Review: Broken by Serena Akeroyd

Genre: Forbidden Romance
Author: Serena Aneroid
Release Date:
August 1, 2024

Forgive me, Father, for I am undeserving when blood soaks these hands that hold Your gift to me.

I am broken and find solace in the darkness.

She is pure and basks in the light.

Did You send her to be my shelter?

I made a vow of celibacy.

She remained untouched.

Did You create her for me?

I am a sin eater, a purger of evil.

She is an angel, a guardian of good.

Did You know she would be my savior?

Thank You, Father, for she is the one sin I will willfully commit.

Broken is a forbidden, dark romance and a complete standalone.


He is my purpose. My reason. This goes beyond being soul mates. This is divine intervention.

If there is one thing I can tell you, it’s that Serena Akeroyd is an immaculate story teller. She has a way with her words that manages to spin you into the story and suck you into the characters. And this book was a true testament of her craft. It’s a polarizing type of story where you definitely want to read and heed the trigger warnings for. I wouldn’t call it dark, per se, but it definitely has dark and heavy undertones and subject matter.

It’s a painfully beautiful story of soulmates and healing, and it didn’t take me long to be wrapped up with these characters. Now admittedly, that is also the part that worked against me too. While I loved the intention behind it, I also found the romance to be almost too sudden. But do take my review with a grain of salt because I’m also a reader that isn’t a big fan when the FMC is the main pursuer in an almost mindless and aggressive way, and try as I might to look past it, it did impact my reading enjoyment.

I loved the different elements of the book, but for some reason the romance just didn’t click for me. I liked it, but I just didn’t love it like I usually do with Serena’s characters. I just couldn’t connect with either one of them on a level I needed to really click with the story.

But having said that, I still enjoyed the book. It was incredibly unique and while it covered some dark and disturbing subjects, the way that Serena wrote it was masterful. I wish I clicked with the romance more, but even then, it was still an enjoyable read that I would recommend for anyone looking for something different and unique.

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