Review: ✩Soul Resurrected✩ by @KeriLake

As Wrath’s fiercest son, Logan carries the scars of fifty years spent in the most dreaded prison of the underworld, for a sin he’d kill to keep secret. Enduring decades of gruesome torture has left Logan feared by and detached from others, until a female Alexi’s blood resurrects his soul from death and, with it, the pleasures he’s been denied for so long.Plagued by shame of her own, Calla is drawn to the ruthless demon, Logan, whose insatiable craving for her touch rouses buried passions and, for once, leaves her feeling desired.

A dark and dangerous evil has been reawakened, however, and when Calla is drawn too close to its breeding grounds, Logan vows to summon the violence of Wrath in order to keep her safe. First, though, Calla must save him from a past riddled with deceit and corruption … but only if she can accept the chilling consequences of unearthing his vilest skeleton.

Sons of Wrath
Never gamble with vengeance …

Warning: This book contains explicit language, sex, and violence. Not suitable for readers under 18 years of age.

Title: Soul Resurrected
Series: Sons of Wrath (book 2)
Author: Keri Lake
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: October 31st 2013


I never believed in love. Mostly because love never believed in me enough to break through my shield. Why believe in something that’s never touched you?

Holy, sweet mother of AWESOME. Where has this series been all my life? It was 500+ pages of action packed, gritty, sexy, unputdownable awesome that I absolutely devoured. My nails are bit to shit, I’m running on about 2 hrs of sleep, and you know what? So. Totally. Worth. It. If you haven’t started this series yet, I’m not sure what you’re doing with your life.
After the set up for Logan’s book in Soul Avenged I knew I couldn’t wait any longer before diving straight into his book. I read them back to back. I was incredibly curious how things would play out with him and Calla. I’m not a reader that likes weak and sniveling heroines, and Calla gave me those vibes in the previous book. Boy was I wrong!

Vulnerability and weakness are two separate entities, Miss Calla. Where one exposes you to pain, the other allows you to be consumed by it.

Calla really comes into her own in this book and proves herself to be a force to be reckoned with. She does make a few questionable decisions here and there, but none of that made me like her any less. She was the perfect match for Logan.
It’s clear from just the first few pages that Logan is a very broken character. He’s already survived unspeakable horrors in his life, and his recent death and resurrection is just another notch to add to it. In the midst of all the turmoil that is already ever present in his head there is also the woman that got him killed in the first place; Calla, the Alexi warrior.
This was no insta-love or insta-lust case. Not even fucking close. Logan hates Calla and makes no bones about it. He also makes it pretty evident that he blames her for what happened. He’s cold, and callous, and utterly brutal to her. It was delicious. Because underneath all of that loathing is a undercurrent of unwanted lust. Keri Lake did a phenominal job working that in without making it too obvious. It truly makes the reader burn for this couple to finally figure that out themselves.

While I felt that the romance was secondary in the first book, it was definitely front and center here. While it is a slow but sizzling hot build, it is clearly prevalent in the story. Once Logan realizes how Calla really effects him, all bets are off…
You want a tortured, dirty talking, and yet somehow endearingly vulnerable hero? Logan is all that and more. I love PNR, but as much of it as I’ve read through the years, some heroes tend to blend into one another. Not Logan or ANY of the Wrath brothers. Nope. These are alphas that I’ll be comparing all other alphas to.
In the midst of the romance you also have an incredibly action packed and fast paced story. The author has woven together an intricate world with unique characters and twists and turns that will leave you biting your nails and turning the pages well into the night. Holy shit it was awesome! The whole thing unfolded before me like a movie playing through my mind.

She’d broken him. Punched right through him and found the soft, dark place that he’d sworn off to everyone. Little Calla, the seemingly meek and fragile human female, had somehow fought her way through his defenses with every intention of conquering his heart.

If you’re a fan of sizzling hot and action packed PNR, this is a series that is a MUST read. Trust me. I’m seriously kicking myself for not discovering it sooner. And now I’m left practically panting for Gavin’s book next. Keri is the queen of a twisty set up that will leave the reader begging for the next book. I can’t freaking wait!

I do not recommend reading these books out of order as each one builds off of the other. The story will be that much more enjoyable if read in order.

Review: ✩Soul Avenged✩ by Keri Lake

Passion is blind in vengeance and love…

Ayden’s suburban home was invaded by a pack of Lycans.

The brutal attack is the only memory she carries of her former life.

Now, one motive burns in her soul:


The Sons of Wrath—a brood of vengeance-dealing warrior demons—band with Ayden to hunt the Lycans on Detroit’s most deadly feeding grounds.

Kane Walker should’ve been her easiest kill.

Unfortunately, the newly bitten Lycan has something she wants—clues that may finally lay her past to rest. To reach them, she must be willing to submit to the sensual pleasures awakened by his touch.

Time is running out.

In seven days, Kane will become what Ayden despises most. She can halt his transformation but the antidote requires the ultimate sacrifice. As the beast takes hold, Kane becomes more of a threat.

Ayden must choose between her lust for revenge, or surrender to her enemy and discover a horrible truth.

Sons of Wrath
Never gamble with vengeance

Title: Soul Avenged
Series: Sons of Wrath #1
Author: Keri Lake
Genre: Paranormal Romance
4 Holy Shit Why Did It Take Me So Long To Read This STARS

Anger and vengeance was all she’d ever known, all she’d ever lived for.

PNR was the genre that first got me into reading, it continues to be one of my favorites to this day. But finding a good PNR series lately has become like finding a needle in a haystack. But boy did I hit the fucking motherload when I found Keri Lake’s Sons of Wrath series.

You want a kickass heroine that puts most men to shame? Meet Ayden
Usually when I start a new PNR series, I have what I refer to as a case of the “book firsts”. What I mean is, it takes me a while to truly get into the book with all the character introductions and world building. Not here. Keri’s intricate and unique world building sucked me right in from the very beginning. I knew right away that that I had a new favorite series on my hands. And the Wrath brothers? Holy mother of FUCK, those boys are drool worthy and panty melting hot.

Ayden is a very tough and yet cold heroine. She’s survived a brutal attack that would have left her dead and then was molded into a cold-blooded hunter whose one goal is to hunt down and kill every single Lycan. With zero memory of her old life, all she’s known is vengeance and death.
We’re introduced to an intricate world of ghouls, lycans, demons, and much more. Ayden definitely stands out above the rest with her no-ties, cold hearted and brutal tendencies. This is not a soft heroine in the very least. This woman kicks ass and makes no apologies. When she finds a recently bitten Lycan (Kane) writhing in pain, it should be an easy kill…except one touch gives her memories that may very well be her own. She has seven days before he makes a full turn and she’s forced to kill him to figure out just how this halfling ties into her old life.

I have to admit that Ayden was a tough heroine to truly like in the very beginning. She treats Kane like the dirt stuck to her shoe, even though he’s not a fully turned Lycan yet and is a victim just like she was. Her treatment of him was so cold it was almost off-putting at times.
I would also say that the romance was not really the center of this book, or at least it didn’t quite feel like that to me. But I couldn’t care in the least because between all the secondary characters and the world building, I was so thoroughly sucked in that I didn’t even bat an eyelash at it.

My other minor quibble was that Kane wasn’t quite the alpha male that I usually prefer in books…or at least not in the beginning. He wasn’t quite beta either, I’d call him a gamma hero. He really came into his own towards the end, and it was very satisfying. But he was more sweet and caring and at times I almost questioned how he could have feelings for Ayden after her treatment of him.

However, Keri Lake is an extremely talented author in that she’s able to tie everything together flawlessly. Everything was a balance system and all questions get answered in the end about Kane, Ayden, as well as a few others. I LOVED how Keri was able to tie everything together. The reader really gets a feel for why Ayden is the way that she is and why Kane, although not quite as tough as she is, is the perfect match for her. Then there were the plot twists! Holy fucking shit those plot twists! You will never see them coming and when they hit you BAM! You’ll be left with your jaw hanging open. Holy shit it was awesome!

Soul Avenged is a unique, action packed ride that you will not want to put down from beginning to finish add into that some incredibly sexy Wrath demons and you’ve got yourself a recipe for awesome! As a matter of fact, I’m diving right into Logan’s book because I can’t wait a second longer. If you’re looking for a new PNR series with characters that you will absolutely pant over, look no further. I cannot believe it took me so long to finally start this one. Thank you to my lovely friend Sammy for giving me the final push that I need it. I highly recommend this for any fans of sexy PNR.

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