Reckless by Skye Jordan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5+ Panty-melting Stars

If this was passion, it was more intense that anything she’d ever felt. Overwhelming. Obsessive. Dark

So if my inner dirty girl had an imaginary interview with the characters of this book, wonder what it would go like?
Well no need to wonder, because I’ll appease your curiosity.

All character quotes came directly from the book, I’m not that creative 😉

So Jex, you’ve just been screwed over yet again by a beautiful woman that used you for your connections as a famous stuntman in the movie industry. How does that make you feel?
I’m so sick of this bullshit.
Uh huh…Uh huh…I can understand that. Do you think it has something to do with the fact that you tend to pick your women just based on the fact that they’re good looking? OK, no need to glare at me…moving on.
So let me ask your good friend Wes his opinion.
You could try fucking someone with a few morals for a change. And the last thing I’m gonna say on this, because it’s really your problem, if morals don’t interest you, how about hooking up with a chick who’s at least nice to you for a change? I’m starting to think you’ve got some masochistic fetish.
Well since you’re flying to New York for a stuntman job on a new movie, we’ll come back to you in a few, Jax…
Now Lexi, so your friend Rubi just pointed out that your couture dress business is really lacking inspiration for fresh-new designs. Could it be partly because of your lack of…uhem…male attention recently?
Nice. Point out what a loser I am the night before I fly across the country to meet Martina Galliano to discuss to proposition of my career.
Well no need to get huffy here! Maybe you just need to just get down to business with the next hottie you meet? You used to be a model, you’re not exactly hurting in the looks department.
My name is Lexi and I’m a sexual train wreck.
OK. OK. No need to get melodramatic. I get it. You’re fed up of men only using you to be arm-candy, and not seeing past your looks. Gotcha. Good luck with your meeting in New York then.
So Jax, let’s get to the really important questions here. Tell me, what’s your penis size?
I’m assuming you mean erect. 9” length, 2 ¾” diameter, which corresponds to 8 ½” girth.
Yep, I can definitely work with that. Now what kind of sex do you like?
I like the fiery, fast sex so passionate your vision blurs.
I like wild, frantic, have-to-have you sex that burns you alive.
I like deep, driving sex where sweat drips off my chin, rolls down your spine, and tickles the dip between your ass cheeks
Uhhhhh…..give me a second here….I think I just had an orgasm. Don’t mind me, please continue
I like secret sex in naughty places, and naughty places to have secret sex.
I like the kind of sex that includes sliding my tongue in all your very tight spaces.
I like any kind of sex that drives animalistic sounds from your throat.
Um…what now? Oh! Sorry! Got carried away here…
Moving on then…
So, Lexi, seeing as you just spotted Jax at the airport, and got a case of insta-love. What type of man do you crave?
This was the kind of man she craved – a rough-around the edges, blue-collar, hard loving man. A few tattoos, a dark background, confidence in the bedroom… or the bed of a truck… or on the back of a motorcycle…

I loved loved loved FUCKING loved this book! I don’t think I disliked one single thing about it! The characters were fantastic. I loved both Jax and Lexi. The steam? Good Gawd but did Jax know how to get things done!
I’m pretty sure I went through multiple underwear changes. What? TMI?
But in all seriousness, I have found a series to add to my auto-buy list. I am so excited that this will be a series, and it’s based on super hot Hollywood stuntmen! What more could a girl ask for? Cannot wait for the next book. I’m dying for Rubi’s book. She was such an awesome comedic relief in this story as Lexi’s BFF. I loved her spunk, and blatant flirtatiousness. I can only hope that her and Wes’s book will be next.
But what are you still doing reading my review. Go read this! Now! Seriously! The book is fucking awesome! Just make sure to bring Jax back to his rightful owner once you’re done with him. I’ve already branded him and everything. Mine mine mine. And once you meet him you will completely understand my obsessively posessive ways 😉
But that’s all the ramblings from this girl for now. I’m off to have some more dirty thoughts about Jax.
And I thank you!

ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I read this review on goodreads and loved it so much that I liked it and had to check out your blog. I've read a couple more of your posts and all I have to say is you're amazing. Not only am I psyched to read this book, there are definitely a few more books that I need to read immediately.
Awww, you're too kind! <3
You will LOVE this book and Jax. This is definitely one of my very favorite books this year.
Hope you love it as much as I did 🙂