Love is ugly and secrets will destroy you.
I don’t beg.
I don’t cry.
And I don’t give second chances.
Ream, the lead guitarist of the rock band Tear Asunder, deserves a gold medal for best dick move ever when he ran the moment he discovered my secret after two days of hot sex. Then he brings some chick to my coming home party from the hospital—after being shot.
I hate him.
Until …
Ream’s six foot two frame unfolds out of the car after being gone on tour for eight months. I stared. And in my defense, any girl would stare. It would almost be rude not to because Ream was the type of guy who stood out. Not because he was loud and obnoxious. No, it was because he was the complete opposite. Subtle and dangerously quiet. If he spoke, you’d better hope he liked you because otherwise you’d be falling at his feet begging for mercy. Except me … I don’t beg—ever.
But when our eyes locked, it was Ream’s steady confidence that had my nerves shooting off like jet sprinklers.
Ream told me he didn’t need a second chance because he was still working on his first.
Sex is ugly. It’s using someone for your own narcissistic pleasure. I did it, but hated it—until her. She was unexpected. Then I had to wreck our beginning with my screwed up past. I don’t deserve her, but I’m selfish and I’m taking her anyway. This is who I am and it’s too late to change me.
******Warning contains violence, sexual content, and coarse language. Some scenes may be triggers. Mature audiences 18+
Tear Asunder series:
“With You” (Tear Asunder .5)
“Torn from You” (Tear Asunder 1) – see my review here
“Overwhelmed by You” (Tear Asunder 2)
Whatever damaged key he used, Ream was already inside me and it fit. We fit.

The absolute second I read about Ream in Torn from You, I knew I had to get my hands on his book him immediately. I mean the guy was a royal dick. An asshole. An utter and complete asshole.

Which only meant that I feel for him that much harder. Yes, the more of an asshole they are, the more they make my pervy little heart go all pitter patter. It’s a condition. We’ve been over this. I’ve accepted it. Let’s move on.
Although this could be read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading the first book in the series as it will help paint a stronger picture of the couple. I was hoping that this would pick up somewhere in the middle of what happened in the last book, simply because I would have loved to have Ream’s POV on some of the things that took place. But this picks up a few months after the events of the last book, and gives a few flashbacks.
I loved the way that Nashoda started off each chapter with a cryptic flashback teaser. I knew from the very first paragraph that Ream’s story and history would not be an easy one, a light one, or a pretty one.

Behind the asshole veneer lay the damaged soul of a man that has had to experience some horrific things. But you don’t get to find out EXACTLY what they are. The flashbacks in each chapter help build a very vivid picture, however. My poor Ream, constantly trapped within his memories, unable to shut out the voices from his past. My heart absolutely broke for him.

If you’ve read the first book then you know that Ream does something to Kat at the end of it that manages to finally break her tough girl act. It was devastating and left you wondering if you could ever forgive him. Now over 2 years later, Ream finally gets his shit together and goes after Kat with the determination of a bull. But Kat is having none of it. Prepare yourself for angst galore.

I’m not going to lie, I spent large chunks of the book wanting to throttle Kate for being as stubborn and flat out mean to Ream as she was at times. Though considering their past, I somewhat understood her hesitation. Doesn’t mean her immaturity at certain points didn’t drive me batty. I was also very impressed with the twist that Nashoda threw in with Kat’s secret. It was not the typical explanation that you normally read about, and I commend the author for taking such a different route.
Though Kat puts up a good fight for a while, Ream manages to break through her resistance eventually. I mean who can resist a sexy as hell, possessive, intensely jealous rock star for long? And when his sweet side comes out? Forget about it!
I wasn’t expecting for things to be smooth sailing, not at all. I knew that when the entirety of Ream’s past would come to light, it was going to be ugly. And holy mother of all crap to hit the fan! That last 30%?! WHOA! I thought I knew what was coming, but hell fucking no! I think I spend the majority of it reading like this

Although Overwhelmed by You didn’t manage to blow me away as much as Torn from You did, I still enjoyed it immensely. Sometime you find an author whose writing you just click with, and I think that’s the case for me here. I can’t get enough of the Tear Asunder boys, and can’t wait for the flirty Crisis to be finally brought to his knees next. Though I’m absolutely salivating for Deck’s story…especially with that teaser at the end.
Writing Style: Dual first person POV
***ARC courtesy of author via netgalley in exchange for an honest review***
I too fell in LUST with this bad ass men from Tear Asunder. Ream and Logan are some sexy as sin men and I can not wait for Kite and Crisis' books. I also am looking forward to the Unyielding Series.
I cannot wait for Deck's book!! That is bound to be good, even though I want to gag Georgie a lot of the time LOL! I figure Deck will be taking care of that haha
This book sounds so good, I'm going to have to give the whole series a go. Great review 🙂