I call him “Tool” because he’s a dick.Gaige O’Neal is nicknamed “Tool” because of what he’s packing. Rumor is, he’s well equipped.I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had the pleasure.
He’s a cocky, entitled, insufferable a**hole who’s as reckless with women as he is with that stupid motorcycle he races.
He’s also my stepbrother. Lucky me.
It’s been four years since I’ve seen him. Four years since he’s made me so frustrated I could scream. Four years since he’s given me that look, the one that makes me instantly wet.
So it’s just f**ing fitting that the first time I see him in four years, he’s buried beneath three scantily clad blondes.
Now I’m stuck here under the same roof with him while he recovers from a racing injury. An injury that clearly hasn’t affected the use of his tool.
The problem is, as much as I despise him, I just can’t help myself. I want to find out what kind of tool he’s working with.
Motorcycle racer, womanizer, asshole extraordinaire. Four years ago, he was the bane of my existence. And my best friend, my confidant, my first love.
My stepbrother.

So here’s the deal, I’m not a fan of the stepbrother romance thing…at least I don’t go seeking it out. I like the taboo as much as the next pervert reader, but the stepbrother thing doesn’t really do it for me. That is, unless Sabrina Paige writes it. A few months ago I read Prick, my first book by her, and I was absolutely hooked. After finishing Tool, I can tell you that this is just one of those guilty pleasures authors for me. Her books are super smutty but with a great story too. Because let’s be honest, even us perverts romance connoisseurs want a story to go with our smut.
If you haven’t yet read Prick, I highly recommend you get right on that. Pun most definitely intended. But if you haven’t, no worries, because you can very easily read Tool as a standalone. Now onto the review…

OK? Great! moving on.
Delaney has spent four years away at college. Mainly she took the opportunity to run from her feelings for her exasperatingly sexy stepbrother. But now she’s back and looking to start working at her father’s company, which also lands her on babysitting ‘handling’ duty with her stepbrother, a professional motorcycle racer. She gets to travel with him to Japan to negotiate the company’s sponsorship deal. Too bad that all those feelings she ran from four years ago have not gone away in the least and Gaige is just as determined to get in her pants now as he was then.
I didn’t come back here to restart something with you, Gaige.”
“You and I are the fucking definition of unfinished.”

Now being a HUGE lover of the hate/lust thing, I gobbled this book right up. Delaney and Gaige are absolutely sizzling together. The snark, the banter, the sexual tension. Gaige is a cocky asshole and Delaney is a good girl with no small amount of sass. The sexual tension between them practically sizzles. I thought my ovaries would just about explode until they finally got together. It hurt, I tells ya. But in the most delicious of ways. Now a good 50% of this book is super hawt sex.

And you sure as hell won’t find me complaining. A lot of times I find that a lot of sex can dilute the story, but that wasn’t the case here. While it was super hot and smutty, I was always engaged in the story too.
Manwhore- check. Past history with him- check. Professional relationship- check. Stepbrother- double fucking check.

It was fantastically smutty!
If you’re looking for a super hot read and haven’t read anything by this author yet, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. Trust me, your ovaries will thank me 😉