Review: Bull Rush by Maggie Rawdon

Genre: Dark Western Romance
Author: Maggie Rawdon
Release Date:
September 27, 2024

Still married.
Those words change everything.

Now my should-be ex-husband, Ramsey Stockton, the former pro football star turned felon and hero who left this town—and me—behind years ago, is at my door offering me a deal with the devil.

If I let him stay and play his wife again for ninety days, he’ll give me a quiet divorce and his family ranch—the one my inn is on. When I scoff at the idea, he offers a million-dollar bonus to help my business float through this rough patch, but only if I’m his.

Then he’ll walk away, and I can walk down the aisle with my fiancé. Or I can say no and watch everything I’ve worked so hard for fall apart.

There’s only one answer I can afford to give him. But he knows everything about me—every hurt, every secret, and every single weakness I have, including him.

While Ramsey might want me, his brothers want him back in the family business. If there’s one universal truth in this town, it’s that Stockton men stop at nothing to get what they want.


You remembered,” she says, and it’s quiet, so quiet I read the words on her lips more than I hear them over the music and the roar of the bar. I smile slowly, half afraid to do anything to mess this moment up. “Sugar, when it comes to you, I remember every single thing. Like you were branded on my soul.”

Well now, this is going to be a roller coaster of a series if this book is anything to go by. Because, what a ride! This was full of twists and turns and so much dirty talk that set my loins ablaze. Did I just age myself by typing that? I think I may have, but I digress.

The second I read the blurb to this book, I knew I had to have it, and it definitely delivered on that blurb and then some. I love a second chance romance and when that second chances is with your ex spouse that you thought you were divorced from? Color me all over it.

Hazel has finally moved on from her ex husband. It’s been years since Ramsey left to pursue his football career and left her his family’s inn. Hazel is engaged and happy, but then gets the shock of a lifetime. Turns out her divorce never went through. And her ex husband is back in town after he’s paroled from prison and making her a deal. He’ll give her the money she needs to fix the inn and grant her the divorce if she gives him 90 days as his wife. Now, the second Hazel’s fiancé agreed, I fully wrote him off. Bye Felicia! But I digress again.

Admittedly, Hazel took me a minute to warm up to. I knew there was definitely more than Just Ramsey and his family history that led to their falling out. But at times she came off as childish and petty. The way she chooses to punish him just rubbed me wrong even if I loved Ramsey’s reactions to her little rebellions. Luckily she did mature throughout the course of the book and definitely grew on me. But Ramsey? Ramsey definitely stole the show. This man was absolute fire with a dirty mouth to boot.

There’s some mystery about his family legacy and his siblings that develops throughout the book that I can’t wait to learn more about in the next ones. There’s some grittier and darker elements of suspense as well, which I definitely enjoyed. I wouldn’t call it dark, but it wasn’t light either.

I loved seeing these two find their way back to each other against all odds. And I also definitely need to go back and read Mine to Gain because there’s definitely an appearance by Ramsey in that book that I want to know more about.

This was a fun page turner with plenty of spice and sizzle. But the set up for the next book? SALIVATING.


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