Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Take Me With You by @ninagjones

ninagjonesbannerTAKE ME WITH YOU
Dark Romance
Author: Nina G. Jones
Release Date: October 17, 2016
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast PromotionsGoodreads Button with Shadow


I watch.
I study.
I prowl.
I hunt.

I always go in with a plan. A set of rules for myself. I don’t take unnecessary risks. That’s how I’ve been able to evade capture all these years.

But there’s something about this girl that is different than the others. When I finally meet her, the rules become a blur. And I break the most important one of all—I take her with me.


It’s just my imagination—that feeling of being watched. That those icy eyes— a vivid turquoise with a distinct golden fleck—aren’t watching me.

It’s just stress. I am the person everyone relies on. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been feeling so content with my life lately. Why I dream those eyes belong to someone who can tear me away from all of my responsibilities.

But these are just shameful fantasies, never meant to breach reality.

Then one night, the dream comes true, only it’s a horrific nightmare.

Now, I only have one task: survival.



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“Who are you?” I cry. “The Night,” he rasps.


This book was all sorts of fucked up. ALL SORTS OF FUCKED UP, I TELLS YA! I need to be committed, my head examined, my sanity questioned… because I liked it. Never has something so wrong felt so…actually no. It just felt wrong. So very wrong.

Nina G. Jones was not afraid to go there. To the deepest, darkest depths of depravity. She didn’t just push comfort lines here, the woman ran over them with a damn mac truck. Then she backed that shit up and ran it the hell over 3 more times to make sure it stuck. To make sure that you question your sanity with every page. To make sure that you’re convinced that clearly something must be wrong with you for enjoying it. For questioning your damn sanity because you can’t put it down and yet it feels so wrong. SO VERY WRONG. Bah! Just bah!

Girls like her don’t want the beast. They want the idea of one. They want to be safe and still revel in the thrill. But there’s no safety with a monster. Because monsters consume. They take your body, your soul, and your innocence.

Imagine watching an episode of Criminal Minds and actually finding yourself falling for the perpetrator. There’s no gray area with this anti-hero. Fuck no. This man is as deep in the black as it gets. There’s no redemption in sight. He’s not a man that will tug at your heart strings. You’ll actually WANT to hate him. But here’s the thing? His character is written so freaking well, that you’ll actually understand him, and that, my friends, is where the mindfuck begins.

He’s all rippled muscles, and sweat, and filth. Eyes that reveal no soul or depth, clear as a demon’s.

Here’s what I’ll tell you about the book: NOTHING

And if you need to know something, then this book is not for you. It needs to be experienced and to do that, you need to be fully unprepared for what you’re getting yourself into.

I have news for you, Vesp. When you’re fucked up like me—like that—heaven and hell aren’t very different.”

Take Me With You is dark, twisted and immoral. It’s violent, crude and dirty. The characters are so far outside typical comfort zones and the norm, they may as well be in a different dimension. It was also phenomenally written, completely unputdownable, and utterly unforgettable.

I want him to fill me with his poison again. He likes the taste of my sadness and I like when he injects me with his venom. He is my danger, my greatest threat. When he’s on my side, I know that I am safe.

If you want a book that will take you out of your comfort zone, this is it. If you want a book with an anti-hero that will redeem himself at the end and it’s all twu wuv and rainbows at the end, this book is certainly not for you, my delicate friend.

He’s right there, still in front of me, forcing me to look into those eyes. Eyes that have stolen everything.

I’m still questioning my sanity for enjoying it as much as I did. I also need a mental health break full of bunnies and unicorns shitting rainbows after it. I tip my hat to you, Nina G. Jones, you’re a true evil genius. You’re not afraid to cross boundaries and go where most would shudder to. This was dark and twisted brilliance…in a filthy, completely fucked up way that is.

About the AuthorNina G. Jones is the author of seven full-length novels of various romance and erotica sub-genres. Her latest novel, Take Me With You, releases on October 17th.

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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ✩Debt✩ by @NinaGJones

Title: DEBT

Author: Nina G. Jones
Genre: Erotic Suspense
Release Date: December 2, 2014
Cover Model: BJ Gaddour
DEBTcoverI don’t know what I was thinking when I hired someone to attack me. Maybe I was bored, or lonely, or there was a void so deep inside of me that I needed something explosive to fill it.

It was supposed to be safe. A thrill. A way to break through the monotony of everyday life. It was an illusion of danger that I could walk away from as soon as it was over.

Except that it wasn’t. Because I had been in danger long before I ever invited it into my life.
My mission is almost complete. The bubbling boil of vengeance that heats my blood might finally simmer.

She is the last piece of the puzzle. Once I destroy her, everyone who ever hurt me will have paid their debt.

It was supposed to be quick and easy, but as soon as I met her it got complicated.

Very complicated.

“Please, dance with me,” I beg in a mewl.

His hand threads through my hair, the other grabs my ass and pulls me up and against his thigh, applying more pressure against him.

Brick by brick.

And we move in sync: slow, rhythmic grinding. Eye to eye. Lids barely parted. Sweat beading. Low moans vanish into the air. The deafening music drowns out any conflicted feelings that remain. He tugs my hair and extends my neck, grazing his teeth against my chin, the tip of his tongue awakening the sensitive nerve endings. His hand squeezes my half-exposed ass, and everything lights up. My nipples and clit, a partnership of arousal, tense in ecstasy as they stroke against the man who sets me on fire. He is also the only person who can put me out.

My moans grow louder, but they are drowned out in the safety of the music. And like the flashing lights in the club, I become ablaze with flickering energy, throwing my head back, arching my spine as he supports me, as he lets me use his body, his smell, his taste, his overpowering masculine energy to put out the blaze that he ignites inside of me.

I collapse onto him, grasping his shirt, taking in his smell, the warmth of his broad chest, completely lost in the sensory experience that is Tax. I smile as I burrow my face into his chest, drunk off the mixture of alcohol and lust.

4 dirty dirty DIRTY debt Stars

Reckless. Irresponsible. Dirty. Dangerous. Exhilarating. Erotic. Wild. Euphoric.
How can one thing be all of those?
How can peering into the gutter of my soul feel like I just touched heaven?

What in the effing hell did I just read? And why do I suddenly feel the need to go to confessional? But the better question is, why in the fucking hell did I like it?!

The quote above describes the book perfectly, because it truly is ALL of those things.
And most importantly Dirty (it’s worth listing it twice)

There are no pleasantries, no small talk it’s a man who wants to fuck a woman. Not just fuck her, but take her.

I can say that this book is certainly not for everyone. It’s just one fuck shy of being depraved. Luckily my sanity is long gone and my ovaries are steel plated, so this was right up my pervy little alley.

Don’t fucking act like you don’t like this shit, Mia. I know you want someone to dirty you up. I’ll make you fucking filthy.

Mia is a good girl…well mostly anyway. She loves her job working at an adult toy company, but her own sex life has been sorely lacking lately. So when her best friend tells her about the most thrilling and erotic sex she’s ever had just so happened to come from a service in the form of a ‘rape fantasy’ she wants to be disgusted…and yet she can’t help but be incredibly intrigued at the same time. A hot and sexy stranger, a safe word that makes it all stop should you chose, and the promise of the hottest sex she’s ever had proves too alluring to resist. But nothing prepares her for the man that shows up to ‘attack her’

Tax Draconi is a debt collector and Mia is the last name on his list of people to pay.

I will suck her dry. I will fuck the life out of her, I will ravage her until she is hollow and used…

Now I have to tell you, some of the scenes that take place in this book? Even the seasoned pervert in me was almost screaming

Because it is one step away from being borderline rapey…and yet it wasn’t. But it was certainly…dirty. Very, very, VERY dirty.

My advice if you chose to read this is to slightly suspend your disbelief. The interesting thing is I couldn’t find it in me to care that some of the things that I read here would usually bother me in any other books. Which definitely goes to say something…and I’d rather not think on that right now LOL.

But the premise of the book is much darker and a whole lot more than the dirtyness of it.

Tax targets Mia for a very specific reason. A reason that has everything to do with their shared past and a past that she has no recollection of.

The story is told in alternating flashbacks of present to past and slowly trickle feeds the reader details, little by little, until you start putting together all the puzzle peaces. Tax’s history is absolutely gut wrenching. This is no sunshine and unicorns type of book. It’s DARK and it’s all kinds of fucked up.

I wish I can give you more of the plot, but I simply can’t. That blurb is vague, and that’s all you should know going in.

I had a hard time understanding Mia’s almost instantaneous connection to Tax, especially given some of the things that he makes her do. I have to say some were almost too tough to swallow…even for me. And yet her lust for him was always unwavering. Now taking into consideration their “past”, it did make a little more sense to me by the end.

I have to say that I could have gone without one very particular scene: (view spoiler)[I don’t want to even read the word ‘tampon’ in my book, especially a sex scene that starts off with the pulling of one out. Euuuwie. No spanks (hide spoiler)]

But aside from that, I couldn’t put this one down. As much as I thought I had an idea about where this book would go, the constant twists and turns kept me on my toes until the very end. And then that end! Holy freaking shit! The feels! The feels, I tell ya! Damn.

This was my first Nina G. Jones book, but I can definitely tell you that she’s found a new fan in me.

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Nina G. Jones is the author of the Strapped Series and Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel.

Her next novel, DEBT, is slated to be released in December 2014.

Nina currently resides in Milwaukee, WI with her husband and two fur babies. She will work for chocolate cake.

love p
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