Review, Guest Post Character Interview & #Giveaway: ☆Until Alex☆ by J. Nathan

On the outside, Hayden is every girl’s living breathing fantasy, brooding and devastatingly gorgeous. He spends his nights losing himself in alcohol and faceless girls, but it’s all just a facade. An elaborate cover for the emotionless shell of a man he is. One who harbors too many secrets and destroys lives the way his was destroyed. It’s the reason he avoids relationships and keeps everyone at arm’s length…

Until Alex

Alex’s life just shattered into a million pieces, leaving her with more grief than she knows what to do with and guilt so deep it’s destroyed the carefree girl she once was. Now she’s hundreds of miles from home, living with an aunt she doesn’t know, finishing senior year at a college she’s never been to, and trying desperately to get through a single day without breaking down. She’s never felt more alone in her life…

Until Hayden

The trouble with Hayden is who he wants to be and who he is are in constant flux. And though he’d die before letting Alex learn the truth about him, he can’t be sure he’s strong enough to let her in…or push her away. She’s the one person who just might see the real him.

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Sometimes a book comes along that equal parts takes you by surprise and captivates you. This was one of those books to me. I want everyone to know about the pure awesome that is the writing of J. Nathan, so read below and see for yourself 😉
Review4.5 stars

I never thought that would happen for me. I always thought I deserved what no one else wanted.
Until Alex.

When I finished this book, I had to go back and make sure that I read it right because I couldn’t believe this amazing story was a debut novel. Wow. Just wow. If you’re looking for an incredibly emotional and angsty NA book with endearingly broken characters, a heartbreaking and heart-melting love story, and fantastic writing…You. Need. To. Read. This. Book. You will be hooked from the epilogue alone.

Hayden is the ultimate bad boy. He has the looks and the attitude that attracts women to him like no other. But beneath the surface of the womanizing, brooding and cocky playboy, is a dark secret and a past that plagues his every thought and makes him keep everyone at arms length. He’s not looking for a relationship or anything lasting. Just alcohol and countless of faceless girls that he can lose himself in for a few moments to drown out the memories.

If I learned one thing from my messed up life, it was that you didn’t let people in, and you didn’t let your emotions out. You couldn’t. I wondered if I even had any. Emotions that is. Because if you asked me, life had hardened me beyond repair.

But then she moves in down the hall. A girl who cries quietly every day outside. A girl he has no business paying attention to. Alex.

But just like Hayden, Alex is not what she seems to be beneath the surface. She’s running. Running from a devastating event that forever changed the course of her life. She’s running for the memories and the constant reminders of her pain.

How ironic that the one person that manages to drown out the memories for her is the brooding and mysterious Hayden.

But as much as Alex is determined to get to know Hayden, Hayden is just as determined to keep her at arm’s length.

I hated myself in that moment for not being able to control that part of me. The fucked-up part that kept people at a distance. It was a defense mechanism. My very own alarm system that kicked in when things got too uncomfortable, or in this case, too close to being normal.

The relationship between them is a very slow burn. But it’s also perfectly written, in my opinion, as it gives you the time to truly get invested in both the MCs AND their relationship. It gives you the time to really understand them. It gives you the time to really fall for them.

With each details of Hayden’s past coming to light, your heart just breaks for him all the more. As hard as he tries to stay away from Alex, his fight is already lost the second he lays eyes on her. But don’t get me wrong, this was no insta-love…or insta-anything. Their road to being together is filled with angst filled bumps that will tear at every heart string you have.

I don’t know what this is. This thing between us. But I really need it.

Even at times when Hayden truly fucks up and you want to throttle him for his decisions, you still can’t help but love him.

I will do whatever it takes to make you forget. I’ll say whatever you need me to say. Go wherever you need me to go. And I’ll be whoever you need me to be.

This is definitely more PG13, so don’t expect a lot of steam here. Now typically I am NOT a reader that reads PG13 anything, but the story here just captivated me. The little steam that there was was satisfying while still leaving you wanting more…but in a good way.

He kissed me like he needed me to breathe.

This is not just a NA Romance novel, it’s so much more than that. It’s about second chances, finding your inner strength, and facing your darkest demons. I was glued to my kindle until the very last page. I eagerly anticipate ANY future books by this author. J. Nathan is going straight to my auto-buy list.

Guest Post


When I was in my early twenties, I wrote a screenplay. I worked on it relentlessly, confident that if it just got into the right hands, it could go somewhere. Then, somehow, the fates aligned. Drew Barrymore read it! I know, dream come true, right? And wait for it…she actually liked it! Unfortunately, her production company partner, who just so happens to be Jimmy Fallon’s wife, gave me a painful dose of reality and passed on it. Ten years and plenty of rejection letters later, the screenplay remains on a flash drive in my desk drawer.

Needless to say, I lost the motivation to write. It seemed like a losing battle. Too much time and effort spent on something no one would ever see…

Then, a year and a half ago, I had one of the most vivid dreams I’d ever had. It was about a girl who moved in with her aunt after suffering a horrific tragedy. She befriended a standoffish neighbor, who for some reason put her at ease, and they grew close—until others threatened their friendship. That’s when he intentionally hurt her to keep her safe. But, as hard as he tried to stay away, there was an undeniable connection between them, one that could not be ignored. From there, a slow, yet well-deserved romance ensued.

Upon waking up from that dream, I immediately wrote down everything I could remember (while still in bed). I ended up with three pages of sloppy handwritten notes. Throughout the day, I couldn’t stop thinking about those two broken souls and their story, so I added three more pages of notes. If you check out my website under About Self Publishing, you can see them.

Those sloppy notes served as the perfect outline for my first novel. After a year and a half—and many tweaks later—Until Alex was completed. My husband forced me to do something with it so it didn’t end up like my screenplay tucked away in some drawer. Thank goodness for self-publishing because I would have never been able to endure another set of rejection letters!

Tweaks I made to Until Alex worth noting:

Hayden: His original name was Aiden, but having two main characters with a name starting with A, especially when Alex’s name could be a guy’s name, seemed like it could get confusing.

The Title: The not-so-original, original title was Aiden and Alex. I know, I know. Then I got creative and changed it to Alex and Hayden. Yup. I’m very clever. I came up with Until Alex right before I started sending out ARC’s.

The competition: Alex originally tried out for the musical Legally Blonde instead of a singing competition. But it ruined the timeline of the story since play preparations take months, and I didn’t want to jump weeks. I hate stories that do that. I don’t want to miss time with the characters. I want to live every moment with them.

YA versus NA: Initially, this story was about seniors in high school. But because I primarily read new adult novels, I wanted to write something my friends and I would be more apt to read.

The Prologue: Thanks to my wonderful editor Stephanie Elliot, I changed the initial prologue. I only wrote the scene with Hayden’s father a couple months ago. Originally, I had the flashback of what happened in the alley as the prologue (instead of spreading it throughout the first few chapters). But Stephanie pointed out that she hated Hayden in the beginning because of the prologue. I knew I needed to find something that would make people feel compassion for him, understand his distance from others, and love him as much as I did. Hence, the new prologue, which so many readers have noted is what made them read the book. To think it almost didn’t exist…


When I read, I don’t really see a character in my mind. It’s more of the idea of them. Their qualities, flaws, maybe their eyes. But usually they’re “faceless.” So trying to cast my characters is really tough.

I love your casting on Goodreads for the leads! Those models definitely fit what I was going for. I particularly like the Hayden with the words “I would’ve given anything…” on it. My fave! Sooo Hayden!

I used to watch E! News religiously. But being a mom to a four year old, a high school English teacher, an avid reader, and a when-I-have-time writer, I’m totally out of the hot actors and actresses under 25 loop. But if I had to choose actors and actresses to bring my characters to life, these are some I may consider (knowing their ages are a little off).

Interview with Hayden

What’s your greatest flaw?

My anger. I normally can’t control it which makes me volatile. My “friends” understand when I go quiet and need to excuse myself from a situation. They don’t know the true cause of it, where it stems from, but they respect my mood swings and my privacy. Remy’s the only one who really gets me. 

What do you think others think of you?

Girls want to sleep with me, guys want to be me, and this girl who just moved into my building thinks I’m some kind of miracle worker. For the record, she’s fucking delusional.

Would you consider yourself a lucky guy?

On the outside? Yes. Different girls all the time, a friend who’d stand by me no matter what, my own apartment and truck, good looks—I’m not conceited, but when you hear it enough, you’ve got to believe it, right? But all that shit’s just superficial. If people really knew me, knew the truth about me and what I’d been through, they’d know I have shit for luck. No one, and I mean no one(except Remy of course), looks out for me but me. Anything that happens is because I make it happen. Fuck luck.

You mention you’ve been through some stuff. What in your past would you most want to forget?

All. Of. It. 

Do you consider yourself a romantic guy?

(His narrowed eyes and creased forehead answer for him) 

I’m sure the ladies are curious; do you have a preference, blondes, redheads, or brunettes? 

For a long time, it didn’t matter. If she was a willing female, she was for me. But lately, I’m more into brunettes.

Colors say a lot about a person. Do you have a favorite?

Green. Like the color of tropical fish.

Care to elaborate?


What’s your most embarrassing moment?

One word. Jake’s.

If you could be stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would it be and why?

(He considers the question for a long time before answering) 

My neighbor Alex. For some strange reason, I want to be the guy she thinks I am. In a situation where I’d normally flip the fuck out, she calms me down. It’s inexplicable, but this girl I barely know brings out the best in me. I would do whatever it took to help her survive and get her off that island.(His brows squished together) Would we have clothes? Because if not, that would make this situation a whole lot more interesting. (His dimples popped)

If someone were to write your life story, what are two things you’d want them to make clear?

I’m not this bad boy people think I am. I got the reputation because I hang with Remy. Now I can’t seem to shake it. I guess I’ve never really done anything to try because it keeps people away.

Some might say I’ve got daddy issues. Damn straight I do. I mean, how could I not? Mine screwed me up beyond repair. But I don’t blame anything I say or do on him. I make my own choices, pave my own path. Yeah, I chose my job which was a dumbass decision, but it was mine to make.

I am who I am. Love me or hate me.

About the Author

I’m an avid reader of all things romance-especially those with alpha males. The more unlikable they are in the beginning, the better. Happy endings are a must. Don’t leave me with an unexpected cliffhanger or someone dying in the end. I’ll mope around and be too embarrassed to explain why. Love triangles and negative people are the bane of my existence. My family, friends, sangria, and watermelon margaritas are the light…


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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ☆Breaking Shaun☆ by E.M. Abel

Breaking Shawn
Author: E.M. Abel
Breaking Free #2
Publication Date: May 27, 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

Release Day Launch: Breaking Shaun by E.M. Able

Some men fall in love and hand their balls over to the first woman who keeps them interested—but not me. Surfing and my freedom are the only two things I’ve ever needed. Meaningless one-night stands are fun, but the drama and jealousy that follows them aren’t worth it.
Until I met Natalie, I never realized there were women who thought like me. She enjoys sex with no strings, and with a body like that, there isn’t a man around who doesn’t want a piece of her—including me.
But our friends and relatives all run in the same circles. And we all know friendship and sex leave a mess. Hearts always end up broken.
I know it.
But I still want her.

Sometimes, the things we want don’t always come easily. Every choice, every action has consequences that can change you.
They can change everything.
And no matter how fiercely guarded, even the strongest hearts can break.

**WARNING** Not recommended for younger readers due to sexual content, language and recreational use of marijuana.
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“Is this what you wanted?” he whispered as he took my wrists in one hand and the other came down to cup my breast.
I swallowed as moisture gathered in my mouth and my brain scrambled for a response. It was just so difficult to think with Shaun’s hard body pressing against mine in the middle of his apartment building where anyone could see us.
His gaze finally broke from mine and moved down to my lips as he glided his thumb across my hard nipple. I could smell the soap on him, feel his wet, warm skin pressed against me. My eyes fluttered closed and I pressed my head against the wall as the lust took over.
Shaun moved his hips forward making me very aware of his arousal before lowering his head and slowly dragging his tongue across my bottom lip. I was panting now and my entire body was tingling. I don’t know how he’d done it but Shaun had completely turned the tables on me. I’d come over to assert myself and show him the side of me he hadn’t seen, yet here I was getting pressed against a wall and turning into putty in his hands.
3.5 stars

Let’s fall in love
Before the world breaks through
Before time catches up
And I break you.

I’ve been stewing and stewing on my rating for a couple of weeks. It’s very tough to rate a book when a personal bias comes into play as it did for me here. I had originally rated it a 3 star (liked it) read, but now bumping it up to a 3.5-4. Here’s the thing, my personal bias aside, this was a highly entertaining and steamy book. I enjoyed the story and I loved the characters. Had it not been for a couple of things, this would have been a very solid 5 star read for me. So on to the review we go
There is one thing (well aside from a hot as fuck hero) that is guaranteed to make a book for me, and that’s a fantastic heroine. I’m talking the type of heroine you don’t read about about often enough. The type of heroine that isn’t shy or meek. The type of heroine that owns her sexuality and isn’t afraid of a little harmless sex. The type of heroine you’d call a cool as fuck chick, and Natalie was certainly all that and more.
She pretty much had me at
I never got nervous around guys. If anything, it was the other way around, and that was how I liked it. I had the pussy, which meant I called the shots. Sure, men liked to think they were in charge, and sometimes, I’d let them. It was easier that way. I’d play the role, smile and flutter my eyelashes, but I also had no problem telling men what I wanted and taking it. Men’s egos were a lot like their dicks, always needing to be stroked. As long as they kept me satisfied, I didn’t mind doing it.
Natalie was no sexual wallflower. She likes sex, but she’s not looking for commitment. Her past hasn’t exactly given her a reason to think that relationship of any sort lasts. So what happens when the manwhoring Shaun meets him female match?
Sparks fly.

Shaun is used to getting what he wants, and that includes his pick of women. He’s not exactly lacking for female companionship. He’s not looking for strings, just some mutually satisfying time between the sheets with whatever willing woman crosses his path. They may hate him in the morning when he sends them packing, but they certainly go home satisfied.
So when Natalie turns Shaun down flat, he’s intrigued. When he discovers three months later that they share an inner circle of friends, he can’t seem to get the gorgeous redhead out of his head. But Natalie is having none of it. She may be intensely attracted to Shaun, but she knows sex complicates things, so friendship it is. But can their friendship survive the scorching sexual chemistry between them?

Definitely not.
I loved that the author didn’t throw Natalie and Shaun into bed together right away. She really lets you feel that sexual chemistry and burn between them. I also liked they neither of them were exactly abstinent during this time. E.M. Abel really stayed true to Natalie’s character. She didn’t just stop her normal sexual routine simply because she was intrigued and attracted to Shaun.
There was one part at around 28% that had me in a bit of ‘what the fuck’ and ‘why did he do that’ rage. I had a feeling that it was heading in a certain direction, but I kept hoping the author wouldn’t take it there. I don’t want to spoiler it but if you’re curious about the first part of it (highlight to view spoiler)[you sure you want to know? Would’t you rather just read it?Damn you’re persistent. Oh alright, I’ll spoiler it.
Shaun gets drunk and sleeps with a girl that he meets in a bar. This is all fine and good had it not felt like a pity fuck on his behalf. She’s very shy and begs Shaun to help make her ex jealous that they see at the club. They’re both extremely drunk and don’t remember much the next day.
***end of spoiler***
This is in part why I had such a big issue with what happens later in the story, but I definitely won’t be telling you what THAT is.
I also wouldn’t have minded a little more story and a little less sex. It did feel stretched out at parts and could have been shorter. But then again, the sex was pretty damn hot. Shaun certainly doesn’t disappoint, even if he does like to say “Goddamn” a bit too much. He made up for it with the rest of his delicious dirty talk.
The ending is the part I wasn’t thrilled about. Well, not so much the ending itself, but parts that happen during it. Don’t fret, there’s a very nice HEA, even though I am extremely disappointed at one big part that played in it. I’m not sure why, but considering how the rest of the story stretched, I though the ending was a little rushed. I may think that simply because I’m still pissed about a certain thing that happens, so I may very well be the only one to think this.
Would I recommend this book? Definitely. My personal bias aside, I truly enjoyed it.
Would I read the next book? Definitely, though I’m a bit worried that I know who the heroine will be and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I hope I’m wrong.
Writing Style:Dual first person POV
Also in the Series:

My husband is awesome and also a Chief in the US Navy. This means crazy schedules, uncertainty and lots of nights spent alone writing on my computer.

I have two amazing kids who always know how to make me laugh.

I’ve been passionate about writing since I wrote my first poem in the 3rd grade and I’ve been using it as a means to express myself since.

I think because I hold my emotions so close and fear being vulnerable I use different forms of self expression- writing, drawing, painting, photography, tattoos- to show the world who I am.

The one rule I use everyday is the Golden Rule–“Treat others the way you’d like to be treated.” I believe karma is very real and sometimes she can be a bitch if you make her that way.

I love acting crazy, I love to laugh, I love making people laugh, I love the ocean, I love dancing like no one is watching, I love good music, I love good books… oh man I should probably stop there. I love a lot of stuff.


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Review, Guest Post, & #Giveaway: ☆To Professor, With Love☆ by @lindakage

*new adult romance*
**explicit scenes and language**

Junior in college. Star athlete. Constant attention from the opposite sex. 

On this campus, I’m worshiped. While seven hundred miles away, back in my hometown, I’m still trailer park trash, child of the town tramp, and older sibling to three kids who are counting on me to keep my shit together so I can take them away from the same crappy life I grew up in. 

These two opposing sides of myself never mix until one person gets a glimpse of the true me. I never expected to connect with anyone like this or want more beyond one night. This may be the real deal.

Problem is, Dr. Kavanagh’s my literature professor.

If I start anything with a teacher and we’re caught together, I might as well kiss my entire future goodbye, as well as my family’s, and especially Dr. Kavanagh’s. Except sometimes love is worth risking everything. Or at least, it damn well better be because I can only resist so much.

-N. G.-

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4.5 stars

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Have you ever read a book that you simply couldn’t put down for the life of you? A book that was so wonderfully written, it not only completely drew you into the story…it made you feel? I’m talking made you feel every heart palpitation, pulse pounding, anxious, nail biting, so full of sexual tension you think you might burst moment along with the characters? Because I swear to you, that’s what this book did to me. I devoured it. Me! The girl that lives for my dirty smut and actually does a search for the word “cock” in my books to make sure it’s dirty enough. (What? You don’t do that?) I got so engrossed in this forbidden love story that I forgot about the smut. Well…I mean…not entirely. It IS NA after all, and the sexual chemistry here is just perfect.

My favorite part of a love story is that burn. You know the one I’m talking about. It’s this palpable sexual tension that stretches for so long you think you might burst. But then BOOM, when it finally does happen, it’s just that much more satisfying. There’s plenty of books out there that will use sex as a filler, as opposed to the icing on the cake that’s supposed to be the book. And in my humble opinion, Linda Kage had the perfect recipe here. I adored this book. I loved it. HARD.

If you’ve stayed away from teacher/romance stories in the past, but wanted to dip your toes, THIS is the book the you start with. This was such a unique, wonderfully written spin on a forbidden love. There wasn’t a big age difference (barely any). But what I loved the most, was that the student here was (pause for dramatic effect) MALE.

Ladies, prepare to swoon and fall hard for Noel Gamble.

Noel seemingly has it all; he’s the star quarterback, has his pick of women, and a scholarship to a great university. All he has to do to keep it is make sure that he maintains his GPA. But there’s one problem that stands in his way; a problem of the 5 foot 4, green eyed, uptight bitch, yet slightly alluring variety. His Literature professor, Dr. Kavanagh.

There’s nothing better to me than a book where I fall for both the characters. Dr. Kavanagh may have come off rigid and bitchy at first, but her internal monologue never failed to make me smile. She had such a quirky and endearingly innocent personality, it was impossible not to love her.

It must be some internal, natural selection thing I couldn’t control. Survival of the fittest lured me into gravitating toward the strongest, healthiest, most attractive male in the pack who seemed most appropriate for reproduction of the species. After watching those two sluts maul him after class a few minutes ago, I knew he had to be good for some scintillating reproductive activities.

But beneath her frumpy clothing and uptight exterior, is a vulnerable young girl that finds herself attracted to someone that is most certainly forbidden.

The way both of them constantly fought the attraction between them kept me turning the pages in anticipation for that moment where one or both of them would finally give in.

Her mouth was going to be my downfall. If she asked me, I would probably take her on her nice, clean desk right then and there. I could so clearly see myself tossing her down, gathering up her frumpy skirt, wedging myself between her thighs and just hammering it home. I also wanted to wrap my hands around her throat and strangle her for making me feel like such an idiot. It probably wasn’t healthy to have two such drastic emotions roaring through me at the same moment, but there they were. Absolutely roaring.

Noel wasn’t your typical manwhoring jock, but so so much more. He was utter perfection. he was this delectable combination of sweet, vulnerable, and sexy.

The chemistry that between him and Aspen are slowly brewed to the point where it’s practically boiling. Gawd but it was delicious. It was simply lust, it went so much deeper.

She was the frumpy, genius professor hiding romantic hopes and dreams. I was the stud playboy football star working my ass off to save my poor, broke family. What a pair we made. And what an ass I felt like. She wasn’t just some piece of fruit I wanted to sample because she was forbidden. She was a lot deeper than I had ever imagined.

As hard as both of them fight the attraction, it soon proves too strong for both of them. But the way that it’s written never made it seem illicit or dirty. And the vulnerability of both these characters is what truly captivates you.

I fully realize this thing between us is doomed, okay. I know we can never…
“We might not stand a chance, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop craving that connection we share. It’s so fucking strong, I’ve been willing to… God, I would do anything for little stolen pieces of you, Aspen.

The book kept me on the edge of my seat equal parts waiting for and dreading that moment for the other shoe to drop. Linda Kage teases and tortures you with different hints of how it may all go down. But I can honestly say that the way it did, I never saw coming.

I went through a ringer of emotions; I swooned, I cried, my heart hurt. It was simply wonderful. I’m not sure how it is that I’m only now discovering this author, but I’ll be rectifying this immediately by reading Price of a Kiss (especially since both the characters from that book make an appearance here).

I’m so happy that Linda will be continuing this series with Pick’s book next. I’m already salivating to get my grabby little hands on that book.

But let’s sum it up with this; do I recommend this book?
I can’t recommend it enough. Read it and experience for yourself what sent me into a gushing fangirling episode.



“knotted together until I didn’t know where I ended and he began, we made love.”

When I got the opportunity to read and review this up and coming novel I can gladly admit that I was more than just a little excited, in fact I was nothing short of ecstatic. ‘Price of a kiss’ was one of my favourite reads of last year and it started an addiction to an author that I knew I could no longer ignore. ‘To professor, with love’ is a novel that is deliciously tempting with an edge of taboo that I’m sure will make most readers enjoy their time spent with this novel. I’m certainly impressed once again by Linda Kage, here’s the rest of my thoughts …

What’s it all about?
Popular and talented star quarterback, Noel Gamble works hard, lives his dream and will do anything to provide for those that he loves most. He is determined that everything he has worked for must amount to making a new life for his siblings that he has left back in his hometown, a ugly life that he wants them all to escape from. Dr Aspen Kavanagh is a professor that is not as confident as her stern attitude and ugly business suits would suggest, inside is a woman begging to be loved and after living a loveless life nothing could be more tempting than an attraction that feels like it could be more. When aspen and Noel’s lives collide they could never have anticipated that they would find what they need in each other, but with everything on the line this couple have to make the decision to give into temptation or walk away from a undeniable connection that could forever change their lives.


What did I love?
Firstly, I love this authors writing style. I think by now it’s obvious that I’m a fan of the talented, Linda Kage. This author always manages to take me away on a love-story journey that is easy to escape into and equally easy to love. ‘To professor, with love’ was filled with romance, steam and forbidden love with a twist of heart break and depth that made it a charming story. The characters were believable and easy to read about. There’s no mistaking that this author has a talent for writing heroes that make the heart go faster and this time around she kept the humour at bay with her vulnerable and ever so charming heroine. Everything about the story line and developing story was well thought out and I even had a delightful second chance look into the lives of Mason and Reese from book one which certainly didn’t harm the enjoyment factor. The chemistry and slow burn build up towards the attraction scored points for my reading experience and it certainly wasn’t an anti climax once the characters finally made the decision to get down and dirty. I also adored the quotes that Linda added into the book at the beginning of each chapter and throughout the story, I found myself looking forward to what would come next, it’s adorably clever that each quote connected somehow to the content of the chapters. Overall this book was a winning combination of love, romance, steam and storyline, Linda Kage has done it again readers.


Why not five?
This book most certainly had five star quality stamped all over it, there were moments that I adored and I was highlighting my treasured kindle like crazy but with that being said as much love as I have for Linda Kage and her forbidden men series when I compared this novel to the first book in the series ‘Price of a Kiss’ it didn’t quite reach the same enjoyment level. I felt like I missed out on the humour, wit and laid back writing style of book one and sadly I didn’t connect to the storyline as much as I have with this authors previous novels. However, this book still reached a loveable four star status and I haven’t got much to complain about. Linda Kage writes books that I’ll always reach out to read and I’m more than happy that I spent my time with this heartfelt story about love being found in forbidden places. I’d whole heartedly recommend this novel to those that have enjoyed this authors previous work and if you are new to this author, then do not think twice about reading this likeable story and meeting a hero that will unquestionably stay in your heart.


Final thoughts …
As a reader I never gravitate to towards stories involving teacher/student relationships, but here Linda Kage has created a story that captured my affection and love. I never felt uncomfortable with the authors content, instead she got me wrapped up in a love story that left me wanting more. This is a series that I’m excited to see develop and I’m more than ready to read more about this authors addictive characters. If you like to fall for the heroes in your books and you enjoy the new adult genre then this series should not be missed. Go grab this book on release day I can guarantee you will not regret time spent with the delicious, Noel Gamble. Enjoy … Kisses.


Curious about what’s next for the Forbidden Men series? Read on for a special guest post from Linda Kage

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway for your chance to win an ebook copy of To Professor, With Love

Forbidden Men. 

There are two reasons I named the series Forbidden Men, and they’re pretty obvious! First of all, every featured hero will at some point be an employee of the Forbidden Nightclub.
But my favorite aspect is that each story will have a forbidden romance in it. I just love a plot where the hero and heroine are prohibited from being together.
And we’re about to go through all kinds of illicit affairs, from one hero lusting after his best friend’s little sister to another hero kind of already being married when he finally meets his soul mate. Then I had to throw in that age-old gigolo hero (bet you can’t tell which story that was!) along with a student/teacher relationship. And one fair heroine falls flat in love with her forbidden man on the day her asks her to accompany him to the jewelry store so she can help him pick out an engagement ring…for her roommate!
Right now, I have three more additions in the works to add to the series. So, if everything goes according to my evil plans (fingers crossed), the series should hopefully look a little like this:
Book 1 – Price of a Kiss – featuring Mason
Book 2 – To Professor, with Love – featuring Noel
Book 3 – Be My Hero – featuring Pick
Book 4 – With Every Heart Beat – featuring Quinn
Book 5 – A Perfect Ten – featuring…yep, Ten!
Each story will be a standalone, but they’ll also tie into the books around them, so you could read them either in order or totally out of order!

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