Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★A Perfect Ten★ by @lindakage

A Perfect Ten
Author: Linda Kage
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: March 30th, 2015

Let your hair down, Caroline, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.I know I’ve closed myself off in a major way in the past year, ever since “the incident” where I messed up my life completely. It’s past time I try to live again or just give up completely. But this is quite possibly the craziest thing I’ve ever done. In a last ditch effort to invigorate myself, I’m standing outside Oren Tenning’s bedroom, I just peeled off the sexiest pair of underwear I own, and my hand is already raised to knock.

My brother would disown me for doing anything with his best friend, and he’d probably kill Oren. But if I play my cards right, no one will ever know about this. Not even Ten.

Maybe after tonight, I’ll finally get over this stupid, irrational crush I hate having on the biggest jerk I’ve ever met. Or maybe I’ll just end up falling for him even harder. Maybe I’ll discover there’s so much more to my crude, carefree hunk than meets the eye.

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She was Noel Gamble’s one and only sister; I could not fuck her. No matter what.
Ergo, I needed to take drastic measures to keep her at arm’s length. I needed to…okay, fine. Fuck. I just needed to be me. Not really so drastic once you think about it, even though it probably seemed that way to her.
So I let her have the full intensity of Ten. I stopped watching what I said when she was around, and I let all my base, disgusting thoughts bleed out of my mouth like I usually did. I stopped smiling at her, stopped paying her special attention with little courteous things like holding doors open for her or asking her how her day went. I completely stopped being a nice guy. I backed off and pretty much ignored her, unless I could think up something crude to say in her direction. I made sure to chase other women when she was around. And I felt like shit every night I lay in bed, unable to get to sleep, because I’d relive every awful thing I’d done to her that day.
No matter how deeply my actions ate at me, though, it didn’t stop me from making her hate me and killing any soft feelings she’d ever had for me.
It should’ve been easy to accomplish. Everyone who knows me knows how fast I can piss off a woman.
But nothing about Caroline has ever been easy.
That’s the curious thing about temptation. It festers and grows. You feed that bitch enough and she morphs into craving, and then craving turns into obsession. Pretty soon, nothing in your life is as important as that one thing you want but can’t have.
I wanted her and I couldn’t have her, so I fed the temptation, I flooded the craving, I would’ve fucking nursed the obsession from my own tits if I could’ve. I made sure I got little doses of her here and there. Except something incredibly enlightening happens when you spend enough time in one woman’s company. You start noticing shit about her, little useless shit that actually begins to mean everything, like how she brushes the hair out her face—even if there isn’t any in her eyes—whenever she’s unsettled, or how she chews on the end of a pen during class whenever she’s listening to something that captivates her attention. You learn all her different laughs and know what each one means. You learn what pisses her off the most, or what makes her the happiest. You discover how smart and witty and sarcastic she is, and that her mind is almost as dirty as yours. You see how passionate she becomes when she defends those she loves, and you start to fall. Hard.
So, this is my Pathetic Loser’s confession: I am Oren Tenning and I have fallen. Hard.


5 stars

So this is my Pathetic Loser’s confession: I am Oren Tenning, and I have fallen. Hard.

Have you ever started a series and fallen so hard for a secondary character you were equal parts itching to finally get your hands on their book and dreading it at the same time? Dreading it because after 3 books of building his story up in your head, there is no possible way the author can do him justice. That is, unless that author is the brilliant Linda Kage. Because OH MY GOD. I loved this book so hard, I don’t even have the words. When Oren Tenning first came on the scene as Noel’s loud mouthed and manwhoring best friend in To Professor, with Love I just knew his story had to be a good one, especially when you could practically see the fireworks go off the first time he laid his eyes on Noel’s younger sister…Noel’s very VERY hands off sister.

Didn’t he know that forbidding me only made me want to crowd in as close as I could until I was fucking INSIDE her?

Book by book Linda built him up to our hearts, where finally in With Every Heartbeat he truly shined for everything that he truly is. Where early in the series you just get to scrape the surface of everything that is Ten, seeing the way he was with Quinn and Zoey you truly get to see the heart beneath his manwhoring and potty mouthed ways. And oh, be still my beating heart.
Caroline has been lusting after Oren for months. After having her young girl heart crushed by a man that cared nothing for her, she moves in with her brother and his now wife. But unfortunately her relationship past has turned Noel into an overprotective ogre, especially when it comes to warning off his best friend. Too bad that no matter how many times Noel tells her and no matter how many times she’s slapped in the face with who Oren is, Caroline can’t turn her feelings off…

My stupid, idiotic heart that had no sense of decency or self-preservation whatsoever. Seriously, what kind of heart fell for an annoying, obnoxious, loud-mouthed male-slut?

Can I just say how much I loved the humorous banter in this book? Because it was just filled with it. Between Ten’s smart mouth, and Caroline and Zoey, and all the other fantastic secondary characters, I think I had a goofy smile on my face the entire time reading this.

I can’t text him saying, ‘Your dick is now mine. Get it near any other woman, and I’ll physically remove it from you and keep it in a jar by my bedside.’ That would sound a bit creepy.”
“Actually, I was thinking it sounded A LOT creepy.

But of course at the center of everything was Ten and Coraline. If ever there were 2 people that couldn’t be more perfect for each other, it’s these two. They just fit. I don’t know else to better describe it. Their chemistry together was just through the roof. And speaking of chemistry, this may just be THE hottest book Linda Kage has written yet. I thought my Kindle may catch fire through certain parts because let me just say that Oren has quite the mouth on him…

What the fuck have you done to me, Caroline?

I never wanted this book to end. I honestly can’t tell you one thing about it I didn’t absolutely love. It was funny, it was sexy, it was os so addictingly good.
I adored Ten. Who would have guessed that the dirty mouthed manwhore would have such a heart of gold. Gah! I’m in total gush mode here.

Why couldn’t I stay away from you?” he demanded with another long, slow thrust. “Why can’t I get enough of you?” Thrust. “Why do I want to own every fucking piece of you?” Thrust.

As much as I never wanted it to end, I absolutely LOVED the epilogue. What a perfect conclusion to the series. I absolutely cannot wait to see what Linda has in store with us next, and hopefully Asher will be getting his turn soon because the little peak we get of his story in this book sounded absolutely delicious.
About the Author

Linda grew up on a dairy farm in the Midwest as the youngest of eight children. Now she lives in Kansas with her husband, daughter, and nine cuckoo clocks. Her life’s been blessed with lots of people to learn from and love. Writing’s always been a major part of her world, and she is so happy to finally share some of her stories with other romance lovers.

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Blog Tour & Review: ★Hard★ by Cheryl McIntyre

Author: Cheryl McIntyre
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 20, 2015
HARD is a full-length stand-alone erotic romance novel (approximately 50,000 words).  

I have been staring at her for three months. Watching her. Memorizing her.For ninety-two days, I’ve looked into those lifeless green eyes.

And for ninety-two days she has inspired me in ways I never knew possible. A muse, unbeknownst to her. Motivating me. Encouraging my darkest desires.

I’m a man who knows what he wants. And what I want is the beautiful and broken Holland Howard.

My name is Jensen Payne—photographer, autocrat, lecher, Scopophiliac. I am who I am and I will not—cannot—change.

*This is an Erotic Romance. Recommended for readers 18+ ONLY.

WARNING: This book contains possible emotional triggers.

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3.5 stars

Nobody can take your misery away, that’s yours to keep all your own. Find the person who can make you forget you were miserable in the first place.

If I wasn’t completely sold by the synopsis of this book, the prologue alone was enough to suck me in completely. I mean, talk about starting things off intense. That first chapter will grip you by the heart and hit you straight in the feels. Holy hell.

Hard is told in alternating POVs from Holland and Jensen. Jensen, having lost everything that meant anything to her is now an empty shell of the woman that she once was. She no longer cares…about everything. Having experienced one devastating loss after another, the final loss is just the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back. She picks up the meager belongings she cares about and moves away from everything she knows. She doesn’t want any connection or memory to her old life. But the one thing she does take with her is her grief.

I’ve been told there are five stages of grief.
Just five.
Then you’re fine. You move on. Live your life. Everything goes back to normal.
I must be doing something wrong because I seem to be repeating them over and over again. I’m on a wheel of misery, running as hard as I can and getting no closer to my end goal.

Jensen Payne is a photographer and Scopophiliac. A collector and appreciator or beautiful things. And if there’s one thing that he loves more than looking at beautiful things it’s capturing them on his camera. The recent object of his obsession is the beautiful but broken Holland, a waitress at a pub that he frequents. Unable to get her out of his mind or spend his lust with any other woman but her, he propositions her…and isn’t shocked when she simply accepts.

Women typically have one of three reactions to my fervent perusal. They either want to slap me, fuck me, or run from me.

Jensen is definitely a man that likes his sex dirty. Now when this synopsis tells you that this is erotic, it really means EROTIC. Holy panty change, batman. A good 65% of this book is pure sex. There’s dirty fuckery, kinky fuckery, rough fuckery. Lots of fuckery is what I’m trying to tell you here.

That moment when her body becomes all nerves and sensations, consumed with pure and utter bliss.
I want to witness that.
I NEED to witness that.
I have to CAPTURE that.

If there’s one way that Jensen and Hollan connect, it’s on a physical level. Both of them have their dark secrets and neither is looking for anything other than a physical connection. But somewhere between panted breaths and sweat soaked sheets, something begins to form between them. Something…more.

I always expected I’d be alone in darkness. I never dreamt I’d find light near the end. It hurts to hope. It hurts to care. To want. To need. I shouldn’t feel this way. I CAN’T.

While I like a hot sex scene as much as the next girl, at times it was almost overwhelming here. I could have done with a little less sex and a little more story. Shocking. I know. I’ll give you a moment to absorb that.

This book was unique in it’s own right because I can’t say I’ve ever read a book with Jensen’s particular affliction and I’ve never even heard of Scopophilia ever before so that was something new. Holland’s story was heartbreaking to read (Highlight to view spoiler)especially as a mother myself (End Spoiler), and sometimes I felt that the abundant amount of sex almost overshadowed the emotional story that the book also had. I did enjoy it quite a bit, and I absolutely loved the epilogue. I wish there was a little more time spent on the emotional connection between Holland and Jensen, beyond just the obvious physical one, but I can’t complain too much. It was still a unique, sexy and different read.

About the Author

Cheryl McIntyre is the author of the bestselling Sometimes Never series, as well as the Dirty series, Infinitely, and Dark Calling.

She calls Ohio home, though she secretly dreams of living somewhere much warmer–preferably near a beach. She is a mother, author, and insomniac, as well as a reader, self-proclaimed movie critic, and incredibly bad singer. Her life revolves around four things: family, music, books, and really bad scary movies.

You can follow her author page on Facebook where she lives part time. On Goodreads—which is like crack for avid readers. On Twitter, though she has still not yet mastered the art of tweeting. On tsū. Or on her website.

Stay up to date on all of Cheryl’s new releases by joining her newsletter here:

Blog Tour, Excerpt & #Giveaway: ★Consolation★ by Corrine Michaels

Meet Liam in Consolation!

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Book One in the Consolation Duet

Liam wasn’t supposed to be my happily ever after.He wasn’t even on my radar.

He was my husband’s best friend—forbidden.

But my husband is dead and I’m alone. I ache for him and I reach for Liam.

One night with Liam changed everything. Now I have to decide if I truly love him or if he’s just the consolation prize.


Copyright © 2015 Corinne Michaels
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the author.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or publisher.
“Oh, Chloe, if you’d like to come out, please wait until your Daddy gets back,” I insist, holding my belly as another Braxton Hicks contraction hits. I grip the dresser and try to breathe through it. It seems like they’re coming more frequently.
Once it passes, I try to finish what I came in here for. Aaron is away, but I want the nursery done so we can enjoy the next few weeks once he returns. I walk around what will be her room, putting a few more of the pretty pink dresses in the drawers. Aaron and I have fought about the vast array of pink things that are now strewn around the house—he hates it, I love it.
He insisted we paint her room in camouflage. Brown, green, and black camouflage for a girl? No. I almost sent myself into labor with that argument. I got home and he and Mark were drawing it out on the walls. I launched various household items at Mark while throwing him out of the house. My husband found out shortly after how much he could suffer by my hands. I may not be a SEAL, but you don’t mess with me either. In the end, I won with purple walls and the sheer netting around her white crib.
“Daddy’s going to love this room, Chloe. I can’t wait to see his face when he sees the pretty butterflies.” Needing to take another break, I sit in the rocking chair and rub my stomach. It soothes me knowing she’s in there. I can protect her—it’s my job. I love being pregnant and it’s a miracle we were able to conceive her. I’ve already told Aaron I want to try for another one as soon as she’s born. I close my eyes and sink, allowing the world to fade away.
I imagine holding her in my arms, sitting here in this chair, soothing and kissing her. I picture Aaron with her asleep on his chest as she gets to hear his heartbeat. She’ll own his world and have him wrapped around her finger.
Knock, knock, knock.
I hear the door, but it takes me a few seconds to get out of the chair.
They bang louder this time.
“Coming!” I yell at the door. Jeez, give me a second.
Waddling to the door takes me a minute since I’m the size of a whale.
I open the door and see Mark Dixon, Aaron’s boss and close friend. He works at Cole Security Forces with Aaron and served with him for years. His head is hanging low and when he looks up, his eyes are full of sorrow.
“What’s wrong?”
“Lee,” he chokes on the one syllable of my name. The one Aaron uses. Something is definitely not right.
“What happened?” I ask again as I begin to shake.
Tears fill his eyes and I know. I know my life is never going to be the same. I know everything I’ve ever feared is about to come true because Mark doesn’t cry. Mark wouldn’t be at my door if something weren’t really, really wrong. “It’s Aaron.”
My heart stops beating and the world I live in ceases to exist.
“Don’t,” I beg with tears blurring my vision and my breath accelerating.
This can’t be happening.
“Please, don’t, Mark. Please,” I beg him again, because once he says it…but I know it’s futile. It doesn’t matter because he can’t stop it. It’s already happened.
“Natalie, I’m so sorry.”
The dreaded words that every military wife fears. Only I wasn’t supposed to have to worry about this anymore. We were done. We got out. I wasn’t supposed to ever fear this again.

Please, God, don’t take him from me. Please!
“But, I’m p-pregnant. I’m having a baby,” I stammer as if that will somehow make none of this real. “He said he’d be back. He said he…” I trail off as it becomes difficult to breathe. My hand flies to my mouth to stifle the scream about to escape. Everything goes colorless.
“It was an IED. I’m sorry,” Mark says as his eyes glimmer with unshed tears.
I fall.
But he’s there, cradling me in his arms. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“No. No. No.” Mark holds me as I sob clutching my stomach.
“You’re lying,” I hiss, tearing myself out of his embrace.
“I wish I were,” he says as I struggle to get up.
“It was a mistake. He’s having a baby. He said it was a simple in and out!” I scream and throw my hands against his chest. “You’re lying!” I scream, even knowing it’s not a lie.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying you’re sorry!” My sorrow turns to hatred. I hate him. I hate everyone in this moment. I hate Aaron and everyone who was there. I hate this house and everything in it. I hate the air that he no longer breathes. Hate consumes me. Hate smothers me. “Get out!” I yell and push against his chest. “Get the fuck out of my house! Aaron will be back in a few days and then we’re going to get ready for our daughter to be born.”
“Please,” Mark beseeches and I refuse to look at him.
This isn’t happening because Aaron’s alive.
He’s not dead. How dare Mark lie to me.
“He’ll be back. He wouldn’t leave me. He promised.” Aaron wouldn’t lie to me. He never does. When he left for missions, he would always say goodbye like it could be our last. But this time he kissed the tip of my nose and said, “Now don’t have that baby until I get back.”
“Can I call someone? Your mom?”
“No, you can’t call anyone because he’s not dead! Go get him, Mark! Go get my husband and bring him home.” I step back pointing my finger at him. “You all promised. He promised.” I clutch my stomach as a sharp pain radiates, but it’s nothing compared to the agony sitting on my chest. Tears flow relentlessly as I struggle against his hold. “He promised.”
“I know he did,” Mark says as he holds my head against his chest.
“He lied.”
My life is gone.
My heart is dead.
I’m a widow at twenty-seven.
About the Author

Corinne Michaels is an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun loving mom of two beautiful children. She’s happily married to the man of her dreams and is a former Navy wife. After spending months away from her husband while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness.

Both her maternal and paternal grandmothers were librarians, which only intensified her love of reading. After years of writing short stories, she couldn’t ignore the call to finish her debut novel, Beloved. Her alpha Navy SEALs are broken, beautiful, and will steal your heart.

Blog Tour, Excerpt & #Giveaway: ★Rule Breaker★ by @HarperKincaid

Rule Breaker
Break on Through #1
Author: Harper Kincaid
Release Date: March 3rd, 2015
Publisher: Samhain

Just one more can’t hurt…right?Re-belle-ious, free-spirited Lauren Renwick has decided it’s time to trade her wings for roots. That means no more bad boys, no more foolish choices. Yet when she’s stood up on New Year’s Eve, her resolution to stick to her Mama’s Rules for Dating weakens. Especially when she spots sex-in-leather-and-tattoos, Jackson Sullivan.

One look at Lauren, and Jackson is hell-bent on getting her on the back of his Harley and riding straight for his bed. Their night together is an erotic rush that has a new word popping up on his horizon—forever.
Lauren tries to convince herself he’s just one last fling to get bad boys out of her system, yet she finds herself falling hard and fast for a man with a stalker ex and a meddling Irish family. Plus, he has zero chance of passing her uptight parents’ inspection.

Jackson has Lauren’s back, but if she wants all of his heart, she’ll have to meet him halfway—by ditching rules that hold her prisoner, and learning to stand up for what she really wants.

Warning: Contains several highly practical rules for dating—all of which will be broken in the most wicked ways possible, thanks to a domineering alpha male who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it…rules be damned.

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By the pool table were a bunch of rough-as-leather motorcycle riders, getting loud and throwing down bets on the pool table. There were more than a couple of hookups going on in the darkened corners with the occasional flash of flesh making an appearance. Even though I was surprised by the blatant PDA, I also couldn’t help but envy them. At least they had someone worth sweating with on New Year’s Eve.

I straightened my dress and glanced up, only to find the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen walking straight toward me. His gaze was intense, and he was tall with broad shoulders that ate up the space around him as he moved. His hair was jet black and even with the poor lighting, I could tell it was glossy like silk. I liked that it wasn’t too long or too short, and it had this sexy, messy way about it, like he just rolled out of bed after having mind-blowing sex. I couldn’t tell the color of his eyes, but I could still determine he had an amazing mouth and a rugged face. Pure masculine beauty, wearing faded blue jeans, a henley shirt that was snug enough to highlight his muscular frame, and well-worn motorcycle boots.

Bad-boy sex on legs.

Exactly the kind of man I was trying to avoid those days.

He was totally gorgeous and definitely intense, with the way he stared at me like a gazelle on an open plain that was seconds away from being devoured. Nothing was distracting him from getting from across the room right to me.

As he approached where I was seated, he gave the bartender a quick chin lift. The bartender reciprocated the manly greeting, poured a finger of whiskey in a glass and handed it to him. I noticed that even when Mr. Sex on Legs reached for his drink, he did it without taking his eyes off me for a second.

“Hey,” he said with a voice as rough as gravel. “What’s your name?”

Oh sweet Jesus, don’t tempt me with a rough-and-ready biker god who is on a well-acquainted, knows-my-drink-without-asking basis with the bartender. Bad enough he exuded sex and sin, which was my weakness. Definitely didn’t need a man with Johnny Walker or Jim Beam riding on his back.

I gave him a perfunctory glance. “Doesn’t matter my name. I’m not staying here long enough for us to get acquainted.”

Two of his fingers propped my chin up, forcing me to look at him. Damn it, he really was the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. He had blue eyes. No, not just blue eyes, but go-on-vacation-and-do-laps-in-the-warm-Caribbean-Ocean blue eyes. And those eyes were scalding hot on me, burning me whole. And I knew that look. It meant I needed to get out of there, fast, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to escape the smoldering, hot-guy tractor beam that was pulling me in.

“Listen.” I sighed, trying my hardest to pretend he had no effect on me. I backed my chin away from his hand. “You are definitely a scrumptious treat, but I’m not sampling tonight, if you get my meaning. Nothing personal.”

He threw his head back and laughed loud and deep, the vibration humming through my body.

“Fuckin’ gorgeous and funny. Makes it even better.”

“Um.” I stalled, feeling confused. “Makes what better?”

He looked at me as if the answer were obvious. “The promise of you, babe.”

He took a sip of his drink and waited patiently for my response, which I couldn’t give him, wouldn’t give him, because the last thing I wanted was for him to hear in my shaky voice how his eyes, his words, his smoldering looks were affecting me, making me flush all over. Like a goddamn schoolgirl.

His were not the only eyes on me. I could feel a different kind of heat, the fury of women who wanted me dead. Across the room a bunch of them were seated at some of the rounds and in the booths, and they’d been watching us intently ever since he crossed the room to me.

“Wouldn’t one of your biker babes—” I pointed over to the herd with my chin, “—be a better bet to score with before midnight? They certainly seem…anxious that you’re over here.”

He smirked, his gaze traveling from my eyes to my mouth and back. “That’s like shooting fish in a barrel. No fun in that.”

“I get the feeling they think you belong to them. And the way the barkeep knows your drink tells me you’ve hung out on these barstools way more than I’m comfortable with. Again, nothing personal, but I’m going to make sure this year is the year I start living right. And gorgeous?” I drawled while placing my hand on my hip. “You’ve got bad decision written all over you.”

I was so busy with my rant that I hadn’t really noticed that instead of getting angered or defeated, Mr. Sex on Legs was actually getting off on my attitude, and I knew that because the playful glimmer in his eye turned molten and dark.

He leaned toward me, coming close enough for me to catch the glorious musky scent that I knew was his alone. Suddenly I felt his warm hand at the nape of my neck, holding me firmly, with his thumb pressing into the pulse point on my throat.

“Gorgeous, funny and feisty. And feisty usually means sharp as a tack.” His fingers started caressing the back of my neck, and I bit my lip to quell the moan rising through me. He kept talking. “Although you’re wrong about the barfly assumption. I own this place, so it serves Robby here well to know my drink.” His hand came up, he threaded his fingers through my hair and his deep, rough voice ran through me, like liquid smoke and fire.

“Can’t imagine what sort of fucked-up happened to you tonight to end up here, but not gonna complain seeing as your bad luck will end up being real good for me.” His gaze slowly traveled the length of me. “So, darlin’, gonna tell me your name already?”

I knew this was my cue to tell him my name and offer some pithy response. But not only did I have nothing, I chickened out, muttered a quick apology and took off for the bathroom.

I did my business and splashed cold water on my heated face. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and leaned my palms and my weight against the porcelain sink, mortified to go back out there again. The only thing positive about my predicament was that the humiliation sobered me right up. Now all I had to do was go back, settle my tab and get the heck out of there.

Is that what you really want? a small voice inside me asked. I had to admit that I was curious about this man. He intrigued me, and I was glad to feel a hum under my skin and between my legs when I was with him. Certainly hadn’t felt anything close to that with Keith over the last several months.

I stood there and let my mind wander off, wondering if the skin on his fingers was smooth or calloused, hoping for the latter because I really liked the way rough hands and fingers felt against my silken, wet center.

Jesus, Lauren, panting much? Get. A. Grip.

I liked men, but it took more than a handsome face to get me this wound up. They had to be wicked smart and confident. Even though he seemed completely at home in his bar, there was something about him that seemed different, like there was more to him than being a reckless biker. Of course I had nothing to substantiate my hunch, but I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so drawn to someone on first sight. Maybe never before.

After I dried my hands and face, I opened the bathroom door, only to feel someone grab me by my upper arm and drag me off so fast, I didn’t realize what was happening. A side door opened and closed with me on the other side.

The room was dark, except for the moonlight coming in from a window on the other side. As soon as my eyes adjusted, I could see I was in a long and narrow room with some restaurant supplies. Standing in front of me was my blue-eyed troublemaker. Now, he was holding me by the arm and he was close. Very close.

Truth time? I loved the idea of this beautiful man coming after me. But I didn’t want him to see that, to know the effect he had on my mind and body.

He hadn’t earned it.

So I covered desire with insolence.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I barked at him, giving off as much attitude as I could muster, which wasn’t easy because being this close meant I caught his scent, and it was a mixture of musk and whisky. Pure man. Now I was even more lightheaded than before.

His mouth twitched, and I knew he’d caught me taking him in. “Babe, you know exactly what I’m doin’.” He stepped even more into my space. “Tell me your name, gorgeous. I’m not asking again.”

I took a step back and placed one hand on the wall behind me to steady myself. “Lauren,” I squeaked out. I cleared my throat and tried again. “I’m Lauren. And what’s your name?”

A ghost of a smile appeared and his velvet tongue slowly licked his bottom lip. “Plan on screaming my name out when I make you come for me?”

Holy shit. Did he just say that to me? My brain despised his arrogance, but my body ignited, making my skin burn hot. My heartbeat accelerated, beating out of my chest so loudly I wondered if he could hear it. I wanted him, badly, but I was embarrassed that he knew it. One look at his self-assured mug told me all I needed to know: he saw and he conquered and he never heard the word no. He didn’t even have to pretend to woo a woman—just grab her and take what he wanted.

And I was twenty-seven years old, with wonderful friends and a great job, but a shit track record when it came to men. Bad boys, like the one in front of me, may have known how to work my body, but they had also bruised my heart and soul. It was New Year’s Eve. Maybe my New Year’s resolution should have been no more men since I obviously didn’t know how to find a good one.

“Fine,” I grumbled. “I don’t need to know your name. In fact, I don’t need to know you.”

I ripped my arm out of his grasp and turned toward the door.

I was just about to place my hand on the doorknob when one of his steel arms surrounded my waist and pulled me to him.

“Don’t go yet, Lauren. Please.”

When I heard him say my name and his quiet plea, any trace of anger just melted away. My body relaxed against his and he moved my hair off my shoulder with his other hand, tucking a stray strand behind my ear. A flood of wet desire invaded the folds of my cleft when his soft lips grazed my skin, and then his mouth clasped on my earlobe. My nipples hardened, and my breath came out erratically. My body shivered because, somehow, this stranger knew exactly where to touch me to turn me on.

“Lauren,” he whispered. “We’re not done yet.”

“I should go, but…ohmygod, that feels really good,” I moaned, my body awakening from a deep sleep. I couldn’t remember the last time someone had ignited my desire so fast. Every sweep of his tongue on my skin burned me in the best possible way. I pressed my back to his front and shimmied my bottom against his jeans-clad erection. He sucked in a harsh breath, and I knew I was getting to him as much as he was getting to me.

“You know how I know we’re not done?” He practically growled against my skin. “Because I haven’t made you come yet. And Lauren, I really need to make you come.”

“I want…I need you to.” I was practically panting now. “Make me come.”

Then his right hand roughly hoisted up my dress and his fingers plunged into my underwear. They slid straight down and started playing with my clit, which was swollen with need and heat. And goddamn, he had calloused fingertips, creating the most delicious friction against my slick velvet core.

I gasped loudly as my head flew back, absorbing the trembling waves those circling fingers were making by touching me so perfectly. I let out a low moan and turned my head in his direction and he immediately seized my mouth with his, sucking me into him, devouring me with every pull of his lips.

“That’s it, baby,” he growled. “Fuck, you are so wet for me.”

He increased his pace, speaking into my ear in a low rumble.

“Noticed you the second you walked in here.” He plunged two fingers deep into me while circling my clit with his thumb. I let out a whimper that vibrated through me, and if he hadn’t been holding me up, my legs would have given way. “Heard you sassing my bartender, showing off your fucking gorgeous tits, walking around like you owned the place. And I knew I had to have me a taste.”

Just then he stopped rubbing and something between a cry and a mew escaped me. I opened my eyes in time to see him taking the two fingers that had just been inside me into his mouth, tasting my juices on his tongue. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

Suddenly he turned me around to face him, lifting my dress again and tugging down my panties. My back was now against the door as he dropped to his knees in front of me and buried his face between my legs, rolling his tongue through my folds and sucking on my clit.

Mind-numbing pleasure radiated throughout my body, and I wove my fingers through his hair, which was just as soft and touchable as it had looked from far away. He pushed into me and lifted my legs off the floor and over his shoulders. His tongue flickered lightning hot and fast over my nub and my hips gyrated in response, as I lost all inhibition. His fingers clawed the cheeks of my ass as my hands fisted his hair. I was dancing right on the edge, so close to coming, and then he sucked hard on my clit, turning my low moans into a fevered scream of ecstasy. My orgasm crashed over me, sending me off the edge and into floating weightlessness.

Then he moved, placing my feet gently on the ground, and with that, the realization of what just happened ripped through my endorphin-filled haze. I had just let a complete stranger touch and taste me in the most intimate way possible. And I didn’t even know his name.

About the Author

Born in California and raised in South Florida, I’ve moved around like a gypsy with a bounty on my head ever since. Along the way, I worked as a community organizer, a professional matchmaker, a popular blogger, and a crisis counselor (to name a few). All the while, longing to have the guts to do what I really wanted: to write and become a published author. That wish has finally come true and I feel like a karmic cloud has been lifted off my head. Those of you who have also taken a circuitous route in trying to find their path get me – I can tell.

What else? Hmm… I love indie, lo-fi, complaint rock played on vinyl, wearing black because it’s slimming, the theater, well-informed optimism, happy endings (both kinds), and making those close to me laugh ’til they snort. I’m a self-admitted change junkie, loving new experiences and places, but have now happily settled in the cutest lil’ town, Vienna, Virginia, with my awesome and patient husband and two kick-ass girls.


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Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: ★If★ by N.G. Jones

Title: If

Author: N.G. Jones
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: March 16, 2015

If CoverIf…
Someone hadn’t scarred my face.
I hadn’t followed my dreams to LA.
That tweaker hadn’t attacked that homeless guy.
I hadn’t invited a stranger over for Thanksgiving.
I hadn’t fallen in love.If I hadn’t lost him.
I hadn’t gone for that drive.
I saw the world like everyone else.
My “genius” wasn’t slowly destroying me.
I had just walked away before I could ever know her.
She hadn’t ignited the spark.

If the spark didn’t ignite the madness.

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3.5 stars

Most people’s souls hide inside of their minds and bodies, but Bird is inside out. Her dancing, with the sweeping transparent ribbons of color that followed, was the embodiment of a divine gift. Her dancing was the closest I could get to heaven without dying.

With Debt being the only other book I’ve read by this author, this book couldn’t be more different. So if you’re going into this expecting a mindfuck or steam, think again. It’s neither of those. It’s an emotional and touching story about two broken souls finding some solace in each other. If truly showcased Nina’s range as an author for being to give her readers stories that are so different from one another. If is a book unlike any other I’ve read lately, and kudos to the author for broaching a subject that isn’t touched on enough in the romance genre and not only doing it well but truly bringing some light to something that mainly gets glossed over.

Bird was tempting a live wire and she didn’t know it. She stood there, her finger on the switch, without even knowing how close she has come every time we met. She’s tempting me…she’s triggering me…

Bird is a talented young dancer trying to chase her dreams of becoming professional after moving away from her family home and parents that wanted her to have a more suitable career. While her skill as a dancer is unquestionable, her facial scarring prevents her from landing any starring role. It’s truly a source of shame for her and something that she has a difficult time living with….the stares, the whispers, the pity. All she wants is to dance and all she needs is a chance…

Ash is a talented young artist that has given up on his dreams and barely keeping his head above water. Leaving behind his career after a terrible tragedy, he lives on the streets and has long since forgotten about his aspirating in the art world. He just wants to disappear. But in the shadows of his street corner, there’s a woman whose colorful aura that calls to him and draws his eye like a magnet. He’s perfectly content to just watch her, until a night where the brave girl stands up for him while he’s being attacked by a tweaker and he’s forced to come out of his shadows to save her life.

I knew no one, not even Jordan could understand what Ash and I had going on. People only saw us on the outside. My scars, his situation. We saw each other inside out.

Bird and Ash form an unconventional friendship from that day forward. Ash paints her while Bird dances for him, and their presence seems to soothe the other. But Ash is hiding a secret; a secret about who he is and his past, that just may cost them everything.

You don’t want me, Bird. You want the idea of me. The quiet artist. The guy who saved you, painted you. But I am a mystery you don’t want to solve. I am a question you don’t want to answer. It was simpler when it was just you dancing, and me painting.

This is a slow paced love story about two very unique individuals. I really appreciated how different this was from anything else I’ve read lately. But at the same time, there was also something missing for me to really make this the captivating read that it could have been. Maybe the fact that (view spoiler)[Bird’s scarring is never explained. She doesn’t know who gave them to her or how she got it. (hide spoiler)] I understand that it may have done that way on purpose, but I think having a WHY or WHO to it really would have helped me connect to her more as a character. There was also an event at the very end that seemed to be really unnecessary for the story and was just too much. The book is already emotional enough on it’s own, and that particular event didn’t seem necessary for the plot or the characters. It was incredibly sad but empty. I really don’t understand WHY it needed to happen since it just completely came out of the blue for me.

I did enjoy the story as a whole and the unique situations of both the characters. I didn’t even find myself missing the steam since the emotions of it all were perfectly enough on their own, the steam never felt missing. If you’re looking for something different from your everyday romance that you find lately, definitely give this one a try. I don’t think you’d be disappointed.

About the Author

Nina G. Jones is the author of the bestselling novel DEBT, the Strapped Series and the erotic romance, Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel. She wants to say something clever here, but all her good material goes into her characters.

Nina currently resides in Milwaukee, WI with her husband and two crazy Boxers.

Her first new adult romance, If, releases on March 16th, 2015 under the moniker N.G. Jones.

Nina LOVES connecting with readers. You can connect with her via Facebook, Twitter, or email her through her website,



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Blog Tour, Excerpt & #Giveaway: ★The Trouble With Love★ by Lauren Layne

The Trouble with Love
Author: Lauren Layne
Release Date: March 3, 2015
Publisher: Loveswept
As Lauren Layne’s salacious Sex, Love & Stiletto series returns, a jaded columnist discovers a steamy way to get over an old flame: falling for him all over again.As Stiletto magazine’s authority on all things breakup-and-heartache, Emma Sinclair writes from personal experience. Five years ago, Emma was Charlotte, North Carolina’s darling debutante and a blushing bride-to-be. Now she’s the ice queen of the Manhattan dating scene. Emma left her sultry Southern drawl behind, but not even her closest friends know that with it she left her heart. Now Emma’s latest article forces her to face her demons—namely, the devilishly sexy guy who ditched her at the altar.

After giving up everything for a pro-soccer career, Alex Cassidy watches his dreams crumble as a knee injury sidelines him for good. Now he’s hanging up his cleats and giving journalism a shot. It’s just a coincidence that he happens to pick a job in the same field, and the same city, as his former fiancée . . . right? But when Emma moves in next door, it’s no accident. It’s research. And Alex can’t help wondering what might have been. Unlike the innocent girl he remembers, this Emma is chic, sophisticated, and assertive—and she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. The trouble is, Alex has never wanted her more.

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“Why would I want to be editor in chief?” Riley asked.

“Exactly,” Camille said, looking pleased at the lead-in. “It’s a thankless, tiresome job, and one I didn’t want to wish on any of you while I’m gone for three months.”

“Three months?” Julie asked. “We’re leaderless for three months?”

“Not quite,” Camille said. “You need someone to steer the ship, of course. So . . .”

She made a dramatic flourishing gesture in Alex’s direction.

He waited patiently for everything to register with the Stiletto crew.

“No. A boy?!” Riley said, scandalized.

“I saw him without his shirt once,” Grace said, leaning over. “He’s not a boy.”

Emma leaned in toward her friends, speaking up for the first time. “I saw him without his shirt once, too. Boy’s actually not so far off. He’s a little scrawny, and the lower half . . . eek.”

Emma’s voice was little more than a whisper, but it reached his ears. It was meant to.

Alex didn’t take the bait. Hell, back when Emma had seen him naked, they’d been young. He had been little more than a boy.

And she little more than a girl.

A girl who could take his breath away with little more than a smile.

And when she’d taken her shirt off, he’d all but lost his mind.

But that was a long time ago.

“Mr. Cassidy has graciously agreed to oversee both Stiletto and Oxford for the next few months,” Camille said, jerking him back to the present.

A present where he and Emma wouldn’t be seeing each other shirtless . . . ever.

“Starting next week,” Camille continued, “He will be the one you go to for story approval, PTO requests, relationship advice—”

“Wait, what?” Alex said, speaking up for the first time.

Camille patted him on the head like he was a child, and he caught Julie smirking at him.

Alex gave into a sigh. It was going to be a very, very long three months.

“Any questions?” Camille asked.

Julie’s hand shot up. “Um, yes. Like a thousand questions. Starting with, where are you going? Is everything okay? Are your ovaries imploding? Are you having a crisis? Can I come?”

Alex hid a laugh behind a cough. From the resigned look on Camille’s face, and the lack of shock on everyone else’s, it was clear this group was used to Julie’s unabashed prying.

“Perfectly healthy. It’s a personal matter,” Camille said, in a tone that indicated the conversation was over.

Julie made a grunting noise that indicated the conversation was not over.

“Now, I’m sure you’re all itching with theories you’d like to share with your colleagues, and I have plenty to catch Mr. Cassidy up on, so if there are no other inappropriate questions—”

“Wait,” a tiny blond woman next to Grace said. “That’s it? We haven’t talked about the next issue, or story assignments, and there are about a million letters to the editor thanks to that story we did about Botox, and—”

Camille held up a hand. “Mr. Cassidy will be holding a meeting on Monday morning to go over all of that, Dana.”

About the Author
Lauren Layne is a snarky cynic with a serious weakness for happily ever afters.Marrying her high school sweetheart was a good start. *cue Disney soundtrack.* But Lauren wanted all romance, all the time.

Now she writes fictional happy endings, and considers her job done well if you swoon while reading her books. Don’t worry. You will.

Once upon a time she lived in a Manhattan high-rise, but now she’s on the laid-back train in the Seattle area. If you ever find yourself in Issaquah, she’ll probably buy you a drink. Maybe.

Rafflecopter Giveaway ($25.00 eGift Card to Choice Book Seller, Loveswept Mug and Romance at Random Nail Polish)

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Blog Tour, #Giveaway & @alleskelle’s Review: ★Hearts of Fire★ by @LHCosway

Hearts of Fire (Hearts #2)
Author: L.H. Cosway
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 9, 2015

The Circus Spektakulär is proud to present Jack McCabe: Fire-breather, knife-thrower, risk-taker. My house burned down when I was just a boy, robbing me of both my parents.

Now I breathe fire, eat the poison that almost killed me.

Crowds come to see me night after night. Men for the spectacle, women for the thrill. I’m an oddity to be stared at and desired. With each flame I spit, I risk my life.

I wear scars on my body that will never go away, but the scars inside my head are far more difficult to overlook.

My brother doesn’t know me, and if I have it my way he never will.

Life was going exactly the way I’d planned until Lille came along. She wanted to run away with the circus, have an adventure, but this world was never meant for her.

I try to keep her safe, because she doesn’t know the dangers that are out here on the road. She doesn’t know the monsters that lurk behind the bright lights of the ring. In truth, I could be considered one of them.

We were fashioned from different cloths, never intended to mix. So I watch her. I try not to touch, even when her eyes invite me.

Join us in the Spiegeltent and let us give you a show. Allow my Lille to draw a picture for you in paint and sweat and skin.

The truest love is always the hardest to let in.

This is a standalone romance that tells the story of Jack McCabe, Jay Fields’ long lost, presumed dead brother. It is not necessary to have read Six of Hearts in order to enjoy Hearts of Fire.

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Jack didn’t even announce that he was starting when he stood at least ten feet away from me, flipped a knife in his hand, caught it, then lunged with his whole body and flung the knife right at my head. I squeezed my eyes shut, and a hollow thud sounded at my ear where the knife had, thankfully, hit the board. Sounds of nervous excitement and clapping came from the audience as Jack continued his assault on me. He moved his body with the kind of skill that only comes from obsessive practice.

Adrenaline drowned me, my chest rising and falling rapidly.

A small squeak of fright escaped me when he threw a knife at my hip and it barely missed. In fact, I could feel the hard edge of the steel pressing against me. I was surprised it hadn’t cut into the fabric of my coat. Jack prowled around the stage, gaze on me, calculating his next throw. Everywhere his eyes looked, I felt positively laid bare. Molested by disinterest.

I might as well have been a sack of potatoes for all the care he showed as to whether or not he might cut me. Deciding I couldn’t take any more, I kept my eyes closed until it was over and all six knives had been thrown.




When I finally opened my eyes, Jack was standing before me, unbuckling the belt that held me in place. I didn’t move even after I’d been released, still trying to come to terms with the terror I’d just endured. All of a sudden, Jack McCabe was more scary than sexy.

“That was a close one,” he said as he pulled out the knife that had landed just below my ear. I glanced to the side to see a tiny lock of my hair fall to the stage floor. Oh, my God.

“You cut off my hair,” I gasped.

“Only a small bit. Don’t worry — I didn’t leave a bald patch.” He chuckled darkly.

I didn’t know what to say, but I was momentarily appalled at how cavalierly he was taking all this.

“I could sue you,” I said, and then instantly grimaced. I sounded like my mother. It was only hair, after all.

He leaned in, and I thought I saw him bare his teeth for a second. “Go ahead, pumpkin.”

Alleskelle’s Review


5 Stars

I can’t recall a time when I’ve been more giddy with anticipation than waiting for Hearts of Fire to come out.
What I can’t recall even more is a time where I felt as giddy as the day L.H. Cosway proposed me to read her new novel back in January.
To be honest, I went with the normal reaction whenever you’re given your favorite special treat. Gluttony. Yes, I devoured Hearts of Fire in one night.
I couldn’t stop reading about Lille’s discoveries, and see through her eyes the magic happening at Circus Spektakulär. Better yet, I couldn’t stop festering on L.H. Cosway magical world.

This story is a contemporary romance. But it really felt like I stepped in a fantasy realm from page one. This author does this to me, chances are you’ll feel the same. She always comes up with singular settings, unique driven characters and a storyline that invites creativity. You can’t stop your mind from wandering on its own.

It’s no wonder I wanted to recreate what it felt like to read that story. Maybe I went a bit overboard with the visuals… A tad.
Not so long ago I was assisting a Circus show and all I had in mind was Jack and Lille. I expected Jack to make his entrance on the “manège” and mesmerize me with his flames and his dexterity with knives.

A few days prior to writing this review, I discovered the playlist L.H. Cosway created to go along with her book. She did that before with Killer Queen, and it really enhanced the experience when reading the story. The sounds and music chosen by the author are really going great with every chapter, so much so that I decided to finally try to write review, and maybe pull some quotes out of the book. Little did I know I would end up re-reading the whole book, forgetting all about what pushed me to open the book again. Oh yes, the quotes! Well, I had to go pick them a little later…

The story…
Hearts of Fire is set not long after the story that unraveled in Six of Hearts. In Six of Hearts, we get to met Jay Fields, mysterious, cocky and charming illusionist with a dark past. We learned he lost his brother early on in a tragic fire accident…
Hearts of Fire, as you would understand is the story of Jack McCabe, the long lost brother we thought dead in Six of Hearts…
It is told in the first person point of view, by Lille, young and earnest to extend her life experience heroine.
(Hearts of Fire is a stand alone novel, however, I would recommend to read Six of Hearts as well, it adds a little to know about Jay and Matilda, and well, just so you know, Six of Hearts was a very entertaining and sexy read!)

I loved Lille, yes she was naïve but spontaneous, eager to see more than the future her mother already chose for her. Lille is an artist. As an artist, the worst she can suffer from is seclusion of her talent, her creativity.
One night Lille, acts on an impulse, following that wild streak she has deep down inside of her and decides to follow the magic beholden by Circus Spektakulär.

I felt like I was walking through a dream. Who makes an offer to some random girl to join their circus? It was crazy and I was happily drowning in the madness.

She has this list of new and exciting things she vows to accomplish on her journey, and her embarkation on Circus Spektakulär surely will provide for new experiences and surprises.
I didn’t like her from the start, maybe due to her young age, but I quickly warmed up to her, her empathy and open mind made it up for her lack of experience in life.

And there is Jack McCabe, of course. His character is definitely the one I preferred in the book. Fierce, strong, lonesome and mysterious character, I was surprised to discover his sweet side and vulnerabilities.

The romance really follows a slow pace, with both Jack and Lille a little wary of each other in spite of their mutual attraction and interest. Sexual tension was at its fullest, naturally crafted, nothing seems forced or fake between those two.

When I shut them though, all I could see was Jack’s whiskey eyes from earlier, staring at my mouth and giving me grandiose notions that he might actually have wanted to kiss me.

I also love witnessing the quiet development of their friendship toward something more… Jack being a guy, has a one track mind, and I loved the playful banter between them.

“I like your hair.”
 His voice got low and quiet when he leaned in and spoke into my ear, “I like your pussy, too.”
 “Jack,” I gasped.
 “It likes me back.”
 “You’re crazy.”

To see Jack’s character through Lille’s eyes was a wonder. He was just magnificent. She was obviously mesmerized and I loved how she was really trying to stay away from him, but like a moth to a flame couldn’t fight enough the attraction.

Jack is a mountain of a man, he first strikes as an intimidating guy, but really is the sweetest and protective person. He had it rough growing up, more than rough, the things we learnt about him just broke my heart. But he incontestably made it through and as a result, is very cautious to open himself to anyone.

He moved closer, eating up my space…and just stared at me.
And man, could he stare. I felt like he was telling me a silent story and it was captivating.

Lille is going to pass through his walls eventually, and when those two give in… The so very much built sexual tension… Oh my stars…

Jack had a really filthy mouth, he could be so blunt asking and saying what he wanted… What I liked is that it never felt forced or “fake”.

“I wonder if we hadn’t been interrupted yesterday, would I have been able to make you come like that?”
I swallowed deeply and glanced at him. His eyes held a thousand dark, carnal promises and I felt completely lost, had no idea how to respond. He made a noise that sounded a lot like a growl then as he came and knelt before me, his hands cupping my knees and spreading my thighs apart so that he could get between them. Next he began running his hands up and down my thighs; they were so much warmer than the afternoon sun and I was suddenly melting. “Do you come sweetly, Lille? Do you shake? Do you moan and beg for release?”

And our fire eater has a kink… I was scared at first it would turn into something creepy, but quite honestly it became a real turn on…
The sex scenes, be prepared, are scalding hot, there was not warning for them, but L.H. Cosway delivered here her hottest scenes so far… There was something so raw yet so tender in their lovemaking… The perfect combination!

Story continues, with some mystery relative to strange accidents happening within the circus members, Jack and Jay will eventually be reunited, not without pain, but the reunion between them was so touching…

If you read Six of Hearts already, you’ll love even more the reconciliation between the McCabe/Fields brothers, and will appreciate to see more of Jay and Matilda in Hearts of Fire!

To conclude, this was a really an unexpected enchanting and captivating journey with the Circus Spektakulär, I loved every secondary characters, Marina, Winnie and Antonio, Lola, Violet, and King. Oh L.H. Cosway did good with him. You can’t stop but be curious about what happened to him in the past. I can’t wait to read his story!

What we have here is a wonderful second chance in life tale, a slow enemies to lovers romance, a hint of mystery, all wrapped up in a whimsical atmosphere only L.H. Cosway knows how to create.
I simply loved it!

Wonder Woman, mesmerized, over.


❤️ I LOVED IT!!!! This is staying on my 2015 favorites shelf! ❤️


Six of Hearts
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About the Author

L.H. Cosway has a BA in English Literature and Greek and Roman Civilisation, and an MA in Postcolonial Literature. She lives in Dublin city. Her inspiration to write comes from music. Her favourite things in life include writing stories, vintage clothing, dark cabaret music, food, musical comedy, and of course, books.

She thinks that imperfect people are the most interesting kind. They tell the best stories.


The author is giving away (open internatonally):


1st prize: Hearts of Fire tote bag
Signed copy of Six of Hearts
Signed copy of Hearts of Fire
Hearts of Fire pocket mirror
2nd prize: Signed copy of Hearts of Fire
Hearts of Fire pocket mirror

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Blog Tour & #Giveaway: ★His To Take★ by Shayla Black

His to Take (Wicked Lovers #9)

Author: Shayla Black
Genre: Erotic, Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Release Date: March 3, 2015


HisToTakeCoverRacing against time, NSA Agent Joaquin Muñoz is searching for a little girl who vanished twenty years ago with a dangerous secret. Since Bailey Benson fits the profile, Joaquin abducts the beauty and whisks her to the safety of Club Dominion—before anyone can silence her for good.At first, Bailey is terrified, but when her captor demands information about her past, she’s stunned. Are her horrific visions actually distant memories that imperil all she holds dear? Confined with Joaquin in a place that echoes with moans and breathes passion, he proves himself a fierce protector, as well as a sensual Master who’s slowly crawling deeper in her head…and heart. But giving in to him might be the most delicious danger of all.

Because Bailey soon learns that her past isn’t the only mystery. Joaquin has a secret of his own—a burning vengeance in his soul. The exposed truth leaves her vulnerable and wondering how much about the man she loves is a lie, how much more is at risk than her heart. And if she can trust him to protect her long enough to learn the truth.

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wicked ties layout.indd
About the Author

You know what they say about curiosity and the cat…but if you still want to know, read below.Shayla Black (aka Shelley Bradley) is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 40 sizzling contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances produced via traditional, small press, independent, and audio publishing. She lives in Texas with her husband, munchkin, and one very spoiled cat. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading and listening to an eclectic blend of music.

Shayla’s books have been translated in about a dozen languages. She has also received or been nominated for The Passionate Plume, The Holt Medallion, Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, and the National Reader’s Choice Awards. RT Bookclub has twice nominated her for Best Erotic Romance of the year, as well as awarded her several Top Picks, and a KISS Hero Award.

A writing risk-taker, Shayla enjoys tackling writing challenges with every new book.

Have something to say? Contact Shayla or visit her on her Facebook page.


A Signed Copy of Forever Wicked & A Signed Copy of Theirs To Cherish

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Blog Tour & #Giveaway: ★With Every Heartbeat★ by @lindakage

With Every Heartbeat
Forbidden Men #4
Author: Linda Kage
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: March 2, 2015

**Explicit Scenes and Language**I used to think everything was black and white, truth or lie, easy or hard, that if I could just escape my strict, overbearing, abusive father, my life would be perfect. But since I’ve found a reason to risk his wrath and leave, to help a friend in need, I’ve come to realize everything I thought I knew is wrong.Friends have their own agenda, honesty comes with a dosage of lie, easy doesn’t even exist, keeping secrets sucks, and love…love is the most painful thing of all.

Maybe if Quinn Hamilton hadn’t asked me to skip classes for the day and help him pick out an engagement ring for my best friend, I wouldn’t have fallen for him so completely on that sunny Tuesday afternoon and I wouldn’t feel so conflicted. But I did, and I can’t take it back, no matter how hard I try. So I have to deal with the fact that even I’m not as good, or honest, or caring as I’d always thought I was, and no matter what I do next, someone’s going to get hurt. Probably me.

-Zoey Blakeland

*Don’t worry! The hero and heroine are not cheaters.*

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About the Author

lindaLinda grew up on a dairy farm in the Midwest as the youngest of eight children. Now she lives in Kansas with her husband, daughter, and nine cuckoo clocks. Her life’s been blessed with lots of people to learn from and love. Writing’s always been a major part her world, and she’s so happy to finally share some of her stories with other romance lovers.



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Blog Tour, Excerpt & #Giveaway: ★Slow Burn★ by @KBrombergDriven

Meet Becks & Haddie in SLOW BURN – the newest stand alone in the Driven Series by K. Bromberg!


He chuckles low and even, a sarcastic amusement woven through the sound that pisses me off. “What are you afraid of? Why is his offer so much more tempting than mine, huh? Oh, I know why,” he says, sarcasm dripping from his words. “He’ll walk away without any questions. But I won’t will I, Haddie? I have plenty of questions. The first one being what exactly are you running from?”

My eyes flash up to meet his, and the look – the moment that passes between us – is too honest, too raw. I have to break it. I can’t let him see the truths that even I’m trying to hide from. How I feel and what I need to fix me – the answer being him – because I’m not going to allow it to happen.

I can feel it. I can know it. But he can’t.

My mind flashes back momentarily to the night of the wedding. Of how I asked him – gave him no other option really –to take me to bed. Did I know then that unzipping my dress for him and inviting him between my legs would lead to this? Me wanting so much more? Me standing in the middle of his apartment wanting to ask for more but unable to because of the fears that are holding me hostage?


ONE NIGHT. THAT’S ALL IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE.Reeling from the sudden loss of her sister, Haddie Montgomery has sworn off relationships. All she wanted from Beckett Daniels was a sexy distraction to help her escape her pain for just a little while….There weren’t supposed to be any strings attached—so why can’t she shake the memory of that unforgettable night from her thoughts? Or the taste of his kiss from her lips?

No matter how hard Haddie tries to forget about him, Becks relentlessly tries to prove that she should start living for today. But she is determined to avoid romantic commitment, and she can always use her ex-boyfriend’s reappearance to help snuff out the slow burn within her that Becks has sparked….

Or will fate force her to realize that this kind of connection doesn’t come along very often and a chance at love is worth the risk?



New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author K. Bromberg is that reserved woman sitting in the corner who has you all fooled about the wild child inside of her—the one she lets out every time her fingertips touch the computer keyboard.

K. lives in Southern California with her husband and three children. When she needs a break from the daily chaos of her life, you can most likely find her on the treadmill or with Kindle in hand, devouring the pages of a good, saucy book.

On a whim, K. Bromberg decided to try her hand at this writing thing. Her debut novels, Driven, Fueled, and Crashed of The Driven Trilogy were well received and went on to become multi-platform bestsellers as well as landing on the New York Times and USA Today lists. Her other works include a short story, UnRaveled, and a companion piece to The Driven Trilogy titled Raced. She is currently working on three stand alone Driven novels, Slow Burn, Sweet Ache, and Hard Beat. She also plans to release a novel addressing the 10 year gap at the ending of Crashed in late fall 2015




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