doesn’t do one-night-stands, but one look at sinfully sexy Gage Holt and she’s willing to reconsider. He makes her want to be bad for once in her life, and she’s prepared to take what she wants.

Danger follows former MMA fighter Gage Holt like a shadow. Despite his successes as part owner of Sin, an exclusive nightclub in Boston, Gage can’t risk getting involved with a woman, especially one as sweet as Skyler. Still, he can’t resist a taste—and it’s so damn good he has to see her again.

As addicted as he is to her, Gage knows there’s no future for him and Skyler—not with his past lurking in the dark corners of an MMA cage. But Skylar’s tougher than she looks, and she’s ready to fight for her man.

ONLY $.99!!

“I’m Skyler,” she said.

He nodded.

“Maybe you’re new to civilized society, but normally when people introduce themselves, you reply by providing your own name.” She arched one perfectly defined eyebrow.

“Is that right?” His lips twitched. “Well, what makes you think I’m at all civilized, Skyler?”

That made her falter. She bit her lower lip. Tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and the scent of her shampoo floated his way. She smelled like green apples. A sweet and feminine fragrance, serving as a reminder that he shouldn’t be out here talking to her.

“How old are you, sweetheart?” His voice came out rough.

“Well, my ID held up at the door, so I’m over twenty-one if that’s what you’re worried about. Twenty-four, actually. In some cultures that would make me a spinster.”

Gage swallowed a laugh. There was something truly refreshing about her sarcasm, especially when contrasted with the flush of her cheeks and the way she fidgeted with her hands. She didn’t belong here. Not at this club, not even in this neighborhood. She should be nestled between crisp white sheets right about now, snuggled next to a wholesome man while the two of them watched late-night talk shows before bed.
“Go back inside,” he said gruffly. “Your date’s probably wondering where you are.”

That made her snicker. “I doubt it. I think he wrote me off the second he realized I wasn’t going to fuck him tonight.”

Gage’s cock jerked in his pants. Jesus. That angel mouth wasn’t allowed to say things like that. Not in front of him, a man whose inner devil could be summoned at the drop of a hat.

“Go back inside,” he repeated.

“Why? You don’t like talking to me?” Hands planted on her slim hips, she moved closer, a pensive look on her face.

He shrugged. “I don’t like talking, period.”

“Huh. So what do you like to do?”

Gage met her eyes in another long, deliberate stare. Leaving no question as to what he enjoyed doing.

She visibly swallowed. And then she startled the hell out of him.

“So maybe that’s what we should do.”

A laugh rumbled out of his chest. “You’re playing with fire, baby.”

“Am I?”
She had the nerve to lick her lips. He didn’t think she’d done it as an intentional taunt, but damn, the response to seeing her tongue dart out was instantaneous. His erection pulsed against his zipper, hard and persistent, like it was trying to tunnel its way out of his pants and into her pussy.

Gage took a breath, trying to ease the ache down south. Nope, he wasn’t giving in, wasn’t going to acknowledge the awareness prickling over his flesh. He was fighting in two days, and he didn’t like to screw before a match. The frustration fueled him, gave him the edge he needed to send an opponent to his knees.

But at the moment, he wanted to be the one on his knees. With his head underneath Skyler’s skimpy dress, his face buried between her legs as he licked her up until she screamed.

“Yes,” he rasped. “You’re definitely playing with fire.”

“Maybe I like fire, did you ever think of that? Maybe I want to get burned.”

4 Sinfully Hot & dirty talking Stars

You say the filthiest things,” she moaned.
“That’s ’cause I’m a filthy boy. A very filthy boy that needs to be punished. So now ride me until I can’t see straight.”

Ha! See what I did there?

If you’re at all familiar with Elle Kennedy’s writing then you know that the woman can write some fucking HAWT books. And One Night of Sin? Sweet baby jebus! This book needs to come with a warning…and I mean A WARNING!

  • Book may cause sporadic ovary CUMbustion
  • Make sure you stock up on batteries or have your significant other on hand
  • Gage and his dirty mouth may give you a hot flash…or 30
  • Thinking about Gage and his dirty mouth may also make you impatient to wait if significant other isn’t on hand at the moment

Oh…there’s also a story somewhere in there. I swears! If I can only remember what that is now. Ahh yes, it’s all coming back to me now.

We have Gage Holt a former MMA fighter and current part owner of a club, and a verra bad boy. As far as first meetings go? He’s got that part covered…

That’s what you want, isn’t it? For me to fuck you right here, right now, against the wall. Isn’t that what you want, Skyler?”

Be reasonable, what woman can resist THAT? Certainly not Skyler Thompson, a good girl that’s always played it safe when it came to sex. So when on a bad date while at club Sin, she catches the eye of the sinfully sexy and tatted up Cage? Let’s just say she know exactly what she wants…and she really makes no qualms about going after it.

But luckily she’s forward without coming off as desperate or brash, which is typically my kryptonite with heroines.

The set up is not really unlike anything I’ve ever read before. Bad boy meets good girl. Boy isn’t looking for a commitment because he’s not “fit” to be in one. Boy and girl agree to some no string sex.

…we need to lay down a few ground rules.”
“What kind of rules?”
“Actually, there’s only one. This thing between us…it’ll be just sex. That’s all I can give you.”
“Fine, great, I’ll take six more orgasms.”

And since your offer sounds so tempting, Cage…

As far as the plot goes, it’s entertaining and the book reads very quick. Well…give or take a few “breaks”. Uhem.

I loved the set up for the 3 partners, all of who are former MMA fighters. This definitely was a hot little book in what looks to be a very promising and sinfully delicious series.

Did I also mention the hot sex?

Are all your fights usually so quick?”
Nope. I wanted it over fast so I could take you home and fuck you.

But don’t worry, it’s not just smut and zero story. If you’re looking for a scorching hot book with a dirty talking MMA fighter and a good girl gone bad? Looks like you’ve got your next read here 😉

But seriously guys, this is a STEAL for $.99. If you want a hot and steamy read with a hero that will quite literally melt the panties off of you, this is a must read. Huge rec from this dirty girl 😉

A USA Today bestselling author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a BA in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!

Elle loves to hear from her readers. Visit her website or sign up for her newsletter to receive updates about upcoming books and exclusive excerpts. You can also find her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter (@ElleKennedy).

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Review: ★Fracture★ by @_callie_hart

Blood & Roses, #2
Genre: Dark, Erotic Romance
Length: 114 pages
Release Date: April 6, 2014

Zeth Mayfair is pretty much the very last thing I need in my life. And yet with every breath I take he becomes more engrained in every aspect of it:

He has a key to my house.

He knows where I work.

He dumped his strange, mentally traumatized housemate on my doorstep and has driven off into the sunset in search of my missing sister.

I want to forget him. Want to change the locks and blot out his face, scourge his very name from my memory. The problem is that I also need him. I need him more than I need air to breath, and I can’t be without him now.

He owns me.

He torments me.

He’s fractured me.

ONLY $.99!!

4.5 Stars

This is what true pleasure feels like. It’s not just the softness of a kiss. It’s not just the delicate touch of hands on breasts and tongues on skin. It’s the bite of pain, the threat of danger, the risk taken in dancing with the devil.

The plot continues to thicken, the sex just gets hotter and hotter, and this series just gets better and better!

If it wasn’t clear from my review of Deviant, I’m seriously hooked on this series. I knew that Deviant was going to be the start of a dark and twisted ride, and fuck was I right.

Zeth never wanted to believe that his employer, no matter how corrupt he is, would have something to do with the disappearance of Sloane’s sister or the flesh trade. But when an assignment that he gets sent on by him proves just that and so much more, he’s thrown for a loop. Not only does it looks like he’s been lying to him about all his ‘businesses’, but it looks like he may have also betrayed Zeth in the worst of ways those few years ago when he served time in Chino. A way that Zeth never thought he would. And now he’s determined to find out the truth. Determined to protect Sloane and Lacey at all costs, he leaves Lacey on Sloane’s doorstep with his men watching them and takes off to find his answers.

Sloane still can’t believe just how deep she’s fallen into Zeth’s web. Babysitting Lacey shouldn’t be too tough, even considering her fragile mental state. But when two men break into her house in the middle of the night to kidnap Lacey, she has no choice but to run straight to the man that she knows will protect her even though he still terrifies her…Better the devil you know.

Let me tell you this: you may think you have been horny before. You may think you have been ready to beg, to plead, to straight up murder to feel someone inside you, but but until you’ve had this…until Zeth Mayfair is on his knees for you…

Their chemistry, as always, is absolutely undeniable. These two seriously burn up the sheets together. I can’t get enough of Zeth’s intensity. The man’s tastes definitely run on the darker side, but on man is it delicious.

You should know better by now, Sloane. You’re an angry girl, yeah, but I’m an angry boy, too. And if you plan on doling out punishment, you’d better be prepared to receive some in return.

Then every now and then you get a peak into a more fragile man inside the tough as hell persona…

You gave yourself to me back at my apartment; I’ve never done it before, but I gave myself in return. I may not have wanted to, Sloane, but I didn’t have a fucking choice in the matter. That means we belong to each other now.

Though I’m still trying to figure out what it is that he has against kissing.

I devoured this book in one sitting. Between all the action and plot twists, I couldn’t seem to stop reading. For every thing that gets answered, you get a million more questions. What is Zeth’s boss hiding from him? What is the connection that Lacey has to his past? Who is Rebel and what happened to Sloane’s sister? What the hell happened the night that Zeth got arrested for murder?

Through all this, Sloane’s backbone just continues to grow. The woman has one smart mouth on her, and she definitely gives as good as she gets….well…almost anyway…

What the hell are you going for here? You expect me to shed my clothes like Bruce Almighty and jump on that thing, just ’cause you got it out?”

I don’t care how cocky or demanding the man is. Who in their right mind can say no to him?

Now jumping straight into Burn because I need answers dammit!!

Don’t miss the first book in the series!

Deviant (Blood & Roses #1)
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Review: ★Deviant★ by @_callie_hart

Blood & Roses, #1
Genre: Dark, Erotic Romance
Length: 116 pages
Release Date: February 20, 2014

I’m not proud of the things I’ve done.
The things I’ve had to do.
The things I’ve given away.
but I’d give it all over again to find her.

Even if i die trying,
I have to find Alexis.


She wants me to help her,
But I won’t.
She wants me to save her sister,
But I can’t.
She wants me to be her hero,
But I’m not a good man.

I am her damnation.


4 Stars

You think I’m right out of a horror film, don’t you?
“Well this is hardly a fairy tale, is it?”
“It could be. If you let it.”
“Oh yeah? And who are you supposed to be? My prince charming?”
“No, silly girl, I’m the big bad wolf.”

Well, shit! Spank my ass and fuck me sideways but I am officially hooked! Where has this series been all my life? I’ve had Deviant on my kindle since I grabbed it as a freebie back in March 2014 (and it’s still free), but I’ve been waiting for the entire series to be out to dive in. I just didn’t have it in me to read another serial piece by painful piece while slowly dying inside from anticipation of the next book releasing. And let me just say I’m glad I waited, because I have a feeling I’ll be binging on this series.

Sloane will do anything to find her missing sister, including walking into a hotel room wearing black lace lingerie and have sex with a total stranger… A stranger that demanding, rough, with a taste for the kinky, and with a gravely voice that’s equal parts terrifying as it is seductive.

But then just a suddenly as he appeared in the room, he’s gone. And since everything took place under the veil of night in the dark, the only memory Sloane has of him is his unforgettable voice and imposing presence. Unfortunately the lead that she was hoping to get from her agreement doesn’t pan out when the person that promised her the answers turns out violently murdered.

Now it’s two years later and Sloane is trying to focus on her job as a resident and to attempt to deal with the fact that she may never learn what happened to her sister.

I’m an expert at distancing myself from pain. If it were an Olympic sport, I’d be a gold medalist.

Until a twist of fate and a chance meeting brings the seductive stranger from two years ago straight into her hospital.

He is my maker. And he’s created a monster.

Zeth Mayfair is set to go down as one of my favorite anti-heroes. Just this small taste of him in this book and I’m already absolutely hooked. This is no good guy. This is a criminal with a taste for violence. A man that likes his sex on the side of rough and kinky. Basically the Holy Grail of anti-heroes for me.

When Zeth makes Sloane a deal to help find her missing sister, she knows that she will willingly agree to any of his demands. The terrifying thing is that she won’t just be agreeing, she craves it.

I’m not fucking anyone but you from here on out, sweetheart.”
“Until you get bored, you mean?”
“Until I get shot and it sticks. Until you pack up all your shit and run from me. But let me just say this, Sloane…Don’t bother running. I’ll only have to come find you.

I don’t want to give you any more than that because this is a short novella, and I don’t want to give too much away. But even though this is a short book, it packs quite a punch. Don’t go into this expecting rainbows and unicorns. This is DARK and I have a feeling it will get even darker. This takes you into the underbelly of the Seattle mob syndicate. It’s a no holds barred and no punches held type of story. It’s violent, a little depraved, and a whole lot addicting.

I’ve seen some people reference to a certain scene in the book and I was curious as to what got this type of response. I can definitely see how it may not be for everyone, but I guess this desensitized pervert didn’t have an issue with it. Considering the title of the book, it made a certain type of sense. Especially seeing as how Sloane willingly gives herself over to Zeth’s demands.

In a 4 words? This. Was. Fucking. Awesome.

Now diving straight into Fracture

Review: ★One Night of Trouble★ by @ElleKennedy

One Night of Trouble (After Hours #3)
Author: Elle Kennedy
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: Jan 5, 2015

No More Mr. Nice Guy…

The moment AJ Walsh sees the sexy, tattooed pixie walk up to his bar, it’s lust at first sight. He’s always been labeled the “nice” guy―opening doors, buying flowers, and never, ever having one-night stands. But with this wicked little angel with red lips and unfathomably dark eyes? Oh, yeah. Tonight, “nice” has nothing to do with it…

Brett Conlon is trying to convince her family that she’s put away her reckless wild girl side for good. Nothing―and no one―could be better for her reputation than golden boy AJ Walsh. So they make a deal: if he plays The Good Boyfriend for her family, he can be a very, very bad boy with her. Now their one naughty night is about to turn into a whole lot of trouble…

4.25 Nice Guy meets his Wild Side Stars

For this one night, he could drop the good-guy mask and act on the primal urges he’d been fighting his entire life.

Well, well, well, Miss Kennedy. Seems you’ve been holding out on me with AJ and you managed to save the best for last. In the previous two books AJ has always come off as the safe, unassuming, and tamer of his 2 partners. Always the reasonable one and almost…dare I say…boring? Well, still waters run deep, my friends. Because all this time AJ has been hiding his inner bad boy and apparently he just needed the right woman to bring it out in him.

You know, you’re really not as nice as you look.”
“Isn’t that what I’ve been telling you all along?” His smile widened. “There’s nothing nice about what I’m going to do to you tonight.”
And then he touched her…

Brett Conlon is done with her wild, bad girl ways. After her most recent choice of boyfriends puts her in a situation that lands her in jail for the night, she swears she’s done. No more drinking, not more wild parties; she’s on the straight and narrow now. She needs to prove to her father that she’s reliable enough to run the tattoo parlor on her own. So she makes a change and sticks to it…until a blast from her past tempts her to let her inner bad girl out to play, if only for a night.

C’mon, angel, give me a taste of the wild girl you used to be. I promise you can lick her up again after tonight…” He parted the top of his pants. “At least until the next time I want her to come out.”

AJ Walsh is used to being the good boy; a good son, a good friend, and the dreaded ‘nice guy’ when it comes to his relationships. He has a type too; he likes them blonde, beautiful, classy…and safe just like him. So why is a wild brunette beauty covered in tattoos all of a sudden calls to him like a siren? Used to everyone liking him he doesn’t understand why the woman is glaring daggers at him and giving attitude to boot. Especially when all he wants to do is let the true personality he’s hiding loose with her for reasons that he can’t understand.

Ha. Boy next door, her ass. AJ Walsh was the devil.

Brent remembers AJ very well from her high school days. He was 3 years older, popular, star football player, and wanted by every hot cheerleader. Why would he remember the shy and awkward younger girl that all his female friends used to taunt? But AJ is also not at all what she expects and when he makes it clear that even though he may not remember her from high school but he’s very interested in getting to know her better now…well how can she turn that down?

So they make a deal; Brett will give AJ a taste of the wild side he’s craving and in return AJ will pretend to be her boyfriend for the week to make her look more respectable and reliable to her father and brothers. A win/win, right?

This was probably my favorite book in the series. The chemistry between AJ and Brett is sizzling from the very start and it doesn’t let up until the last page. Brett was a great heroine; sassy, a little wild, and incredibly endearing.

My one fear was that AJ’s ‘transition’ from nice guy to bad boy wouldn’t really be believable or feel forced. But Elle Kennedy pulled this off effortlessly. Not only did I believe it, I could see how he’s been hiding the inner bad boy that has been brewing under the surface all these years. His reasons for the personality change were heartbreaking, and it made so much sense that it just pulled everything together for me.

AJ was the perfect combination of bad boy dirty talker with a nice guy. He didn’t need to be a man whore to pull off this vibe, and it was perfect. If you’ve enjoyed the first 2 books in this series, then you’ll definitely love this one. And if you haven’t read this spicy little series yet, then I’m not sure what you’re waiting for.


One Night of Sin (After Hours #1)
One Night of Scandal (After Hours #2)

Review: ★Revenant★ by @LarissaIone


For five thousand years, Revenant believed he was alone in the world, a fallen angel beyond any redemption. Now he finds he has a twin brother who had all the light and love Revenant was denied. Caught in a tug of war between Heaven and Hell, he must weigh his thirst for revenge against his desire for a mysterious female named Blaspheme—a female whose very origins could deliver him into salvation . . . or destruction.


Blaspheme has a deadly secret: she’s the forbidden offspring of an angel and a fallen angel. Hunted by both heavenly and satanic forces, she has survived only by laying low and trusting no one. When Revenant claims he can save them both, how can she possibly believe him? But the powerful angel is persistence incarnate and for Blaspheme, there’s no place she can hide in Heaven or Hell where he won’t find her.

Heaven doesn’t want me, so all I have is hell.

Wow oh wow but does Larissa Ione know how to save the very best for last. I do believe that Revenant may top my list of favorite bad boys that she’s ever written. After all the revelations that took place in Reaver, I simply couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book. Not only did it live up to every expectation I had, it managed to absolutely blow them out of the water.

Revenant has spent the last five thousand years believing that he’s a fallen angel that’s beyond redemption. He’s taught himself to make piece with his evil side even though the demons from his memories continue to haunt his every waking hour.
I don’t think I’ve read a hero by Larissa Ione that I haven’t loved yet, but Revenant is probably my top favorite. He’s such a damaged and tortured soul hiding behind the exterior of a bad ass that you can’t help but fall for him right away. All he yearns for is for someone to accept him, to care for him, to love him…even though he knows that he doesn’t deserve it. But that all changes when he meets a female that tempts him like no other. A female that may just have the answer to his salvation but is also hiding a secret that may be his demise…

The physician in her wanted to heal him. The False Angel in her wanted to seduce him. The female in her wanted to comfort him.

Blaspheme has spent spent centuries hiding who she really is. As the forbidden child of an angel and fallen angel, she is cursed to be hunted until the end of time. And the biggest threat to her comes in the form of a Fallen Angel in leather that is not at all what he appears to be.
There is so much that happens in this book that I don’t even want to touch on because it simply must be experienced. Ione is a pure mastermind the way she ties every single loose end together seamlessly in a story that action packed and oh so sexy…

…I would have you up against that wall, my hands pinning yours so you’d know how this feels, and I would rail you so hard you’d feel me for a month. And after we both came, I’d have you on the floor, pulling a sixty-nine that wouldn’t end until I tasted a dozen of your orgasms. before you could even think about recovering, I’d fuck you in every way a male can fuck a female. And I wouldn’t stop. Not until you begged.

I went through the ringer of emotions while reading it. I must have spent the entire last 30% a sniveling and crying mess.
There were so many twists and turns and not a dull moment in site. I binged on this book and practically read it in one day. I just never wanted it to end.

As always every character from the previous books makes an appearance and all of it serves it’s own role. Ione doesn’t waste a page. It was, in a word, perfection.

As sad as I am to see this “conclusion” to the series, I’m also happy that she didn’t drag it out. It ended in a way that was absolutely fitting and I cannot wait for more from this brilliant author.

I would NOT recommend reading these books out of order as the plot really develops though each book, even though every book focuses on a different couple with their own HEA. You will enjoy it that much more if you read this series in order. Besides, I haven’t read a book in this series that I haven’t loved. But this was by far Ione’s best book. I LOVED IT.

Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★One Love★ by @LiliStGermain1

Are you ready for the conclusion to
The Gypsy Brother’s Series?


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*The final book in the #1 iBooks bestselling Gypsy Brothers series* 
Will Julz complete her mission for vengeance against the Gypsy Brothers? Or is Dornan still one step ahead?

More shocking secrets will come to light and lives will be lost in this final, devastating instalment of the Gypsy Brothers series.

One Love Trailer 

GYPSY BROTHERS FAN MADE TRAILER from Scandalicious Fans on Vimeo.

Chapter One
By Lili St. Germain
The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.


“I want my lawyer,” I repeat for the hundredth time.
There are two CIA agents in front of me, and they’re playing a very cheesy rendition of good cop / bad cop.
We’ve been at this for hours. Boss Bitch — Agent Dunn, as she’s since told me — on one side, and her completely dumb but cute male offsider, Agent Brennan, on the other. In my head, to pass the hours, I’ve nicknamed them Agent Bitch and Agent Dumbass. I sit across from them, my hands in my lap, heavy metal cuffs weighing them down.
My throat is dry, my tongue parched. Agent Dumbass has a fresh can of Coke in front of him, and I can see the tiny beads of condensation running down the sides. I want it. I want to reach over and grab the can. I don’t even need to drink what’s inside. I’ll settle for the condensation making its lazy descent down the side of the bright red can and onto the dusty Formica table that separates me from them.
“Let’s try this again,” the female cop says, tucking a loose blonde hair behind her ear. The rest is up in a severe bun that reminds me of a matronly grandmother, even though this woman only looks about thirty. She’s got a slight southern inflection that reminds me of Elliot’s grandma.
I don’t reply, waiting for whatever it is she plans on doing next. Her next big thought, her latest overdone gesture, to try and convince me that I should spill all of my dirty secrets onto this table between us. So far she’s used threats against Jase, a plea deal that would grant me immunity, and long stretches of silence.
None of that will break me. I’ve been tortured by Dornan fucking Ross. This woman’s going to have to try a lot harder, or maybe get out some pliers and start yanking my teeth out of my mouth, before I’ll give her a single damned thing.
She snatches up a manila folder and opens it, handing a photograph to her male offsider. “Stick these up,” she barks at him, and he moves slowly, ripping a section of blue-tack from a large blue ball of the stuff that must live permanently on the wall to my left. I watch, just slightly interested as to what they’re going to try and scare me with.
They don’t disappoint. As I watch them pin 5×7 photographs to the wall, I can’t help but feel some sense of satisfaction for the lives that ended at my hands. I have to remain impassive though, so I tamp down the gloating grin that wants to spread across my face and settle for my resting bitch face instead.
Dunn peeks at me from the corner of her eye, and I return her gaze impassively. She might think she can get under my skin, but I grew up in the Gypsy Brothers MC for shit’s sake. I know how to hold out in front of a cop.
“Chad Ross,” Dunn says, smoothing her pants as she stands up and circles the table, coming to stand next to the photographs her partner is sticking up in a haphazard fashion. I wait for her to reach out and straighten them. Boom. Three seconds later, she does just that, making sure all of the photos line up.
“Chad Ross was poisoned,” she continues, tapping one manicured fingernail against the photo of his bloated death face.
“Looks nasty,” I reply.
“It’s a nasty way to die,” Dunn says, peering at me. “The killer added pure methamphetamine to an energy drink he later consumed. He was probably dead before he hit the ground.”
He wasn’t. He suffered. Thankfully.
“And you’re showing me this why?” I ask, studying my own nails, bitten down to the quick. I never was a girly girl. It’s not easy to keep your nails tidy when you’re constantly trying to claw your way back from death.
Dunn looks at me pointedly before jabbing her fingernail towards the second photo. Ahhh, yes. Maxi in all his naked, bloody glory. His face is a mess from the coke I shoved underneath his nose, the coke laced with strychnine that made blood gush from his nose like warm water from a faucet. I still remember the way his blood felt on my hands. How surreal everything was, bright and garish, as my skull burned with a small amount of the poisoned coke I’d snorted myself.
How I’d nearly died in my quest to kill him.
How it was so worth the risk to see the look on his smarmy fucking face, when I whispered in his ear who I really was and sat back on his lap to watch the fury rise in his cheeks.
As he realized a black widow was the one who’d just fed him his last meal of poison and cocaine.
I glance at Agent Dunn, clearing my throat and attempting to look bored.
“Strychnine-laced cocaine,” she says. “In fact, the same thing you were admitted to hospital for that very night. Jason Ross brought you in to emergency room. They said you almost died.”
“It was a hell of a night,” I reply curtly. “My nose still bleeds just thinking about it.”
She raises her eyebrows in disbelief, and in that moment I have no doubt that she’s cataloguing me as a sociopath or similar.
“Can I ask you a question?” I say suddenly.
“Shoot,” Dunn responds.
I reach my hand out slowly, methodically and take hers, a bold move. She could pepper spray me, shoot me. You’re not supposed to touch the interrogators. But she’s ballsy enough that she doesn’t want to take her hand away, even as I watch her flinch minutely.
“How do you keep your nails so pretty?” I ask sweetly, the saccharine in my voice not reaching the cold death stare I give her. I hold up my other hand. “Mine are hopeless. You spend much time in the field, Agent Dunn?”
She takes her hand away, and I let my own cuffed hands fall back into my lap. I know her skin must be crawling from my touch.
I hope the feeling stays there for a long time. She should not have fucked with me.
“I take good care of myself, Miss Portland,” she says briskly. “Which is more than I can say for you.”
“My child died,” I say blankly. “Physical appearance isn’t on the top of my priority list right now.”
She bristles momentarily. “I am sorry for your loss,” she says finally.
I sit back, crossing my legs. “No, you’re not,” I reply.
She points to the third photograph, which is… hell, I’ve got no idea what that is. I tilt my head, trying to figure out what I’m looking at.
“It’s a leg,” Dunn supplies.
“Ohhh,” I say, nodding. “Thanks.”
It is indeed a leg, or at least part of one. Charred and black, with spots of unmarred flesh and blood still peeking through in sections. Huh. I wonder who it belonged to.
“Two Ross brothers were killed in an explosion. Somebody put homemade bombs in their fuel tanks, can you believe that?”
I shrug. “Sounds like they must have had it coming.”
Dunn points to the final photos, and a cloying heat bleeds up my chest and neck as I remember those three months of horror and torture I endured at Dornan’s hands before I was broken out. The way Dornan’s father Emilio flew backwards with a meaty thump as the top of his head was blown clean off, blood and brains flying everywhere. Mickey’s look of horror that didn’t fade after the bullet entered his face, such a satisfying end for men whose only fault in death was that their ends were much too swift. I imagine how much more satisfying it would have been to hang them by their feet and burn their eyes out with cigarettes and blowtorches, or pull their teeth out with rusty pliers, one by one.
That would have been much more fitting for the men who tried to destroy me, the same men who murdered my father.
Still… they’re dead, and that’s better than them being alive.
“That’s got to give you a headache,” I joke, referring to the last two pictures. The blood and gore have no effect on me. My stomach is made of iron after the atrocities I’ve seen, after all that I’ve endured. If this bitch wants to rattle my cage, she’s going to have to try harder.
“And then we have Jimmy,” she says, sticking one last photograph to the wall. Jimmy’s face, still frozen in shock, the trail of blood from his temple where Jase shot him barely noticeable in the extreme close-up.
“He looks unwell,” I comment. “Thing is, I’m still not sure why you’re showing me all of this.”
Dunn frowns so hard it looks like she’s about to burst a blood vessel.
“Here’s the thing,” she says, throwing a stack of photographs in front of me. “We’ve got you. We have your DNA on the first two victims, and motive. We’ve got probable cause to take you to trial.”
I sift through them, suppressing a twisted smile as I see what happened to Jazz and Ant after they bit the big one when bombs in their motorcycle fuel tanks exploded, ripping them to pieces. It isn’t pretty, what became of them. But to me, it’s beautiful.
I drop the photographs on the table and lean back in the hard metal chair I’ve been sitting on for the past five hours.
“These people are — were — like family to me. Don’t you think it’s a little tacky showing me all of this? I’m still grieving for these boys. They were like brothers to me.”
Agent Dunn actually rolls her eyes at me. At least she’s got some spunk somewhere in there. “Give it a rest, Miss Portland,” she says impatiently. “You’ve got more motive than anyone else, and no alibi for any of these murders.”
“Motive?” I ask sweetly. “And what might that be?”
Agent Dunn hesitates. Go on, I think. Say it. They raped me until they thought I was dead. The murdered my father, and you want to arrest me? Say it.
“I’m not authorized to talk with you about an active investigation,” Dunn says finally. “But I really think you should start talking, Miss Portland.”
I roll my eyes. “Okay,” I say finally. “I give up. You got me. I’ll tell you something. Let me write it down.”
Dunn’s beady eyes practically wig out of her head. She studies me for a moment, probably to see if I’m telling the truth, and I stare right back at her. If she wanted a wallflower who’d stare at the floor, she arrested the wrong girl.
After a beat, she stands up, turns and bustles out of the room. I divert my attention to Agent Dumbass, who looks like he’s about to fall asleep in his chair.
“I’ll make a full confession,” I say, “if you give me that.” I point to the coke can and he eyes it dubiously. After a pause, he slides the can over to me with one finger. With a smile, I pick up the can between my cuffed hands and take a long drink.
The fizzy liquid burns on the way down my throat, but it’s delicious. I drink as much as I can before Agent Bitch returns, setting it back down on the table and smiling at Dumbass. I slide the can back towards him with a wink. Let him think we’re friends. Let him think I’m just a silly young girl who couldn’t possibly hurt anyone. He looks surprised, taking the can back as Agent Bitch walks back into the room.
She looks between me, the can and the goofy look on Agent Dumbass’s face and shakes her head.
Sliding into her seat, she drops a yellow legal pad on the table between us as she addresses Dumbass.
“She killed a man by poisoning his drink with pure meth,” she says to her partner. “You sure you want that back?”
“Allegedly,” I add.
The oaf stares at the can for a few seconds. Finally, he pushes it back in my direction with an embarrassed look.
In the past five hours or so since I was unceremoniously dumped in this interrogation room, I’ve gone through the whole gamut of emotions. Fear. Shock. Despair. Now, I’m at anger. Anger that bubbles within me. Anger that is thinly disguised as apathy to these two morons.
Dunn drops a blue Bic pen on the legal pad and pushes it over to me. I hold up my cuffed wrists helplessly.
“I can’t write with these things on,” I say.
Dunn gives me the filthiest look before nodding at Dumbass. He stands and circles around to me, removing my cuffs before returning to his spot.
I WANT A LAWYER. I write it as obnoxiously large as I can, underlining the word LAWYER three times.
Agent Bitch’s smile disappears, replaced by a thin line of contempt at her mouth. I grin. Good luck getting those cuffs back on me, motherfucker. I sit back in my seat and snatch up the Coke, draining the rest of the can before they think to take it from me.
“We can play this game for however long you want, Miss Portland,” she says curtly, fiddling with the stack of crime scene photographs in front of her. I smile.
“I’ve got all day,” I say sweetly, even though I really, really don’t. Dornan has Elliot’s daughter and ex-girlfriend, and possibly Elliot himself, and Jase and I have twenty-four hours to meet him and get the girls out of danger before he kills them. At least, that’s what I’m assuming he plans to do to them. I can’t even comprehend what else he might be planning to do to those poor girls to get back at us.
Agent Dunn shakes her head one last time, gathering up the files and stalking towards the door. “I’ll give you some time to think about your position,” she says.
“Isn’t this illegal?” I call out to her. “I’m an American citizen. I have the right to an attorney. Get me a goddamn lawyer!”
Really, I just need a lawyer to post bail so I can get the hell out of here. Not that I’m sure I’d actually be bailed out, but I need something, and talking to these two is proving fruitless. A cold panic is building up inside my stomach, in the hollow space where my baby once lived and died.
God, it’s still so raw, so vicious when the memory of our tiny little baby takes hold and squeezes me. Sometimes, selfishly, I wish I could forget about her, because losing her has cursed me with more pain than I could ever imagine.
If I had any remnants of doubt about killing Dornan before? They’re gone, bled from me in the moments after our daughter was born, still and dead, in the early hours of the morning when the world was still dark.
He took her from me. From us. And I cannot rest until he’s dead and buried, a rotting corpse in the cold ground, a memory and nothing more.
Dornan Ross needs to burn for the things he’s done.
Agent Dumbass follows his partner out of the room and pulls the door shut. I immediately stand up and go to the door, testing the handle. Locked from the outside. Of course. I go back to my chair, collecting the pen someone so thoughtfully left for me and shoving it into my pocket. You know, just in case I need to stab somebody sometime soon.
Which, as it turns out, is sooner than I’d anticipated.
About an hour later, Agent Bitch sticks her head back into the room. “Your lawyer’s on the way,” she says, closing the door behind her again.
This could be anyone. A cop posing as a lawyer to get a confession on tape. A hit man, sent by the Gypsy Brothers or the Cartel. I’m like a sitting duck in here, and I don’t like it one tiny bit.
But what greets me isn’t any of those things.
It’s so much worse.
I don’t move an inch as the door swings open and he walks into the room. Dressed in a suit I’ve seen before, clutching a black leather briefcase by his side. He looks positively fucking amused.
“Well,” I say bitterly, “They’ll let any motherfucker take the bar these days, won’t they?”
5 stars
The saddest thing about betrayal
is that it never comes
from your enemies

Months, I’ve been invested in this series. Reading the installments one by one as they come out while practically salivating for the next one each time because Lili St Germain is the queen of cliffhangers. All those months, all those books, all that build up…it all lead up to this moment…to this incredible, make your heart beat out of your chest and absolutely fucking EPIC conclusion.
Was it everything I had hoped it would be. Fuck no! IT WAS BETTER.
Six brothers down and Julz is that much closer to her ultimate revenge against a man that took everything from her. A man that brutalized her, terrorized her, scarred her, and systematically took everything that mattered to her.
The thing about bargaining with a madman is that you never know just how far he’ll go.
And now he wants one final thing; an exchange. Her life for the lives of Elliot’s daughter and ex.
But much like everything is with this series, nothing is ever what you believe or think it will be.
I really don’t want to give you much more than that because this is something that you truly need to experience absolutely blind.
What I can tell you is that Lili St. Germain is an evil genius. The woman built up this series book by book and any questions you may have had all get answered eventually. It’s a brutal, dark, gritty and unapologetic story of revenge and loss. Betrayal and redemption. It’s not a love story, but the love between Jase and Julz is most definitely there.
So you’re probably wondering now if the ending was satisfactory. And the answer to that is an unequivocal and resounding YES. It truly was. It was exactly the type of ending this story needed and I can understand why Lili choose to go this route. I couldn’t see it ending any other way. If you’ve been waiting to read this series until all the installments were out, I have a warning for you; be prepared to binge on them all at once. You will not be able to stop once you get going. What a truly dark and bloody web this author has woven. It was fucking fantastic!

I can’t wait what else she has in store for us next and judging by her note to the readers at the end, it’s sure to be one hell of a doozy.

Seven Sons (Gypsy Brothers, Book One) FREE
Six Brothers (Gypsy Brother, Book Two) 
Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers, Book Three) 
Four Score (Gypsy Brothers, Book Four) 
Three Years (Gypsy Brothers, Book Five) 
Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers, Book Six) 
One Love (Gypsy Brothers, Book Seven) RELEASING December 2014
Amazon: TBA

About the Author

Lili writes dark romance, suspense and paranormal stories. Her serial novel, Seven Sons, was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to be released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband and beautiful daughter, good coffee, Tarantino movies and spending hours on Pinterest.

She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.


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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★A Desperate Man: Vol One★ by @EllaFrank2012 & @BrookeBlaine1

by Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine

Fantasies – we all have them.

For some it’s their dream job; others want the wedding, the 2.5 kids, the white picket fence.

My fantasies are a bit more…depraved.

Dark and sinful, they have destroyed relationships and my livelihood, yet I still submit to them like a slave.


For most, it’s a natural expression of love, caring, or lust.
But there are those of us who can’t stop once we’ve had a taste.
Those of us who don’t want to.
And the shame of that never-ending cycle will eat us alive…

My name is Evan James, and I am a sex addict.

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“Come here.”

Evan James crooked his finger at the blonde currently shimmying back into her minuscule, tight, black dress. The same one she’d worn last night that had called like a siren’s song to his cock in the middle of the dimly lit club.

She looked over at him with heavy-lidded eyes and held the barely there fabric still around her waist. His eyes zoomed in on the impressive breasts overflowing out of her sheer, black bra. Covered, but not enough.

His mouth watered, and he wanted to drag her back to the bed and take hold of her ripe nipple before pulling the fabric down and out of his way to take her fully into his mouth again.

After having had her so many times in the last few hours,

she’d no doubt taste of him on every inch of her soft skin. He liked that. Before, she’d tasted faintly of vanilla musk—a fragrance he wasn’t overly fond of. He’d made quick, dirty work of her though, marking and leaving his scent on her with his lips, his sex, his come, and he figured one last go-round before sending her on her way would suppress his craving for at least a couple of days.

He hoped. His appetite was voracious.

“Can’t get enough, can you?” She leaned down over the edge of the bed and placed her hands there, giving him an ample view of what he wanted. Now.

He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t play with me.”

Blondie tsked and put her knees on the mattress, crawling on all fours toward him. “Oh, baby, I told you you’d never want me to leave once you got inside.”

She was right about that much. If he could live in pussy, he would. It was his weakness, his addiction, the one thing he’d give up anything and everything for. And he nearly had.

4 Erotically Charged Stars

If he could live in pussy, he would. It was his weakness, his addiction, the one thing he’d give up anything and everything for. And he nearly had.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t even bother reading the blurb when I saw the chance to receive an ARC of this book. Ella Frank is a permanent fixture on my auto-buy list. She just seems to have this midas touch and she hasn’t let me down yet. Brook Blaine is a new to me author, and together these two are a force to be reckoned with.

Firstly, I have to tell you that this book is nothing like you’ve ever read before from Ella. Actually, this books is unlike any I’ve read before. Period.

If you’re expecting a romance, this is not it…not yet anyway. The Fantasy introduces the reader to Evan. A broken man whose past and what led to his downfall is shrouded in mystery. A man that’s completely lost to his addiction. Told entirely in his POV, it is a no punches pulled, spare no dirty detail, and unapologetic view into Evan’s world.

Evan used to have it all; a successful career, money, women…Now he’s a shell of a man he ones was, but the one constant in his life remains. Women. Evan is a sex addict. A man that’s so deeply entrenched in his addiction, he truly doesn’t see a way out of it.

Evan has basically reached the rock bottom, so when salvation comes in the form of a job offer to a financial firm he never would have even considered when he was at the top of his career, he jumps on it…And comes face to face with a temptation unlike any he’s experienced before.

She looked like class and sex all neatly wrapped up in one siren-red fuck-me dress.

Here’s where things get very interesting. The introduction of Reagan. Reagan is a mystery of her own. You know absolutely nothing about her aside from the fact that she’s Evan’s boss. Her past is even more mysterious than Evan’s. This is no wilting wallflower. The woman is sharp witted, tough, and owns her sexuality like most women do stilettos.

She never took her eyes off him, and he wondered what she saw. A desperate man, most likely. One so deeply entrenched in the depth of his addiction that the only relief he’d been able to find lay with he woman beneath him, covered in his come- she’d become his dirtiest fantasy.

I don’t want to give you any more detail than that simply because it’s best experienced blind. This is not a long book and is one you can easily read in one sitting. It’s more of an introduction of Evan and a look into his world than anything else. It’s erotic, it’s different, and I can already tell that it’s going to be addicting.

About Brooke

You could say Brooke Blaine was a book-a-holic from the time she knew how to read; she used to tell her mother that curling up with one at 4 a.m. before elementary school was her ‘quiet time.’ Not much has changed except for the espresso I.V. pump she now carries around and the size of her onesie pajamas.

Her first solo novel, a romantic comedy, is due out in early 2015, but first, she thought she’d write a raunchy story with her best friend that would scar her conservative southern family for life.

If you’d like to get in touch with her, she’s easy to find – just keep an ear out for the Rick Astley ringtone that’s dominated her cell phone for ten years.

Instagram: @brookeblaine1

About Ella

Ella Frank is a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author. She writes both contemporary and erotic fiction and is best known for her Exquisite Series, and Temptation Series.

The minute she began her love affair with reading, she became and avid supporter of the romance genre and has never looked back.

Ella is Australian born and bred but currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband.

Instagram: @Ellafrank1

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