Review: ★Dark Mafia Prince★ by Annika Martin

dark mafia prince-DGR reviewDark Mafia Prince
Series: Dark Mafia Prince #1
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Annika Martin
Release Date: June 28, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


*A Dangerous Royals romance with a standalone romance HEA!*

Don’t look at me like that. So trusting.
Like you think I’m not a monster.
Like I won’t wrap your hair in my fist and bend you to my will.
Like I won’t sacrifice you, piece by piece, to save my brother.
I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have because every time you look at me, you see somebody good. That friend who died.
And when you look at me like that, I die again.

I spent years making myself invisible.
A good girl, apart from the noise.
Then you came back, beautiful and deadly in your Armani suit.
Don’t look at me like you still know me, you say.
But I remember your smile and those sunny days.
Before they lowered your small casket into the ground.
Before they told us the prince was dead.

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I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have because every time you look at me, you see somebody who’s not there anymore. Because every time you look at me, you fool yourself about what I really am.

Well…hell. This was not at all what I expected, but damn if I didn’t devour it in practically one sitting. This was not my first Annika Martin book, so I already knew this woman could write. What I didn’t expect was for the story beyond the romance to suck me in so thoroughly. This book will come down to a matter of expectations, I think. If you’re walking into it expecting your typical dark romance with a dash of plot, you won’t get it. It’s beyond that. The romance almost felt secondary at times, and I didn’t mind it one bit. There was just enough of it to keep my interest and not overwhelm from everything else that happens. The story will span three books, each book focusing on a different Dragusha brother with their individual HEA. So don’t expect everything to be wrapped up with a neat little bow at the end of this one.

Aleksio’s love is the dangerous kind of love that breaks all the rules.

Aleksio Dragusha was a mafia prince well on his way to being the future head of the biggest Albanian mafia family residing in Chicago…until one bloody night when he lost everything. Now he only had two goals: reunite all three Dragusha brothers and make those responsible for what happened those years ago pay…in blood. And the center of his focus is the daughter of the man that’s set it all in motion. Mira is not at all the young girl he remembered when he was just nine. She’s different and that’s good, all the easier to forget what she used to mean to him…

Deep down you’re an animal who wants to be used by a twisted, bloodthirsty killer like me, aren’t you? Say it.

Mira recognizes the eyes of the boy that used to be her world, but she doesn’t recognize the cold and ruthless killer he turned into. A man that will do anything to find his baby brother and reunite the Dragusha brothers once and for all so that they can take back their rightful empire.

But soon lines begin to blur, and what was revenge begins to bleed into something much more…

He’s like a dangerous black hole- he’ll pull you in if you’re not careful. I can feel his pull working on me with every hour we spend together.

The story is told in alternating POVs; Mira, Aleksio, and a few snippets of Viktor, Aleksio’s younger brother. The primary focus seemed to be the backstory of the brothers and the search for the youngest Dragusha. It takes you deep into the underbelly of the violent mafia world and spares no detail. Aleksio is a true anti-hero. This man is no sunshine and rainbows. But while being the bloodthirsty killer he is, there’s still a semblance of redemption to him with the way he is with Mira. But he never quite loses his edge either…

The way he uses me is violent. Primitive. Demeaning. And all I can think is, don’t stop.

I was riveted to the action and building story arc, but at times I found the romance to be a little too rushed. I wanted a little more burn between Aleksio and Mira. Then again, considering their connection, it’s understandable that things would progress the way that they did.

I want him so bad I can’t think. I’m flying. Trembling. I’m completely his.

I did wish there may have been a little more time spent on the development on the romance, and the pervert in me wouldn’t have minded at least one more scene with Mira and Aleksio…uhem. But that aside, I enjoyed this thoroughly.

There’s quite a few secondary characters introduced, but the one that really stole the show for me here was Viktor. And then when his possible heroine was unveiled? Holy mother of intrigue! I can’t wait! Don’t even get me started on the youngest brother, Kiro, because I’m fairly certain I’d be willing to part with an ovary for his book.

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: ★Dirty Sexy Cuffed★ by Carly Phillips & Erika Wilde

CUFFED BT BANNER (1)Dirty Sexy Cuffed
Series: Dirty Sexy #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Authors: Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde
Release Date: June 21, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

CUFFED cover

Are you ready to get Cuffed?

As a cop, Levi Kincaid is all about discipline and control . . .in the bedroom, and out of it, and he’s always been very careful about choosing women who abide by his rules.

Hot sex and intense pleasure?

No problem.

Emotional commitment and forever promises?

No way.

But he never anticipates falling for a blue eyed angel who makes him want to cuff her to his bed and do dirty, sexy things to her. And that control of his? It doesn’t stand a chance against Sarah Robins, the one woman he can’t resist . . .


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“When are you going to face the fact that this chick just isn’t into you?”Levi Kincaid glanced across the dark interior of the unmarked SUV to his partner, Nick Catalano, who was alternating his attention between navigating the road and making sure Levi saw his smart-ass smirk. It wasn’t the first time his friend had given Levi shit about his request to stop by Circle K on their way back to the station after their shift ended.

For the past two months they’d been assigned to the DUI Strike Force in the area, which made stopping by the mart convenient. Seeing and flirting with Sarah Robins was just an added bonus.

“She’s totally into me, so that’s not the issue,” Levi refuted confidently, not at all bothered by Nick’s ribbing. There were many times he’d caught the tempting way Sarah looked at him when she didn’t think he was aware of her. And there was no mistaking the attraction between them she was so determined to fight. He just hadn’t figured out why yet. But he would.

“Then what’s the problem?” Nick persisted—this from a man who was all about instant gratification when it came to women, while Levi was more . . . selective.

“I’m not sure yet,” he replied honestly.

Truthfully, he was having a hell of a time getting past that wariness of hers, which only made him more curious about who Sarah Robins was— and where she’d come from. Admittedly, his interest in her had nothing to do with him being an inquisitive cop, and everything to do with him wanting her, in a deeper way than any female had gotten to him before. He just had to get her on the same page as him.

Levi wasn’t normally the type of guy who’d continue to pursue a woman who’d already turned him down half a dozen times. A smart man would have cut his losses after the first rejection, but from the moment he’d looked into Sarah’s sweet, soulful blue eyes, he’d felt a connection that only seemed to grow stronger every time he saw her.

And he certainly didn’t miss the irony of that realization, when he was a man adept at maintaining strict control of his emotions—in all aspects of his life.

“This is a shit part of town,” Nick said, stating the obvious, which brought Levi’s thoughts back to the present. “As soon as we’re off this DUI task force, I don’t want to drive through this part of Englewood unless it’s for a call, so close the deal with Sarah already.”

“Winning a woman over takes time, Catalano,” Levi said easily—especially one as wary as Sarah. “Though that’s something I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”

“Hell, no,” he agreed with a quick, player’s grin. “That’s too much fucking work when there are plenty of women who take one look at this uniform and are instantly willing and eager to bend over and drop their panties. Trust me, getting laid, and regularly, is not an issue for me.”

Levi had plenty of offers; he was just more particular about his bed partners. He didn’t do one night stands, but he didn’t do long term committed, either. The few women he’d dated and allowed into his private life were looking for the same thing he was—a mutually satisfying physical relationship without any emotional involvement. More importantly, they were willing to let him be in control during all aspects of sex.

And Sarah, from everything he’d learned so far, didn’t strike him as the type looking for long term either. Which made his pursuit easier for him to justify … and live with.

Arriving at the Circle K, Nick turned the SUV into the deserted lot. He drove past the gas station area and stopped in front of the convenience store instead of parking the vehicle.

“I noticed the back tire was low at the DUI check point,” Nick said, explaining why he hadn’t pulled into one of the many empty spaces in front of the mart like he normally did. “While you run inside and do your thing, I’m going to drive around back and fill the tire up with air. I’ll meet you out front when you’re done.”

“Sounds good.” Levi released his seat belt and opened the door. “You want anything?”

Nick grinned. “Yeah, I’ll take a root beer and a Snicker’s bar.”

“You got it.” Levi hopped out of the truck, and while his partner drove off and disappeared behind the building, he headed toward the store.

Out of years of habit, he glanced around the area, looking for anything, or anyone, who might be out of place. Especially in this part of town. But it was a quiet evening, and there weren’t any other cars or people around, which wasn’t unusual for a late Tuesday night. He walked into the store, and to his immediate left was the main counter and two registers. Sarah was sitting on a stool reading a magazine, and as soon as she heard someone enter, she looked up.

Her bored expression immediately transformed to one of pleasure as a genuine, happy-to-see-him smile curved her soft, lush mouth, which never failed to make him think about slowly licking his tongue across that full lower lip before kissing her, or how that mouth would feel sliding down the length of his cock as she looked up at him from a kneeling position on the floor at his feet.

Heat and desire mingled in his belly, and lower, as he strolled toward the counter. Yeah, he’d stored up five long week’s worth of the hottest, most sinful fantasies of Sarah, in some of the most erotic scenarios he could imagine. Those dirty thoughts had come in handy when he’d lain in bed, hard and aching and needing relief. With his hand wrapped tight around his dick, those decadent visions playing through his mind never failed to alleviate his lust.

But the relief was always temporary. He wanted the real thing. He wanted Sarah, her body soft and warm beneath his, and her willing to give herself over to him in all the ways he desired. And that kind of trust took time. And patience. Both of which he had in abundance.


Review-DGR3.5 starsDirty Sexy Cuffed-DGR teaser

…this went beyond simple attraction. She was the first woman to stir something deep inside of him when he honestly thought that part of him was damaged beyond repair.

I’ve been looking forward to Levi’s book for a long while now. There’s always been something about him that showed hints towards a certain intensity that I love in my alphas. Still waters run deep with that one, that’s for sure. Because Officer Levi is not the quiet man he seems to be at first sight. This is a man with some dirty dirty kinks, and it hit the spot just right for me.

If you’ve read the previous books, you already know that Kincaid brothers had a difficult childhood. And while you got to see Mason and Clay’s sides of it, you never quiet know Levi’s and this book will delve into that. I knew it had to be pretty dark but I never imagined what poor Levi had been through.

Sarah is the pretty clerk at a convince store that Levi has been frequenting just for the chance to see her. There’s something about Sarah that catches Levi’s interest and he knows that while she’s been admiralty yet sweetly turning him down for a date, she wants him just as much as he wants her. Levi is relentless in his pursuit, but when he puts himself in the line of danger to save her life things really take off between them. But Sarah is running from something that Levi has no idea about. Sarah’s childhood hasn’t been any easier than his but unlike Levi, her present continues to be rough. Levi’s protective instincts kick in with her and all of a sudden a man that’s never been interested in relationships begins to crave just that.

This is where I belong, Sarah,” he said raggedly, slamming his body against hers, again and again. “Right here, with you. Inside you.”

I really liked both these characters. Levi is so sweet and protective with Sarah and yet he still maintains that dominant edge to him throughout without coming off as domineering. Sarah has been through so much in her young life and yet she never has a woe is me mentality. She’s strong in her own right and determined to fight her own battles. But what I loved is she wasn’t hesitant in letting Levi in and there was no unnecessary drama spanning from secrets here.

So what didn’t quite work for me? Well, I felt like this book lacked a certain intensity that seems to fit Levi. There wasn’t really a major conflict at the end which I’ve come to expect in most romance, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just different. The one thing that I did have trouble with is the way Levi handled a particular thing at the end; especially with him being a cop. I was a little surprised that it was handled the way that it was considering a good portion of the book built up to that scene. I suppose it left me craving a little bit more. But that’s simply a matter of my expectations getting the best of me because Dirty Sexy Cuffed is certainly a fun and sexy installment in what’s come to be one of my favorite series. I’ve fallen hard for the Kincaid brothers and was dreading this book because it may mean the end of it. So boy was I happy when the authors thew in a crazy surprise at the end and I’m beyond thrilled to be getting a 4th book because of it.

If you like sweet heroines, protective heroes with a sexual edge, and a wonderful romance tying it all together, this is definitely a book you’ll want to check out. I highly recommend the entire series, even though you could easily read this as a standalone as well. But I appreciated Levi’s story that much much more knowing his backstory with his brothers.

Check out the other Dirty Sexy books!

Each can be read as a Standalone

Dirty Sexy Saint
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Dirty Sexy Inked
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About the Author

Meet Carly Phillips:

Carly Phillips is the N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of over 50 sexy contemporary romance novels, including the Indie published, Dare to Love Series. She is happily married to her college sweetheart, the mother of two nearly adult daughters and three crazy dogs. Carly loves social media and is always around to interact with her readers.

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Meet Erika Wilde:

Erika Wilde (aka Janelle Denison) is the USA Today bestselling author of over 50 contemporary romances for multiple print publishers.

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Spotlight, Review & Author Interview: ★Downtown Devil★ by @caramckenna

DGR interview & spotlight with Cara McKennaDOWNTOWN DEVIL
Series: Sins In The City #2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Cara McKenna
Release Date: June 21, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the author of Crosstown Crush comes the second sexy novel in the trilogy that explores the illicit pleasures of ménage à trois.

At the edge of thirty, Clare is feeling restless. Even though she’s gainfully employed and pursuing her passion for photography, she can’t shake the feeling that something’s missing. Then she meets Mica. A perfect subject for her portrait exhibit, Mica is sexy, exciting, and everything Clare desires.

One night with the charismatic stranger is all it takes to leave her craving more. But the intensity Mica brings isn’t confined to the bedroom, and Clare wonders if this summer fling might turn more adventurous than she anticipated—especially as a curious energy starts to simmer between the two of them and Mica’s handsome roommate, Vaughn.

As the three-way tension mounts, Mica makes a sinful proposal. It’s an invitation Clare can’t pass up, and an erotic encounter she’ll never be able to forget. Caught up between two irresistible men, Clare is about to get all the excitement she’s been looking for—and then some….

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Fuck, he was a maestro. The dirtiest, nastiest, most gifted conductor.

This book needs to come with a warning label.

Warning. Content is extremely hot and may cause severe uncontrollable arousal. Read at your ovaries risk. Author is not responsible for spontaneous ovary CUMbustion, sudden need to hump everything in sight, and consistent molestation of significant others. May also cause hot flashes, squirming, and a mild case of side eye if reading in public.

The one thing I’ve come to rely on from this author is her ability to write characters that are so real, it feels like they’re someone you’d easily meet in your daily life. There’s no artifice, nothing over the top, no crazy drama, no extras that you may find in most other books…and the best thing is it’s not needed. McKenna’s writing is very erotically charged, and yet it’s so much more than pure smut.

…she had no doubt he’d fuck the same way he seemed to move through the world- with perfect, fluid instinct. No hesitation and no shame.

Downtown Devil is not exactly what I’d call a conventional romance, yet it certainly has the romance. It’s a sinful indulgence that’s perfectly crafted with a combination of depth and steam.

Clare is a heroine that’s impossible not to like. She owns what she wants and makes no appologies for it. It’s so rare to read about a woman that truly owns her sexuality and enjoys it without making excuses or shaming. When Clare meets the enigmatic Mica, his sexual lure proves to be too much to resist. But when Mica introduces her to a darker side of her desires, it opens up a whole new door that Clare only envisioned in her fantasies.

Mica’s sexuality was a brushfire; Vaughn’s was a smoldering hearth.

The character development is what takes this from an erotic indulgence to something much more. The characters just feel real. You feel like you truly know them and not only that but you get them.

What Mica wanted, he made you want right back. Made his kinks yours. Made your body, your bed, your desires his territory.

I may have squirmed uncomfortably the entire time reading this, but I enjoyed every page. And while it may not have had crazy drama or angst that I’ve come to expect from most romance I read, it still took a turn I never saw coming and enjoyed thoroughly. It’s anything but predictable.

The sexual chemistry practically crackles off the pages, and the sex? Holy…DAMN.

He rode that sharp edge bordering consent, but every time, she liked what she found on the other side.

I haven’t read the first in this series but I had no problems jumping straight into this one and I’m definitely looking forward to future installments. And while it had the typical Cara McKenna HFN ending, it was immensely satisfying. If you’re looking for something a little bit different and a lot hot, you may just have found your next read.

Author Interview

DGR: Hi Cara! I’m so excited to have you here today and pick your brain on Downtown Devil and all things Sins in The City series.

Can we start with a quick introduction for those that maybe haven’t read your books yet? (which I suggest they rectify right meow!)

CM: Sure! I write steamy romance on through to straight-up erotica, often featuring working-class heroes and kink and the occasional taboo. Sometimes gritty and grimy, sometimes hot and sweet. Boinking, though—always with the boinking.

DGR: Can you tell us a little bit about your Sins In The City series?

CM: It’s a series, but all of the books are standalones. They’re linked by place and theme, but that’s all, so there’s no reading order. Each book follows a different set of protagonists as they embark on three-ways—all with two men and one woman—but the trios are otherwise unique. Crosstown Crush is about a married couple who bring in a second man to satisfy the husband’s unusual kink, Downtown Devil is about a young woman who falls for the world’s hottest barista and winds up going to bed with both him and his roommate, and Midtown Masters (out this winter) is about a pair of lovers-to-friends who do web-camming and decide to invite one of their clients to do more than just watch.

DGR: I love how real all your characters are. It’s like reading about someone you could easily know or meet in your everyday life. There’s no artifice or craziness needed. They are who they are. Is that an intent or something you enjoy writing?

CM: Oh, thank you! I don’t write “real” people intentionally. I mean, I’m glad that I do, but I don’t really think about it. They just show up that way! I like to say I write about ordinary people having extraordinary sex.

DGR: It’s not often I read a good romance with characters of mixed ethnicity. Personally, I wish there were more. What inspired you to write these characters?

CM: It’s a boring answer—I set the books in Pittsburgh, and Pittsburgh’s a pretty diverse city, so it felt both realistic and important to reflect that.

I’ve written a handful of characters of color over the years, but not a ton. I think before I was worried about “getting it wrong.” (I’m blindingly white.) But fear’s never a good reason not to do something, plus there’s room in every race and ethnicity for all types of personalities and experiences, so it’s a baseless worry to begin with. You can only get race wrong by not representing it, I think.

DGR: Personally, I had a very nice visual of a smaller version of Jason Momoa and Idris Elba as I was reading about Mica and Vaughn, the heroes in the book. Did you have a visual of these guys as you were writing them?

CM: Jesus, far be it from me to drive those two muses from your mind! Holy hell, sign me up.

I have a clear visual of Mica in my head, but not based on anyone in particular. Vaughn looks like Aml Ameen in my imagination, but I’m sure readers will picture whoever they like, and that’s awesome.

DGR: If I could describe this book in one word, it’ll be INCENDIARY. If you had to describe it in 5, what would they be?

CM: Oooh, let’s see… Hot, flirty, filthy, modern, fun.

DGR: Did you have a favorite scene to write in Downtown Devil?

CM: I think the most fun scene to write was the one where Mica gets Clare to have phone sex with him at ten a.m. in the middle of H&M.

DGR: You’re not afraid to cross certain boundaries in your writing, which I respect greatly. You always seem to push the envelope with each book. They’re erotic, but there’s so much depth to them…much like Mica. What can you tell us about his character?

CM: Not much more than made it onto the page! Mica was probably the least forthcoming character I’ve ever written. I knew exactly how he felt about everything that was happening, precisely how he’d react, the most basic details of his baggage, but that’s about it. I don’t even know his last name!

DGR: Mica and Vaughn are polar opposites, and yet together they’re the perfect balance. What would you say your favorite thing about each of these guys is?

CM: I like the fantasy that each of them offers. Mica’s that guy that you see in real life who’s simply too sexy to be real—you’d sell your mom’s kidney to somehow get taken home by him. And Vaughn is the other side of the coin. There’s no mystery with him, but sometimes a girl needs that. When the games get exhausting, you want someone you can just collapse against, and that’s its own kind of sexy.

DGR: Let’s not forget Clare. I love a heroine that isn’t ashamed of her sexuality and owns her decisions. If you had to describe Clare in a few words, what would they be?

CM: She’d floundering, but also driven. A little unsure, but mostly confident. A romantic and a realist. In short, she’s full of contradictions. Exactly how I remember feeling when I hit thirty—like you ought to feel like a grown-ass woman by now, yet there’s still so much you need to figure out.

DGR: Your books have some of the hottest sex scenes I’ve ever read. How on earth do you keep finding the inspiration to just keep writing them even hotter?

CM: Oh, thank you! And I have no idea. I was hugely pregnant for the first half of this book and fumbling my way through newborn-ownership with the second. I have no clue how I even finished it, looking back, let alone made it hot! But thank you all the same.

I always try to make sure there’s something edgy and uncomfortable and a little awkward built into a book’s sexual dynamic. I think that conflict is key to sex scenes that light up the page and push the characters to develop and grow. If a sex scene doesn’t change the characters involved in it, it doesn’t belong on the page!

DGR: Anything you’d like to leave the readers with?

CM: I guess just to say that this book’s for everyone who’s ever had a crush on the proverbial hot-barista. Maybe he’s a courier who comes by your office every day, or the bartender who leaves you woozy before your drink’s even mixed, or that blessedly shirtless jogger you always pass on your morning walk. Clare gets to do what most of us never will, and actually go home with that gorgeous stranger—and she winds up getting more than she ever bargained for!

New Release & Review: ★Sweet Little Lies★ by Jill Shalvis

sweet little lies-DGR ReviewSWEET LITTLE LIES
Series: Heartbreaker Bay #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Jill Shalvis
Release Date: June 28, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Sweet Little Lies cover

Choose the one guy you can’t have . . .

As captain of a San Francisco Bay tour boat, Pru can handle rough seas—the hard part is life on dry land. Pru loves her new apartment and her neighbors; problem is, she’s in danger of stumbling into love with Mr. Right for Anybody But Her.

Fall for him—hard . . .

Pub owner Finn O’Riley is six-foot-plus of hard-working hottie who always makes time for his friends. When Pru becomes one of them, she discovers how amazing it feels to be on the receiving end of that deep green gaze. But when a freak accident involving darts (don’t ask) leads to shirtless first aid, things rush way past the friend zone. Fast.

And then tell him the truth.

Pru only wants Finn to be happy; it’s what she wishes for at the historic fountain that’s supposed to grant her heart’s desire. But wanting him for herself is a different story—because Pru’s been keeping a secret that could change everything. . . .

Buy LinksAMAZON | B&N | iBOOKSReview-DGR4 starsSweet Little Lies-DGR teaser

She’d already wandered way off the track she’d set for herself, a fact that was now coming back to bite her hard because…
Because she was falling for him.

There’s nothing better for me than getting lost in a Jill Shalvis novel. This was the author that first introduced me to contemporary romance and she continues to be my go-to when I’m in the mood for a sweet romance with some steam and some of the swooniest heroes I’ve ever read.

Sweet Little Lies is the first book in the brand new Heartbreaker Bay series and this reader is already hooked! I fell in love with the story, the vibrant secondary characters, and the beautiful romance, and of course, Finn O’Riley. There’s one thing that this author manages to do each and every single time, and that’s not only connect the reader to the main characters right away, but all the secondary characters as well. This book unfolded before my eyes like the perfect romance movie. Between the slew of secondary characters like Pru’s ornery and opinionated neighbors, the old homeless guy, the tight knit group of friends, and my very favorite, Thor the dog. I fell for them all and I fell hard.

I adore the way that Shalvis can weave together a swoony romance with a fictional town full of characters that I can’t wait to learn more about. Of course, the story of Pru and Finn is center stage of it all, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

He’d known they had something but this…this rocked his world. Hers too because they both melted into it, tongues sliding, lips melding, bodies arching into each other in a slow rhythm.

Pru is one of those heroines that you can’t help but like. She’s incredibly selfless, but in the most endearing way. The way she takes care of everyone and the way she was with Finn absolutely melted my heart. She sets out to help him find his happiness and ends up falling for him instead.

Yes. This. It was just what she needed, because here, held by him like this, her guilt, her regret, her fears…all of it gave way to this heady, languid sensation of being desired and she didn’t want it to stop.

As for Finn? *sigh*
God but I loved him. Here’s a man with demons but not an a-hole. I think this is my favorite part of Shalvis’s characters; they’re your normal everyday people. There’s no crazy drama, no crazy angst, and yet you still end up loving the book from start to finish.

I don’t want to tell you much more because it’s something you need to read for yourself. But if you’re looking for a swoony and sexy romance with a great story, amazing secondary characters, and the cutest mutt I’ve ever read about, this is a must read.

I loved watching Pru and Finn’s relationship develop. It was the perfect slow burn and when it finally took off, it downright sizzled. I loved the humor, the pacing, absolutely everything. And even though you knew exactly what the ultimate fallout would be with the conflict at the end, it took nothing away from the story. I adored it!

Dammit, she was supposed to be fun whispering him. Instead, she’d fun whispered herself!

There’s also a sneak peek into the next book, and I’m practically salivating for it! I’ve already fallen for every secondary character that was introduced, especially Jake. I can’t wait for more in this fantastic series!


Sweet Little Lies (Heartbreaker Bay, #1)
The Trouble with Mistletoe (Heartbreaker Bay, #2)
Accidentally on Purpose (Heartbreaker Bay, #3) 

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: ★Man Candy★ by @MelanieHarlow2

Author: Melanie Harlow
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 20, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


He’s back.

Not just back in town, but living in the flat right beneath mine. And he looks good enough to eat, which is just one more reason to stay away from him.

But I can’t resist.

The sex is incredible (pretty sure we’ve shaken the house right off its foundation), but he can’t fool me—not this time. A degree in marketing and five years in advertising have taught me that “true love” is a fairy tale used to sell lipstick, diamonds, and perfume. It doesn’t exist.

He thinks I’m wrong, and he wants to prove it.

I think he’s crazy, so I dare him to try.

It might be the biggest mistake of my life.

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“It’s so good to see you, Jaime,” he said. “You look great.”
“You too,” I said before I could stop myself. I didn’t want him to think I still cared—in fact, I wanted him to know I wasn’t fooled by his charm. I wasn’t that silly little girl anymore, the one who’d doodled his name in her notebooks and blushed when he said hi at school and cried herself to sleep when he asked another girl to his prom. That silly little girl was gone, and in her place was a confident, smart, professional woman who knew her worth and, even better, the truth about love. No more stars in her eyes.But why did he have to be so hot?OK, pull yourself together. No drooling.“I’m so glad this worked out.” Quinn let me go but stood too close, his feet planted wide and his arms crossed over his chest. He wore jeans, a gray knit pullover that hugged his muscular chest and arms, and his feet were bare. His hair was damp and messy on top, just like it had been the last time I’d seen him in person. His full lower lip made me want to bite it. Maybe even draw blood.“Sorry, I just got out of the shower,” he said sheepishly, ruffling his hair. “Want to come in and catch up? Or maybe go out for a drink? I just need to throw some shoes on.”“No.” Trying desperately to shove the image of him in the shower from my mind, I elbowed past him and trudged up the stairs. My cheeks were hot, which meant they were probably turning scarlet. They ruined my poker face every time.

“Come on, it’s Friday!”

“I have work to do.” He was naked a few minutes ago. And wet.

“Did you have a bad day?”

“No.” Rivulets of water streaming over those muscles.

“You already have plans tonight?”

“No.” Steam rising as he stroked himself beneath the spray.

“You don’t love me anymore?”

I froze as the shower fantasy exploded into bits, replaced by a humiliation that paralyzed me, one foot on the top step, one hand on the banister. Slowly, I turned my head and glared at him over one shoulder.

Now the grin cocked up on one side. “Because you used to, you know. You told me.”

“You need to forget about that.”

“Have you?”

“Yes,” I snapped. “That was a long time ago. Back when I was young and impressionable and believed in love.”

His brows went up. “You don’t believe in love anymore?”

“Not the romantic kind. That’s a fantasy used to sell things like lipstick and roses and diamonds.”

“Pretty jaded for twenty-seven, aren’t you?”

I resumed heading up the stairs. “I’m not jaded, Quinn. I’m just a realist.” And I’ve been burned before, trusting guys way less attractive than you.

He said nothing more, and I let myself into my flat. As soon as the door was shut behind me, I leaned back against it, exhaling and fanning my face.

He still got to me. That was so aggravating.

I mean, how was I supposed to sleep at night? Quinn Rusek was one fine piece of man candy, and I had a sweet tooth for him that wouldn’t quit.

But he’d made fun of me! Again! A nice guy would have at least pretended not to remember what I’d said. Or maybe apologized for humiliating me. Or not have brought it up at all!

What an asshole.

A hot asshole—the worst kind.

Curse you, Alex, and your generous heart.

And curse you, Quinn, for getting under my skin again. You stay away from me.

But a traitorous little part of me hoped he wouldn’t.

(Bet you can guess which part.)

Review-DGR4.5 starsMan Candy-Dirty Girl Romance teaser

You don’t believe in love anymore?”
“Not the romantic kind. That’s a fantasy used to sell things like lipstick and roses and diamonds.”

Melanie Harlow books are my happy place. The quirky humor, the steam, the ridiculously endearing characters she writes, all of it simply does it for me. Man Candy was yet another reason why she’s become my go-to author when I’m in the mood for something cute and steamy.

I love the older brother’s best friend trope, so of course I gobbled this up with a fangirling sort of glee. Add into this the fact that the heroine was basically my long lost twin and it was a recipe for a guaranteed win for me!

Ten years ago, Jaime put her heart on the line and confronted Quinn with her crush…only to have him crush her. She never got over the sexy asshole and when her brother tells her that Quinn is back in town on break from his successful modeling career and will be living in the flat below her, she’s not exactly thrilled. But Quinn? He’s ready to claim Jaime once and for all. She was too young ten years ago, but he’s ready for her now. The only problem? The Jaime of today is a jaded relationship phobe the shuns the idea of true love.

I lay there for what felt like hours, imagining her right above me, wishing she were curled up beside me, and wondering where the crack in her armor would be.

The banter between these two was one of my favorite parts about the book. I loved the way Quinn teases her and Jaime’s inevitable crumbling to his sexy ways. It’s so refreshing to get a role reversal where the man wants the relationship and the woman is hesitant. But all that hesitancy built up to some of the best banter and sexual chemistry I have read in a long while…

I want you I want you I want you.
I couldn’t stop thinking it, couldn’t stop fucking her, couldn’t bear the thoughts that she didn’t want me, didn’t want this, more than she wanted to protect herself.
I was inside her.
And I didn’t want to leave.

Quinn was absolute perfection. I had expected a cocky manwhore but he was so much better! He was the perfect combination of sweet and intense. He was incredibly sweet with Jaime and understanding when he needed to be. He was meticulous at chipping away at her carefully constructed walls. But when it came down to the sex? Holy mackerel! The man was crazy intense and had one heck of a mouth on him. GAH but I loved it.

Jaime, while stubborn as hell, was so endearing. I’m not even sure what it was about her. Maybe it’s because she reminded me of myself with her disgust of mushy relationship stuff, but I loved her even when I wanted to throttle her! She puts on a brave front but there’s definitely chinks in her armor where Quinn is involved.

I wanted him to have me in a way no one else ever had. I wanted to share myself in a way I never had.

Man Candy was fun and sexy. It was a romance lover’s dream! It had me swooning and laughing well into the night, and even panting in some places. I loved it to pieces and can’t recommend it enough if you’re in the mood for something light but incredible satisfying!

All my rules were broken. All my walls were down.


About the Author

Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her heels high, and her history with the naughty bits left in. When she’s not writing or reading, she gets her kicks from TV series like VEEP, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, and Homeland. She occasionally runs three miles, but only so she can have more gin and steak.

Melanie is the author of the HAPPY CRAZY LOVE series, the FRENCHED series, and the sexy historical SPEAK EASY duet, set in the 1920s. She lifts her glass to romance readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and pet rabbit.

Connect with Melanie:

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Cover Reveal: ★Disclaim★ by Pam Godwin

cover reveal-DisclaimDISCLAIM
Series: Deliver #3
Genre: Dark Romance
Author: Pam Godwin
Release Date: August 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2



Camila was seventeen when Van Quiso kidnapped her. Ten years after her escape, the shackles refuse to release her. Not while there are still slave traders preying on her city.

She will stop at nothing to end them.

Even if that means becoming a slave again.

Returning to chains is her worst fear—and only option. They won’t know who she is or what she intends to do. She’s prepared for every complication.

Except him.

The one who decimated her sixteen-year-old heart.

Matias is charming, gorgeous, and dangerously seductive. He’s also untrustworthy and enshrouded in secrets. After years of no contact, he finds her—on her knees, wrists bound, in the clutches of her enemy.

Will he sabotage her mission by needlessly saving her?

Or will he keep her in chains and never let her go?




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VANQUISH (Deliver #2)



About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.


Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon author page  

Other books by Pam Godwin

Deliver Series:


Trilogy of Eve Series:





Upcoming Releases: June 28

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That moment when so many books release on the same day that you actually get anxiety deciding which one to one-click first *sobs*



My coven has remained hidden in the shadows for centuries.
We’ve avoided the ‘real world’ altogether; hiding from monsters
and other creatures we share this planet with.
We found protection in the Colville National Forest, nestled in a town protected
by magical barriers.
Our powers are locked by an ancient curse, one meant to protect us from being found.
Until now.
The past has a way of repeating itself. A new game is beginning. No one is safe.
He’s coming for me.
He’s hunting.
The monster we’ve run from for centuries has found us.
How far will this deadly game go?
How far will I be able to take it, or will he destroy me and everything I care about?
Will the one thing I can’t live without, be the key to destroying and undoing the past?
Or will the past destroy me before I can save the people I love from what I’ve done.

About the hero: chances are you may not fall instantly in love with him, that’s because I don’t write men you instantly love; you grow to love them. I don’t believe in instant-love. I write flawed, raw, caveman-like assholes that eventually let you see their redeeming qualities. They are aggressive, assholes, one step above a caveman when we meet them. You may not even like him by the time you finish this book, but I promise you will love him by the end of this series.
About the heroine: There is a chance, that you might think she’s a bit naïve, or weak, but then again who starts out as a badass? Badasses are a product of growth and I am going to put her through hell, and you get to watch her come up swinging every time I knock her on her ass. That’s just how I do things. How she reacts to the set of circumstances she is put through, may not be how you as the reader, or I as the author would react to that same situation. Everyone reacts differently to circumstances and how Magdalena responds to her challenges, is how I see her as a character and as a person.
I don’t write love stories: I write fast paced, knock you on your ass, make you sit on the edge of your seat wondering what happens next books. If you’re looking for cookie cutter romance, this isn’t for you. If you can’t handle the ride, un-buckle your seatbelt and get out of the roller-coaster car now. If not, you’ve been warned. If nothing outlined above bothers you, carry on and enjoy the ride!



Choose the one guy you can’t have . . .

As captain of a San Francisco Bay tour boat, Pru can handle rough seas—the hard part is life on dry land. Pru loves her new apartment and her neighbors; problem is, she’s in danger of stumbling into love with Mr. Right for Anybody But Her.

Fall for him—hard . . .

Pub owner Finn O’Riley is six-foot-plus of hard-working hottie who always makes time for his friends. When Pru becomes one of them, she discovers how amazing it feels to be on the receiving end of that deep green gaze. But when a freak accident involving darts (don’t ask) leads to shirtless first aid, things rush way past the friend zone. Fast.

And then tell him the truth.

Pru only wants Finn to be happy; it’s what she wishes for at the historic fountain that’s supposed to grant her heart’s desire. But wanting him for herself is a different story—because Pru’s been keeping a secret that could change everything. . . .

ADDICTED by Elle Kennedy


From the New York Times bestselling author of Claimed comes the second enticingly erotic novel set in a world on the brink of chaos.
Lennox used to live in a paradise on earth with his best friend Jamie, in a place where visitors came and went, allowing their desires to run free. But everything changes when a deadly attack forces them to take up with Connor Mackenzie’s band of Outlaws. Lennox knows Jamie is hung up on someone else, but he’s always believed he’s the man for her—and won’t let her go without a fight.

Even though Jamie is well aware that Lennox is one hot specimen of a man, she refuses to let sex ruin the most important relationship in her life. But when the object of her interest spurns her, she indulges in a little pleasure-filled revenge with her very magnetic, very willing best friend. One thrilling night with Lennox is enough to awaken Jamie’s unexpected desires for him. And now that she’s had a taste, she’s not sure she can ever give him up…

BOURBON THIEF by Tiffany Reisz


Betrayal, revenge and a family scandal that bore a 150–year–old mystery 

When Cooper McQueen wakes up from a night with a beautiful stranger, it’s to discover he’s been robbed. The only item stolen—a million-dollar bottle of bourbon. The thief, a mysterious woman named Paris, claims the bottle is rightfully hers. After all, the label itself says it’s property of the Maddox family who owned and operated the Red Thread Bourbon distillery since the last days of the Civil War, until the company went out of business for reasons no one knows… No one except Paris.

In the small hours of a Louisville morning, Paris unspools the lurid tale of Tamara Maddox, heiress to the distillery that became an empire. Theirs is a legacy of wealth and power, but also of lies, secrets and sins of omission. Why Paris wants the bottle of Red Thread remains a secret until the truth of her identity is at last revealed, and the century-old vengeance Tamara vowed against her family can finally be completed.

FULL TILT by Emma Scott


“I would love you forever, if I only had the chance…”

Kacey Dawson has always lived life on the edge–impulsively, sometimes recklessly. And now, as lead guitarist for a hot up-and-coming band, she is poised at the brink of fame and fortune. But she is torn between wanting to be a serious musician, and the demons that lure her down the glittering, but alcohol-soaked path of rock stardom. A wrecked concert in Las Vegas threatens to ruin her career entirely. She wakes up with the hangover from hell and no memory of the night before, or how she ended up on her limo driver’s couch…

Jonah Fletcher is running out of time. He knows his situation is hopeless, and he’s vowed to make the most of the handful of months he has left to him. His plans include seeing the opening of his glass installation at a prestigious art gallery…they do not include falling in love with a wild, tempestuous rock musician who wound up passed out on his couch.

Jonah sees that Kacey is on a path to self-destruction. He lets her crash with him for a few days to dry out and get her head on straight. But neither of them expected the deep connection they felt, or how that connection could grow so fast from friendship into something more. Something deep and pure and life-changing…something as fragile as glass, that they both know will shatter in the end no matter how hard they try to hold on to it.

Full Tilt is a story about what it means to love with your whole heart, to sacrifice, to experience terrible grief and soaring joy. To live life with all its beauty, and all its pain, and in the end to be able to smile through tears and know you wouldn’t have changed a thing.
All In (Full Tilt #2) forthcoming…
#nocliffhanger #nocancer #tearjerker



Indecent Proposal

Manwhore. That’s what the board of directors-and the tabloids-thinks of billionaire bachelor Reese Crane. Ordinarily he couldn’t care less, but his playboy past is preventing the board from naming him CEO of Crane Hotels. Nothing-and no one-will keep him from his life’s legacy. They want a settled man to lead the company? Then that’s exactly what he’ll give them.

Merina Van Heusen will do anything to get her parents’ funky boutique hotel back-even marry cold-as-ice-but-sexy-as-hell Reese Crane. It’s a simple business contract-six months of marriage, absolute secrecy, and the Van Heusen is all hers again. But when sparks fly between them, their passion quickly moves from the boardroom to the bedroom. And soon Merina is living her worst nightmare: falling in love with her husband . . .

UNDER THE WIRE by HelenKay Dimon


The Bad Boys of the Alliance—a top-secret military security agency—are back for more in HelenKay Dimon’s sexy, action-packed series

Only one thing could pull Reid Armstrong away from a vacation he’s earned with every muscle in his finely honed body—learning that his former fiancée has disappeared on a top-secret science expedition in the middle of nowhere. Second chances don’t come often in Reid’s business, and he needs to prove his worth to Cara Layne or die trying.

Waking up to find her camp destroyed and her colleagues missing, Cara is a walking target. She can’t trust anyone, least of all Reid. Even if his skills get them out alive, he’s a heartache waiting to strike twice. Yet being in close proximity proves their connection burns hotter than ever.

The body count is rising, the enemy is getting closer, and soon Reid will be right back in the position that cost him everything—forced to choose between the woman he loves, and the job that’s his only hope of saving them both . . .



If one door closes and another one opens,
your house is probably haunted. 
―Bumper Sticker

As a Part-time PI and fulltime grim reaper, Charley Davidson has asked a lot of questions throughout her life: Why can I see dead people? Who is the hot supernatural entity following me? How do I get gum out of my sister’s hair before she wakes up? But, “How do I trap not one malevolent god, but three?” was never among them. Until now. And since those gods are on earth to kill her daughter, she has little choice but to track them down, trap them, and cast them from this dimension.

There’s just one problem. One of the three stole her heart a very long time ago. Can the Razer, a god of absolute death and destruction, change his omniscient spots, or will his allegiances lie with his brothers?

Those are just a few of the questions Charley must answer, and quick. Add to that a homeless girl running for her life, an innocent man who’s been charged with murdering the daughter of a degenerate gambler, and a pendant made from god glass that has the entire supernatural world in an uproar, and Charley has her hands full. If she can manage to take care of the whole world-destroying-gods thing, we’re saved. If not, well…



Don’t make the devil angry…

Luke Thorne loves having one hell of a good time. As the ruler of every dark creature to walk the earth, he certainly has more than a bit of a bad side. He lives for danger and isn’t the type to lose his heart—mostly because he doesn’t have one. Then she walks into his life.

Mina James is seduction in the flesh, a perfect temptation that the devil himself couldn’t pass up. Too late, Luke realizes he’s let a real siren into his life, a woman who is bent on using his dark powers to free herself from hidden enemies. Since Luke isn’t the type of man to be used, he should walk away from her, but…something about Mina draws him close.

Soon he’s realizing that she isn’t who she appears to be. Not dark and cold, but burning red hot. Mina is a woman fighting for her life—and the Lord of the Dark suddenly finds himself in an unlikely role…hero. Luke isn’t going to let her enemies destroy Mina. He will fight heaven and hell to keep her. But in the end, the secrets they both carry may just rip apart a love that should never have been…

There are Bad Things in the world…very, very bad. Are you ready for them?

BAD TEACHER by Clarissa Wild


New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Clarissa Wild brings you BAD TEACHER, a Standalone Romance Novel.

My name is Thomas and I’m always hard.
No really, that’s my last name. Thomas Hard, the pleasure is all mine … literally.
I can’t help it that my name suits me well.
You know what else suits me well? That girl sitting across the bar, with her lips right where I tell them to be. I want her, and when I want something, it’s gonna be mine.
One night. No names. No phone numbers. Just me, her, and pure pleasure.
Except, that one girl turns out to be the biggest mistake of my life.
Because I broke my cardinal rule …
Never b*ng a student.

Author’s note: Don’t like reckless decisions & unbridled scr*wing? Don’t love girls that are obsessed with rainbows, unicorns, and ice-cream? Don’t enjoy a bit of corny humor sprinkled on top? Then this book is not for you. And last but not least, if you hate cats with huge jewels … Don’t even bother.

RAKE’S REDEMPTION by Chantal Fernando


In New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando’s latest novel in the Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club series, Rake—baddest of the bad boys—gets his own romance at last!

Rake is known for being up for anything, in and out of the bedroom. He’s wild, he’s deadly, yet quick with a joke or a stolen kiss. Known as the player of the WDMC, he loves women, the more the merrier. However, behind his womanizing façade, Rake hides the pain of losing his first love, Bailey. He hasn’t loved anyone since, and doesn’t think he ever will.

Seven years after their split, Rake and Bailey run into each other at the MC’s favorite club. Old wounds resurface, secrets are spilled…and passionate feelings are awakened. But they’ve each done things to hurt the other, hurt them too badly to get over it—haven’t they? Only when Bailey’s connection to Rake puts her in danger from another Club member does he realize that there’s nothing he won’t do to protect her—and claim her as his once again.

UP IN FLAMES by Abbi Glines


#1 New York Times bestselling author Abbi Glines returns to Rosemary Beach one last time in this highly-anticipated finale.

Spoiled. Selfish. Rich girl. Villain. Slut.

As the Prada-clad bad girl of Rosemary Beach, Nan Dillon has been called every vile name under the hot summer sun. Some of her reputation is deserved—she’s never had to worry about anything but maintaining her perfect figure and splitting Daddy’s private jet with her brother, Rush.

But Nan is far from happy. Rush has another kid on the way and doesn’t have time to catch up with his sister. Grant, the last guy she truly cared about, chose to be with her half-sister, Harlow, instead of her. And Harlow, who has never gotten over the way Nan treated her when she first moved to town, remains distant.

So when Major asks her out, she jumps at the chance to date the gorgeous charmer. Though she doesn’t know much about the sweet-talking Texan, and though it’s clear he doesn’t want to be exclusive, dating him beats hanging out with vapid socialites or watching Netflix alone at home.

For a while, Nan deals with Major’s playboy ways, but after he burns her one too many times, she takes off for an impromptu wild weekend in Vegas. There, she meets Gannon, a darkly seductive and oh-so-dangerous businessman who knows exactly how to handle her.

With Major asking for a second chance and Gannon haunting her dreams, Nan has to decide who to give her heart to. But what she doesn’t realize is that these players are involved in a much bigger game—and they’re already two moves ahead of her.

FEMME FATALE by Kirsty-Anne Still


Book THREE in The Pericolo Series.

Life taught me many things.

I was brought up to befriend grief, heartbreak, loss.

Learning later how to accept things as they were, how to stop denying what I wanted, how to fight for what I dreamt of.

Now, I stand here a free woman and all because I was loved enough to survive.

I have everything I ever wanted because my brothers and the man I love fought for it to happen.

But now it’s my time to give back to those who loved me no matter what blood I spilt.

However, being an Abbiati means nothing runs smooth.

Love never separated us and I’m not about to let it start.

**Moderate use of sex, violence and some strong language.

HARD TO SERVE by Laura Kaye


To protect and serve is all Detective Kyler Vance ever wanted to do, so when Internal Affairs investigates him as part of the new police commissioner’s bid to oust corruption, everything is on the line. Which makes meeting a smart, gorgeous submissive at an exclusive play club the perfect distraction…

The director of the city’s hottest art gallery, Mia Breslin’s career is golden. Now if only she could find a man to dominate her nights and set her body—and her heart—on fire. When a scorching scene with a hard-bodied, brooding Dom at Blasphemy promises just that, Mia is lured to serve Kyler again and again.

Then, as their relationship burns hotter, Kyler learns that he’s been dominating the daughter of the hard-ass boss who has it in for him. Now Kyler must choose between life-long duty and forbidden desire before Mia finds another who’s not so hard to serve.



The Carolina Cougars keep fighting for love as the Second Chances series from bestselling author L. P. Dover continues! In Defending Hayden, a damaged football star teams up with the only woman who can take the pain away.
No one’s tougher than Carolina Cougars linebacker Derek McLaughlin. But when a fatal car accident claims the life of his girlfriend, Derek finds himself caught in a destructive spiral of drugs, alcohol, and meaningless sex. But not even a string of one-night stands can ease the hurt. Football is all he has left. Then fate leads him back to the scene of the crash, and into the arms of a kind, gorgeous woman who sees past his façade to the man he once was . . . and can be again.

When a chance roadside encounter brings Derek into her life, veterinarian Hayden Hunter isn’t fooled by his bad attitude: All bark and no bite, he’s hiding a wounded heart beneath that gruff demeanor. And Hayden wants to be the one to kiss it all better. Soon they both find that a dose of passion is potent medicine. But when a hidden enemy lashes out at Hayden, Derek steps up to do what he does best: put his body on the line in the name of love.

CHAOS BOUND by Sarah Castille


Love is a wild ride.

After enduring months of torture at the hands of the Black Jacks MC, and betrayed by his own club, Holt “T-Rex” Savage, a junior member of the Sinner’s Tribe Motorcycle Club, will stop at nothing to get revenge. But falling for a beautiful woman with dangerous ties to his sworn enemy was never part of the plan…

Raised by the Black Jacks, Naiya Kelly grew up fast, furiously, and with little to lose. But now that she’s put her MC days behind her, she is free to do what she wants—until she meets a man who imprisons her, body and soul. She swore she’d never give her heart to a biker, but Holt is the most passionate, protective man she’s ever known. But will Holt be forced to betray his one true love to exact his revenge?

THE CONSUMMATION (Unexpected Circumstances Bk 3) by Shay Savage


With steady patience, Sir Branford teaches his young wife the pleasures that are to be found in their marital chambers. Though still unsure of herself, Alexandra begins to open herself to the possibilities of her new life. As Branford expresses his desire to have more than a simple political marriage, Alexandra begins to see a brand new side of her husband.

Alexandra soon discovers there is more to being Sir Branford’s wife that sharing his bed. When the lives of nobles rest in her hands, she finally begins to understand the importance of her position in the court and in her husband’s life.


FOREVERMORE by Kristen Callihan


Isolated and alone, Sin Evernight is one of the most powerful supernatural creatures in heaven and on earth. As an angel of vengeance, he hunts down the darkest evil, but when his long-lost friend, Layla Starling, needs him, he vows to become her protector. Even though she will be horrified by the man he has become.

Now a famous singer and the toast of London, Layla believes that Sin is only here to guard her from rabid fans and ardent suitors. However, the truth is far more sinister. Desperate to avoid losing Layla a second time, Sin will face a test of all his powers to defeat an unstoppable foe – and win an eternity with the woman he loves.


PHANTOM EMBRACE by Dianne Duvall


Across dimensions . . .

A gifted one, Yuri Sokolov was born with the ability to see spirits, but he knows better than to make contact with them. Yet he’s never seen one as lovely as Cat Seddon, the woman who haunts his home and his dreams. But amid their star-crossed love, a new danger may have Yuri facing a different kind of eternity.

Spotlight & Signed ARC Giveaway: ★Ultimate Courage★ by @PiperJDrake @ForeverRomance

spotlight & giveaway- Ultimate Courage by Piper DrakeTitle: Ultimate Courage
Series: True Heroes #2
Author: Piper J. Drake
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 26, 2016
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing- Forever
Print Length: 336 pages
Format: Digital and Mass Market Paperbackadd-to-goodreads-button-2

Ultimate Courage-DGR

Elisa Hall is good at starting from scratch. Leaving an abusive relationship in her rearview, she packs everything she owns into the trunk of her car and heads for refuge with her friend in Hope’s Crossing, North Carolina.

Alex Rojas returned from his second deployment as a Navy SEAL to find his condo empty and divorce papers on the breakfast table. Now he’s building a life for himself and his daughter at Hope’s Crossing kennels training younger dogs and handlers to search and rescue, struggling to adjust to life back in the States and as a single father.

When Elisa shows up at the kennels, it’s obvious she’s running from something. Luckily, the dogs and trainers at Hope’s Crossing are more than capable of warding off trouble. And with every minute he spends with Elisa, Alex becomes even more and more determined to protect the woman he’s certain he won’t be able to live without…

Buy LinksAmazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunesExcerpt

Beautiful blue-gray eyes met his briefly before the woman dropped her own gaze to focus on someplace lower on his face, like his nose or mouth. Subtle. Most people would probably not even notice the way she avoided direct eye contact.But then again, not many people made eye contact a challenge the way he and his colleagues did. It wasn’t on purpose, really; more of a common quirk in their personalities.

Funny, he hadn’t expected to see her again. Okay, maybe he’d been hoping to find her at Revolution MMA for those self-defense classes he’d recommended. But here she was. A weird tingle jolted through his chest.

This woman was about as non-aggressive as possible without cowering outright. Despite her upright posture, her hands hung at her sides in a loose, non-defensive position. Her left wrist was covered in a brace and it was easy to see she held something in her right hand. She was far enough back on the landing to easily drop down a step or two without having to back up more than a few inches.

But the mannerisms didn’t fit her energy, the straightness of her shoulders, or the set of her jaw. Whoever this woman was, she’d developed habits. She wasn’t a mouse by nature. He wouldn’t be as irritated to see these behaviors if these things came naturally to her.

Who had forced her to assume those mannerisms to survive?

“Mr. Rojas.” Her voice was steady.

Another sign of her being more than what she seemed, as far as he was concerned. The timbre was almost soothing, and he realized he’d balled his hands into fists. Well, shit. He let his hands loosen.

She presented the object she held in her right hand. “I think your daughter left this behind at the ER last night. I hope you don’t mind, but the logo for the kennels was on the inside label, so I googled the address.”

Slowly—because he didn’t want her to snatch her hand back—he took the glove from her. “Thanks.”

“The hospital lost and found was overflowing, and I wanted to make sure Boom got her glove back,” the woman continued, then bit her lip. “And I wanted to be sure to thank you.” Her cheeks took on a fascinating pale pink blush.

Caught by surprise, Rojas raised his eyebrows. “Me?”

Maybe his tone had been the right encouragement, because she looked up again, her gaze meeting his, and the chemistry shocked him right down to his toes, hitting every vital organ—including his balls—along the way.

Blue-gray, cool as a calm day out on the water, her gaze held his. “You were very kind last night, and I didn’t thank you then. I try to thank the kind people I meet. So thank you.”

Rojas cleared his throat. “You’re welcome.”

He didn’t know what else to say. He’d only given her some ice, a cup of coffee, and a card about the martial arts center. Boom had a good sense for people, and when she’d said the woman needed the referral for the self-defense classes, he’d been inclined to agree.

She broke their eye contact, and he felt the loss as if someone had broken the circuit on an electrical current. “I should be going now.”

“Wait.” He didn’t know what made him ask her to. But she paused, balanced on the balls of her feet at the edge of the landing. He was sure if he didn’t catch her now she’d be gone for good. “I didn’t get your name.”

“Oh.” She turned to face him. Another sign that she’d learned caution but she wasn’t afraid by nature. She was open. A people person. Or at least more of one than he was. “Elisa Hall.”

About the Author

Piper J. Drake (or “PJ”) began her writing career as “PJ Schnyder” writing sci-fi & paranormal romance and steampunk. She has recently received the FF&P PRISM award for her work as well as the NJRW Golden Leaf award and Parsec award.

Now, PJ is exploring the complexity of romantic suspense, incorporating her interests in mixed martial arts and the military into her writing.

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Review: ★Stealing His Thunder★ by Sparrow Beckett

DGR Review- Stealing His ThunderStealing His Thunder
Series: Masters of Adrenaline #1
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Sparrow Beckett
Release Date: June 21, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2


From the author of the Masters Unleashed series, Sparrow Beckett revs things up with two lovers on a collision course in the first Masters of Adrenaline novel. 

Nothing gives Addison Kennedy a rush like stealing cars. The Lexus was the perfect target, but before she can get its engine purring, she’s cold-cocked unconscious. When she comes to, she finds herself on a bed with a blonde, tattooed god standing over her.

Fox Larson is shocked to discover the thief he knocked out is actually a hot girl. Bringing her home may not have been the smartest move, but he wasn’t about to leave an unconscious and defenseless woman in a parking garage. Besides, if she’s part of an auto theft crew infringing on his territory, he needs to pump her for information.

However, Addison has personal drive that won’t be denied and she’s desperate to prove Fox’s group needs her skills. Submitting to his kinks in the bedroom is a hot yet complicated bonus. When a big job goes bad, and Addison finally gets her chance, will she succeed in stealing his thunder?

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God, he was going to break her, but she wanted to be broken.

Readers, are you ready for the kinkiest guilty pleasure book ever? Because Stealing His Thunder is sure to hit every spot you have. No joke. Think Fast and the Furious meets BDSM in funny, easy, and light romance. You have your Dom uber alpha, you have your slightly OTT sassy heroine, all wrapped up in a super sexy BDSM romance that’s sure to please every palate.

This is book one in the brand new Masters of Adrenaline series, but I did read a few familiar names from Beckett’s Masters Unleashed series. And while this is the beginning of the series, I found myself thinking that I may be missing certain backstories on a few secondary characters because it read like I should already know about them. Perhaps there’s a little crossover from the other series that flew over my head as I’ve only read book one.

Firstly, allow me to give you a visual for the hero:
Mmmm hmmm. Not a bad visual to have while reading, let me just tell you. Beard, tattoos, and a penchant for kink. Delicious.

This is one of those books that you take for what it is: a little fluffy, a lot sexy, and definitely entertaining. You can just shut off your brain and enjoy it. No thinking required. Which is exactly what a girl needs sometimes. Fox Larson is a domineering, dirty talking uber alpha. Addison Kennedy is an overly sassy engineer turned car thief. There’s nothing she won’t do for her family. When her ailing grandfather is forced to live in a senior home because her grandmother can’t take care of him at home, she’s determined to get them money to help support them. Trouble is, a college student doesn’t earn much. So why not put her engineering knowledge to boost some cars on the side? And when she gets in the crosshairs of car thief extraordinaire, Fox, she’s determined to join his team…even if he’s having none of it.

The writing reminds me a little of Jaci Burton; fluffy smut for lack of a better description. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Nothing at all. It’s an entertaining read through and through, and if light and fluffy kink is what you’re craving, this will hit the spot just right.


STEALING HIS THUNDER (Masters of Adrenaline #1)
FUELING HIS HUNGER (Masters of Adrenaline #2) (Releasing Oct 18, 2016)

Blog Tour & Author Interview: ★Last Kiss★ by @LaurelinPaige

Last-Kiss-Blog-TourLAST KISS
Series: First & Last #2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Laurelin Paige
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Publication Date: June 14, 2016add-to-goodreads-button-2

Last Kiss


Emily Wayborn has made a decision.

She might not fully trust handsome and deadly Reeve Sallis, but he is the one person that gives her what she needs. With Reeve she can finally be herself. Submitting to him is the only thing keeping her grounded as the rest of her life falls apart. But the hotelier is a master at keeping secrets and as she continues her quest for answers someone is making sure she doesn’t find them.

Time is running out and she is questioning everything she thought she knew about friendship and love. She must now make an impossible choice that will determine if she will survive with her heart…or at all.



“Oh, hi! I didn’t see you there.” I sounded flustered and on edge. “Sorry to have surprised you.”The man’s head tipped toward me. “Emily, right?” he asked, as he exhaled a puff of smoke.

I squinted at him, trying to place him, but I couldn’t. In fact, I was certain I hadn’t seen him before. He had to be one of the ranch guests, which didn’t explain how he knew me. “That’s right,” I said tentatively. “I don’t think we’ve met.”

He tilted his head as he took another slow draw from his ciga- rette. “Nope. We haven’t.” Even in the dark, I didn’t miss the hun- gry way his eyes groped my frame.
He took a step toward me, and I readied myself to run. Just then, the front door slammed open. I looked up to the porch to see a couple of Reeve’s men leaving the house. W hen I turned back, the man wasn’t there anymore. I glanced around and caught sight of him circling around behind the building.

A man didn’t run off that easily if he hadn’t had ill intent.

I shivered. I wondered if all of the guests were that creepy. No wonder Reeve was wary of them. Suddenly, I wanted to run and tell him about the encounter.

Then, at the top of the stairs, I noticed his door was shut, which meant he was in there. But what if he wasn’t alone? What if the con- versation with Amber at dinner had led them to his bedroom?
Before I let myself get worked up, I looked to Amber’s door. It was shut too. It was the first time I’d seen it closed since her arrival, and my mind jumped to a hundred different possible conclusions. Maybe she was exercising her new babysitter-free status. Maybe she was puking again in the bathroom and wanted privacy. Or she was making out with one of the ranchers. Or crying over whatever Reeve had said to her after I’d left them.
Or she wasn’t in there at all.

I could easily knock on her door to find out, but I wasn’t sure I could face her if she answered, and I was absolutely sure I couldn’t take it if she didn’t.

Hoping I would be better equipped to handle the situation after a good night’s sleep, I retreated to my own room with a sigh of res- ignation.

Though it was late enough to go to bed, my emotions were too frazzled for sleep. And I was cold. My evening walk had set a chill in my bones that lingered even in the warm house. W hile I wished it was Reeve warming me up, a hot shower would be just as effec- tive at raising my body temperature and would also calm my nerves.

I stripped, tossing my clothes onto the chair in the corner of my room, then went to start the shower. I turned the water on without getting in, sticking my hand under the stream until it was hot enough. Then I crossed to the linen closet at the other end of the bathroom and picked out a couple of towels. When I shut the door, I turned back toward the shower and nearly jumped out of my skin.

“Reeve!” I patted my breastbone, trying to calm the thudding
in my chest. “Goddammit, you scared the hell out of me.” Between his sneaky arrival and the lurking cowboy outside, I wouldn’t have been surprised if I was on my way to a heart attack.
His lip curled up with amusement.

I scowled. “I’m glad you think sending me to an early grave is funny.” But I wasn’t really irritated by his arrival in the least. I was glad, and I was certain the accelerated tempo of my heart rate had as much to do with his appearance at all as it did with the element of surprise.
He leaned his hip against the vanity and folded his arms across his chest, a position that highlighted both his broad shoulders and toned biceps. “You like it when I keep you guessing,” he said dis- missively, not an entirely inaccurate statement, though it was a bit discomforting that he knew it so well.

“And I like you on your toes,” he added, his eyes dark as they slid the length of my body. I felt them like silk as they caressed over the slopes of my breasts, down the plane of my stomach, zeroing in on the landing strip above my pussy. Suddenly I’d warmed up quite sufficiently, the pool of moisture between my thighs as hot as the steam gathering in the room.
I met his scrutiny with ogling of my own, biting my lip as my eyes landed on the large bulge at the front of his pants. He was bare- foot, and I tried not to wonder if that meant he’d been undressed once already in the evening. Tried not to wonder if it was his first or second erection of the night.

Bringing the towels in front of me as a much-needed barrier, I mirrored his crossed arms. “W hat are you doing here, anyway?” He shrugged. “You wouldn’t come to my bed so I had to come to yours.”
It was surprising how easily happiness bubbled in my chest. Teasingly, I threw his words from the night before back at him. “This isn’t my bed.”

He was already walking toward me. “It’s close enough.” The towels fell to the floor as he seized my hips and turned my back to the counter. His mouth captured mine, greedily stealing my breath and sense of reason with his lips and tongue.

God, I was hungry for him. I roved my hands over his chest, wanting to touch all of his body at once, delighting at the hard muscles that met the underside of my palms. He was solid every- where. A wall of strength and potency that could so easily over- power me. I was weak in his presence, incapable of anything except to yield.

A warning bell sounded in the back of my head, though, urging me to get my wits together and address… something. It was dif- ficult to remember what exactly when his hands were on my breasts, squeezing and pinching. The bite of pain sent jolts of electricity through my nervous system, signals that my brain read as pleasure. Pleasure I couldn’t resist.

Last Kiss2-DGR

Author Interview

DGR: What was your inspiration for the First and Last series?

LP:For a long time, I’d wanted to write a story about a love triangle where one of the characters wasn’t present. Much like the book, Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier or Jane Eyre. At one point, I’d thought it would be a sweeter take on the story. Something where the memory of a dead friend permeated a current relationship so thoroughly that it placed a burden on the characters.

I also wanted to write something in the vein of Gone Girl and Girl on a Train – a psychological thriller, but with romantic elements. I’m very fascinated by characters motivations and a psychologically suspenseful plotline just intrigued me to no end.

I thought, at first, that these were two different stories, and I hadn’t quite figured out what either of them would look like exactly until I read a description of a book that was about to be published (I don’t remember what it was) about a woman who had to go to extreme lengths to look for her sister who’d gone missing. The pieces started to click together, and soon I had the idea of a woman setting off in search of a friend/sister in a dangerous place that required her to face her own psychological demons as well as some very real threats. Next thing I knew, the plot to First Touch had been born.

DGR: Who was your favorite character to write in the First and Last series and why?

LP: My favorite character in First and Last is probably Reeve. He continually surprised me with his intensity and depth of emotion. He made me feel things I didn’t think he’d make me feel.

But I also really enjoyed writing Joe. He got to ask all the questions that I wanted answered and he was sincerely committed to his cause.

DGR: Did you have a favorite scene to write in Last Kiss? What about a favorite scene to read?

LP:I really liked writing the first scene in the whole book, where Reeve and Emily meet. It was such fun to explore the superficial aspects of these characters, to have them flirt and tease while hinting at deeper agendas for both of them. At that point in the book, I knew everything and the readers knew nothing. I got to drop whatever clues I felt like dropping and that was just fun.

I don’t particularly enjoy reading most of what I’ve written. I’m too anxious about it. Too critical. That being said, I really don’t mind reading the porch scene in Last Kiss. It’s sweet and sexy and gives me all kinds of feels.

DGR: Reeve Sallis. *pervy shudder*
Holy cr*ap but the man has a presence. If you had to describe Reeve in 5 words, what would they be?

LP: Dark, Dangerous, Conniving, Dominant, and, according to my publicist Jenn Watson, Sexual Napalm. 🙂

DGR: What would you say is a trait that Reeve has that some may not realize?

LP: His heart is huge. When he loves, he loves deeply. He’s not afraid of who he is, of what his proclivities are, but his greatest fear is that his interests will drive away the people that he loves the most.

DGR: Emily is a bit of an enigma in her own right. This is a non-traditional heroine if ever there was one. What would you say is a trait of hers that some may not realize at first?

LP: I think people overlook how strong Emily is. She’s very courageous and determined despite her submissive nature. Not many people would go to the lengths she goes to for someone she cares about. I think even Emily would be surprised if someone told her she was strong.

DGR: One of my favorite things about the First & Last duet is that the eroticism always skates right on the edge of depravity. It’s like there’s no clear lines in the relationship between Reeve and Emily. The chemistry practically crackles off the pages. What was it like writing these scenes? Was it something out of your comfort zone or something you’ve always wanted to write?

LP: Great question. First & Last really challenged me in so many ways. I could mentally grapple with writing scenes that didn’t turn me on, scenes that made me uncomfortable to think about. But, emotionally, it was much harder to cope. I got really depressed as I neared the end of the series, and I know it was because the book was so much darker than I usually write.

That said, though I was outside of my comfort zone, it was also something I very much wanted to write. I’m fascinated by psychological motivations behind the people who are into kinky and degrading sex. I’m glad I got the chance to explore it.


DGR: If you had to describe this story in less than 2 sentences, what would you say?

LP: A game of cat and mouse filled with dark desires and dangerous secrets, First Touch and Last Kiss is a very different kind of love story. It will have you questioning everything you ever thought you knew about sexy psychological thrillers.

DGR: What made you decide to go with a duet instead of a standalone or trilogy? What would you say was the hardest part about writing this duet?

LP: I wanted that awesome cliffhanger, of course! I wouldn’t have been able to torture my readers with the wait between books. But also, and more importantly, the story I wanted to tell was constructed very much to be before a particular event and after. It’s a very clear dividing line, and it felt like the best way to tell it was in two acts.

DGR: What are you currently working on? Any chance there may be a potential story for secondary characters in LAST KISS in the near future?

LP: Currently, I’m writing Chandler, a standalone novel in my Fixed Universe series that will be coming out in September. On top of that, I’m co-writing Screwmates with Kayti McGee which will be coming out later this fall.


DGR: Anything you’d like to leave the readers with?

LP: I’m so thrilled with the love readers have shown for Emily and Reeve. It was a very difficult story for me to write because of its dark nature, but the enthusiasm for the series has really made the effort worth it.

About the AuthorLaurelin Paige is the NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Fixed Trilogy. She’s a sucker for a good romance and gets giddy anytime there’s kissing, much to the embarrassment of her three daughters.


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