Reaching over, I turned my alarm clock to see it was only six in the morning. Tate threw her backpack on her bed and started yanking stuff out of drawers. She was still in the same clothes from last night. Usually when she spent the night at Jared’s, she came home freshly showered and dressed, ready for class. Right now, she looked rushed.
“What classes do you have today?” she asked, not looking at me as she darted around our room.
I swallowed the dryness from my mouth. “Um…Calc III and Sex and Scandal in Early Modern England.”
“Nice,” she teased in a deep voice.
“The last one is a gen. ed.,” I explained, embarrassed. “Why? What’s up?”
“Do you feel like skipping?” She stuffed clothes into her backpack and then turned to look at me. “Jax showed up at Jared’s dorm this morning. No one’s heard from Madoc. He’s not returning calls, texts, IMs….” She trailed off, hands on her hips.
“You haven’t talked to him at all lately?” I looked away, not wanting her to see the worry I was sure was on my face.
“Yeah, Jared and I let it go at first, because we thought Madoc needed his space, and we’ve all been so busy, but if Jax is worried, and Lucas probably hadn’t had contact, either, then it’s definitely past time to check it out.” She stopped, finally taking a breath.
She came over, tapping my leg and smiling. “So let’s go

It was love at first chapter when I first read the work of Penelope Douglas. Intrigued by it’s title and a newfound author I found myself falling for this authors debut writing style and since reading ‘Bully’ I’ve not once wanted to look back. This author brings something fresh to the ‘new adult’ genre of writing and it seems I’m not able to stop my admiration for her work. ‘Rival’ has been a long anticipated release and i can now admit that I was a little dubious with how this story would play out, but my doubts were unfounded, this novel was spectacular it had the right amount of grit and taboo without making it too dark or difficult to read and if there is one thing I can now be sure of is that Penelope Douglas has a wickedly sensual talent of making me fall straight into love with her story telling. With a hero to die for and a heroine with plenty of bite I could not have enjoyed my time spent with these characters any more than I did. My expectations have been blown away, ‘Rival’ is a novel not to be forgotten about and a book that I’m happy to say I loved.
What’s it all about?
Madoc and Fallon are two star crossed lovers fighting against the pain and secrets of the past. Their connection was one that has stayed with them both and their obsession with each other doesn’t seem to want to end. One wants revenge, the other wants to beat its partner at it’s own game. They both need each other. But will games, hate, family connections and a dark past stop a love that was destined to be or will they both be able to fight beyond themselves. Follow this fall away novel and fall in love with rivals that can’t help but love to hate each other.

What did I love?
What was not to love? Gorgeous story telling, fantastic writing talent, characters that blew me away and a plot that stole my heart. Everything about this novel dramatically appealed to my reading tastes. I loved that this book was deliciously tempting and swayed on the side of taboo but never crossed over into the uncomfortable territory, instead it made my heart pound and the anticipation of what was to come was well played out by the author. I’ll always have a soft spot for a dual point of view in a novel especially one that provides the reader with an opportunity to get involved with the characters thoughts and feelings. I had a honest to goodness soft spot for both hero and heroine in this story and nothing appeals more than characters who profess to hate each other when in truth their love is just as evident. Madoc and Fallon were fantastic lead characters and in addition to falling for their love story I also fell for them as individuals and I adored them both equally as much. Sibling rivalry, falling unashamedly in lust, chemistry that can’t be rivalled (see what I did there?) and a story that will stay with me for some time to come ‘Rival’ is one of my favourites of 2014 and a book that deserves to be celebrated for all it’s deliciously dark romantic talent. Penelope Douglas has created a love to hate you story that has blown me away. For those readers that can’t help but be attracted to angry sex, broken characters and epic love stories that break you up and by the end fix you all up again then this book will be just what you need.

Final thoughts …
If you are a reader that has not yet read a Penelope Douglas novel and you enjoy all the drama of a new adult novel then I can only urge you to get yourself aquatinted with this authors work. As for those readers who are anxiously waiting to read ‘Rival’ I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. Mrs Douglas has outdone herself and provided a novel that had me glued to every chapter and has more than filled my need for an angst filled, love story fix. With plenty of story telling to keep you interested and characters that are as bold as this authors shining talent the only complaint I now have is that I’m now back in the queue waiting for the next release by this author. Predictably so, five star books are what I crave and from start to finish ‘Rival’ had that unforgettable quality stamped all over it, I have no regrets with my time spent here and I’m sure this book will find itself being re read over and over again. Until then I’ll be satisfying my addiction with reading my most favourite quotes and I’m looking forward to seeing other readers fall in love as much as I did. Enjoy … Kisses.

These books sound great! Can't wait to read them!
Love me some Penelope Douglas!