Review: There Is No Devil by Sophie Lark

Series: Sinners Duet #2
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Sophie Lark
Release Date:
December 1, 2021

I Couldn’t Kill Mara…

But that doesn’t mean Shaw won’t.

She’s living in my house, always with me, always under my control.

The more I push her, the more she pushes back.

She’s peeling away my secrets, one by one. And I’m tempting her to do things she never thought she’d do…

Shaw won’t stop hunting her.

When the time comes to act, will Mara be ready?

The Lark Notes:
I was so pleased how many women identified with Mara’s character – with her sensory issues and history of trauma. It sounds crazy to call this an “inspirational story of murder”, but at the end of part two, I hope you will indeed feel inspired by Mara’s journey. — Sophie


“There Is No Devil” is the second half of the Sinners Duet. Reader be warned: this is a dark and steamy serial killer romance that may be triggering to some.


The man who never cared about anyone is fixated on the girl nobody gave a shit about. In some twisted way, we’re made for each other.


Sophie Lark, you evil genius you. The shit that must have gone on in your mind as you were writing this duet. I don’t even want to know. Ha! But damn if I don’t want more.

Now look, this book is dark. Ok? Like super dark. It’s fucked up in all the wrong ways…and all the right ones too.

I want all of you. Every single part of you. I want to know everything about you: all your history, and every thought that comes into your head. Every desire, no matter how dark or how perverse. Every fantasy, no matter how impossible it may seem. And most of all, Mara, I want to occupy your thoughts like you occupy mine. I want you obsessed with me, bound to me, dependent on me. I want you to live for me, not just with me.”

Is it possible to fall for a fictional sociopath serial killer? Welp, considering my first fictional crush like this was Dexter, it’s safe to say yes, yes it is.

Cole is a sociopath and a serial killer, and while he may kill without feeling, he has a bit of a moral compass…however broken and gray it may be. As the story progresses, you get to glimpse more and more into this man’s human side. And while he’s the furthest thing from normal, you also begin to understand him. You get to see how he became who he is. And you also get the glimpse into the beginning of all of it, including his rivalry with Shaw.

Now one thing did make me nervous about reading the conclusion of this duet. That was the fact that Cole is a sociopath in every meaning of the word. How would you ever buy a man like this feeling anything, least of all love. But Sophie managed to pull it off. So much so, that I’m still reeling.

This was an action packed, fucked up ride of a story that I almost didn’t want to end. And the conclusion? Morbidly satisfying. If you’re looking for a seriously dark and fucked up read, look no further. This one will check ever box you didn’t know you had.

Review: There Are No Saints by Sophie Lark

Series: Sinners Duet #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Sophie Lark
Release Date:
October 20, 2021


I loathe Alastor Shaw.

The city of San Francisco thinks we’re rival artists.

In truth, we’re predators battling for hunting ground.

We never chased the same prey. Until the night we both laid eyes on Mara Eldritch.

Shaw wants to use her as a pawn in his twisted game.

I’m fixated on her for a different reason…

She makes me feel things I never thought I could feel. Want things I never wanted.

Only she can make me lose control.

I don’t know if I should protect her at all costs… or destroy her before she ruins me.

Mara knows I’m no saint. But she has no idea she’s dancing with the devil…

The Lark Notes:
I have always been fascinated by true crime, as well as by villains and anti-heroes. A serial killer is, of course, the ultimate anti-hero — the baddest of the bad boys. Redeeming a character who starts so evil was a challenge that inspired me to entirely new heights and entirely new depths. Come on this darkly sensual and utterly brain-bending ride with me! — Sophie

“There Are No Saints” is the first book in the Sinners Duet. Reader be warned: this is a dark and steamy serial killer romance that will take you on a journey through the twisted mind of an artist on the brink of madness


There Are No Saints (Sinners Duet, #1)There Are No Saints by Sophie Lark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


She has me wondering what it would take to break her. To shatter her into so many pieces that she could never put them together again.

Well…hell. Where did this book come from, Sophie Lark? Because we need to talk.

A little fun fact about me, I’m fascinated by psychology. I love criminology and criminal psychology. I can binge watch true crime documentaries and podcasts and never grow tired of it. I also love Criminal Minds and Dexter. Now I want to make something clear also. I also get grossed out by people who sexualize serial killers. Like I’m not in the Ted Bundy or Richard Ramirez fan club. But in the same breath, there’s just something about a fictional killer that’s entirely too fascinating. Which is exactly what had me binge watching episodes of Dexter back in the day. I remember feeling completely out of my comfort zone reading Take Me with You. But some years have passed, and my limits, seems they’re mostly non existent when it comes to fictional bad guys.

Why are you so combative?” he says. “Have you ever tried cooperating?”
“In my experience, when men say ‘cooperative,’ they mean ‘obedient.’ ”
He grins. “Then have you ever tried being obedient?”

One thing I will tell you, is because of my obsession with psychology, I’m super picky on the whole sociopath descriptions. Because a lot of books will tell you that the character is one, but they don’t act like one. Or they have them start out as one, but then change into something else. Not in this book, my friends. Cole Blackwell is a textbook sociopath and his moral compass is completely broken. There is nothing good or redeeming about this man. So if that’s not your cuppa, and you want at least some redeeming qualities, this ain’t the book for you.

The more she rebels against me, the more I want to crush her.
And the more she clings to her convictions, the further I intend to drag her down dark and twisted pathways .

It’s interesting, my one missing piece with Sophie’s books has always been the quickness of the connection of the MCs. Like I always found it to be too quick in the books of hers I’ve read. And this book? Made me eat my words with some crow pie. Because DAMN. The pacing in this story is flawless. It takes the time to build it up, to set the scene, to lay the foundation. Any connection between the characters doesn’t come until much much later, and man, I loved that.

I also loved these characters. Cole and his narcissistic and sociopath tendencies. And Mara, well this girl caught me completely unaware. She may be the definition of a starving artist and very young. But this is a girl that’s seen some shit and has certainly lived it. She’s a survivor and she also harbors her own brand of fucked up.

This book had me riveted to the pages. I gobbled it up in one sitting and it left me absolutely crazed for my next fix. If you like your antiheroes not just morally gray, but completely fucking black? Welcome to your next addiction, friends.

Review: The Bratva’s Heir by Jane Henry & Sophie Lark

Genre: Mafia Romance
Series: Underworld Kings
Author: Jane Henry & Sophie Lark
Release Date:
October 15, 2021

A stand-alone novel in the Underworld Kings series

Prison’s a dark, bleak place.

But Clare brings me light.

My sweet little bird will be my ticket to freedom.

The first time I saw her, I had to have her.

From her big, dark eyes, to the curves she can’t conceal…

The way she can only hold my gaze so long.

The way she shivers every time I move inside these chains.

And most of all, the way she’ll bend the rules when I order her to…

I know a natural submissive when I see one.

Her degrees and titles don’t change who she is: a woman who will bend to my will.

She doesn’t know it yet, but Clare is mine.

Mine to train.
Mine to protect.
And mine to control…


I know you better than you know yourself. You think you want a gentleman? A Prince Charming? Someone to buy you flowers and rub your feet?
…You want permission,” I say. “To be as bad as you want to be. You want to be told to get down on your knees, to open your mouth, to do as you’re told… so you don’t have to feel guilty. Because you’re just doing what Daddy said…”

Ummm excuse me?! THE AUDACITY. The sheer AUDACITY to write something this hot and not to put a warning that I shouldn’t read it in public? Jane and Sophie, I demand to speak to your manager!

I’ve always had certain proclivities. I don’t like kissing, I don’t like cuddling, I don’t like murmuring sweet endearments in the dark. What I like is total obedience. Total control. .

Some girls like dirty talking alphas. Some girls enjoy the morally corrupt anti heroes. This girl? I want it all. But my true crack of choice is convicts. That sounds worse when I read it out loud, but you know what I mean. There’s just something about a dangerous anti hero who’s locked up but you just know he won’t be for long that just makes my blood run hot. I live for it. And the second I read the blurb for this book, I knew I needed it. But nothing prepared me for the sensual punch that it brought. Because mama! Or should I say, Daddy? *Evil grin*

Now admittedly, the daddy kink thing isn’t my fave, but GOD it just worked for me here. Constantine is the kind of uber alpha I die for. He’s a ruthless Bratva enforcer with a penchant for control, in all facets of his life, including the bedroom. And when he first lays eyes on the demure and innocent looking prison psychologist, he can read her desires a mile away. If you like praise kink and the hate everyone but her vibes, this book has it in spades.

Tell me I’m your good girl…”
“You’re my princess, my queen. I’ll slaughter anyone who lays a finger on you. Only I touch you. Only I look at you. You’re mine and mine alone.”

While what you see is what you get with Constantine, Clare is a bit different. She starts off demure but then really grows into her own. Watching her evolution through discovering more about her sexuality was satisfying as all get out. I love how she’s equally terrified of and turned on by Constantine when she meets him. I also loved her evolution into someone a lot more fierce towards the end.

This book was pure crack. There was action, twists and turns, and ALL OF THE STEAM. Oh my GAWD. The steam! THE STEAM! I devoured this book and licked my fingers afterwards. Hell I felt like I needed a cigarette after. Was the ending a little OTT on Clare’s side, a little. But did I care? Not even a little. This was pure mafia romance crack. CRACK I tells ya!

Review: The Spy by Sophie Lark

Series: Kingmakers #4
Genre: New Adult, Dark Romance
Author: Sophie Lark
Release Date: July 28, 2021

I’ve waited three long years for this…

Hiding. Lying. Spying.

Waiting like a spider for her to wander into my web…

Now she’s here, and I have to get even closer to her. I’ll help her. Befriend her. Seduce her, even.

The only thing I can’t do is fall in love with her.

Her father took everything from me: my money, my family, my life.

He has to pay for what he’s done. And she’s the only thing that can hurt him…

The Lark Notes:
I’ve been planting clues and Easter Eggs all the way through the first three Kingmakers books — now it’s time for the secrets to be revealed, and the mysteries to find their conclusions. The moment you finish “The Spy”, you’re going to want to go back and read the whole series all over again! – Sophie

“The Spy” is the final installment in the epic dark mafia Kingmakers series. It’s a forbidden romance, full of mystery, betrayal, and an explosive conclusion that will give you the biggest book hangover of your life!


Not all predators hunt in the open.

This series has been a guilty pleasure for me. It’s one of those suspend your disbelief sort of reads that manages to hit the spot even if it’s waaaay out there. I think I saw the comparison of Hogwarts school for criminals and it’s definitely apropos.

I’ve been waiting for this one with bated breath. I couldn’t wait for The Spy to be revealed because I just knew it was going to be crazy. And man, was it. The Spy was a character I fell for immediately. I was desperate for the details to his past and the more that got revealed, the more hooked I became. Nix was a bit of an acquired taste, that admittedly, I just never acquired a taste for. She was…just okaish. She seemed a bit two dimensional. I get her father’s story, but she just didn’t add up for me.

The other thing that lowered my rating was the romance. I hate to admit it, but I just never connected with the romance here. Admittedly, it’s something I’ve experienced with some of the other books I’ve read from this author. The romance just seems to come out of nowhere, with no real build up. For my tastes anyway. This is entirely a personal tastes thing, so don’t take my word as gospel here because I’m clearly in the minority. But for me they just seemed to go from 0 to 60 in the span of a chapter, and considering their history and who they are to each other, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around that. Nix’s choice in the end was also mind boggling. I just couldn’t believe her quick turn face and how easily she forgave and condemned.

I have to say my favorite part of the book was the secondary suspense story. Or not really secondary, but one that runs parallel to the romance and has some flashbacks. I lived for these two.

All in all, this was an entertaining read, but just not something that I’d come back to or find myself thinking about later.

New Release: Savage Lover by Sophie Lark

An Enemies-to-Lovers Mafia Romance
Series: Brutal Birthright #3
Romantic Suspense
Sophie Lark
Release Date: September 16, 2020

There’s A Reason I Never Go To Parties…

I saw him in a cloud of smoke, like sin made flesh. Even bruised and battered, I’d never seen anything more beautiful…

Unless I hate myself, I should stay far away from Nero.

He’s a heartbreaker.
A mess-maker.
A walking disaster.

Here’s the problem: I’m in deep trouble with a dirty cop. The only person who can save me is Nero. We’re not friends. If he saw me drowning, he’d throw me an anchor.

But he’s the only chance I’ve got.

He’s no hero, he’s a Savage Lover.

“Savage Lover” is the wild and reckless third act of the “Brutal Birthright” series. It’s a stand-alone bully Mafia Romance, complete with HEA and no cliffhangers. It contains blazing hot bedroom scenes for mature readers only!!!

Join the Release Party today:


#1 Brutal Prince


Free in Kindle Unlimited

#2 Stolen Heir

Free in Kindle Unlimited

Sophie lives with her husband, two boys, and baby girl in the Rocky Mountain west. She writes intense, intelligent romance, with heroines who are strong and capable, and men who will do anything to capture their hearts.

She has a slight obsession with hiking, bodybuilding, and live comedy shows.  Her perfect day would be taking the kids to Harry Potter World, going dancing with Mr. Lark, then relaxing with a good book and a monster bag of salt and vinegar chips.


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