Zeth Mayfair is pretty much the very last thing I need in my life. And yet with every breath I take he becomes more engrained in every aspect of it:
He has a key to my house.
He knows where I work.
He dumped his strange, mentally traumatized housemate on my doorstep and has driven off into the sunset in search of my missing sister.
I want to forget him. Want to change the locks and blot out his face, scourge his very name from my memory. The problem is that I also need him. I need him more than I need air to breath, and I can’t be without him now.
He owns me.
He torments me.
He’s fractured me.
This is what true pleasure feels like. It’s not just the softness of a kiss. It’s not just the delicate touch of hands on breasts and tongues on skin. It’s the bite of pain, the threat of danger, the risk taken in dancing with the devil.

The plot continues to thicken, the sex just gets hotter and hotter, and this series just gets better and better!
If it wasn’t clear from my review of Deviant, I’m seriously hooked on this series. I knew that Deviant was going to be the start of a dark and twisted ride, and fuck was I right.
Zeth never wanted to believe that his employer, no matter how corrupt he is, would have something to do with the disappearance of Sloane’s sister or the flesh trade. But when an assignment that he gets sent on by him proves just that and so much more, he’s thrown for a loop. Not only does it looks like he’s been lying to him about all his ‘businesses’, but it looks like he may have also betrayed Zeth in the worst of ways those few years ago when he served time in Chino. A way that Zeth never thought he would. And now he’s determined to find out the truth. Determined to protect Sloane and Lacey at all costs, he leaves Lacey on Sloane’s doorstep with his men watching them and takes off to find his answers.
Sloane still can’t believe just how deep she’s fallen into Zeth’s web. Babysitting Lacey shouldn’t be too tough, even considering her fragile mental state. But when two men break into her house in the middle of the night to kidnap Lacey, she has no choice but to run straight to the man that she knows will protect her even though he still terrifies her…Better the devil you know.
Let me tell you this: you may think you have been horny before. You may think you have been ready to beg, to plead, to straight up murder to feel someone inside you, but but until you’ve had this…until Zeth Mayfair is on his knees for you…
Their chemistry, as always, is absolutely undeniable. These two seriously burn up the sheets together. I can’t get enough of Zeth’s intensity. The man’s tastes definitely run on the darker side, but on man is it delicious.
You should know better by now, Sloane. You’re an angry girl, yeah, but I’m an angry boy, too. And if you plan on doling out punishment, you’d better be prepared to receive some in return.

Then every now and then you get a peak into a more fragile man inside the tough as hell persona…
You gave yourself to me back at my apartment; I’ve never done it before, but I gave myself in return. I may not have wanted to, Sloane, but I didn’t have a fucking choice in the matter. That means we belong to each other now.
Though I’m still trying to figure out what it is that he has against kissing.
I devoured this book in one sitting. Between all the action and plot twists, I couldn’t seem to stop reading. For every thing that gets answered, you get a million more questions. What is Zeth’s boss hiding from him? What is the connection that Lacey has to his past? Who is Rebel and what happened to Sloane’s sister? What the hell happened the night that Zeth got arrested for murder?

Through all this, Sloane’s backbone just continues to grow. The woman has one smart mouth on her, and she definitely gives as good as she gets….well…almost anyway…
What the hell are you going for here? You expect me to shed my clothes like Bruce Almighty and jump on that thing, just ’cause you got it out?”
I don’t care how cocky or demanding the man is. Who in their right mind can say no to him?

Now jumping straight into Burn because I need answers dammit!!
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