PREPPY: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part One
Series: King #5
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: T.M. Frazier
Release Date: October 25, 2016
Bowtie…’till I DIE.
Samuel Clearwater, A.K.A Preppy, likes bowties, pancakes, suspenders, good friends, good times, good drugs, and a good f*ck.
He’s worked his way out from beneath a hellish childhood and is living the life he’s always imagined for himself. When he meets a girl, a junkie on the verge of ending it all, he’s torn between his feelings for her and the crippling fear that she could be the one to end the life he loves.
Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet is strung out and tired.
Tired of living for her next fix. Tired of doing things that make her stomach turn. Tired of looking in the mirror at the reflection of the person she’s become. Just when she decides to end it all, she meets a man who will change the course of both their lives forever.
And their deaths.
For most people, death is the end of their story.
For Preppy and Dre, it was only the beginning…
I’m going to hurt you,” he said, undoing the top button of my shorts and pushing his hand into my panties, cupping my sex in his warm and powerful hand. He squeezed, just a little, a show of power. “I’m going to hurt you with my lips. With my fingers. With my cock. It’s going to be the best fucking pain you’ve ever felt.”
Damn you T.M. Frazier! Damn you and your evil genius! What are you doing to me? I can’t even right now. First you shatter my cold black heart in Tyrant. Then you give me a smidgeon of hope with your evil teasing ways in Soulless. Then you make my pervy little heart’s dreams come true with this book only to leave me with that cliffhanger? Woman, I will hunt you down and demand answers. I will glare at you until you finish the next book. I will wave my fists menacingly and look as threatening as I can while doing it to make sure that you do all of this right this very second. You hear me? You can’t leave me like that! You just can’t!! GAH!
Have you ever read a secondary character that was so vivid and so enigmatic that he almost stole the show? Because that’s exactly what Samuel “Preppy” was to me in King. I loved his warped humor and the way that he was always making everyone around him laugh even with his warped past and his not so pretty present. This is a man that has seen hell and came out with a smile on his face and a bow tie on his neck. I was beyond thrilled to get his book.
Preppy takes us back before the timeline of King began. Speaking of King, I highly recommend reading this series in order to truly appreciate everything that is Preppy. While plenty of background is given, a lot could be lost on you having not read the previous books.
It made sense that his body was built for sin, because the hold Samuel Clearwater had over me was something straight from the depths of hell.
Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet is at the end of her rope. Strung out, tired, she’s living her own personal hell deep in the bowels of an addiction she can’t kick.
Ready to end it all, Dre’s attempt gets thwarted by a man that may be her savior or her new form of hell…
I didn’t just want to fuck her. I wanted to ruin her.
If you loved Preppy in the previous books, you will absolutely fall in love with him in this one. He’s just as potent and just as charismatic except MORE. I couldn’t get enough of him
You know, sometimes I’m not sure when you’re serious.”
“Oh, well that’s easy to figure out. I’m always sometimes joking in a way that’s honest.”
“Totally cleared that up.”
“Glad I could help…”
Dre was an interisting character to say the least. It’s not everyday you can read about an addict like that and yet feel an odd sort of…kinship to her. She should be desperate and weak considering her circumstances, but even though all that there was this sense of a steel backbone to her. An underlying strength that would make an appearance to show that not everything is as it seems. I loved the way that the author was able to convey that without taking away from her addiction. This wasn’t someone that was magically healed and never wanted drugs again because she met a man. She was broken but not ruined.
He’d said he couldn’t keep me. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t always be his.
The timeline of this book runs before the one in King with some flashbacks that take place during the timeline in Soulless. It will answer many questions about Preppy while leaving you with plenty more. It was a gritty, sexy, dirty, violent ride that I never wanted to end. I loved every delicious and devious page. I love the way that T.M’s mind works. The woman is an evil genius and I can’t wait to see what she has in store for this couple next!!
- King (King, #1)
- Tyrant (King, #2)
- Lawless (King, #3)
- Soulless (King, #4)
- Preppy (King, #5)
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