#DGRFave: Flock by Kate Stewart

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Ravenhood Duet #1
Author: Kate Stewart
Release Date: July 28, 2020

??? ??? ???? ? ???????

I grew up sick.

Let me clarify.

I grew up believing that real love stories include a martyr or demand great sacrifice to be worthy.

Because of that, I believed it, because I made myself believe it, and I bred the most masochistic of romantic hearts, which resulted in my illness.

When I lived this story, my own twisted fairy tale, it was unbeknownst to me at the time because I was young and naïve. I gave into temptation and fed the beating beast, which grew thirstier with every slash, every strike, every blow.

Triple Falls wasn’t at all what it seemed, nor were the men that swept me under their wing. But in order to keep them, I had to be in on their secrets.

Secrets that cost us everything to keep.

That’s the novelty of fiction versus reality. You can’t re-live your own love story, because by the time you’ve realized you’re living it, it’s over. At least that was the case for me and the men I trusted my foolish heart to.

Looking back, I’m convinced I willed my story into existence due to my illness.

??? ??? ???? ????????.


My greatest hope is to be in all-consuming love. My biggest fear is to be in all-consuming love.

Shut. The. Front. Door. TWICE.

I am totally and completely ruined. Dead. DEAD I tells ya. How do I even go on living after this book? HOW? I’ve been sitting in my room, staring blankly at the wall for the past 3 hours, just trying to figure out how to go on with my life. And I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s simply impossible. Until I have book two in my hands, the only existence is my currently over caffeinated and slightly manic state of OHMYGODWHATDIDIJUSTREAD!!!!

The only love I’ve ever known or craved is the kind that keeps me sick, sick with longing, sick with lust, sick with need, sick with grief. The distorted kind that leaves scars and jaded hearts.

I don’t know about you, but my love affair with Kate Stewart actually began with her books under her pen name. All I remember is cracking open Excess and falling head over ovaries for this woman’s words. Since then, I’ve been greedily devouring each of her releases without even bothering to read the blurb. This one being no exception. And if there’s one piece of advice I can give you, is that you do the same thing. Go in absolutely blind. Trust me on this and thank me later.

But back to my point and where I was going with this. When I learned that Angelica Chase was none other than Kate Stewart, it was like two worlds colliding for me. Angelica wrote twisty and erotic romances and Kate Stewart wrote unforgettable stories. So where am I going with this? Well, Flock happened to be the most amazing culmination of Kate and Angelica that I couldn’t even imagine in my dreams.

This book was….how do I even describe this to you. First of all, that blurb is vague AF. And as much as I want to give you more, I won’t. because this isn’t a story you read. It’s one you experience. And it’s one you need to experience to its full potency. It was a twisty and erotic masterpiece that sucks you in and doesn’t let you go. It’s a thrill ride of emotion and frustration as you grasp at straws to try to make sense of it all, only to fall victim to the author’s evil genius mind and realize you no longer know up from down and left from right.

All I know is I binged. BINGED y’all. I stayed up all night reading and while I can barely function this morning, I’m not even a little sorry because it was all worth it. Well. Maybe not my manic screaming when I got to the end and woke up my husband who preceded to look at me like I just lost my ever loving mind at 4 am. And you know what? He’s not wrong. Because I definitely did. And I won’t be sane until I get my answers in book two. And while it’s only a few days away, the wait for Exodus is the worst sort of torture.

So let me end my “review” (if you can even call it that) with this: if this book is not on your radar (you’ve been living under a rock), it NEEDS to be. If you’re not sure about reading it, dive in! If you read ANY book this year, make it this one. If you want a unique, captivating, and utterly unforgettable read, GET. THIS. BOOK.

That is all. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rock myself in a corner somewhere (preferably with booze) in my wait for Exodus. And in case you’re wondering, no, I am most definitely NOT OKAY.

#DGRFave & Review: Black Tangled Heart

Series: Play On #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Samantha Young
Release Date: May 14, 2020

To my siblings, Jane was a friend. A pseudo-sister, the girl we grew up with.
To me? She was everything.
Our passion consumed us.

When our world fell apart, I thought our love would be the thing that held us together.
She was the love of my life. But she abandoned me when I needed her most.
And I’ll never forgive her.

For years I’ve been planning my revenge against the people who took everything from me.
Jane won’t be an exception. I’m coming for her.
She knows it.

She says she wants to help me serve my version of justice on the people who hurt me.
I’ll let her.
She probably thinks it will save her from me.

It won’t.

*This is a complete standalone. The Play On series are books connected by the theme of the arts industry, not by characters.


A love that consumes, consumes everything unto utter desolation.”

I loved this so hard! SO FREAKING HARD! I can’t even deal right now. I need a minute to calm my tits and collect my thoughts here.

Ok. I’ve calmed my tits. Maybe. I may have fangirling bursts throughout the review. Fair warning. So deal with it, mkay?

If you haven’t read Young’s Play On series yet, you’re seriously missing out. I’ve loved every book so far, but this one was definitely my favorite. And if you haven’t read the previous books, don’t worry, they’re all complete standalones. There’s not even a crossover aside from being set in the same “world”. Different characters, different stories, and all completely unforgettable.

The story here, there was just something about it that owned me so completely. It was magical, beautiful, and heartbreaking. It’s told in two parts. The first part tells the story of how Jane and Jamie meet as kids and ultimately fall in love. The kind of love that’s blistering and all consuming. The kind of love that can make you or break you, and it was MAGICAL. I lived for the two of them together. The progression of their characters was one of my favorite parts. Seeing Jane grow from a quiet, shy and unassuming child that doesn’t want to rock the boat, into a stunning teenager that’s just as shy but also isn’t afraid to stand up for herself. She was this perfect balance of quiet strength that I fell hard and fast for. And Jamie? Be still my heart! The guy was intense even as a teenager.

Life doesn’t always follow the plans you have, and soon Jamie and Jane fall apart as intensely as they fell in love. The second part is a second chance romance that reunites these two as adults and OMG I was so here for it. Jamie is no longer the young man that Jane once knew. He’s colder. Harder. Angry. And full of vengeance, all of which is aimed at her.

As the layers of lies and betrayal get pulled back, the reader gets pulled in. This story was all encompassing. I was completely consumed by their romance and their story. I binge read it. This was one of those stories that I couldn’t bear to put down for even a second. I was rabidly reading and never wanted it to end.

If you’re looking for a gritty second chance romance, look no further. This was EVERYTHING!

Samantha Young is a New York Times and #1 International bestselling author from Stirlingshire, Scotland. On Dublin Street was Samantha’s first adult contemporary romance series and has sold in thirty countries. She has since published over thirteen romance titles including the New York Times Bestsellers Into the Deep, Hero, and her most recent contemporary romance Fight or Flight. When writing Adult Paranormal romance she writes under the pen name S. Young.Connect with Samantha. Young:

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#DGRFave & Review: Beautifully Cruel by JT Geissinger

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense
Author: J.T. Geissinger
Release Date: May 15, 2020

Alpha (noun):
1) Having the highest rank in a dominance hierarchy
2) The most powerful man in a group
3) Liam Black

He was a stranger to me, a dark and dangerous presence who materialized from the shadows one rainy night to save me from a vicious attack.

I didn’t know his name or where he was from. All I knew was that the only place I’d ever felt safe was in his arms.

But safety is an illusion.
And not every savior is a hero.
And—as I’d soon find out—having an alpha save your life comes with a price.

Liam Black wanted something from me in return.


Don’t mistake me for something I’m not, Tru.”
“Like what?”
“A good man.”

If you like:
Intense, protective, and possessive alpha males
Fierce and I mean FIERCE, take charge and sharp witted heroines that take no bs
a story that will keep you glued to the pages from cover to cover
a mother of all plot twists that you will SALIVATE OVER


There is only one word to describe this book: ADDICTIVE. I couldn’t get enough of Liam Black. I couldn’t get enough of this story. I couldn’t get enough of this romance. I devoured this in one intense sitting. SO. FREAKING. GOOD.

Y’all. It is really no secret that I live for JT Geissinger’s books. The woman can write an alpha male like no other. But what I love most about her writing are her heroines. They’re fierce, take no prisoners, rescue themselves sort of females and I am so here for it. But when I tell you that Tru may have easily been one of my favorite heroines of hers to date, that’s saying something. There’s just something to be said for a woman that’s shy but is also a sharp witted ball buster.

I don’t know what kind of women you’re used to, but my mother didn’t raise a worker bee. She raised a queen.” I stare at him without smiling. “And I don’t give away the honey for free.”

GAH. Do you see what I mean?

So here’s the thing, that blurb is vague AF. And there’s a good reason. You want this story to take you by surprise and go into it totally blind. Trust me on this. Avoid reviews and just read it. There’s so much that can be a spoiler, so of course my review will be vague AF.

What I will tell you is that the romance was incendiary. The characters were amazing. And the story was addictive. And there’s a surprise to beat surprises if you’ve read Geissinger’s other books. I won’t tell you which one, but just trust me. READ THIS. You will not want to miss this.

I inhaled this story in one breathless sitting. It was a page-turner from beginning to finish and I cannot recommend it enough!

#DGRFave & Review: The Hunter by LJ Shen

Series: Boston Belles #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: LJ Shen
Release Date: May 10, 2020


I didn’t mean to star in a sex tape, okay?
It was just one of those unexplainable things. Like Stonehenge, Police Academy 2, and morning glory clouds.
It just happened.
Now my ball-busting father is sentencing me to six months of celibacy, sobriety, and morbid boredom under the roof of Boston’s nerdiest girl alive, Sailor Brennan.
The virginal archer is supposed to babysit my ass while I learn to take my place in Royal Pipelines, my family’s oil company.
Little does she know, that’s not the only pipe I’ll be laying…

I didn’t want this gig, okay?
But the deal was too sweet to walk away from.
I needed the public endorsement; Hunter needed a nanny.
Besides, what’s six months in the grand scheme of things?
It’s not like I’m in danger of falling in love with the appallingly gorgeous, charismatic gazillionaire who happens to be one of Boston’s most eligible bachelors.
No. I will remain immune to Hunter Fitzpatrick’s charm.
Even at the cost of losing everything I have.
Even at the cost of burning down his kingdom.


He was a lonely prince. Untouchable yet in need of a hug. Brilliant, yet deeply misunderstood. Sitting on a throne of broken expectations and disappointment.

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. With. This?!!!!

Welcome to your next addiction, people! Because this new series from LJ Shen is the best sort of crack. Not that crack is good. Crack is whack. But you know what I’m saying so just go with it, mkay? What I’m saying is this book was finger-licking good. Like want to slap your own ass and have a cigarette after kind of good. And I don’t even smoke. GAH. Let me calm my tits for a hot second here.

This was easily, without a doubt, my favorite LJ Shen Book to date. And considering I’m obsessed with everything the woman writes, that’s saying something. Hunter forever owns both my heart and my ovaries and I never want them back. Addictive, unputdownable, and all encompassing.

You know when you crack open a book and you get honest to god tingles? That’s what this was for me.
I thought I loved Shen’s Sinners of Saint and All Saints High series, but that was nothing next to my giddiness of this new series. And it has the mother of all crossovers. I won’t tell you which book or who because you need the element of surprise, but DANG it was good.

I love a strong heroine, and Sailor was all of the things. This woman was FIERCE with a capital F. I loved the way she stood up for herself and stood her ground, even when the odds are stacked against her. Then again, with a family like hers, fierceness is damn near guaranteed. She couldn’t NOT be a awesome.

As for Hunter? GAH. This guy. He’s this incredible combination of goofy but with a good dose of intensity. He’s quick to joke and easy to smile, but beneath the handsome good looks are plenty of hidden layers. And the more they get unraveled, the deeper into this rabbit hole I fell.

I was hooked, line and sinker on this new world. I was obsessed with the characters. I was gaga over the romance. SO. FREAKING. GOOD.

#DGRFave & Review: Sea of Ruin by Pam Godwin

Genre: Dark Historical Pirate Romance, Stand-alone
Pam Godwin
Release Date:
April 28, 2020

Bennett Sharp is on the run.

Wanted for piracy, she fears neither God nor death nor man.

Except Priest Farrell.


The unfaithful, stormy-eyed libertine hunts her with terrifying possessiveness. Nothing will stop him from coming for her. Not his unforgivable betrayal. Not when she’s captured by the ice-cold pirate hunter, Lord Ashley Cutler.

She must escape Ashley’s prison and Priest’s deceit. But can she walk away from their twisted desires?


Two gorgeous captains stand on opposite sides of the law. When they collide in a battle to protect her, the lines blur between enemies and lovers.

Passion heats, secrets unravel, and hearts entangle until they break.

Can love prevail in the sea of ruin?


The short story, KING OF LIBERTINES, can be read before or after SEA OF RUIN.

It’s only available in the AUSTRALIA anthology:


Love isn’t a decision. It arrives unannounced, breeds madness, and leaves a sea of ruin in its wake.

Two words: FUCKING. EPIC.

My god. Y’all. I’m rendered speechless. This is easily my favorite Pam Godwin book to date. And considering I’ve read and loved her entire backlist, that’s saying something. But this book? It was something else entirely. Mesmerizing. Magical. Unique. And totally and completely unforgettable. It was unlike any book I’ve read lately, and I loved it so much more for that!

There was only so much suffering a person could endure before they broke. Sometimes, broken things couldn’t be put back together.

This was certainly a huge step away from Pam’s usual dark romance, but it was no less gritty or gut wrenching. This is a historical romance that introduces the reader to one of the most fierce lady pirates you will ever read. Not that I’ve ever read about a female pirate before. But now that I did? I NEED MORE!

How do I even begin to describe to you the incredible experience that was this book. And that’s what it was. An experience. It was so much more than just a romance. The rich world building, the characters, the depth and development. All of this combined to make this like a movie reel that unrolls with every turn of the page.

Bennett Sharp is a force to be reckoned with. Her birth is the result of two worlds crashing together that couldn’t be more different. Her childhood wasn’t perfect, but she had hope for something more, until an a tragedy rips that away from her in the most devastating of ways. Now she’s a pirate, a captain of her ship, with the sea the only thing she craves. She’d do anything for her loyal crew, even sacrifice herself to ensure they survive. This is how she ends up in the hands of the commander of the royal navy and facing one of the biggest battles of wills I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading.

I can’t seem to make sense of you.”
“It’s easy, Commodore. Just think of the smartest man you know, remove all the hauteur and bigotry, and add a larger pair of testicles.”

Now that is all of the details that you’ll be getting from me. I went into this completely blind, and I recommend all readers do the same. All I can tell you is prepare for the experience of a life time. Yes, this is a historical, but it’s no less edgy than what we’re used to from Pam. This story was heart wrenchingly dark, sinfully erotic, and oh so gritty. It packed one hell of a punch that kept me riveted to the pages. And that’s not even starting on these incredible, multi-layered characters. MY GOD. It was utterly hypnotic.

Pam not only mastered this genre, she slapped it’s ass and made it call her daddy. PERFECTION. Sheer perfection between the pages. This is an absolute must read. Trust me. Even if historical isn’t usually your cuppa, this will make a converter out of you. It’s simply not to be missed.

Pam Godwin Books GrayScale

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.
Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.
Join my Facebook Reader Group: here

Other Books by Pam Godwin

Tangled Lies Series

Deliver Series
TAKE (#5)
Manipulate (#6)

Trilogy of Eve







#DGRFave & Review: Master of Salt & Bones by Keri Lake


Genre: Gothic Romance
Author: Keri Lake
Release Date: April 22, 2020


When I was a little girl, I dreamed a handsome knight would come and rescue me from my wretched mother. He’d ride up on his white steed and break the curse I’ve been fated to carry since the day I was born.

Funny how things changed over time. How the fairy tale twisted into something far more crooked, darker than I ever imagined.

In reality, my knight is scarred and broken, living alone in a castle of bones that overlooks the sea. He isn’t searching for me. He never was.

Lucian Blackthorne is as cursed as I am, and equally shunned by the locals, the fishers of men, who believe him to be the devil in the flesh.

Perhaps he is, with the way his amber eyes draw me in, ignite me like an infernal blaze. And the sins he whispers in my ear are as wickedly intoxicating as the man himself.

Yet, his touch is heaven and his will is my weakness.

He calls us forbidden, an unsalvageable tragedy, with no happy end. Maybe we are. But in this story, he’s the one who needs saving.


Together, we are madness. And there is music in madness and madness in love.

Magical, all encompassing, enthralling, with a dark undercurrent and a romance that’s literally to die for, this book was everything!

How do I even begin to review this book. Keri Lake is a master of her craft. She’s written some of the most memorable stories I’ve read to date. Her romances are unique and unlike any I’ve read before. And this goes double for Master of Salt & Bones. This is a shift away from Keri’s usual dark romance, but it’s still somewhere there in the middle. It’s a gothic romance full of mind blowing twists and jaw dropping secrets. It tells the tale of an unlikely romance between a mysterious recluse and the young ingenue that tempts him beyond reason.

Lucian Blackthorne. The Devil of Blackthorn. Just saying the man’s name gives me shivers. Keri has written some of my favorite antiheroes, but this man? He is something else. If you like tortured heroes, prepare to give your heart away. Lucian hides devastating secrets. He’s richer than sin and the town recluse for reasons that slowly unwind as the story unfolds. He’s mysterious, aloof, and ruthless when it comes to getting what he wants.

Isadora Quinn is a young woman with secrets of her own. She’s lived her entire life underneath the shadow of her mother’s sins in their small town. Desperate for an escape, she takes a job as a caretaker for Lucian’s mother. The second she enters the Blackthorne manor, life as she knows it, takes a turn.

There are dangerous secrets lurking in every dark corner. And the man that warns her off with every sharp bite of his temper holds the darkest secrets of all. He pushes when she pulls, and then he pulls when she pushes. Theirs is an intricate seductive dance of forbidden and dangerously alluring. Isa is everything that Lucian doesn’t deserve and can’t have, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t temp him beyond reason. She’s too young, but only in years. Hers is an old soul that has survived too much in her young life. But there’s something more that binds them. Something more dangerous. Something darker. Something that Lucian already knows he craves and Isa is only figuring out.

This book, y’all. GAH. It’s THICK. The story is a bit of a slow pace in the beginning as it sets the scene. But then right around the second half, it takes off like a bullet. I loved the dark allure and the sharp edge that this romance carried. It was a little depraved and a whole lot twisted. And this girl? Loved every single page.

#DGRFave & Review: Creole Kingpin by Meghan March

Magnolia Duet #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Meghan March
Release Date: March 10, 2020

New York Times bestselling author Meghan March goes back to New Orleans and the world of Lachlan Mount with a dangerous and bold new anti-hero.

The thing about ghosts is they’re supposed to stay dead.

That’s exactly what I am, but I can’t stay away from Magnolia Marie Maison for one more day, let alone another year.

We’ve already got fifteen of those between us.

As it stands, she’ll want to kill me as soon as she lays eyes on me. And knowing her, she’s completely up to the task.

But I’m a man on a mission, and I’ve got everything riding on this.

So, here I come, Magnolia. This ghost is ready for whatever you got.

After all, there’s only one way I want this to end—’til death do us part.


Moses nearly broke me once. I won’t let him do it again.

I CANNOT EVEN RIGHT NOW. I SERIOUSLY CANNOT EVEN. This was…and I just…and all of it was…GAHHHHHH!!!!!!
This has been easily both my most anticipated and favorite Meghan March book to date. And having read the woman’s entire backlist, that’s saying something. Not only do we get the infamous madam’s story that we first met in The Anti-Heroes Trilogy (Mount), but we also get the most sinful anti-hero that was introduced in The Legend Trilogy. And then you put the two of them together and I CANNOT FREAKING DEAL.

If you wanna play, kitten,” a man’s voice says from over my shoulder, “I’ll make you purr.”
I turn around to look at him. “Kitten? Boy, I’m a goddamned lioness. Back the fuck off.” A dark chuckle leaves my lips at the sight of his shocked face, and I exit the club with a smile.

Magnolia Marie Maison is FIERCE. This woman grew up hard and turned into survivor. She’s a woman that learned to use her sensuality to get what she needs and grow an empire. She’ll never let a man define her, especially not the man that walked out of her life 15 years ago and hasn’t looked back. There’s just something so incredibly endearing about her sharp tongue and quick wit. She’s hardened, her life made her this way, but you also get glimpses of the vulnerable woman that hides behind the perfectly put together exterior.

I didn’t just come back for Magnolia. I came back for the fight that would come with winning her. Nothing worth having ever comes easy, especially a good woman.

Moses Gaspard. GAH. Just typing his name I get shivers. If you’ve read the Legend trilogy, then you know the mysterious criminal. But nothing prepares you for the full effect of everything that is Moses in this book. OH MY GOD. He was just everything. EVERYTHING. He walked away from Magnolia once, for reasons that remain a mystery. But now he’s back with only one purpose, make her his. And let me tell you, nothing is more delicious than a determined man going after his woman hard.

Because life doesn’t always work out the way you hope, when you hope. But if you’re lucky, sometimes you get a second fucking shot at the one thing you want more than anything else. This is me taking my shot, mama. And I don’t fucking miss.”

I mean, I’m fairly certain I came every single time he called her mama. No even kidding. My nether regions freaking tingled. TINGLED. But I digress.

This book was crack. It was addicting. It was all encompassing. It was completely unputdownable. I read it in one sitting and never wanted it to end. I think I had the shakes when I got to the end because I knew I’d be left a desperate mess in the wait for my next hit of Moses and Magnolia. It was a fast-paced thrill ride full of twists and turns and plenty of action. And did I mention we get even more Mount? Because freaking MOUNT. Suffice it to say I absolutely LOVED this book. I loved every page. I wanted to lick my fingers and my kindle once I finished. I AM NOT OK. NOT OK. I need the next book desperately here, people! If you need me, I’ll be rocking myself in a dark corner somewhere with all of the wine.

#DGRFave & Review: Runaway Road by Devney Perry

Runaway #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Devney Perry
Release Date: March 6, 2020

Londyn McCormack didn’t have a typical childhood. She ran away from home at sixteen, escaping parents more interested in drugs than their daughter. She doesn’t have loving siblings or an adorable pet. Her only family is the five other runaway kids who shared her junkyard home.

Life pulled them all in separate directions, taking her to Boston. For a short time, she thought she’d found something permanent. But after a devastating divorce, she’s running away again, this time to find a lost friend.
She’s driving across the country in her convertible. As a teenager, the rusty car was her shelter. As an adult, it’s her ride to freedom.

Except one flat tire derails her trip. Her life collides with Brooks Cohen. They walked away from the first crash. The second might destroy them both.


There was something fresh about her. Maybe it was her outlook on life or her spirit. Maybe it was that she had gone through so much and she hadn’t become jaded or cynical. Londyn intrigued me. She stirred my blood.

My heart feels so full right now. This book. GUYS. I just can’t. A lighthearted, feel-good romance full of swoons and feels. I devoured this book in one sitting. I kid you not. I sat down, opened my kindle, blinked, and I was already at 80%.

The wind whipped through my hair as I sped along the highway.
Just me and my cherry-red Cadillac.
On a runaway road.

I don’t think there was one thing I didn’t love about this story. The sweet and swoony hero. The slightly damaged but not broken heroine. The charming small town setting. The wonderfully vivid secondary characters. And the romance! OMG the romance! It was one of those things that just sneaks up on you. It wasn’t loud. It wasn’t angsty. It wasn’t quick and mighty. It was a beautiful slow burn full of emotion and it couldn’t have been more perfect.

Londyn McCormack thought she had everything she needed. A runaway teen that learned to survive on the streets, she married a rich husband and quickly lost herself. Now divorced, she yearns to move on and find herself. So she leaves her old life and her best friend behind to drive to California to find an old friend, but along the way things get complicated. A flat tire lands her in a sleepy small town where she meets a man that changes everything.

Brooks Cohen is one of the most swooniest heroes I’ve read in a long while. He’s sweet, caring, and patient. He’s everything that Londyn needs and nothing she thought she wanted. He’s unexpected but the chemistry between them is undeniable. They slowly get to know one another during casual dinners by the lake and it’s not long before they each weave their way into each other’s hearts.

I cannot gush enough about this story. I fell hard and fast for these characters and the premise of the series. A group of teen runaways that find themselves to happiness as adults? Yes, please and thank you! If you’re looking for an easy and light-hearted read that full of depth and emotion, this book is not to be missed.

#DGRFave & Review: The Guy In The Middle by Kate Stewart

The Underdogs Series #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Kate Stewart
Release Date: February 29, 2020

From the bestselling author of The Guy on the Right comes a heartwarming, steamy, second-chance romance. The Guy in the Middle is BOOK THREE of The Underdogs Series, but can be read as a stand-alone.

I was born to play and bred to win.

My priorities were instilled in me early on—family and football. Those ideals led me to TGU and a coach whose ironclad principles mirrored my own.

With one last college season to play, my goal was singular—get drafted. By realizing my NFL dream, I could save my family, our ranch, and the only home I’d ever known.

Two birds, one ball.

Playing hard was my only option, but there’s always a wild card.

For all of my planning and hard work, I never anticipated falling for the coach’s daughter. Harper was a fair catch, but who knew loving her could be the one play to throw my career before it started or that the weight of our secret would change the game.

The Underdogs Series order
The Guy on the Right
The Guy on the Left
The Guy in the Middle
*The Guy in the Middle was previously published as a short story (34k) in an anthology but has been expanded to full length novel of 107k words, including an extended epilogue.


I’ve spent enough time denying myself. It’s time to fight for what I want.

Talk about ending the series with a bang. This book was EVERYTHING. I don’t even have the words for just how much I loved it. Beautifully written, brimming with emotion, full of passion, and layered in angst, this was one of the most satisfying second chance romances I’ve read in a while.

Loving Lance has always meant embracing his demons. Two years ago, we were able to keep them at bay. That no longer seems to be the case.

Lance and Harper were the perfect story of opposites attracting. Lance is the quiet and intense one of the group. His quiet intensity hides plenty of turmoil and demons that no one ever gets to witness. His only goal is to get through the season and get drafted because that’s his way out. He takes out his aggression on the football field, but everything that’s left over he saves for the boxing ring.

Harper has a goal of her own. She promised her father that she’ll finish college and that means two more years until she can go after her true dream to be a dancer. Her and Lance butt heads the seconds they meet, and the sparks fly immediately.

You really should do something about that.”
I glance back at him. “About what?”
“About that thorough fucking you need.”

Their story is not without bumps along the way. Forced to make a devastating decision for everyone’s sake, Harper leaves Lance to pursue their dreams. And their reunion two years later is no less bumpy.

The one thing I loved most about this book is Harper’s tenacity. The girl is a fighter just as much as Lance. She fights for him tooth and nail and I loved that about her. Even when everything is stacked against her, she doesn’t back down. Even when he gives her every reason not to, she still does.

Lance was impossible not to love. The man is full of so much depth and every time you peel back one layer, you find one hundred more. His emotion and everything that he buries deep is heartbreaking to watch at times. His inner rage and turmoil just as devastating. But the love between him and Harper is simply one of a kind. It’s fiery and angry and full of feeling. It’s raw and real and I just couldn’t get enough of it.

I loved the way they fought for each other. And I definitely love me a good grovel, and if there’s one thing this badass boxer knows how to do is GROVEL. GOD was it good.

This was, hands down, my favorite book in the series. Phenomenal and every second worst the wait.

#DGRFave & Review: Credence by Penelope Douglas

Genre: Romance
Author: Penelope Douglas
Release Date: January 13, 2020

From New York Times bestselling author, Penelope Douglas, comes a new standalone!

Three of them, one of her, and a remote cabin in the woods. Let the hot, winter nights ensue…

Tiernan de Haas doesn’t care about anything anymore. The only child of a film producer and his starlet wife, she’s grown up with wealth and privilege but not love or guidance. Shipped off to boarding schools from an early age, it was still impossible to escape the loneliness and carve out a life of her own. The shadow of her parents’ fame followed her everywhere.

And when they suddenly pass away, she knows she should be devastated. But has anything really changed? She’s always been alone, hasn’t she?

Jake Van der Berg, her father’s stepbrother and her only living relative, assumes guardianship of Tiernan who is still two months shy of eighteen. Sent to live with him and his two sons, Noah and Kaleb, in the mountains of Colorado, Tiernan soon learns that these men now have a say in what she chooses to care and not care about anymore.

As the three of them take her under their wing, teach her to work and survive in the remote woods far away from the rest of the world, she slowly finds her place among them.

And as a part of them.

She also realizes that lines blur and rules become easy to break when no one else is watching.

One of them has her.

The other one wants her.

But he…

He’s going to keep her.

*Credence is a full length, stand-alone romance suitable for readers 18+.


This is how he is. A breeze one minute, a cyclone the next.

Holy. Hell. This book. Y’all. I’m stunned speechless here. How do I even begin to review this book. It was unlike anything I’ve ever read. It was unconventional. It was riveting. It was taboo and sexy. It was downright brilliant. BRILLIANT.

I was immediately hooked on the story, though it did take me a bit to fully get into it. By the time I hit the 30% mark, I had my jaw on the floor, and I didn’t manage to pick it back up until the very last page.

It’s impossible to review this fully without giving away spoilers, and I refuse. I refuse to give you even the slightest impression of what this book has because you NEED to experience it blind. And experience it you will. I will say that if taboo and unconventional isn’t your thing, this wan’t be your cuppa. But if you want a book to take you out of your comfort zone, keep you glued to the pages, and leaves you craving more at the end, you need this in your life.

Tiernan de Haas is reeling from the death of her parents, but not in a way a child usually would. Her relationship with her parents was anything but traditional. Her famous, utterly in love with each other and blind to everything else parents were larger than life. Now that they’re gone, she’s desperate to escape the permanent lime light that her life has been. And when her father’s step brother reaches out and offers her a salvation in a cabin deep in the wilderness of Colorado, she jumps on it. But little does she know how much her life is about to change.

GAH. JUST GAH. I get goosebumps just writing this review. This book didn’t just take me out of my comfort zone, it shoved me out of it and kept a foot on my throat. This just speaks to what a brilliant author Penelope Douglas is. Because I’m pretty sure no one else could have pulled off a story like this without making it cheap. And cheap it was NOT. It was deliciously filthy, but beneath the sizzle there were layers. Layers that were deep. Layers that unraveled so beautifully that my heart pounded with every turn of the page. This may have been one of the most unique romance stories I’ve read and I loved it for this. Douglas wrote an unputdownable page turner full of heart, steam and emotion. It was beautiful, riveting, and completely unforgettable!!!

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