The truth shall set you free.My name is Calla Price and I’m drowning.My new world is a dark, dark ocean and I’m being pulled under by secrets.
Can I trust anyone? I don’t know anymore.The lies are spirals. They twist and turn, binding me with their thorns and serpentine tongues. And just when I think I have it figured out, everything is pulled out from under me.I’m entangled in the darkness.But the truth will set me free.It’s just ahead of me, so close I can touch it. But even though it shines and glimmers, it has glistening fangs and I know it will shred me.Are you scared?I am.

The truth is stark.
The truth is hurtful.I lay it out there, like flesh flayed open, like pink muscle, like blood.
They can’t get to me.
I won’t let them.I don’t know them.And I don’t want to.
Dare is my heart, but Dare isn’t a light. He’s my darkness.
The truth will set us all free.
He’s a weapon, armed for obliteration. And if I’m not careful the obliteration will be my own.
Don’t miss the first book in the Nocte Trilogy…